Death to Smoochy (2002) Poster

Robin Williams: Rainbow Randolph



  • [Smoochy holds up a penis-shaped Cookie made by Randolph] 

    Randolph : What are you, blind? It's a cock! It's not a rocket, you sick fuck! It's a cock! Look. It's a cock and balls! A dick! Chorizo and the huevos! It's a big stiffy! It's a penis! Penis maximus! A willie! A weenie! Mr. Jiggle Daddy! The one-eyed wonder weasel! Don't you see that? It's Jimmy and the twins. Rumple Foreskin. He made this. It's made from dil-dough.

  • Randolph : You better grow eyes in the back of your head, you horned piece of shit, because I'm not gonna sleep until worms are crawling up your foam-rubber ass! I'm goin' on safari motherfucker! SAH-FAR-I!

    [rhino noise] 

  • Cop : Are you ok?

    Randolph : I don't know. I'm kinda fucked up in general, so it's hard to gauge.

    [He faints] 

  • Reporter : How does it feel to be voted the most hated man in America, Randolph?

    Randolph : In a country full of Neanderthals, I wear the fuckin' badge of honor.

  • [talking to Sheldon in Rainbow's former apartment] 

    Randolph : Look what you've done to this place. It's all Diane Fosse. When I lived here, it was Bob Fosse. Right there, I had a big painting of a naked chick holding a little plant; very tasteful, no bush... not a picture of your fucking mother!

  • [repeated line] 

    Randolph : I'm Rainbow Fucking Randolph!

  • [to a baby, after framing Sheldon] 

    Randolph : Hello, little nipple-nibbler. The rhino's a Nazi!

  • Randolph : I loathe you!

    [kicks the TV onto the floor] 

    Randolph : Bastard Son of Barney!

    [Pulls the shade off a lamp and starts smashing it with the stand] 

    Randolph : Die! Die, you stuffed son of fluff! You illegitimate Teletubby! Die, you Muppet from hell!

    Randolph : [Angelo enters]  Die, you foam motherfucker!

    Randolph : Die! Die!

    Angelo Pike : What are you doing? That's a picture in picture!

    Randolph : was an accident.

  • Randolph : You want your little booger eater on my show?

    Wife : Yes, very much.

    Randolph : Then don't tell me how to run my fucking business.

  • Randolph : First he takes my career, then my life, now my girl. The balls on that fuchsia fuck! I'm gonna tear him apart, piece by piece!

  • Randolph : Didn't she tell you of the love we once had. Passionate yet tender, old-fashioned yet experimental.

    Sheldon : Randolph, you have lost your mind.

    Randolph : Oh, enlighten the lad, Nora. You were such a hot little brood mare, does the bridle still fit?

    Sheldon : Hey, watch your mouth mister!

    Nora : What experiments? I've had firmer handshakes, ya drunk.

    Randolph : Please, it's small but, it's fierce!

  • Nora : We know you didn't kill Spinner so just cool your jets.

    Randolph : Oh, thank you, Mother Teresa, why don't you tell that to the angry mob outside? They want my fucking ass. I'm like a god damn toaster at Macy's; Rainbow's ass - aisle three.

  • Randolph : [being led through the angry press]  My name isn't Wandolph! It's Randolph! Somebody touched my ass! Get away from me! Don't touch me!

    [gets hit by an egg] 

    Randolph : I've been SHOT! I'm bleeding! Somebody touched my ass!

  • [his theme song] 

    Randolph : Friends come in all sizes/ That's a fact, it's true/ All the colours of rainbow/ From mauve to blue/ The names are different/ The shoes don't match/ Some like to toss/ And others to catch/ One might say grasp while the other says snatch/ Because... friends come in all sizes/ Take it from me/ Golly gee/ Size doesn't matter/ When you want some friendly patter/ From a pal who is true/ And will lift you up when you're blue/ You can count on him/ He can count on you/ It's true/ It's true/ Friends come in all sizes!/

    [repeat three times] 

    Randolph : Yes, they do!

  • Tommy : [Breaks open the door]  Well, if it isn't Mr. Rainbow, how lovely to see you in the flesh... c'mere!

    [Lifts Randolph up off the couch by his sweater and grabs him by the front of his neck] 

    Tommy : Now, you want to tell me about The Rhino?

    Randolph : [strangulated]  This is private property, you're fucking trespassing...

    [Tommy throws him headfirst into the piano, with the ceramic pot falling off of it and breaking and he lands back first on the floor] 

    Tommy : Danny, go give Mr. Smiley a little back rub.

    [Danny picks him up and holds him up by the back of his sweater] 

    Tommy : Start yakkin', friend!

    Randolph : I don't know what you're talking about! I'm minding my own business here, you're violating my private sp...

    [Danny throws him towards the opposite wall] 

    Randolph : AAAAAAACE!

    [Hits the wall with his whole body and slides down, then Danny lifts him up over his head with both hands and smashes him through a table] 

    Randolph : All right, you spud sucking fucks! I'm suing your riverdance ass!

    [with a mocking Irish Accent] 

    Randolph : I'm gonna send you all the way back hooome, huh?

    Tommy : Roy, have you got the hammer?

    Roy : Always got the hammer, Tommy.

    [pulls out a chisel hammer] 

    Randolph : [Danny grabs holds him up by the collar]  I did it! It was me! It was all me! Thank god we cleared up everything without further violence.

    [brief pause, then cuts to Randolph's perspective as Danny punches him hard in the face and everything goes black] 

  • Randolph : Do not start with your magician's tricks young Moses! I am pharaoh! And you are my slave. And this... is my kingdom!

  • Randolph : He's a pillow-biter, you know.

    Sheldon : I wouldn't know anything about his sleeping disorders.

  • Randolph : What about Wally the Whale?

    Sheldon : Laura, how could you do it with Wally the Whale?

    Randolph : There she blows!

    Sheldon : I don't believe this is happening. I can't believe you didn't tell me about this.

    Nora : Listen, Sheldon, I'm not proud of it but, there was a time in my life when I was a bit of a kiddie host groupie.

  • Randolph : She's right, you've got to keep your dignity in tact -

    [spills coffee] 

    Randolph : Oww! My balls - they're on fire!

  • Randolph : [Pointing gun at Nora and Sheldon]  I've got Mr. Boomy, Missy!

  • Randolph : [fighting over the sniper rifle]  You shot Smoochy, you bastard! Give me that gun, you whacked out piece of shit!

    Buggy Ding Dong : No! I've got to kill the rhino!

  • Randolph : [as Buggy clings onto Randolph while both dangle from the catwalk]  LET GO OF ME... YOU FUCKING JUNKIE

  • Randolph : Who's toes do you have to suck to get a drink around here?

  • Randolph : Even when you're squeaky clean, you can still fall in the mud.

  • [Randolph mentions his long-ago affair with Nora] 

    Nora : That was a long time ago. I was young and stupid.

    Randolph : And limber.

  • [Randolf is pinned by Sheldon] 

    Randolph : Nooo! You're to close to the fire - the flames are driving me maaaaaad!

  • Randolph : [giving Stokes the gift bag back]  You know what to do with the hand lotion, you jerkoff.

See also

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