1,155 Reviews
Off the mark
catschasemice959411 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The original show was about women dealing with career, romance, and ambition. This show is about women refusing to admit that they are aging. The characters are stuck in the same old personas they had in the original show. Amanda watches a TV show and decides to return to school for a human rights MA. Now in her fifties she hasn't figured out how to relate to Black folks in spite of the dialogue that has gone on for years. Charlotte has retreated to 1959s house wife. And Carrie is still dressing in the same goofy clothing that she wore in her thirties. The funeral hat looked like a raffia frisbee. The kid characters are obnoxious. The only real character is Steve and he gets through life by turning off his hearing aids. Plus he may be on large doses of Valium. Do we need a show about wealthy women who are massively detached from reality. Nope.
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fionastaun12 December 2021
Shoes? Tick. Hat? Tick. Woke? Tick. Tick. Tick. Cosmos? Tick.

Every Sex in the City memory box ticked in the most hammer in-your-face way.

And the rather funny, eccentric and gorgeously frivolous 30 somethings have now turned into babbling and nasty 50yo idiots.

Terrible script writing beyond belief. Sip a Cosmo for every cliche and you'll be on the floor by scene 2!

Writers have not built on each character - they've torn them down. Miranda acts like a kiwi fruit.
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The writers should be fired.
lewismusgrove882 January 2022
I can't get over how woke (lame) the writers have made this show. They're literally checking off a list of trendy woke topics in each episode and it's so gross. Idgaf if the original show wasn't inclusive, it was iconic af and I miss it. HBO can keep this mess.
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alexutza_crazzy10 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I've barely watched 17 minutes of the first episode and i'm wondering why is it necessary for a series to touch all sensitive subjects and politically corectness stuff. They're not doing it great either and it doesn't send any message. Also, those topics are so important that i feel a movie (at least not this one) isn't the best way to bring them to light. Not loving it so far. Oh, and very disappointing story line on Samantha.

Update after finishing first episode. WTF?! Why would you kill him? It looks fake too, who reacts that way?
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Classic ruined by woke stupidity
Rox919 August 2022
Miranda is the one that really has me so dissapointed. Who is she in this? Why did they make her so insecure? Dont get it. And of course the woke stuff... Why? You are getting your shows cancelled, when are you going to understand? The woke ship has sailed.
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It Ruined the Original Series
pearlcruzpickle11 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
As a hardcore fan I felt so betrayed that they ruined SATC in just 2 episodes of this. It was so wrong on so many levels I don't even know here to begin.

Let's begin with Carrie. To reduce her into a podcaster who has to subject herself to please a millennial, woke podcaster boss is beyond me. Carrie was in a league of her own. She was not the type to join this podcast bandwagon. She was a non-conformist, one of New York's movers and shakers during her hey days. It made more sense that she would have built her own empire by now, or at the very least become an editor at Vogue. And not demote her at this level.

Miranda was a formidable lawyer, she embodied women empowerment in the workplace and all of a sudden she is reduced to a PC-blundering white woman... it's disgusting. And Charlotte....also no evolution/character development she has just become a literal full-blown Upper East Side Karen.

Also nobody needed to see Steve being deaf, nobody needed to see Big die, and nobody needed to see Brady have sex just because nobody can do what Samantha did in the show anymore.

The series should have been left alone. And that comes from a hardcore fan such as myself who has literally gone to NY and do SATC tours, have all the books, and has re-watched the series a million times.

For a show that was smart, sassy, and sexy, they somehow managed to make it stupid and shallow beyond repair. What a shame.
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TofuWarrior14 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Two episodes in and I'm shaking my head!! Why would you start a reboot with killing off a major character? It's depressing AF. Zero entertainment value. This is not the series I once loved. Nothing enjoyable about watching these two episodes. Left me in tears for more ways than one. Highly regretting renewing HBO Max just to watch the series! Where do you even go from here? Are they going to have Carrie banging dudes again just to try to go back to the way she was in her 30's now that Big is dead? Feels very overdone in terms of racial & gender issues too. And Miranda & Charlotte are unwatchable. Barf.
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I couldn't help but wonder... can a series get any worse than this?
Avwillfan893 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was a massive Sex and the City fan. And after the 2nd movie, I was devastated and disappointed at how far it had fallen in terms of character development and writing. What I didn't realise was that this was a prototype leading up to this - whatever you want to call it - reboot.

If the movies were consumerist garbage promoting great wealth and fashion labels - this is intended to shove the woke agenda so far down your throat, you can't get it out.

While Charlotte and Carrie already lost my respect, at least we still have Miranda and Samantha right?

Dead wrong.

Samantha is gone, owning to Kim Cattrall's refusal to participate because of the way she was treated and excluded by her co stars, in particular SJP. Her absence is felt strongly and the dynamic between the main girls just doesn't work without her.

Miranda. Oh my God where do I begin?

It is amazing how writers can take a beloved character with strength and loyalty and completely butcher her to the point of being totally unrecognisable from her Sex and the City counterpart. In the series, she is awkwardly and accidentally racist towards her friends and bosses. She becomes an alcoholic and falls in love with a non binary woman called Che (Don't even get me started on that character - the absolute worst I have seen on TV in a long time) and cheats multiple times on her husband Steve, despite being absolutely devastated when he admitted to having sex once in the first movie.

Miranda was once a level headed, smart, independent, loyal, stubborn, pragmatic lawyer. But in this installment, she's a ditzy, unfaithful, alcoholic, needy teenager in a 50 something year old body. Apparently the actress wanted the character to go through the same journey that she went through - coming out as bisexual and then queer and marrying a woman. Sacrificing a brilliant, empowering character for the sake of "authenticity" is the worst thing one can do in writing in my opinion.

None of the main character's offspring are remotely likeable. Charlotte's daughter Rose "doesn't feel like a girl" and wants to be named Rock, cut her hair and have they them pronouns because...it's woke now? Miranda's son Brady is an obnoxious brat who treats his parents like dirt. I doubt Miranda and Steve would have raised their son to be like this.

Carrie's husband Big dies in the first episode, which is sad, but then she never shuts up about it - and downplays everyone else's problems because of it.

Although it's not a surprise that she hasn't matured either. The problem with Carrie Bradshaw is not that she's selfish, insecure, callous, unfaithful, frightened of commitment and incredibly needy and whiny - it's that she never appears to learn from her mistakes. Even when people point it out to her, or she realises it herself, she immediately makes it about her seconds later.

It is no surprise that Cattrall didn't want to return to this abysmal car wreck of a series. It does make sense, however, that it's no longer called Sex and The City because it doesn't resemble the original series in any shape of form.

In the words of Samantha Jones:

"You can forget Samba!"
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Every scene feels like a take
michaelguajardo1 August 2023
I've never noticed this in a show before, but when i watch 'And just like that', it's as if the actors are just going through the script. No flow to the show.. "Action/Cut", next scene, "Action/Cut", next scene.

Also, too many stories going on that aren't very interesting, And nobody is together, they're all living there own little dramas, but their struggles feel fake, not adapted to their characters..

I find myself criticizing the show, instead of being present.. I only watched a few episodes from the original series, I remember the friends being all together with lots of wit and banter. Keeping it light and fun.. Now, it's just a show in the background, I've yet to laugh.
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Don't expect SATC- it's not that! Hate to say it, but they should have left these ladies in the 90's
WhateverIWant2911 December 2021
So for context I watched the original SATC series when I was in high school through college and I was probably slightly younger than it's intended audience, but I was in love with the fashion, the characters, the snapshot of supposed life. It was bold, brash and liberating. Even though it was a exclusionary, I still found the dating situations/ struggles, sex scenarios/dilemmas relatable, some of the problems were very real and absolutely hilarious. So many things I was afraid to ask and talk about were on screen and the fashion was jaw dropping! This grown up version is NOT THAT! It is MUCH older and I just can't relate, I guess I watched it when I was too young so I haven't grown with them. What I see now is a big cringe fest, big generational differences, it's not as funny, the fashion is a bit try hard (definitely missing Patricia field's sparkle). In the context of today's shows that feature female friendships/sex/dating, this falls very short. Also, I hate to drone on about the lack of Samantha, but you can definitely feel it...Maybe if one of them was single and actively dating again or poly/swinging or something...it might be more interesting, but the way sex is addressed isn't as bold and trailblazing as before, it's prudish and clumsy with very random references thrown in. Their problems are boring as opposed to titillating, but I guess that's real life. For me, Anthony is the only interesting character - wish he had more air time . This feels very much in keeping with the movies as opposed to the original series. The original series had its flaws but it was brilliant for its time. To be honest, this isn't terrible, it's just not Sex and The City... but I guess that's why it's called something else. If you like the movies, you'll like this. If you like the series you'll find this mediocre at best.
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Justice for Steve and Miranda!
nessaree21 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What the hell have you done to poor Steve? You've turned him into this bumbling caricature of his former self. Steve was Miranda's touchstone in the series and they're story was perfect. Now, he's this sad, deaf?!, clueless old man. And Miranda? The cheating storyline, her idiot kid... it all just makes no sense and it's fairly obvious the writers have run out of ideas.

I loved this show soooo much. Still do. And despite others opinions, I enjoyed the first movie. (We'll just forget the second) A return to these characters will always pique my interest. However "And just like that" is a perfect example of "just because you can, doesn't mean you should."
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Over the top political correctness
bradseed-5796920 May 2022
One Woke cliche after another. It almost feels like a parody. It's so relentless that it could be used as a re-education tool for an HR department. Preachy and dull, the exact opposite of what made the original show a classic.
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Strategic incompetence?
ncentia11 December 2021
So often on IMDB there are an excess of reviews that focus only on representation and "wokeness" so I'm hesitant to write one myself. However, the attempts to add better diversity and representation to this reboot are so clumsy and self-conscious I can't help but wonder if it is strategic incompetence. The same energy as a toxic spouse who deliberately performs tasks badly to highlight how supposedly unreasonable it was to ask them to perform them, or to prevent them from being asked again. Is it really so hard to represent diversity and keep the focus on characters' humanity?
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Oh my God
dd-osman27 December 2021
This is worse than bad. It's depressing considering how great the original was. Kim Cantrell dodged a grenade with this one. Awful. The forced wokeness was the hardest part to take. Such a shame as it could have been great exploring Carrie and co in their 50s. It's just so bad.
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Fun Bits but Disappointing
lenorekaibel23 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There have been some good things in these past 16 episodes of the show. Bigs death is well played. The new characters are a positive addition, for the most part. The clothes are still fun.

Not so fun? The sex is mostly just gross. A mother instructing her 17 year old daughter on getting some? Boundary issues. Strap on scenes, pegging chats, a 40 something telling a 50 something to "Step up her P--"? I get that teens and 20 something's may well say things like that, but mature people? We are Gen X, not Gen porno, no matter how sex positive or liberal some of may be.

That, and it tries too hard. We need more storyline and less identity politics. I'd also not call the abundance of 1% style wealth terribly relatable. Diversity? Bring in a few characters who need to earn a living.
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And just like that ... character assassination!
lorraineesimpson23 June 2023
So I LOVED Sex and the City. Got the full box set and still watch it from time to time. It was sharp, sassy, funny and ... aspirational! Sure it was a fantasy life but who wouldn't want a life filled with brunches, fabulous parties, dates with hot guys, the best of friends and did I mention the clothes? And the shoes? It was all fabulous and I have to say, much as I loved it I was a bit apprehensive when I heard they were updating the story. Some things are best left alone.

Let me tell you my fears were more than justified but never did I think they would so completely trash the whole thing. Charlotte, probably my least fave and always a little annoying, is now just unpleasantly pretentious. Carrie still looks great but there is nothing to her, she's a clothes horse and nothing more. Zero depth to her character. Miranda, smart, ambitious, fiesty Miranda is nothing but a hot mess, a hopelessly infatuated groupie who has given up everything for her new lover.

And woke ... so woke it's painful. Every aspect of right-on political correctness, social concern, minority interest group is just crammed in there in the clunkiest most toe-curling way imaginable. The scripts are truly awful, the new 'characters' (I use that word in the loosest sense) all tick one box or another. Oh and the sex- always a big part of the show but somehow before it was so much lighter and more fun - is now so predictable and ... dreary really.

If SATC was aspirational there is absolutely nothing aspirational about this. SATC was the party and this is the mother of all come downs. I rated 2 stars for the clothes but even they arent as fabulous as before.
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How woke is too woke
michael_t_r_i_p_p1517 December 2021
I was so excited for this show but I was very scared they were going to start making everyone Gay and "Non-Binary"... sadly that exactly what happening. I'm 35, Gay and have never met someone who refers to themselves as Non-Binary and have now none transgender person in my life (15 years ago). Why could t this show just be fun, why did they have to make it about social issues?. I'm not sure how more I can watch this show. Why can't characters just be Gay/Lesbians anymore?????
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Nac8926 December 2021
I started to watch with no expectations, a few minutes they have already spoke about every "social justice" subject they could cram in.

I am in my mid 50's and watching them act as if they are 80 year olds living in a bubble is hilarious.

Who are the awful writers? No wonder Kim Cattrall didn't want any part of it. She seems to be the smart one.

This is trying way too hard!!!
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Don't understand the hate
naomimuldrew279 January 2022
The hate the show is getting isn't fair IMO. Also, the things men are saying about how the women look are actually making me sick. I'm not getting the woke comments either. Yes, there are storylines regarding gender but so what? Also, to the guy saying they should be looking for nursing homes, the 1950s called, they're missing you. My mum is 64, works full time and is fitter than most people my age. Anyways, it's not real, it's a TV show, it's entertainment. Take it for what it is and enjoy.
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Here's why it might work.
Pimilli14 December 2021
I saw the original sex and the city with my partner. She was a huge fan watching the show twice a week in the 90s and 2000s. I liked it but It wasn't for me. She skipped the movies. She saw the first and said it destroyed the original show. She was a die hard. Anyway tonight we watched the first episode of And Just Like That...and I wasn't expecting much. Here's what I found interesting is it shows these women, like all of us, trying to evolve with the world around us. In their 30s they were the prime of their life. Now in their 50s it's harder to understand everything that's moving as a very fast pace. If they kept the show the same: sex, clothes, shoes and frivolity it would have been terrible. Time moves along whether we want to or not (believe me sometimes I wish it wouldn't). That's why it seems to work. It's trying to understand where we fit in the world.
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They killed SATC, painfully
acuarelasjuli1 July 2023
I used to love SATC. It was fresh, it wasn´t real-real but you could pretend it was. Now there is no way this can get any worse. Kids and adults, both white and color seem to have the same rich-people issues and whine about them with no remorse. It is so obvious that they tried to make an all-inclusive thing that it looks unnatural, forced, imposted, almost disrespectful for all genders. Carrie´s character lost its depth, she looks like a supporting role of the others and of herself. I don´t understand Seema´s role, what is she, who does she even represent? Can anyone relate to any of these people? There is so much that is wrong that it would take forever. Not good no no no.
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still refreshing
webwizardbe28 January 2022
Hi from Europe I was in my early 20's when my wife and I rented the original series, and I felt a bit rushed, the series could be nervous at some times, but still liked it.

And just like that so many years later my wife and I binged the first 9 episodes. Because of the low ratings I was stacking episodes instead of watching them.

Well, the word woke has been used by several critics in the most negative way. But that's just crap. The writers have their finger on the pulse of society. I'm younger than the cast but if you keep an open mind getting older this series may enlighten you a bit. If you're rusty and old fashioned, hello!!! We don't live in the 90's anymore.

It's still a good dramady and if you can't stand things like non binary sexual oriantation, lesbian experiment, LTGB etc and sex problems above 55 years old then this series can be confronting sometimes.

When I binge a series it deserves at least a solid 8, could grow into a 9 if they keep the balance between comedy and light drama.
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Why keep insisting on ruining a good thing?
sammymg2418 January 2022
Loved sex and the city. Couldn't get past 20 mins of this show twice. I tried but the show was super woke, not the ballsy show I remember With girls Iwho had their own opinions and challenges. There was also way too much happy family's after all the mistrust. This show is an abomination. I thought the movies were bad. Just STOP!
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Woke in the City
kububeach20 December 2021
Kudos to them for not trying to hide the age of the characters. But the wokeness is just a turn off. When will the movie industry realize that people don't want this type of politically correctness to be spoon fed non stop? I'm all for social justice but I don't it to be forced on me when all I wanted is just an entertainment.

And Sex and the City without Samantha Jones??
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Reaaally bad
re-tomaszek10 December 2021
Episode one... horrible.. What is it with all the TV shows that after C19 they have to force feed racial, gender etc.. subjects.. First episode ... cringe cringe..
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