55 Reviews
SoulsKingLucifer13 May 2014
This would be one of the worst movies ever made. It was a nice idea to be offensive. But they didn't a good job at all in it. At some parts in the movie I even wondered if they did a job at all coming up with it. It is more like randomly played bad jokes. There really is no level of humor at all throughout the full length of the movie. There was only one good thing about the movie. And that is that is has an end. If you want to watch this please try something else. You will never get those eighty minutes of your life back. Yes it really is that bad. The only reason that I did watch it was because I couldn't believe a movie could be that bad. And contain nothing funny at all. Greetings.
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Confuses Inept with Inappropriate
Buddy-517 December 2013
Vince Offer's "InAPPropriate Comedy" is a weak-sauce sketch comedy that starts off as a series of movie parodies, then drifts off into random and intentionally offensive takes on sex, ethnic stereotyping and racism. In the first category, there's a dated running skit making fun of the 40-year old movie franchise "Dirty Harry." Dubbed "Flirty Harry," it's really just a collection of unoriginal and unfunny gay double entendres delivered by a deadpan Adrien Brody, who's indeed come a long way from his days of Oscar-winning glory nearly a decade ago. Other movies and TV shows that come in for some ribbing include "Jackass," "127 Hours" and even a porn movie version of Siskel and Ebert, none of which elicit even the teeniest snicker from the audience.

The sharpest satire - if one can call it that - comes in a series of skits featuring the very funny Ari Shaffir (who, along with Offer and Ken Pringle, co-authored the screenplay) as a racist who launches into a string of insulting diatribes against Hispanics, blacks, Asians and Jews. The concept works both as humor and as satire simply because it has a point to make and uses absurdity and outrageousness to make it. However, even these bits are not entirely successful, as the ones set in a Jewish market and on a beach in which he's trying to give black passersby free boat trips back to Africa fall miserably flat.

Unfortunately, most of the rest of the skits involve largely unfunny - and often very crude - ideas indifferently executed. Even when a sequence starts off promisingly, the writers often drag it out long past the point where it's amusing anymore. The basic mistake here is in not realizing that inappropriateness, in and of itself, is not a sufficient basis upon which to construct a comedy if there isn't the wit and imagination necessary to make the material funny. And I'm pretty sure that Brody, Rob Schneider, Michelle Rodriquiez and Lindsay Lohan will want to have this particular movie permanently expunged from their wikipedia and IMDb pages as quickly as possible. You know you have a real stinker of a movie when even someone as incapable of embarrassment as Lohan seems ashamed to be associated with it.

And just in case you're wondering, the APP in the title refers to the desktop icon through which an anonymous finger accesses each of the skits on his tablet.

Not quite on a par with that other recent anthology comedy, "Movie 43," in terms of sheer awfulness (what could be?), "InAPPropriate Comedy" nevertheless ranks as one of the least funny comedies of recent times.
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Honest movie review! Warning: Spoilers
Well i just watched "InAPPropriate Comedy" why? because Michelle Rodriguez,Adrien Brody & Lindsay Lohan It is intentionally bad but it's actually funny at times like the Adriend Bordy scenes.


(not really since most people know what this movie is about) it gets boring and a little bit annoying at times and it's pretty offensive and racist in some scenes. "the racist guy" is the one who gets beat up the most and he looks just as the brainless idiot (pice of s**t)he is. i'm not sure why the creator of this movie would do a movie or if he even had a reason at all other than he could.

it looks like it's going to be winning many "razzieawards" because most of it it's really bad but to be fair it's not the worst movie many of us have seen and honestly i had worse expectations from it. if you are really bored or you are a really big fan of any of the actors in it, or you are just curious, watch it. if not i highly recommend you don't.
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Absolutely Horrendous!
trishasuebays23 March 2013

My husband and I went this afternoon and it was absolutely horrendous. I should've known before going seeing a 2.8 rating out of 10 but I thought what the heck, the trailer looks funny. There were only 8 people in the theater and at least 6 of them left early. I couldn't stomach another second of it. Do yourself a favor and stay as far as you can away from this movie.

I wasted an hour of my life on this movie and will never be able to get it back.

If I were able to give this less than 1 star, I would. Unfortunately it doesn't let me do 1/4 or 1/2 stars or even negative stars. This is an absolute waste of time.
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I'm Not Certain They Could Have Made It Worse if They Tried
Michael_Elliott28 March 2013
InAPPropriate Comedy (2013)

BOMB (out of 4)

I must admit that I was looking forward to this film. After all, earlier in the year I sat through and mildly enjoyed MOVIE 43 so perhaps a second dose of raunchy humor would be worth sitting through. Sadly, this film here makes the other look like the work of Laurel and Hardy. INAPPROPRIATE COMEDY is a "film" that has a man playing various apps that are videos for raunchy, racist humor but sadly none of it is funny. Some of the so-called comedy features a Dirty Harry spoof with Adrien Brody playing a tough but gay cop. Rob Schneider and Michelle Rodriguez play a Siskel and Ebert type who review porn movies. Ari Shaffir plays a reality host known as The Amazing Racist who goes around picking on Mexicans, Jews and blacks. And yeah, there's Lindsay Lohan taking up about two- minutes worth of screen time as Marilyn Monroe. INAPPROPRIATE COMEDY starts off with a spoof of 127 HOURS, which is so unfunny and such a disaster that it pretty much sets you up for everything that's about to follow. Watching this movie you can't help but be somewhat entertained from how bad it is and you often ask yourself what the filmmakers were thinking. I mean, did they not realize half way through production that this thing was horrible? If they didn't realize how bad this was then they shouldn't ever be allowed to make another movie because they're just wasting money. If they did realize how bad it was then they still don't need to make another movie because if they're smart enough to know it's bad then they should have been smart enough to stop production so that they didn't waste more money. I'm not going to lie and say that I never laughed. I can recall three smiles and one laugh that would rate a 1 out of 10. Everything else is just so bad that you can't help but wonder what they were trying to do. The Amazing Racist sequences might have worked if they actually felt real. They all come across as very staged. However, to be fair, even if they weren't staged then they still wouldn't have been funny. There's a take-off on 'Jackass' except done with black people and this here is just so unfunny even though it seems they're wanting to be both racist and offensive. As for the cast, this here is probably the worst thing Schneider has ever done and that's saying a lot. I'm not sure why Rodriquez is here but perhaps the producers had something on her. It's sad to see where former Oscar-winner Brody is with this type of film. With Lohan, let's hope she got some good "stuff" with her paycheck. Again, I thought MOVIE 43 was hilarious at spots and I enjoyed sitting through it. If anyone thought that film was bad then I dare you to try and make it through this thing.
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A new low has been reached
final-fantasyxcjo13 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I work at a movie theater so I see almost all movies come and go. I've seen good ones bad ones and downright awful ones come through. I was able to get through Jack and Jill and was able to even handle Gigli and Bucky Larson, but this movie finally did it for me, its the First movie I've ever walked out of. I lost exactly 48 mins of my life and I will never get it back! I can honestly say without a doubt, this is the worst movie I've ever seen!!! Battlefield Earth looked like Citizen Kane compared to this "film" if you can even call it that.

Whats wrong with this film? Whats right with this film???? Every single attempt at a joke falls flat on its ass, the "story" is.....no there is no story. Every attempt at a parody fails, and the dialogue is probably the worst I've ever heard ever! His name is Flirty Harry Get it? Cause its Dirty Harry only he is gay! Adrian Brody should have his Oscar taken away after this movie and Rob Schneider should never be allowed to grace the Silver Screen ever again.

But there is one thing this film does right. When the credits roll Thats the upside if you can even make it that far! This movie was only in my theater for a week if that and now I understand why, this is the worst movie of 2013 and possibly the worst movie of the 21st Century. If its still in theaters anywhere Avoid at all costs and if you see it on DVD run away or buy it so you can set it on fire!!!
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Cinematic Garbage
Sergeant34321 July 2013
This a film that shows why IMDb needs to add a zero star function, for giving this a film a rating equates that this film was in any shape or way good. The very fact that something like this can be made and given the release that it had is down right deplorable. It tries to be offensive, but utterly fails in that regard and just remains juvenile. The sketches themselves are absurd like a Jackass spoof called Blackass, which is just Jackass with black people. How about a play on words with the Amazing Racist, a sketch which is so soft that it is not so much offensive as it is cringe worthy, for it is played too safe. Lastly there is the Dirty Harry sketch called Flirty Harry(Adrien Brody) where everything out of his mouth is a double entendre and would make James Bond blush with embarrassment and I am talking about the Roger Moore Bond, how they managed to get Adrien Brody in this is beyond me. There are other sketches but these three are the ones they are proud of the most and that is not saying much. The framing of this film as different stories for different apps is entirely pointless, for the film seems to forget that what we are seeing are apps. At least in other bad films like The Room, Troll 2, and Birdemic, you at least can laugh at how poorly it is made, here there is no such luck, for you are ticking down how much longer can this 80 minute film go and makes Movie 43 look like a masterpiece of cinema. I would rather spend a month at Gitmo, than ever watch this sorry excuse for a film as long as I live.
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What the F
raymondzralte282 September 2013
I never write reviews but this movie is so bad I just had to warn everyone else.

I vote "the WORST movie" I have seen in a long time.

If you are reading this review, please oh please, heed my words are deter from watching this movie.

It will only be a waste of your precious time as it was a waste of mine.

Please warn any and all other movie lovers that THIS movie is like eating rotten eggs, seriously.

BOO to the makers of this movie.

BOO to the cast for taking part.
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It couldn't be worse
dready43827 July 2013
No matter how long you think about it, you can not do anything to this movie to take it down a notch. Adding literally anything that could be terrible would add value to this movie. Got a 5 hour shot of a monkey that scratches its ass? Add two stars. Live feed of growing grass? At least it'd cover the scenes there already. All in all, I probably can't tell you more about this move than a single sentence....

The Sham-Wow guy, Rob Schneider, and Lindsay Lohan got together and filmed a movie that, impossibly, made them all seem to be worth even less as human beings.

Avoid it at all costs...no matter what sort of cheese has ever appealed to you, this will not. If you DO happen to watch it, and find out you liked it...do the remaining 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the planet a favor and leave by any means possible
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waste of time
hollywrong11 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I never write reviews but for this I had to I can not believe what I just watched it is the worst movie I have ever watched and the scene with the mouse made me sick I hope it was a fake mouse because killing animals for cheap laughs is just messed up Rob Schneider is a loser and has no talent I guess thats why Adam Sandler wont put him in his movies anymore and Adrian Brody I thought you were a real actor I will never watch anything any of these so called actors do again that is if they even have careers after this piece of garbage the best part was the credits because that meant it was finally over so thanks for the hour and a bit that I will never get back and I hope Peta comes after you for that poor little mouse whoever wrote that bit is a disgusting human and I hope the same thing happens to you
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Not for me - no way
Vinod-dahya14 November 2013
Sorry, I didn't find this movie funny at all.

For me there were many scenes that I believe would cause offense to others, on a justified basis.

I rented the DVD for $2 and had to skip through a lot of the content.

This is just my view but I see the overall vote currently is 2.8 - so there are others who agree.

I still remember some scenes, and regret seeing them.

I think if you make fun of a group, do it with them, not a feeling you are against them.

Anyway - just my humble view.

I believe many minorities could easily be offended.

I would not recommend to anyone.

Sad thing, was the movie has many good actresses and actors - I don't understand why they took part.
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bengumina18 February 2020
Best movie ive ever seen and it is not close. You will be a better person in all ways after witnessing this artwork.
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appropriate title
thisanant23 January 2018
It is a highly offensive , politically disastrous comedy to laugh your brains out if you are into that kind of things . it is Dirty Grandpa mixed with Scary Movie . FLIRTY HARRY is my favorite , it is killer .
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Worst movie ever made?
burningthumb9 November 2013
This is, and I'm being kind, quite possibly the worst movie made not only in the history of humanity but in the history of time itself. Ever actor in this movie should send anyone who paid to see it a refund.

The APP concept is dumb.

The skits are awful.

The acting is worse.

There are no redeeming qualities.

Your time would be better spent shooting staples into your temples.

Or hitting your head into the screen.

I can't think of any more things to say. Don't waste a second of your time watching any of this movie. Not even the opening credits. Its so bad it will be forgotten. I've already forgotten.
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Really not funny! 1/10
leonblackwood19 April 2014
Review: Man, this movie is really bad. It's totally not funny and in some ways, it's quite offensive. The different sketches that are accessed through a iPad, are all pretty terrible, especially the racist guy who just isn't funny at all. The porn sketch was completely pointless, along with the Black Ass team who made fools of themselves. The director was trying to make a Jack Ass type of movie, but he failed terribly. In all, I recommend that you stay away from this film because it's a total wait of time. The title suits it perfectly. Disappointing!

Round-Up: I was surprised to see names like Adrien Brody & Michelle Rodriguez in this film because the script is terrible. The Brody sketch, which is about a gay Dirty Harry, was bad and it just made Brody look silly. Lindsay Lohan also made a fool out of herself, but her career has hit an all time low at the moment so I doubt that this film will do that much damage. There is only one sketch that made me laugh, which was when the racist guy got his ass kicked in, but that was it.

Budget: N/A Worldwide Gross: $228,000

I don't recommend this movie to anyone because the jokes are offensive and totally not funny. 1/10
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Just so bad
putteswiss-667-4088071 October 2013
This must be the worst "comedy" of 2013 if i now have to use the word comedy. Under the introduction of this move in IMDb it say. People who liked this also liked..... And they have movies like Ted/Grown ups 2 and Guilt trip. I seen all 3 and they was good this was not and it should not be People who liked this also liked. Because no one like this crap movie and it should be illegal to be shown to the public. Show this movie in prisons and let them suffer for there crimes. And please IMDb it should be possible to vote 0 and not 1 as lowest score...... I would not recommend this to anyone. B actors in a Z movie. Look outside your window it will be much better then this movie ever will be....
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theans0917 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
98% of the movie is lazy racial humor that Carlos Mencia wouldn't stoop too.

If it isn't racial jokes, It's Gay jokes, or it's self promotion for the Sham Wow.

Even Rob Schneider looks bored and upset that he's in this piece of trash.

Joe Rogan needs to cut Ari Schaffir immediately. For such a major comedian to do the material Ari does in this film is beyond lazy.

Adrian Brody plays a gay cop who just does double innuendos and nothing much else. It's also depressing that he helped write some of those lame lines.
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Lots of clichés and stereotypes, but no laughs; skip this one.
suite9216 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The arc connecting these segments is of an entitled jerk invoking apps on a tablet. Each app takes us to a segment, which is actually a collection of vignettes. The various segments are visited briefly, then returned to repeatedly.

Above the Grate: Lindsey Lohan dressed as Marilyn Monroe for the draft up the skirt scene from The Seven Year Itch. This was the only more or less OK segment. Watching the paparazzi getting blown away was a nice touch.

Flirty Harry. Adrien Brody as a foul-mouthed detective, Dirty Harry style, who is also gay, and makes plentiful direct references to performance of sex acts. The grossness of this segment comes more from people eating with their mouths open all the while spewing food on each other and on the ground.

Blackass: This goes on and on, in various pieces. Some are about blacks having embarrassing or extremely painful experiences. Others were about blacks feeling entitled to terrorize white people. The vignette about the three black babysitters terrorizing the young white mother was particularly not funny. The segment about a huge black man terrorizing white yuppies was just as repellent. Nothing about this collection was funny. 'The hookup' was the worst. The black man at an abortion clinic pulls out a coat hanger, and wants 100 USD to do a substitute abortion. Amazing.

The Amazing Racist. A Jewish racist (who acts in the film like he's a white Christian) shows all sorts of anti-PC behaviour and language, and gets all sorts of direct payback for it. He's anti-black, anti-Mexican, anti-Asian, anti-Jewish, anti-you-name-it. None of this is funny, and the amount of payback he gets never seems to be enough. 'Free one-way boat rides' were for blacks to be taken back to Africa was long and utterly disgusting. As always, no laughs despite a barrage of clichés.

The Porno Review: JD and Harriet act as movie reviewers for pornographic films. The first film that they review is a particularly bad fake Asian film. There is no nudity, much less sex. Again, there are no funny moments. The second film, 'Sperm Lake' was no better. Its subject was about kidnapping, terrorizing an individual, and gang rape. That is, men raping a single man.

Psychology World: Rob Schneider's other role is as a shrink who listens to a closet nymphomaniac. He finds her boring, and takes her prescription medicine to alleviate his boredom, much to his subsequent bad health reaction.

TYNS (Things You Will Never See): are indeed things you will never see. I never laughed, either.


Cinematography: 8/10 OK.

Sound: 9/10 OK.

Acting: 5/10 The actors followed the screenplay, as far as I could see, but there were no outstanding performances.

Screenplay: 0/10 Failed as a comedy. Failed as a satire. It was not funny. It was not enlightening.
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Very Literally the worst piece of cinematography ever recorded
joeos-0581518 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I never have before now felt compelled to write a review of a film, but after witnessing the monstrosity I felt it necessary to share with the world the horrific viewing experience of this cinematographic wasteland that was inAPPropriate comedy.

Racism and Homophobia, there you are. THE ENTIRE PLOT LINE reduced two three words; "In this comedy film, a computer tablet full of the world's most hilariously offensive apps breaks through the borders of political correctness, stirring up cultural anarchy." is the description to this loosely deemed 'film' "hilariously offensive" there is little to describe as hilarious, it is 83 minutes of mind numbing awkwardness as the self deprecating actors try to squeeze laugh out of their audience; but alas there is NOTHING to laugh at, Adrien Brody should retire from acting, the Pianist was one of the most beautiful stories ever told, brought to light by his fantastic acting ability. He is shooting himself in the metaphorical foot associating with this piece of garbage, he plays 'filthy harry' who's entire script is homoerotic innuendo. Which surprise surprise is as void of humor as is the rest of this poorly thought out trash, whatever agent got him this part should not only be fired but also be shot by firing squad for reading this script and thinking "yes the Oscar winning actor Adrien Brody should play this part, we can only hope he doesn't paper cut himself to an early grave shaking with laughter reading this ingeniously constructed piece of comedy artwork."

Now I think it is well known that Rob Schneider's career has taken a turn for the worse but this is showbiz suicide, any future directors are going to witness his performance in this abysmal husk of a "comedy sketch film" and cripple him so he can never act again, he is a good actor and no matter how many peers disagree with me he has encapsulated some stirring characters that will live on throughout history as fantastic works of art. BUT FOR CRYING OUT LOAD how in Gods name did you think that this was going to do you any good, unless Rob is secretly a Racist Homophobe I cannot even comprehend why he would subject himself to this kind of work.

I am appalled that this has been voted greater than 1 star as there are literally 0 things likable about this film, from the basic poorly scripted 3 sketches the director refuses to stop grinding into the mud or the plot consisting of a tablet that when clicked on not only with shoddy 2001 special effects but also with unrealistic user interface opens up the separate sketches, the giant finger which looms over the screen deciding the next form of emotional torture the viewing victim should experience loses it's gimmick and becomes a chubby organic death toll tapping to issue the sapping of life out of the audience.

In conclusion, If you are emotionally unstable do not watch this. Suicidal thoughts are induced without.
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Failed imitation of things past
itsgregman14 September 2015
This movie had potential but failed miserably in execution, mainly for poor writing. This movie seems to be intended as a modern imitation of a couple movies from the 70s, namely Prime Time which was good and The Groove Tube which wasn't, however this film is much worse.

The filmmaker seems to have borrowed the format of the two films mentioned and updated the idea from TV to Apps (not very creative) and their use of "shock and offense" humor. The problem was only one segment was in any way humorous while the rest was simply painful to watch.

I gave this a 2 out of 10 simply for the one segment which couldn't save this lemon of a movie but moved it up from a 1 out of 10 (awful).
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Unbelievably bad
salomon1617 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I know what they were going for. They failed miserably. I LOVE offensive things. This movie is only offensive to my eyes and ears. I haven't seen a movie this unfunny since the last Rob Schneider's movie. The Amazing Racist was ALMOST funny. Anna Akana is beautiful and I think that was the only part of the movie I could stomach. Blackass tried to be funny but went on for a bit too long. I couldn't tolerate Flirty Harry. If that made the cut, I'd hate to see what's on the editing floor. The Porno Review.... not even the least bit funny. Like at all ... nothing. Don't bother watching this. It's crap. I really tried to like it. I really wanted to. I went in with NO expectations, and was still let down.
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I don't get the bad reviews
tomas-344-90257411 September 2013
I really don't get the bad reviews. This was hilarious. I think people must have thought it was supposed to be an actual "movie" with a plot, story, etc... but think of it like a mix of Mad TV (or Kids in the Hall) and Jackass. Don't overanalyze it or think of it in any other way.

It's corny and low budget at moments but some of it is incredibly funny, especially the "amazing racist" skits. Funny in a really horrible/inappropriate way. It's really like a mix of feature-length comedy skits, nothing more.

I really don't know if all of it was scripted, some of it scripted, or whatever. Some of the reactions seemed genuine like that of Jackass or Borat. I loved it. FUNNY! Often in dumb or horrific ways, but so what?
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Uneven, but some solid laughs for those willing to laugh at themselves
ginocox-206-3369688 September 2015
"InAPPropriate Comedy" presents a series of skits that are related only in their efforts to test the boundaries. Some fall flat, while others are laugh-out-loud funny.

The most successful are The Amazing Racist skits, starring Ari Shaffir who looks very much like the stereotypical intellectual Jewish liberal, but spouts xenophobic, anti-Semitic and racist ideas that seem entirely out of character. But he plays it completely seriously with apparent conviction and sincerity. His actions are outrageous, but his narrative is restrained. He doesn't spout a string of caustic slurs or vulgar characterizations, but implies bigotry in more subtle ways.

Some may view the TAR sketches and feel offended because the protagonist is offending various groups. They may feel they should not be amused because such humor is inappropriate. However, Shaffir isn't advocating such bigotry. He is mocking it. He is not ridiculing religious and ethnic minorities, but the intolerant bigots who insult and stereotype them.

Fifty-one years ago Lenny Bruce's arrest on obscenity charges became a cause célèbre for free speech. Today, everybody is afraid to say anything for fear of offending some group or another. Statements that wouldn't have raised an eyebrow ten years ago result in boycotts, cancellation of sponsorships, the forced disposition of a basketball franchise, the cancellation of television series and other sanctions that would never have been considered even a few years ago. Free speech is threatened by special interest groups intent on penalizing those who use it to express ideas that don't conform to their political agendas.

We should applaud comedians and filmmakers who ridicule these free-speech revisionists and counterrevolutionaries. But "InAPPropriate Comedy" is unlikely to become a cause célèbre because it is uneven. Many of the skits fall flat. Others seem outdated. Making the skits iPad applications adds nothing. Some of the skits are simply underdeveloped.

The parody of Marilyn Monroe's iconic scene from "The Seven Year Itch" might have been much funnier if they had waited to reveal the Vince Offer character until the end and given the gag about Lohan's media persona a 1-2-3 punch. But they introduced Offer first to use the application idea and then add a really hokey computer 3-D animation graphic.

The Porno Review skits miss the mark because the reviewers are parodies of review teams like Siskel and Ebert and the films are parodies of porn movies. One or the other should have been played straight.

Flirty Harry would have been funnier if they had kept Adrian Brody's character straight (in the sense of being a comedic straight man), rather than comical with the pink sweatpants.

As George Carlin said, we can make a joke out of anything, it all depends on what you choose to exaggerate. IC is not a great film, but if we can get over ourselves and stop thinking that we can't laugh at some jokes because their subject matter is taboo, it offers some decent laughs.
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What the F**K!? Who told Sham Wow that he's a director
theblerdfantastic25 November 2014
Y'know what...I don't know who told Vince Offer that a camera and Final Cut Pro makes you a director but someone needs to check Vince immediately. You have to love Hollywood, its the only place where a guy who sells Dollar Tree washcloths on paid advertising time when everyone is unconscious can become a director with film financing and US domestic distribution for a film that has the production values of a studio but the story development of junior high creative writing assignment. I've seen kids with YouTube channels who have better narrative structure than this piece of sh*t. The fact Vince Offer got any of this and award winning directors can't even get green-lit is mind boggling. Anybody who values their job security would have not appear in this terrible 80 min expensive YouTube skit. And Adrien Brody? WTF. Why are you here? You don't see Daniel Day Lewis doing National Lampoons? Y'know why? Because its beneath him...obviously not for you. So when Fingerhut is looking for a spokesman, they'll know exactly who to call. The hatred of this movie is so immediate and I am only 30 minutes in, its offensive and stupid without reference and social commentary. That Blackass segment, misspelled ethnic names...'Eh Vince, social commentary is to educated not further discrimination jackass.
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murkis9021029 March 2013
The most interesting thing about this movie is that there is no real or fictional story behind it, the movie makers were allowed to speak for themselves about what THEY think the public would perceive as funny. Some even have written their own lines as I understand. And they have spoken. I have no other explanation for the stuff they came up with but to suggest that they must be in a state of self- delusion about what the rest of the world thinks of comedy, fun, or even about good and bad for that matter and that it's THEM who find this interesting and worth watching. But at least one funny thing came out of this failure, in my view - AnAPPropriate middle name for Mr. Brody, Adrien "Go-ahead-make-me-gay" Brody
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