Gears 5 (Video Game 2019) Poster

(2019 Video Game)

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14 Reviews
Fairly average; boundaries could've been pushed
vicaramelie24 September 2019
Gears 5 has a few surprises and the story is expanded on through item descriptions. The combat is solid, with weapon variety and the ability to upgrade your AI support (Jack). The graphics are nice as well, although any long-term gamer should know that doesn't mean much.

Unfortunately, Gears 5 doesn't push the boundaries of the genre in any regard. A lot of action sequences and features were simply replicated from other action shooters, enemy AI is a bit dumb, it's almost impossible to die because of the revival system, and the progression is very predictable.

Go to a location, complete a chore, enemies appear, shoot them, and repeat. The "dropship waves" tactic has been implemented in many games since the early 2000s. Some parts of the progression are so absurdly chaotic you might think you're watching an Avengers movie: "What the hell is happening right now?" Other moments are so drawn-out and dull you'll wish you were playing another game.

Gears 5 is far too long for its own good. This is primarily due to the sheer repetition and the (mostly unrewarding) skiff exploration sections. However, the second act is narratively strong and has a decent amount of gameplay variety to support it. The final chapters pick up in intensity as well, although there's one major plot sequence which is totally illogical and involves making a choice between sparing one character or another.

With the story in particular, more character development and overall depth could have made this game so much better. Why did JD change, and then change back to who he was? What made Kait suddenly become a leader? What are the philosophical implications of the human-Locust hybrids? Are the Locust really just mindless, animalistic creatures? Couldn't we get some more perspective of the war from the Locust's side? Tell us more about the research of Niles, the red sands of Vasgar, or what's currently going on with the COG besides Delta and Jinn. After 13 years, the writers should really start committing to fleshing out the lore because it has so much potential.

Multiplayer is also okay - doesn't necessarily stand out but isn't bad. It's more of the same we've all seen before.
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Very nice game
katusch9 October 2019
Its a great game for sure, but I also have 3 things to criticize. The initiation is a bit boring and you can't skip it, like you cant skip the cinematic scenes. Your character can't do a normal jump. If you use the spacebar you will do a dodge jump forward. The sprint mode is weird. As soon as you hold your sprint key a strange camera-angle aplies and you won't be able to control the runningdirection with your mouse. You have to use the movement keys. And even once you learned how to, it still feels wrong. They probably wanted to make something different to other games here, but being unique doesnt mean it's good.
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raimundorafaelrocha20 December 2020
Jogabilidade: 90 Gráficos: 95 História: 85 Som:100 Performance:95
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margarithan11 September 2019
This gears of war 5 is so amazing that's all just play, you won't regret it!!
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Ties old Gears games into a new well told story
hmorrison-2179914 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
If you like the original Gears of War story this is the game for you. In the campaign you visit a couple familiar places and see some old faces. The story is well told and offers hours of gameplay.
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cchenders4020 January 2023
I am a massive fan of Gears 1-3 and judgement. I liked 4 a lot and wasn't sure about the direction of this series, but 5 got me locked in. This game is AMAZING. Honestly this is probably the best Xbox exclusive since Gears 2 or Halo Reach. It's that stinking good!

Here are my positives:
  • The story. Really creative and cool way to continue on the threat of the hive. The personal story with Kait and JD is fantastic.

  • The cast. All your favorites are there and I really think Kait, JD, and Del are great characters, especially once the credits of this game role.

  • The combat. As always this game has the best third person shooting available on any console or from any dev. Gears combat just cannot be matched. The tried and true formula is there and they added some nice new layers with stealth kills and the ability to command Jack to give support. How Jack is used in this game is honestly brilliant and he can provide a major tactical advantage.

  • The semi open world. Running around on the sciff is so fun. It looks beautiful and is a blast to drive. The game is not a "open world" in the sense that it's dense or 100+ hours to beat, it's the same linear gears formula (10-12'hour campaign) with the addition of over world travel between missions and to do a few side quests. Really good stuff.

  • moral choice and consequence in a gears game for the first time!

  • enemy design and boss battles are greatly improved. Gears 4 had some rough boss encounters but gears 5 ironed all of that out. The boss fights are polished and fun.

  • the final act of this game reminds me of Gears 1.

  • The graphics and art style are great. This is a Xbox one game that looks just as good as some of the triple A titles that are evening out out today (2023). It holds up and looks beautiful.

  • the game physics are actually incredible. From the snow, to the sand, to how drop shot bullets work and how the wind can affect tongue bow arrows, it's really impressive.

  • a massive multiplayer and horde mode!

  • co-op!

Play this game!
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one of the best gears of wars...ever!
amirscorpion29 April 2020
I can say its awesome and i liked it!!!!...dont miss!
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It´s time to pull the plug
residentgrigo29 November 2019
Gear 4 wasn´t the shot in the arm Halo 4 was but is still a perfectly fine soft-reboot. Gears 5 is the same mess that Halo 5 is. It equally features bizarro characters and writing that fails even the low standards of the series. Whoever came up with Fahz needs to be stopped! Meandering levels with tons of empty space (the "open world" and the collect-a-thons can go to hell), a bewildering difficulty curve that isn´t balanced for single player and the game again fails to go anywhere or evolve the 13-year-old formula in any way. And then we have the abysmally executed new skill system via the Jack bot that leads to endless menu management in a shooter. Gears needs to either end very soon or move on to a full-blown GoW 2018 style reboot after a half-decade+ hiatus. The multiplayer is the same as usual. It works fine but you don´t need to buy a new game to play the same old stuff. Gears 1 was a generation-defining game. Gears 5 reduced the series to a hollow zombie that is only saved by production values. 6/10

PS: Whoever came up with the idea that you should either grind like mad or pay actual money to unlock the Pride flags and skins that advertise a failed Terminator reboot, I like the film btw, deserves a special place in hell.
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Perfect Gameplay Loop but An Infuriating Ending
isaacwest-660018 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Where to start? Look, very few people are gonna call it the best Gears of War game and that's just fine, but it's pretty stubborn of one to suggest that this is the end.

The multiplayer is at its best, with one of the addicting and satisfying gameplay loops ever as well as Horde and Escape being great PvE distractions and the progression system being very good. I dunno if there's a game out there I've invested more hours into multiplayer-wise. It's been mastered.

Now for the weak stuff: the story. Well it's not bad, it starts out pretty good with all of the characters being very likable (or in one instance, hatable, but that's on purpose), and the Swarm are still really cool. Sure, they're not as cool as the Locust, but they are still very cool. Anyways as the game progresses you see the director make some... interesting decisions about the game. Because of how Gears 4 ended off, Kait is the primary protagonist. She's a good character and all but unfortunate for her Gears of War is full of amazing characters so she comes off as the weakest. Anyways for much of the game you're in an open-world area which is a really odd decision for a Gears of War game. The skiff was fine and it was cool to explore the world of Sera, but it was really a waste of time. Well, the story continues and you bump into some fan-favorite characters that remind you that Kait being a good character is far from good enough. But my biggest problem is the end: where you are supposed to choose between saving Del or JD, the other dying. This is easily one of the WORST story decisions in any game, most especially for Gears of War. Del has been nice to Kait all game but anybody who's studied storytelling at an amateur level clearly know that JD should be saved and letting the player decide is just a lazy way of forcing the player into a hard decision, when in reality it's pretty easy to choose Del, even though JD is best for the story. The reason is because Del's character progression is seemingly finished, this seems like a really great place to kill him off. JD though? No, not at all! There is so much more for his character progression, and Kait's character progresses more with JD's survival (due to their feud which at first was a good part of the story but quickly became boring). There's no question this story wasn't gonna be the best and was probably gonna be the worst and that's okay because the competition is super tight. But to end it like that??? Easily one of the most shortsighted, amateurish decisions anyone could make. It still pisses me off all of these years later. But at least the multiplayer was near-perfect. Those were good times. I have hope for Gears of War 6, but a lot less than I have had for the others - again which isn't all that bad because the rest were so great (besides Judgement) but that ending is the worst decision in Gears history besides Judgement's gameplay. Ooh, that was really bad, but that's for another review.
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Great game but story elements are a no go.
Headsthalos200917 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I wanna be clear, I'm only a couple hrs into the campaign. The game play is as great as its ever been. A lot of love went into making this game. Story wise, I wish I could say the same. In gears 4, were introduced to these characters. Minor spoilers* JD was set up as the character to usher in next wave of series. Being a guy who went above and beyond to help settlements and others above himself. But in this game, they completely undo what they set up by making him something else. So far it reminds me of the new Star Wars and Luke skywalker. A character well established in being a hero, then being shown to go against his beliefs and essentially being a not so good guy. I'm hoping the further I progress into the game, they'll show more and explain things. If so, I'll change my review. But so far, story wise it's just story. Everything else is great.
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Better Than Generally Accepted
Balanheart14 May 2024
Overall Rating: 7.5 / 10

"Gears 5" is what I consider to be the second best installment in the legendary "Gears of War" franchise. Additionally, it might very well be the among the better third person shooters of all time. While it is lacking in choice, environment interaction, and customization; it provides an exciting experience in which the player can enjoy a gritty and gorey game with an intriguing story. If you still have not picked this game up, I strongly recommend it.

  • Compelling story, characters, and voice acting.

  • Above average visuals, sound fx, and music.

  • Exciting combat with many different ways to play.

  • Unique class system that heavily improves the gameplay.

  • Many different types of modes and difficulties to enjoy.

  • Once you've beaten most of the game, it gets pretty boring.

  • All modes feel extremely repetitive.

  • Not very fun without friends to play it with.
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pride and accomplishment
originalramza18 October 2019
Grind for many hours or just buy the stuuff from store to get pride and accomplishment
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blr618328 September 2023
Anyone that rates this higher than a 4 didn't play the original trilogy. Would know how crappy this game is. Money grab %100. Try playing it today and it shows how bad it is at every turn.

Horrible horrible matchmaking. Micro trans every turn. Not even close to the gameplay. Just awful awful awful. Needing this much characters to describe a terrible game is unnecessary but I will do it so that they know how disappointed longtime fans are in this dribble they put out there to make a buck. I remember going to every release party for the first three. Midnight selling of the game. It's been a long time since this franchise made it exciting to play. Should be ashamed of themselves. Coalition take your hands away from this franchise.
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Didn't care for it
redcodex45316 December 2021
I am playing this game in late 2021 so I might be at fault for not enjoying this game - a bit. Neither have I played the previous games and even after watching the recap I had no idea what the hell was going on. I only played it because it was available on steam (clearly this game was not made for pc) and the download size was a whooping 100GB making me wonder if it was a big deal. The gameplay is funny and the gaudy characters are just very unattractive. Maybe it just wasn't my style and let my expectations get the better of me.
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