The Lighthouse (2019) Poster

(I) (2019)

Parents Guide

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MPAA Rated R for sexual content, nudity, violence, disturbing images, and some language

Sex & Nudity

  • Brief shot of woman's bare breasts lasting about 2 seconds.
  • A man masturbates. His behind is shown in a non-sexual way. No nudity, a few grunts and rhythmic sounds are heard, and its pretty easy to tell what he's doing.
  • A slimy, white substance is seen falling in front of a character. It is implied to be semen.
  • Multiple, fairly long, scenes depicting masturbation. Graphic in nature, but no explicit nudity is shown.

Violence & Gore

  • Two men try to choke each other to death and get into a brawl.
  • Two men get into a fist fight with each other. One of them pins the other onto the ground and starts to punch him in the face repeatedly. Blood spurts from the mans mouth.
  • A mans entire face is covered in blood during the final scene (it may be oil or some other substance though, its hard to tell since its in black and white).
  • The violence (while in black in white) is still disturbing because of the tone the film sets.
  • Though there is a few scenes of blood it isn't very graphic due to the film being in black and white.
  • A man brutally beats a seagull to death.


  • 'Godd*mn' is said a lot.
  • 'Wh*re' is said.
  • 'F*ck' is said twice in a sexual context and 6 times in a insulting way.
  • 'D*mn' is said 26 times.
  • 'D*ck' is said.
  • 'H*ll' is said at least once.
  • 'B*stard' is said three times.
  • 'Sh*t' is said nine times.
  • 'B*tch' is said five times.
  • Several instances of name calling and trading insults.
  • 25 uses of damn 13 of which are goddamn, 10 uses of shit, 6 uses of bitch, 4 uses of bastard, 3 uses of hell, 2 uses of whore, and one use of dick.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • One of the characters is frequently seen smoking a pipe.
  • There are many scenes where the two characters get drunk together and are seen drinking large amounts of alcohol.
  • There is heavy consumption of liquor and gasoline and men are shown highly intoxicated.
  • Heavy consumption of both tobacco and alcohol, the characters repeatedly appear completely intoxicated
  • One of the main characters frequently smokes cigarettes.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • There are several scenes in this film that could be potentially frightening for viewers.
  • There are some nightmarish dream sequences that are hallucinogenic in nature.
  • The film is essentially about two men who grow increasingly paranoid and end up going mad on a small secluded island.
  • There is disturbing content and horrific images throughout the movie.
  • Some body gore that may make some viewers uncomfortable.
  • Two men have several heated arguments throughout.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Sex & Nudity

  • A man is implied to be masturbating in a room above where a character is standing. When the other character looks up through the grating in the floor, he sees a tentacle belonging to some kind of sea creature. (This is implied to be a dream or a vision.)
  • A man is shown standing naked in the rain (non sexual) and the way his legs are positioned no nudity is show.
  • A man discovers a naked woman and caresses and explores her face, neck, then breasts. As he moves down, he is startled by first gills and then by her mermaid nether region, a close-up of her vagina is shown however the camera quickly cuts away from her body after this.
  • A man has sex with a mermaid, only his buttocks are briefly visible.

Violence & Gore

  • A man brings up a crab trap from the ocean and opens it to find a man's severed head inside. The head appears to look rotten. More scary than graphic.
  • A man tries to bury another man alive.
  • A man plunges an axe into another man's shoulder. Tons of blood sprays and starts pouring down his body.
  • A man hits another man in the head with a kettle-like object, before putting an axe to his head, presumably killing him (the impact is offscreen). Blood splashes all over another mans face.
  • A man intensely falls down a long spiral staircase. (And is presumably injured.)
  • A man kills a seagull by grabbing it by its neck and smashing it into the ground. Blood spatters each time the seagulls body hits the pavement.
  • Seagulls peck away at a naked and disemboweled man who is also missing an eye. His entire body is covered in blood.
  • In the final shot, a man is shown being gruesomely eaten alive by seagulls.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • A person morphs into different humans and creatures. Very weird and scary.
  • A man chases another man through the rain with an axe (but he doesn't intend to kill him).
  • A man forces another man to act like a dog and bark while on a leash and almost buries the man alive.
  • A man violently beats a seagull to death, this is shown in graphic detail. Later in the film he is shown being eaten alive by a flock of seagulls - his organs are shown outside of his body and it appears his eyes are missing or have been heavily mutilated.

See also

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