113 Reviews
xaocam-7748023 November 2021
This is not a bad animation, some of the reviews on here are too harsh. The animation is pleasant and atmospheric, although the characters are a little stiff. The plot is well thought out and intriguing. I'll definitely watch t all.
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So much potential, wasted
elliewander-9212414 November 2021
This really eats me. I did have great expectations for the series. I love the original Blade Runner and the cyberpunk genre. There is so much potential.

The first episode has some beautiful scenes and the audio is well done. However, it is not enough to save the series.

This is like the Cyberpunk 2077 game. It was ok, but left me cold.

The bar has been set high. Black Lotus is not as stylish and polished as Arcane, League of Legends. So, if you want to enjoy a modern masterpeace, watch Arcane. That is pure art.

I hate to say this, but in my opinion, Blade Runner: Black Lotus has a lot of potential... wasted.
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pootc8 February 2022
The desire to cater to reach a broader audience by ramping up the action content is understandable but for something as revered as Blade Runner (1982) and Blade Runner 2049 (2017), Black Lotus is a slight misstep - underwhelming in both animation and story.

The story revolves around an amnesiac with a black lotus tattoo trying to find her identity in Los Angeles 2032, after the events of the great anime short Blade Runner: Black Out (2017). As the memories and nightmares come flooding back, a conspiracy unravels leading her on a quest for truth and vengeance.

Cue the samurai sword, spinning flip kicks and over the top action but the trouble is that after the initial few confrontations it all becomes very redundant. Black Lotus is far too reliant on its action and the story suffers because of it. It's predictable too and an entire episode of the thirteen was wasted recapping what was relatively straight forward story.

The animation is hit and miss affair and while the world looks great (environment, backgrounds, lighting and vehicles) the character renders lack detail and often look like an old videogame. Considering the quality of Black Out, Black Lotus just does not have it.
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Visual and story highs with CGI game-like lows.
amesmonde18 January 2022
A young female who has amnesia and deadly combat skills tries to find out if she is a replicant or not.

Set in 2032, between Ridley Scott's Blade Runner (1982) and Denis Villeneuve's Blade Runner 2049 (2017), Blade Runner, Black Lotus is intriguing brought to life with CGI animation and some decent voice acting. The soundtrack and sound design deserves a mention capturing the Blade Runner vibe. For fans a few familiar characters from the Blade Runner universe appear.

Directed by Shinji Aramaki and Kenji Kamiyama offer some well staged action, stunning visuals and backdrops. The animators capture the futuristic urban, gritty, environments impressively but the characters are less impressive and the computer game-like animation takes you out of the moment (reminiscent of the later CG-animated Resident Evil feature length films).

Overall, it's just a pity it wasn't live action or traditionally animated. Nevertheless, if you can get past the CGI style - you're in for a treat.
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Not Blade Runner material
andrejurado-115 November 2021
Too bad the movements and characters are so 2001's... And what's up with the rubber like skin? One thing I must say about the architecture and objects: they look really good! I watched the first two episodes and there isn't much to say about them... I'm cheering for the series to get more interesting, at least! Oh, well... So much for the real Blade Runner!
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Just too early to judge. Let's wait till the end.
shaneattridge23 November 2021
3 eps in and the critics have made there mind up. Wow ppl do lack patience now days.

Like many I'm a Huge fan of the franchise that has become. And this is another title to add to that series. To compare with other she a that have nothing to compare with apart from Possible quality details in animation itself, so then really an opinion shouldn't be based on this alone. I feel like anything outside the official realms of the movies will always have questionable moments especially an animated tv show. It's a loyal canvase to the movies and I expect that hopefully character development will start to come to fruition later in the remaining episodes but I don't expect much on par to the movies themselfs.

I've noticed alot of the critical opinions lean to the quality of the animation being compared to a game. Or other animated shows that have different asthetical details to them for their own purpose of style.

So far as thin as the details are so far it's still too early to tell if this show is going to be a valuable piece to the universe or not regardless if you are a fan your gonna love it. Don't listern to the haters and remind yourself this is not a movie it's an animation dedicated to the franchise.

I'm enjoying the show so far and the animation as long as I can understand what I'm seeing dosent bother me. I will come back to this review and add to it when the show is complete. Just be careful not to get this show cancelled with our comments otherwise we will never know if it was a good show or not.

Let's wait till the end.
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Interesting premise
punisher515028 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First, the animation - although a little "stiff" the character animation works. The backgrounds and tech animation is fantastic. They've done a good job of the Blade Runner aesthetic especially in the city LA scenes.

Second, the story - it started a bit slow but ramps up by the third episode. I've always been intrigued by a BR story told from the point of view of a replicant. I think the story fits perfectly in the universe.

If you like BR give this a chance. It's nowhere near as bad as the negative reviews portray. I'd say it's somewhere above average. I'd love to see more anime style BR stories.
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Not much to see
azcdk14 November 2021
Seems like a bunch of meaningless fight scenes. There is a story-line, however it's just not interesting to me. Some of the BGM was nice though not really stand-out in any way. So, in summation...A new anime/cartoon playing on the Blade Runner franchise and consisting of a lot of meaningless fight scenes.

In addition the story after re-watching is remarkably similar to the TV series Dark Angel.
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Animated sci-fi action
Tweekums7 February 2022
It is Los Angeles in the year 2032; Elle, a young woman, wakes up with no recollection of her past. An early confrontation shows that she is highly proficient in martial arts and other combat skills. She sets about finding out who she is; once she has learnt enough she sets about getting revenge on those who abused her and those like her.

I know a lot of people were disappointed by this but I really liked it. I thought it nicely captured the feel of the Blade Runner films. At first I was unsure about the 3D animation but once the action started I thought it was great. Some may say the characters could be more realistic; I'm not so sure... the closer animated characters come to looking human the more one wonders why it isn't live action. Elle is a fine central character, even if her big twist which is revealed very early on, will be obvious to most viewers. The story moves at a decent pace. Overall I'd certainly recommend this to fans of 'Blade Runner' or animated sci-fi action in general... at least give it a go; if you don't like it you can always drop it.

These comments are based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.
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Started a lil choppy, but got good around Ep 2 end..
notoriousvic-4420631 March 2022
Yeah, the CGI isn't amazing, but it is solid. Not a "game changer", but if ya liked the Blade Runner movies, it is a fun watch.

As the story develops, I really been enjoying it on Ep 7, digging it. Only thing I wish was better is with most of those featured as the group of antagonists, are about as deep as a pee puddle on a driveway during Southern summer. That has more to do with the length of the episodes.

But, in my opinion, I'm not a big anime fan, but this is a fun watch. Ignore the multiple negative reviews, find out for yourself.
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Points for soundscape
eganalexandria-3706216 November 2021
I did everything I could to look for positives and found very little. Sitting through the first two episodes was rough to say the least. Im not really sure who this was made for as the BR franchise doesn't really have enough momentum to support a poor new entry based on franchise name alone. Off the bat the series is filled with design details from 2019 and 2049. We drive through an orange desert into the exact same city from 2019. Only... it's now 2032. Are you telling me we still have the same geisha ad playing everywhere? The same blimp? Everything is just a recreation of set pieces and environments from the 1982 movie. Every building contains elements from buildings from the film. Although all that is sort of lazy and nostalgia bait it is not my main issue. The character animation and movement is not good. It sort of reminds me of poorly rendered video game animation. And the dialogue and story is run of the mill. Because the animation is so distracting I don't think I can see this through to the end. The Blade Runner franchise is wonderful because of its innovation and thematic writing, but there is little of that here.
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Fun anime captures a new angle of Blade Runner
Danny_G1315 December 2021
Not interested in the other reviews, interested in what I thought.

And I'm a colossal BR fan of every single version I can get my hands on. The original movie, the DC, the FC, the sequel, the staggeringly brilliant 1997 game and of course the original book.

So while I'm not a fan of anime or animation in general, I had to see this given the subject.

And while it's not perfect, as a BR fan who enjoys all content set in the LA 2019- world, this was a decent job as 6x 20-minute episodes.

It had a mix of the game's feel alongside vibes of 2049, and it was intriguing to see a couple of 2049 cameos, albeit a little disappointing there was nothing of the original movie really, aside a building with a distinct resemblence to the Bradford Building.

But that was ok - the story? It was decent. I actually gave a damn about the characters, and the finale wasn't bad at all. Maybe a little rushed and lacking depth but it was fun.

People expecting Philip K Dick-esque philosophy and mind-blowing new tropes might be a bit disappointed in this, but if you just like BR and that world, as long as you're not expecting photo-realistic visuals, the episodes should keep your interest.

Not quite sure what Adam Jensen was doing in there though...
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A diversion, but not captivating.
rich-mac7 January 2022
This one is tricky, and I imagine that fans of the Blade Runner universe might be divided in their response.

During peak TV season Black Lotus may not have garnered much of a profile or audience as it has during this off-season.

I like sci-fi, and don't mind animated sci-fi, although it's not my preference. For me however, the trouble with this show is pacing - it's too slow and ponderous, and stilted in its delivery - which doesn't help buy in as a viewer. The dialogue also suffers from being cheesy, which again doesn't help.

It's a diversion, but not captivating.
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Generic anime without purpose
passan-8067014 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Just in order watch this series I watched Blade Runner 2049. One of the best movies of all time. I am disappointed about the pandering to the first movie, but did way to many things right, so overall an easy 9/10.

Now to this product.

TL:DR; If you want a bland uninspired boring anime, you will enjoy this. If you want a series that properly incorporates the quality and style of both Blade Runner movies, move along, nothing to see here.

First off, the English dub can burn in hell. Yes it is this bad. If you HAVE to watch it, watch it in Japanese with subtitles on.

What baffled me is how it started. Generic pop-song in the opening. Have you clowns even seen the movies? What makes you think this style of music is appropriate?

The direction seems like a factory produced anime. Boring choreography action, full of flashbacks and pointless dialogue. No tension, no mystery, no great visuals, no good dialogue.

The choreography is as boring as you can expect. No thought was put in to it. Just a bunch poses to make the protagonist look cool and nothing more. The action in the movies was never really mind-blowing, but it was well done and looked good.

Cinematography is horribly bland. Both movies look fantastic. Every frame is a painting. This however, looks cheap, uninspired and just forgettable. The lighting and color does not exists. The makers just made it dark.

Everyone remembers the epic music from both movies. The tone and genre were different, but both movies had fantastic music. They use it in this product as well, BUT this is not executed well. First off, the opening is a generic pop-song with a style you have already heard a million of times. Most importantly, the point of the music of the movies was to provide complimentary audio for the tone, visuals and mystery. The music does not work for this product at all, because there is nothing that justifies the "epic-ness" of the music from the movies.

The streets are empty. What is great about the movies is the feel of claustrophobia, that is how packed the streets are.

Language. In the previous movies, some people spoke different languages, LIKE THE AFRICAN GUY and they all understood each other. In this soulless product, they all speak the same language. Also the workshop of the African guy is wrong and they missed all the character traits he had in the sequel.

There is a lot wasted time with music montages, flashbacks and meaningless dialogue. Sure the originals had flashbacks and montages too, but they looked amazing and had a point.

The animation is not good. Not the worst, but VERY far away from good. Looks like something you would expect to see from the year 1990.

They gave her a sword for a short time. Now it is literally " Blade Runner". Bleh...

This product has nothing that made the Blade Runner movies special. Tone, visuals, build up, the Noir setting, this is all missing. Instead this is just a bland generic anime with a lack of lighting. I swear, call it Naruto 2049 and NOBODY would spot the difference.
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Ehhh...not quite
horrorgasm14 December 2021
Take many of these exaggerative reviews with a big grain of salt. The animation is perfectly fine. It's a cartoon on CARTOON NETWORK. I don't know why people seemed to be expecting some Disney-level production.

That said though, it's unfortunately a bit of a bland show. It suffers from typical anime cliches like painfully slow plot progression and an unnecessary amount of melodramatic monologuing and brooding.

The plot is pretty simple and it's very obvious what's going on from the first episode, but the show still insists on wasting half the season pretending things aren't exactly as simple as they seem and it just kind of feels like its wasting your time.

There are just too many great shows on these days to keep giving time to something this unexceptional.
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This was supposed to be a Game
TruView16 December 2021
This installment into the gritty post apocalyptic world of the Blade Runner universe is at first glance of the same quality you might expect to find on YouTube; a paltry assortment of video game cutscenes cobbled together to create only a whisper of a story. Worst still, you can tell there really wasn't very much material to work from because each episode is roughly twenty minutes long. You can't go to the bathroom and stop by the kitchen on your way back because you might miss something vital. I suppose the creators were strapped for cash while short on time.

I don't have a whole lot to say about this other than it has a very catchy name. The noir look and feel is mostly due to its opening credit number which is so recognizably Blade Runner-esk. Other than that, the story isn't all that special. Although finally in episode six, it's actually starting to pick up and get interesting. The most anyone can hope for presently is a strong finish.

I don't believe there will be a second season but if such an event were to occur, I would like to make a recommendation for the next iteration of the Blade Runner franchise: Consider Robert Kroese's, 'The Big Sheep'. This is a very solid detective story that takes place inside the Blade Runner mythos. The Big Sheep is very well thought-out, robust, and keen to stimulating genuine interest into other aspects of the blade runner world. The only thing missing are the escapists replicants, which can easily be added as a plot-device.
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a bit meh
cherold12 January 2022
Nothing especially wrong with the first episode. It's got the basic look. There's some fight scenes. There's some sort of premise that offers a mystery of sorts.

I might watch more if it wasn't that all the dialogue and some of the voice acting the English dub is truly awful. But there's not enough with the rest of it to make up for that.
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gets kinda boring, dragging out a relatively dumb story
flowirin5 July 2022
It was ok, I guess. But the mediocre facial animations don't hold up in a story focused on character.

It is also incredible derivative. A common theme for these IP extensions, by new producers, is to take apart the originals and generate a set of nostalgia hits, when are then used, out of context, to try and hit that memory of a good product. It cheats, really, masking an inferior product in the haze of feelings of a better time.

This is no different. The story could stand on its own, far weaker, without the 'blade runner' branding. Each episode blatantly reproduces a moment from the seminal original and it is quite jarring. Same goes with the music.

The story itself? Pretty simple, laboured, and would fit into a 90 minute movie easily. Here it is dragged out over more than double that. Could have done with far better dialogue, too. The talking heads seem so thin / cardboard.

With a tighter script, better dialogue and more time spent on the faces, this could have made a good stand alone scifi. Wrapping it in the corpse of a far superior movie hurt it.

Not a series I would have reviewed it it had not been riffing off something that I love.
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A Video Game You Can Only Watch Someone Else Half-Heartedly Play
MogwaiMovieReviews16 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Tried getting through the first episode of this misguided animated cash-grab, and eventually succeeded, but even at 20 minutes in length it was a bit of a slog. Had to take a few breaks.

The story, such as it is, is a generic killer-with-memory-loss affair you've seen done now over a hundred times, and not even a frame of it comes as a surprise - it opens with a 98-pound girl with amnesia beating up gangs of large men with ease; all the bad guys are white men (well, at least the ones she's allowed to kill) and her only friend is a nerdy black guy she's just met. I swear that Netflix just has a machine now that calculates the 'correct' balance of privilege, oppression, race and gender and generates one of these shows every 7 seconds.

The city backgrounds are very nicely-rendered, with a number of (quite unlikely when you think about it) callbacks to locations from the original movie, but the character animation and voice acting both belong in a video game from 20 years ago. And that's what Black Lotus feels like, really: a video game you can only watch someone else half-heartedly play. Very, very dull.
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This show is criminally underrated
louis101110 December 2021
Like most people who watch this show, I am a huge fan of both the Blade Runner films. I feel like this show both respects the films and creates something completely new. It takes clear inspiration from the look of the original world but indulges us into an area of the Blade Runner world we've never seen.

For the most part the show is well animated. The great animation can really be seen in the hand to hand combat fight scenes. However, as it is entirely computer animated some of the character's faces do feel a little stiff in some scenes. I do feel like this show definitely benefited from being computer animated as the lighting is far better than almost any hand-drawn animated film.

Only 5 episodes in and the story has hooked me. The current rating I've given this show is an 8 but if the story pays off that number will definitely go up.
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wasn't horrible, but just wasn't the original
sign1in5 July 2022
The background art is phenomenal, the story, isn't anything to fall in love with, the animation of the foreground characters isn't that good.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Another Missed Opportunity
dk77715 November 2021
Another in a series of generic and boring shows, with worn-out clichés that we are used to seeing in the modern film industry.

The disappointment is even greater because this should be an interesting story set in the Blade Runner universe. The animation is also not good enough, just nothing works well in this story and after one episode it's easy to conclude that it's not worth spending time on something this mediocre.

This seems to have almost nothing to do with Blade Runner other than the name in the title. Blade Runner (1982) is a truly brilliant work, with a tense and somewhat sinister atmosphere, and the 2017 sequel is worthy of the name in its title. This is just another unimaginative show that uses the name Blade Runner.

After a long wait, the disappointment is even greater, the characters completely generic, and the story not at all interesting. In short, everything is the complete opposite of what we are used to when we see the Blade Runner title.

Too bad, this could have been a great addition to the stories from the world of Blade Runner, but unfortunately this is another missed opportunity.
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Adult Swim needs to make more shows like this
nasdagoodshepherd12 December 2021
2021 is a very special year for Cartoon Network's Adult Swim. Birdgirl came out and that show was a pandering joke, Final Space returned with it's glorious third season, (and yet, I'm still furious that TBS canceled Final Space on a heavy cliffhanger which was totally unfair) Rick and Morty ended up becoming a dumpster fire after it's horrid fifth season due to the characters becoming unlikable, fast-pased episodes and crude, vulgar and abysmal jokes, Tuca & Bertie finally entered aired on Adult Swim with the pleasant vibe from it's second season, Teenage Euthanaias was a decent show and Fena: Pirate Princess was a great show and it had a very interesting story.

Now after I watched Blade Runner: Black Lotus, I just got interested in it. It reminds me a lot like MTV's Eon Flux, but unlike Eon Flux, Blade Runner: Black Lotus has CGI animation and what can I say, I like the animation.

Just like Final Space and Primal, Blade Runner: Black Lotus has smart, dark and mature storytelling and it also has serious moments filled with action fight scenes. I like the voice acting and impressive atmosphere of the show. And yes, I've watched the film, Blade Runner: 2049 which premiered on Adult Swim. Nope, I'm not joking.

I think fans of Blade Runner and Adult Swim fans should really give this show a chance and like it, it's a really great show and yes...this ended up becoming one of my favorite Adult Swim cartoons. Speaking of Adult Swim, I want them to make more and more adult animated shows with mature, dark and dramatic storytelling rather than raunchy comdies.

Oh and I want Adult Swim to revive Final Space and renew Final Space for three more seasons, Adult Swim has revived Home Movies, Samurai Jack and Tuca & Bertie so I'm sure (and I hope) Adult Swim can revive and renew Final Space. SAVE FINAL SPACE!

I give Blade Runner: Black Lotus a 9.5/10.
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Wrong animation
shogunboxe21 November 2021
Story so far not bad, but not brilliant either first few episodes, but once the story kicks in and Elle recovers her memory the story becomes interesting. Animation is a bit obsolete, looks like cgi from ps3 games, specially compared with todays Arcane series action scenes or CGI from shows like love death and robots. Very bad creative decision imo, but i must say action scenes are cool and very well done.
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Cringe anime. Paychecks are why this got made, not interest.
Safetylight14 November 2021
I love anime!

When it's done right.

This wasn't.

The motion capture in this thing is bad. Long hair doesn't obey gravity, moves like a low-resolution helmet. Walk sequences look like jokes about video game clipping.

The background assets were, however, well made and well lit. So kudos for that. Except I showed up for the story... There isn't one.

The main character is an uninteresting waif who makes those annoying little girl chirp noises popular in (bad) anime and generally looks pathetic. I couldn't stand her. That might just be cultural, but how is it that other anime doesn't annoy me this much?

So I didn't stick around to see if she could kick ass. We already know she can. -Because cliche tropes are what they are. Who cares?
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