Review: Nice one, sorted, as Liam Gallagher on top form for Definitely Maybe 30th anniversary concert

Liam Gallagher rolls back the years to Oasis's 1994 debut album. Photo: Redferns

John Meagher

Let’s party like it’s 1994. Time’s inexorable march may make it difficult for some to believe that it’s 30 years since Oasis released one of the great British debut albums, Definitely Maybe, but for just over an hour and a half, Liam Gallagher rolls back the clock in spectacular fashion.

Definitely Maybe’s songs may have been written by his brother Noel, but it was Liam who sang them all. And in this first of two Dublin shows, the younger Gallagher sibling seems to be in the form of his life. Frankly, Liam never sounded this good back in the day – blame the hard living of a born rock’n’roll star. Here, though, he’s on fire.