23 Reviews
Bring back the laughter!
phneely-1137025 February 2021
I came on IMBD to find out which episode featured Cynthia's bachelorette party. There are mix reviews about the episode. The show had become depressing so I stopped watching. I might try to watch the bachelorette party episode.
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trash talk
ellenoverby21 September 2023
I totally get it it's wealthy women and there has to be drama otherwise you wouldn't have ratings.. but it's horrible how they rip each other apart. Some people are so hurt by their divorce and what happened in their marriage and they got receipts and they got this and that they're all caddy as can be they all want to outdo each other money wise they cut each other down which is horrible they're all wearing fake hair fake eyelashes gobs and makeup.. and I get it they play their BS in front of the camera but it's obvious they're so jealous of each other it's pathetic that money material things mean more than than hurting and destroying somebody's life with their trash and gossip.
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trindasanchez24 July 2023
I have never and all of my years of living seeing a woman like this. No one can ever talk if they want to discuss an issue with her personal. She constantly constantly over talk stand not letting them get one word, and it is nauseating to watch she is like a little girl. She loves to gossip, gossip, gossip, and I believe she's one of the oldest women on there but yet she acts like a teeny bopper loving to discuss everyone's personal problems. Hypocrite would be a good word for her as well. She takes these girls on a healing trip, but doesn't allow for them to get what is out on the table that is bothering them.
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darkdementress4 December 2020
If you watch this show dear god help you.. Faith in humanity destroyed
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Bring back the OG
vickistotts-8638014 August 2022
Kenya Moore needs to go. Her bullying and high school hatred towards woman is old. She is not inspiring at all. Her disrespect towards Kim Fields was actually heartbreaking. Her marching band at Marlo's wig party was pathetic and so RUDE. Why would ANYONE find this entertaining?? Then she brings in the cookie lady and smacks Tanya down with her words and continues on with "the woman is beautiful, etc etc". Then people are expected to be compassionate when her marriage fails? She is a master manipulator and pushes people to their breaking point. Please bring back Phaedra who makes us all laugh with her eye rolls and antics. We all saw the remorse for what she did. But most of all please bring back the OG Nene Leaks. She has grown so much as a woman and come into her own. She supports women and encourages them to get their backbone. She IS the show. WE LOVE NENE. And let's try to get Porsha back. Now she is entertaining and lovable.
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If they have say Real in the title you know it 100% FAKE
cdeanroane5 April 2021
One of the most phony shows about women who are not even housewives. Just a group of poor to mediocre actresses who think they are special and they are not!
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Five women who live in Atlanta who have conflicts and fun moments. Some are friends and allies and others tend to create conflict... actually all do...
Lotusflower11117 April 2015
Love the housewives, almost all of them. My least favorite have to be Orange County. But, these ladies are fiery and quick to answer. Nene is in Broadway now which is a huge accomplishment but like everything in her life, she has to turn it into the Nobel Price and the Oscar's had a child, and that is Nene... She acts like Forbes is knocking on her door ready to put her on top of it's lists. I don't get her extreme pride. No need to be humble about advancing in life but she really acts like Meryl Streep asks her for advice. Unfortunately, sometimes housewives become divas with no substance. Then we have Cynthia who appears to have aired all the laundry she could, reason why we know that Peter is not well financially (he is also a very cocky one). Cynthia is beautiful and funny. I think she tries to be too relevant by being mean but it seems to have something to do with keeping the income Bravo gives them.Kandi is the most talented one. She is a composer, singer, business woman. She has a mom who seems to have a contract signed with Kandi's blood because I don't understand other reason to allow a mother treat you like that. Then we have Kenya, gorgeous, over the top, smart and confident, cocky as well. But she has achieved some things in her life and is still gorgeous. Kenya had a hard life, her mom was bipolar and abandoned her, so, she has this resentment and self sabotage. Phaedra seems to have a bad year. She married an ex-con (Apollo), who really behaves so aggressive it strikes me as a serial killer (remember when he hit Jason?). Apollo is attractive, but in a fear for your life way... Like the really bad guy who will for sure be one of those mistakes in the future. That is what happened to Phaedra. She is really not a know lawyer but a really conceited one. She has the cutest boys so her marriage to Apollo was not a total loss. And Porsha, who is pretty in a how much will this cost me way... She has an amazing body which is a mystery to me. Porsha is allegedly a mistress. She totally behaves like one. She divorced a football player. Oh, Claudia is a model, about 40, pretty but I don't see her staying for the next season. I see her trying, though. She is cute and smart but to me she doesn't fit the group. I recommend watching them if you like the franchises. They are funny and there is plenty of drama.
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Kenya your KARMA has finally came
trailblazin-7838815 June 2024
I am not a fan of Kenya, I don't know why they brought her back for the new season. She is a trouble maker and she always start drama with any new housewife that is new, she can't keep a man, she's always in someone's business, she needs to be fired, she is desperate for a storyline, she is getting just what she deserves, she fake as hell, who has she paid this season to be her man, nobody wants her desperate behind, the show will go on without her, I just wish Marlo was there to give her the business, she has gotten away with so much on the show, Kim Fields I hope you heard about her, I Love it.
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You wonder why were in a recession!
Sylviastel15 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say that watching the Housewives of Atlanta can be both entertaining at times and quite sad too. For five very different housewives and I use that term loosely, the series opens up with newly divorced Sheree Whitfield. She is planning a lavish birthday party with bouncers, 100 invited guests, a cake shaped as a fancy purse, and a guest list that omits one of the wives, Nene, who is easily offended by this minor oversight. Instead of getting out of the wine cellar to correct the mistake, Sheree continues to party while Nene and Kim, another housewife, return home. I can see why Sheree is divorced to a former professional athlete from his point of view. Sheree is quite vain, conceited, and self-obsessed but so are the other wives. Kim is the blonde aspiring country singer who is only 29 years old divorced mother of two daughters. She is dating somebody known as Big Papa because he wants his privacy but I want to know if he has all this money then why does he waste it on her. Kim is equally spoiled by him. She only gets the top of the line bags. For her daughter Brielle's 11th birthday party, she hires a party planner for $5,000 who was an hour late. Brielle gets her own Luis Vitton handbag which costs about $1,610 from her mother. They go to a children's store for a fashion show. They go to a pastry place for a $2,000 cake which doesn't take so good and end up at a nearby hotel. There is Nene who is married to Greg and has two sons. At first, I didn't like her but she grew on me. I think because she's nothing like Sheree. Nene doesn't seem to need to spend so much money but I could be wrong. She embarrasses her older son, Brice, at a trip to Clark Atlanta University. Nene learns some difficult revelations about her own parentage. I think she becomes the most human of all the housewives. DeShawn is somewhat delusional. She has this huge estate and is married mother to another professional athlete. She formed a foundation to help self-esteem in young girls but DeShawn has illusions about her life. OUtside Atlanta, I don't know anything about sports. When she tries to hire an estate manager or personal assistant, the interviews are quite uncomfortable to watch. The real-estate broker is a young married mother of a 9 month infant. She won't do anything unless it makes money. She shows a spectacular home to music producer which it even includes a garage for your golf cart. The show is better than the New York series because of the Nene and Sheree friction. After seeing the series, you also get a feel for the high society of Atlanta.
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How much time did I waste watching this?
gina-reino14 January 2024
Utter rubbish. I cannot believe I wasted time watching these entitled, spoiled, selfish women who have no moral compass.

All of the "drama" is due to poor, shameful choices. I am almost (not quite) amused when these women are faced with the consequences of their childish behaviors. I suspect more than 75% of this "drama" is staged and mostly made up.

All these shows do is convince women that constantly griping, having no manners, no integrity or values is something they should try to emulate. I feel this is why I like the classics from the 30's through the 60's. When ladies dressed well, had manners and would not behave as these women do.

This is definitely not a show for anyone under 18.
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In my Top 3 of Reality Series
breckstewart18 April 2019
I gotta say, along with Housewives of Beverly Hills and New York City, Atlanta is in my top 3 of favorite reality TV series I've watched in my life and I have seen a lot of them. Is it perfect? Not on your life. Is it truly enjoyable mishaps and all? Absolutely!

True, some story lines are so preposterous that they "feel" scripted and even though I truly believe they are not in the classic sense of the term, some situations are most likely encouraged by producers. But the dialogue is certainly not scripted to the comma and I can totally sense the spontaneity of the drama which is what makes me come back and beg for more.

I have my favorites of course including Kenya (who is sadly not in season 11 having left the show to have a baby which I hope is a temporary thing), Cynthia who is truly beautiful and charming, Porsha who is the loose cannon but oh so funny that we forgive her almost anything and finally, Kandi who I feel is truly the heart and soul of the show.

For the life of me, I will never understand how some people like Nene who is a total bully and absolutely insufferable yet, she can surely create a lot of drama which has the tendency to make me like whoever is pitted against her even more. She left for a while only to come back a bit later but I can safely say I would not miss her if she left permanently. I truly feel like the show would be better without her.

This said, of course someone who doesn't like reality shows to begin with won't appreciate this totally over the top drama fest but I for one think it's one of the very best in the housewives franchise and in reality series as a whole. The way they speak to each other where everything becomes a convoluted mess of misunderstandings while shading each other to death is an absolute pleasure for me to watch.

The 1 star I retracted from the 9 rating has to do with some of the ladies I don't care for as much as the others starting of course with Nene but also, Marlo Hampton who is a nightmare and Phaedra Parks who I don't miss one bit ever since she was fired from the show with very good reasons.

But I can safely say that I enjoy all the others as they come and go because they're always so much fun to watch and that to me is the biggest quality of this show. No matter how outrageous or over the top it gets, Real Housewives of Atlanta remains an absolutely hilarious riot.
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Please spare us
njpaul-9727922 February 2020
None Leakes is a loser. Nuff said. Stay away from this "show"
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They Need Nene
mbbuyy21 December 2020
This show is absolutely awful this season. No wonder the ratings have declined. Kenya is pathetic this season. Kandi and Cynthia are as usual...😴 They need Queen Nene!!!!!!
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smeagolander-081725 June 2024
How these women will look there children in the face years from now I don't know, have they ever heard that less is more, they have no class at all they are always fighting, I won't watch it anymore there must be a lot of people like me that look at this programme and think to their selves are these women for real, do they never look at them selves on this programme and feel ashamed of themselves, I would be mortified if it was me even if I had money I can't see me ever behaving like that, they dress as if they street walkers and talk about going to church if god exists he wouldn't believe what he is seeing.
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Oh Big Papa! I am looking forward to this train wreck!
ugahushpuppy31 July 2008
Just when you think housewives cannot get any more shallow or silly, here comes a cast of drag queens and fame seeking country queens. All are "new" money of course. Which means that overspending will be visible throughout the season. And intentional camera hogging will be of the utmost importance. Who is going to be the villain this season? NeNe of course. Am I the only one who thinks this woman has a need for camera time. Are Kim and NeNe really friends? After all, Kim does call her a drag queen in the previews. But I have to be honest with you, I am loving me some Kim and NeNe. The Gay community is going to love you both. By the way Kim, please do something with that hair, those extensions look awful. Get Big Papa to buy you some! I am sure he will. If all of that is your real hair, then we got a problem.
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talenaduval13 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Kenya gives high school popular kid that can't let go (with her miss USA and her twirl) but in present is miserable and that's why she's a mean girl, kandi gives "I only protect my man bc he gives me that good and my mum but couldn't spell loyalty when it comes to friendship but also plays victim w a kandi giggle" it ain't cute babe,... and miss Porsha just keep your mouth closed bc spilling tea on your friend isn't cute. Honestly seeing how kandi changed from being the peace maker to a door mat for her mum and hubby is gross, Kenya is genuinely miserable so we all saw that coming and Porsha pls just zip when it comes to your friends. Side note I love how everyone hates on Phaedra for not being open yet run their mouths as soon as they get the chance. Last thing no body here as much as they try to portray it is a supportive person bc support doesn't come w benefit you support bc you love the person with no benefit in return.
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Claws Everywhere
PartialMovieViewer30 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Like so many before...and even after, this show is one of those scandalously fun romps, where one can witness emotions getting trampled into the mud and broken hearts being kicked around like a ball at soccer practice. This is my kind of program. Some of the targeted cruelty displayed on this program goes way beyond heinous, resembling closer to downright scurrilous activity. Oh let the fur fly - rrrrow. How much fun is that? Oh the pain and sorrow…the lies…the deceit…the vengeance. Let's not forget those shameful nocturnal interludes - naughty - naughty. Yikes, even my sunburn wants to blush - sheesh. If that is not enough…how can leave out the fights? Weekly freaky smack-down are too numerous to count – now that is what I am talking about. These are no mere squabbles or harmless spats…no way. The hissing and clawing and catcalls is so - well - catlike. This army of serpentine jezebels are spontaneously evil and enjoyable at the same time. Sit back, fold in your claws, and witness multiple demonic interludes unravel as venomous fangs flare at anyone who dares to enter. Enjoy
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RHOA fan
charleen-2440625 August 2020
I've watched every season. It's the best of the franchise. The others are fake. RHOA ladies are real and entertaining
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Nene should be fired
Kaygee90627 January 2021
Nene, you're not a nice soul and you're not nice to look at. With that said, Porsha is NOT fat & has NEVER been fat. Her waist is still snatched even at her heaviest, and you're not one to talk about being skinny. Bye.

Now, I'm a white chick from rural MI & I've learned a lot from these ladies about black culture. Especially watching some of the cringy things that Kim has said or done. The person I relate to most in this show is probably Porsha. Watching her lose herself in her marriage to kordel and then finding herself again is something i can relate to deeply. I like how open she was about mistakes she has made and behavior she's not proud of. Nobody is perfect, but she doesn't claim to be and that's what i love about her.

Also, I really like Cynthia and in a way I look up to her. She seems to always know the right thing to do and tends to be cool, calm, collected, and confident. Watching her raise Noelle has opened my eyes to the things my own mom probably went through that I never realized. Cynthia always seems to know what to do and is a genuine person. I feel like Porsha, Cynthia, and Kandi are the souls that give the show positive vibes. Kenya also gives positive vibes but she's a pot stirrer and that kind of takes away from her positivity. Nene is literally draining to watch and while I feel for her when she was going through a difficult time with her husband's health, she's still a... c u next tuesday. 🙃 Nene needs a psych eval.
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Happy NeNe is Gone
chaunte-284168 December 2020
Love this show, happy to see how the girls will interact with the newer cast members hopefully they won't spit on anyone
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laithisbest2 October 2020
This is my favorite show and the best real housewives show BY FARRRRR amazing
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Some downblouse loving
ThunderKing618 July 2022
Why is this filth hash allowed to be on TV but when I make a critical review on IMDB it gets removed?

This makes no sense what so ever...

It would take a century for me to review all TRHW and I will very slowly, maybe.

This show though is filthy. It has all stereotypes about the "queen" checked off.

It's a very tarnished, ugly, overwhelming show.

They show a lot of cleavage. But their faces and attitudes are toxic, which makes them look very unattractive.

Ton of arguing to go with the tons of layer of makeup on their faces. I'm afraid to see what they really look like. Once you see them unmasked, you can't go back to unsee it.

Overall, a toxic, drugged up reality show for the lessers. Other than cleavage, there is no appeal to this hash.
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Just an opinion
saralopestavares29 April 2023
Weak so how kenya the fakest person nd talking bout everyone else being fake How marlo speaks so high of herself nd low bout everyone nd wants to know everyone's business but is mad when ppl ask her about her's How drew got different faces for everyone not looking like 2faces but maybe got 100faces How kandi admit her mistakes but yall judge her like she yall momma she doesn't own no one love nd attention or calls How lotoya was the biggest big mouth hoe nd she was still invited to things Im definitely here for the drama tho i watch it to not deal w mines lol yall very intertaining i miss porsha tho she was a honest crazy girl But the drama is all i need bring more girls lol 😂
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