Batman: Hush (Video 2019) Poster

(2019 Video)

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An Abridged Hush... Fell Across Gotham... But The World's Greatest Detective Couldn't Be Found...
P3n-E-W1s32 September 2019
One of the reasons I enjoyed the comic book was the story. Jeph Loeb does a fantastic job of showing Batman as the world's greatest detective as well as delving into his relationship problems and issues. This Batman is an intricate character. Though Batman isn't the only complicated thing in the story. Loeb keeps the reader turning the page by constructing a complex and interesting epic.

What the film does is stick to the basics of the story - well it does have to fit into an hour and twenty-one minutes. It also appears that writer, Ernie Altbacker was given instructions to bring this into the DC Universe at this time. So to tie it in with the Tim King story run on Batman a few scenes have been altered. The major trouble with this is that the Batman King writes isn't the world's greatest detective. Removing the deductive elements from the story hurts it. It might not have been too bad if it had been replaced by the logical-minded combat statistician Batman that King writes. Though it wasn't. He just kinda stumbles onto the solution.

The alterations to relate the story to what's happening in today's DC Universe is particularly evident in the changes to the characters in the story... though this doesn't always work. Killer Croc becomes Bane, the relationship between Batman and Catwoman is expanded upon (in the build-up to the Batwedding), But Clayface, as a bad guy, is a major element to this story, as is Ivy and Harley - though all of these appear to be wearing a white stetson these days. Batman, himself, even has a change of costume as he does in the ongoing King story arc. Though it's the ending I disliked the most and this is because I do not like the new version of...

Well I can't spoil it for you can I(?)

I will also warn you that there are a few expletives, though these are not required when an "Oh, Crap!" or a "Damn!" would have done. I could understand it in the Suicide Squad flick, but here it feels like a cheap gimmick just to say, "Look we're adult!"

I cannot fault the animation. This is done to the same standard of recent DC animation movies. Which, unfortunately, doesn't have the same power as Jim Lee, Scott Williams, and Alex Sinclair. The director does a good job of giving the audience a fast action-packed kick-ass face-pounding slice of entertainment.

Where it does fall a little flat is in the acting. For me, the actors and actresses who voiced Damien Wayne, Richard Greyson, Harley Quinn / Batgirl, and Joker stood out. This is a shame as, apart from Richard Greyson, the rest were bit-players. Both the leads Jason O'Mara (Batman) and Jennifer Morrison (Catwoman) sounded unemotional and bored for the most part, The rest of the cast glided through on the plane of averageness.

This is not the best of the DC Animation films but if you like what's happening at DC today then you should enjoy this film. However, I would highly recommend you buying the HUSH graphic novel and see how the story really should be told.
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Not the adaptation we hoped for.
Abranth-d20 July 2019
Here's my review of Batman: Hush. So 'Hush' is the new addition in the DC animated universe or whatever it's called these days. People say that Hush is one of the greatest Batman stories ever told . I strongly disagree. Hush is one of the greatest stories ever told . But did this adaptation get it right ? NOPE. Why ? Because it's not an adaptation like it was marketed to be. For those of you who've been following the animated Batman movies in the dcau, you know that the movies take inspiration from the source material but don't adapt them entirely unlike standalone movies such as Under the red hood and dark Knight returns which adapt the books entirely . For example one of this movies prequels 'Batman v Robin' borrowed heavily from Scott Snyder's book 'Court of Owls' . This movie does the same but unlike 'Batman v Robin' it was marketed as an adaptation of Hush when it was just another movie in the Batman continuity of the dcau . However there were a lot of things I liked in this movie , like the animation which is very fluid for something handdrawn , been a fan of it since Son of Batman. Jason o Mara reprises his role as the voice of Batman and I've been a fan of the voice since the first one . Selina Kyle voiced by Cameron from House Md was great. Never been a fan of the older incarnations of the animated Catwoman , but this one was great and had amazing chemistry with Batman as well. Speaking of animated incarnations , the joker in this movie has the worst art design ever ! And I was really dissapointed , because ever since they started adapting the new 52 artstyle for animation I was always looking forward to how the Joker was going to look and they screwed it up . He even sounds Scottish in this movie , they could've gotten Mark Hamill's or at least Troy Baker or John DiMaggio for the part to save the character. In the end , Hush is not the adaptation it was marketed to be , and if you're someone who hasn't read the book and has been following the animated DC movies , you might actually enjoy it !
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One of the better Batman animated films I've seen
spmact21 July 2019
I'd have to say that this is one of the better Batman animated films I've seen - and I've seen most.

The story seemed more "adult" (without trying too hard and being too much so), with a more serious tone, but it also had a good balance of darkness and humour. I haven't read the comic or graphic novel so I can't compare it to that, but on it's own I'd have to say that it was well done. The characters were fleshed out enough for me, and the ending wasn't the predictable one I thought it was going to be.

Off the top of my head, the only one I can think of that tops it is Under the Red Hood.
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Not as good as hoped
tuhinkundu20 July 2019
Come on😔! Not as good as the graphic novel by Loeb and Lee. The cliffhanger changed. Didn't match to the majestic and grand level of the graphic novel
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kewlconner1 May 2022
This is an unfaithful take on the HUSH storyline, and it keeps unimportant parts, and it'll leave out some important parts. It will change the story for no reason, and leave out the entire Jason Todd part. It's just wrong.
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A Solid Effort, But It Misses the Mark
cdietz94-667-59924426 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The comic Batman Hush is among my favorite Batman stories ever, as it was the first real Batman comic I ever read, so it holds a special place in my heart and I always wanted it to be adapted into an animated film, and after many years of hoping, it finally happened, with mixed results. Also, I haven't seen most of the more recent animated films and I've always felt it was a mistake to have almost all of them in the same continuity, as if you miss out on one you'll wonder what's happening.

Some of the additions are quite worthy, like more scenes of Bruce and Selina's relationship, expanding on it and making it so rewarding to see them together.

I also liked the fight with Scarecrow getting beefed up and the scene where the imprisoned Riddler is revealed to be Clayface in disguise was really cleaver.

And the final battle in the warehouse/factory, though a setting that's exhaused at this point, is really well done and exciting.

Some changes are acceptable; like Lex Luthor just being a business man instead of the president (which he was at that time in the comics) and replacing Talia's role of helping Batman find Poison Ivy.

Batgirl replacing Huntress is fine, though the latter's absence is kinda disappointing. Also, having Catwoman jump down to protect Batman from the street thugs is also a welcome addition.

Merging the scenes with Catwoman and Poison Ivy and the scene where Ivy and Hush meet was good, as it shows how cunning and ruthless Hush is.

But there are disappointments: Killer Croc's role in the story is replaced by Bane, who DC animation seems to believe is a muscle-bound moron for some reason, and it doesn't quite fit like Killer Croc's role in the comic.

Harley Quinn and Scarecrow just vanish from the story and are never captured.

Absent characters are missed, as Tim Drake is never even mentioned and the Jason Todd scenes aren't adapted at all (and Jason does exist in this universe as Joker references him), Huntress and Harold are both left out as well, which sucks as the comic was how a lot of people, my self included, first met those characters, but it makes sense to not include Harold, who many people don't know of and his history with Batman would strike many as quite strange and as I said earlier, replacing Huntress with Batgirl is fine but Batgirl vanishes from the story all together after the first 15 minutes. Leslie Thompkins, a criminally underused character, is also absent and instead replaced by a generic date for Tommy Elliot (Peyton Riley, I assume?). Possibly because of earlier animated films, Ra's Al Ghul and Talia never appear and are only mentioned and Lady Shiva's role goes from Ra's ordering her to save Talia from Catwoman and beating the hell out of Selina to just showing up at the beginning and telling Batman about someone using the Lazarus Pit.

Another thing the film suffers from is not using Robin/Damien, as his only appearance is in a call with Bruce, as he's off with the Titans, but why does that mean he couldn't be in the film proper? Maybe have him interact with Selina and have conflicted feelings about a step-mother? A wasted opportunity.

The scene where Batman nearly kills the Joker isn't nearly as effective as it is in the book, as Catwoman and Harley's attempts to stop Batman are omitted and Gordon snapping Batman out of it lacks the punch of the story.

Two-Face's role is reduced to a mere cameo appearance instead of turning on the other villains and helping Batman and Gordon, possibly due to it leaving open a story for Harvey's inevitable return to his life of crime that they probably don't intend to show in a movie.

There's also an odd plot hole where, instead of Batman looking into Elliot's records after the main conflict has ended and discovering who was the mastermind, there's a break-in at Elliot's office for Batman and Gordon to investigate and it's never explained who broke into the office, it just happens so that Batman can figure out Riddler was behind it all.

Another plot hole is omitting Lex Luthor's role in the conspiracy, as in the comic he supplied Hush the kryptonite so Poison Ivy could control Superman, but here it's never explained where Hush got it.

And as for the final act... I have mixed emotions about changing who Hush is.

In the comic, Hush is revealed to be Tommy Elliot, who faked his death with help from Clayface, but here Hush is revealed to be the Riddler, who was the mastermind behind it all in both the film and the comic. Tommy dies for real, and Scarecrow even steals his body for Riddler to torment Batman with. changing up the comic where it was Jason's body missing from the grave (and the implication that it really was Jason Todd Batman was fighting, not just Clayface). This works just fine, but at the same time it seems like a pointless change and a poor change to Tommy Elliot's character, who is a monstrous sociopath who envies Bruce so much that he's willing to even change his face to look like Bruce, where instead he's just some friend of Bruce who gets killed.

Despite that, the final battle is more exciting than the one in the comic and it's well choreographed and animated, but the ending... leaves a lot to be desired.

In the comic, Batman breaks it off with Catwoman because earlier, Scarecrow tried to use his fear gas on Batman, but it didn't work and he said that Batman's mind was already being affected by something else. Because of that, Bruce was overcome with paranoia and uncertainty and couldn't shake the slim chance that Selina might have been a part of the Hush conspiracy the whole time.

In the movie, Catwoman saves Batman, who is too busy trying to save Riddler as the warehouse/factory explodes around them. She cuts his line and let's Riddler fall to his death, and they escape. She leaves Batman because she can't stand his firm stance on 'no killing' and his moral code, even for someone who tried to destroy him so thoroughly as the Riddler just did. This makes Catwoman look incredibly shallow and morally corrupt, she does have issues and takes umbrage with Batman's code, yet still respects him for it, The music is...there, never really takes off.

Animation is good, smooth and the fights and action are awesome.

Voice Acting Wise: Jason O'Mara and the other DC Animated Movies voice cast give solid performances. Jennifer Morrison as Catwoman was a bit off at first but she really grew on me and I liked her by the end. The only voice actor I didn't like was Peyton List, the voice of Poison Ivy, as she turned in a quite wooden performance.

Overall, it's a mixed bag. There are good things about the movie and some of the changes and additions work, but some changes and the things they took out don't improve the story, but are more to its detriment. It's sad that the adaptation's of Frank Miller's work were so faithful, yet everything else is changed up for the worse. Hey, at least it's an enjoyable movie and not an incompetent mess like The Killing Joke movie or Batman and Harley Quinn!

I'd say give it a watch, but read the comic.
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rojo_red11 August 2019
I knew the character but never read the hush comic. Never even read the sinopsis of the plot before. That made me reaaally like the movie. Even though I was surprised with the reveal because, like I said, I knew the character.

If you are in the same position as me, I really think you'll enjoy it too.

Now for all the people giving 1's and 2's: There is no gray area for you right? If you likey likey one thing is a 10 and if you dont is a 1. Just try to enjoy it without trying to compare it with the comic and enjoy the comic separately.

This whole universe of movies are really good.
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killionriot6 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The movie itself is not bad what irritates me is they changed who the villain was. In the original novel the hush villain was someone from Bruces childhood. In the movie hush is the Riddler. You cant change the actual villain of the comic in the movie! Thats BS!
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It is good enough.
gautamshub21 July 2019
A different story arc this time. Execution of the story was good, the characterization was good, casting was fine, the direction was cool. The villain was quite fitting. And the ending of the movie was not purely satisfying but fine. An overall entertaining flick. DC animated universe never let's me down.
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Decent story, but it's not Hush.
Java_Joe24 September 2019
In the world of Batman comic books there are some that stand above the others for the stories and for the impact they leave. One of these is "The Killing Joke" and another one is, unfortunately, "Hush". It was popular enough for the to make a movie out of except like in all cases things need to be left out of the story and things need to be changed for whatever reason. This is a prime example of how things were changed for the worse.

The original story is one in which a new player in Gotham makes a name for himself by the name of "Hush". We don't know who he is, his face is bandaged up, but he becomes one of Batman's biggest threats in part because he's like Batman in so many ways but also he seemingly knows a lot about Batman's life. To say more is to spoil the story and if you like Batman you really ought to read it.

This however uses some of the events that took place in that and then totally takes it in a different direction. It's literally not the same character and it's quite baffling as to why they would make these changes. Honestly it's so different from the comics that they could have treated this as a completely separate story.

The animation is good. The voices work well although Alfred sounds really old. And the dynamic between Batman and Nightwing is explored both in costume and out which is always a good thing. But in the end it just feels like a disappointment.

Read the comic books for the story. It's so much better.
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That was a Good one
kfilippopoulou20 August 2019
I didn't know that this is a novel, I read it from the comments, but as a person who has not read the book, I found the movie awesome. You got all the villains and the adventure, all the heroes and the romance. What more can you ask?
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I can live with it
WeAreLive20 July 2019
The movie is an adaption of a comic by Jeph Loeb who is well known for his work on both Marvel and DC.

While the movie itself was mostly predictable, it was still a fun ride in my opinion and is rather despite me not being a big fan of these New52 movies especially when it comes down to batman.

The good

Good visuals

Excellent fight scenes

Got to see superman

Less of Damian thankfully

Harley Quinn not being voiced by Tara Strong

The bad

Not enough Batgirl

Predictable plot

Wonky voice acting

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MB-reviewer18518 September 2021
First I'm going to say that I have read the Batman: Hush comic and really like it. So, after seeing the animated movie I thought it was just ok.

(I'll try not to spoil anything major about the comic or movie just in case someone hasn't read the comic or hasn't seen the movie.)

Also there were many scenes that were added in or changed making me notice it more and comparing it to the comic.

But when I saw the scenes play out just like in the comic I found them awesome to see. Batman and Catwoman's relationship is well done like the comic and Bruce's friendship with Thomas Elliot was also nice seeing but it wasn't built up that much.

I liked how similar to the comic Hush looked and how he sounded but I hate that they changed who Hush's real identity is from the comic.

I recommend reading the Batman: Hush comic, I think the comic is better than the movie.
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Quite impressive...
paul_haakonsen20 July 2019
Right, well anyone familiar with my preferred movies to watch, knows that I am not overly keen on the superhero genre. However, I will watch the superhero movies and animated movie when I am given the chance, solely for the purpose of being entertained by a movie, and not because I am a fan of superheroes.

As such, I ended up watching the 2019 animated DC movie "Batman: Hush". And I must say that I was impressed. Of all the animated superhero movies I have seen thus far, then "Batman: Hush" was definitely the most entertaining and enjoyable.

Why? Well, because it had a good storyline and it was nice to see this aspects and approach on the DC universe, instead of it being the same old, same old. I enjoyed the approach with Batman/Bruce Wayne having a romance with Catgirl/Selina Kyle. And the overall plot was one that had more thought put into it than the numerous previous animated movies, which were essentially good vs. bad and a lot of beating up bad guys in between the start and end of the movie.

Sure, "Batman: Hush" was essentially also following aforementioned formula, but it brought more to the table. Hence it was outstanding in comparison to many other animated superhero movies.

As for the voice acting, well I must say that I was impressed with the people they had hired for the various roles and characters here. Just a shame they didn't have Mark Hamill as the Joker. But in overall, the delivery of voice acting was good.

"Batman: Hush" is definitely well worth sitting down to watch, especially if you are a fan of Batman or animated superhero movies in general.
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A great addition to DCAMU movies
peyecu20 July 2019
Coming from someone who has never read the Batman: Hush comics, I find great pleasure in watching this movie as the story unfolds. There are some drawbacks like mediocre voice acting, especially coming from some of Batman's villains like the Joker, and the unnecessary presence of Damian in the movie itself. The introduction and brief presence of Batgirl is also sudden in the DCAMU.

A few great things I can point out:
  • The Batman/Catwoman and Bruce Wayne/Selina Kyle relationship is one of the most memorable things in this movie.
  • This movie takes place after the duo Death of Superman/Reign of the Supermen movies, and so the inclusion of Superman and Lois Lane is another bonus.
  • The tone of the movie is not as dark as some of the other Batman movies in the DCAMU like Bad Blood.

Some other reviewers has pointed out that Kevin Conroy should have voiced Batman, but Jason O'Mara seemed to have done the job well.

EDIT: After reading some reviews, I would like to point out that DCAMU began as adaptations of the New52 DC comics (Flashpoint, JL: War), but the last two Superman movies and Batman: Hush seemed to have moved away from New52. The clearest and most obvious evidence is that the costumes that Superman and Batman donned are no longer those of their New52 counterparts. So, I think it is irrelevant to mention DCAMU as merely New52 movies, because it is a whole standalone continuity.
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Weak plot
zfda27 July 2019
As always, it was a very enjoyable animated Batman film, I liked the action, acting and use of characters. The only thing that ruined it for me was the plot, it was very weak and had no effect of surprise.
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Batman gets tested.
Animany9420 August 2019
I enjoyed this adaption of the Batman: Hush storyline. How Bruce Wayne was tested by a new villain in town who has a scheme way bigger than anyone before him.

We see different sides of Batman when he gets romantically involved with Selina Kyle who has been know for a long time to be one of his enemies. That relationship is the heart of this adaption and it works out very well even if the change made to the role of Bruce's longtime friend, Thomas Elliot, may turn off some fans of the graphic novel.

We get a lot of bloody fight scenes with a great amount of the beloved Batman villains and the mystery about who this Hush is progresses after each encounter to keep your interest. I never felt bored.

I've only read the novel once and I'm aware of the fact that the writers had to make some changes to make the adaption fit into the current DCAU then I think it still has the essence of what the original had.
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rcroft-3817317 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The animation is good, I guess the story is alright but I guess I was expecting more because of all the brilliant DCAU movies. I'm also quite confused, I thought Thomas Elliot was Hush but Riddlers Hush? And he killed Tommy Elliot now that was confusing like what's with Nigma being Hush, it's Tommy Elliot that's Hush, but all together it was an OK movie for me, I wouldn't watch it again, it's confused me enough. It could have been a Great movie but I think it ruined that chance by confusing all the DC fans.
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A great take on a classic in a new world
LostScarf20 July 2019
We see Batman go through a lot of trials in this movie. He takes on his gallery, he explores love, and his code is tested. The movie is great in the visuals, the writing, the music, the voice acting, and so much more. There are changes made to make it fit in the current universe and it works well. A good balance of humor and drama in between all the action. Some will complain about the changes and cuts, but the movie maintains the heart of the story when it comes to Batman and his challenges. A worthwhile watch for fans of Batman.
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Not bad
TheOneThatYouWanted14 September 2020
Not bad, DC. Not bad. Not good enough to make me start paying money to watch a DC film but better than most of the junk they have put out over the last decade.
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Didn't see that coming.
stop_thebeat20 July 2019
I'll be honest I thought that the comic had more twists & turns & I was surprised that this was being condensed into one 90minute animated movie. I think to truly do the comics justice it should've been on two parts. Iconic scenes were missed/ altered and the finale seemed to be completely different from what I remember. That being said, it was highly enjoyable, extremely well acted (great having the continuity from the other films) and I loved Nightwings humour. It's a keeper. I just wish they'd stayed more faithful to the comics.
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A convoluted story that brings no closure, but it was entertaining
siderite14 December 2020
I am not a big fan of animated DC, but out of boredom I watched this and it started quite intriguing. Batman was hunted the entire film until he gets to the end and the big reveal make you go... huh? Meh. I was glad that it wasn't the futuristic Batman, where everyone and their grandma has laser cannons and jetpacks, but still a lot of characters that were just dumped there with no regard to storytelling.

Overall entertaining, but not a lot.
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zackwitting22 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Batman:Hush does Many things correctly that make it a watchable film from action to good quips. The romance between Bruce and Selina pulls you in as you see Batman finally letting his walls down and allowing someone in and it's done well especially with how much the makers of this film are pushing to the forefront for the audience. The biggest mistake it makes is ultimately Why the adaptation of The Killing Joke didn't go so well which is adding and making unnecessary changes. Turning Hush from a brilliant albeit twisted and dangerous former childhood friend of Bruce's that not only wants to punish and torment him but take his place LITERALLY to a Physically and mentally distraught version of the Riddler( thanks to a Lazarus Pit) is a poor way to repay longtime fans not only of DC but also of this storyline. From The Killing Joke, to now Batman:Hush, and even characters like Shade or Firefly on their CW shows DC has got to stop with these last minute changes and undercutting of characters.
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Don't understand the hate
jaharow229 July 2019
I never write reviews but I had to for this just to counteract the negative ones. You cannot expect a movie to be word for word from the comic. Stories have to change and be adjusted to fit. I liked this movie, it was all paced I was never bored, and the jokes landed when they needed to. Watch the movie for what it is do not compare it to the comics you'll never enjoy it that way.
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Don't get too excited...
not_you_guillermo19 March 2021
It doesn't really come close to living up to the graphic novel.
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