No Strings Attached (2011) Poster

(I) (2011)

Ashton Kutcher: Adam



  • Adam : I'm warning you, if you take one step closer, I'm never letting you go.

  • Adam : Hey, you can't call me and tell me that you miss me. I don't want to have that conversation on the phone. So you can't text me and you can't e-mail me and you can't write on my wall. Like, if you really miss me, you need to grow up and get in your car and come and see me.

  • Emma : I made you a Valentine's Day card.

    Adam : What?


    Adam : It's perfect. Will you read it for me?

    Emma : [reads card]  You give me premature ventricular contractions.

    Adam : I'm assuming that's a good thing.

    Emma : You make my heart skip a beat.

    Adam : Aww.

    Emma : Don't make fun of me!

  • Emma : [wakes up]  Adam!

    Adam : What?

    Emma : We fell asleep and we were spooning.

    Adam : We were?

    Emma : Yeah. And we were spooning with our clothes on which is like 10 times worse.

  • Emma : This isn't really my place. I mean, who am I? I just have sex with your son sometimes.

    Adam : Yes she does!

    Emma : But, there is really no reason for you to bring a child into this world since you're acting like children already.

    Vanessa : That was really mean.

    Emma : Yeah, I'm mean. But you're fucking crazy. Because given the choice between Adam and his dad. Given the choice between Adam and anyone, really, I'd choose Adam. Every time.

    [to Adam] 

    Emma : Do you want to get out of here?

    Adam : Yeah. Fuck this.

    Emma : Oh, by the way. It's the best sex of my life.


    Emma : Great Scott!

  • Adam : [answers phone]  Hello?

    Emma : Hi. It's Emma Kurtzman from Camp Weehawken.

    Adam : Yes. What is it?

    Emma : So my sister's getting married in Santa Barbara tomorrow and, I don't know. I heard your show was tonight. Congratulations.

    Adam : Thank you.

    Emma : I know this is random. I just, um, I miss you. I miss you so much.

    Adam : Ok. I don't know what to say. You're calling me because you're at your sister's wedding and she looks happy and everyone is happy and you're not

    Emma : I thought.


    Emma : I don't know what I thought. I guess I wanted to hear your voice. I mean, I know we broke up but.

    Adam : [interrupts]  Emma. We didn't break up. We never started. Look, I gotta go. I'm still at work. Have fun at the wedding and tell your sister congratulations for me. Bye.

    [hangs up] 

    Emma : [looks at phone]  Aw fuck.

  • Emma : Do you wanna do this?

    Adam : Do what?

    Emma : Use each other for sex, at all hours of the day and night. Nothing else.

    Adam : Yeah, I could do that.

    Emma : Good. It's gonna be fun.

  • Adam : I understand what's going on. You're all on the same cycle. This is very exciting. Your uterine walls will be shedding for the next three to five days.

    Shira : Nice memorization. Did you Google that?

    Adam : I may have. Because you're women. And I think that's a beautiful thing. Oh...

    [takes out a CD] 

    Adam : I also made you this.

    [hands it to Emma] 

    Adam : To help soothe your womb.

    Patrice : It's a mix!..."Even Flow." "Red, Red Wine."

    Shira : "Sunday Bloody Sunday"?

    Emma : Adam. You made me... a period mix?

    Guy : That's so romantic!

    Patrice : Frank Sinatra, "I've Got the World on a String"!

    Adam : It's a classic.

  • Adam : You're fucking my ex-girlfriend?

    Alvin : Well, yeah. But... She's just so hot.

    Adam : I know how hot she is.

    Vanessa : [peeking out into the hallway]  That's really sweet. Thanks, guys.

    Adam : Fuck you!

  • Adam : So, what's up with not calling me back?

    Emma : I'm not good at this stuff.

    Adam : At what? Talking?

    Emma : Yeah, talking. Communicating. Relationship stuff. If we were in a relationship I would become a weird scary version of myself. My throat starts constricting. The walls start throbbing. It's like a peanut allergy, like an emotional peanut allergy.

    Adam : Well, I can't date you either. You're not my dad's type.

  • Emma : Sometimes, my neck gets sore.

    Adam : Why?

    Emma : Because my brain is so big.

  • Emma : Congrats? For what, having sex with you?

    Adam : You did a good job, so... I thought you deserved a balloon.

  • Alvin : When you're married and you do blow, try to stay away from women who want to fuck you. Even ugly women. Blow is blind, Adam. Blow is blind.

    Adam : You're an asshole.

    Alvin : But you're not. You got a good heart, Adam. Try to keep it.

  • Adam : You're crazy. I felt like Flava-Flav.

    Emma : I can't believe you chose those girls.

    Adam : You jealous?

    Emma : Don't do that. Don't just disappear like that on me.

    Adam : You told me to.

    Emma : You shouldn't listen to me.

    Adam : Alright, I won't.

  • Adam : My dad invited me to dinner and he's bringing Vanessa. You have to come with me.

    Emma : No, I don't. I just worked 14 hours. I'm not gonna meet your parents.

    Adam : You know what? Just help me. These are really powerful painkillers. I can't feel anything.

    Emma : [slaps Adam]  Feel that?

    Adam : Yeah. I felt that.

  • Emma : Don't list me as your emergency contact. I won't come.

    Adam : Isn't that against your Hypocratic Oath?

    Emma : Yeah. I'd let you die!

  • Adam : You know, I don't want to freak you out, but I'd love to hang out with you in the daytime sometime.

    Emma : It's not really possible. I have no time. I work 80 hours a week doing 36-hour shifts. What I need is someone who's going to be in my bed in 2 a.m. who I don't have to lie to or eat breakfast with.

    Adam : I hate breakfast.

    Emma : Do you want to do this?

    Adam : Do what?

    Emma : Use each other for sex at all hours of the day and night, nothing else.

    Adam : [soundbite of music]  Yeah, I could do that.

    Emma : Good.

  • Emma : Dr. Metzner? Adam, what's going on? What happened?

    Dr. Metzner : He sprained his wrist punching a wall.

    Emma : You texted me that you were dying.

    Adam : It really hurt.

    Dr. Metzner : I gave him some Hyrdocodone for the night. It's a very strong painkiller. You might want to have Dr. Kurtzman here drive you home. And here is a prescription for an anti-inflammatory.

    [hands to Emma] 

    Dr. Metzner : Don't worry, you're in good hands. Your girlfriend here is a very talented doctor.

    Emma : No! I'm not his girlfriend.

    Adam : She is not my girlfriend.

    Dr. Metzner : Oh sorry. I saw that he listed you as an emergency contact. My mistake. Oh by the way, I enjoyed your dad's TV show. Great Scott! It's funny stuff.

    Adam : I'll tell him you said that.

    [pops pill] 

  • Adam : [Calling Emma]  You can't just suddenly call me and say you miss me!

    Emma : I know...

    Adam : No, do not call me to say you miss me. Do not text me, do not e-mail me... do not write it on my wall! If you really miss me, come here and tell me that!

  • Adam : You eat like a baby dinosaur; you don't even chew.

  • Adam : Hey!

    Emma : What?

    Adam : Thank you for what you did back at the restaurant.

    Adam : Go on a date with me.

    Emma : You're heavily sedated.

    Adam : Come on, it's... It's one date. Just do it.

    Emma : Why? So I can wear make up and act perfect all night?

    Adam : Yeah. I'll pick you up, and we can talk about our favorite books and our favorite TV shows. I'll pay for everything and you can reward me with an over-the-jeans cock rub. Like a real date.

    Emma : Is that really what you want?

    Adam : This Friday.

  • Adam : I can't keep doing this. I'm not gonna see you again.

    Emma : I know. That makes sense.

    Adam : Bye.

  • Eli : You know what the best part about my gay dads is?

    Adam : What?

    Eli : They're never gonna eat out my ex-girlfriends.

    Wallace : You and your dad are tunnel buddies, huh?

  • Joy : Did you have sex with some girl and give her a balloon?

    Adam : Can we not tell everyone?

  • Emma : [Wearing 3-D glasses]  Wow... It's like it's coming right at me.

    Adam : I'm cumming... Uh! Fuck!

    [Adam comes on Emma's face] 

    Emma : Did you just cum at me?

    Adam : I thought you just said it.

    Emma : Hmm... These glasses must be really good then.

  • Alvin : How long have you two been together?

    Emma : Oh, we're not.

    Adam : We're sex friends.

    Emma : Yes we are.

    Adam : Friends with benefits. Fuck buddies.

    Alvin : [surprised]  Great Scott!

  • Alvin : Come on. Hit me!

    Adam : What? No. I'm not going to hit you. I don't want to hurt you.

    Alvin : You're not going to hurt me. Come on!


    Alvin : Come on, quick before I get a hernia!

  • Adam : Go on a date with me.

    Emma : [laughing]  You're heavily sedated.

  • Adam : [to Shira]  Listen, I want you to know that I respect you.

    Shira : Thank you!

    Adam : Normally I would remember the name of someone that I've

    Shira : [interrupts]  What? Oh my God. Did you think we had sex? We did not have sex!

    Guy : Hey Adam. You left your socks in my room.

    Adam : Did I?

    Guy : You did.

    Adam : Did I, by chance, leave my pants in your room?

    Guy : No. When we met you weren't wearing pants.

  • Patrice : [Into front door intercom]  Hello?

    Adam : Hi, it's Adam.

    Patrice : [Looks at Emma, who shakes her head "no", then back into intercom]  Go away.

    Adam : I've got cupcakes.

    [Gets buzzed in] 

  • Adam : Come on, it's one date. Just do it.

    Emma : Why? So I can wear make up and act perfect all night?

  • Alvin : So... Are you having sex?

    [hands marijuana to Adam] 

    Adam : Yes. I'm having sex.

    Alvin : 'Cause if you want any pointers, you know... I can help you out. If there's one thing you learn after two failed marriages, it's how to eat kitty. Anyone special?

    Adam : No. I mean, not since Vanessa.

    Alvin : It's been a year. It's time to move on.

    Adam : It's been eight months, Dad.

  • Lisa : She is so good at impressions.

    Adam : Do an impression, then.

    Lisa : Yes, do an impression then.

    Joy : All right, guess who this is.

    [Joy sucks in her lips] 

    Joy : Dad!

    [she sucks in her lips again] 

    Joy : Dad!

    Lisa : Oh my God, that's so cute.

    Adam : I don't know.

    Lisa : Come on.

    Joy : Where are you?

    Adam : I don't know.

    Joy : Where are you, Dad?

    [Wallace walks over] 

    Wallace : It's Nemo.

    Lisa : Yes!

    Joy : Yeah.

    Adam : Nemo.

    Lisa : Amazing.

    Adam : I don't know why I didn't get that. How did you know that?

    Wallace : 'Cause I've seen it a thousand times. That's how.

    Lisa : Mmmm. Drew Barrymore.

    Joy : I don't know if I'm drunk enough.

    Lisa : Come on.

    Adam : You can't do Drew Barrymore.

    Wallace : Oh, but she can.

    Joy : [in sexy valley girl accent]  Happy holidays. I was in 'The Wedding Singer'.

    [normal voice] 

    Joy : That's it. That's all I have.

    Adam : That was kind of an amazing Drew Barrymore.

  • Joy : What's going on?

    Adam : This is Joy.

    Joy : I'm Joy. Hi.

    Emma : Good for you.

    Lisa : Adam?

    Adam : And this is Lisa.

    Emma : You are such an overachiever.

    Adam : Thank you.

  • Adam : I'm gonna call every girl in my phone until someone agrees to have sex with me.

    Wallace : That's strong. Toast to that.

    Eli : Toast. That is a terrible, self-destructive plan, and we're behind you a hundred percent.

  • Adam : Hey.

    Man with Dog : Hey.

    Adam : We're sex friends. Just friends who have sex.

    Man with Dog : That's not possible.

  • Adam : So, what's up with not calling me back?

    Emma : I'm not good at this stuff.

    Adam : At what? Talking?

    Emma : Yeah, talking, communicating, relationship stuff. It's just... This is... If we were in a relationship, I'd become a weird, scary version of myself, and...

    [shakes her head] 

    Emma : My throat starts constricting, the walls start throbbing. It's like a peanut allergy, like... an emotional peanut allergy.

  • Adam : Don't call my penis cute. Even if it's dressed up as a Care Bear and it's giving you a care stare.

    Emma : Don't dress up your penis. Ever!

  • Adam : So, did I just pass out on your couch?

    Emma : No. Then you did this thing. It was like, a dance?

    Adam : Dance?

    Emma : Yeah, like...

    [impersonates Adam's dance] 

    Adam : I shook my dick at you?

    Emma : Yeah.

    Adam : Oh, shit. I'm sorry.

    Emma : No, no. It was exciting. It was like, you were cheering while you were doing it. You were like, "Look at my dick!"

    Adam : Did you look at it?

    Emma : Yeah, I looked. It was nice. You have a really nice penis.

    Adam : Nice?

    Emma : Seems kind of like carefree.

  • Adam : Did you look at it?

    Emma : Yeah. I looked. It was nice. You have a really nice penis.

    Adam : Nice?

    Emma : It seems kind of, like, carefree.

    Adam : Yeah?

    Emma : Yeah.

See also

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