
52 Reviews
Succession (2018–2023)
Clever, fictional account of a modern day billion dollar family business
20 October 2021
Clever, fictional account of a modern day billion dollar family business. This includes manipulating people to get what one wants, threatening legal litigation, blackmail, mental health issues, substance abuse, the list goes on. If you actually pay attention, it's a phenomenal show. However, if you're scrolling Instagram while watching you're probably not going to know what's happening, therefore you won't like the show. The pace is rather slow, but i think it's necessary for character development. For me, I find the show fascinating and the fact that it highlights modern day scandals is *chefs kiss* amazing.
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The D'Amelio Show (2021–2023)
It's a good show
10 October 2021
I feel exactly the same as previous reviewer, so I'm just going to restate what she said down below. I'll also add, I'm a nurse. I think it's awful that people are ruthless. These are teenage girls. They're still discovering who they are as people and what they want out of life. Their brains are literally not even fully developed and the things they go through durikg this time can greatly contribute to their mental health and coping skills. Don't be insulting and contribute to the damage of their mental health.

"I think people need to remember that the people in this show are real people with feelings who will probably read these reviews. A lot of the show is dedicated to showing how much the hate affects the D'Amelios and how their mental health has depleted because of it and now I am reading a bunch of horrible hate comments calling them "talentless", "boring", and "awful" and I can't help but get angry at the cruelty of these reviewers. I wish people remembered that this family has feelings and if you don't like the show, you don't have to insult them too. Just say "I didn't like the show, etc", not "they are boring and talentless." It doesn't cost anything to be kind, even if you are writing a bad review."
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Good movie
9 October 2021
Just an all around good movie. The setting and premise are different than all of the other garbage movies we've seen in recent years. I'd probably watch this movie again.
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Don't Be Tardy... (2012–2020)
2 October 2021
I love this show and I'm super bummed it's canceled. I love watching this crazy family grow up and evolve. BRING IT BACK!
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Malignant (I) (2021)
If you have any sort of medical background, you'll probably laugh
22 September 2021
It's entertaining, but if you have any sort of medical background the idea is completely laughable. It started out with great suspenseful scenes that built up to keep one guessing. Some of it a bit cheesy, but whatever, I got over it. Eventually, an explanation is stated and all seriousness (for me) went out the window. I couldn't help by chuckle to myself. Give it a go if you have time to waste and aren't looking for a film with a deeper meaning. Definitely more of a cheesy, gore horror than a thriller.
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1000 Ways to Die (2008–2012)
Bring it back
14 September 2021
I wish they'd bring this show back. Did they really stop making it after telling the audience 1000 ways to die? It was such a good show. In a way it kind of taught us how to not die by making stupid decisions. It was definitely interesting and entertaining.
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25 August 2021
I didn't care for season one. I thought it was too much bickering over redundant $hit, but so far season 2 is pretty good. Meaning, they aren't arguing about dumb stuff. It's actually stuff that matters. Looking forward to how everything plays out.
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White Girl (2016)
Realistic portrayal
26 July 2021
For those giving it negative reviews because the movie doesn't align with your own personal morals and values: that's not the point of the movie. This is America. These types of things happen everyday. You can choose to judge the characters or you can learn from the film.

The main girl is the reason why women shouldn't be taught to be polite even when they're uncomfortable. If you didn't realize that she was constantly being taken advantage of, then you're blind. Open your eyes.
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Dude (2018)
Loved it
25 July 2021
I loved this movie. It portrayed how I was with my friends in high school. It's real, raw, and not perfect. Life doesn't have all the answers and sometimes that's okay.
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Unique zombie movie with a plot
28 May 2021
Unique zombie movie with a plot that clearly everyone seemed to miss: there's more to life than money. I thought it was different in a good way. It wasn't boring and it really did have a good plot. Of course with fictional movies there are plot holes, but just take the movie for what it is and maybe you'll enjoy it. Give it a watch and don't listen to the negative reviews.
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16 April 2021
I don't give a f*^% about comics, this is simply a great movie with a great cast. I thoroughly enjoyed watching it and it certainly kept my attention. It had excellent character development, funny moments, drama, fear, and of course great action scenes. Give it a chance and you won't be disappointed.
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The Stand In (2020)
Great drama film
11 April 2021
Don't have preconceived expectations for what you want this movie to be and it'll be fine. I'm glad I didnt read the reviews before I watched it, because I probably would have just skipped over it. I thought it was a really good movie and I thought Drew Barrymore did a fantastic job at playing the two women. The topic is really interesting. Like other reviewers have noted, it's more of a drama film, but that doesn't mean it's not a good movie. It had a solid pace and kept me intrigued and wanting to know what was going to happen next. Give it a watch.

I didn't know it until I watched this movie, but I missed seeing Drew Barrymore in films. I hope she comes back and does more.
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Bad Trip (2021)
Watch it
29 March 2021
This movie was freakin hilarious and actually had a good message behind it. My cheeks literally hurt from smiling and laughing so much. Just watch it.
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Emotionally draining
10 March 2021
There's something about the main character that I just didn't like, but i can't put my finger on it. Maybe it's that she's a liar? I'm not sure. I had a hard time liking her for some reason and i felt emotionally drained while watching the movie up until the end. For me it wasn't an emotional rollercoaster, it was straight negativity until the end.
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Hidden Gem
8 March 2021
This was such a great movie and a great story. All of the actors and actresses did a fantastic job. It just felt like real life and it wasn't cliche. I actually learned a ton about all of the portrayed cultures and their social norms. It was just a very well rounded, heartwarming family movie. It made me feel like there is hope for humanity.
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Why so negative?
7 March 2021
I started on season 3 because that's what netflix randomly selected for me. I thought this series was entertaining and different. Some of them were scary, some of them were cheesy, and some of them were thought provoking. I don't know why everyone is so butthurt and serious about a tv show. I was entertained by the series and I'm not a child or a moron either; I'm a nurse. If you wanna watch something entertaining then give it a shot.
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Ginny & Georgia (2021– )
Constructive criticism
2 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
3/2021, UPDATE: 10/10 After finishing the season I absolutely LOVED this show. It touched on so many issues and portrayed teens accurately. I CANNOT wait for season 2. If you were like me and skeptical about the series after the first few episodes, I highly suggest that you keep watching until the end. It will not disappoint. ---------------------- Original review: 4/10 Another far fetched fake story that would never be plausible in real life. The teens are entertaining and for that reason I kept watching. Basically every scene with Georgia made me cringe, but that's because of the script, her acting skills are fine. Although, the flashbacks of young Georgia were great. They actually made sense and provided more depth by portraying her trials and tribulations. The flashbacks made her seem cunning, vulnerable, charming, and manipulative, which is the opposite of how Georgia's character was portrayed at present day. Here's why....

There are little things that happen that really bother me because it's so implausible and would never happen in real life. Like Georgia just walking into her neighbor's house to buy a ticket for her daughter. She literally knew her neighbor for less than a week... Get real. I understand they're trying to prove she's eccentric and not like other moms because she's so young, BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN THAT ALL SOCIAL NORMS SHOULD BE THROWN OUT THE WINDOW.

Like in episode three when Georgia is on the phone with her lawyer asking about when she'll get her money and Ginny walks in the room. While still on the phone with her lawyer, Georgia abruptly says, "have I found Jesus? No. Please take me off of the list of people to call." Then, hangs up on her lawyer. It's just not something that someone would do if they were serious about getting their money. If Georgia was truly cunning, charming, manipulative, and immature she would have just left the room to finish the call and then lied to her daughter about who she was on the phone with. OR she would have been honest with Ginny because then it would convey to the audience that Georgia treats Ginny as more of a confidant and a friend, than a mother who is responsible and shields her daughter from the struggle of financial burden. The way it actually played out was just so stupid.

Another thing, wearing a tight v-neck pink dress to drop the kids off at school? No. The same message could have been conveyed by dressing Georgia in skinny jeans, a sexy top with a plunging neckline, & trendy shoes. It still would have proven that she's more trendy than the other moms. It just looked so odd and out of touch with reality for her to be in that stupid pink dress. Nobody wears stuff like that, even the trendy moms. Not only that, but in a small town where everyone knows everyone it's more likely that Georgia would have been isolated and left to feel unwelcome, than have a warm, inviting welcome where everyone wants to talk to her.

Also, the fact that Georgia introduces herself to the mayor and then suddenly she's working in his office? Probably not. Nobody is that smitten to just give someone a job 30 seconds after meeting them. It also doesn't make sense. Wasn't Georgia like a femme fetale in a sense; scamming people just traveling around the country? Where would she have developed professional skills/experience to be working in the mayor's office? It's as if they're trying to make Georgia's character seem sly, charming, and manipulative, but it just falls flat because it's so ridiculously implausible. She just comes across as an idiot. In the new Netflix series, Firefly Lane, Tully's mom achieves the type of depth that I think this series is trying to portray in Georgia. The films, Catch Me If You Can, and Molly's Game all convey a sly, charming lead. I think the writers of this series underestimate the intelligence of its audience.

I will say, I loved seeing the deaf man and his family doing sign language. That's something that's not portrayed very often in films and tv series. I also like the depth of Ginny's character. She's incredibly intelligent, complex and mature beyond her years, but there's also the naive and innocent aspect that she has from her lack of long term relationships/friendships.

The topics of feminism, racial profiling, self harm, and the teaching of inaccurate history in schools are also highlighted. Which gives the series a relevant and relatable feel.

Overall, I think the series is okay, but some major brainstorming pertaining to Georgia's character needs to be done in order for season 2 to be successful.
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LOVE the addition of Tiffany🌙
17 February 2021
I love the addition of Tiffany Moon! I'm a nurse, so there's many things i can relate to with her. Like wearing the booties in the house (i.e., cross contamination), making spreadsheets, having rules and expectations laid out, leaving early to go home and sleep (lol). Not only that, healthcare professionals are taught to be conscientious of other people's cultures and values. Plus i loved learning about her cultural traditions and her experiences. As a new nurse it was interesting seeing how she balances her home life and work life; being professional vs. being a normal person in society, since this is one thing i find myself struggling with. She brings an overall positivity to the series. Keep Tiffany, don't bring back Leanne.

I have loved this specific variation of the housewives franchise. Steph & Brandy are goofballs, and i could see myself being best friends with them. They just seem so genuine, funny, and not judgmental. I also like De'Andra. She wasn't afraid to talk about her personal struggles, in addition to any business struggles and that's not an easy thing to put out in front of the world. I also really liked Carey Deuber and seeing her work in aesthetics is super cool.
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Watch it, you won't be disappointed
14 February 2021
What's with the bad reviews??? It's an entertaining movie. The acting is perfectly fine. It's just a fun adventure treasure hunt film. I had zero expectations going into it & I thought it was a cute movie. As a kid I would have loved this movie. Even at 30 I loved this movie. Who cares if it'd predictable. It's not a thriller. It was just a solid kid friendly adventure movie and I'd watch it again. Give it a shot.
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Bling Empire (2021–2022)
Watch all episodes before judging
7 February 2021
This was so good! I thought it was cringy at first but it goes so much deeper than the superficial BS that we were introduced to in the beginning of the season. There are so many complex relationships and it truly went to places I didn't expect. With that said, I truly feel for Kim.

Although they are more financially well off than majority of Americans, it still touches on their cultural traditions and the stigmas associated with them and how they cope with them. It's definitely eye opening and they all seem to be truly genuine, kind people at heart. I can tell that they care about their relationships and they care about each other. I can't wait to see season 2.
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Alone (V) (2020)
Innocent vs malevolent
30 January 2021
For girls, it's our worst nightmare. Literally everything we dread no matter how innocent the situation seems.

For guys, pay attention. This is how women feel all the time. Don't make us feel uncomfortable.

The ending was shitty.
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Nene should be fired
27 January 2021
Nene, you're not a nice soul and you're not nice to look at. With that said, Porsha is NOT fat & has NEVER been fat. Her waist is still snatched even at her heaviest, and you're not one to talk about being skinny. Bye.

Now, I'm a white chick from rural MI & I've learned a lot from these ladies about black culture. Especially watching some of the cringy things that Kim has said or done. The person I relate to most in this show is probably Porsha. Watching her lose herself in her marriage to kordel and then finding herself again is something i can relate to deeply. I like how open she was about mistakes she has made and behavior she's not proud of. Nobody is perfect, but she doesn't claim to be and that's what i love about her.

Also, I really like Cynthia and in a way I look up to her. She seems to always know the right thing to do and tends to be cool, calm, collected, and confident. Watching her raise Noelle has opened my eyes to the things my own mom probably went through that I never realized. Cynthia always seems to know what to do and is a genuine person. I feel like Porsha, Cynthia, and Kandi are the souls that give the show positive vibes. Kenya also gives positive vibes but she's a pot stirrer and that kind of takes away from her positivity. Nene is literally draining to watch and while I feel for her when she was going through a difficult time with her husband's health, she's still a... c u next tuesday. 🙃 Nene needs a psych eval.
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Great, great movie
7 December 2020
This was such a good movie! The kind that I'm always yearning to watch. It has drama & emotion, but it's not a slow burn. It's kind of a coming of age type of movie and it's not fake. It portrays real life & sometimes in real life there are hard decisions to make. It also has a great message to convey to the audience. I didn't know it was a true story until the end. Overall, it was a phenomenal movie. So much so, that I've watched it 3 times - with different family members. Watch this movie, you won't be disappointed!
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Selena: The Series (2020–2021)
Surface level with jheri curls
5 December 2020

In my opinion, the series is like a superficial, surface level version of the movie. I know the film and the series are showing different parts of Selena's life, but it's very hard not to compare the two. The series just seems like it's all fake and it fails to portray the true struggle and grittiness that Selena Y Los Dinos experienced. There's no real depth to the characters, there's no emotion. Everything is just happy-go-lucky and it's super annoying.

Also, what's with Selena's jheri curl styled hair? This drives me INSANE. Selena's hair never looked like that and it makes the main character not look authentic. They should also have Selena's character wear lip liner in addition to loosening the curls in her hair and I think she would look more authentic. It's almost like the stylists didn't bother to look at what Selena actually looked like. Her makeup doesn't even look close to the real Selena. The setting or set or whatever you wanna call it also makes the whole thing appear inauthentic. I can't quite place my finger on it, but the rooms look perfect.... like you can tell that it's a set. I think if the series was filmed on location it would appear more authentic. The whole thing is just not right. I hope they nail the second part of the series, because the first part was honestly disappointing.

The dad is also portrayed like a G rated version of the real thing. Almost like when you're in a store and you see someone's kid throw a tantrum and the parent is polite, but pissed, and they discipline the kid, but not to the full extent that they would at home. That's how Selenas dad acts in the series. He's still stern, but you know there's more depth that's not coming out. Almost like he's fake nice. The actress that plays Selena does do a great job. She does portray that kind of peter pan syndrome/fairytale life outlook that Selena had. However, like the rest of the characters, there needs to be more depth. Although, it could possibly just be the writing, I'm not sure. The mom looks like a VERY young woman that's pretending to play a mom. Idk. I think some life experience is required in order to play someone who is an older adult/mother.

As a little blonde haired white girl in Michigan; When I was 8 years old I remember watching the Selena movie for the first time. I fell in love with Selena and I wanted to be just like her. The first money I ever earned I spent on Selena's tape - the one with, Dreaming of You (it was $7 lol). She was such an inspiration to me and although she wasn't alive, her music still was and I loved that in a way, I kind of had a piece of her.

I hope a second part to this series comes out and I hope they really nail it.
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Mrs. America (2020)
24 November 2020
Do you ever watch a show, then after it's over you just feel lost? Like nothing else you watch could possibly compare. I don't know why, but I actually cried at the end.

The performances were spectacular. I loved that there weren't cliche things stealing away from the scenes (weed, hippies, disco, etc.), but instead little jabs were made in passing or in the background. Regardless of your views, it does portray both sides & I do think there is something in this series for everyone.

I found myself on an emotional rollercoaster watching this. One minute I'd feel sympathy toward Phyllis and at other times I felt like shaking her until some sense was knocked into her. She's an extremely intelligent woman and it's a shame she was on the wrong side of the political system. Great things could have been accomplished for women if she would have joined forces with Betty & Gloria's movement.
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