38 Reviews
I weren't bored while watching it
SIEBOSS13 January 2024
It has its flaws Plot super fast! Characters show up, die in the next moment, twists and turns, dilema and drama, betrayl and so on. All shoved into 6 episodes each 20 minutes BUT each minute entertaining.

- It also KINDA requires you to accept what it does, for example to your favorite characters; if you can't tolerate seing rayman involved in adult themes OR a show being very out of nowhere, straight up insane and not explaining you anything then just don't watch the show, its FULL of it.

- Its pretty to look at MOST OF THE TIMES, Visuals were AMAZING, 2d animation of a big budget, many scenes where the show turns into a straight up sidescroller or dating sim. There is one cheaply made visual and it drags on for 2 episodes (EP4 and 5) You will notice it.
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Weird and fun
zaltman_bleros27 October 2023
Just watched the whole "show" and really wish Netflix and other services would stop chopping what essentially could be a 2 hour movie into 6 episodes of 25 minutes (including 3-4 minutes of intro and credits). But I digress, I thought this was a fun watch, thought it was funny and cool to see characters and lore from Ubisoft games mixed into a story. I know people will call it woke and really I am so sick of that word, it has lost all meaning to me. I enjoyed the show, having played a lot of these Ubisoft games made it more enjoyable. Oh one more thing: Bullfrog and Rayman steal the show, they were awesome.
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Probably one of the strangest melting pots in streaming TV.
Captain Laserhawk is the wackiest action-comedy alternate history crossover of video games I've ever seen, and it feels like its crossover craziness is comparable to Roger Rabbit and The Lego Movie; but this time the main draw is Ubisoft's many gaming properties.

So basically it's the 1990s here: Rayman is a talk show host, Assassin's Creed accepts talking animals into its syndicate, Sam Fisher is like a crippled Batman, and the United States no longer exists; and the Rabbids are gigantic monsters with peanut brains (probably).

This show is an interesting experiment for Netflix considering they're dipping their toes into ACTUAL video-gaming it doesn't feel like much of a surprise that they're trying to adapt more properties for film and tv too.

Of course the show begs this simple question: will there be a sequel series or Season Two in the future? Captain Laserhawk may be not to everyone's liking, but its zany fun and punchy action is a nice fit for the series and its intentions regarding parodying modern America as a paradox-laden maze of insanity.

Captain Laserhawk may become some viewers' 'gateway drug' to other adult animations on the internet, and hopefully this series isn't a one-off thing for Ubisoft adapting its properties going forward.

3.5/5 stars. 7/10 IMDb points. A fun watch that's uneven at times but never boring.
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Went in blind, went out satisfied
the_malbogia24 October 2023
TLDR: Retro cyberpunk mixed with 'in-game' pixel animations. Definitely different, but if you liked Cyberpunk 2077 edge Runner, you might find that you enjoy this.

I had NO idea what to expect. Not only had I never heard of Captain laserhawk, im not very familiar with Ubisoft as a whole. So it was like going in blind, with my ears covered. The opening scene made it very obvious it was going to be cyberpunkish, and about 10 minutes in, it was very obvious it was a campy cyberpunk ish with videogame elements to it. It was definitely enjoyable though. The Animation style and story telling almost makes it feel like its part of the cyberpunk 2077 universe, and thats mostly a good thing, as I really enjoyed that show. I dont really have anything bad to say about it except the really push the whole 'gilted romance' narrative. I have no issues with sexuality in general, but its a major plot point to the show when it feels like something that they are focusing more on a lovers quarrel than any other plots in the show for the first half. Almost like the rest of the story doesnt matter.

All that said, interesting show, very different. 6 episodes isnt enough.
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It's Ok-ish
Dimakovtun22 October 2023
The show has its good moments. Action and plot twists are a delight to watch.

The show has strong positives in world-building and character development. I hope the pacing will be more streamlined in the future and not a random "plug a bit of everything" as it seems in the first season. The follow-up seasons (if happen) definitely deserve a chance to be better than the first one, given the show solidifies what it wants to be.

As for the criticism: Some characters are too out of place, e.g. The leader of the Eden Army is just too comedic and it doesn't fit well into what Eden represents.

As a person who recognized probably all the Ubisoft characters in the series and did play Far Cry "Blood Dragon", I feel the addition of many was often too stretched and unnecessary. I heavily doubt this show will be made canon, so plugging Sam Fisher from Splinter Cell and Assassin's Creed represented by a frog-assassin felt to be just for the sake of cheap fan-grabbing audience, and even there it's done so cheaply that it felt rather repulsive than "a nice touch". It's far more crude that "Arcane" or "Cyberpunk" adaptions of their games.

"Nice touch" was a dedsec logo. "Nice touch" was an inter-dimensional species design. Maaaaybe, a name "Pagan Min" of one of the characters. But the rest was obviously made because "we have dead/dying franchises by Ubisoft, let's add them somehow into the show. I don't care how, just do it", and it feels by the viewer.

The scenes where the animated characters were turned into humans were on the boring side. I'm not entirely sure what was the purpose of that. Actually, no, I straight up don't get why would they do it at all.
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The best Ubisoft crossover in history.
sherjan-aamir22 October 2023
This show felt so fresh and unique in its visuals, character design and action. I won't spoil anything but it will manage to catch you off-guard at least once every episode. Each legacy character is "remixed" in a way which makes them stand out but just have enough to resemble the original.

I really hope we do get a season 2 as this is exactly what adult animation needs, shows willing to take risks and be creative by using the power of animation as a medium.

The writing is great and the political ideology has never been more relevant than today's world. I could not think of a better time than this for the show to debut.

This is a great start and they can build on from here to make something that will be a treasure for the fans.
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A must watch
cynvanity19 October 2023
This series immediately grabs your attention with its unique and striking art style. It seamlessly blends 1980s retro-futurism with cutting-edge animation technology. The result is a breathtaking world filled with vibrant neon colors, over-the-top action sequences, and a delightful blend of humor and nostalgia. It's a visual treat that effectively taps into the aesthetics of VHS tapes, arcade games, and retro sci-fi while infusing a modern flair.

The storytelling is another strong suit of the series. It delivers a rollercoaster plot filled with unexpected twists and turns that keep you engaged from start to finish. The show skillfully balances humor, action, and moments of genuine heart, making it accessible and enjoyable for a wide audience.
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A little light but enjoyable nonetheless
breadyfortheday15 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Coming into Captain Laserhawk, I had little to no expectations or knowledge as to what I was getting into.

To my surprise, I was greeted to a cast that consisted of characters or references of various Ubisoft properties. (Assassin's Creed, Beyond Good and Evil, and Far Cry to name a few.) All taking place within a cyberpunk setting composed of regular humans and hybrids. (Anthropomorphic animals.) If you're familiar with the Suicide Squad, you'll have an idea of how to main story plays out. With criminals being used to combat a greater evil at the cost of their lives if needed. Though criminals in this sense are simply people that go against or don't fit in with the ideals of Eden. The corporation that controls most facets of life and the main antagonist of the series.

While the ride was fun, the pace of the plot both increases and stalls at the same time leading to an unsatisfying cliffhanger for the ending. This also leads to the characters feeling underdeveloped. Even after the majority of them being killed off in the first few episodes, the remaining few still seem a bit one dimensional.

On the technical side, I have only good things to say. The character designs are top notch and all the voice actors did a fantastic job. The music while a little sparse, pulls above it's own weight when used.

Overall, despite problems with the story and character development, I had an enjoyable time and hope they get another season to properly wrap things up.
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Its very hit and miss
tanishaabdulrahman22 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Don't get me wrong I'm all for technology type future theme but here's the catch it needs to have interesting narrative so my issue is really is pacing i feel like they are rushed since feels very short the episodes and dissatisfied the characters most are feel forgettable or they get killed off so quickly like Captain Laserhawk ex lover Alex, Jade, Pey.'j.

Laserhawk is very one dimensional and unlikeable main character because of his reckless actions he gets most of his teammates killed since he's built in revenge for Alex betraying him and he takes no responsibility on what happen no remose until episode 5 which felt unearned and felt forced because we hardly got to know the gang and he's boring character i didnt care for. So when he did self destruction on Episode 6 I didnt feel anything because he had little to no character development.

Alex his ex lover felt strange since his betrayal just felt rushed we hardly got much time for development I could have seen him trying gain Laserhawk trust but no instead he gets killed in Episode 3 because Laserhawk wanted his revenge. This feels so frustrating because I want these characters to be interesting also this is poorly done LGTBQ romance you can add it if its interesting to plot but nope it was badly done romance Owl house did better and Arcane.

Sarah Fisher is also another weird one so she a warden and assigned missions okay cool but her motivations was so weird around Episode 6 when she added virus to laserhawk why? Its never explained you guys had heart to hear conversation in one of episodes you backstab him?! Lame she just awful.

I say only characters I did like is Bullfrog and Rayman now here's character I did like his scenes were big highlight he got character development after him finding out truth with organisation he was working for seriously I wish they focus the series on him not these one dimensional characters.

Its hit and miss because I like the animation and voice acting its fine no complaints but narrative is poorly done and characters aren't interesting when your side characters are better developed then you have problem I see so much potential in the show if it gets season 2 improve it because season 1 wasn't good I am not sure if I want to watch it again.
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Awesome... and not what I was expecting!
chris_green198120 October 2023
So I saw the trailer via Netflux and though... "this will be dumb fun I guess". First episode and it started that way... then bloody hell it went somewhere. So it is still a fair bit of dumb, self referential, acton packed fun. But in-between are some great characters, heart felt moments, and very social political undertones found in all good Cyberpunk stories.

I loved this. Binged in a day and I want more!!! It trod the line between silly and fun, action and good sci-fi so well. Great use of Ubisoft characters, though that is the only downer for me... that that company benefits with all that surrounds them. Still if you can separate art from... well onwer not artist (the animation company made it afterall), or just don't care, then I so highly recommend. FUN and some sad times.
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Amazing in concept, Undercooked in reality
PuShtinky23 October 2023
It feels like such a waste. Time and time again, Ubisoft has failed to deliver something truly memorable in their own gaming experiences due to trend surfing. Now that they have one of their best ideas to date, they (or Netflix) cut it down to mere bullet points.

Captain Laserhawk is 6 episodes long. You experience all of the twists and turns of a 2-season, 20 episode TV series in six 25-minute episodes. The show sprints through heartbreak and elation without a second to breathe. You see an entire world that could be explored, only to decide it's pointless by the next 2-3 scenes. You meet a main character, hear them say a few lines and watch them die. It was so easy to fall behind, that I had to rewind several times an episode.

I ended up not caring about any of the characters plights and achievements as a result (besides Rayman). How would I even care if they died? I have nothing to know about them beyond the fact that they're from an old game! Do I need to buy and play the videogame so I can feel sad when a character's life gets snubbed by another character from a different videogame??????

When it comes to themes, I do vibe incredibly well with the cyberpunk aesthetic. Blood Dragon the premier setting for the Ubisoft animated series. If anything, I wish the show wasn't as openly silly as Blood Dragon presented itself.

While I don't really have much to say about the animation quality, the decision of shifting animation styles to reflect a certain videogame aesthetic is cute (even though they don't usually reference Ubisoft games). I personally LOVE the show's brief use of mixed media and it's something I want to see in other animated shows and films. Seeing a real person in an animated environment with animated characters just tickles something in my ape brain.

I seriously wanted to like this project, and I do like a lot of what it has to offer. It's just so undercooked. I'm interested to see if this story goes anywhere in the future, but I can't help but expect Captain Laserhawk to be forgotten once another game publisher steps in with their own realized series.
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An addictive series
mangosteen5520 October 2023
Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix, Adi Shankar's latest creation, is a thrilling love letter to the glorious era of '80s and '90s action and sci-fi. Streaming exclusively on Netflix, this series immerses viewers in a mesmerizing neon-soaked, cyberpunk-infused world, skillfully blending classic pop culture nostalgia with a fresh and captivating narrative. With its visually striking aesthetics, vibrant neon colors, and retro-futuristic design, the show transports audiences to a dystopian future where Captain Laserhawk takes center stage as he leads a resistance against oppressive corporations and menacing AI overlords. Shankar's creative team excels in world-building, effortlessly intertwining the old and the new, resulting in a universe that is both familiar and thought-provoking.
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A Great Treat - Waiting for Season 2
suntan123423 October 2023
Very good show. I enjoyed this very much. Rahman and Jade were great! It is wonderful to have so many characters so well developed from all Ubisoft's vast library of games. Adi Shankar, Mehdi Leffad, Bobby Pills and team have combined well to deliver a knock out show! Every aspect of it is very good including the music and sound led by Elliott Ward Bowen and Remi Durel and the animation led by Yves Bigerel. The series cast have all done a masterful job. This is a great creation of art. The visuals and the colors used in the show are fantastic. I liked the way the 1980s retro has been combined with post modern animation.
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Love it
d-ramseeey20 October 2023
Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix, the brainchild of producer Adi Shankar, brilliantly resurrects the spirit of '80s and '90s action and sci-fi in a neon-soaked, cyberpunk world. The show's stunning visual aesthetics, engaging characters, and a pulsating synthwave soundtrack whisk viewers into a dystopian future where Captain Laserhawk, voiced brilliantly by Michael B. Jordan, leads the charge against sinister corporations and AI overlords. The series seamlessly melds nostalgia with a contemporary storyline, delivering action-packed sequences that pay homage to classic films while exploring modern themes of technology and power. Despite some minor pacing issues and occasional heavy-handed references, Captain Laserhawk is a thrilling, thought-provoking ride that captivates both fans of retro pop culture and those seeking fresh, immersive storytelling.

In conclusion, Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix is a masterful fusion of past and present, offering a visually dazzling, emotionally resonant series that speaks to the heart of its era while delivering a compelling narrative for today's audience. It's a must-watch for anyone craving an exhilarating journey through a retro-futuristic landscape that leaves a lasting impact.
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None of it feels earned
arlecchino-9079323 October 2023
It's fine. Or rather, it would have been fine if there were more episodes and/or the story wasn't being rushed through at a ridiculous pace. The first three episodes should really have been it's own season of 8+ episodes. It would have made so much more sense.

Now, because of its fast pacing, you never really get to know characters and their death/survival is never interesting because who cares about a character you've been introduced to literally 5 minutes ago. Similarly, the show pretends like some of the characters have built up some kind of rapport when they even barely know each other. None of their relationships feel earned. None of their feelings about each other feels earned.

The same is true for the show's tendency to want to do some kind of PLOT TWIST! Oh no they were a traitor the entire time that makes so much sense omg that was such a good reveal... Spoiler, none of it makes sense and none of it is a good reveal. None of it feels earned.
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Worth watching, and it will leave you wanting more!
sgreen-3699127 October 2023
In my opinion the show was fantastic. The story could've been spaced out better, but even so, it is worth watching. The only downfall was that there isn't more episodes. After watching the first episode I was thinking "okay this isn't bad" and in the same night after finishing the sixth and final episode (for now, hopefully there will be more and this is not one of those "one and done" type shows.) I thought "wow, that was great and I wish there was more." .

It's got plenty of action, it's funny sometimes, the dialogue is not corny, it does not feel like an npc wrote it and was quite enjoyable, the animation was quite well (one particular episode, I was eh about the style. Not bad, but interesting choice. Once it was past that part, it was amazing as it was before.) , it will throw you for a loop ( the story is good ) , it will also have you invested in the characters even with the little ammount of time you spend with them.

It definitely has way more pros than it does cons, and that says alot considering it's only 6 episodes as of now. With as many shows today that are being made, that are also just trash, this is one of those gems 💎 that turned out very good and I hope to see more of it.
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A bit of a mess, really
newark-610863 November 2023
This show staples together characters from or inspired by various Ubisoft games, throwing them into a world that is heavily influenced by Cyberpunk 2077 and the Edgerunners series, alongside some other elements that are rather blatantly copied (Suicide Squad anyone?). It feels about as organic as you'd expect with an approach like that, which is to say: Not at all.

A lot of the characters are simply forgettable and some die quicker than the time it takes for you to learn their names. Yet, the show seems to expect you to have developed an attachment to them. That doesn't really work, if a character has only 5 lines, though. I guess, in a sense, that is pretty close to what story telling in some Ubisoft games amounts to, but it makes for an even less appealing experience in a TV show.

The show feels like a very halfhearted attempt to benefit from the reason success of shows like Edgerunners or Arcane. Like it was pushed out with (too) little thought going into it, to ride that wave... without putting in the work. Disappointing.
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We need more of this
marktowne8220 October 2023
What a visually captivating series that seamlessly blends retro-futuristic aesthetics with a gripping narrative. It offers a tantalizing glimpse into an alternate 1992 where the battle for freedom and justice unfolds in the shadows. With compelling characters, a complex political allegory, and a suspenseful storyline, This is a must-watch for fans of dystopian fiction and those who enjoy thought-provoking television that leaves them questioning the boundaries of power and morality. This Netflix series offers a thrilling journey into a world where the past meets the future in a whirlwind of chaos and intrigue.
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Award Winning
animelord3320 October 2023
The use of vivid colors and intricate detailing in the world-building is a testament to the creative team's dedication. Every frame is meticulously crafted to transport viewers to a dystopian future where action and intrigue unfold against a mesmerizing backdrop. The show's visual effects, reminiscent of arcade games and classic sci-fi films, are a delightful blend of nostalgia and modern technology.

Moreover, the action sequences in Captain Laserhawk are visually exhilarating. The choreography and animation in these scenes are top-notch, delivering a sense of adrenaline that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. The explosions, laser blasts, and high-octane combat sequences are a true visual spectacle, reminiscent of the best action sequences from the past.

Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix stands out as a visual masterpiece. Its commitment to capturing the essence of retro pop culture through its mesmerizing neon-soaked world and action-packed sequences is a testament to the show's dedication to visual storytelling. It's a series that not only immerses viewers in its stunning aesthetics but also leaves a lasting impression, making it a must-watch for anyone who appreciates the artistry of television.
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Unexpected turn on Ubisoft universe made the right way
VioletShiny27 October 2023
Easily i can tell - this is one of the unexcpeted releases this year and damn, a really-really good one.

This show takes the best parts from Cyberpunk Edgerunners, mixing it with Ubisoft characters creating fun and interesting story with twists, and unusual (for some heroes especially!) turns.

If you played Ubisoft games such as Rayman, or even Rayman ravin rabbids, you'll find hundrends of smart easter eggs, and story driver ideas based around that. And there is an entire section for Splinter Cell fans as well.

Story - good, music - great. Visual ideas - you can clearly tell the authors were carrying about the show. There are tons of different unusal takes, ideas, (even 16bit style sequences), that mixed up and sums up pretty well.

For me, i didn't see much of negative factors, probably some moment could be done a little better, ending a little chaotic, here and there some problems.

As i final verdict - hiddent gem of this month, great and right adaptation on source material. Bloody, brutal, and will hold you till the very end.
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Swing and a Miss
dehanmeerholz22 October 2023
I was sure what to expect going into this show. It looked interesting from the trailers. And got off to a good start with episode 1. Great animation, action and interesting character. However from episode 2 onwards it's downhill. Things become to ridiculous to take seriously. And despite how crazy and colorful the show is it still manages to be boring and bleak with unnecessarily cruel moment that really waste the story and characters. I tried but couldn't finish the show, each episode after 2 made me less and less invested given how little things matter. Until I dropped it during 6. Sadly don't recommend this mess.
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An amazing show you need to see
sbzmqgp20 October 2023
This show to me is probably one of the best weve seen during 2023. Not only does it feature references to ubisofts other games, but the execution of the way they integrate them is amazing as well! The series starts to give an adult undertone to Rayman after many years as well. The story and style shifts throughout keep you on your toes, the passion keeps you watching and the action is heartpumping. Ubisoft is doing an amazing job with this series. Im thrilled to see season 2 when it comes out. This series is a must watch if you are a Ubisoft game nerd or just want to see some raw unfiltered action.
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Cyberpunk Edgerunners for Gamers
JimblesMcKimbles25 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't know anything about this show going in except that Ubisoft characters were in it, and i came out feeling like Ubisoft watched Edgerunners, said "sure we could do that" and put this together. It doesn't tie the various game characters together, and other that a "dimension X", i just assumed the characters are only there so they didn't have to flesh out everyone. I felt like i was filling in the gaps on characters like Sam Fisher and Marcus. I still think the idea is neat, but it makes no attempt to explain why all these people are here. They just are. Which i wasn't able to do when every episode had a moment of pointing and saying, "WOW IT'S GUY FROM VIDEO GAME!" It also just has 'hybrid' and 'alien' persons, but again it makes no attempt to explain their presense other then "Eden made them" without really showing anything. Honestly, a lot of this show is mentioning something without explaining why it's there. I don't need a detailed explanation of why everything in your world, but something would be nice.

The actual animation is nice. Nothing groundbreaking, but I liked the colors and the setting was interesting. The sections of pixel art were a cool distinction from the rest of the show. There's also a bit near the end with the voice actors being filmed and "pixeled" (im sure theres a real term but im not sure what its called) with the 2D animation. I liked the mixed styles and it kept me interested to see if they would have any other curveballs.

The only standout to me was the Rayman subplot, which was a cool idea for a dystopia world, but this is only a small part of the series. The idea of this person starting at the top of the corpation and falling down into the rebels is cool, and i wish this was the main plot with the extra stuff written once rayman fell from grace. The voice actor for Rayman does a great job.

TL:DR not terrible, but watch Edgerunners if you want a great cyberpunk story.
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Deserves an oscar
alexmata-3891430 October 2023
The best show I've seen and I usually don't like to watch shows and prefer movies, so much surprises, the characters are very cool, and the animation is unbelievably good, I watched this after a lot of TikToks talking about it, I watched the trailer and knew i would like to watch it, there were many cool scenes, and when I finished the some I loved it, some parts didn't make sense but later did, I don't know what else to write but I give this a 10 out of 10, really recommend and if you are reading this you should watch it or you can watch this with somebody like a friend or sibling, do have to be mature to watch this though.
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Rayman Gets Another Animated Series
tommypezmaster23 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This show is really compelling w/ a very interesting story arc. But the best part of the show very so much Rayman. He goes thought dept after lasing out on his talkshow after Red insulted beings from X.

After discovering that he's been replace w/ a lookalike, he got a message from the higher ups and tries to rebel against the world for being treated like an outcast. Complete w/ guns,swearing and doing coke. He has a voice inside him not to do so, but wants justice for himself and tries to go after the network.

Cartoon Network, Boomerang, Discovery Family and Starz Family should replace Baby Looney Tunes, Be Cool Scooby-Doo and Scaredy Squirrel w/ this, cause this is more mature than any of these 3 shows will every be.
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