61 Reviews
Not a bad start, but definitely lots of room for improvement
mikey_likesit22 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Having been an avid fan of the Daily Show for many years, I always enjoyed Larry Wilmore's skits as a correspondent there. The trouble is, you can't just take the role of Senior Black Correspondent and expand it to fill a half hour spot, there needs to be a bit more balance in the way he presents his ideas. Going around saying things like "I voted for Obama because he's black, I didn't care about his policies or principles" might win a few laughs from the audience, but it certainly won't buy you much credibility.

Assuming that the object of the Nightly Show is to maintain the satirical news format of the Daily Show and the Colbert Report which it replaces, the writers need to seriously consider blending the racial element into the fabric of the show without being so in your face about it. That might appeal to some demographics, particularly considering there are really no other black late night hosts out there (that I know of), but I think the way he's going risks turning away a significant number of Colbert Report viewers who are now tuning in out of curiosity.

Full disclosure, I am white. I understand that for many people Colbert was almost exactly the thing that I am describing but just pointing the other way. The difference, in my mind at least, is that with Colbert that was a character that he plays, whereas with Wilmore it strikes me as being really him.

I really like the concept of contrasting the Daily Show with the Nightly Show and I think Larry Wilmore is the right guy for it, I just hope they can find their right balance fast enough to actually stay on the air for more than 1 season.
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never really took off
SnoopyStyle15 August 2016
Larry Wilmore takes over the spot behind The Daily Show after Stephen Colbert leaves for his CBS late night talk show. Eight months after the debut, Jon Stewart leaves The Daily Show and replaced by Trevor Noah. The show is canceled before two complete seasons.

It's surprising that his show got Unblackening before the White House. It's not surprising that the show got canceled eventually. It started off badly. Honestly, I stopped watching after two episodes. I reconnected later on and appreciated its point of view. The Colbert Report is a tough show to replace. The Nightly Show is never going to measure up. I do like this more than Trevor Noah. Wilmore is not a natural performer and his monologue is not the best. His most notable performance may be calling the President n-word. It's the show's black-centric take that gives it its unique flavor.
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Not Great Not Bad..Irritating
dannykalifornia26 March 2015
I was expecting so much from this show. But as other reviews had commented. Larry is a good writer and comedian, he just isn't strong enough for a show of his own. He was so much better on that "other" show.

I must say, I like the guests he has except one VERY IRRITATING person...That would be the Shenaz Treasury one. She is unwatchable. She is cloying and seems like a kiss a$$. She does not have any original thoughts and just laughs at the wrong things and at the wrong times. When she is on I turn off.

If you are going to have regular commentators...Have ones that are strong....Not interns like Treasury...

I doubt this show will last much longer than Jon's. Comedy Central has lost it's two strongest live shows...They will have to scramble to replace them. Without Steven on...I don't watch Jon as much as I used to either.

Larry, You are a really good comedian....your mind is sharp and your fun to watch. You just need a different venue...like ummm..The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
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Fundamentally fails to reach its audience and also... not funny
cska913 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Sadly, The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore has not taken off the ground and, at this point, appears not to have enough thrust to ever do so. It is plagued by a multitude of problems.

I don't think anyone expected Wilmore to be Colbert, but Wilmore needed to find his own voice, his own delivery style, much the way Colbert and Stewart did. Even John Oliver found his own style, which, although somewhat awkward, works well for him. Wilmore has failed horribly in this department. He may be a good comedy writer, but he simply lacks the personality and charisma to carry a comedy show.

When Colbert left it seems he didn't just sell off everything, including his entire set, and take his wit and personality with him. The writers went as well. The jokes being written for Wilmore are flat and stale most of the time. I found myself spitting my drink on more than one occasion watching Colbert and Stewart. Not so with Larry Wilmore. The satire is just not there, which turns the show into a bland and humorless marathon of complaints and grievances. Complaints and grievances could be comedy gold. George Carlin mined it well, until very late in his career. Alas, Wilmore is no Carlin.

Stewart's show, over the years, has had a remarkable supporting cast of correspondents, many of whom went on to great careers (i.e. Carell, Colbert, Oliver, Riggle, Jones, Gad, Helms). Their humor complemented Stewart's and allowed them to play off of each other, presenting loads of opportunity for improvisation. Wilmore has several contributors, but their contributions don't add a whole lot to the show. The recent report by Ricky Velez from the Puerto Rican Day parade should have never seen the light of day. A high school student could've gotten more out of the festivities and done a better job tying it all together.

It is also unfortunate that Wilmore (or perhaps his producers and writers) focus the show so much on a very narrow scope of social issues. On the opposite end of this spectrum seats John Oliver, who in his short time at HBO has tackled topics from tobacco use in developing nations, to ticketing debt, to FIFA, to capital punishment. This is only a guess, but I would say that 80% of Wilmore's episodes deal with racism,including petty non-stories, like the school principal, who called out some folks from leaving the school's auditorium early and was devoured by Wilmore, and a steady diet of Bill Cosby. The former is an important issue and the latter more of a distraction. More importantly, constantly keeping to these topics shortchanges Wilmore and turns him into the Chief Black Correspondent again and again, rather than take him beyond his legacy, expanding his reach and strengthening his resume.

Admittedly, there are a lot of comparisons being drawn here to Stewart, Colbert, Oliver, and even Carlin. But this is because Wilmore had not been able to find, understand, showcase, and market his own brand of political/social news show comedy. That's another damning criticism. The show is unoriginal. Even the title is lazy and unoriginal. And it should have behooved Wilmore to ask his audience not to chant his name at the start of the show. Colbert did it as a gag, to poke fun at the self-aggrandizing personalities of cable news shows. Why does Wilmore do it? However, the biggest and most egregious failure is the show's sanctimonious, bloodthirsty, and hateful rhetoric supplanting the humorous, witty, and satirical narrative of its predecessors. This is where, in my humble opinion, the show loses its audience. At the very least, it lost me and, as I understand, it lost a good number of friends and acquaintances for the same reason. The latest victim to be lambasted by Wilmore was the hapless dentist, who shot Cecil the Lion. The aforementioned school principal also got skewered and, of course, Wilmore's most favorite victim, Bill Cosby.

This is not to excuse these or any other of Wilmore's targets for their conduct or alleged conduct. It is to help demonstrate how in an attempt to comment on important social issues of our day (i.e. racism, illegal trophy hunting, date rape) Wilmore infected a true liberal narrative with hate for these people, missing the larger opportunity to discuss each issue in general, to dig a little deeper. The conversation is two-dimensional, even for cable TV (i.e. hunting is bad and taking down the confederate flag is good). It ignores due process, in case of Cosby and the MN dentist, dehumanizes, and is remarkably authoritarian. All the thinking is done for the audience and social justice turns into mob justice, humorless and quick to judge. I don't know about anyone else, but I don't identify with that.
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Been primped and preened... and much better (updated)
rzajac27 January 2015
It had a rocky rollout, but I think The Nightly Show has pretty much figured out what works and what doesn't.

They largely ditched the "Keeping It 100" shtick; and when they do occasionally allude to it during panel discussion, it's done much more subtly/sensibly/intelligently.

And the produced pieces are very high quality; informative, smart, funny, eminently watchable. The only reason I give the show an '8' is because... well, that's high for a political presentation/talk show, in my book.

I continued watching it because Wilmore is obviously a theater nerd, and I dig that, and I had a hunch we'd see the show evolve; and it has.

Good work!

(& btw, this is an amended review. Below is the original review I posted two or three episodes into the original launch of the show:)


Original title: "'Keeping It 100'" doesn't keep it 100"

Loved it when it first came on, had high hopes. I'm just starting to get the impression that it's turning out to be (hard to believe) no better than Realtime with Bill Maher. I've sort of gotten objective on the Maher show, and realize that he's a bit of a blowhard and too often tends not to do his job (as moderator) so as to truly maximize his assets.

Well, I'm starting to get the impression that Larry, bless his heart, isn't going to score much higher than Bill on these counts. He's a very funny guy, his opening monologue material rocks, and he delivers it with aplomb... fairly reminiscent of the late departed Mr. Colbert, IMHO. But 50%+ of the show is taken up with the panel. He picks great people, often sitting on opposite ends of sundry sociopolitical spectra... and then he well nigh squanders them. At least with Bill you sometimes get genuine fireworks of repartee. Here, that gets blunted/shortshrifted by Larry, with the icing on the cake being his "Keep it 100" capper that dumps rather insulting loaded questions/scenarios onto his hapless guests. Frankly, I'm more than a little surprised; after Colbert's writers set such a high bar, it's hard to believe this stuff squeaks through.

I give the show a six due to the fine production values, and Larry's wonderful, informative presentations. His guest panel robs away the rest.
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I really want to like the show
akaram23827 March 2016
I really liked Larry Wilmore's segments on the Daily Show and was looking forward to seeing him with his own show. All in all the show's not bad, but it's not nearly as good as I'd hoped it would be.

In particular, I'm disappointed with the recent spate of "Nightly" reports by Grace Para - they're silly, not at all funny, and pretty much a waste of time. She's an attractive woman and she can be funny - but these segments are simply an annoying distraction from the show itself. Many of the other repeating segments fall into this same category.

What I like best about the show is the roundtable discussion - many of these are thoughtful and they cover some interesting and timely topics. I wish there was more of this and less of the silly segments.
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an important voice for TV
amyhodges2 July 2015
I think the other reviews of this show are too harsh. It is true the first few episodes needed a little work. The show seems to be growing and figuring out what works best. Larry seems to be getting more comfortable as the host. It is unfair to compare it to the Colbert Show since it is a completely different show. The type of humor is completely different. Larry is not a satirical TV personality like Colbert.

I feel the topics are on point and about important issues in society. Of course they are going to talk about issues important to African Americans as well as other minorities since those voices are blatantly absent from mainstream TV and media. Besides, they should be everyone's issues since we are all Americans and these issues affect everyone even if you're white.
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Horrible Time Slot Replacement
cjlanglois325 February 2015
Larry Wilmore is mildly funny but as far as hosting a show, he is absolutely horrible and painful to watch. Also his jokes are very old and played out, mostly revolving around black issues. His guests do not represent an accurate representation of the population. I was a huge Colbert fan and knew that no one else will come close to comparing, but Comedy Central can do much better. I guarantee Comedy Central loses TONS of viewers during this time slot. I would rather watch Tosh.0 which sadly says a lot. "Keep it 100 n Twitter"... are you kidding me?!? And what about the last segment where he answers a question from a viewer- there's nothing at all mildly comedic about his answers.
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Don't compare to Colbert
Gimplestink3 July 2015
Colbert is fantastically clever and Wilmore is also great, but they are not the same show. They both are fighting the good fight in trying to bring information and raise interest in politics, but obviously have different approaches.

I see a lot bad reviews for the show on IMDb but I think this show is brilliant. The panel does feel a bit rushed given the short time segment of the show, but Larry Wilmore does a good job of offering comedy and insight while keeping it 100%.

So much talent from the DailyShow. All of these people are greatly appreciated and I wish them all a bright future!
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Just Awful
kld006811 February 2015
I tried to watch "The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore" the other night and I couldn't get through it. The comedy was flat, the presentation lame, and the weird cutaways with the captioned still shots of Larry Wilmore were horribly unfunny.

The other "effect" I found annoying was that the talking head shot during the dialog would switch from full screen to a shot of the host on a monitor. Very distracting. I have no idea what that was supposed to accomplish, but it failed miserably.

Comedy Central raised the bar with informative, energetic shows like Jon Stewart and the Colbert Report. Once viewers have tasted filet mignon they certainly don't want to settle for canned corned beef hash.
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Modelus24 March 2015
I admit I had some reservations about this show. Wilmore was often used on The Daily Show for Black comedy and issues. Funny for sure but I wasn't sure about his doing a whole show. I was wrong, he is great. Personable and amusing. He's comfortable and engaging. The keeping it 100 bits are good and having several guests on was a good ideal.

Once Stewart leaves unless they get a really great host for TDS. He'll have to take up some of the slack and I think he's up to the task. Hopefully he will continue to get good guests. I'd love to see Oprah come on for example. His jokes with a Black conservative were priceless. Good luck, Larry!
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Larry Wilmore is great but he will need to broaden his demographic to maintain interest
adrian-219-2249722 January 2015
I've been a loyal viewer of The Daily Show for many years and have really enjoyed all of Jon's correspondents, Larry Wilmore included. But he has big shoes to fill in replacing Colbert.

Colbert always complimented Jon well in that he could make light of many ridiculous topics, especially enjoyable after Daily Show episodes which tend to highlight injustice, partisan politics and other frustrating aspects of our nation. Important topics to discuss, but not necessarily to go to sleep on. Colbert would often lighten the mood by entertaining many topics creatively.

Larry, on the other hand, seems to only focus on the black struggle from his perspective as well as those of his black panel guests (and a couple of token white guests who appear as outsiders with little to contribute). The topic of racial divide is a heated one and not one I'm excited to go to sleep on every night.

For me to continue watching the show I'll need to see some topic diversity.

Random thoughts:

  • More monologue, less panel - What's with the inverted map??

UPDATE: After watching the show for awhile now I can say that topic diversity didn't help. The show is boring, plain & simple. I've officially stopped watching it. Wilmore is not great on his own, he has little in his comedy toolbox.
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Not a Good Solo Act
chamsden26 January 2015
I loved Larry Wilmore on the Daily Show, so I gave him a full week's chance on his own ... but it's not working. The problem, I think, is that Larry isn't a great solo act. On the Daily Show, as the "Senior Black Corespondent," he was bouncing off of Stewart. Maybe that's why they decided to do these panel discussions for a good majority of the show, but I've never found it interesting to watch a group of strangers (or near strangers) chat about a subject.

I don't mind that the show is focused on black issues and concerns, and in fact I was ready to find that spin refreshing. His panels are somewhat racially diverse, so I don't feel left out as a white woman ... I'm afraid I just don't think the format is working, and I'm not convinced that Larry has the right force of personality to make this show work.
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Wholly underrated
zenmateisshite21 August 2016
The show got cancelled in Aug 2016 and that's a bloody shame.

Just like The Daily and Colbert Report did The Nightly Show taught me a lot and without knowing it the show has changed my perspective on a few things, and I'm grateful for it.

I love Stewart and Colbert but their clever, witty show styles can be and is copied now that big media realized its a cash cow (look at Full Frontal and The Democracy Handbook which I also love). But the Nightly has more soul and a great team that focused on race more than other shows and was a tad more serious and challenged the norm (like Wilmore's speech at the WHCD) which ultimately lead to its demise (which I believe is a very short-sighted decision by CC).

I'm sure Yard, Albenese, Walker, Veles, Ramsey, Parra, Carlos, and Wilmore along with the Trump character and Felonious Munk will get jobs very easily after demonstrating the huge talent they are.
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Awkward, irritating and one-dimensional
spacewars25 September 2015
I really, _really_ wanted to like this show, as a longtime TDS/Colbert viewer who generally enjoyed Wilmore as the TDS "Chief Black Correspondent". I think at this point it's fair to say I've given Wilmore's show more than a fair shot, but here's the problem: He just doesn't have today's mandatory combination of comedic brilliance, broad-based political gravitas and plain old charisma to pull off a show of his own in this genre. Granted, the Stewart/Colbert/Maher/Oliver axis have set the bar for this kind of host extremely high. However, the fact remains that Wilmore was a poor choice to fill Colbert's old time slot, as he simply isn't broadly-based or, well, funny enough to carry it off. This fundamental weakness is exacerbated by the fact that his writers and panel guests (who are all too often the same people) range from tiresome to downright terrible, and the sameness of the show's content ("Black issues! Finally, we're getting a vehicle with which to give them the attention they deserve!") is so oppressively (sorry) relentless, day in and day out, that the end result is unwatchable. At least in its current incarnation, this is essentially a predictable, one-note show, hosted by a guy who, while clearly a talented writer, just doesn't have enough scope to fill the suit here. I really wish he was better at what he's trying to do than he is, because the truth is, we could really do with the perspective of a truly sophisticated black comedian/writer who genuinely is in the same talent stratum as Stewart/Colbert/Maher/Oliver; it would be refreshing and necessary. Trouble is, Wilmore ain't that guy. Now, I've seen some people jump in here in a very reactionary way, complaining about the torrent of negative reviews, with the basic thesis of "stop criticizing Larry, it's early days, give him time! Look how Stewart was in the beginning!" Sorry kids, but this doesn't hold water. Stewart was indeed a bit awkward at the start, but the evidence of his brilliance and sharp intellect was there from the beginning, despite the ill-fitting suits. Wilmore, however, has far more fundamental deficiencies, and sadly, they're of the sort that can't be fixed with superficial mid-season tweaks.
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Great host, panel section needs work.
timoteoryan11 March 2015
It's amazing that, after 200 years of political, economic and social dominance, white people in America will take to the internet in droves to complain about feeling excluded by a TV show. I didn't know how Larry Wilmore would be as a host after watching him as a correspondent on the daily show. They're two very different tasks. His introductory monologues are great and delivery of the news is often funnier than Colbert, Oliver or Stewart. His panels don't work for me but... I often turn off shows when the interview/panel sections come on so I won't hold that against him. I sincerely hope that Comedy Central doesn't let the ignorant part of its audience take this show off the air. It seems like white people can only handle black hosts when black folks make fun of black folks (however smart the commentary is, IE Chappelle/Key & Peele), on a daytime talk show or on game shows past their prime. Real talk regarding real issues is hard, even when it's funny. We'll come around to things, it will just take brave networks doing the right thing for a while.
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Waste of a good time slot
eman970719 February 2015
This show is not even remotely close to the quality of The Daily Show and Colbert Report. Nobody wants to hear Wilmore whine for thirty minutes about whatever controversial issue needs fixing. I have watched the show three times, never even cracking a smile once. This is on comedy central, but there is little to no comedy. Any other show would be better for this time slot, such as Jeselnik or just South Park reruns. I don't want to be laying in bed at 11:30 and learn about racial injustice; I want to laugh and to be entertained, and this show fails miserably at it. I don't see this show lasting much longer. The time slot could be put to a much better use.
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Remarkably Relevant
dnmjr2 February 2015
This may not hold much appeal for those who live in an exclusively white environment, because Wilmore's refreshingly broad perspectives go beyond the suburbs. I envision an international and cross-cultural audience.

It's like a bigger Maher show.

Minorities and indigenous peoples often have to learn the cultural bilingualism that whites can't notice. Just as whites are afflicted with a sense of superiority when hearing a person speak with a hispanic-type of accent, they sometimes imagine that their perceived representatives hold the title to political humor/satire.
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NOT a suitable replacement for the Colbert report.. expresses some extremist views and vilifies whites.
choppinhard8 July 2015
I have been a long time fan of the daily show and Colbert report, and I wanted so badly to enjoy the nightly show, but it is just bad. The show isn't funny, and is incredibly biased. Larry isn't so bad but his "comedian" round table guests are unwatchable and some have expressed some extremist views that I found unacceptable. I can't remember his name but there is one particular guest who is on the show quite often who has said some disgusting uninformed statements. There has also been a few religious leaders on to spew their rhetoric. My biggest issue with this show by far though, is the vilifying of white Americans..and I'm not some southern redneck I am an all American far left open minded liberal, and I cringe at some of the views expressed towards white people on this show. I'd say you gave it a good shot, but this show isn't working, and it's time for a replacement.
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Awful awful awful....
treydrier8 August 2015
Could this show be any worse? What bothers me more than even the complete boredom is that Comedy Central picked a clear racist to host a once great show. I enjoyed Stephen Colbert and Jon Steward. They brought biased humor but it was almost always poking fun at a serious subject or showing how absurd Americans can be (the NFL and deflategate were ROTF funny).

Now we are being subjected to race baiting and hatred. Why? Is it political correctness CC is now after? Or have they run out of talent?

Comedy Central here's a clue: We want humor and Larry is NOT funny. I have tried to watch this show several times. Each time I think to myself "this can't be the REAL replacement for SC. It has to be temporary." Here's to hoping its temporary.
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Nightly Show does decent job of filling big shoes
conchuirbrown6 June 2016
When Colbert left the Report, Comedy Central was left with a series of big decisions to make. The Report had taken a certain kind of political satire pioneered by The Daily Show and given it a clever twist, in doing so gaining a good following and appealing to a fairly broad demographic for CC. It would have been a mistake for the network and show creators to try for something too similar to either the Daily Show or Colbert. Neither does The Nightly Show veer too far from the style of humor on those shows, but its new format with multiple guest panel members and greater focus on social issues outside of electoral politics is refreshing and entertaining. I'm not a liberal and have found certain positions taken on all three aforementioned shows obnoxious at times, but I don't need to watch my views being echoed on a political satire show to enjoy it. Unsurprisingly, the fact that the Nightly Show has frequently featured multiracial panels and delves into racism on an arguably deeper level than Colbert or Stewart generally did upsets, bores, or just doesn't sit comfortably with Comedy Central's core audience of young white bros. Hopefully given some time for the show to develop a more comfortable dynamic between audience, writes, guests, contributors, and Wilmore and find its audience, ratings and viewership will improve and the Nightly Show will have a long streak on CC.
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They should be showing Colbert re-runs in this time-slot.
jgkinoz14 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I assume that Nightly is filmed in the same studio the Report was. You can hear the audience chanting the name of the presenter at the beginning of many episodes; as they did with Colbert. Larry looks rightly uncomfortable with this. He has done nothing to deserve the level adulation and applause he is getting in the months the show has now been on.

This time slot has been reduced to what I think was always intended; a presenter from a different ethnic group promoting exactly the same opinions as Stewart.It would have been better if this was just a panel show.

Larry has, for several weeks now, had many golden opportunities to discuss, with some excellent guests, some serious topics and be a positive force in the world or at least make entertaining TV. The producers have squandered every opportunity do this. When covering the news or during the round-table they do there best prevent any reasonable discourse taking place. The NIGHTLY SHOW CONTRIBUTORS are the worst thing about the show. You don't know them, they are unlikeable and their only contribution is to shout about how selfish they are.

Larry and the NIGHTLY SHOW CONTRIBUTORS succeed in bringing everything down to a crude and stupid level that makes the audience boo and groan. Larry seems to love this. He seems very happy to just giggles away at the failure. He has often used a term: "KEEP IT 100" to appeal to the audience to accept ignorant or hateful race-baiting. "We're KEEPING IT 100" he says: encouraging the audience to cheer in support for disgraceful statements because they are honest. I expect a lot more exploitative confusing slogans to be promoted on this show to manipulate audience behaviour.

The show has a schizophrenic tone. Larry often seems to be telling the audience what to do or not do. He seems bored most of the time and then gets very excited at odd things.

Recently Larry was doing dares based on the outcome of sporting events. It was unclear to me if there was any reason he was doing this, I don't remember him mentioning a charity. As an outcome of this arbitary challenge to himself he announced he would be hosting the show in spandex. He was so happy, he couldn't stop giggling. He told the audience as they cheered "No No. I don't want to do this. This isn't good. So I want all of you post pictures of yourselves in spandex with the #spandexsolidarity.". So you don't like it but you want us all to do it. Larry you are bat**** crazy, and not in a good way. I saw the beginning of the spandex show and I've never seen Larry happier or more animated. So clearly he is a liar and I hope to never watch his show again.

Colbert had built up a fantastically loyal viewer base for this time slot. It should have gone to the character P.K. WINSOME from The Colbert Report played by Tim Meadows. There are few satirists and Colbert proved it is a very popular format. A satirical show would clearly have been much more entertaining and successful. Tim Meadows has already been, by far, the funniest thing to appear on the Nightly show.

IN SHORT: This show is Jon Stewart's egomaniacal Part 2 of a 1 hour long 'The Daily Show'. Larry Wilmore is a feckin disgrace. When this TRAIN WRECK is over maybe someone could give the time slot to Tim Meadows.

Thank you Colbert for making a great show for 9 years. They should be showing Colbert re-runs in this time-slot. It would be cheaper and much better than this.
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Larry Wilmore gets better with every show!
fiercejoy4 May 2015
Whuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut???????? Giving Larry Wilmore poor ratings? Oh come on people! This man is brilliant and getting better with every show. Give it more time and don't expect to see the same "demographics" of other shows formerly in this time slot. Does he talk a lot about black issues? Hmm...I wonder why? And is this not a GOOD THING???? It is about time. As an old white broad, I do not feel left out. I feel that my genuine and deep concern of the issues presented are finally put out into the light---I cry, I laugh---and more, I see that I am not alone. What happened to the idea that "The Oppression of One is the Oppression of ALL?" That old protest refrain has never been more timely. And I, for one, can barely wrap my brain around daily news without the brilliance of logic, humor, compassion and courage that this show presents every night. Please keep this show going and if you like it--write a review and tell others. Larry, Larry, Larry!!!!!!! I am one loyal and grateful follower.Thank you!
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Come on now...
brandon-h072629 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
When I first started watching the show, I had a terrible feeling about it. To this day, my opinion hasn't changed. Now, don't get me wrong, Larry Wilmore is not not funny (if that makes sense). There are moments during the show that make me step back and say, "wow that was pretty funny!" HOWEVER, for a talk show that is supposed to take the place of the Colbert Report, it fails utterly. The Nightly Show is a disgrace to satirical comedy. The host has the tendency to give the people what we want, instead of what we need to hear. "I voted for Obama because he's black" is definitely one of the most cringeworthy statements I have heard so far on the show. Wilmore also labeled Bill Cosby as a serial rapist (which he most likely is) without truly analyzing the facts of the case. How can anyone say with 100% certainty that ALL the women accusing Cosby of rape are telling the truth without analyzing the facts of the case? The Nightly Show seems to beg for views by appealing to the general public, rather than educating the general public like a true satirical comedy show would (aka Daily Show and Colbert Report). With that being said, no one can deny the production value of show; it's only a matter of time before the producers realize their time and money is going down the drain.
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Keeping it 100! Love the show! Larry Wilmore is awesome!
sara252020 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Love the intro! Love the set! Love the honesty! Love Larry Wilmore! I am so happy Larry Wilmore has finally gotten his own show. Much deserved! He was always one of my favorite correspondent on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. I love the format and that is similar to Bill Maher's hit show, Politically Incorrect from the late nineties and early 2000s. What I love about The Nightly Show is the honesty and Wilmore asks his guests to keep it real too. It is so refreshing when someone is having a funny but honest discussion on the serious issues that is going on in the world today. You laugh but at the same time you learn. Anyone who doesn't want a real discussion about the things going on the world, then they are not going to like this show. But those who want an honest, refreshing discussion, then they are going to love it. This show started off strong. If you like other Keeping It Real shows like Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher, The Jon Oliver Show, Real Time with Bill Maher,and the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, then you are going to enjoy the Nightly Show.
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