Freddie (TV Series 2005–2006) Poster


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SnoopyStyle27 August 2013
Freddie Prinze Jr was at the height of his popularity when ABC got him his own show. Sadly, its failure signaled the start of his career's decline. Apparently other than the name, nobody put any effort into this show. Naming this show Freddie was all these guys could come up with.

I don't particularly hate the show. There is nothing hateful or unlikeable about Freddie or the show. But there is nothing special or memorable either. Nobody in the cast stands out. It is not that funny. I certainly don't remember any big laughs. There was no reason to renew it after its single season.
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Freddie So Far
smooth_op_8525 August 2006
The first episode I watched of Freddie was after Max and Freddie's niece were really talking to each other on line and George and Freddie got into a fight thinking the other was a pervert. It was on after the George Lopez Show where Max and Zoe met.

The episode was about Zoe and Max meeting finally but it appears that George and Freddie were old friends both in life and in the episode. George says something about success making him 'soft' but in reality your success only makes you soft to people who aren't willing to chase their own dreams and goals. It is a technique called transference nobody likes you when you're successful except for those who want to be successful also.

You'd have to see the way it happens when they air it again, but I can't wait to see the show back again.
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I never write reviews but...
chenoda7213 February 2006
I have a different opinion than the one person who has commented.

I actually love this show, I think it's hilarious. Yes the humor is a tad offbeat, a little different than you'd expect from sitcoms, which is one of the main reasons why I love it.

The premise of the show is a single, young, successful man trying to date and find love while having his family, who all happen to be women, live with him.

I love the chemistry that the actors share and I think both Freddie Prinze Jr. and Brian Green do fabulous jobs at playing their roles. I really enjoy the writing and I look forward to seeing Freddie every week. I for one, am glad for the show!
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unfunny and full of clichés
thatsusboltz13 July 2007
Freddie was an annoying show and just wasn't funny, the Female characters were in a word useless, they just played heavily made up clichés dressed in tight pants and tops that showed their cleavage and were often neurotic.

The younger one dressed and acted like her older sisters which was just wrong, Brian Austin Green was just an whiny voiced idiot and it seemed like other cultures didn't exist in Freddies World.

Why would the Grandmother (who am I convinced was played by a younger Woman) be the only one to speak in her native tongue?.

I don't believe that Brian's character would 'score' as much or as quickly he did in this show either, this what I mean by clichés, you have heard all of the jokes and seen all of the dramas so many times before.

It was highly unrealistic and basically just a brain dead sitcom, if I was Hispanic this show would have offended me.

Why I watched it for so long I will never know, even though it was Freddie's show, it was ruined by Brian Austin Green, that guy is awful and so unfunny.

What a waste of money this show was.
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Should NOT have been cancelled...should NOT have been freaking cancelled.
golden-silence31 March 2010
Yes, the acting at times was laughable.

Yes, the show was not the best out there.

And yes, the script too, at times, was just plain lame.



But it should NOT have been cancelled.

I'll never forgive ABC for cancelling this show. *bitter* There were many funny moments per episode, particularly those including Chris or Grandma...

The weakest casting choice was the role of Zoey. Chloe's acting as Zoey was terrible. However, it was her fist acting role so she may have gotten better with experience.... *shrug* ANYWAY, POINT IS, this show could have gone to do a LOT better had it not been cancelled.
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Certainly the worst show ever.
jtj042 August 2006
Was relatively pleased when I learned that Freddie Prinze Jr. was getting his own television show. I mean, the guy has been in virtually every teen movie to come out of the late 90's. I was expecting a show building on the comedic strength shown by Freddie Prinze Jr. in such movies as "She's all that", "Head over heels", "Boys and Girls" and even the somewhat (read totally and utterly) tacky "Summer Catch"... But this show is simply dreadful. The acting is bad, not least by Mr. Prinze, the script is worse, which in all fairness one can't blame Freddie Prinze Jr. but certain executives should be ashamed of themselves. There is no doubt in my mind that this is the worst piece of garbage I have ever watched. Maybe Freddie Prinze Jr. should stick to being Mr. Sarah Michelle Gellar, because if this is what he can do when it comes to carrying a show - he really shouldn't bother...
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This show is a hilarious comedy that should be seen by all and should have a second season!
harshelement5 December 2006
I noticed this show when it was first released and wasn't sure whether or not to watch it, because i've never really like Freddie Prinze Jr's work. Being he is usually in romantic comedy's. The pilot episode for this series kept me laughing from beginning to finish and almost every other episode of the season followed suit. The plot may be a little unrealistic but that does not impact the fact that it is hilarious and interesting. Another review says that every episode is about the same thing girls and parties, while first of all why is that a bad thing and second its not the only series out there that is. Anyway in my opinion, you have to wonder why someone who writes a review like the one already posted even bothered to watch more then an episode if it was that horrible, i know I'm not alone in enjoying this show, so if you don't like it then don't watch it don't watch an entire season and then critique it. Anyway for those who haven't seen it it is definitely worth watching the first episode or two if you like comedy's in general and the you can decide if you want to watch more, but it is definitely a good way to pass a half hour!
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Freddie is great
kanookjl12 January 2006
actually I think the show is hysterical ! and so do a lot of other people I know. We all talk about it at work- I love it I think he did a great job all the other cast members are great Brian Austin Green great to see him back and so funny. Not only is it good for adults there is laughter for young adults too. I think they should pick up this show for a full season. I was sad to see it was not on this week and thought it might have been canceled but there is another show on January 25th. Freddie is great its about time. We need laughter in our living rooms again.I cant wait for the next episode. I know a lot of people have comments about this show but in my experience if they keep it, it will be a hit.
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Great Show
leokeserovic23 April 2020
I really liked the show! The characters are great so does the writting (most of it at least). My favorite character is Madison. Too bad the show only had 1 season
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ijlund12 January 2021
I'm surprised this show didn't become more popular. I was impressed by Freddie P. Jr and Brian Austin Green's comedic talents. There are shows out there that get renewed that aren't that great or funny. Too bad it didn't get more of a chance.
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Very Funny. Worth Watching.
bluebell_boo30 March 2006
I must admit, I only started watching this show because of the recognizable members of the cast (Freddie Prinze Jr, Brian Austin Green, Madchen Amick), but I find it to be one of the funniest sitcoms on TV right now. I totally disagree with the comment that it is trying to be like Joey, mostly because whenever I've tried to watch Joey, I find it pretty boring- I usually can't even sit through an episode! Freddie is fresh and funny without being typical. I especially like that the grandmother only speaks in Spanish...there's something so hilarious about comedy through subtitles. Prinze's comic timing is surprisingly wonderful, given some of his romantic comedy bombs in the past (Summer Catch anyone?) and who knew that Brian Austin Green was so funny? The characters in the show are quite entertaining especially Freddie's drunken widow sister-in-law (Amick) and rich, shallow, womanizing best friend (Green). These two are supremely funny when in scenes together. All in all, I'd say it's a great show that's completely worth watching!
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There was potential
armandocervantes-9892618 November 2020
Yes it is true this show had so much potential and if it was given the secind chance it deserved, it would have surprised you. Okay yeah, the first two episodes were definitely rushed but what do you expect from pilot and ands it counter episode. Much like other shows it takes three episodes to pick up the comedy stigma. The show did however go from funny to stupid when it came to the dumb story arc of Denise and Rose have a love triangle and Freddie making a terrible mistake, the whole bit of Denise as a virgin was also stupid. But once the George Lopez crossover came, the show redeemed itself. There was too much unresolved issues that needed to be cleared uo with Feddie and Sofia's Father. I Feel that if they were given a second season they might have made it till 2009. The lack of celebrity guest stars was big no-no. The character development between Allison, Zoey and Grandma was something that should have been taken a little more seriously in the writting process. Most importantly the lack of recurring characters in the show, gave it a dull feeling. But Freddie and Brian gave us that besties for life relationship and Grandma and Sofia show us that we have different dynamics in a Latin household especially when it comes to the family enetering a higher class. The development was there it just needed more time and Freddie shows us in the most comedic way that there is no one more blunt than family. All in all it pays a homage to Freddie Prinze sr. And it shows us that life at the Morenos is so much fun
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It really tries
KRican1 February 2006
As have I. I really like Freddie but I just can't get into it. His comedy is very forced and unnatural. He seems awkward. He is best in his scenes with Brian Austin Green (who is hilarious all on his own). The sister is a bad actress delivering dumb lines. The blonde lush is pretty funny but one-dimensional. They should give her and Green the show and let them lead. Freddie's grandmother is just painful. Whether you understand Spanish or not, she obviously understands English as she responds accurately to the other characters, but can't seem to speak a word. Odd. Basically, if Freddie loosened up, expands the Chris and Allison roles and dumps the rest of them for a stronger group, it might stand a chance. Freddie and Brian might want to throw on a pair of flip-flops and a tanktop now and then for some eye-candy. But as it is now ... suffice it to say that good comedy should seem effortless and "Freddie" seems anything but.
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frankly, I liked him much more in Scooby-Doo
theguys17 January 2006
The main point of this review: The show never changes. It's all about girls and parties every single antagonizing episode. I could relate this to Everybody Hates Chris (which I also reviewed) but the shows are nothing like each other, even though they're both horrible and should not have been picked up for full seasons. I can't see why they didn't cancel this show already. The humor is offbeat and the show is a complete waste of half an hour. Many probably will not agree with me but I rest my case. And I don't necessarily mean the summary I wrote, just in case you were wondering. Freddie Prinze, Jr. just isn't funny and his dumb friend doesn't support the show anymore than he does.
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Only watchable
BioChemical21 April 2006
"Freddie" is a programme that probably should never have been produced. It is poorly written, very unrealistic and worst of all - it's not funny.

Freddie Prinze Jr. as the star of the show SHOULD carry its weight but sadly he is not up to it. His performance is forever pushed and unnatural, it's as though he is trying to create a mix of Matt LeBlanc and David Schwimmer (who both have a natural comedic flair) but ends up failing horribly.

The grandma strand is just ridiculous. She speaks Spanish, never uttering a word of English, and yet she understands everything anyone says to her (and also now apparently everyone understands Spanish too). It seems like the writers were trying to mask the shows terrible script with a bit of class - subtitles. However, a stench can only be covered for so long.

There is one slight saving grace which makes this show watchable at the very most, Brian Astin Green. This should have been his show. Prinze Jr is not unlikeable but he can't muster the same sort of charisma as his sidekick and that's a problem when a sidekick out-shows the star.

"Freddie" relies heavily on canned laughter and it's obvious why, this is the unfunniest comedy series of the season.
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Prinze Jr trying to be Joey??
Dushqueen2 December 2005
Don't get me wrong i like Freddie Prinze Jr, I'm think he is kinda cute, and have a couple of nice roles in movies. But i still don't get him as a funny guy...oh wait: a latino funny rich chef guy! since when Freddy is Latino?, i didn't know that...anyway...the point is the series is not that bad, i admit i am very surprise to see Austin Green playing comedy very nicely...and the girls on the show are quite good too. But Freddie as a leading role...he is trying so hard to be like Matt Le Blanc in Joey, and he looks a little bit like him too ( well without some extra pounds..sorry Matty), you can see he is trying to much to be funny...or at least is what i see. Anyway watch the series, and good luck i know Fred is a nice guy, and he deserve success, lets see if with a full season i can change my mind...
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