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MPAA - Rated PG-13 for suggestive material and some nudity

Sex & Nudity

  • Nick is talking to his sister on the phone, using FaceTime. He says he's going to take a shower. Next thing Toula sees him naked from the waist up (the counter is covering his frontal area). There is a nude beach scene with a woman laying flat down naked (from the angle, no butt crack or breast are seen), mostly men, are seen naked with something covering their frontal areas. An apron with naked breast is worn twice, once by the Aunt and once by Nic.
  • There is a scene at a nude beach. All characters have their privates covered by various items but you do see bare butts, backs and nearly nude people.

Violence & Gore


  • Only one word (hell) in the whole movie and it is said so vaguely that if you were not listening for it as I was, you wouldn't even know it was said. Otherwise no profanity.
  • 'Jesus' was said twice.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • There is drinking and partying throughout the entire movie.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

See also

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