The Immigration Project

Social Services

Our Social Services team offers various levels of support, from comprehensive case management to those needing a simple referral. Through case management and informational sessions, we help immigrants and New Americans with accessing all of the resources in their community.

We are invested in providing immigrants and new Americans with vital resources and opportunities to build their lives here in Illinois.

Three Immigration Project employees work a table with pamphlets and information.
A family of color stands in front of a world map.

Our Social Services

Housing Programs

We serve people who are behind on their mortgage, or at risk of foreclosure or eviction


We provide a one-stop shop where immigrants, refugees, and new Americans can connect with services in their community


We provide information about eligibility and answer questions; we also assist with application, appeals, and redetermination

Educational Presentations

We deliver presentations about immigration law, higher education, tax ID numbers, and more

Some of our most frequent requests and popular programs are:

  • Orientation to the community and its resources
  • Finding support for basic needs, including food and clothing
  • Interpretation and Translation
  • Sign up for public benefits
  • Accessing healthcare Preventing eviction
  • Information about taxes and ITIN numbers
  • Monetary assistance for people without a work permit
  • Other financial support, including accessing programs for utility bills
A dad and kids hug outside their home.

Housing Programs

The Immigration Project is a Housing Stability Services Provider (5263) with the Illinois Housing Development Authority.

Through the Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF) program, we serve people who are behind on their mortgage or at risk of foreclosure.

Through the Court-Based Rental Assistance Program, we serve tenants who have received a summons to eviction court. With your court case number and your cooperation, we can stop your eviction and work with the judge to dismiss your court case. 


A federally funded program dedicated to assisting homeowners who are at risk of default, foreclosure, or displacement as result of a financial hardship caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.


Illinois tenants and landlords across the state (outside of Cook County) who have pending cases in eviction court. The program is only available to litigants in eviction court.


For rental/housing assistance: Tenants can request rental/housing assistance in their county and receive a referral of organizations in the area offering financial assistance for rent.


Know your rights as a tenant. Tenants can request rental/housing assistance in their county and receive a referral of organizations in the area offering financial assistance for rent.


Potential homeowners can request educational information on the process of buying a home, what does it mean to have a mortgage and homeowners insurance.


Tenants can request assistance in communication with their landlord when it comes to concerns with their unit, with repairs or any other situation.

Welcome Center

The Immigration Project partners with the Illinois Department of Human Services with the goal of being a one-stop shop where immigrants, refugees, and new Americans can connect with services in their community. For those with a specific need, we provide a “warm handoff,” referring them to a local service and providing the translation, interpretation, or cultural orientation necessary for them to access the service. For those with a variety of needs, such as new refugee arrivals with the desire to become self-supporting members of the community, we pair them with a caseworker who guides them step by step toward achieving their goals.

Welcome Center staff are ready to hand out pamphlets.

Welcome Center History

In 2007, the Illinois Department of Human Services launched the Illinois Welcoming Center Program (IWC) to model a state-operated one-stop human service center designed to help immigrants and ELL (English Language Learning) individuals navigate state services and coordinate those state services with non-profit community social services. In 2017, the Welcoming Center Program transitioned to include a community-based service model that continues to operate as a one-stop human service center in a community setting. As part of a 2020 grant initiative from the Illinois Department of Human Services, the Immigration Project sought to support the bolstering of a strong connective social services hub to complement immigrants’ legal needs in Illinois.

Welcome Center Hours

Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri  |  10:00 am – 6:00 pm

Wed, Sat, Sun  |  closed

Walk-ins are accepted at the Welcome Center.

Bloomington - Normal Office

211 Landmark Dr Suite D4, Normal, IL 61761

Immigration Project staff pose at an information table.

Public Benefits

The Immigration Project also offers the Immigrant Family Resource Program, which increases immigrant access to public benefits. We provide accurate information about eligibility for public benefits and answer questions about the impacts of receipt of benefits on one’s immigration case. We assist clients with initial application, appeals, and redetermination for federally funded programs such as SNAP and Medicaid as well as state initiatives such as Health Benefits for Immigrant Adults (HBIA). 

Educational Presentations

The Immigration Project’s Social Services team is charged by the Illinois Access to Justice initiative to provide accurate legal information and resource-centered cultural orientation to diverse audiences. We deliver informative presentations about US Immigration Law, higher education for non-citizens, civil rights, Individual Tax ID numbers, and more. Sharing this valuable education to immigrants and their allies is an important part of providing equitable access to justice and furthering Immigration Project’s mission. 

An Immigration Project employee gives an educational presentation.

Do you have questions related to the law or legal services?

Our Partners

Illinois Housing Development Authority logo.
Immigrant Family Resource Program logo.
Access to Justice logo.
Illinois Department of Human Services logo.