The Immigration Project

Komi with his wife and daughter.

Meet Komi

Komi came to the United States in 2008 to pursue higher education, leaving behind a wife and daughter in Togo. Unfortunately, when he arrived in the United States, adjusting to American-English from his native French, trying to navigate the US job market with foreign qualifications, and the stresses of graduate school made the transition tough. Compounding that difficulty, though, was the fact that his loved ones were so far away.  

For seven years, Komi made a life here in the United States, alone. He became highly involved in the local immigrant community in his area, learned American English from the ground up through ESL classes, and graduated from Western Illinois University with his Master’s Degree. 

The Immigration Project was able to help Komi get his wife and daughter to the USA. After almost ten years, the family was reunited!

Family petitions like these are a key part of the work that gets accomplished at The Immigration Project, and Komi and his family are now living and working as members of the downstate Illinois community.

“The Immigration Project helped us a lot, and I recommend the Immigration Project to all immigrants living here…My dreams became a reality, it’s like I have a new life, a new life for me, myself, and my family.”