242 Reviews
I didn't realise it had ended.
mcshane3653 April 2024
Watchable actors and a plot that was engaging if a bit soapy in places, but left wanting for lack of a little exposition and terribly uneven pacing. There are plot holes in abundance, mostly masked by the fundamental premise so not fatal to enjoying the show. The mystery builds with hints at a scientistic multiverse explanation, though character viewpoint identification wasn't always clear and the shifts and flashbacks often confusing. But we got trapped in getting the same level of hints over and over again without any development of the idea or progress in the characters' realisations. Just as it looked like it was going to go deeper and get somewhere -the place I'd expect to be by epsiode 3 or 4 -the season ended. I only realised this when the next episode didn't show up and that was it. No resolution, not a satisfying watch.
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Spooky action at a distance?
yooniverse22 February 2024
I wasn't entirely sure where the show was headed when early reviewers and synopsis described it as a show about an astronaut who returns to Earth to find it different. Through subtle and not so subtle scenes, the story builds its plot device on "quantum physics for dummies" to weave a story where two events can happen or not happen, and happen AND not happen at the same time. Understandably, this can be confusing to follow, and a good review and a bad one can coexist and both could be right.

As with most interesting mysteries, there are secrets being kept that will be revealed. The show incorporates sci-fi horror elements, such as darkness, screams, imagery of the dead, and the terror of the unknown. The main premise seems that those who went out to space and back no longer experience reality as a certainty, in the quantum physical sense.

The acting is fine though a bit uneven, but in retrospect, this could be due to the way the story develops nonlinearly at certain points. But the suspense does start to build up by the third episode, and there is enough there to make me speculate on what's going on. Some may need to suspend a little disbelief early on, on how the entire ISS can be rendered so useless by one impact, as if the minds of multiple space agencies haven't planned for myriad contingencies, module and system isolation and redundancy, etc. But it's realistic enough to get the story going.

This appears to be a decent sci-fi horror suspense thriller in the making, and maintains Apple TV's standard for production quality. I do hope there is more to this than Hollywood's literal take on Einstein's "spooky action at a distance".
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Another "slow bus to nowhere" sci-fi show from Apple
sjncngkwm27 March 2024
Off the bat I'll say that what I mean by the title is that this is one of those stories told all out of order and mixed up, that, if told straight forward, would be about a 15 minute long show. Apple+ sure LOVES to make science fiction shows that make you start getting concerned that you've been wasting your time once you get to the midpoint of episodes. They've done like three shows like this now where you have almost no idea what's going on for the first few episodes... Then you start to realize, but hope there will be a twist... And then there is no twist and it is exactly what you predicted... And there was no reason to stretch it out so long.

Out of order and unclear story telling, with a story that would actually be quite short if told in order, is of course not always bad, and can be great, even- think of something like Pulp Fiction, for example- but in this case it is not great.

The acting is all very good, especially the little girl. She's very talented.

The show was entertaining enough that it's worth putting on your list, or watching if you've got the desire to. But by episode 3-4ish you pretty much get what's going on- if not ever detail- they continue to do a slow burn for 5 to 7 more hours of TV, as if the surprise hasn't unraveled yet.

There are also many reveals that once they are revealed you find yourself thinking, "ok... and....?". Because they all act as evidence to prove this one same thing... That you figure out pretty early into the show.

It would be like if you knew, for a fact, who the m*rderer was, in a show where that is the mystery.. and long after they gave you enough info to know it was him, and showed a flashback of him doing it... and a flash forward of him admitting it to police.... they still kept having ~shocking reveals~ in the present timeline... like, "WE FOUND HIS GLOVE AT THE CRIME SCENE- ITS A DNA MATCH (fade to credits)!". And really the only new information you're learning is that he, in fact, wore gloves, during the crime.

That is exactly what this show is like.

The small reveals mean nothing once the big reveal is so clearly the only option of what COULD be going on... It all becomes very, "Sure, why not; I guess I'd like to know why each thing happened, but I don't need to anymore." Any hope that there will be a huge unexpected twist is quickly dashed once it becomes clear what's going on (long before it's explicitly said)..... and there's no real b-plot or anything else that makes it fun once you realize what's going on.

Luckily, it is fast paced, and with good enough acting that it's not cumbersome to sit through, and each episode does go rather quickly... You just feel like there's not much to the story.

Especially now that multi-verses are all the rage in TV and film, this is pretty much just a slightly new way of telling the same old story.

Worth a watch if you like scifi, but I'll put it this way: This show is like a loooong steep hiking trail.... with no view when you get to the top.

Again, it's not at all bad, it's just not as good as you hope it will be after the first few episodes when it's action packed as they try to get home from outer space (which is risky, due to some complications)... that is before you realize the direction the show is going to go.

The negative is all down to the story itself. As I said, the acting is all good, and the cinematography and other visual effects, are also very good. The writing isn't even half bad, as far as the dialogue itself and keeping interest... it's just the story, overall, that is lacking.

The story itself is very simple and short, so it is made as confusing as possible, which is almost insulting once you realize what's going on... long before the main character.

It's also one of those shows where conflict arises simply because people don't share information they have or say things that need to be said. You find yourself yelling at the screen like "just tell him what you saw!" Or "just show him the evidence you have!" But they never do because then the story wouldn't be 8 hours long.

6/10 (and at least 3 points are for acting, and visuals)
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Here is the premise
jackbaumel24 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Here is the pitch: we are going to steal the premise from the Cloverfield Paradox movie that Netflix did in 2018: the ISS's has a unnamed McGuffin experiment on board with something to do with quantum physics (particle accelerator of some sort?). The experiment apparently tears a hole in the fabric of spacetime, causing multiple dimensions, or alternate universes, or alternate timelines to collide and intersect. Chaos ensues . However, since we want a series, we are going to fill this sucker out with "This is Us" soap opera filler until the viewers scream for mercy or leave. The opening disaster on ISS was fantastic, ultra-realistic with terrific special effects and CGI. Then the plot pace slows down and the character development and filler scenes take over. The acting and production values are first class.
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There is a reason the ratings for the series are tanking
plamen_xp_lv6 April 2024
And the reason is the last episode, the season finale. At least I believe it is the main reason, although I suspect quite a few people could not get past episodes 3/4. Which is a shame, as the series pick up from then onwards until espisode 7, which for me was the best, along with the intriguing opening episode.

So what is the issue with the season finale? I have written an extensive review of that episode, but to quickly sum I up (and also to have no spoilers, as there are quite a few in that one): it feels cheap. Like a low budget sci fi/horror mix, one that would go straight to TV. We have this great premise, this solid cast with some brilliant actors in it (I am a big fan of Rapace by the way, she is so underrated), some solid development...and you choose to go with characters doing the most illogical things and creating even further mess, along with stuff just...happening, to advance the plot, with no real explanation.

It is obvious this was destined for at least one more, if not numerous future seasons, but considering the ratings here, and no official confirmation from Apple, even though this TV series were close to the top of the rankings for some time, I am beginning to doubt those future seasons would happen. And I would hate that, as there is still hope for this, to turn out great. But it could have worked just as well, if not better, as limited TV series,8, 10, or even 12 episodes. Instead the creator decided to make the season finale a mindless filler not answering any questions, and creating new ones, including with the final scene, again completely unexplained and looking like it's there to be a final beg for renewal.
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Great visuals and suspense, Solid start...7/10
crbtm21 February 2024
Great visuals and suspense , Solid start.

A promising start to the series. Heart pounding edge of your seat, mind-bending thriller from the get go.... It's one of those series that requires your full attention or you're going to get lost. I binged the first three episodes and watched them again. It's that good. I put this one on the same ranking with " Gravity" "Arrival" and the "martian" Noomi Rapace is phenomenal as always. Beautiful location, nicely paced thriller. Kept me glued from the start, couldn't wait for the next episode.

Fingers crossed hopefully the rest of the series maintains the hype and pace and keeps getting stronger.
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Excellent new vision!
nordones11 March 2024
70% Psychological Thriller 10% Quantum Physics 10% Mandela Effect 10% Schrödinger's Box =100% Satisfaction Pay attention, and this is sure to deliver. This is not a Star Trek type of like. If you are into the riduculousness of non-science space travel, I can't recommend it, and you'll most likely become bored fairly easily. Noomi Rapace delivers a fantastic performance. Pay close attention to each detail, every word actually matters. I actually rewatched the first five episodes, and found several clues of what I missed the first go around when things started becoming clearer as to the premise by the end of the 5th episode.

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You Think You Know, But ...
coleco200022 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the first 3 in a row after reading the critic reviews. Those reviews may have helped understand the characters better and how the shifts in scenes were relevant but not meant to be fully understandable at the time.

The fact that a new experiment on the ISS is related to quantum physics and that it changes perspective when viewed somehow makes the plot of this series, in my view, an important piece of the puzzle. However this shouldn't be viewed as a spoiler since so much of what happens to the characters can go in any direction even if it turns out to be the main reason things are not the way they should be and characters are 'hallucinating' at times. Again, all my own view of things.

The acting is quite good from those we know and have appreciated in previous roles, and it is needed to make us accept the premise of the plot. I love Sci-Fi and have actually written a sci-fi book, so tying all the subplots together in the end makes it satisfying and the critics maintain this is achieved. So I'll stay with the action and look forward to a lull that leads to that end and hope to see a great finish that makes it all worthwhile.
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Interesting series if you have a brain
critic-97-4176576 March 2024
LOL! Sorry but after one or two episodes in, people were already complaining about it being boring or an attempt at making a sci-fi horror or whatever. Yeah, let's review a show when you quite know what's happening, make assumptions about what it's trying to do, and you don't have the patience to find out. Some people can only find entertainment in something when everything is spoon fed and predictable, fitting into a formula.

So no, it's not horror. At all. The mystery is unfolding and is better that it's not fully explained up front. A complex story that requires some thought, which is actually what makes it interesting. If you don't want to think, this won't be your cup of tea.
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Awkward Pacing, Compelling Story & Visuals
craigbenting29 February 2024
At the end of the first episode, I actually thought that I had watched the first two episodes until I checked and saw it was only the first. That first one hour episode seriously seemed like two hours of time.

The story premise is really compelling and there are bits of story along the way of the first three episodes I watched that really reward you for sticking with it. But there's no doubt that either the person who directed the first episodes is trying to mess with the viewer's sense of timing or they just don't know how to direct or edit. Or someone doesn't.

So, I kept getting this feeling, like why does this seem to constantly be dragging on and on? I'm normally very patient with a good story. Then in the second episode when Jo's capsule lands, I realized that I spent a full three and a half minutes watching her unbuckle her seat belt and begin to get out of the capsule. Three and a half minutes. That's an eternity for a scene that should have taken maybe a minute max. Before that scene when she's sending messages to her family that she loves them, I noticed it was almost like she was dragging out the lines and repeating feelings two, three, even four times, like it was bizarrely written, acted, directed, or all three. I could literally see Jo pausing briefly between words, seemingly for emotional effect, like she was directed to do that. There were scenes when Jo is reunited with her family where they were so awkwardly long that I found myself wondering if they were acting awkward toward Jo or if the scene was just so long that I was reading too much into what I saw in their acting. Like is Alice actually being awkward around Jo or is the actress playing Alice just standing there trying to act like she's supposed to be standing there staring coolly?

The other strange part about this show is I had to turn on the English subtitles specifically with Closed Captioning. Because there were so many times I wasn't sure if I didn't hear the dialog or if it was just one of the languages I didn't understand and there were no subtitles. They flip flop between languages so often, like Swedish to English to Russian to English to Swedish to Russian, etc. That it often just doesn't make sense, like people don't do this in real life, so what's the point? I got later on that maybe there is a point of something subtle changing related to languages, but it was a whole lot of language immersion for just that one point to be made. There were many times when someone is speaking a language that had no English subtitles, just "speaking Russian" or "Speaking Swedish", like huh? Why? It seemed mostly pointless. Or maybe the point was the character in the scene does not understand, so you feel that by the lack of subtitles or English.

And yet, this is a good show that I will keep watching. By the end I'll know for sure whether it was just poor writing and direction or if there was an actual point in the story as a whole. I'm hoping there's a point for all of this weirdness.
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If they cross that lake one more time...
sophie-lapointe-phys20 March 2024
One of the worst uses of the principles of quantum entanglement I've had the displeasure to watch. There's barely any story, just a lot of people crossing a lake back and forth in the middle of a snowstorm. Such a disappointment considering the quality of the cast.

It started promisingly but quickly veered into "let's just confuse people to make them think we a have story", Half the dialogues are 'Alice!', 'Mama!', and half the scenes are on that frozen lake, never knowing which direction they are going and why.

Avoid unless you really have nothing to watch or are looking for a reason to be bored.
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Noomi Rapace and Jonathan Banks perfectly cast in this psychological mystery set in space
dean-20222 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Very entertaining, with a base in science and space history.

Noomi Rapace and Jonathan Banks are mesmerizing and allowed to give solid performances. The direction also appears solid. The supporting cast is also top notch. There's not a lot to complain about with this series, so I'll nitpick. Unfortunately, the plot's entire mystery relies on collapsing wave function (stuff happens because you looked at it) applied to human decision and experiences, which does not happen in physics (unless you believe the self help books where you "vision it and it will happen to you"). Otherwise, I'm enjoying this well written, dialog strong drama.

The cast are all very convincing in their roles. This series is filmed in Finland and avoids this "cheap actor" syndrome found in most Sci-Fi of today. This could be because most Sci-Fi these days are filmed in Canada using Canadian "G'day eh? I'm a tough cop from Brooklin, you hoser" actors.

Well done.
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Nope. Another Sci-fi ruined by filler relationships
amoore-422 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I just cannot understand why series or movies of this genre cannot give us a true sci-fi drama that focuses on the mysteries of space and man's need to explore the cosmos. Personally I have no interest in Sci-fi that makes family struggles and tormented souls the 'interesting' attraction at the cost of the unravelling mysteries of living or travelling through the great unknown. Of course the characters are central. BUT they must be interesting as they relate to the central premise and secondly to each other, not become the point of the scene. So, for example, detailing their private intimate lives, bring in family members or delving into their personalities that do not relate directly to the unravelling of the mystery is just padding... It's a common problem and the difference between a 7 and an 8 or 9 rating on IMDB. Take Villeneuve's Dune, Kubrick's Space Odyssey, Scott's Alien(s), Nolan and Johnson's Logan's Run, Lucas' THX1138 and especially Spielberg's Close Encounters of the Third Kind and you will see great performances that further the narrative, that enhance the tension or illustrate the conflict. Performances that stitch together the fabric of a bold and inspiring sci-fi idea, concept or simply a great adventure, like Star Trek or if that's too old for you, The Three Body Problem. Which brings us back to Constellation. After the first few episodes the writing has not peaked my interest. I know more about what I don't need to know, than what would keep me on the edge of my seat and leave me thirsting for more pieces of a puzzle. Too much personal distraction, laughable application of the physics of a gravity-free environment, ridiculous phoney re-entry scene and Jonathon Bank's poorly written role. Only the CGI comes off without an aftertaste. Watch any of the above mentioned films instead of this. Waiting for Dune Part 2...
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KTnarnia9 April 2024
I have been waiting for a sci-fi this well-written and thought-provoking. I feel like anyone who is confused simply isn't into sci-fi (or quantum physics, for that matter). It reminds me of Fringe in a lot of ways, Jacob's Ladder, in others. The only thing that disappoints me is the lack of marketing/buzz surrounding this amazing series. I had never heard of it when I just saw it while randomly searching in the sci-fi category on Apple TV+. I really hope we'll get a second season, because this is exactly what I've needed. Amazing acting, writing, direction, etc. 10/10 Highly recommended if you love multiverse or many worlds theories. Just fantastic.
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Quantum whatsamacallit and be done with it.
thinkMovies31 March 2024
It could have been so good... Between quantum entanglement, multiple universes... yin and yang timeline possibilities... wow, this could have been a great series (that's why I waited till the end to write this).

Never a good sign when in the last episode the audience starts wondering how the writers and editors will untangle the tangled web they weaved in the increasingly shorter time remaining before the final end credits. The producer(s) and writer(s) just didn't have it. Their vehicle exploded on launch like a pre-Mercury NASA rocket, but they didn't tell us 'till after we had watched all 8 hours...

I even didn't mind the whiff of horror genre; I found it cute, so long as it led to something. It didn't lead to anything that an adult and thinking audience, even a scientifically knowledgeable audience could accept as deserving of their investment in hours of their lives.

Great production values, great ISS, good northern Sweden feel... Good acting, good actors... The few explanations given in the final minutes were lame and incomplete. The last second just makes you angry at the producers and endangers the structural integrity of your TV screen depending on heavy objects within your reach.
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Started strong then totally lost it's way
thejodz16 April 2024
After the first few episodes, I thought I was possibly watching the best new sci-fi series ever. Then the next few episodes slowed down and felt very much like filler, like they were waiting to reveal some sort of big climax at the end. But then, when that climax came, it was completely unsatisfying, and in the end, I was left feeling very disappointed. It was a waste of a good premise and some excellent acting, especially by the young girl who plays the daughter. There were also some holes in the plot that really made no sense and would love to hear the writers explain. And the final twist in the final scene, totally changed the vibe of the show from interesting sci-fi to campy thriller. Curious where the next season is going to take this.
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dan42815 March 2024
A show that truly screws with the mind and delves into the horrors of the edges of reality and the unknowns presented by the quantum realm which is not well understood and described by science.

One of the few shows that actually scares me, but in a good way, it's enthralling and pulls me into the terrors experienced by the characters experiencing their world in utter inexplicable disarray. I found it oddly relatable in a way, with many parallels to my life and how choices impact my path.

Sure a lot of it takes leaps from scientific ideas that may not be quite fully baked out, but it is sci-fi after all. It reminds me of one of my old favorite shows, Fringe. At first I wasn't convinced that the show was worth watching but each episode has pulled me in more and really satisfied my thirst for good mind opening sci-fi. I think it deserves a much higher score than what it has here.
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[7.2] Make Irina take a full polygraph
cjonesas20 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Excellent series if you watch it at least 4 times, it has depth, superpositioned atoms and molecules, well-defined and a scientifical routine in the 29th century quantum physics and world, graced with very good acting, among the best characters you will find Jo Ericsson, the two Alice Ericsson-Taylor, Irene (Irina) Lysenko, Henry Caldera and to some degree Magnus Taylor.

Episodes 6 and 7 are among the best, all thanks to that frozen cabin, "alien" cat and the ever marvelous and full of depth play by Rosie and Davina Coleman.

Even with that ending, does it deserve a second season? I think yes!

  • Screenplay/storyline/plots: 7.5
  • Production value/impact: 7.5
  • Development: 8.5
  • Realism: 7
  • Entertainment: 7
  • Acting: 8
  • Filming/photography/cinematography: 8
  • VFX: 8.5
  • Music/score/sound: 7.5
  • Depth: 8
  • Logic: 3.5
  • Flow: 7.5
  • Sci-fi/thriller/mystery: 7
  • Ending: 6.
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Maybe you don't get it?
rlilgeberg24 February 2024
I'm seeing a lot of low reviews that read as if people are not picking up on the hints that are being given to us so far. They talk about the family drama being fillers and that the story isn't focused enough on space. I feel that the reasons for this will become apparent as the plot progresses and that all these scenes are foreshadowing.

This show is the first show in quite a while that has completely drawn me in. It is eery and captivating. This isn't some big space adventure, though there are. Some amazing action sequences in the beginning. I just think that a lot of people don't get what I am assuming this show is going to be actually about even though some of it is spelled out towards the end of the 3rd episode.
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2 episodes too much
bqryd29 March 2024
Sorry Apple but not everything needs to be 8 or 10 episodes. I like the storyline and superposition theory in it but it keeps on going and going and the story becomes more unbelievable with each episode. 6 episodes of 40-45 minutes would have been more than enough. Netflix got it right with the signal which consists of 4 episodes.

No idea why this review needs to be 600 chars when all has been said in the 200 chars text above. Nice show but I hope they stay with a mini series of 1 season. More seasons do not really serve any purpose. Please focus on new and short shows in the near future. Quality beats quantity.
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Mammy mammy
Trentdoo2021 March 2024
I gave this a chance but after hearing the word Mammy used over and over again by the annoying child I decided to give up.

Confusing, boring and badly written.

As a huge science fiction fan I thought this would be a series to watch but I'm so disappointed with it. It's a mess from start to finish. All over the place with the story, hard to follow.

The constant crossing of the frozen lake was annoying. The child calling mammy all the time and the parents constantly saying "Alice!" Got a bit too much and my patience snapped. I nearly made it to the end but unfortunately, it was too much to bear.
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I really wanted to like this, but the pacing is atrocious
kbuzev18 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I waited with the review as the plot was still unfolding. I gave it a chance and my initial rating was 8/10 with inclination to increase it later on when I've seen more. I had really enjoyed the show up until now.

Now I've corrected my rating to 5/10 and I even consider lowering it. It's not because I don't "understand" it like most reviews defend the series. I've seen one of the greatest quantum-related shows ever made - "Fringe", a pinnacle of TV mastery. I'm very familiar with the concepts, theories, paradoxes, correlations, entanglements and causalities.

The reason I've lowered the rating is episode 6. What could have been a 5 minute sequence to bring us up to speed with the "alternate side" was extended to 57 minutes of re-watching pretty much the same material we've already seen or guessed. The show-runner is so concerned we might not understand what's going on that they decided to make us watch it twice. Why? Because torture, that's why.

No matter how much I enjoy the characters and the acting, I do value my time. If the writers are so starved off material, just make less episodes. If they think we're so dumb to have to watch it twice, just nail it the first time.

EDIT: Ok, I've watched the season finale. I have this to add.

Leave all space and fiction aside, it's just a background and some noise. I love the main characters and the supporting cast. And especially Alice. The show is all about grief. They are all grieving, in their own way and coping however they can. It's a struggle we all go through. Pets, parents, friends. Old relationships. People we thought we know well. Careers. Projects. Colleagues. Ideas. Dreams. Each of us knows loss in some form or another.

It's tough living a life filled with the constant "what if". And the purpose of this series is to expand on the "what if" and spin it in ways we haven't really though of, and leading us through new aspects of loss that, luckily, we can only imagine. And how everyone is quick to put a label "mental illness" on anything unexpected and out of the ordinary. To the people living the horror, it's 100% real, illness or not. Be kind, you don't know how much the other person may be suffering in silence.

As a conclusion, I stick with my initial rating of 8, so I'm changing it back to it. The writing is surely lacking in committing to a single audience and delivering a solid experience for everyone watching. But I'm willing to forgive episode 6 and the overwhelming (at times) filler, even the fact that half the episodes are just a repetition of previous episodes. I'm willing to do that because the struggles of each character were put out beautifully at the end. Nobody is a villain, yet we manage to unintentionally hurt the people around us, especially the people closest to us. We shouldn't forget to care about each other even when we're at our lowest and darkest. It's a strong message with a solid delivery, and this is a reason enough redeem the show and hope the writers take a note on focusing on one strength/audience and stick to it, to deliver an amazing season 2.

And give the Coleman sisters an award! Awesome performance!
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Space gum without any particular flavor
Almost_Soldout22 February 2024
After watching the first 2 episodes, the biggest sci-fi appearance is seeing Russia not having war and not being isolated from the world and brutal to people.

Honestly, I don't believe it's a strong show but something is definitely attracting me and other viewers. Another take on space with potential sci-fi elements to be revealed isn't bringing much freshness to the table but there are quite a few people as I am who was waiting for decent space-based thriller.

Compare to the most of recent shows that were released recently this one isn't that bad as Silo or others I don't remember names of it:)
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A celestial dumpster fire
oneduo20 March 2024
Can we stop using the term "slow burn" as an excuse for these slow drawn out episodic series? It's not a slow burn, it's a disaster. The only burning I saw was the Soyuz capsules in flames falling back to planet Earth and the plot to follow. What is going on with story telling on streaming these days? I'm seeing more and more of these types of shows that literally go no where. With each passing episode it gets worse, not better.

I'm a fan of Noomi Rapace and I've enjoyed her acting in other characters but this show is doing her no favors sadly. Same goes for Jonathan Banks, another phenomenal actor being thrown into this celestial mess.

Too many attempts to draw people in with these incredibly boring sci-fi shows are actually pushing us further away. No matter how hard I try, I can't get into this nonsense. Gone are the days of good storytelling and the the sci-fi genre that makes us wanting more.
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Mom-child drama in the span of almost 8 hours
nipple_blaster27 March 2024
Don't let the sci-fi elements mislead you. This show is a very dry mom-child drama, stretched to absurdity, with a few sci-fi teases here and there in the background to lure in gullible viewers like me and you.

The most interesting thing about it - the phenomenon - was not explored at all. The most interesting characters that showed at least some desire to deal with it - pushed to second class citizen status in favor for the obnoxious child and mom doing the you're-not-my-mommy BS.

0 entertainment value.

Fringe did this concept better and delivered far more entertainment than this catastrophe. Hell, even that episode in Star Trek: Discovery, where they go to the fascist reality was far more enjoyable than this.

And why is it named Constellation? Even the title is bad and misleading.
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