72 Reviews
The best of the three.
Java_Joe25 January 2019
And coming from an atheist, that's saying something.

The first "God's Not Dead" was a two sided ego match between the good Christian student and his evil atheist strawman of a professor. It wasn't deep, it was actually rather hateful against anybody who was non-Christian. But like most Christian movies it wasn't made with the intention to change hearts or minds but instead to preach to the already converted.

It also made a lot of money so damn right they'd make a sequel.

And in some ways the sequel was even worse because it focused around a total non-issue. A history professor mentions Jesus in class and for this she's sanctioned, put on leave and needs to go to court to defend her rights. Meanwhile the evil ACLU, who have actually defended the rights of Christians to pray in the real world, are portrayed as hating Christianity for no good reason. I mean they cast Ray Wise as the lead prosecutor and had him play it as demonically as possible. I'm not kidding. They really wanted to make it seem like he was the actual devil.

It also made a lot of money so of course they'd made a sequel.

But somewhere between the making of the second and the third something changed. We actually got a real movie with a message but one that didn't paint atheists as being the bad guys. In fact Reverend Dave, played by David A.R. White, is seen as being a much more understanding and caring individual than he has in the previous movies.

The end result is a surprisingly decent movie with a Christian message. What was even more surprising was how so many Christians seemingly didn't go see this movie for whatever reasons they had, Maybe this only goes to show that they're not interested in a movie that changes hearts and minds but only repeats to them what they already have in their own minds.

And quite honestly, I think that's really sad.
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Not great, but way better than 1 and 2
jherr-65-4106503 August 2018
Compared with the first two movies this one is way better in terms of story, acting and overall tone. Instead of having overtly atheist two-dimensional straw men as in the first two films, all of the characters both religious and non are drawn with some depth. And instead of the religious characters being unambiguously good and everyone being evil, both character types are given to actions both good and bad.

I can't say that this is a "good movie" in comparison to big budget titles, but within it's trilogy and within the genre it's a cut above the rest.

Full transparency; I am an atheist, but not a fallen Christian. I watch these movies to get a sense of what this segment of the Christian community is saying about people like me. And where in the first two movies I was laughing at the naive portrayals, this one was much more balanced.

In summary, It's pretty much a Hallmark movie, but with more overt religiousity. If you're into that, give it a go.
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It just don't happen that way
bkoganbing3 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
David A.R. White who is probably the premier actor in Christian films takes center stage in the third God's Not Dead film. In the previous two he was in support. As Reverend David Hill his church is located on the grounds of the university campus and also houses the campus ministry.

I'm not sure I could find enough space to tell all that was wrong with this one. In my city a landmark building like that, no way would it be torn down not with the active preservationists that are here. Even after it being firebombed because some don't like the message it was giving out it would have been repaired and preserved, eminent domain or no eminent domain.

Firebombed it is by a disgruntled youth played by Mike C. Manning and the fire and explosion cost the life of visiting pastor from Africa, Benjamin Onyango. The battle lines are set between White and University President Ted McGinley and the campus divides.

The confrontation also brings about a reconciliation of sorts between White and older brother John Corbett. He's one of those secular humanist lawyers, but when you need one good to have one in the family.

Shane Harper returns from the first God's Not Dead film. He's changed careers and now is a youth pastor working with White. Harper describes himself as a liberal type himself, he does Habitat For Humanity type work, he says he battles for civil rights. I wonder if that includes LGBTQ rights. No gays or campus gay organization in sight on this large university.

This one surely has a fairy tale ending though which you have to see to believe. I wish it were all that simple. And as for young Manning I will say that the killing was not his intent. If you watch enough Law And Order you've heard the phrase 'intent follows the bullet'. What happens to Manning is just plain off the wall. If this were New York County ain't no way Jack McCoy would have countenanced it in a New York minute.

Things just don't work out in the real world compared to what we see in God's Not Dead: A Light In The Darkness.
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As a Christian, this movie is bad.
AllidoisWynne31 January 2019
Okay, to all of my fellow Christians out there reading this, it is OK to not like Christian movies. Yes, their message is good, but it doesn't mean its presented well. God taught us to be loving, accepting, and forgiving...

But I'm sorry, these movies are atrocious. The setups are unreal, over the top, and in all honesty made to scare christians. They show that everyone hates our religion and is actively trying to destoy it, which there are some that do believe that, but chances are you're not gonna have to encounter that. So much money is put to a franchise that builds off of propaganda that makes every little thing in someones life extremely important and dramatic. A lot of pureflix films are as cheesy as Blumhouse horror films at times. Really look at the way its shot, take away the stilted acting, the way it's directed shows how terrible they are. Shots where we're supposed to feel emotional makes us laugh because they're so over the top and cringey. I know the actors are trying their best, and the younger actors aren't too terrible, but these movies aren't low rated because of everyone hating on Christianity. They're hated because they're actually poorly and cheaply made films.
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The best out of the three
deideiblueeyez21 January 2019
Despite all the odds, this film actually came out decent. Of course it is still heavy-handed with its ideas that the country disproportionately hates Christians and Christianity, there is still an underlying message of "We as a nation are not talking to each other as we should. We are screaming and not listening to other peoples' views". The movie does undercut its own message by featuring news pundits who espouse the typical "Liberals don't listen to Christians" but this is supplemented by several scenes where actual conversations, however brief, are had between these so-called liberals (read: atheists) and Christians. What the film does best is open itself up to be called out for hypocrisy with its typical "Christians are being persecuted" and, instead of chanting the mantra to itself throughout the film, actually turns to face the accusations and defend its stance. The Lawyer (played by David Corbett) and Reverend Dave (played by David A.R. White) are the main example of this phenomenon, and David A.R. White's earnest convictions are matched by Corbett's charming, needling lawyer character. This is the first time that the film series ever actually takes the time to establish a dialogue between these two forces that the film itself claims are tearing this country apart, and that sort of self-awareness in a film genre that seems eager to play the victim card can not be understated.

I would not recommend this film as anything but for the curious, and I would dissuade everyone from watching this until they've seen the first two in order to truly appreciate the level of growth that this series experienced in its writing and storytelling.
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Better Than the Rest
leantwon2 April 2019
Michael Manson did a great job as a 1st time director.

The first few movies in the "God's Not Dead" franchise were so corny. The antagonists in the first few movies were stereotype atheists and borderline cartoon characters. GND3 actually seemingly had real characters that had real relatable issues and doubts about their faith. It actually tackles the problems with Christian victimology without being too heavy handed. v

The problem with this movie is the that it has too many unnecessary scenes. There are boring stretches of time that could have been cut out.

Even though it has some serious slow parts I give it points for attempting to tackle a different point of view than the originals.
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Strange Film and Message
DKosty12310 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This film starts rather oddly. The first sequence makes sense but then there is a flashback to 12 hours earlier which accomplishes nothing unless the goal is to make this movie longer. It is the most useless flashback in the history of films and could easily be on the cutting room floor.

Then this one gets way off the God's Not Dead theme. It's main message is to say that a church is more than a building. Well, not really, because belief in God and prayer to God does not require a church building. The church is a symbol of religion but the only reason churches ever started with buildings in history was because the buildings of the middle ages and before were built for shelter and protection in earlier times. Then as we progress to the modern era, the churches were symbols of worshipping. It is the churches that try to preach the gospel for believers and provide shelter and comfort.

This movie gets it backwards, the people (members of the church) are the church, not the building. The film is extremely dark. It is interesting that there is a faith pitch at the end of the credits. The film is so off that sticking around after the credits I can not imagine. (I noticed the message on the DVD).

Granted this film tries to strike an anti-government message with the big bad government using eminent domain to tear down the Pastors church after the big fire. Even this message comes up short as usually when a church burns down, if it is to get rebuilt, it is the church members who make it happen, not the Minister and definitely not the government. Seperation of church and state prevents that.

In real life, I saw a Lutheran Church burn down. After it burned, they found out their book keeper of many years had stolen over $300,000 from the church. Thanks to the efforts of their members, they built a new church today despite all the odds. Even though the Government used the church before the fire for election voting, they were not involved in the rebuilding. It was the faith and devotion of the church members that got the church rebuilt, not the minister.
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mm-3922 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Disappointing movie! God's Not Dead: A Light in Darkness has three parts. Well part 3 starts out slow but then bang a fire etc. Too much personal dialogue, and self searching. There is character development which is redeveloping what the viewer already knows! Beginning third I give a 5 out of ten! The middle third of the movie is interesting, which shows how the University sees the Church offensive, this movie never asks if any other organization was in the same circumstances would their would be different treatment? A new character is introduced which is a lawyer. The lawyer is pastor Dave's brother the relationship is interesting. The arguments, the legal and personal escalation is entertaining. Build up and build up for the climax. Middle is 7 out of 10! The bottom third is an example of identity politics and cultural Marxism at work. People get hurt and the creation of a manufactured Belfast situation. The pastor has an existential crisis and goes pacifist. Turn the other cheek means in old Jewish custom the second time you do this we have a problem to resolve. What happens here is no resolution. Why do some groups get pushed around? Why can people get their way by screaming and yelling with out asking what is the point? What are the facts? People tend to push around with what they can get away with! There is no church any where. Compilation works is the answer! The point of the law suit was the principle, God's Not Dead: A Light in Darkness has NO answer on if what the University did was wrong? 3 out 10 for the ending. 5 stars.
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The Best God's Not Dead.
cinephile-276903 January 2019
I love the 1st GND movie and like the 2nd, but this entry in the series tops them all. Many people discourage the previous movies since atheists are seen as bad guys and the Christians are good.

A Light In Darkness just so happens to remedy this, and show that Christians sometimes to be unloving as well. My cousin told me to look up James 1:26-27 once when it comes to this:

"Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless. Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

Many movies like Carrie, Misery, and even Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame, show how those who call themselves religious can still show much hate against others.

We are called to love, but sometimes we forget to do this. GND 3 demonstrates this beautifully. Even if you don't give this a 10, I'm sure you'll agree that this is the best God's Not Dead movie thus far! Please see this movie, even if you have some doubts about it.
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Average but in the right direction.
cayedaws28 December 2018
With a new director the series now walks in a better new path. While the first two movie had stereotypical characters, especially regarding the government and atheists are abandoned. This time there are no "good or bad" sides since everyone had an argument to present. This film attempts to deal with the extent of faith which could mean that the studio itself could be apologizing for the first two movies. But the movie can still be shortened by removing a few aspects that drag on and it still cherry picks legal events to present its thesis. The movie is rough around the edges but it stands above its predecessors and thus worth to watch.
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Somehow, it's even worse than the first two.
This is easily the worst of the series, but I still loved it! Part 3 didn't have as much unintentional comedy as the first two, but it was still damn near a laugh-a-minute escapade of truly incompetent filmmaking.

Much like the previous entries in this series, Light in a Darkness is a self-congratulatory celebration of the victimhood of christian persecution at the hands of evil secular societies. I imagine that evangelicals across the nation pleasure themselves without guilt while watching this and pretending that the premise is even remotely plausible. I get the feeling that they're unable to appreciate this film the way Zeus intended: as a movie so bad that it's good.

I'd recommend this to pretty much anyone who enjoys bad films. If you liked The Room, you'll love the GND movies!
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A very good film with a good message to love those around us.
leektphi11 December 2018
Thia is a wonderful film that is definitely worth a watch wither or not you are a follower of Jesus or a non believer of Jesus . This is a awesome film that portrays the negative outcome of Not being selfless and gracious to others as we all should be. It really shows how unprofitable and destructive it can be to our world and those around us when all we care about is really only our own agenda and what we feel is right or wrong. When we don't stop and truly listen and genuinely care about what others are going through we just become self absorbed and show a lack of love and selflessness. We must all remember that Love truly is the greatest thing that we can give to each other and Everyone needs more Love.

A great watch 4sure
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best of the bunch
dave-mcclain2 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
"God's Not Dead: A Light in Darkness" (PG, 2:00), also referred to as "God's Not Dead 3", is the third movie in the GND franchise, but the series is... evolving. 2014's "God's Not Dead" was mainly about attempting to prove God's existence academically (in a series of debates between a college student and his atheist professor). 2016's "God's Not Dead 2" tried to prove it in a courtroom, within the context of a plot that was more involved (but ridiculously unrealistic). This third GND film goes even further into concentrating on story development and abandons any attempt to prove God's existence through facts and logic. In this one, the director and writer of the first two are replaced by writer-director Michael Mason. It's Mason's first feature in any capacity, but his efforts give us the best executed GND yet.

The film picks up immediately following the post-credits scene in "2" in which Reverend David Hill (David A.R. White) is arrested for refusing a court order to turn over transcripts of his sermons. David's brief incarceration is fodder for news and talk shows, carrying forward the GND narrative that Christianity is under siege in modern America. David's church has become a source of political and social division in this small-town Arkansas community - and for the (fictional) college on whose land the church stands.

When a female coed named Keaton (Samantha Boscarino) breaks up with her boyfriend, Adam (Mike C. Manning), over religious differences, Adam takes out his frustrations by throwing a brick through a window of David's church. That single impulsive act has unintended but serious consequences which give the college an excuse to offer David a check to buy the building - and to use an eminent domain claim to try to force him to accept. This sets up a battle royale (legal and otherwise) between the pastor and one of his best friends, Hadleigh University chancellor Thomas Ellsworth (Ted McGinley). David gets his estranged brother, Pearce (John Corbett), to take a reluctant break from his Chicago law practice and come down to Arkansas to help. But in spite of all the help David gets from his irreligious brother, and the support he gets from his new girlfriend (Jennifer Taylor), he wonders why he hasn't heard from God.

"God's Not Dead: A Light in Darkness" is more enjoyable, more relatable and more relevant than the previous GND movies. This one isn't nearly as preachy as the others (not even allowing anyone a comforting "He's with Jesus now" when a main character dies), settling for trying to prove God's not dead by showing how alive he is in the lives of his followers. In doing so, Mason puts forth a story that is dramatic and accessible enough for a broader audience to appreciate - including well-written dialog and excellent acting. In the end, the film's point of view is very clear, along with an even more wide-ranging message about the need for listening over talking, unity over divisiveness and love over hate. "B+"
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Not about God. The Movie is Dead.
rlslemmer26 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Wow! So many raving reviews! Makes me want to bring mind something in the actual Christian Scriptures, "Beware when all men speak well of you..."

There is not anything in here about Christian apologetics, especially not about the existence of God. I would say that it actually goes in the opposite direction from the other movies, to move the argument from reasoned debate to subjective feelings. There is not one moment where the viewer is actually asked to think. It's possibly even a hijack of the meme to keep selling the franchise. (To sell promotional materials, plug a book, advertise a touring rock band! - in the bonus features on the DVD)

This movie is about a man's emotional attachment to a building and a fight over its imminent destruction couched in it's supposed value or threat religiously. It is not about a fight for free speech or for the Faith. Some points of Faith are rejected and mocked by characters with no answer, even seeming to want the viewer to agree and not question. Besides that there are some glaring negative stereotypes of the supposedly good Christians. The lead "good-guy" characters seem to be the ones with the most doubts about God along with being the least honest with themselves. Kind of like they don't have any principles on which to stand and in the end they prove it.

I don't really want to go into how implausible the whole lot of premises are, which alone merits a don't go, don't see review.

The ending is a real stinker - no resolution, just an amazingly dumb Kum-By-Yah, let's just all get along moment. No one will convert because of this film. The only choice presented is between being nice or not being nice. Nice is the one where you maybe feel like there is a God who might be alive - but even that is only implied.

Makes me wonder how Pure Flix has managed to stop being Christian! It's a new kind of not-Dead God being promoted here, one where it doesn't matter what you believe or not about Him. This God is not a person but an idea in people's heads about whom you may have as many doubts as you wish - as long as you can succumb to group pressure to light a candle.

So, it comes back to marketing - this movie is about creating a larger niche for the Christian Rock mega-church crowd - to embrace all agnostics by having "Christians" who imitate them. It is a seduction of souls that does not seek to unite them to Christ through Faith. A work without faith and it's Dead.
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Another Christian propaganda
axminster75 February 2019
After watching this unbearable boring movie, I think to my self: "What Christians really want at the end". The majority of religious people are Christians. Most of the cities around the world have handreds or even thousands of churches. God's name is on the dollar bill. Churches don't pay taxes. There are schools for teaching the bible. We celebrate Jesus twice a year. The calendar counts Jesus' years. Even our names are Christian!

What do they want? Religion is EVERYWHERE! Why they always play the victims? There is no prosecution and I hate to see movies emphasise to that. All three GND movies have this blatant message. "It's all God's plan and you have to repent for your sins and if you do everything is gonna be alright"!

But aside all that about religion, this movie doesn't stand as solid film. It's boring, cringy and awful.
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briceharlan16 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It was okay, not horrible, not great. Just okay. I actually enjoyed the first one, was indifferent to the second one, and thought this one was okay. The fact that a certain character is killed really upset me for some reason, it just didn't seem necessary. The storyline with David A.R. White's character and his brother was the best part. If you've seen the others, just watch this for completion sake.
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Awful and terrible
popcolin23 November 2019
Poorly directed. The actors seem fine, maybe a little stiff, but the director seemed very confused.

Odd subplots that don't need to be in there. Scenes and characters that don't add anything. Boring and pointless conversations that don't lead anywhere.

If the goal was to be as religiously vague as possible then...well done.

They were trying to be as inclusive as possible to not scare off potential non-Christian viewers and I guess the way that happens is they decide to take all genuine conflict out of the story and you end up with a boring lump that's equivalent to opening a random page in the Bible and trying to find some masterful meaning out of an incomplete thought.

Whatever. And the ending is atrocious
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Pretty boring
jeremyrcarter8 December 2018
I liked the 1st and 2nd one better. Too much drama in this one and everything just dragged on.
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Less About Propaganda Than The Other Two Movies!!
jsmith98-119 September 2020
All I'm going to say is that it seems that the people who praised the first two installments, gave it 8 and 10 star ratings and seem to be the most critical of this installment are the ones who disliked this one the most of the three! That's pretty telling about the state of the country we live in now! I think people are absolutely fed up with this Administration and how much damage a Businessman who says God sent him to fix the country, yet we're in a pandemic that was avoidable and he's the most corrupt person ever to be President is now showing his own hatred! He has destroyed everything in his path and broken any laws he wishes to get his way! No man is above the law! The only reason why I even watched this installment of this series was because we had family members who we're visiting and they saw this and wanted to see it! Based on the second installment, I clinched my teeth and endured this one!

It's the most tolerable of the series, but that's not saying much either! Hearing the Aunt who I loved as a child chastise this movie and say that it wasn't as good as the previous ones was absolutely heartbreaking! It's gotten to where I can not even talk to my Right Wing Friends or relatives now! It's truly a shame as they have never had any issue with my husband and the fact I am gay and We're now married, but they seemed very cold to him this visit and it's actually his house! It's ours now, but he was the one who helped us get the money to pay for it and was the one who manipulated the mortgage that has allowed us to pay it off! I briefly spoke to them when they left, but haven't heard from them since then!
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Much better than the earlier 2
Molongirl9 May 2018
This movie, the 3rd in the series, was a major improvement on the earlier offerings. A believable scenario with believable characters and no caricatures of "evil atheists". However, if you've been on another planet for a while and can't accept the stridency of some of the anti-Christian sentiments expressed, just google "Christian news" and follow some sites, both news items and trolls in comment sections will bring you up to speed on this. Well done to the producers on this one. I feel they have listened to previous criticisms and come up with a winner this time. I do wonder if some of those voting "1"s have actually watched the movie.
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coppicecrafts17 March 2021
What a load of pony. Laughed all the way through. And the bloke from Northern Exposure turned up.
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Faith in a attack and winning
ole-christian-254-35422625 August 2018
This third film is a stunner in faith. You need to see all three films because they are a series. And then you understand.
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Great Godly Movie
gamebyrd11 September 2018
Don't watch the critics they are just afraid of the truth because it is base biblical, it is mainly highlight the fact about persecution which most christians in the western region are not familiar with. Thus it is harshing critized.
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An underwhelming finale to the "checkmate atheists" saga
TheVictoriousV13 January 2019
The third chapter of Pure Flix' "checkmate atheists" saga has sent its blessing. Rejoice as it delivers even more accidental farce in the form of wanting to propound a serious message while insisting to remain obtuse about atheism, society, and science - or otherwise believe demonstrably incorrect things (or "knowing the truth" as PF would say, mainly to themselves if they've been sleeping poorly).

God's Not Dead 3 is here and this time he REALLY isn't dead, nor an ancient product of make-believe just as likely to exist as the thousands of other deities that feature in religions both modern and defunct. This time, the marginalization of religious groups in Trump's America is the focus, the victims of which are, naturally, white conservative Christians. Again, they're big on "the truth", these guys.

Most unfortunate about Pure Flix is the fact that their movies are technically getting better and better. The lighting and cinematography are improving, and the characters are starting to vaguely resemble real human beings - as opposed to mouth-pieces of The Enlightened versus caricatures of the Bad People; the ones who take history, archaeology and astronomy more seriously than the "talking animal" book about an omniscient sky entity who loves all except third world countr... Oops, sorry, I mean DA BOOK OF TROOF DAT IS TRUE BECAUZ GOD, THE REAL ONE, WRITED IT!!!! (I'd say we're even now, Pure Flix)

All that being said, it looks as if the company is running out of actors dumb enough to say yes to this stuff. One of the main stars of God's Not Dead 3, or God's Not Dead: A Light in Darkness to be precise, is Pure Flix co-founder David A.R. White (who featured in the last film). Actors like Jennifer Taylor don't seem to have too much to their name (as far as I can tell) but they did manage to get John Corbett and the world's youngest Oscar-winner Tatum O'Neal. The character of Josh Wheaton (Shane Harper) also reappears, possibly for the final time.

I'm sure you guys could have gotten James Woods too, is all I'm saying. Poor sap could use the illusion of a "gotcha" after Call Me By Your Name won Best Adapted Screenplay.

As for White, he plays the reverend whose church is vandalized and, like the faith of the locals, needs to be restored. Much like Veronica, this film is surely based on true events, as is the upcoming fourth film where the Christians are deported, forcefully stripped of their niqabs, and blamed for "running the banks". I am joking, obviously; I don't think there is a sequel.

I often try to separate the art from its message, since a film can very well still be great even if it espouses something you disagree with. There is, however, a limit. When the film is propaganda and the message is so obviously wrong and rooted in misconceptions so remedial it seems like self-parody, you actually do wind up with a damaged movie. Hint: people who think that dinosaur fossils are faked yet believe in unicorns tend to fall into this trap curiously often. This particular movie is, admittedly, not quite as guilty of this as A Matter of Faith or even the first two God's Not Dead films, so I suppose that's a plus.

That's part of the problem, though. This movie may not be as tolerable as A Case for Christ but it isn't as unintentionally laughable and delightfully oblivious as, say, A Matter of Faith, Heaven is for Real, or God's Not Dead 2. I want people who believe the things that Christians believe to tell me that it is somehow atheism that's rooted in zero evidence, while substituting their own "evidence" with sanctimonious preaching and sappy music to show that they're totes the good guys. Serviceable filmmaking is boring as Hell. Which exists.

But whatever. For the fans, this would be a success even if it had been as bad as Birdemic. These are the people who piss themselves crying when the "traditional family" is threatened, because people who choose to do even the SLIGHTEST thing different from you in life has to be in on a conspiracy to destroy the future. You know what? Fine. That can be true if you want. And I only say this because I don't want you to start throwing your dinner plate around and vomit all over your bib while whining that it is lefties who are spoon-fed opinions and can't operate freely (and also whine too much). Just take your nap already.
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keepsakesc10 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
After seeing all three, this one disappointed me. Within the first ten minutes one of the characters is killed. One I liked. Then it just becomes a battle between the pastor and the university over the church that was burned by an angry young man. I'm all for peace, this time I just don't see it happening the way it was portrayed. Kid and college, what kid would spend no jail time for murder ?!? Yes, there was intent when he through the brick. Then the university is given the church to use for non other then to make more money. All in the name of peace from the pastor and no one else. The pastor is the only one who evidently cares about peace as he is the only who gave up everything. The only part of the ending I did like was the church being named after the character that was killed.
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