The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 (2015) Poster

Jennifer Lawrence: Katniss Everdeen



  • [last lines] 

    Katniss Everdeen : [to her baby]  Did you have a nightmare? I have nightmares, too. Someday I'll explain it to you, why they came, why they won't ever go away, but I'll tell you how I survive it. I make a list in my head... of all the good things I've seen someone do. Every little thing I can remember. It's like a game. I do it over and over. Gets a little tedious after all these years, but... there are much worse games to play.

  • Peeta Mellark : You love me. Real or not real?

    Katniss Everdeen : Real.

  • Katniss Everdeen : Stay with me.

    Peeta Mellark : Always.

  • Katniss Everdeen : We all have one enemy, and that's Snow! He corrupts everyone and everything! He turns the best of us against each other. Stop killing for him! Tonight, turn your weapons to the Capitol! Turn your weapons to Snow!

  • Effie Trinket : [embracing Katniss]  Promise me you'll find it.

    Katniss Everdeen : Find what?

    Effie Trinket : The life of a Victor.

  • President Snow : I wanted to tell you how very sorry I am about your sister. So wasteful. So unnecessary. Anyone could see the game was over by that point. In fact I was just about issue an official surrender when they released those parachutes.

    Katniss Everdeen : You released those parachutes.

    President Snow : You really think I gave the order? We both know I'm not above killing children, but I'm not wasteful. I take life for specific reasons, and there was no reason for me to destroy a pen full of Capitol children. None at all.

    [coughs up blood] 

    President Snow : I must concede, it was a masterful move on Coin's part. The idea that I was bombing our own helpless children to hold back the rebels. It turned the last of my guards against me. There was no resistance left inside the Capitol or the mansion. Do you know it aired live? There's a particular savvy in that, isn't there? I'm sure she wasn't gunning for your sister, but... these things happen in war. My failure was in being so slow to grasp Coin's plan. She let the Capitol and the Districts destroy one another, then she stepped in to take power with 13's arsenal. Oh, make no mistake, she intends to take my place now. But... I've been watching you. And you watching me. I'm afraid we've both been played for fools.

    Katniss Everdeen : I don't believe you.

    President Snow : Oh, my dear Miss Everdeen. I thought we'd agreed never to lie to each other.

  • Peeta Mellark : Your favorite color is green. Is that real?

    Katniss Everdeen : Yeah. That's real. Yours is orange. Not bright orange. Soft, like the sunset.

    Peeta Mellark : Thank you.

  • Katniss Everdeen : We can take down the Capitol.

  • Katniss Everdeen : I'm going to kill Snow. Nothing good is safe while he's alive. And I can't make another speech about it. No more cameras. No more propos. No more Games. He needs to see my eyes when I kill him.

    Johanna Mason : Now you're talking.

  • Katniss Everdeen : [as President Snow promises to take care of the refugees until his dying day]  I wish he'd hurry up with that last part.

  • Peeta Mellark : You're still trying to protect me. Real or not real?

    Katniss Everdeen : Real. That's what you and I do. Keep each other alive.

  • Gale Hawthorne : What's goin' on in your head?

    Katniss Everdeen : I don't know.

    Gale Hawthorne : That's like kissin' someone who's drunk. Doesn't count.

  • Gale Hawthorne : I saw Peeta before we left.

    Katniss Everdeen : And what did you think?

    Gale Hawthorne : Something selfish.

    Katniss Everdeen : That you don't have to be jealous of him anymore.

    Gale Hawthorne : No. I don't stand a chance if he doesn't get better. You'll never let him go.

  • Katniss Everdeen : Prim! PRIMROSE!

  • Johanna Mason : Well, there she is. The Mockingjay. Oh, that speech you gave. Oh, man, feel. I mean, still have goosebumps.

    [taking out Katniss' IV] 

    Johanna Mason : You don't mind, do you? They cut off my supply of morphling. There's this head doctor that comes in and sees me every day, trying to help me adjust to reality. Like some guy from this rabbit's warren actually knows anything about my reality. At least twenty times in a session, he tells me that I'm totally safe. Safe from the Capitol. Safe from Snow. What about you, Mockingjay? You feeling totally safe?

    Katniss Everdeen : 'Till I got shot.

    Johanna Mason : Oh, please. The bullet didn't even touch you. Cinna saw to that. Of course your costume would be bulletproof. So, what are your injuries?

    Katniss Everdeen : Bruised ribs, bruised lung.

    Johanna Mason : I'm surprised they haven't found you a new lung. I mean, I've got two. Do you want one of mine? I mean, it's everybody's job to keep you alive.

    Katniss Everdeen : Is that why you hate me?

    Johanna Mason : Partly. You're also a little hard to swallow. The whole tacky romance drama and the "defender of the hopeless" act. Even though it's not an act, which makes it even more unbearable. Feel free to take any of this personally.

  • Katniss Everdeen : I know you. You were a stylist in the Games.

    Tigris : Until Snow decided I wasn't pretty enough anymore.

    Katniss Everdeen : I'm here to kill him.

  • Katniss Everdeen : You should have been the Mockingjay. Nobody else would tell you what to say.

    Johanna Mason : But nobody likes me.

    Katniss Everdeen : They're afraid of you.

  • Gale Hawthorne : What's the difference, Katniss? Crushing the enemy in a mine or blowin' them outta of the sky with one of Beetee's arrows. It's the same thing.

    Katniss Everdeen : We were under attack in District 8. And that hovercraft wasn't filled with civilians.

    Gale Hawthorne : Doesn't matter. Even if those civilians are just moppin' floors, they're helping the enemy. And if they have to die, I can live with that. No one who supports the Capitol is innocent.

    Katniss Everdeen : With that kind of thinking, you can kill whoever you want. You can send kids off to the Hunger Games to keep the districts in line.

    Gale Hawthorne : It's war, Katniss. Sometimes killing isn't personal. Figured if anyone knew that, it was you.

    Katniss Everdeen : I, of all people, know that it's always personal.

  • Lumber rebel : Give me one reason I shouldn't shoot you.

    Boggs : Drop the gun!

    Katniss Everdeen : I can't. I guess that's the problem, isn't it? We blew up your mine. You burned my district to the ground. We each have every reason to want to kill each other. So if you wanna kill me, do it. Make Snow happy. I'm tired of killing his slaves for him.

    Lumber rebel : I'm not his slave.

    Katniss Everdeen : I am. That's why I killed Cato. And he killed Thresh. And Thresh killed Clove. It just goes around and around. And who wins? Always Snow. I am done being a piece in his game. District 12, District 2. We have no fight. Except the one the Capitol gave us. Why are you fighting the rebels? You're neighbors. You're family.

  • Gale Hawthorne : This is another version of booby-trapping a resource.

    Beetee : Right, I see.

    Gale Hawthorne : This one's designed to blind. Smoke clings to the eyes. That's an application of the hummingbird trap. You scare people so they flee in this direction into what they think is a safe haven.

    Beetee : Two-tiered explosion.

    Gale Hawthorne : You allow people enough time to rush in, help the wounded, then...

    Katniss Everdeen : A second bomb.

    Gale Hawthorne : Right. Second one goes off here.

    Katniss Everdeen : I guess there are no rules anymore about what a person can do to another person.

    Gale Hawthorne : I don't think Snow used any rulebook when he hijacked Peeta.

  • Katniss Everdeen : Finnick? Are you with us?

    Finnick Odair : Looks like it.

    Katniss Everdeen : That was a short honeymoon.

    Finnick Odair : Yeah, well, I guess we're gonna have to have one in the Capitol. After we take it.

  • Katniss Everdeen : Snow has to pay for what he's done. I wanna help the rebels in any way I can.

    President Alma Coin : It's hard to see Peeta this way.

    Katniss Everdeen : That's not Peeta. Send me to the Capitol. I'll do anything.

    President Alma Coin : I can't. I can't send you there. We can't get into the Capitol until we control District 2.

    Katniss Everdeen : Then send me to 2. You want me to fire up our troops? Call out to the loyalists? You've seen what I can do.

    President Alma Coin : Yes, I have.

  • President Alma Coin : If we don't take District 2, we won't get into the Capitol.

    Gale Hawthorne : Would it be enough to disable the fortress instead of taking it?

    Commander Lyme : What do you have in mind?

    Gale Hawthorne : You think of it like a wolf den. You're not gonna fight your way in, so you've got two choices: you trap the wolf inside, or you flush 'em out. If we can't attack straight on, then couldn't we use our hovercraft to strike around it? We'll use the mountains. We'll hit weak spots in the peaks.

    Beetee : We could design the bomb targets in sequence using seismic data.

    Commander Lyme : Trigger avalanches.

    Gale Hawthorne : Block all exits, cut off their supplies. You make it impossible for them to launch their hovercraft.

    Commander Paylor : Bury them alive.

    President Alma Coin : We'd forfeit any chance to control the weapons.

    Beetee : Yes, but we'd face a weakened Capitol.

    Boggs : There's civilians in there. They should be given a chance to surrender. Could use one of the supply tunnels for the evacuees.

    Gale Hawthorne : It's a luxury we weren't given when they firebombed 12.

    Katniss Everdeen : There's gotta be a better way.

    President Alma Coin : I suggest we try the avalanche, but leave the train tunnel alone. Civilians can escape into the square, where our armies will be waiting for their surrender.

    Commander Paylor : Well, we should have every available medic standing by.

    Commander Lyme : And if they won't surrender?

    President Alma Coin : Then we will need a compelling voice to persuade them.

  • Peeta Mellark : There was an attack on 12.

    Primrose Everdeen : Yes.

    Peeta Mellark : My family?

    Primrose Everdeen : The bakery didn't survive.

    Peeta Mellark : It's Katniss. It's because of Katniss.

    Primrose Everdeen : Wasn't because of her.

    Peeta Mellark : She tell you to say that?

    Primrose Everdeen : She didn't tell me anything.

    Peeta Mellark : She's a liar, Prim. It's a trick.

    Primrose Everdeen : Peeta, what you're saying isn't real.

    Peeta Mellark : She sent you here to talk to me. She knows you're here now.

    Primrose Everdeen : It's okay.

    Peeta Mellark : She knows... you can't trust her! She's a monster! She's a mutt that the Capitol created to destroy us!

    Haymitch Abernathy : [to Plutarch]  Get her out of there.

    Peeta Mellark : Do you understand me? You have to kill her, Prim! You have to kill her!

    Plutarch Heavensbee : Katniss?

    Peeta Mellark : She's a mutt!

    Plutarch Heavensbee : This is just a conditioned response.

    Peeta Mellark : Kill her!

    Plutarch Heavensbee : It's not him.

    Peeta Mellark : She's a monster! She's a mutt!

    Katniss Everdeen : No, it's not him.

    Peeta Mellark : She's a mutt!

  • Lieutenant Jackson : Everdeen, give me the Holo.

    [Katniss doesn't move or respond] 

    Lieutenant Jackson : Everdeen, what did I just say? The Holo. Come on, let's go.

    Katniss Everdeen : Boggs gave it to me.

    Lieutenant Jackson : What are you talking about?

    Homes : He did. He transferred security clearance to her. I saw him.

    Lieutenant Jackson : And why would he do that?

    Katniss Everdeen : I'm on special orders from Coin.

    Lieutenant Jackson : To do what?

    Katniss Everdeen : To assassinate President Snow.

    Lieutenant Jackson : I don't believe that for one second. As your new unit commander, I order you to transfer security clearance to me now.

    Katniss Everdeen : I can't do that.

    [as Jackson draws her weapon, the others draw theirs on her] 

    Gale Hawthorne : Let's not lose our heads here.

    Lieutenant Jackson : I'm not asking you again, Everdeen. Give me that Holo.

    Cressida : She's telling the truth. Plutarch wants it televised. He thinks if we could film the Mockingjay assassinating Snow, it'll make the Capitol surrender before the casualties get too high.

    Gale Hawthorne : While we're arguing, there's a hundred Peacekeepers on their way here.

    Katniss Everdeen : Boggs promised me that when the time came, you would help me.

    Lieutenant Jackson : [holstering her gun]  All right, soldier, Holo's yours.

  • [Katniss arrived back, after Primrose's death. She looks at her cat, Buttercup] 

    Katniss Everdeen : Get out.

    [pause; Buttercup stares at Katniss] 

    Katniss Everdeen : Get out! Prim is gone! PRIM IS *GONE*! SHE'S DEAD, AND SHE IS NOT COMING BACK! GET OUT! GET OUT!

    [Katniss starts sobbing, and hugs Buttercup] 

See also

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