5 Reviews
Wasn't Voldemort from Albania?
tmattson7514 December 2018
Wasn't Voldemort from Albania in the Harry Potter novels?

I believe Voldemort spent half his life there.
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Boring, self indulgent rubbish!
Dill_Doe4 February 2018
According to this "Documentary" Albania is a fantasy land of milk and honey with an abundance of everything! In this magical utopia the people are deliriously happy and content. They spend their days singing, dancing, drinking and eating all day... Wow! Miss Dushku also finds time in her hectic schedule of self indulgence for an "impromptu" photo shoot in a bikini. Very cultural indeed!! More like shameless narcissisim and self promotion mixed with historical inaccuracies and political propaganda! Nowhere does this D grade Hollywood has-been talk about the serious inequalities, poverty, corruption, crime, ethnic tensions or fleeing refugees.

Its easy to see and find the beauty in everything when you're a dumb and pretentious celebrity with lots money, VIP connections and an entourage of butt kissers.
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Make a movie about your mother (... tu nonen)
Karl Self15 August 2017
It would seem that few are less suited for making an intriguing documentary about an entire country and an entire people than a US-American actress who is shooting a docu pic on her first voyage there whilst trying to "rediscover her roots" on her "Albanian pilgrimage". Albania is a fascinating country, but anyone who has ever been to Durres would be hard pressed to call its beaches "untouched by tourism". And if you're describing the kanun as "vigilante justice", it just means that ou have a lot to learn. And you may end up regurgitating trite fluff about Albania being one of the "oldest Western civilisations". Portraying an entire country, it turns out, is no trivial task.

PS: And I've never before heard Prishtina described as "vibrant".
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Being proud of your roots is decent, showing it to the world makes you a class act, Miss Dushku!
abas-508928 January 2018
First of all this isn't a movie as a previous reviewer sees it, it is a documentary about Albania and Albanians. Surely it is to not everyone's taste and knowing Balcans it could possibly offend someone here or there however let us not take away the fact that it is a historic journey covering the main corners where today's Albanians live, looking and feeling the old traditions and traits of this pretty unique place. And you can clearly see the connection that Eliza feels throughout the documentary with her parents and grandparents past and her own present. Now, it is not an easy task to encapsulate the true Albania, its incredible landscape in just over an hour documentary but she makes a pretty good attempt at it. All topics covered are factual and historical and this documentary gives the viewer an insight to this mysterious hidden jewel of Europe. Great work Eliza!
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Complete Trash!!
nthbeach29 November 2019
Mind numbingly boring and painfully self indulgent! This movie tells you nothing! Nothing about the history, culture, people or the region!...but we do get a bikini photo shoot!!
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