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Starts well...then it takes a hard left towards the cliché zone.
rafaelsimer13 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Just to be clear, it's not a bad movie. The idea, the plot and the acting are good. It's just that they didn't present the plot in a good architecture.

It starts fine, Jane, the psychiatrist is surprised during the night at her work place by a teenager patient of hers. The girl had self-inflicted cuts all over, and then brutally attacks Jane who kicks her away. Then, the girl slits her own throat.

Some time latter, we learn that Jane is now in therapy with a psychiatrist, while having her own patients at home. She's got a boyfriend, who is a cop, and the girl was committed to psych ward. Jane is still haunted by her memories and nasty nightmares. Who could blame her?

So, she decided to take on a difficult patient, a man whose face had been disfigured. Her own therapist is against it, since she is not ready to go back to hardcore cases. But she does it anyways. The patient starts to behave like a nut job. So she dumps him. For a while. Once again, who could blame her? She's got an human heart.

She starts having vision about the girl in her home, and learns she had left he psych ward, due to lack of paying the bills. Stuff happens, she almost looses her mind, suffers other attacks...stuff you'd expect in this kind of movie. Then she steals some of her doctor's prescription papers so she could buy heavy meds. It all turns sour and she goes nuts, and ends up killing the boyfriend.

She wakes up at the same psych ward her former patient was committed to. (You gotta appreciate the irony here.) Then, when she was about to loose the rest of her sanity, she puts all the pieces together (dunno how) and finds out that her disfigured patient is actually the girl's abusive father. It was the girls who had slashed his face off (he had claimed to have suffered a car crash). Also, she is told that the girl hung herself and was found three days afters; when someone close by noticed the smell.

So, Jane runs away from the psych ward, and is captured by disfigured-dad. He takes her to her home, and she sees the dude had killed her best friend and her doctor. Of course there's that cliché moment, when the bad guy believes he's gonna win (don't they ever learn?) and tells Jane the entire story. They fight, but not very well (if you're used to watch U.F.C., you won't like this fight very much); he gets beat up, she gets beat up. Then, at the end, she rips what was left of his face (she grabbed his face as she was falling from the second floor window). She enters the house again and finds faceless-dad sitting on the couch, dead.

Then the movie ends. And so does this review (I mean, what can I do? There's nothing more to say.).
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Decent until the end...
keciagal14 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie actually started out pretty decent. One of the scenes in the first few minutes caught my attention and I was ready to settle in and enjoy a good psychological thriller.

The premises is that Jane, a psychiatrist, specializes in patients with traumatic experiences and when she has a traumatic experience of her own at the hands of one of her patients, she decides to take on more easier patients at the advise of her own psychiatrist. That is, until Alex comes along. He is a man who suffered a horrible car accident and is severely disfigured. He has had a few reconstructive surgeries and now he no longer recognizes himself. She agrees to see him and in the process, the events of her past experience begins to haunt her more and more and she quits making any progress of her own.

Now if I say any more, I will give up the "twist" of the movie. Yes, there's a twist and although I didn't necessarily see it coming, once it was revealed, the movie somehow took a turn for the worst. I don't know what happened in the last 30 minutes, but it didn't go with the flow rest of the movie. It became somewhat unrealistic and almost laughable in a bad way.
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When the good turns bad....really bad.
defroxy_tones-4258216 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
First off the only reason I'm even giving this movie a 5 star rating is because I have to support Vinessa Shaws (Dr. Mathis) performance. If it wasn't for her convincing role in playing a psychiatrist I would have left this movie 20 minutes later. So now after that being said. Well there's not much to say, the movie started off with a big hook that caught my attention and did its job to keep me interested, plus I was already liking the acting skills of the leading roll. But the last 30 minutes of the film had just nuked itself and blowing its chances of what could have been a pretty decent psychological thriller. But I have to admit... I've seen way worst plots then this film!! So I would just flip a coin on this one guys if you want to give it a chance. Good luck!!!
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Not the worst movie, but pretty close
amuiruth8 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I had to force myself to finish the movie, because early on I was irritated by the crappy unrealistic story telling. Who goes outside their house and leaves their door open? Who leaves their windows open when they're being terrorized by someone? Who goes back into a house where they've just escaped an insane killer? How does a person escape an asylum so easily? The movie was too stupid.

As for the "twist" while I have to admit I didn't see it coming, I spent most of the movie waiting for the disfigured guy to go full retard. It was obvious that he was insane.

Plot was rubbish, lighting was rubbish, overall summary = rubbish. I'm giving it a 3 purely because of the lead actress. She was the only one carrying this movie.
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I actually liked this 90s throwback but....
NotAFakeReviewer8 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Great big SPOILERS ahead

Vinessa Shaw and Kevin Rahm were excellent and despite the budgetary constraints it was a good little movie until the lack of ending.

What killed Alex? Having his skin ripped off? Why did he sit on the sofa to die?

When Jane escaped the hospital there was no-one to see her leave? No secondary door? Why was her therapist at her house to be killed? How did Alex get Clara to come over?

Cant help but feel this movies twist would've been far better if Alex hadn't been raping his daughter. If Jane's own problems and shoddy work had influenced the girl to think her father was assaulting her when he wasnt and so he was seeking revenge but as it was, he was just a 2 dimensional creepy incestuous freak who was seeking retribution for some (deserved and then some) facial disfigurement.

He faked his death and changed his name? When? He had his daughter discharged half way into the movie so why fake his death and change his name when he was already seeing Jane? He also didnt ever say his surname so why change that?

Its annoying how some simple rewrites, an extra draft and some proofreading would've made this such a good thriller.

The writer and director owe so much to the actors in this movie as it would've utterly fallen apart without them
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Strangely watchable, despite massive flaws
lalicatog23 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers

The viewer grows accustomed to the slower pace of the majority of the film, an aspect of it I did not mind; however, the ending unfolds so disproportionately rapidly that all of what ostensibly appeared to be careful plotting is just ripped apart in a mass of unanswered questions and gore.

Some of the questions that linger: do the Greens (both Nora and Alex) have some indestructible jugular vein? Both of them improbably survive direct slashes to their jugulars and Alex is even able to launch an impressive physical assault on Jane after she makes a gash in his that spews blood in jets when he isn't holding it with his hand!

How did no one manage to find out what actually happened when Nora confronted and attacked Alex, slicing up his face? And how did he manage to fake a death certificate? Also, how did he manage to fabricate a car accident scenario that made it look like he had lost his face when the rest of him was unscathed? Were the first responders not perplexed when they arrived on the scene? And finally, when it comes to improbability, how in the world did Jane manage to so escape from the psychiatric institution so easily --- straight into the arms of Alex himself!

That brings us to the messy ending. Aside from the fact that Alex was a pyscho, what was the purpose of murdering Clara and Terry? It just seemed like literal overkill. And what ultimately happens to Jane? The entire movie we are meant (I presume) to invest in her character and her plight, but we do not get to learn what becomes of her after she (presumably) kills Alex by, incredibly enough, not piercing his jugular but tearing off the skin graph he has for a face? The psychiatrist at the institution seemed to have something seriously against her personally (also unexplained), which hints that she might wind up institutionalized again, but then there's all the evidence of the bloody mayhem Alex caused, so will she be exonerated?

Questions, questions. Yet, despite all of them, this movie was indeed strangely watchable.
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No one would ever go to therapy if all therapists are this stupid
brakka-120 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure how this script ever got green-lit into a movie, got funding, etc - it is so bad and wholly unbelievable.

It starts with a therapist, Dr. Mathis, who is supposedly an expert at trauma therapy. Your first clue at unbelievability comes a few minutes in, where she supposedly does her in-between patient work, calling patients to reschedule and calling in scripts - at 11:00 at night. I'd be pissed if my therapist called me after 5:00; that would be a major red flag!

Dr. Mathis has zero concept of boundaries. She continues to see the disfigured patient, even after he does the obviously boundary-crossing behavior like showing up to her house unannounced, BREAKING INTO HER HOUSE! Like when he OD's and calls her - every therapist in the book calls 911, but not this one! She can handle it herself! She actually goes to a patient's home to treat him, because she somehow knows what pills and how many he took?? It's insane. Dr. Mathis is also getting terrorized throughout this, and she's so smart that she leaves doors unlocked or even wide open when she suspects an intruder, and manages to purchase the WORST security system on the market (did I mention that she treats patients in her home? Because of course she does) One scene she hears an intruder outside and goes outside to check it out, not taking a weapon. When she sees things are okay, she returns into the house...without closing the front door. Honestly you don't care if someone this stupid gets murdered, because she is asking for it. How did this woman make it through grad school?!?

The pacing is slow (how could this ever be considered a thriller?) and the camera angles and editing are just bizarre. Someone else said this has "first year film school student" written all over it and I couldn't agree more.

I'm not even going to touch that ending - to any viewer that was still hanging on by then, the director slaps you with the most absurd, unbelievable, completely stupid ending that was probably dreamed up by a 5th grader. It's just that bad. At this point, I consider it a comedy. I'm sorry to the probably professional actors who participated in this albatross.

Don't waste your time. And if you're a therapist, definitely don't watch because it's a total insult to your profession.
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A solid movie, not recommended if you get distracted easily.
Corlissa09947 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
People really went at this movie hard, but I really liked it. I would consider it a Thriller vs. Horror and also would say it would be a HBO quality "lifetime" movie. :)

Vanessa Shaw, Dr. Mathis, a psychiatrist dealing with past trauma from a young patient that attempted suicide in her office years back,is now slowly trying to get her life back. Unbeknownst to her, her trauma is just beginning.

Vanessa Shaw plays the groggy, medicated doctor role very well. She is in her own therapy with a colleague, newly dating a new man, rekindling her friendship with an old childhood friend, and living back at her deceased parents house. Vanessa plays her role very realistically in being very unwilling to talk or share anything personal in her life with her friends, boyfriend and even psychiatrist. This is keeping her very isolated and dependent on her medications and holding her back from her own trauma.

She hesitantly takes on a patient, Alex, that also deals with very heavy trauma leaving him nearly agoraphobic and physically disfigured. Kevin Rahm also plays this very well under prosthetic make up. You can feel his anxiety and resentment. They begin their therapy, and slowly move into a unethical exchange with him later wandering into her home drugged and incoherent, Her rushing to his house after he overdoses, and slow work through piecing together his trauma.

Dr. Mathis starts show signs of inflamed PTSD with sleep paralysis, flash backs of her past patient Nora, and high anxiety. She starting seeing waking hallucinations of Nora, which prompts her to go to the psych ward that Nora apparently was put in after the attempted suicide. You find out that Nora was released, and that Dr. Mathis's hallucinations may not be crazy after all. She also views a therapy tape that alludes Nora's trauma involves many years of incestuous molestation by her father in turn she claims she killed him.

Dr. Mathis then finds herself in another lucid dream being chased throughout her home by a deranged Nora, eventually killing Nora in self defense with a wine screw. Scenes shift and all the sudden Dr. Mathis is in the psych ward being accused, then proved through video that she did not kill Nora, but her boyfriend Miles, and is told that Nora killed herself several days earlier. She is committed to the ward until she eventually puts together that Alex is actually Nora's dad, and his face disfiguration was a result of Nora finally lashing out at her predator father.

Dr. Mathis finally escapes the ward and finds herself kidnapped by Alex who has the plans to "punish" her for "poisoning" Nora against him. During the last stand off, Dr. Mathis also realizes that her friend Clara and her Doctor were also casualties, and Miles was killed only after Dr. Mathis had been heavily drugged by Alex. The battle of the brains start, as Dr. Mathis is able to by time to cut herself loose, injury Alex enough to escape freely into her house and finish him off in a gruesome ending of her ripping off his "transplanted"face. You end the film with Dr. Mathis finding Alex sitting on her "psych" couch, dead, missing his face. Cut.

As many movies these days, the ending will not give you peace of mind, as many loose ends are still floating. No one will believe Dr. Mathis was drugged, or that Alex tried to attack her especially after all the witnesses are dead. Which leaves you thinking, even though she escaped this nightmare, its only a matter of time before she is thrown back in the ward and they throw away the key.

Not for all, but definitely entertaining.
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Bah! Humbug!
themick-8803325 December 2021
Clinical starts off intriguing. The two leads (Vinessa. Shaw and Kevin. Rahm) do a good job as traumatized psychiatrist and disfigured car accident victim seeking help. We get flashbacks of events that lead both of them into their current state as PTSD sufferers. We feel empathy for these characters. They are having a miserable Christmas holiday.

For the first hour of the movie the action is brief and scares tantalizingly short. That's okay with me. I love a slow burn IF the action can build in a logical way and deliver a shocking payoff. Clinical doesn't do that.

Dr. Mathis and Alex reveal their mental and physical injury side by side, It seems a bond will form between them. Alex gets more demanding of her time and the doctor grows uneasy continuing to treat him at her house. We know their is something connecting the two and we want to know more about it. The disturbed and violent Nora (India Eisley) is the key.

As events progress, they make less and less sense. The last part of Clinical degenerates into the typical psycho-chasing-woman-around-the-house gore fest. We've all seen that too many times. I almost blacked out rolling my eyes at the screen.

Clinical has a nice set up. A story that promised and intelligent exploration of trauma and memory ended in disappointment. 5 out of 10, sorry.
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Bad ending...
twitteraozel5 May 2019
It was a nice movie with a very bad ending part. Without the last 20 minutes it was good but with that end, i am sorry... Nothing more than 6
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Horrible ending
iistudmuffin21 January 2017
The first half of the film seemed promising enough by giving us a mystery that unlocks as we progress with the viewing. However, the ending totally destroys any sense of impressive writing by the creators. Not only is the supposed twist easily predictable, but there is almost no logic to the progression of events in the end. Nor is there any satisfying explanation which brings us to the one major fault that overshadows all others: there is no closure to the story. Are we just supposed to assume on our own how the story of our protagonist actually ends? At least other non-closure endings like inception were intentional and meant to make the viewer think. This one however doesn't. Its as if the story has a beginning, middle, almost done, but no real ending. Did no one teach these writers how to close a story out? I'm guessing not, and hopefully in the future they may go back to school and actually finish 8th grade writing.
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A surprisingly smart and enjoyable mystery/thriller
jtindahouse5 September 2017
'Clinical' was a very different film to what I expected going in. Based on the synopsis and then the opening scene I thought we were looking at more of a psychological horror. There are elements of that to it, but it would have to said it is more of a thriller than anything with a dash of mystery. The story manages to be both intriguing and captivating all at once. There are two stories being followed throughout the film and we the audience don't know whether they connect or not, and if so how. All this makes for a fun watch.

Vinessa Shaw in the lead role thoroughly impressed me. Halfway through the movie I had to look her up to see where I recognised her from. It was from 'The Hills Have Eyes' which I also quite enjoyed her performance in. The rest of the cast were surprisingly strong as well and all this made for a very pleasant viewing experience.

'Clinical' is exactly the type of film I like. It's daring, clever, doesn't insult its audience, and most of all it's a lot of fun to watch. I would certainly recommend watching this film if you get the chance.
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somewhere between a thriller and a horror
trashgang17 January 2017
Every horror site I visited the last week(s) showed me the trailer of this netflix original. Netflix do make good series but for horror you don't have to go to them. Trailers did show some nasty shots so I gave it a try.

Is it worth watching, well if you are into action or horrors that give you the creeps then this isn't a good choice but if you do like psychological horrors with a twist then I recommend it.

The opening sequence of Clinical offers some nasty shots because it involves a child doing awful things. Once after that this flick turns into a flick about characterisation and psychology. I can't go too deep into the story because I would be spoiling.

Here and there it do gives some bloody scenes but it's at the end that the real horror comes back and the red stuff do sputter around. The ending will leave you with a few questions.

Overall i enjoyed it but I solved the puzzle quickly. Some say that a lot of scene's were too dark and I agree here and there. The effects used were above mediocre and done on-camera without CGI.

This flick will have his pro's but also a lot of contra's because it's a mixture of horror (begin and ending) and a thriller. Not for the gorehounds but for those who can dig a good riddle mixed with red stuff.

Gore 1,5/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 3/5 Story 3/5 Comedy 0/5
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A pedestrian psychological thriller.
recklesscow20 April 2018
I'll admit to being drawn into "Clinical" for its first 45 minutes. The plot, centering around a disillusioned psychiatrist reluctantly taking on a PTSD patient after her last go-around with an "intensive" client ended badly, offers up enough questions and mystique to lock you in. Then, somewhere around the hour mark, the film dives headfirst into a cheap plot twist that signals the film's narrative decline. The film dispenses with logic and heads into the rabbit hole, offering up a preposterous conclusion that destroys anything it previously had going for it. Twists in stories can often be used to wondrous effect, or they can derail your narrative into muck and make you wish the writer had played it straight. Often, you'll find it would have been a much better film had it dispensed with the shock factor and stuck to its guns. Such is the case with "Clinical."

I won't consider it a spoiler to say that, towards the end, things happen that beg a big "Huh?" from viewers. It's probably not a good sign for the writer when the character discovers a dead body and the viewer has to stop and ask themselves who the person is. Nor is the film in any way forthcoming about providing coherent answers to many of these questions. I'm not a lazy viewer. I don't demand a long, complicated piece of exposition to tell me everything, nor do I think all films should answer every question. But when so much of your story hinges on certain plot elements that you don't bother to fully elucidate in your narrative, the viewer can be left feeling a bit cheated. Much like the feeling one gets when a film ends before we see a proper conclusion to various plot threads that the writer has asked us to care about. Really, it's just not nice.

"Clinical" could have been something worthwhile, but ultimately the script lets the entire venture derail into frustrating ambiguity and lazy writing, offering up no compensation for the befuddled viewer who, by film's end, is left wondering why they even cared in the first place.
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Not worth your time
stefdellaporta17 January 2017
Started out optimistic that this might be interesting, but quickly became disappointed. I know this film is supposed to have elements of both a psychological thriller and horror, but in all brutal honesty, I felt like this movie made light of mental illness and does not take it seriously almost using horror to make fun of it. That's what bothered me the most about it. Certain things were too stereotyped (inaccurately stereotyped too) and the plot went nowhere. The plot moves slow and then takes a quick turn and everything unwinds rapidly, almost like watching 2 separate films. Little character development. I would not recommend this film, especially not at night if you are alone.
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Works okay as horror, not as thriller
r-smith-9224 February 2017
I would consider this psychological horror rather than thriller and I think it works quite well in this respect. I am now more afraid of the human psyche and I know for sure that I would never want to be a psychologist. However it is very repetitious in the first half and so it gets boring very quickly. Also there is not much going on visually in style, colors, shots, camera movement, etc. Overall I think it does a good job within its obviously small budget.
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poorly executed
phenomynouss2 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I honestly thought the girl Nora Green killed herself at the beginning, and Dr Mathis was either having nightmares about her or seeing her ghost all throughout the film. All of a sudden at the end they reveal she was alive the whole time until like 2 days before the final stage of the movie.

Much of the movie, she is helping a man called Alex, whose face has been severely damaged in some manner of accident and is later revealed to be the main bad guy who has an incestuous, possibly pedophilic relationship with his daughter who was Nora all along.

The movie, as I saw it, was basically like this: Dr Mathis is traumatized that her therapy sessions with Nora Green apparently failed with Nora killing herself, but not really killing herself, and only reluctantly takes on another trauma-heavy patient, Alex, while being haunted by Nora's ghost, or rather Nora herself since Nora apparently didn't die despite cutting her own throat.

At some point Nora breaks in and attacks her and she ends up killing Nora, for real this time, except not really for real, as she wakes up in a psychiatric hospital she had visited before where Nora had been, and is also under arrest. The psychiatric doctor guy shows her video from her home security system showing she didn't actually kill Nora, but her boyfriend Miles who burst in on her grabbing and shaking her because she was acting hysterical and he was like "CALM DOWN WHAT'S HAPPENING" until she stabbed him.

Mentioning Nora Green's case to the psychiatric doctor, it's revealed Nora told him that she killed her own father or something after sessions with Dr Mathis, and the doctor says she didn't kill her own father, and somehow Dr Mathis puts together that Alex with the Face is Nora's father. She then escapes the hospital and is kidnapped by Alex, who takes her to her home to torture her for supposedly messing up his incestuous relationship with Nora by making Nora go crazy and kill herself.

Dr Mathis then escapes, discovers Alex with the Face has also killed her own therapist and her friend, then she tries to jump out a window when Alex grabs her, and she grabs his face and tears off a huge chunk of his face skin.

Then she goes back in the house, and finds Alex sitting on the couch in the living room, apparently dead, with the huge chunk of his face missing. The movie then suddenly ends.

I have no idea what this twist ending was supposed to be that she was hallucinating killing Alex and ended up killing someone else, or not. If the twist ending was that Alex with the Face guy was the bad guy all along, it doesn't count as an ending because it happened while there was still like half an hour left in the movie. Then it just ended near the end, like they ran out of ideas or ran out of time.
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Good Horror
ataylor-5330719 April 2019
Like another review, it's more horror than thriller. Held my interest.
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Wait what?
MikeCreep14 January 2017
Okay 60 second review begins ... NOW ...

I admit to not having high hopes for this movie, after having seen the trailer, but overall I am a fan of Netflix's original productions so I gave them the benefit of the doubt.

Unless you're bored to tears, just skip this movie. I thought it *might* go into Martyrs territory, but it didn't. The horror aspect is fleeting and feels cheap, but at least doesn't resort to jump scares.

I thought maybe the flick would end with a satisfying Shyamalan- esque resolution, but instead I was just surprised that the movie was over. Like ... that's it?

Still giving it 5 stars because it gave me hope for an hour and 30 minutes.
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gianmarcoronconi29 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Crazy movie and predictable at the same time, because there are some really unexpected scenes and segments but that she is crazy and has visions is very obvious. The story arc of the disfigured father is not developed very well and seems a bit far-fetched but otherwise the other characters are developed quite well.
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Too slow
brunapet5 January 2019
Interesting story but too slow and a bad ending , I would not watch it again
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Definitely worth your time, if you're into psychological thrillers!
rine_wolve19 November 2019
This movie is definitely not a perfect ten... but I'd like to see it rise above the unfair rating it's been given here. I'm guessing that the people who rated it low, felt triggered in some way by the sensitive themes (suicide, mental illness, abuse) and took it much too seriously. Must be people who identify with the bad things that happened in their lives and make it their goal to take out the fun from everything, for everyone. The movie, though, is good fun -not funny, though, mind you- for psychological thriller fans. It's got a bit of body horror too and graphic depictions of nasty things. It kept me guessing and at the edge of my seat a few times. I kinda saw the twist coming, but it still was pretty good. All in all, if you want to be thrilled, this is a good movie to have on your list.
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lucaschriskowalski28 May 2021
I watched this off of a Facebook video recommendation for Netflix films, it was actually pretty good, creepy and made me want to watch to the end. The twist popped into my head before it was revealed but that was based on it being somewhat seeded by the story. A bit rushed towards the end but a decent flick for a Friday night at home.
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Throrougly unsatisfying
TdSmth58 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A psychiatrist finds in her office a young girl patient of hers. The girl is cutting her wrists and eventually slices her neck. The psychiatrist is left traumatized and bored with her other boring patients. We meet a girlfriend of hers, her own psychiatrist, her cop boyfriend, the guy running the clinic where the girl was being treated originally. She has nightmares and visions of the girl. She sees things everywhere and her cop boyfriend is there to help. But of course there's nothing nor anyone out there bothering her.

Finally an interesting new patient shows up. Even though she claims not to take post-traumatic stress patients of course she makes an exception for this guy, who has his entire face burned. She uses exposure therapy to help him remember what exactly happened the night of the accident. He stopped on the road for some victims of a car crash, got one guy out of car and then something happened. All this takes several sessions. And it wasn't entirely clear to me how this is worked out. In any case, there's a twist. In her stress, our psychiatrist ends up killing someone when she has another vision of the girl. That lands her in the psychiatric clinic but she manages to escape, to resolve things once and for all and some more surprises are in store for us.

Clinical has some good story elements but this movie is unnecessarily long and dull. It didn't manage to get me to care about the main character or even about the story itself. There are a couple of time lines going on here and at times things weren't clear to me and I didn't care enough to pay more attention. Things did get bloody at times. A shame the direction managed to botch a movie that should have been much better.
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Clinical is a boring psychological thriller where the performance of lead actress is the only saving grace.
shobanchittuprolu25 January 2017
Clinical (2017): Since I watched Stranger Things,I became a huge fan of Netflix.I made a decision that i should never miss any series or movie that comes from Netflix.So,I watched Clinical with decent expectations as it is a psychological thriller,my favorite genre.So how is Clinical?

Plot: Clinical, tells the story of Dr. Jane Mathis (Vinessa Shaw), a psychiatrist who develops the symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) after she is brutally attacked by one her patients; and subsequently witnesses the patient cut her own throat. She begins seeing a therapist to cope with her PTSD and is advised to stay away from emotionally intensive patients.But she meets a new patient with PTSD named Alex (Kevin Rahm),a man who suffered a horrible car accident and is severely disfigured.

Plus Points: 1)Performances: Vinessa Shaw is the only pro for this uneven thriller.It is her performance which makes us intrigued in this hollow film.She gave decent performance as a troubled psychiatrist.Kevin Rahm's look as disfigured face has good make up work.

2)Production Values: This movie has good production values which helped a lot to give a perfect locations and camera work.

3)Background Score: Background score is good at few scenes.

Minus Points: 1)Screenplay and Direction: Clinical is interesting for first 20 mins,but after that screenplay goes very slow and repetitive.The sessions between Alex and Mathis is so boring.It just gives a build up of giving a mind blowing twist but instead its gives a pretty lame predictable twist.

So,Clinical is a boring psychological thriller where the performance of lead actress is the only saving grace.

My rating 5/10
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