43 Reviews
Beautiful and heartbreaking
cindyshea-8014120 April 2024
This story will make your heart hurt and you will feel like you know this family. As many times as I have read or seen WW11 stories, it still blows my mind all of this happened to human beings. This show makes you connect to each character. One story line that is beautifully and heartbreakingly done is the mother/daughter story. Parts of the episodes are difficult to watch but you need to because it happened and this show does a good job of showing the horror of early wartime in Poland. I am not done with the series yet but look forward to each episode. If this is your history genre, watch and read the book.
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Great start!
aarmsbury-474574 April 2024
I don't understand any of the negative reviews!

Only four episodes so far...but I am extremely captivated by this show. Some characters are a bit more likeable or more interesting than others, but I think the character development is solid so far.

The storylines so far are interesting and definitely keeping me wanting to keep watching. I appreciate each family member's unique storyline and seeing where everyone ends up.

Someone commented that the accents are fake, but I disagree. I think the actors are phenomenal and it seems most of them are actually Jewish which gives this show some extra authenticity points.

I think this show has great momentum and I'm very upset I can't watch the remaining 4! I want to binge the rest of this. Please give this a chance and don't listen to the low reviews!
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Lesser portrayed aspects of the late 1930s and WWII
chambernairn28 March 2024
I watched this show within 2 days, at least the first episodes that anre available. I don't think the other reviewer did. First, it's not a movie. Second, because by the point of the most recent episode we have barely gotten to 1941.

The show covers lesser known stories during WWII like Russian Siberian work camps (so many political prisoners and their families died due to harsh conditions in these camps) as well as the plight of European Jews attempting to sail to another continent.

Lastly, it's actually about Jewish people. The protagonists are Jewish and not some white savior. And the protagonists are acted by Jewish people. It seems the other reviewer found all of this somehow intolerable, as it's not the norm.

The show is pretty good. I will finish it when the rest of the episodes come out. Logan Lerman fell off my radar after the blockbusters of his early career but I was pleasantly surprised to see him and King fill their roles.
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carolyn-lazar23 April 2024
As a Jew I find this series to be astonishingly good and difficult to watch. The director only chose Jewish actors for the main roles which is significant. When I watch or read anything about the Holocaust I feel it in my bones. The book it is based on was written by the great-granddaughter of Nechuma and Sol. I know any Jewish actor playing a role in a script about the Holocaust would not be acting....they would be thinking it could have been them and still might be. Anti-Semitism is the oldest hatred in the world dating back 2000 years. The story is a biography about a real family that managed to survive intact. That is a miracle. A must see in my opinion.
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Excellent series
john-7536121 April 2024
The only negative I can say is that in the first episode it's a bit tricky to figure out who all the characters are. I simply rewatched the 1st episode again.

Otherwise this is an excellent series. I agree with other user comments...if you think the events in the film are overblown or overly dramatic, read up on your history. To the contrary, even the most wrenching scenes were depicted in a measured manner, especially considering the reality of that time and place.

For those of us who are history buffs and think we've seen it all when it comes to WWII films, this film offers a unique perspective of one family's plight, and the plot takes curious twists and turns that are both surprising and gripping.
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tonidowdell30 March 2024
This show is well done! The cast is great, the acting is fabulous and anyone that says it is boring and the story is "overdone", should consider picking up a history book and get outside their own mind for a change. The persecution of the Jewish people was and is horrendous. To say they were the "lucky ones" is sad; they still lived through something none of us in today's world, can imagine! I can't wait for the rest of the episodes! I have put the book on my want to read list. I imagine it is even better than this show, as most books are. God bless the Jewish people. They have suffered enough, for all of humanity.
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Absolutely captivating
engrbu28 March 2024
I liked the fact that the action does not start suddenly, like most series. I like the characters, I like the graphics, I like the script. I can't wait for the next episodes!!

From this first episode it captivated me. I think it is so necessary especially in the days we live in when people hate each other based on ethnic criteria. This film tries to show us, indirectly, the totally negative effects of this hatred.

I've read the book the series is based on and it really respects a lot of things from there, but the series captivates you even more.

The filming locations also look like they are right out of this story. As if the events happened right there. I love this!
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Pretty enjoyable, very smooth!
UniqueParticle23 May 2024
Episode 1 is tricky like someone else said there's not much introduction to the characters a little unsettling yet very well filmed and I enjoy several of the cast in many projects so that helps. My mom recommended this it's lovely, basically a love story in holocaust settings even though the based genre is drama seems more than that. I like that this is highly rated that's always nice to see! I loved learning about World War II in school back in the day it seems there's loads of stories about it since most of which are really well made. I've enjoyed Joey King and Logan Lerman for at least a decade they are wonderful in anything fairly young too I hope they get awards in their career!
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Unveiling Grace: A Riveting Journey with a Stellar Cast
vladdubchak30 March 2024
"Watching 'We Were the Lucky Ones' (2024) felt like a journey back in time, echoing the stories of my own family and many others from my childhood community. This mini-series doesn't just recount another story set against the grim backdrop of WW2 in Poland and the USSR; it delves deep into the harrowing, yet resilient spirit of Jewish families navigating through unimaginable hardships. The authenticity and emotional depth of the narrative, coupled with an amazing cast, brought these stories to life in a way that's both haunting and inspiring. It's rare to find a series that captures the essence of such a pivotal time in history with such honesty and respect. 'We Were the Lucky Ones' is truly a masterpiece that resonates with me on a profoundly personal level."
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After reading the book, it still doesn't disappoint
jamiebezdek8 April 2024
This mini series is based off a book and is the true story of Jewish adult siblings, their parents and spouses, and the variety of real paths their lives take as WWII unfolds. The book is written by a member of the family. Many siblings go paths I knew nothing about or aren't commonly talked about. Once books turn to film, they often disappoint, but not this one. It's engaging, inspiring, and unimaginable. I am excited for future episodes. My husband, who has not read the book, is equally engaged. The acting and story line are top notch. We must never forget these are really people who went through these atrocities.
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Something Is Missing...
homercles116 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know exactly what it is, I can't put my finger on it, but something is missing from this series. In general, the concept is unique as the breadth of it is amazing, covering so many aspects of the Jewish experience in WW2, with settings ranging from Poland to Siberia to Kazakstan to Brazil, to Palestine, to Dakar, to Spain to Italy. It is admirable to cover so many areas that are not normally explored-like Jewish people having to decide if and when to move, difficulties in travelling, the different attitudes between the Russians, the German and the exiled Poles.

But that may be it's weakest aspect, by covering such a broad spectrum of experiences, each one feels a little diluted. While it is one family, there are so many stories going on. I think the series would have benefited from focusing more on one or more of the stories, but then I think it would have missed the point of the series-the wide experiences.

While I found the acting good, not great, not bad, and there were a few moments of touching drama, most of the stories seemed off, and again, I can't put my finger on exactly why. The Holocaust is an inherently dramatic tragedy and it is important to tell and retell the story and this series does it justice and is quite respectful, but the emotional beats just don't land as hard as they should.

It might be that often the series doesn't go far enough with showing the tragedy and the horror seems distant. There is one scene where a mother and daughter are digging their own graves-a horrifying and terrifying scene that is undercut by just letting the mother escape. The series wanted its cake (the horrible scene) and eat it too (allowing the mother and daughter to survive). This happens a few times where the tragedy SHOULD occur (story wise) to hit the viewer in the feels, but the show undercuts those beats.

All in all a decent production, costumes, setting all quite solid if standard. Acting was solid if not special. The series felt PG-13 when the story needs an R rating to truly express itself.
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Absolutely superb!
tovelise2 May 2024
This is one of the very best series I have ever seen, and it is a true story as told in a book by a direct descendant of this family. The writing, the acting, the cinematography, the intricate weaving of the interconnected threads of people's lives - all is carefully crafted to draw you in to the horror of the Nazi regime as well as the resiliency of these people and the strength they derived from their families and their cultural and spiritual traditions. After following the horrendous hardships and torments they endured through seven episodes and seven years of their lives, how could I help but weep through the last one? My tears flowed freely. The real-life Kurc family photos were the perfect ending. An amazing story told amazingly well. Wow. Just wow.
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solid series
nerrdrage5 April 2024
Four episodes in, and every one is a consistent 8/10. Not great art, a little hokey, but the compulsive gotta-see-what-happens-next factor is very strong with this one.

The cast is mostly unknowns and surprisingly strong. I particularly like Moran Rosenblatt as Herta, the kind of tough cookie who can survive anything.

Logan Lerman as the Parisian sophisticate Addy is also very good. He looks like someone who could have been an actor in the 1940s. Reminds me of Tyrone Power in his glory days, has a lot of the same angsty energy.

I always like seeing attention to detail in historical stories to avoid anachronisms. Seeing someone in the streets of Paris wearing a WWI era gas mask wouldn't have been surprising. They would think the last war would pose the same dangers as the coming one.

When Addy plays "Puttin' on the Ritz," the lyrics are from the original version, about Harlem. A sloppier show would have used the more well known lyrics that were written for a post-war Astaire film. Nice job on research there.

It's a good thing Hulu is doling this out weekly. Otherwise I'd just binge watch the whole thing in one weekend.
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teribialosky30 March 2024
Watched the first 3 episodes the day they dropped. Many of the actors are from other series I've enjoyed so that inspired me to watch. It is hard knowing their plight, but the characters are developing well. Not sure why they're all speaking English knowing it should be with subtitles but small criticism. Worth watching for sure. Of course, hoping there's more "Kive & Libby" in the series. In fact, why is Michael Aloni not listed on the cast? It definitely has different storylines than most Holocaust centric films. There's a somewhat slow build that is part of the show's intrigue. Hoping they all make it.
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Astounding story of resilience and strength
emutown3 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
My husband and I thoroughly enjoyed this mini series. All of the actors did a superb job with telling such an incredible story of survival. The musical score was expertly done, and the cinematography was great.

These families have got to be so proud of how their stories were brought to life on the screen.

We are both still in such awe of the strength and love they had for each other. Their stories are heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time, and the fact that they all survived such an atrocious time in human history is absolutely remarkable. Loved ones were lost along the way, but this family's unwavering love for one another is incredibly touching. Highly recommend anyone to watch this masterpiece.
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mizkj26 April 2024
I watched all 4 episodes available so far. I was hooked after meeting the family in episode one. I found the characters to be interesting and the acting to be very believeable. The stories of each family member are different in interesting ways. The chemistry between characters is good. I am glad the actors are Jewish as some others have mentioned. But I am glad they are speaking English because I don't enjoy reading subtitles - I miss too much of the facial expressions and it really detracts from my enjoyment. As for the subject matter, I cannot imagine surviving an experience such as the Jews of the time did. It is horrifying and hopeful all at the same time. I'm looking forward to the rest of the story.
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Very good drama
archiehyde-2771422 June 2024
I do not understand why there are any reviewers who claim that this covers the usual ground. Apart from the fact their are millions of stories of suffering during the Holocaust, this particular family had a very unique experience and the series gives insight into the less common fates from Polish Jews during WW2.. More than ever now, we should be reminding ourselves of the uniquely terrible experience of Jews and other victims of Nazism & Facists during the war.

I agree the accents could be a bit distracting, but the acting was very good. The series does take a couple episodes to find its rhythm but it quickly becomes compelling and I binged the whole thing over the weekend.

I would definitely reccommend this. My only complaint is that the rviwe has to be so long.

I would also reccommend visting the Shoah Foundation Youtube channel for first person accounts of survivors of the Holocaust; each story truly extraordinary and important.
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Just genuinely uninteresting...
JabezGill28 March 2024
We've seen this movie 100 times before - Jewish Europeans try to survive the Holocaust. They start off naive of the threat of Nazi Germany, then get a rude awakening, then do everything they can to survive.

Unfortunately, the way the characters and story is portrayed in this particular series is just uninspiring. It has struggled to keep my attention, struggled to make me connect with/care for the specific characters (beyond the obvious care/connection you feel for the real, historical people that suffered through these events).

The script is weak at times, the actor chemistry is off, the show just seems very flat through the first few episodes. Inconsistent acting quality... hope this improves, I will gladly change my review if it does

That is such a shame since the show says this is a "true story."
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Great series
emma-allen115 May 2024
I thoroughly enjoyed this series. I've cried and watched anxiously through each episode.

It gave me hope, sadness and a greater understanding of what it would have been like from a family perspective. Plus also learning how many different directions each family member took, either on purpose or accidental, was interesting.

At first I was put off by some of the actors/actresses fake accents, however moving past that and focusing on the story to tell.. I was roped in immediately. By using some well known actors and then lesser ones also really helped.

Only downside was that I had to wait each week until the new episode got released.
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Pleasantly surprised
mackenziea-1007013 May 2024
I'll admit I was skeptical durning the first episode and when I saw Joey king. Now I'm not a Joey king hater, in fact I've enjoyed most of her projects since she was a child. With that said I was worried she would come off too unserious and maybe she wouldn't have the depth for the role. After finishing this series I'm happy to say she definitely grew with and into this role. The first episode is meant to be lighthearted and set the scene of this predominant Jewish family in Poland right before the holocaust. So her acting that I was skeptical about then fits with the story being told. As for the series overall, it's just absolutely beautiful (as much as it can be considering the content matter). The fact that this is a real story of a family who faced this extremely horrific reality still blows my mind especially how it all ended up. If you have been considering watching this or even if you started it and turned it off give it a real chance. I was teary eyed during the last episode. As I sit and reflect on the work of art I just consumed I can say I would watch this again and recommend it to anyone I can. The biggest thing that makes me amazed is that the author of the book whose family this is never knew about the past her family endured until she was later on in life. She came across her family history by chance and went on an amazing and heartbreaking journey to tell this very important story from a terrible point in history. Thank you Georgia for giving us a new view of history.
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Does humanity learn from history?
Andu0072 May 2024
I came across this as I do like a true story or a film/series based on a true story, WW2 being an era that I like to hear about personal experiences.

I've just watched the final episode (8th) & only now do I think it's fair to leave a review.

I really enjoyed it & I got to know the characters & felt I was a part of their perilous journey during the dark times of Europe in the 30s & the war.

The Poles having a hard time not only with the Soviets but then the Nazis & if you were a Jew, then worse.

I've not really watched similar series, so I can't compare it but only review it on its own merit.

To think that there were many that suffered & this is just one story of a family & what they bravely endured.

It's harrowing & horrific in places, joyous & tearful joy in others.

It shows both sides of humanity, good & evil.

I didn't binge watch, I had to wait a week before the next episode was released but I needed to know what happened next & watched it immediately To think this all happened in relatively recent times is an awful thought.

Has humanity learnt?!
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Wow. Just WOW
MovieswDan4 May 2024
We Where the Lucky Ones is now streaming all episodes on Hulu. This true story about one family's experiences trying to survive Nazi occupied Poland consists of an entirely Jewish cast lead by Joey King and Logan Lerman. It is based on the book of the same name by Georgia Hunter and was created by Erica Lipez, who previously worked as a writer on Suits, Bates Motel, and The Morning Show.

This show sucked me in from the first episode. The way this show was written was so captivating that I found it hard to wait each week for a new episode to drop. The name of the show is We Were the Lucky Ones, and the tagline reads "inspired by one family's true story of survival" so viewers can assume that all or at least most of the family members survive. This knowledge did nothing to make this show less suspenseful or keep me from being on the edge of my seat scene after scene. All I kept thinking was "I cannot believe they survived this" and "how the hell do they survive this?"

The show not only highlights the family's survival but also does a great job of educating the viewer on the world's darkest period. Shows and movies that center around the Holocaust are extremely important and need to continue to be produced, especially now where we have seen a disgustingly high increase in antisemitic incidents since last year (361% according to CNN). The more we learn about this, the less likely it is that history will repeat itself.

Thank you for reading!
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A Must Watch
marylynn_hilton4 May 2024
I've watched many many Holocaust films and this is another must watch. I've been to Poland and went to Auschwitz and walked through the cells, the gas chamber, viewed all of the goods that the Germans took from the Jewish people. I've toured many Holocaust museums. These stories must be told. I wish more families would tell their stories. We must never forget the atrocities the Jewish people endured. Or someday it will happen again. It is so hard to imagine how anyone can be so evil. But it's a slow fade and propaganda works on those who are ignorant and do not seek truth.

The story line was well done and the acting was superb.
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Fantastic. Devastating, heartbreaking, and then heartwarming
libbysparks-997993 May 2024
This show has affected me more than anything I have ever watched. I was absolutely gripped and immersed throughout the entire show. Every episode was heavy on my heart for days after watching. I watched it as each episode came out and I am grateful for that because I needed many breaks for my mental health. It's a difficult watch, but worth it. It's a fresh take on the history of Poland during World War II. So often, media about the holocaust is about people who didn't live to tell their stories and the "white saviors" who experienced it secondhand. This is a jewish cast of jewish characters based on a book from actual jewish people who lived to tell their stories. I think that's what makes it so impactful. This show also does a stellar job at portraying the process of the persecution of jewish people from the beginning of the occupation of Poland to its liberation. The acting is overall very good, with several standout performances. I am very glad I decided to watch this show that does not shy away from the reality of the holocaust but is able to show the power of hope in the darkest of times. This is a beautiful piece of art about a harrowing true story.
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Not bad, but not good?
lobsterindc29 March 2024
The series has a great cast but something is missing. Better writing? More character development? I'm not sure.

I'm great at putting my phone down when watching a show, but this series is failing to hold my attention - which given the subject matter should be instantly.

I recognized quite a few of the actors and have liked them individually in other films but the lack of character development in this series makes it hard to fully immerse myself in their situation and empathize with them.

As another review mentioned, it's possible because I've seen this story many times before and it's been written, directed, and/or acted much better.
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