14 Reviews
breslin601 May 2022
I am only 3 episodes in but this is turning out to be a very good little spy "thriller" (more so drama). The first segment of the premiere leads you to believe it will be an action packed thriller due to a fight scene. It also leads you to believe it will be shot in one timeline but shortly into the episode you realize the series will flash between 1986 and 2007. It is telling you the story that led up to the worst terror attack in Argentina in the 90's. The later storyline focuses on the main character "Yosi" who is a young intelligent officer tasked with immersing himself in the Argentine,Jewish community in hopes to discover different secrets. The storyline that takes place in 2007 is Yosi, 21 years later trying to get protection from the DA by sharing all the stuff he has learned about the largest criminal orginazition in Argentina's history. This organization includes politicians, terrorist groups, and important figures from all over the world. The viewers quickly learn that he was involved with some dangerous organizations because he is not safe and many people are working to stop him from sharing these secrets. This premise leads one to believe this series will be a high octane thriller. In some ways it is, but there is a lot more depth to it.

After the initial fight scene, the series slows down a little and it flashes back for the first time. The initial flashback made me realize that I was in for a much more in depth character portrayal. Yosi is a child of an affair and has resentment towards his Jewish biological father. His disdain towards Judaism is highlighted quite a bit before he learns he is going to be asked to infiltrate the Jewish community. As the series continues, you see Yosi navigate genuine relationships as he infiltrates this community. The writers are doing a thorough job showing how these relationships might develop into genuine connections. Yosi might be on a path to discover his own heritage and in doing so becoming a practicing Jew. The first few episodes are foreshadowing a change in how Yosi views the religion. More importantly, they are leading the viewers to believe Yosi is realizing he may need to rethink his hatred of all Jews because he is now seeing how that hatred impacts their community. It's eye opening to see a person experience racism & bigotry from the other side of things.

I love anything spy related and am thoroughly enjoying this series. Some parts give me feels from the show "The Americans" but it's most likely the portrayal of the 80's. If you are a fan of series like The Americans & even Homeland you will dig this show.

I have never posted a review for any series or movies before. I hope others discover this new Amazon series so I can discuss this engaging new spy drama/thriller!
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muddled plot, but great characters
cuvtixo-1319 October 2022
Yosi (Iosi) is the strong silent type. This is probably uncharacteristic of many heroes of Latin American films, but very familiar to Hollywood. I read an in-depth, but negative review noting the hero "appeals to an imperturbable register, almost impenetrable, close to the anodyne, probably marked by the direction" Well, that fits the character in multiple ways; first he's traumatized in childhood by the suicide of his father, then as an adult, he's recruited to infiltrate and spy on the Jewish community in Argentina, which has a distinct culture, of course they pick a quiet, shy, reassuring personality to do this. Although the previous parts of his life are shown in flashbacks, we initially see him as an older man, after he's changed allegiances, so he's filled with regret and hounded by former allies. Finally, perhaps this was indeed directed to appeal to American/international audiences, certainly I'm used to seeing movies with this kind of protagonist. I admit, I had to look up the word "anodyne", but I don't see why this attribute is in any way a negative. So, he's not a typical, loud flamboyant Latino star, so what?

Each episode kept me in suspense, wondering how Yosi would survive and/or what made him do a 180 degree turn and become a dedicated Jew in spirit, if not through blood. It's not always clear and coherent, from episode to episode, and some of the audience seem to be confused over what I consider simple plot points. As long as the characters remain interesting, I don't really care. I'm certainly not going to address a long list with explanations. You just have to expect to suspend your disbelief with some of the material. I actually found it hard to believe that elements of Argentinian law enforcement actually believed Jews were going to create a second Jewish homeland in Patagonia, but it turns out this was actually a prevalent paranoia in real-life Argentina. I guess one should never underestimate Antisemitism. I learned a bit, but mostly just enjoyed the ride. Extensive flashbacks can be confusing, but it also allows depth of character development, so I'm not going to complain. I'm just enjoying the show.
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How far would you go to tell the truth?
mattkocian15 September 2023
Review of Season 1:

"Iosi, el espía arrepentido" is a captivating Argentinean TV series that truly stands out in the realm of espionage dramas. Set against the backdrop of Argentina's complex political history, this Amazon production delivers an engaging narrative that keeps viewers hooked from start to finish. The series excels in both acting and script, with a stellar ensemble cast that brings their characters to life with depth and authenticity.

I truly enjoyed Natalia Oreiro's performance, despite her supporting role. Known for her more lighthearted roles, Oreiro's portrayal of a dark and complex character in "Iosi" is a revelation. She effortlessly navigates the emotional nuances of her character, adding a layer of intrigue to the series that keeps viewers guessing. To me her transformation is a testament to her versatility as an actress.

"Iosi, el espía arrepentido" not only offers top-notch entertainment but also serves as a thought-provoking exploration of Argentina's history and the shadowy world of espionage. With its exceptional acting, well-crafted script, and Natalia Oreiro's standout performance, this series is a must-watch for fans of both thrilling spy dramas and those interested in a fresh perspective on Argentina's tumultuous past.
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Love it!
staceyrklein21 May 2022
I love this show! This is definitely one of Amazon's best new shows! If you have not watched it yet, watch it now, you will not be disappointed! Cannot wait to see what happens next!
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Excellent spy mini-series
abee3411 November 2023
Immersed in the captivating world of this outstanding spy mini-series, I found myself enthralled by its unique narrative and compelling plot. Having explored numerous mysteries, this one effortlessly rises above the rest. The storyline, a remarkable blend of fact and fiction, unfolds with a rare charm that sets it apart. The stellar performances by the cast add a layer of brilliance to the series, creating an unforgettable viewing experience.

What sets this mini-series apart is its foundation in true events, a refreshing departure from contrived spy tales. Discovering that the main character is based on a real individual adds an intriguing depth to the narrative, elevating it beyond mere fiction.

The masterful storytelling employs a clever interplay of three distinct time periods, a narrative device executed with finesse. Visual cues, such as nuanced changes in hair color and length, coupled with remarkably realistic aging makeup, guide the audience seamlessly through the temporal shifts. Kudos to the creators for skillfully incorporating these elements, providing viewers with a clear understanding of the timeline.

A noteworthy aspect is the series' commitment to viewer comprehension, with explicit indications of the chronological placement of each scene relative to the main events. This thoughtful touch enhances the overall engagement, allowing the audience to fully appreciate the intricate timelines.

This mini-series is a tour de force, earning its well-deserved place among the elite. With a perfect blend of authenticity, stellar performances, and ingenious storytelling techniques, it unquestionably merits a perfect rating of 10 stars.
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well worth the time
bwasley-5428317 January 2024
It does jump through time back and forth but I believe it was all tied together and you know it will make sense as you get more involved. Great group of actors that appear to work well together. Most people have no idea this happened in history let alone the facts behind it. This series had the ability to draw you in and as it opens up, you realize you can't wait to see how it ends but not wanting it to end. I appreciate the historical value in a time and place I'm not familiar with. I was also fascinated with the character development (Yosi) into a jew and part of the community. This was an eye opener for me. Thank you & God Bless.
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Overall really good but could have been better
lazygafiltafish8 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I watched it over 2 days that's how good it was....good acting, writing, and story line. The flashbacks imo were needed however they did do them more than they needed to. The story line with Saul however dragged and dragged. The man was involved in shady activity but it focused way too much on him that I don't know why Yosi/Jose bothered to keep recording him and talking to him about what he was doing since he started to realize the Andinia Plan was just bs. It was however clear that he was just a "useful idiot" in that his mission was just really a ploy get surveillance on where the attacks would be rather than the stupid Andinia Plan

Questions I have though that I'm hoping viewers will address....

1. I understand Yosi resented his Jewish stepfather for having an affair with his mother, but what I cannot figure out is if the stepfather was actually his biological father. Was his mother married and then had the affair making Yosi believe that her 1st husband was his father?

2. Why exactly was Victor so important that he had to be set up? His character to me wasn't really needed in the plot.

3. Was Yosi actually in love with Eli? I couldn't figure that one out since she never had any information that would have helped Yosi. It just came out of nowhere that all of a sudden they are into each other when they didn't appear to be more than acquaintances.

4. Why did Eli end up marrying Victor? Was it to just give her son a father figure?

5. Was Aaron a Mossad agent?

6. How did Luis climb up the career ladder so quickly?

7. Why was so much of the focus even on Saul?

I figure in season 2 that we will see more of Yosi's relationship relationship with Eli, Yosi hiding out more trying to repent, as well as Daphne sadly getting murdered.

Other things that were't needed imo: -Yosi getting sexually assaulted in the first episode. What was the point of having that scene?

-Yosi having a dog and then surrendering it to a kennel/shelter. Again why?

-The storyline of Yosi having Shabbat dinners with the gay rabbi and the poor people

I guess the writers want to make Yosi viewed as an antihero, but the truth is, he's a piece of **** just like everyone else his secretly worked for. I cannot get over him vandalizing the cemetery especially doing it to the stone of the nice old woman he was working for husband.... Broke my heart.

A little history- Like many countries in Latin america, Argentina has an unstable political climate going from one extreme to the other, with both sides being a bunch of antisemites. The country did very little to nothing at trying to solve any of the crimes involving the 2 attacks as well as claiming an attorney's death as a suicide rather than a homicide (which people seem to know was bs like Epstein lol). Both Argentina and Chile cover up a lot of crimes of when people have gone missing when their families know what really happened to them.
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Good story telling
smffeb28 May 2022
A good story that isn't lost with switching time lines, it actually keeps coherency in the viewers mind with a very good makeup department on characters in latter year scenes. Depth of plot not obliterated with artistic license towards having too much gratuitous violence... seems like a " based on a true story", stayed true to actual events. Not for the subtitled challenged. It's also nice to see actors from different countries, and cultures.
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Undercover spy regrets his actions
rcelestpowell5 May 2022
Yosi is a sympathetic character despite being naive about the context of his world which is his undoing. The flashbacks and forward scenes around a pivotal event make it difficult to follow the storyline of a secret surveillance operation of the Jewish community in Buenos Aires in Argentina.

Well developed characters and suspense keep you involved despite the fractured timeline. Best to read about the historical facts before watching the film.
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Good start but gets confusing & illogical halfway
labolts20 May 2023
It's a good premise to start a series. Personally I thought it might be more of a historical reference but the series is more fictional than a docudrama.

The time jump edits are an interesting way to back up character plots but there are too many and the plots remain unanswered and confusing. Even for some (like myself) that follow middle eastern politics and Israel's history in the region.

Yosi is a likable character. The actors do a good job with acting. The issue is the script itself. Deeper political research and character analysis were needed to help viewer understand choices made.

I just watched season 1. Not planning on watching season 2.
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Mixed emotions
iconians15 May 2022
I went into this with knowing nothing about the actual attack. I took this for what it was. Review is based on s1 only (8 ep's). I think overall, it's not a bad show that's well acted, but writing leaves more to be desired.

1. While I know the clear motive of the main story line, the rest becomes less clear

2. Nothing is clear as why they are acting in such fashion or why this person is involved in this or that.

3. After 8 episodes, I am no clearer from when I started... in fact maybe more confusing

It's also moving rather slow.

We'll see if there is s2 and if it will become better, but I am not sure if I'll be watching it.
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A disappointing series
danybur13 May 2022

Iosi, The Regretful Spy is a series that disappoints, since it delivers much less than what it promises (in every sense), it describes the historical and well-known anti-Semitism of the Argentine security forces, it opens several umbrellas and falls into a certain lack of personality inherent to these productions concerned with maintaining a "for export" profile. It sustains the interest of the viewer (perhaps seeing more because of the theme and its good cliffhangers than because of its dramatic development), it has a leading role, which I think is problematic, by a nondescript Gustavo Bassani at times, and interesting performances by Alejandro Awada as a shady banker, of Carla Quevedo and Natalia Oreiro as a ruthless supervisor of the intelligence services as a femme fatale.


Already in the first 5 minutes of chapter 1, the protagonist himself, José Pérez (alias Iosi Peres) defines himself as an "agent of the intelligence service of the Federal Police, infiltrated in the Jewish community since the beginning of democracy and for 20 years. " and that has information on the "greatest criminal conspiracy in Argentine history, all at the service of illegal arms trafficking, where governments, local and foreign intelligence services, terrorist organizations, bankers, former soldiers are involved...". This criminal conspiracy has to do (in principle) with the attack on the Embassy of Israel in Buenos Aires in 1992, which the temporary separators of the series take permanently as a reference.

On the other hand, this miniseries co-written by Sebastián Borensztein and Daniel Burman (along with Natacha Caravia, Sergio Dubcovsky and Andrés Gelós) and co-directed by the first two opens the umbrella at the beginning of each chapter with the sign "While this story is inspired by certain real events, is a work of fiction. The characters and events portrayed are fictitious, and any resemblance or identification with the name, character or story of any real person, living or dead, or any company, is entirely incidental and unintentional."

One of the anti-Semitic myths that permeated all the security forces in Argentina (and Argentine fascist nationalism in general) was that of a supposed Plan Andinia, consisting of establishing an independent Jewish state in Argentine Patagonia. And it is under this hypothesis that the intelligence agent of the Federal Police (although later a poster speaks of the "Police of Buenos Aires") José Pérez (Gustavo Bassani), infiltrates like Iosi Peres in the Buenos Aires Jewish community in the early years 80s, already under the radical democratic government of Raúl Alfonsín, supervised by agent Claudia (Natalia Oreiro). To do this, and somewhat coincidentally, Iosi is linked to the banker Saúl Menajem (Alejandro Awada) and the shady and ex-professed business of him with a left-wing militant group of the Jewish community.

The story that unfolds throughout the 80s alternates with another timeline that takes place in 2007 and 2008, with an Iosi already "repentant" and confronted with the services of which he was a part.

What are the revelations that this story based on a book by journalists Horacio Lutzky and Miriam Lewin will bring? In what did Pérez's repentance consist and to what causes was it due? Can a character with these characteristics be redeemed?

Unfortunately, the story does not fully meet expectations in terms of revelations and the parties involved in the attack. This has to do, obviously, with what Pérez revealed to his interviewers (at least in the cut that the series makes) and with the fact that the authorship of both attacks remains unsolved. On the other hand, the aspects of the protagonist's personal life, which incorporates fictional elements to others based on reality, are not too new or interesting and some are revealed as downright hackneyed. In addition, certain aspects of the plot would be implausible without that (supposed) support in reality.

The story is indeed useful to reflect the visceral and historical anti-Semitism of the federal security forces and their "services", to the point that their hypothesis of conflict (the Andinia Plan) clouded the analysis of the relevant information that their spy was collecting, revealing a tragicomic ineptitude. The criminal autonomy that these services from the dictatorship under democratic governments were managed with is also clear.

I confess that I had problems with Gustavo Bassani's (an actor from the theater) interpretation of his Iosi. It appeals to an imperturbable register, almost impenetrable, close to the anodyne, probably marked by the direction, with a diction reminiscent of a cinema from another era; his record contrasts with that of the rest of the cast. Yes, the performances of Alejandro Awada are remarkable (his character, the richest, and that of Bassani establish a relationship by interesting moments), Carla Quevedo as Eli, partner of a left-wing Jewish leader and Natalia Oreiro, with her cold and ruthless Paula, a convinced femme fatale anti-Semite.

As a thriller, at times it suffers from a certain lack of tension and some delay and, as is often the case with many miniseries, it could have taken fewer chapters. The action and violence scenes are well resolved, although the series (shot in Montevideo) is more focused on intrigue and relationships, and there is concern about filming a product for export, understood as a certain lack of personality suitable for the world mainstream.
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Tolerable only if you feel connected.
prashant-6367725 May 2022
For unconnected viewers from different countries, it will be tough to sit through this show. It drags on endlessly. I couldn't establish a real rapport with the characters and storyline even in episode 2. Decided to call it quits. Dont get me wrong, perhaps for connected local viewers it would be a different experience. For me it wasn't.
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Too slow
Waedliman28 March 2024
I don't care if a historical event is used for a fictional series, because I either do my own research to find out what is true and what is not, or I simply don't care and watch what the series has to offer. Unfortunately, the promising approach is not really successful here, because episode after episode is devoid of suspense and pace, time jumps are constructed that you have to follow and don't really seem to make sense. Why can't the story be told in a linear fashion? In addition, I can't get much out of the main character either, he is too reduced in the game for me and I don't discover many rough edges. It's clear that he's supposed to be instantly likeable, but that seems a little too manipulative for me and, especially in view of the fact that I was bored, I was done after episode 5.
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