Instinct (TV Series 2018–2019) Poster


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Wonderful cast, Writing a bit weak.
celtic-581121 July 2018
I won't pretend to be cutesy like some reviewers. I am just a viewer who likes the show. I love the entire cast, and while the story lines are often improbable (What new plot is left to portray in crime dramas? Nada) I enjoy the interaction of the characters, and the way they are portrayed. Frankly I am sick and tired of seeing gay people played as mincing queens by being wannabe Divine's. Cumming's and Ing's relationship comes across as genuine and caring, and with affection. I'm straight & have three gay nephews, two with husbands, and I am tired of seeing their lifestyle trivialized by writers and directors who think Modern Family (I hate the show) is the model. Maybe that I am so happy to see a non-exploitative portrayal I look past the writing weaknesses. But I will continue to watch the series and hope the writers/directors do better.
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As mystery TV series go, it is a cut above most of the other fluff
Ed-Shullivan20 March 2018
Alan Cummings plays a former CIA agent now turned successful author and professor named Dr. Dylan Reinhart whose publisher Joan Ross (Whoopi Goldberg) tells Dylan that his most recent storyline is missing the magic that was present in his first book. Joan suggests to Dylan that he needs to become active in the field again to regain his lost writers mojo.

So Dylan agrees to tag team with a young and pretty blonde detective named Lizzie Needham (Bojana Novakovic) and their on screen tag team magic is quite evident from the get go. Detective Lizzie Needham and scholar/writer Dylan Reinhart feed off of each other in solving this the pilot episodes first murders. This particular serial killer murders each victim and at the murder scene the killer leaves one (1) of the fifty-two (52) poker playing cards to which Detective Needham and Dylan have to figure out the cards clue in solving the next murder before it happens

The TV series writers did more than an adequate job of keeping their audience in suspense and the on screen chemistry between actors Alan Cummings and Bojana Novakovic was very entertaining. This new series has some good momentum with this the pilot episode and I trust the series writers will provide new material each week to sustain and maintain a new audience.

I give the series an excellent 8 out of 10 rating and look forward to seeing more of the same.
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Quite not bad
gilear13 April 2018
Why all this hate ? I'm reading very bad reviews about this new series and I do not understand it at all. The acting, writing and filming are abundantly over average. I mean, if you're looking for fun and relaxation, a touch of irony and "old school" procedural, this is your kind of show, like Rizzoli & Isles, or The mentalist or Perception.I don't mention Castle purposely,because it has already been enough involved, but I think that kind of chemistry is very rare and unpredictable
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[6.8] The great and enjoyable Alan Cumming and Bojana Novakovic
cjonesas16 July 2021
Instinct was an enjoyable series with mild stories, good acting and an average flow. It lacked thrill and suspense, was taking itself a little too seriously and distracting itself from main goals with various light and (unneeded) sub-plots. For once, I wasn't surprised that it got cancelled as it basically was dragging episode after episode with nothing really concrete ahead thrill and crime-wise. IMO, It lacked invigorating darkness, had a big cheesy & cliche package and too many light moments. Of course, opinions differ.

Although, the network could have shown season 2_episodes 12 and 13, which most probably had been filmed and could have provided the audience with the courtesy of finishing the season with complete episodes, instead of a mumbo ending.

Unfortunately, that only shows complete lack of respect for the viewers.
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couldn't finish the episode ( April 8th)
self_dee11 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
So one lone dressmaker moves a huge mirror, a fitting platform, and a white wedding dress with a train into the conference room at a police station and no "detectives" see her? Guess what? Police captains can take personal time during the day, and can go to the bridal shop (also the dressmaker would keep the shop open for a client to come in after hours). This is just one example of the ridiculous scenes included- supposedly so Lizzie can walk in (the door wasn't locked) and see her friend in her wedding dress and find out she isn't asking Lizzie to help with the friend's wedding planning. Then the friend can get all sensitive about the loss of Lizzie's fiancé. These episodes are written by men, or adolescent girls- adult women don't act this way. Okay- I should have known it was coming- this show is based on a James Patterson book and executive-produced by the co-author. Mr. Patterson fails. Then there are scenes to expound on other personal relationships, and the story gets short shrift (which it deserves- no wonder they re-used a subplot from "Bones"- April 1st). Yes, I could go on- but I'll save myself and other viewers aggravation and say- I won't watch again. Viewers deserve better- so do the actors.
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Not that bad!
busdrivindude28 August 2019
Castle 2.0? Yeah probably, but still quite watchable. Characters start to flesh out after a few episodes.

Alan Cumming & Bojana Novakovic have good chemistry and the plots are different enough to be interesting.

Not nearly as dreadful as many are saying here, maybe stop picking holes in everything and try enjoying stuff.
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Loved it not sure why so many bad reviews
luvyabubye25 March 2018
I think watches of Castle, The Mentalist or White Collar would enjoy this. I enjoyed the premise of the pilot and liked the dynamic between the two main characters. Looking forward to more episodes, I feel the other bad reviews are overly critical.
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lec2-84-9449647 April 2018
After the first episode which reminds me a bit about Castle . Took a slightly different direction in a good way. The 2 main characters will interesting to see how they will evolve. What I ask for a T.V. Series is to entertain me and not be stupid and boring and this this is entertaining. Looking forward to see more.
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Love It! Warning: Spoilers
After talking with a friend about this series,rarely watch network television,started watched the April 2018 episodes,am as impressed with this series as I am with NCIS.Like the working relationship between psychiatrist and detectives,can almost appreciate the "hazing" given out.Hope this is renewed,as I think it deserves to stay around,unlike Scorpion which has lost its appeal since they changed the air time.This is what Elementary once was,and see nothing displeasing to any audience.
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Enjoyable Enough
steve-0023915 June 2018
Formulaic to the max. But easy to watch and enjoyable enough. Just don't take it seriously.
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Great cast, great idea, terrible writers
wendy_wickett6 May 2018
I want this to work - badly! I love Alan Cumming, and anyone can see he's doing his best, but the both the writing and direction is so predictable, I wince. True, there are a plot twists, but the dialogue is awful! It's just awful!

The cast deserves better. Jim Patterson's work deserves better.
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castle reboot ( sort of)
stehartley13 May 2019
Lots of similarities to castle. likable characters and good plots. alan cummings owns it as always. binge watched the first season and cant wait for season 2. definitely an above average show. well worth a look.
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All the stars go to Alan Cumming
I'm late to the party and only 4 episodes in, but I will watch the entire season, as long as they keep putting Alan Cumming in practically every scene. He is so charming, and the relationship with his partner is so adorable, that I don't care that the cases are bland and the writing weak. I hope the show will grow to better match it's star's abilities, but even if it doesn't, it will be worth watching, just for Mr. Cummings.
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Alan Cumming can't save this
gigi-563-65243510 April 2018
This could have been amazing if it was written by a writer as good as those on The Good Wife. That, and if they'd hired an actress as lead who can actually act. She is painfully awful. I don't ever review things, but she drove me to it with tonight's episode. In addition, it's another show where the "ace detective" is approximately 25-26 years old, which I find ridiculous. There's not even any "veteran" officers in her department, and the captain is damn young, too. All of that would have been easy to dismiss if the show weren't written so poorly, and had used Alan Cumming in a way that best showcases his talent. This puerile nonsense is breathtakingly awful, and she gets worse and more wooden by the episode.
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many better precedents
fuljah11 December 2019
This show has many way better precedents before it.. name a few: monk, the psyche, mentalist, the bones, castle etc..

i started watching it for alan cumming.. he is failing the show.. this role is not for him.. he was really cool for eli cohen in the good wife but in this role he is weak..

also some of the storyline is illogical.. also casting is weird, the actor playing alan cummings father maybe 10 years older than him..

dont waste time on this one..
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I usually like crime dramas
veinctor19 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Edit: the review was written after watching just the pilot. By episode 5 it started being a decent dramedy series. So, from 4 stars I raised to to 5 for now.

The other day I was checking on IMDB the series Lucifer. I dont like that series but some reviewers pointed out that there are many shows on TV about "another special guy helping police solving cases"!

This is just another odd-couple police procedural with so many others to count: izombie, limitless, criminal minds (Reeds and Penelope are geniuses), perception, Mentalist, Monk, Veronica Mars, Blindspot, Lie to me, Psych, Elementary, Blacklist, White Collar, Person of Interest, APB and so many others. It's funny how Police Officers have been teamed up with ghost, dogs, puppets, and even their mothers in recent shows!

I like less than half of those shows, so, how Instinct is any new or different? It's not. But that's not bad on it's own. Sometimes we need "more of the same". And sometimes it's not being original but how you tell a story. Sadly, Instinct only gets the tropes I dislike from all these similar shows and presents them casually, stealing the gravity of every situation. It isa series not to be taken seriously from what I gathered from the pilot:

1) It starts with the professor who is charming, clever and provoking as you can see from the class reactions (similar to Perception) 2) Hot cop reaches out to him and he have some bland exposition of how many PHds he has through dialogue (similar to Perception). 3) the case involves the professor because the hot cop has a hunch that the killer has something to do with the professors book. 4) Professor declines to help until his publisher conveniently for the plot tells him to go out and have adventures. 5) Professor knew how to find the hot cop, I guess by instinct (see what I did there?), at a cafeteria. 6) Hot cop tells him she is now his boss. Out of the blue. 7) She has no partner because everyone else sucks (more exposition). 8) Her ex partner was her fiancee and died so there's drama (more exposition). 9) Somehow they have each others numbers and text each other but that wasnt never shown. 10) It is revealed that the whole plot is a game made for the Professor (more exposition). 11) The Professor makes up clues like "if I place this mirror to a drawn diamond, we get an hourglass which means something". I was like.. "whaat?". The clues are just random. 12) We get more exposition of how the hot cops bff is the youngest lieutenant on the force, which makes her special (similar to Perception). 13) Hard ass mayor who doesnt want a serial killer in her city. (Not that the cops can do something about it. yet, next episodes will have more killers). It was funny that the Professor also commented on that. 14) The cop has to explain the situation to the mayor (stuff we already know). Then the mayor tells the cops what to do with the investigation next. Which makes no sense. 15) The Professor is special because he has phonographic memory and he is also gay, which makes this show so much different that the rest of the above list. 16) Bad math! They have 2 murders. Then they deduce that it's going to be 1 murder for each playing card. The cards are 52. Then they say that there will be 49 more victims. So, 52-2=49. 17) A "random" guy had a suspicious close-up the first time he shows up. By the 25th minute I knew he was the killer, because the directing gave him away. 18) As in all similar shows, the main character has quirks that leave the cop wondering wth is going on at most times. This is humor apparently (similar to Perception). 19) The Professor has a secret background as he was in CIA and he has a hacker buddy that can access to sealed documents that even the hot cop can't access (like Criminal Minds, Arrow, Bull, APB etc). 20) Camera mistakes: At one point the serial killer shoots at the heroes. Hot cop sees him at the left side of the screen, but then we see the whole room and the killer was actually behind them! Also when they go after him, the killer climbs like3 floors high but somehow ends up being on the street level. 21) Hot cop was talking about her broken heart and had an epiphany about the case, because some cards have hearts or something (similar to Monk). 22) They know where to go know but they just lost the killer. They discovered a new murder there. Cops don't now CPR to save the victim. 23) They called the cops for help to go to the judge (he was not in any danger). But they didn't call the cops a moment later, at the judges office, so that they can be alone with the killer and have an obvious heroic moment. 24) They caught the killer before he kills, and the killer reveals his plan (more exposition). His plans make no sense because he was inspired by the professor's book, so he didn't really had to leave clues behind. And there weren't 52 targets to kill, but let's forget about that. Also, nobody else from the Judge's office found out that the victims appeared in his court. Also the killings were like 1 day apart from each other so he was easy to track with some magical hacking (similar to Criminal Minds). 25) Hot cop has no vest (seriously?) and gets a typical shoulder wound by bullet which is not a big deal (I guess we needed more drama for the pilot). 26) The two main heroes decide to work together (although that shouldn't be allowed since the Professor is not a cop). They laugh because a dead body was found so there is a next case for them to go. They do laugh!

I don't mind cartoons, or that the heroes here are almost cartoonish. What i dislike is that the clues had no basis and that the killer's game made no sense. We know almost anything we need to know for the main characters (Cia, dead partner, etc). Most shows to lure audience tend to do that. Other shows have the luxury of foretelling a great disaster in the pilot for that same reason (Heroes, Flash etc). I can't blame them for that, because they want viewers so that they can get paid. But at least leave something for later, and make a good story and compelling characters.

I will watch a few more episodes in hope that they fix some of the issues I had. But for me, so far it's a silly show. I hope the characters will start doing smart things, instead of magically connect clues to find serial killers who dont know when to stop. The professor is a promising character.

Edit 2: Season 2 is decent. The series has found its footing and pace and its nice, not much gore, mild humor, each season has a n arc that unravels as they solve the crime of the week. The characters are likeable. I enjoy the professor when he does his lectures, and I guess being a gay family man and having to deal with an adoption, it's appealing side-drama to some. Rating goes to 6 because I look forward to each new episode.
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Fun good writing with one bad link
theotherblonde29 May 2018
I really like the plots and found it really funny and enjoyable. I hope they don't get rid of the humor: life is stressful and I need to laugh!I never would have thought of Alan playing this character but he pulls it off really well. I like that his character is gay and compartmentalizes because of how he was raised. I could relate to that.

His friend at the cia and whoopi is also great as always.The writers needs to have fun with the blonde detective and make her a little less robotic and relaxed because the way she is written is super annoying and one dimensional.
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Sorry I disagree, with most of the previous comments
rosiegeneral16 June 2020
Personally I disagree with the majority of reviewers comments about this series..... The series had some excellent characters and the two main characters were good together, with good supporting co actors.

There was a mix of ages in the cast (Some reviewers claimed there was not, but there were, if one looked)..... The story lines were fresh and one of the things I personally liked was the fact it did not rely on constant bad language and over show of violence.... the personal tales ... showed compassion and covered story lines that would have grown with another serial..... All new shows take a while to develop and it's often forgotten by programme producers ... that their audiences are of a mixed age group and tastes ....this should be the important decision when deciding the future of a programme. .... Sorry that there will not another serial 3.... I for one thought it was enjoyable.
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Oh Dearie Me
Yes it is terrible in so many ways....but....I can't help loving it....It's Allan Cumming's revenge....He's taking the piss . When he gets some good lines ...few and far between ...he magnetizes you to the screen....what a show it would be with some ORIGINAL storylines....
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Check It Out
toneybrooks200319 March 2018
Alan Cumming (Eli Gold on The Good Wife) plays a Dan Brown like character, a symbologist/psychologist who teams up with a chirpy female police detective to track down a serial killer (pilot). The dialog is witty; the acting brisk and convincing. It's a fun series well worth a look!
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Too goofy
labarbarachase23 March 2018
Remove the "comedy" and it will a be a great series. I like serious detective dramas.
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This should have been so much better
linabarattin21 March 2018
I was looking forward to this and found it very disappointing. With Alan Cumming I was expecting something smart, intelligent and witty. Instead it is full of predictable formulae, an inappropriate, unbelievable in the part, female lead and cliches that I have seen hundreds of times in hundreds of network programs exactly like this. Instead of a really cool new series, it's the usual American drek.
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Great Show
ninajdstj20006 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I love this show. It is so refreshing to see characters work together so closely and know there is no chance for a romance between them. I loved Castle and The Mentalist but this is a nice change. Alan Cummings and Bojana Novakovic are great partners. Wonderful supporting characters as well. When Julian and Lizzie met for the first time sparks flew. I was thrilled to see a romance brewing between them. I can not wait to see what next season brings and I hope CBS brings it back sooner rather then later.
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loving Alan
SnoopyStyle9 September 2019
Dr. Dylan Reinhart (Alan Cumming) is a professor, famous writer, and a man with a CIA history. NYPD detective Lizzie Needham (Bojana Novakovic) has a bad history with partners after the death of her fiancée/partner. She investigates murders with clues referring to Reinhart's book. She recruits Reinhart for the case. Lt. Jasmine Gooden (Sharon Leal) is her boss and best friend who suggests taking on Reinhart as her new partner after the case. Julian (Naveen Andrews) is Reinhart's former colleague in the CIA. Also Reinhart is gay and married to Andy Wilson. The second season has small town police Ryan Stock from Nebraska joining the team to track down a serial killer.

It's another network police drama. It's got the cutie cop and it's got the big star. The only truly special aspect is Alan Cumming. He is brimming with charisma and that's why I really like this show even with all the network TV clichés. I don't know why Bojana has to dress up so much. I don't know why the viewership declined so badly in the second season. I hope that it's not due to the gay couple trying to adopt. I want to be clear. This is nothing that special. I simply love me some Alan Cumming.
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Slick, arch . . .
whatithinkis19 March 2018
. . . formulaic. Oddly unpleasant even as I acknowledge the players are all adept, the cinematography crisp and lovely, the quips flying. But no matter . . . it's all flat, heartless and the very essence of disingenuousness. Weird timing. I love the genre, and so kept coming back to give it another chance, but no, I deeply deeply dislike being manipulated and that's what this feels like. It's a definite no for me.

Interestingly, this is exactly how I feel about Patterson's writing, so when I saw that 'Instinct' is based on his work it was an 'aha!' moment for me.
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