5 Reviews
I'm all in favor of supporting new talent...but...
greggedits3 October 2022
I admit I am Only 14 episodes in (at 3 min each). And hey I get it, people put time into these...I assume very new at filmmaking people. Some nice sets, fx, lighting etc totally wasted on bad stories. Feels like a 24 hour filmmaking contest to be honest. As I watch these I keep feeling like some stricture was put upon the filmmakers. Something that kept them from fulfilling their ideas/dreams. This level of consistent mediocrity can't be a coincidence. I speak as someone who has worked in tv and glum production for over 40 years...I know production difficulties and budget restraints...this ain't that.

Story first, always story first.

Oh episode 15 was clever and scary...let's hood for a better ratio as time goes on.
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Hauntingly thrilling
natalieruxton2 November 2022
Hard to believe that so much suspense can be packed into such a short amount of time but that's absolutely the case in this thrilling short film. Conscian dives deep into the human psyche and makes the viewers look into their own history to accept the realities of this film. Well executed, great cinematography. The quick flashes of history coupled with the sudden understanding of acknowledging the past to move on with the future hauntingly hits a chord in this suspenseful film. I'm excited to see more content made from this director as he develops his unique style and genre in horror. Great job, Conscian!
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If this was meant to be scary.....
highflier87-343-1139142 October 2022
The majority of these episodes, that I've seen so far, are just bad. Some are funny. Some are just cornet. Some are a bit creepy. Some are just dumb. Then a few are like really bad commercials. Like the snickers or skittle episodes. I was expecting those episodes to end with an announcer. But if these episode were meant to be scary, they're far from it. When I started watching these I was hoping for something a bit more scary. I've been left disappointed. I'm going to continue watching because they're short enough and I hope I'll come across one that's actually more scary than creep. But if you're looking for scary, pass.
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The first two seasons I enjoyed, the third is garbage
pagemaster726 October 2022
I enjoyed the first two seasons for the most part, it was of course hit and miss but the shorts were usually fun. I watched the first 3 episodes of the third season, and they don't seem to be trying to entertain, it has turned into a contest on who can be the most politically ridiculous. I'm not over sensitive to political messages, but when they are this obvious not to mention ridiculous it's no longer something I will watch. Political idiocy aside it's really lazy writing, and neither scary or remotely entertaining. It really is a shame besides the rating issue which I would guess would go into steep decline there probably are allot of good young horror writers and filmmakers that could have used a shot.
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Waste of time
cox_jade2 November 2022
This was.... spectacularly disappointing. Honestly, I wish I could give it zero stars. Your time would be better spent fist fighting a feral cat. I understand completely what they were trying to accomplish with this series, because it has been done before. Only it was done much better then. This is just a pathetic rewrite of previous shows with the same concept, but they try to make it even shorter in these ones to save even more money. What were they thinking when they greenlit this?? I have heard better storytelling in the exact same short span of time from homeless tweaker crack addicts, but at least that has more originality, authenticity and creativity than this show. This is pointless and worthless. Thanks for nothing Netflix.
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