11 Reviews
These women are a mess and I love it
mqdzfjc29 June 2022
Other than being in the berkshires this show has me hooked! That part is also funny because they are like "why didn't we get Turks and Caicos"...I liked the first season but the second season is so much better with all of their big personalities. Love that is it the x-housewives. If you are looking for something fun to pass the time this is the show for you. Nothing groundbreaking but if you are a fan of the housewives franchise you will love it! Can't wait for the next episode.
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classicmomentsvp28 July 2022
All the bravo shows are one of my ways to escape the humdrum. I missed my favorites like Vicki and dorinda and to see them again was like catching up with an old friend.

I also liked seeing them in a different light. People I couldn't stand before, I really connected on a positive level.

It was a joy to watch and not have all the negative drama.
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S2 chef's kiss
MintMelonSorbet15 August 2022
Season 2 is perfection. Tamra, Eva, Jill, and Phaedra are national treasures and the other ladies make for some interesting drama. I wish I could get more. Maybe without Dorinda.
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Entertaining,, enough
Njinked21 December 2021
Beautiful scenery, beautiful oceans. Not much story.

----Ramona brought a new level of annoyance to the table., it was hard to watch and she just had me fast forwarding every scene she was in.., not to mention she was wasted -WASTED in every scene, and just delusional., disrespectful to almost everyone (mainly Lu and Kenya) --Cynthia is another one,,, - sad any annoying - all she did was whine and pout over the fact that Kenya was having fun, and was bonding with the other girls and didn't give her enough attention. (Literally dragging her feet, pouting the entire trip) - Really didn't expect this side of Cynthia,- and don't care if she's never on another episode. (No loss) -((make room for someone that's more fun and more interesting))
  • Teresa and Melissa, was refreshing to see them get along better, without past dramas and just have fun.

-Kyle did a good job holding her own, as the only one without a buddie from her franchise.
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Fake people doing dumb things
nimitz54120 December 2021
Somehow this show got made... for what reason im not sure, but it happened and the world is a worse place now. Watching this show makes me cringe. It's truely a disgrace to see stuff like this crammed down the publics throat.. at least we can change channels.

I guess the types of people to watch this are the types to watch stuff like jerry springer or something? There is just not one redeaming quality in shows like this...

I still say and hours worth of commercials is better than this drivel.
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msannajg29 November 2021
Seriously, it is not cute throwing the word dementia around. People cannot help if they get dementia and to be honest it is detrimental. It's not funny, it's a horrible, nasty comment to throw around. Other than that, continue to enjoy each other's company, some of you all love to be negative but I will continue watching.
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Not bad!
big_kmc22 November 2021
The producers are allowing the girls to have real bonding moments where they hear and connect with each other. I know this is forbidden in the housewives franchise but for some reason they allow it here. I don't see why that's so horrible. Viewers enjoy watching women connect and relate versus treating each other in toxic ways. There are moments of weird and selfish behavior from kenya and ramona but it's almost like a blip on the screen versus nonstop drama.
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Pitiful women. .
valstone5214 December 2021
This is soooo boring and pathetic has been, non relevant people, who need to sit down. They look like a bunch of people blow up their dolls. Skanky ones at that. All the the series is need to be to be a canceled.
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first season was fabulous, second season was garbage
joannehafner26 June 2022
What a bloody waste of time. I loved the interaction of the gals during the first season. The second season was hideous. Should never have been held in the birkshires. It's basically unwatchable. Just an irritating mess. I was disappointed because i loved the first season.
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lineart-1297329 November 2021
I thought this might be a fun guilty pleasure considering the array of personalities in a tropical location. Oh boy was I wrong. I know that the producers want to see some in-fighting and controversy for entertainment purposes but this is so lame. These ladies claim they actually have 'followers' Seriously? They are so out of touch with the world with their trivial issues, keen to argue personalities, and their mutilated faces and bodies of science project proportions.
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Leah single handedly destroyed it once again.
diamonddax15 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Leah single handedly ruined RHONY. After what Leah did to RHONY - people have no idea how Bravo allowed her on UGT. She then single handedly ruined UGT. The other women were immediately fed up with her and she made the trip miserable for everyone. She needs professional mental intervention - not reality TV. Not sure how she was cast on the show in the first place. She was NOT a HouseWIFE - She wasn't married. She was not wealthy.

She was vulgar, crude and disgusting. No wonder her parents were mortified.

Why did they cast this woman after all the problems she caused on RHONY? She actually tried to say that BRAVO/Andy Cohen MADE her drink? Were they responsible for her addiction issues years ago as well? Who is she blaming for that?
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