Naomi (TV Series 2022) Poster


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Some good aspects, but ultimately a corny teenager show :-(
stevebondi26 January 2022
The main actress is good, the character building and relationships are somewhat interesting, but the superhero plot is SO corny and not realistic in any way :-( The show also starts off real slow, and when the main superhero story starts becoming clear, there is one corny teenage caper after another, all with very little believability and very little entertainment value for adults :-(
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Oh My...
nailzag11 February 2022
Everyone loves Naomi, and being a 16 year old teenager, this is very rare, besides everyone loving her, she has a father that doesn't take off his military clothes even for coffee and speaks robotic phrases, she has friends that start to investigate things with her, for no reason, just because naomi wants to, after all, everyone loves naomi, boring, boring, the intention of the actress was good tho.
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Needs better writers
larzola2827 January 2022
I gave it a fair shot but, it just didn't hook me like a good show. I think the show could have a chance if they improved the writing. No one seems to know anything about Naomi and those who might don't even give you a hint of what purpose she would serve. I also think you could draw a better audience if the special effects were alittle better,if Naomi didn't try to seem so against her truth as hard. And who's RL parents let you do whatever. Switch writers, improve special effects would be a good start.
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MovieFreak86-415-91253126 January 2022
As a fan of DC Comics, and a fan of the other DC shows on the CW, this is the worst one I've seen. This isn't just the worst DC show on the CW, it's the worst DC show I've seen in years.

I was already worried about the series before it even aired. Back when they first announced the series I didn't think it was a good idea. Naomi has only been around since 2019, and she doesn't have enough comic history to make a good show.

I thought we would get a superhero show about a teenage superhero, but instead it's a teen drama that just happens to have people with powers in it. I wouldn't even call this a superhero show.

I was hoping there would be at least one character I liked, and a good story to keep me coming back to see what happens next. After three episodes I can easily say I don't like any of characters, and the story is slow and boring. It was hard for me to get through episode 2 and 3.

After what I've seen so far, I would be surprised if the show gets past it's first season.
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This is not ground breaking storytelling...
whiskeysixmmo12 January 2022
I wanted to like it, I came in with no knowledge of the characters. I was pretty disappointed halfway through and pretty sure I'd not watch another episode by the end. I found the story to be rushed, within minutes we meet the whole cast and a get a glimpse into their angsty relationships. The environment seems so artificial to the point that you know this town couldn't exist even in the comics. (go visit an actual military base town in middle america.) The dialogue is clumsy and the characters seem to only be there to tell Naomi how great she is or be apart of her four-way entanglement...
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Slow,Plodding, Coma inducing
man-965139 March 2022
I really wanted to like this series. I gave it every opportunity. Then I realized it was not just so boring it was sleep inducing - it was coma inducing.

To be fair, Kaci Walfall is an extremely talented and likable actress. She deserves scripts which are of the same high caliber. The writing on this series is awkward and unfocused. It appears that the entire writing cast watched "Smallville" for their inspiration. This entire series is a Suberboy clone. The only difference is that this Superboy has been morphed into a female and a person of color.

Much of the rest of this series is so bland and so forgettable you wont remember anything the next morning. The one standout in the supporting cast is Alexander Wrath as Dee. He is the only cast member with enough acting talent to rise above the mediocre scripts.
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Judgement pending
jamie-gagnon-209-1115412 January 2022
Unlike most of the 'reviewers' who have already posted, I actually watched the first episode. This is obviously a setup episode, but so far the show has failed to give me anything that resembles a character. The protagonist has accoutrements, in the form of cardboard friends, parents and weird hangers-about, but not one character that one could actually recognise as a person. The plot and situation is potentially interesting, but without someone to root for it does not drag me in. I'll watch another episode or two to actually decide what I think. Mostly, I watched this show because I don't think that the folks with an axe to grind at either end of the political spectrum get to decide what I should or should not watch. So you racist types; you made me watch this...
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Not for me
bozopauk12 January 2022
Storyline, events, acting, dialogs, expressions are very childish and unrealistic, very "cringy" in terms of their language used.

I dont see how this can appeal to people over 16 years old. And as I am one of those I can not rate it any higher.

Such a poor DC tv series, unfortunatelly they got us used to it.

This remainds me of High school musical and similar movies that half of the teenagers already think they outgrew.

If you are into that Nickeleodeon-esque type of shows. Go for it! If you consider yourself both an adult and fantasy lover then dont.
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Literally no episode our and a ton of 1 reviews.
nathanbehrens11 January 2022
A shows ratings is gonna be effected by a ton of people who have not even seen this show. My review will change ratings once the show is out but it doesn't make sense that people are trying to sabotage this show. It's not fair to the actors and crew that put time into this. A show deserves to be judged based on its quality not based of what you think it will be or because you don't like a trailer.
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Pretty good!
kwysgkvt20 June 2022
I'm confused as to why this show has such a low rating! It's a pretty good rated PG show for almost all ages to watch. My family and I enjoyed it. It kinda reminds me of the Netflix show Raising Dion. I'm disappointed at it being canceled.
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I actually want to like this show, but I can't
andrewferron14 January 2022
The "woke criticisms" aside, I actually wanted to like this show. I think the lead actress does a really good job. Overall, I don't think anyone does a bad performance, which is rare for a CW show.

Now the bad.

This show just doesn't do much. It's slow, they focus too much on things that I can't imagine anyone being interested in, the dialogue is forced and predictable, the plot seems predictable. This really just is another example of a bad CW superhero show. They haven't learned anything, and it's got all the flaws of their previous endeavours. I hope that it gets better as the season goes on, but I don't think Ava Duvernay is suited for the action genre. She is better are slower, more emotional stories.
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007Waffles24 June 2023
Naomi is an amazing show!! I can't wait for the second season, I bet it will be even better!

It's great to finally see a superhero show with so much diversity. I hope other shows learn from Naomi and provide this much diversity and entertainment. We need to see representation of everyone out there!

From the very first episode Naomi catches your attention. The writing is great, the cast is phenomenal and the story is unique. I'm looking forward to the movie version of this show. Zack Snyder will work the same magic that he did with Justice League. Hopefully this will be a three to four hour movie in order to capture all the character development. This will make the Snyderverse epic!!!
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Need more heroes and heroines
Advocate120 January 2022
Episodes one and two have lived up to the billing. Ava Duvernay knows how to write and produce a show; even though people try to discredit her because of her political stance. The actress playing Naomi has a future in acting.
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For young girls. Maybe.
supermellowcali20 January 2022
If you've never seen anything at all, this might seem ok. If you've lived more than 10 or 12 years, this might annoy the crapola outa ya. No trace of anything new or imaginative, just cliche, inconsistent dialog (e.g., sounding like an ignorant social media teen, then a wise sage, within the same conversation). Just one writer might have saved this show if they had only said, "Hey, um, is social correctness enough... I mean, hasn't ALL this been done and ALL these lines been said before?"
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For girls aged 12-16 only
Xavier_Stone25 February 2022
This series has the high school dialogue and acting of a school play. It's targeted towards the high school audience and perhaps some will like it. Most won't. Tons of bad camera work, which gets incredibly annoying. The camera operator has to be sitting on the ground for some shots?? A few repeated lines by different actors that really don't add anything to the story.

This is the first time I've seen the full front face closeup (selfie) camera angle used over and over, even with multiple actors in a scene. Really bizarre. The whole super powers thing didn't really work and the entire thing just fails at every single scene.
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A New Series, but There's Nothing New Here.
jamericanbeauty27 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Naomi is a Bootleg Superman story. I thought it might be after Episode 1, but I also thought there'd be some creative twist to the story. There isn't. The lead actress playing Naomi is likeable, but that alone cannot carry a new series. I also liked Dee (the tattoo shop owner guy training her) and I liked Zumbado (the car dealership owner). He seemed to be an interesting and mysterious villain, but by Episode 3, he's already answering to a strong female character because of course he is. There's no interesting story or characters here. Minutes into Episode 3, Naomi gives us some pretentious, out-of-touch "climate change" dialogue and I was done. Hollywood writers need to step outside of their snobby, self-absorbed, self-righteous circles and step into reality and real-life problems in people's lives. After two episodes and six minutes into the third, I cancelled my series recording.
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A not very good adaptation of just a so-so comic book...
Darwinskid20 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Naomi is a more recent addition to the DC universe and while the writing is lackluster in most places the character has reserved their place in DC canon. The storyline is actually fairly easy to adapt to live-action, especially television, and it could also work fine in the context of the Arrowverse if they wanted to, but apparently the producers had other ideas and the results are...Less than stellar.

Now I bring up the Arrowverse because such a storyline as presented in the source material would've been easy to adapt within that space of DC on television, and since it is on The CW the opportunity seemed rather perfect especially considering it is coming right after Superman & Lois, but instead the showrunners have decided to depart from the source material and say that DC characters such as Superman are fiction and that in this world such a concept of people having superpowers is too fantastic to believe. This is quite a contrast to the source material, where it existed within the mainstream DC universe and rather than ponder the existence of super people the actual surprise was that superhero activity even occurred in a small Oregon town of which the titular character resides in. The concept of "is the fiction the truth?" is an interesting one, but the execution of it is so flat they probably would've saved the trouble if they just stuck with the source material closer.

Beyond the departure from the source material, the show itself is not very good. The directing is very flat, the visuals are not very spectacular, the action isn't well-done enough to be unique compared to other such shows on the marketplace, the acting ranges from okay to weak, and The CW-isms grow tired even from the first few minutes or so. I would probably give it a season and call it over with at this rate, but then again this is the same network that still okays more seasons of the woeful Batwoman so what do I know?
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It's all right hihi
bishaklodiana-5266612 January 2022
The people who rated it with 1 star did not even watch it. It was not bad but not one of the best, for sure if you have nothing else to watch it is a good solution. Personally I will continue it :)
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Yikes !!!!!!
tcon-0993212 January 2022
Wow that was mind numbingly boring, I want to be sucked into a show in the first episode and this was def a disappointment. I do not recommend this to anyone. Re-watching Jem 2015 would be an improvement lol.
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Not the target audience
karens-windsong24 March 2022
Although I'm a senior citizen and not the target audience for this series, I'm really enjoying how these young people are portrayed. The camera work is well done and the way the characters act and talk seem right on the mark for young people today. Bravo!
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I want to like this more
microbper14 March 2023
First, it's a TV-14 CW show. Of course it's for kids. Why do people have to comment on it being a kid's show when it literally stars a main character in high school. Stop being an idiot.

The story is decent, the acting is decent (all in relativity to a TV-14 CW show). Funny enough, my biggest gripe is the main character's best friend, Annabelle. For some reason the writer thought it was a good idea to make her say 'babe' literally ever other sentence. I want to punch the writer in the face every time she says babe. It's clearly forced and serves zero purpose to literally anything. Her personality is fine without it. I actually like her personality otherwise. But I still want to slap the writer silly every time she just has to use some stupid pet name for anyone.
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bad start
DanyDanyShopper13 January 2022
It's so bad it's cringe. The acting is not believable at all, everything feels forced and unnatural. The writing is so bad, it's the kind of writing that shows you a red ball while adding "this is a red ball" in the dialogue.
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Entertaining Show With Potential 😍
itaborchizoba20 January 2022
I really like Naomi's character she is nerdy but also super cool with a chill approachable vibe. I also like the other charcters and admire the chemistry Naomi has with her three potential love interests.

Though the pilot was a bit slow and the acting wasn't could be stronger the plot was still intriguing and honestly made me want to continue watching.

Also anyone saying the show is bad after two episode clearly are immature and have bad taste in TV.
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mlbatiste17 June 2022
It's better than Legacy and Star Child (whatever).

It's another teen show. The writing is good so far. Just like any show with young actors, the acting is getting better each show.
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This is a special kind of Bad
MovieFreak3519 January 2022
The characters are irritating and uninteresting, the dialog is horrible, the story is moving at such a slow pace its excruciatingly boring. I cant remember a single persons name except ofcourse Naomi, but even she is a boring almost lifeless shell of a character. There is some potential to the show but based on the first episode i doubt its gunna show it.
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