Showing all 11 items



Sex & Nudity

  • Full front and back male nudity is briefly shown in a scene. You can see a person's penis tho it is quite hard to miss since it's not very detailed.

Violence & Gore

  • A tres personajes les vuelan la cabeza por medio de un control remoto, a ninguno se le muestran los sesos, solo las salpicaduras de sangre.
  • (Translation) Three characters have their heads blown off using a remote control, none of them have their brains shown, only blood spatters.
  • Has a good amount of bloody cartoon violence.


  • Very strong profanity.
  • Multiple F bombs and GD from the first episode onward.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • Rayman can be seen snorting cocaine and drinking alcohol.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • There is a mass slaughter between species, this scene can result as traumatic, both for what is shown and for what it symbolizes in the series.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Violence & Gore

  • En el último capítulo Rayman asesina a la junta directiva del canal de noticias de Eden, el primero muere de un tiro a la cabeza y luego hay una pequeña elipsis y se muestra a la junta muerta, hay sangre por todos lados.
  • (Translation) In the last chapter Rayman murders the board of directors of the Eden news channel, the first dies from a shot to the head and then there is a small ellipsis and the board is shown dead, there is blood everywhere.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

See also

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