166 Reviews
Massive Disappointment
AngelHonesty17 September 2023
I had a hard time sitting through the entire movie. It was that bad. Almost cringe worthy. I loved the original, it's one of my favorites. So after watching part three I was greatly let down.

Even though it's the original cast there was no heart in the film. Everyone felt like strangers. There was no connection. They tried to make it funny but it felt forced and scripted. The music did not help either, it was out of place. Everything about the movie felt empty. The lines really didn't help.

For being in the home country there wasn't enough drama or loudness. And I think that was because there wasn't enough people. Having a dead town did not help. The plot was thin and there really wasn't much to the movie. The one wedding that they did have, I didn't feel much for the couple, didn't really know them or care about them. I honestly thought for a moment there they were going to have a lesbian couple with the vibes they were giving off, but that turned out to be nothing. Which again was confusing.

They had the wrong actress for the daughter. She felt like a complete stranger. Nothing about her was likeable or relatable. And the drama of her love life feels so empty. And almost confusing. To the point where I am asking what is this?
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Kind of a disappointment
barbett-121 September 2023
I enjoyed the first two movies in this trilogy(?) very much, but My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 really fell flat. It seemed like a series of meaningless little events padding a rather weak premise of Toula following her father's dying wish to bring his journal to his childhood buddies in Greece. Of course, locating his dispersed chums is difficult and creates the central theme of the story. Thrown in are some poorly developed new characters including a dopey "mayor", a menacing old woman and a previously unknown relative. Also, a contrived romance between a Greek boy and a Syrian girl is shoehorned in to supply the prerequisite "Greek Wedding". There are very few laughs and a fair amount of implausability in this messy Greek salad. If you're a fan of the previous two movies, I'd advise you to wait till it comes out on video and save yourself some money.
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The third time is not a charm
steviegjd9 September 2023
I loved the first Greek Wedding movie. It was charming and poignant and had universal. "annoying family" appeal. The second movie was not nearly as good, though it was interesting to see what happened and it was nice to revisit the charming characters. That latter attribute is the only good part on the third installment.

Seeing the characters is pleasant. The story is contrived and much of the dialogue is silly. The conflicts all seem forced and fake. Some of the gags are humorous. Andrea Martin is still great. Many of the shots are poorly conceived. The beauty of the Greek isles is nice to see. But it feels a little like BFGW1 crossed with her Greek tour leader comedy "My Life in Ruins", but both of those movies are better.

I like Nia Vardolos.. I just didn't like this. Movie much.
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So bad I created an account to write this review
koraneman5 October 2023
If you read reviews to determine whether or not to go view a movie, I am here to tell you DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME or MONEY!! I don't even know where to begin. It was a disaster from beginning to end. It actually made me cringe.

The movie was filled with aimless sentimental moments whose placement in the film didn't even make sense. I only laughed twice and both times were at the still funny, and fan favorite Aunt. For her only I rate this film a 2.

We met some new family in the film and then barely even got to know them before they were having huge sentimental moments so we couldn't even be happy for them because we didn't have a chance to develop feelings for the characters.

If you love this franchise like I do, skip this 3rd installment, grab the popcorn and have a ball watching MBFGW 1 and 2 instead.
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Fun movie with tender moments and great scenery
macintex-1305812 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have read all the reviews about 'thin plot' and 'thin acting' - come on critics, get over yourselves!!! As far as I'm concerned, I go to movies to be entertained - and with this movie, I was thoroughly entertained. Yes, there were some 'thin' moments, but overall I found it charming.

So many people can relate to an aging parent going through memory loss; the dying wishes of a family member; a child flunking out because they party too much the 1st year away; learning late in life about dark secrets of the past. I think all of these things were handled in the movie with great respect. I think the director and actors did a great job in portraying these life situations.

In the audience, I saw smiles, I heard hearty laughter and I saw teary eyes - the true meter of movie entertainment.
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A nightmare to watch
joeynos27 September 2023
One of the worst supposed comedies I've had to endure in quite a while. The humor was non existent to begin with. How could the people responsible for this train wreck not look to the successful formula utilized in the first 2 in the franchise? The script, editing , storyline and acting were deplorable. The only element worth stomaching was the cinematography which was amateur, at best. I really wanted this movie to work. I was amazed at how poorly thought out this movie was plotted. The budget was sizable enough as was the cast size welcoming back virtually everyone from the last 2 movies. Real shame.
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Just as Expected... Great Fun
northernelf10 September 2023
This film was a lot of fun to watch. It wonderfully kept true to the spirit of the other two films....if you liked them you will enjoy this one! Ignore the naysayers unless your looking for a serious, realistic movie, this certainly is not that and never pretended to be.

Most of the same great characters return - such a great cast - and there are a few new ones. Unlike the prequels this one actually takes place on Greece. It's a mostly happy film with a little nostalgia thrown in. Crazy, cheesy, and funny. Not to be taken too seriously - it's cute and really makes me want to go to Greece.

What's not to like, it's a rom com - a rom com with heart.
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If there is a 3 hours director's cut, it might be decent
kirtland18369 September 2023
This film might be with worst piece of editing ever, no really, it could be that bad. There were a lot of story lines and a lot of subplots. But it really felt as though someone was given an ultimatum to make the move 92 minutes no matter what, but they also did not want to cut any subplots, running gags, scenery or anything. So the film felt like a frenetic mess. It can be hard enough to make a comedy like this that also has it's poignant moments. But every scene seemed so rushed that the funny moments never had time to hit and felt so rushed it was not funny. And anything that might have been poignant did not have time to sink in. I even felt like in one scene they referenced something from a previous scene that I think was cut in editing. Or maybe it just happened so fast I missed it... It felt like it was edited by a 12 year old for a tiktok channel. I think there was a lot to work with in the film, which makes the disaster all that much sadder. I think there might have been a decent movie here had they slowed down and let the story develop and unfold. Too bad. 3/10.
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An easy pleasure,
ccarriere-4304413 September 2023
This was my first Greek weeding movie of this now trilogy. It was entertaining. Predictable of course. Funny par moments. What a great cinematography, the view of the sceneries are wonderful, since the pandemic it became a way to revisit places that I have been. See the evolution, constructions, improvement or not...in this case what a difference with the view recently in the news with the wild fire in Greece. Movies like that have lots of moments of make believe ...this one was just nice amount. Happy ending guarantied. It makes me want to see the others 2...probably available = movies on demand.
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A terrible propaganda movie for tourists
opgdak7 October 2023
Extremely bad script writing. If you were to insert yourself into the film directly, you would look at the people speaking and say to them "what's wrong with you? No one speaks or behaves like that."

The acting and the plot is very cringe-worthy.

The film is designed for the tourism industry. All smiles and a glorious fantasy world that does not exist.

Cheesy modern Greek pop songs are played in the movie that are not really popular at all among real Greek citizens.

The film does not reflect what is going on in Greece in modern times with the collapse of the Greek society and our landscapes being ravaged with climate change. Clearly, a perfectly designed veil is installed to make the Americans feel good. As a Greek, this is painful to watch, and is really an insult.

There are other ways to make a funny comedy based on the humor of the original, but this one involves the worst script writers that you can find. Comedic timing is pitiful. If Nia Vardalos thinks that this is a good film, then she is truly blind sighted. This is mostly a "hey, let's get the remaining gang back together and get a pay day with a new film since we've run out of money in our personal bank accounts."
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Is just a fun movie to relax
navarrodama8 January 2024
I love Greek culture and people. They are fun, loud, they enjoy food and music and that's what this movie has. I read some reviews before watching the movie and expected nothing other than disappointment but I'm glad I decided to watch it. The first movie is original. The second shows us what many sons and daughters from immigrants go through by learning their parent's culture and customs while mixing it with their own American one. This third one is just a closure and is in memory of the late actor. I think is a dream of many immigrants wanting to return to their homeland to be buried. The movie is silly, and should be enjoyed as that, just a silly and fun movie to relax and enjoy.
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Fun, Adorable, but Disjointed. But worth the watch.
leo-pacheco9 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I had really high expectations for #3, after the stellar job of the first two. And although this one is definitely worth seeing, has a feel-good, familiar message, it's a bit disjointed, seems rushed, and isn't as well written or comical as the first two. Noticeably absent is the patriarch of the family, Gus, and honorably so after his death in real life. And Maria is barely in the film. Also missing, and presumed dead, is Ya-Ya (the crazy grandmother) who is never mentioned. Other cast members, including the countless cousins, are all missing or only play a small cameo in the beginning. And there are new characters that are not quite as intriguing. The lines are not as well written or performed either. It seems the actors were doing their best with the script, but it was disjointed and didn't flow well. However, aside from the obviously noticeable faults, this film takes a turn from focusing on weddings (as in its predecessors), and focusing on fulfilling their father's dying wish to visit Greece. What ensues is the typical insanity of chaos and comical escapades of the Portokolis (SP?) family - or at least a smaller portion of them - as they hunt for three childhood friends of their father. I would say overall this is worth the watch, but just don't expect the same style or quality as the previous films. This film is more somber, yet still filled with some surprises no expected. So, go! Enjoy! And take the family.
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Dead on Arrival
TheFearmakers9 September 2023
There's a point in MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING 3 when, actually set in Greece this time... and right before a stranger's wedding... Nia Vardalos and John Corbett look at each other and realize, they need a vacation... together... away from everyone else...

Which might be the first time two main characters wanted out of their very own motion picture... and that's because they have very little to do with anything other than being parents of a college girl who's failing WHILE being pushed to date a mediocre dimwit college dude: neither interesting enough to be in a movie unless it was SUPPOSED to be about other people...

And some of those people are also from the original... a romantic comedy that not only had an actual plot, but some tension and, what needs to happen in this particular comedy genre, an actual problem to resolve...

Which is completely missing here, and watching this bad sequel of a bad sequel... after a string of dead-end goofy-aunt jokes, cliche stereotypes, and some of the most awkward moments in cinema history... you too will need a vacation, and it's not even your movie.
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As Bad as the Photoshop on the Movie Poster
emmasterson9612 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously do not waste your money seeing this in theaters. The jokes fall flat, the plot is extremely weak, and the editing is so uncomfortable.

Unfortunately, Nia Vardalos is one of the worst actors in this movie, and relying on better character actors like Andrea Martin does not save this film.

The climax where the reunion mixes with the wedding doesn't really make any sense and falls flat. Even the quest of getting her father's journal to his childhood friends seems so random, as if Nia just picked a random object from her father. There was no explanation even given to the friends as to why her father wanted them to have this journal. You can't even chalk it up to there being some magical, unspoken understanding. It's just an awkward moment,

Sad that the original movie is such a classic, and the sequels have been so terrible.
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redsunflowers-930408 September 2023
How are people making reviews on a movie, the day before it was released? 🤔 It's like people making a bad review on a restaurant that hasn't opened yet. Do people not realize that people check?

I personally enjoy these movies. Family friendly movies rare now unless it's animated. Families need more things to watch together that isn't animated or cheesy characters in weird costumes.

If you weren't a fan of the other 2 movies, you probably won't like this one. If you like her work, you probably will. Just like any other sequel or remake, go in with an open mind and no expectations. You might be pleasantly surprised.
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The Heart Is There, But The Quality Is Rushed
rgkarim9 September 2023

The Quirkiness At Times: -You know this movie is about the annoying levels of family and those members that push the drama and the pressure.

-Installment three keeps that trend going strong and I loved those moments that just time it perfectly and the relatable antics that I saw.

-It's an anchor for the fanbase, and the characters are still the characters that you loved and got invested in and If you like that, then this movie scores points for the bigger fans.

The Acting: -It's the same fun and fan favorite acting to bring the charm of this type of familial bond that we've had for the last two movies.

-Mandylor is that same cheesy fun, that you either love or hate in this overdramatic flair that he has going for him. It brings a little bit of light and love, despite how forced it feels.

-Corbett is fine and that same level of charm and class that I've liked about him. He's that calm counter to the chaotic Greek lifestyle and I quite enjoy that element when its worked in.

-And Vardalos is still the only character of most of the bunch evolving. She's got the familiarity, but some changes, the concern and same nervous tensions, but yet doing better.

-The family still feels like that messed up family, and the rest of the cast reprises the roles weaned makes it just enjoyable if you know that type of family.

-And the new cast fits well, at least some of them, to really add that sparkle and go toe to toe with the family's extreme personalities.

The New Characters: -There are about 5 new characters really added in and they kind of work and kind of don't work depending on what you are looking for in a character.

-Aristotle is fun, down to Earth and a pretty boy that works on so many levels for the family and the young ward Paris to help give her a bridge to another arc.

-Victory, an eccentric distant cousin is that representative card with fun energy and some level of awkward initiation that serves as a bridging character for every arc, despite how much they can be.

-Alexandra is my favorite character. The most fitting of the bunch, she holds this old world charm that is a little bit of the replacement of Gus without completely taking his place or trying to be him. She was wonderful, added some of the best lines, and brought that attitude that embodies this franchise.

-Peter is fine, lots of potential that is somewhat there and somewhat not, there is strength and there is that fighting spirit that serves as again the proud Greek tradition.

-And the newlywed couple, though two characters, are really more of a character group that are more together than apart, and they are cute, fun, and serve the other part of the Greek family friendly plot elements that are for the mushy-hearted.

The Familiarity -The jokes are the same as the other two installments, over the top, in your face and the stereotypes that this movie is loaded to the nines with in splendor.

-It makes it fun, friendly and that break out of reality and very heavy plots that streaming is saturated with, and that's sometimes okay to have to get away from such big drenched films.

-And the fact it caters to a lot of potential groups because of that relatable factor helps again make this just a group family film that is familiar waters on many good accounts, especially during those very comedic moments that were time so well.

The Music: -My favorite aspect, part 3 is loaded with so many wonderful tracks that I found there to be an element of storytelling in of itself.

-The techno tracks are upbeat, fun, high energy, adding that spirit of adventure and elation felt in the shots of the movie and the cast.

-The alternative rock and rock moments are filled with that Greek beauty, part smooth, part powerful, part on fire, and part flowing water that helps just culminate in these goal focused objectives and beautiful celebrations.

-And of course the poetic prose of the power ballads and sonnets act as the sadder moment personifications that hold so much power to bring you down.

The Scenery: -It's Greece! It's beautiful, and it holds so much cultural forte that it's hard to really hate on the setting they chose.

-The homeland is a great playground that holds as many story elements as the characters themselves. Designs that are simple, but tributes to craftmanship and strength.

-And the fact one can find themselves in a similar setting that stirs memories, or perhaps stimulating to go on a trip, you can't be upset when the setting you are shooting on can do that.


The Stale Tactics: -Sometimes the jokes work, and sometimes they don't. For me, some of the jokes really were perfect in execution and timing.

-And sometimes, it was too much, too staged, and too forced to be funny too me. A third installment doing no favor to make it fresh and exciting.

-Plus, some of the other dislikes amplify this staleness and without having that same quality of the movie being put together... the movie is just kind of failing to keep the same song and at number worth coming back for fans like me.

The New Characters Are Inconsistent: -I told you before that they each had a piece of that spirit of Greek Wedding, but sadly they didn't all quite deliver the full majesty that the other older characters did.

-The young couple is cute, serves as a metaphor, and helps symbolize much of the secrets, but they lack the full personality and feel just a cute and minor card that all movies seem to have to play to a lackluster level.

-Peter's involvement is minimalistic as well, boring even at times, with quick solutions and acceptance that belays the very nature of the family, but though charming is just sad at how much more he could.

-Victory is fun, and probably the best utilized character, but optimism only takes you so far before it gets buried to very rushed plots, the political card, and the lack of any real obstacles to help overcome. A shame given again the potential she held.

-Aristotle works and feels the most complete, but even he just needs time and more elements to be better.

-My favorite character even needed more time. Her comedy the only thing that had full development, while other elements felt rushed.

Too Many Characters: -The second movie showed the expanding family and helped try to get the generations to mix in Paris' life.

-This movie, though supposedly only a year based on the plot element, feels completely different and the characters seem a bit of a mess and inconsistent in growth or changes. Maybe I need to revisit the movie, but so many things happen and yet I get the flyby.

-Even the third act's beginning tries to shove more in, and as fun, simple, and a nod it is, it does nothing to elevate their inclusion but a hasty to the story with some laughs for me.

-Thus, with more and more characters added, shoved in, and trying to balance... the dancing Zorbas don't quite dance as well as I had hoped for this performance.

The Story is Everywhere and Quite Sad At Times -Life isn't always happiness, and this movie shows us that there are dark times in lives and how to get through it with the help of friends and family. That's cool. It's just the sadness weighs heavily at times and becomes too much focus on the movie.

-The story thought suffers with trying to do a lot in a short amount of time. There is the plot of the synopsis, which is always there, but never really developed and integrated like the other movies have done.

-The subplots are touching and relative, trying to weave themselves into a tapestry that will work, and parts of those threads connect quite well at times, but the overall inclusion is fast, repetitive, and resolved in no time flat.

-Impasses get settled with the snap of a finger, characters are hastily shown getting everything done so quickly, and the whole conversation, development, and conflict are boring n their execution.

-The result is a very hodge-podge mess, sewn together tale that might be enjoyable, but is weaker and lax compared to the original plots.

-Throw in predictability and again you are set for a movie that appeals to the extreme fans, but might be turned away.


Overall, the third dive into the family's affairs is an okay film. It's a movie that sticks to the core traditions of family and the facets of life it can help you out with. Our favorite bunch of Greeks are still proud, boastful, fun, but caring and good hearted, meaning you are going to get a lot of high octane moral goodness in your one sitting. The trip the homeland offers beautiful sights, sounds, and magic, with a cast of characters both old and new that show promise and have their moments. It's a fun and friendly movie, offering a light hearted relief to the heavier handed and invested plots, and all while giving you familiarity and modern levels that aren't the most die-hard like today. Yet, the other reviewers are correct in the fact that this movie feels hastily put together and trying to squeeze money out of a story that is kind of needing a series at this point. With all the new characters, the story is too quickly solved and the conflict very minimal, with no one person having a really endearing story like the previous. The jokes are there, but so shotgunned that it's stale, tiresome, and a bit too quirky, alongside the fact that the very essence of the movie is just missing. It's a very mashed together story, and while again enjoyable, mind relieving and cute, it just doesn't fill as much as our dinners with the group did in the past. Thus, this movie is recommended to be watched at home for the ideal buck.

My scores are:

Comedy/Drama/Romance: 6.0-6.5 Movie Overall: 5.0.
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They Should Have Stopped at 2
nicolesammut15 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I feel that the 3rd instalment was all over the place and I wished that I had of not seen it. It was more like a personal walk down a memory lane for a particular family than a movie.. and yet another excuse for a film crew to zip off to Europe to film a movie in a beautiful location. I did not understand or get the whole 'gender specific' person that was the cousin on the island??? And sadly, it was very obvious how the film was going to go. The other two films were very funny and even thought some jokes were repeated..this one sadly missed the mark for me and I did not laugh at all. None the less, the scenery was amazing and yes, I wished that I was in Greece with everyone else right now.
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Lovable but disjointed
HOLYDIVER5758 September 2023
The movie has heart. The movie shows love that a family should have for one another. But boy this film is uneven. The story thread is a flimsy tapestry with a series of light hearted moments and gags. I just returned from a vacation to Greece. My heart was in this film. I loved the last two movies but the third film needed more time in the writer's room to ensure a nice, steady flow of jokes and heartfelt moments and solid dialogue. The performances were meh. Loved the addition of more Greek music to set the mood of Greek living. It was a nice love letter to the actor who played the father's passing but we need more than schmaltz to keep a movie on point.
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As shallow as it gets
givanov-2226319 September 2023
This movie encapsulates everything wrong with Hollywood in recent years and more. There is absolutely 0 character development; all characters are one-dimensional and predictable from the first minute. The storyline is even more predictable and to top it all off it was coupled with terrible acting. Of course there are the occasional political statements randomly injected in the movie to make sure everyone is inline with Hollywood's groupthink. The only thing that makes the movie anything close to comedy is that it is so cringe that it makes you laugh at times. But believe me, when I say cringe, I mean it. Even the usually uplifting Greek music was somehow made cringe in the movie. 100% don't recommend

I saw the name Tom Hanks mentioned as executive producer so I will turn to him: Tom, please, don't ever do this to us again...
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Little bit of the same as previous films but new setting.
cruise0110 September 2023
3 out of 5 stars.

My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 is a fair romantic comedy film that brings back the family with time changing and aging every one. Which the family travel to Greece to visit the fathers hometown and look for his best friends.

Plot is nothing new with the film series. Some characters meet new family members. Some young adults relationships are rekindle. Some evaluate there marriage that they needed more time with each other.

The cast ensemble is back and try to be fun. The humor is a little bit the same as other films. It can be entertaining. It does not offer anything new. Which makes it a okay sequel that is forgettable.
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jhonnyphive9 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you liked the first movie, you probably enjoyed the second one (even though it was completely ridiculous and didn't really justify its existence, but that's a topic for another day). The third one takes a completely different approach. Where the first two are fun and light, this one is darker and more somber, which normally would be fine for a third entry in a trilogy, EXCEPT that the whole point of this series is to be light and fun. There are also some more political things that come up that seem unnecessary. Despite that, the story had potential and I think if a stronger writer/director combo had taken this film, they could've made something that elevated the genre and balanced the darker elements more gracefully. The romance factor wasn't as strong in this one either, with the love story and wedding happening between two random people.
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magaliegiftochristos8 September 2023
I just loved it! Beautiful story, and scenery. The family is back and in style goes to Greece. Lots of laughs, GREAT music. Makes me want to travel ( like everyone else) to Greece. The special moments we need to take as a family.

Everyone is as relatable as the first movies. Greek voodoo is also a funny part of the movie and true.

Traditional Greek superstition, tradition are being portrayed throughout the movies. The circle of life can be tough for people to discuss and live through, maybe this movie can be an opening to talking about their views.

Can't wait for #4, Paris gets married.

A very enjoyable 2 hrs.
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Better than people are rating it
jaguarxks16 February 2024
I'll start by saying that yes, it may not have had the same charm as its predecessors. However, it's still an endearing story that provides some decent closure on a trilogy that spanned over 20 years.

Was it too short?

Were the new characters under developed?

Did everything happen way too fast?

Sure! But it's a freaking movie, we have to be willing to compromise on some things. This probably could have been stretched and sold as a limited series with several terrific storylines and character arcs. I'll give the producers their credit with what limited resources they had. Worth watching once at the very least.
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A sequel nobody asked or needed
DrDarkness2 October 2023
I loved My Big Fat Greek Wedding. When the second movie came out, I thought it was enjoyable enough even if not nearly as good as the first one. But a third movie which nobody was expecting or really even asking for?

Well, it was nice to see most of the original cast together again. We get a starting point for the plot, which is presented a bit hastily, like the director just wanted to tell the viewers "okay this is where we are now, give a quick recap, and now we're ready to rush things forward".

After the beginning, it's like nobody really knows where the story should go. I mean, it gets there eventually, but it's like the movie has its beginning and the end, and the everything in the middle is just random stuff happening and the characters don't seem to have a real connection.

I was practically half-asleep when the movie was finally over, and unlike the first and second films, this didn't leave me feeling much anything. It was just a bunch of stuff happening without any enthusiasm, and there you go.
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A huge disappointment
tanjamiletic24 September 2023
This movie is a perfect example of how you can have great actors and still ruin everything with bad producing and directing. It's unbelievable how bad this movie is, considering they had everything: the actors, the ambiance, the history to continue, and yet it turned into a complete disaster. It makes you realize what a joke Hollywood has become. The 1st and 2nd parts are comical and funny, keeping you on your toes; they were funniest movies ever, especially if you know Greek culture! And this one - a complete disappointment. The actors looked like amateurs, the story, and the flow, nothing was done well. They are jumping from scene to scene without any connection or point. That major in the movie has terrible acting at a beginner level; my son could have acted better. It's just ridiculous how bad the movie is. A huge disappointment and a waste of money. Wait to watch it on Netflix; at least then you can switch to something else.
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