I tried Myprotein’s Vimto clear whey protein and I’m converted – here’s why

The brand makes powder that I actually look forward to drinking

Zoe Griffin
Tuesday 21 May 2024 12:42 BST
The versatile powder is a must-have for those looking for something lighter on the stomach
The versatile powder is a must-have for those looking for something lighter on the stomach (The Independent)

Myprotein is a pioneer when it comes to protein powder flavours. With carrot cake, tiramisu, salted caramel brownie, birthday cake and more offering a slam dunk to the boring vanilla or plain chocolate powders on the market, the brand makes powders that people actually look forward to drinking.

And now there’s another one competing for attention, inspired by the fruit cordial Vimto. The clear whey protein shake can be mixed with water, making it ideal for anyone who doesn’t like the heavy, grainy taste of protein scoops that need to be mixed with milk or plant-based milk alternatives.

Designed to feel like drinking fruit squash, but without the empty calories and with added protein benefits, the mix is low in sugar and calories. Only the sugar found naturally in the fruits that infuse the powder is included, which works out to just 0.7g per serving, along with 89 calories.

But how does it actually taste and is it as refreshing as billed? I put it to the test to find out.

How I tested Myprotein Vimto clear whey protein isolate

I tasted-tested the protein powder for two weeks
I tasted-tested the protein powder for two weeks (Zoe Griffin)

I used the Myprotein Vimto protein powder for two weeks, both on its own and mixed into smoothies. I drank it at home, using a protein shaker to mix it, as well as on the go, adding a serving to my water bottle and shaking it up.

I took note of how well the protein powder dissolved each time and how long it took for the foam to settle. I noted how it tasted while in my mouth and after swallowing both one sip and the whole serving, just to make sure there was no aftertaste or side effects. Keep reading to find out what I thought.

Myprotein Vimto clear whey protein isolate

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  • Calories per serving: 89kcal
  • Sugar per serving: 0.2g
  • Servings per tub: 20
  • Why we love it
    • Refreshing flavour
    • Light on the stomach

Opening the tub, I was hit by that unique Vimto smell. The mix of berries and grapes instantly took me back to childhood summers, running in from the garden to guzzle a glass of the cold, sugary, fruity liquid and then going back out again to play.

I wasn’t sure whether that smell would be diluted when water was added, but in fact, it became even stronger. When I added a 26ml scoop of this powder to 400ml of cold water, as per the packet instructions, I was amazed by the bright purple colour and vibrant smell. If I closed my eyes, I would have thought I was smelling a bottle of undiluted Vimto cordial.

The packet says to wait at least 15 seconds for the drink to settle after shaking, as there was a lot of foam on the surface – it breaks down after a while, but I found it to be more like 30 seconds rather than 15. However, that may be due to how vigorously I shook it, as I like to give it my all, just to make sure all the protein grains dissolve properly.

The texture of clear whey is often described as closer to juice rather than a shake, and it is certainly lighter on the stomach to drink. Drinking a pure whey protein powder can sometimes feel quite hard to digest, but this went down much easier and I didn’t feel it sitting in my stomach. That said, it still made me feel full, so I resisted the urge to steal my kids after school snacks. It also helped me stick to my daily calories without feeling like I was depriving myself. A couple of times, I downed it within seconds as I didn’t fancy carrying a protein shaker bottle around with me, and that’s something I wouldn’t have been able to do with a thicker consistency drink.

Of course, there were occasions when I didn’t fancy a berry squash and wanted something more substantial. But I was able to mix it with spinach, apple juice, kale and frozen mango chunks for a slushy style smoother that was still very purple in colour but a lot less Vimto flavoured. If you don’t like the taste of Vimto but want a low-calorie, light and easy-to-swallow drink then there are options.

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The verdict: Myprotein Vimto clear

I didn’t expect to like the Myprotein Vimto clear whey isolate as much as I did. My favourite feature was that it was so easy to drink. I could put a serving in a plastic sandwich bag, take it out and about with me all day, and then add it to a bottle of water when I needed it. There’s no need to carry milk and it can be swallowed on the go without getting a stitch or tummy ache.

As long as you like fruity flavours, you don’t need to be a Vimto fan to enjoy it as this is a great addition to smoothies as well as a tasty tipple in its own right.

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