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Gracie - surprise! it's good.
janevigor19 September 2007
I watched this movie out of pure boredom, thinking it was some fluffy family friendly movie - but it was actually dark and engrossing. The cover art for this movie really gives the wrong impression - the sunshine on the box never appears in the actually movie, and although this movie is inspiring it manages to do it without the lollipops and flowers that one might expect. This film is more about a family as it copes with tragedy and life in the 70's than it is about soccer, which is a good thing! It has enough soccer content for those interested, but people who dislike sports movies have nothing to fear either. I will admit there are a few sappy moments in this film, but luckily Gracie is no goody two shoes, and thus a more complex character. EXTRA BONUS - the sound track is excellent featuring Blondie.
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enjoyable despite the clichés
Buddy-5129 April 2008
When high school soccer star Johnny Bowen is killed in a car crash, his grieving kid sister vows to keep his memory alive by taking his place on the team. But first Gracie will have to overcome the strenuous objections of both the coach and her own misogynistic father to her plan.

Although it has many of the hallmarks of a Lifetime Original Movie - souped-up gender conflict, an overdose of sentimental uplift, and a plucky, inspirational heroine at its core - "Gracie," which is set in late 1970's New Jersey, transcends many of its stereotypes and clichés through heartfelt performances, unpretentious writing and earnest direction.

Carly Schroeder has grit and charm to spare as the indomitable Gracie, while Dermot Mulroney and Elizabeth Shue acquit themselves nicely as her ultimately supportive parents.

It's true that "Gracie" provides us with nothing we haven't seen a thousand times before - from "The Karate Kid" to "Bend it Like Beckham" - but inspirational-sports-movie fans should still find themselves cheering on this latest underdog story.
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My Greatest Dream
Lele24 March 2015
This is the movie's title in Italy "My Greatest Dream". And the title says the truth: playing soccer in a male team for a girl is unthinkable, at least here in Europe.

The movie is quite well acted, Carly is fine and the rest of the crew does a god job. But the script does not work. Period. The screenplay communicates a false (and quite dangerous) message: everybody can do what they dream to do if they apply enough and is not discouraged, doesn't matter how difficult is the task.

What if Gracie had liked to play football or baseball or basketball in a male team? Or boxing against male boxers?
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i thought it was entertaining
disdressed1222 March 2008
i enjoyed this movie.i thought it was pretty good from an entertainment point of view.however,i didn't fee it was very inspirational and for me,it didn't have the impact that many of the movies of the genre have.i didn't find anything profound about it.i think it may be loosely inspired by real events,which could mean anything as far as movies go.i could not really get into it beyond a superficial level.i'm not sure why.maybe it's because i'm not a real soccer fan.having said that,it was well acted,and well certainly wasn't boring,by any means.the songs they chose for the movie were also really good.i would probably watch this movie again down the road,though,because as i said,it's enjoyable as entertainment.for me,Gracie is a 7/10
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Good movie, a girl wanting to play soccer, based on a real story.
TxMike30 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This nice, small movie is a product of the Shue family of soccer fame. Siblings Andrew and Elizabeth Shue are among the producers, husband of Elizabeth is the director, and the screenplay is based on Andrew's story. In fact, the whole story is loosely based on their own family as the Shue kids grew up.

Carly Schroeder is Grace Bowen (Elizabeth Shue character), only daughter, of Bryan Bowen (Dermot Mulroney). Her brother is the local high school soccer star but, after barely losing to their rivals, he gets killed in a car wreck. Dad is devastated, but sister Gracie wants to play soccer. There is no girls' soccer at their school, so she has to use a title 9 approach and petition the school board to let her even try out. Elizabeth Shue plays the mother, Lindsay Bowen. Andrew Shue plays a soccer coach.

This isn't a great movie, but it is a very nice one. I especially enjoy movies based on real events, like this one was.

SPOILERS: Gracie in try-outs made a good impression but was not fast enough or tough enough for varsity, and was put on the JV team. However, when the rivals came to town, coach asked her to sit on the bench as moral support, wearing her dead brother's old jersey. Coach had seen her practicing free kicks late at night, and put her in with the game on the line in OT. Her free kick just missed the mark, but she stayed in, and eventually used a move her dad had showed her to score and win the game.
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nfrench8828 December 2007
The true story this film was based on is touching, but I feel Davis Guggenheim failed to make any emotional connection with his audience. For most of the film, the characters actions were unconvincing. I found this particularly true with the protagonist Carly Schroeder, whose character was too ambiguous; thus not allowing the audience to really connect with her. The development of her character was, for the most part, "corny" -for lack of a better word. Lastly, Schroader seemed to be trying too hard to portray certain emotions. For example, when she grew mad, there would be this pathetic look on her face that was a cross between constipation and stubborness. All of the supporting actors didn't help either, seeing as the father was pretty much a mystery and the soccer players terrbile in actual athletic skill and acting. Furthermore, the costumes were poor, the lighting unjustified, there was noticeable sunlight during an unconvincing rain storm, and an overall poor job on the mise-en-scene. Like I said, the story is touching, but this film does not tell it in a convincing way.
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Truly Moving Picture
tollini14 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this film on May 9th, 2007 in Indianapolis. I am one of the judges for the Heartland Film Festival's Truly Moving Picture Award. A Truly Moving Picture "…explores the human journey by artistically expressing hope and respect for the positive values of life." Heartland gave that award to this film.

This is a story of a loving, close-knit family in the 1970s. The father is obsessed with his love of soccer and for his children, which include two grade school sons, his high school son and soccer star, and high school daughter, Gracie. All of his children share his passion for the game. A tragedy occurs and the high school daughter is determined to play with the high school boys' soccer team.

This is before title IX and the road to her joining the team is virtually impossible. Everyone is against her; that is, the male soccer-team players, the male soccer-team coaches, and her father. And everything is against her. Girls aren't allowed to use the weightlifting room at school and the Board of Education is worried about her safety.

First she gives up and behaves badly. Then her love for the game and competition takes over. The only questions that remain are whether she will be given a chance, and whether given a chance, she is tough enough and good enough.

Gracie eventually becomes a role model for young people and especially for girls. She displays courage and spirit and even heroism, and she never gives up hope in trying to reach her goals.

Gracie's parents are very compelling. Dermot Mulroney and Elizabeth Shue show being good parents is not about money. It is about being good role models and instilling positive values in their children.

FYI – There is a Truly Moving Pictures web site where there is a listing of past Truly Moving Picture Award winners that are now either at the theater or available on video.
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A Hopefull Movie..But...Lackluster
james18442 June 2007
I really wanted to give this movie a fair shake since Schroder was from Valparaiso, Indiana (my home town). But, alas, I can't. Although there are moments when I feel the film began to carry a decent storyline but all too often it drags into generic scenes and dry dialog. One big problem was the father character that continually seemed lackluster and unreal. I felt the plot and storyline were both cellophane thin and I was bored time after time with uninteresting characters. This, to me, was a, "how to not make a sports movie." I suppose credit should be given for something and with that I'll compliment the credits at the end of this mediocre film for giving it a home spun touch that was worth a nickle. Anyone who rates this higher than a 4 has got to be friend or family. It just doesn't fill the bill as a true and genuine "sports flick."
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Everybody Should See Gracie!
Sylviastel3 June 2007
Gracie is a great, family film. Gracie is played beautifully by Carly Shroeder as a girl surround by three soccer-playing brothers, Johnny, Mike, and Dan. The film opens as her brother has her kick a soccer ball barefoot to hit an empty bottle on top of the car. This film is set in South Orange, New Jersey in 1978 and is inspired by the events of the Shue family. Elisabeth Shue plays the mom and school nurse at Columbia High School in South Orange which does exist and whose alumni includes the Shues and Zach Braff. South Orange is also an upscale suburb of New York City and Newark, New Jersey. At the time of the movie set in 1978, an average dual income working class couple with four children could live comfortably there. South Orange has become an upscale white collar community ever since 1978 to feature celebrity residents like Kelly Bishop and Andre Braugher. Also, South Orange is home to Seton Hall University. The film was filmed on location around New Jersey including Maplewood where we see Gracie running on a downtown street. It was a family affair in the filming process including Elisabeth Shue not only as an actress but as an executive producer along with her husband and director, Davis Guggenheim. Her brother Andrew Shue plays an assistant soccer coach and history teacher. In real life, Andrew played soccer too. Dermot Mulroney is terrific as the father, coach, and moving man in his profession. At first, the family has a star, Johnny Bowen, but tragedy strikes the family. We see Gracie rebelling against her parents who are already heartbroken with despair over their loss as well. The two younger brothers seem unaffected at least in the movie. Gracie has one best female friend who is afraid of being labeled a lesbian because of her association with Grace. She decides one night to take her brother's spot on the team much to her father's laugh. She is serious but rather than prepare and strive. She rebels, dates a boy, fails history, and plays hooky at Asbury Park with a college boy. Until her father decides that he will coach her to get on the team, there are difficulties since she is a girl but she is determined and the film is not entirely predictable. It is a family oriented. It's just in time for Father's Day! The film is somewhat believable and realistic at times. They do their best to maintain the authenticity of the time and playing Bruce Springsteen songs as well. I admire the Shues for their determination in making the film entirely on location in New Jersey keeping with their roots. Stay until the end of the credits, you will be interested to see what it has to say. I like this film overall and it's message is that a girl can do it too.
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Disappointing movie -- definitely not for kids
kpac-16 August 2007
I booked this film for my local theater during a soccer tournament weekend. Having had good results in the past with Bend it Like Beckham and Goal!, I expected good crowds for what I thought was going to be a pretty good movie. This was not the case. This is more a coming of age film than a sports film and is definitely not appropriate for pre-teens. I was embarrassed to sit in the audience with my 11 year old daughter and watch scenes of teen sex in autos and alleyways. Even though nothing was actually shown, the suggestive scenes were graphic enough to prompt me to have a conversation with my daughter about proper dating behavior.

Aside from my concerns about the appropriateness of the film for pre-teens, the characters were underdeveloped (e.g. no mention or development of the Dad's former soccer star status), there were continuity errors, such as using the word "suck" in an era when it was not used, and at least one half of the film was a complete downer. So much more could have been done with this story that should have felt triumphant, but didn't.
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Gracie Is Not a Sports Film
sundowniest20 July 2007
Few films depict the texture of the time the late 60s & early 70s, and the paradoxes of that age captured female teenagers. This coming-of-age, while your family is in emotional tailspin does that and much more. I was ready for a soccer story-and 'feel good' film-but found myself moved. Despite the fact that I find soccer boring, and question the intelligence behind many co-ed-by-law activities, I found this film engaging. It is more 'realistic' than the average film because there are aspects in this film that everyone who has been through-or is going through the teen years can relate to--and at many levels. Though I don't normally notice the sound track: this one 'fit' the era to a "T" The movies have promoted myths about that era: not everyone dwelt in the sexual license and drug use of the era-nor did every dad worked for "Big Blue" and not every mom stayed home and had her cocktails. This movie reflects most of the families I knew. This film captured our despairs and our fondest dreams in a human fashion - KUDOS!!!!
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This little gem is too good for the IMDb; it's an easy 9, fellas
socrates9918 September 2007
Carly Schroeder has made, with this little film, perhaps the most pure-hearted big screen debut I've ever seen. The only other movie I can think of to rival this is "Whale Rider" and Keisha Castle-Hughes performance. But I really think Carly has the edge here. It's as if she's plucked a dream out of the ether and made it palpable. It's what the great actresses do, and I'm betting this woman could easily outdo every major name out there, given the chance. She's instantly likable and she transmits emotions through her face, voice, and body like she was born to convince you of her champion heart.

This is not an easy role. It's quite physical and most women have a deep dislike for exercise and even competition. After all, women are like dune buggies; men are like Mack trucks. But the truth is soccer can be played and won with finesse and heart, though it takes a special sort. Someone who can bring a deft touch to her play just when she should be exhausted and beaten. And there's no question in my mind none of the current crop of starlets would have struggled to do half the job that Carly does here. There are very few camera tricks that only imply physicality in the direction, instead it's all there for real, in a way that completely blew me away. These people believed in this film and it's paid off big time.

No, Hollywood is not quite as astute or clever as it thinks it is, so Carly's future can't be assured. But if there were ever a promising beginning, this is it. This is one beautifully acted and directed movie that I'm very sorry I didn't see when it first came out. I've no idea why it's not rated higher here. With all the ugliness we have to contend with, you'd think these armchair critics would be forced to let a breath of fresh air in. I'm guessing they're too far gone. I, on the other hand, think Carly has created, out of an impossibly pure and quite visible heart, one of the most memorable and believable female heroines I have ever seen.
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So it's thanks to Elisabeth Shue woman soccer exists today?
Boba_Fett11386 April 2011
Believe it or not, this story is partly based (and I think very loosely) on the real, early, life of actress Elisabeth Shue, who grew up playing soccer with boys. She herself also plays a role in this movie. There are actually a whole lot of more of her family members involved with this movie in one way or another, so you can really call this a Shue movie. Nothing wrong with that of course but it makes it just a bit all the more weird that the message at the end of the movie claims that female soccer in America was not accepted and didn't even exists, till there was Gracie, or should I say Lizzy Shue. But I don't hold this against the movie. The movie already has enough problems on its own as it is.

It's not a bad movie but I still really had tons of problems with it. First one is really its story. All of the drama and emotions feel very forced in and manipulative but even worse is that it's so incredibly formulaic and predictable. So, it's a movie about a girl who tries to make it to the boys soccer team at school...jeez, you think she will make it or not? But everything else that happens in between is also very predictable. It's really a movie by the numbers, which is not necessarily a bad thing if it got done right. And yes, the movie still does a lot of things right but its story and storytelling really prevent this movie from standing out in any way.

One of the things I also really didn't liked about the story was that it never felt realistic in any way. It was crazy how everybody was against Gracie playing soccer and saying silly stuff like 'grils can't play' or 'she is not good or though enough for the game'. But it was even more silly how all of the characters kept on switching back and forth with their opinions. The one moment someone was being really against the idea, while the other he or she is suddenly being very supportive and all for it. But this happens with no apparent reason, which was really annoying to be honest.

I must say it also didn't helped the movie very much that the acting in this movie was really below par.

The story can perhaps be understand and appreciated better if you understand that this movie was supposed to be set in the '70's, when girls at schools just had less choice on what to do with their lives and what sports to pick. I say this, because it really isn't apparent at all within this movie that it was supposed to be set in the '70's. All you basically see are some old cars but there is very little else to indicate that the story is supposed to be set in the '70's. So bad film-making in that regard, though this can also be put on its low budget of course.

But a more positive thing about this movie is the way the soccer matches are being portrayed. What I liked was that it showed the game as the tough and hard game that it can be and you also don't necessarily have to understand the rules of the game to watch this film. It doesn't ever get into any technical details or tactics, which makes this movie accessible to watch for basically everybody.

You will perhaps like this movie better if you're a young girl with dreams but to me this movie was just being very average and I think I'm still being very kind to rate this movie still as 'highly' as I do because the more I think about this movie, the less I'm starting to like it.

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Shue's Feat
george.schmidt4 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
GRACIE (2007) *** Carly Schroeder, Dermot Mulroney, Elisabeth Shue, Christopher Shand, Hunter Schroeder, Trevor Heins, Josh Barclay Caras, John Doman, Andrew Shue, Julia Garro, Jesse Lee Soffer. Formulaic yet well-produced sports-themed drama about a young girl (Schroeder in an exemplary role of courage) who wants to play on the high school boys' soccer team after a family tragedy prompts her to realize her own potential in a brood obsessed with the sport and the attempt for her to bond with her hard-headed, distant father (Mulroney in one of his best roles) in New Jersey circa 1978. Fun, yet earnestly determined script by Lisa Marie Petersen and Karen Janszen based on the Shue's real-life family occurrences around sister Elisabeth (who co-produced with brother Andrew who co-stars) and her own attempt to do as well in her youth. Directed with assurance by Shue's real-life husband Davis Guggenheim, the film's strengths lie in the fine assembly of acting talent, an excellent collection of '70s songs and the accurate production design by Dina Goldman.
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worse movie of all times
jaemiewaters31 January 2012
it is the worse movie of all times i never saw a movie this bad before you will say boo this movie stinks this was the worse thing i have ever seen and i hope you say the same thing you will say wow now that was a horrible movie if you like good movies than don't watch this movie than you would rather jump in a lake than watch this movie that is what i would do for sure that is really how bad this movie is you will through stuff at the TV when you see this movie that is how bad Gracie is i give Gracie a 1 out of 4 stars in the paper but on IMDb i give it 1 out of 10 it is rank this is a movie that will be called the worse movie of all times i mean it it really is the worse movie of all times you will die when you see how bad this movie is i never seen a movie this bad before i don't think any one should watch this movie it is the worse movie don't watch this horrible movie this movie is now worth the money don't buy it don't rent it that is how bad it is and the people i know who seen it said it is horrible
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Terrible wanna-be Lifetime channel movie!
TheEmulator2321 September 2007
This was an embarrassment in film-making. I think it's great it's a true story and all that, but you have to have GOOD ACTING, a good script, and something people actually want to watch! First off the girl that played "Gracie" was one of the worst lead actresses I have ever seen in a theatrically released movie. That's another point, how this made it to theaters is beyond me. I would think that even the Lifetime channel would have asked the producers to go back and fix it before they would even show it with their usually crappy movies. I realize that this had to do with Elizabeth & Andrew Shue's childhood, but that still doesn't make a good movie. Now to even compare this terrible thing with somewhat decent "Bend it Like Beckham" is totally ridiculous. Don't waste your time or anyone others with this snooze-fest. The only reason this gets a little higher than it should get, is because Elizabeth his decent in her itty bitty part.
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The real work side of sport
Chris Knipp9 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
'Gracie' is a movie about a girl who gets on the varsity boys soccer team after her brother, Johnny Bowen (Jesse Lee Soffer) who was the team star, dies in a car accident. Based on an experience of the Shue family, it has Elizabeth Shue playing Gracie's mother and another Shue, Andrew, as Coach Clark. Gracie Bowen is played by Carly Schroeder, who projects energy and guts, as the role requires. Dermot Mulroney is her father, Bryan Bowen, a former soccer player and a bit of a star in his time himself, but with childhood issues that give him some trouble as a parent. He has coached the family boys as if soccer, for all of them, has always been the only thing, while Gracie was protected but overlooked. But the fact that she nails a shot, on a bet, with bare feet in the opening sequence shows she's got the potential to be a star herself. Her struggle to be accepted at a time when girls didn't play soccer in America (this takes place in the late Seventies) is a way of moving forward when a kind of opening appears; it's also a chance for the family to redeem itself and progressing beyond its grief.

'Gracie's' final trajectory leads (somewhat implausibly) to a predictable final big game triumph; but what makes the body of the movie different and good is its focus on training--the training, moreover, of a female athlete, and her endless struggle to prove herself. The story is more about the discipline of sport, the long hard process of conditioning, than the drama of games and wins. Gracie first has to convince her father to coach her despite his not unnatural concern that she isn't tough enough to play against boys. Her mother tells her she must be content as a girl with being second best. She doesn't buy that. Carly Schroeder makes Gracie's passion and conviction appear strong but never forced. Despite the ending this is, for once, a sports film not so much about the dramatic play and the roar of the crowd as it is about practice, practice, practice. The training is as close up as we got in Robert Towne's excellent 1982 'Personal Best,' which starred Mariel Hemingway and was a landmark for its realistic cinematic treatment of a track and field competitor. Again, maybe inevitably, the lesbian issue comes up in 'Gracie' as it does more prominently in 'Personal Best.' This time it appears only as a false stereotype, but at one point even Gracie's very up-front best friend Jena (Julia Garro) has doubts, while her sometime boyfriend, Kyle Rhodes (Christopher Shand), who wanted her for a long time but seemed hard to trust, indeed becomes an enemy at tryout time.

The movie's lessons have to do with a family unsure of itself accepting layers of grief, but the fresh image is of a young girl who can be a tough and skillful athlete no matter what anybody thinks. Gracie may get some of its depth and particularity from the involvement of the Shue family. It's a family affair in more ways than one. Director Guggenheim is Elizabeth Shue's husband, and Carly Schroeder's brother plays Gracie's younger brother Mike. The summer's American family films are rarely as unpretentious but solid as this one.
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Not very inspiring
freakfire-131 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
A family tragedy involving sports. That has been done before, however I think better than this work. Very much different from "Death Sentence", although it does have in common the gifted child dying and the less gifted one living. It is also not anything like "Mean Green", except it revolves around soccer.

Gracie wants to play soccer, but her father prefers not to after the death of the other child. However, he warms up to the idea and fights with her to make her dream come true. They both suffer discrimination for this event and the movie revolves around that.

A family that can't fully cope and a father who invested it all in one child to have to support the other. Been there, done that. But the soccer angle was original. But yet it really fails to get the audience into the film. I was bored throughout most of this film.

Overall, not very good. "D"
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A rare film
tlaw-39 November 2007
As the father of a daughter, I am always looking for the kind of film that matter-of-factly informs girls that, through desire and plain hard work, you can achieve your goals. That is a common, obvious message, but ask yourself how many movies are delivering that message to girls without also referring, whether overtly or by implication, to appearance and sexuality. The universe of those films is tiny. Well, finally, here is one!! Unfortunately, this movie was marketed poorly and did not do well at the box office. That does not mean, however, that it should die on the vine as a DVD. If you think a simple positive message of grit and determination for girls is worthy of wide distribution, then its going to take word of mouth to do it, because clearly the studios don't care. Spread the word about Gracie!!
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One girl fought back and won!~!
Roxburyfunny115 October 2007
Judging by the trailers you know this movie is going to be a tearjerker. It did not let down. They did not though dwell on certain subjects forever meaning the story progressed and in doing so kept you locked and wanting to see the rest of it. I was really impressed and shocked to find out the family aspect behind the creating of this movie. The story was just brilliant and I've watched Carly Schroeder grow up on T.V. in Lizzie McGuire. Mean Creek is a movie that showed she can do dramatic and can do something different then Teen Television and this movie sealed the deal. Dermot Mulroney as the father was by far one of the best castings in this film. You saw his give and take and his struggle to either help or be against the obstacles in front of him. Elizabeth Shu can do no wrong. This was a the perfect role and she did not over play it. She really did have the believability of a concerned mother in the 70's. Weighing everything around her. The siblings especially Johnny were casted great as well as Kyle and Peter. They gave such a believability to their roles that you loved and hated them at the right times and you really struggle for Gracie in the since where putting yourself in her shoes and saying well I would have done this but your not Gracie and you have to stick with her and watch her triumph. I recommend this to Anyone and Everyone especially families or just mom's and daughters to watch and enjoy!~!
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A good movie about grief, a girl's struggle, and yes, soccer
kellyq1214 December 2007
This movie is inspired by (and thus LOOSELY based) on producer/actress Elisabeth Shue's life. So coming from the fact its producers are actual soccer players, I wanted to love it. I didn't love it, but I did like it.

While this movie is a "soccer" movie, in my eyes, it is really a movie more about a family - esp. the main character Gracie - dealing with the death of a loved one (her brother). It shows how different characters deal or avoid dealing with their grief. Gracie eventually turns to one of the things she used to love to share with her brother - soccer. Soccer is also something that her dad and her brother shared, so Gracie and her dad reconnect through the sport.

As a drama addressing the challenge of growing up as a female athlete a few decades earlier, I give it an 7.5/10. Some people on this Message Board want to bash it as a man-hating message, but you have to remember that this movie is NOT trying to represent girls' athletics today - in 2007. It is representing how it was practically 30 years ago, when it WAS tough to have an equal shot at sports. They did a decent job.

As a drama dealing with death, I give it an 8/10. A lot of the character's grief is portrayed through action, not dialogue, which worked pretty well. However, with so much build-up, I was waiting for more of an emotional punch and it didn't quite come full circle.

As soccer movie, I give it a 7/10. Given that I love soccer, I'm probably harshest on that. I will say the soccer is more realistic than a lot of soccer movies out there. But they definitely take some creative license with the rules of the game. There seems to be a lot of irresponsible coaches and ref's in this movie. The parking lot/backlot soccer seems most realistic to me.

If you like soccer OR dramas, I recommend this movie.
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Beautiful Movie for ALL the family
cookeje8 June 2007
I was fortunate enough to attend a Preview of this movie at the beginning of May in Houston. Two of the actors were in attendance, Carly Schroeder and Andrew Shue. It was obvious from the way both of them talked about the movie that it was going to be very special and close to the hearts of the Shue family. It certainly wasn't a disappointment. It was one of those 'feel good' movies where, as a viewer, you are just so passionately rooting for the lead character. Carly Schroeder did a wonderful job in her role and was an inspiration. I would highly recommend going to see this movie, especially if you are a soccer fan or any sports fan. This is a great family movie, so take you children to it, you won't regret it!
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True Passion
Bosco-HK1 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Watching this movie, I began to go through my own experience in soccer. I remember playing on the basketball court with my friends. I also remembered in Primary 5, I was in the soccer team, and Vishnu, our striker, my friend and I (left midfielder) did a triangular pass and then Vishnu drove the ball into the goal. I felt great. However, I did not really continue to pursue soccer because of one sided talent only.

I believe that if there is such thing as true passion, anything is possible. With your heart devoted into that thing, you can most possibly succeed.

Brian Bowen (Dermot Mulroney) was a soccer player himself, he does not put effort in thinking that anyone else can play like he did, except for Mike (Hunter Schroeder). Not only did her father did not believe in his only daughter, he laughed along with the two other younger boys in the family Daniel Bowen (Trevor Heins) and (), he believed that soccer was never needing real teaching because of Mike's talent in soccer. Grace Bowen (Carly Schroeder) had to put up with all the boys, the coaches, the rules and the closest person, her father.

I believe that girls are actually very fit to play any sport. They do not ever feel satisfied with their physical being, therefore they will train harder and harder if they really want to achieve their goal. The determination to push is far greater than the relaxed mind of boys who were born to play a rough sport, who were already capable of playing these kinds of pushing limits in strength, speed and agility.

Carly Schroeder played an amazing role as 'Gracie', she loved her brother and they were truly heart-to-heart. Her brother also believed that she could do what he could do. Every time a girl will be laughed by her peers and boys for taking on "socially suicidal" activities. I also loved how Carly played Gracie's different roles bravely. She walked across the tunnel without bothering of the oncoming vehicles, she drove illegally, tested her physical limits, both flirting-naughty and fitness. Peter Wicker (Josh Barclay Caras) believed in her throughout the film, there was no doubt in his mind that Grace was incapable of beating the boys to the game.

Lindsay Bowen (Elizabeth Shue) played a tremendous role as Grace's mother. She was the school nurse at the school. Moreover, she was also the nurse in the family. As a mother, she watched over her daughter and never discouraged her of what she would like to pursue in her life. She taught her daughter to always aim high. I believe that she played this amazing role beautifully because she was back at her own grounds when she was younger. She knew how a girl like 'Gracie' would feel, so she did not stop 'Gracie' from doing the abnormality. Elizabeth Shue and Andrew Shue directed this film very well.

Kyle Rhodes (Christopher Shand) did not believe that girls can even kick a ball. He has 'expectations' of the girls he dates, but until he realizes Gracie is very different, he will never reach deep enough to understand her.

I went to watch it the first show in the morning today and loved it. I recommend this movie to those who believes in true passion is the key to success, no matter how the road bends, there is always a way to walk around it.
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Great Soccer Movie
bluejewel51723 February 2008
This is my favorite soccer movie I have ever watched. I always enjoy to watch soccer movies from Ladybugs to Bend it like Beckham. I didn't find Bend it like Beckham to be all that great of a movie. Gracie is more about soccer. And I don't have to explain that. From the many reviews that talk about it, they are all right. Its about the loss this family had to deal with. And its about the hardship Gracie faced trying to join a boys soccer team in a time when that wasn't accepted. As for someone's comment saying that Guggenheim failed to make an emotional connection with the audience, apparently that person must have no heart if they didn't feel a connection! I was one of many who were an "audience" to this movie and I can speak for myself when I say that I was connected emotionally to this movie and to the character, to all of the characters. There is so much more to sports than winning and losing. There's the heart and soul that many of the athletes put into the game and I think Gracie is a great example of someone who didn't give up and succeeded in their goal.
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Gracie Is In Everyone Of Us
laijon5 June 2007
The critics are just critics, coz they can only criticize. They do that to all their family and friends, their beautiful wives, and even when they look into their mirrors, they still won't forget to criticize others.

A must see for everyone.

1st, a true hero lives in a regular person, yeah, even a little girl, in her careless family, and male-dominant society, "the rule is boys get the game, ball; girls stand by, cheer" sounds like 70's, even now.

But no, our society needs something big, stronger, something muscular, to present a "Hero" to blind our society in thru Homer's Classics, to Shakespeare's stages, now many many Hollywood big buck, huge name, legally plagiarized films, or franchised special male sports: what's sexy about the fat asses on the dirt mount and green pitch? Gracie would not miss and surely kick all butts, coz they just too huge, and block our TV and movie screens all the time. While Gracie suddenly jumped in and revealed these Empire's new cloth just too small to cover their Hero-look liked, but a truly whored holes that slave to their master's money and prowess all time. Most critics under the "industry" "expertise" once again disclosed their dumb ass opinion in public eye.

70's world was not far way, when 60's moms were afraid of their girls' teen pregnancy, so they would fall into a wrong man's family, prison their whole life in small cells, 70's provided them a solution: condom and pills. So girls were able to walk into the male-dominant world for a benefit of pleasure to serve a masculine-driven society. Rock and drugs, served image of young feminism heroin's shadow, as a forever makeup that nowadays films keep putting on the face of our young fighters. Boys were dressed in jeans,danced in rock, but Gracie was our true Beatle.

Beginning of the movie, a great sign told in a small scene. When her brother Johnny told her "she can do anything", she believed, she walked a few more steps toward the center of field that filled by young boys, she hit the bottle, and put her backyard dream and practice into a miracle use. No wonder, she loved her brother so much, he believed in her, and his faith led her into this game, that is love.

But most critics would not want a simple truth, but a fancy lie, coz it sells! They call it formula, I wonder their critical life is a little bit formulated too! They are just playing along, they do two things: kiss an ass and kick an ass! Meanwhile they know not what to do with their own, cannot hold them, but let go to make our world a shity place!

After death took her brother.

Her dad lived in his beer bottle, but our Graciewas strong, fierce like her mom said. She claimed her love, and was willing to play her brother's game for her brother, her dad laughed just like our critics did. But she fought, she fought for a game, worked hard preparing, spoke out aloud to those who distrusted her. To her view, it was a dark night! And it still is!

A tragic scene in this movie tells us that our household is in vacuum if family members are without faith with each other, coz love does not work Her actions when faith is not in the heart a person. When Johnny departed, his dad saw his son, his boy, his image, and his dream bearer disappeared, so he was drowning in beer, a typical 70's dad. And Gracie took a another road of regular rebellious teen, she was 15. she quited her soccer dream, and played the pickup game on street, fooled about with beachboys, and drove without permit, tried discovering unprotected teen sex; but her Dad broke into her off course life. This is a great movie to alarm family parents to strength the girder of a household, and a good chance to lead a family to a teen sex and life talk. Let's not cover the things up like our politicians. Is there any good movie of another Hollywood production is simple, unique, better than this true story movie? Sex, Money, Violence, we've got them in all other films, but this is just life story, those million dollar writers just cannot frame it.

If critics cannot even read a simple passionate film, why they deserve anything better?! Their love ones bring them a dish, they yell, too salty! Without knowing what is really in the dish!

Greatness is in the simple things!

They say, it is lack of speech; while Gracie was 15, her Dad a furniture tech, mom a nurse; what they expect, reading a poetry or prose of Frost? or sing a Broadway song?

She said "Give me the ball" she got it. Her will, love and faith does not slave to anyone, or any concept.

Yup her heroism raised, rose from her backyard to the boy's training field, and when her coach saw her skill and lured her into the game, as his wish, and told her teammate to fake an injury, told her "whatever you do, don't miss"(Male Coach's way) she hit the side post; coz her destiny chose her to parade step by step from the stereotype sideline to the ugly violent center field, and shined her talent and skill in her magical touch, dribble, dance, and shot a wonderful goal(Gracie way). She scored, a solo run, in the eye of fans, but her strength, faith and love for the game was with her all the way, all the way, every fight, battle, and game, every step of her way. That moment, she was Gracie, of herself, of her family, of her teammates, fans, and she is Grace of all the girls, even to the her critics, and boyish men!

She is our Grace, go Gracie, go!
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