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Sex & Nudity

  • No actual sex or nudity is present in the film, the farthest we see things go is kissing.
  • Bill Harley makes a double entendre and tells a woman that riding a motorcycle is like "an explosion between your legs." The woman than replies "Excuse me?" Thinking he is making a innuendo. (He's talking about the engine which sits in the middle of the bike.)

Violence & Gore

  • Bikers crash during races, most are just simple crashes were the rider gets up and walks away. Some are fatal however.
  • A biker crashes and is killed, we see blood on the ground.


  • Many uses of the words Damn, Hell, Shit etc. Does not go above this.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • Due to the time period being the early 1900's many people smoke cigarettes, cigars, pipes, etc.
  • Many of the outlaws as well as the Harley Davidson's themselves drink beer. Some of the outlaws are underage as well. It is unclear however how many of them are underage.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • Many of the bike races are intense as the outcome is always uncertain.
  • Some of the crashes are intense as well.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • The Death of Eddie Hasha is shown, he crashes into a wall which kills him instantly. Blood is seen, as many run to check on him. This is very intense, as it shows how it effected each of them. Especially Walter Davidson, who had a fight with him previously. To make it more intense this is where Episode 1 ends.

See also

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