Boltneck (2000) Poster


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Cheesy horror comedy with lots of stars in it...
paul_haakonsen16 November 2021
I stumbled upon the 2000 movie "Big Monster on Campus" (aka "Boltneck") here in 2021 by random luck. I hadn't even heard about the movie prior to now as I sat down to watch it. But I saw that the movie had Ryan Reynolds on the cast list and on the cover, so of course I opted to sit down and watch this 2020 horror comedy from writer Dave Payne.

Well, "Big Monster on Campus" wasn't exactly a grand cinematic experience, that was for sure. But hey, the movie was watchable, despite it being a cheesy movie.

As for the storyline told in the movie, well it was semi-adequate. It was sort of a modern take on the classic Shelley's "Frankenstein" story, but with a hefty doze of teen-spirit added to it. So it was somewhat of an odd movie and an acquired taste really.

What impressed me about "Big Monster on Campus" was the cast ensemble. They had a heap of nice actors and actresses to participate in this movie. It was sort of fun to watch Ryan Reynolds in a movie such as this, and he was actually pulling off the movie nice enough. The movie also has the likes of Christine Lakin, Shelley Duvall, Richard Moll and Judge Reinhold on the cast list, so there is a good handful of proper talents in the movie.

While I managed to sit through directors Mitch Marcus and John Blush's 2000 movie, then it was not a movie that I will be fondly remembering or looking back upon. Nay, "Big Monster on Campus" was a bit too mundane and generic. And I bet that I will have forgotten about the movie come next week.

My rating of "Big Monster on Campus" lands on a very bland and mediocre five out of ten stars.
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Feels More Like An 80s Horror Comedy
ladymidath12 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Boltneck really does give off 80s vibes which to me is a plus. The horror comedy aspects, the high school setting, even the dumb jocks and the brainy nerd all call back to older movies with similar themes and stories.

The movie is fun though. A couple of jock style bullies accidentally kill a goth kid and the brilliant teenager uses a brain transplant to bring him back to life in a Mary Shelley-esque scene. Only the brain belonged to a criminal and that is when the fun really starts.

This is not a great movie, but I found myself enjoying it for the really good cast here. You can see that they all seemed to have fun making this movie.

The acting and dialogue was solid and there were a couple of genuinely tense scenes, especially the attempted robbery of the food van.

This might not be a film for everyone but it is an enjoyable popcorn movie that doesn't pretend to be anything else.
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dan_in_denver24 October 2000
I saw this film in the video under the release title "Boltneck". I was pleasantly surprised!! The film was funny, slick, and really well acted. A Fun Halloween Movie!! I rented with intentions of just "Killing Time" and ended up really enjoying it!!
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I hated every second of this dumb comedy.
poolandrews25 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Big Monster on Campus is set ion Los Angeles where smart science student Frank Stein (Matthew Lawrence) has ideas about bringing the dead back to life, while at a party local nerd Karl O'Reilly (Ryan Reynolds) is confronted by cool high school dudes Lance (Justin Walker) & Tuttle (Christian Payne) & after an accident Karl ends up dead at the bottom of a swimming pool. Fearing they will be blamed for Karl's death Lance & Tuttle accept an offer of help from Frank who says he can bring Karl back to life, unfortunately Karl has suffered a bad head injury so Frank replaces Karl's brain with that of recently deceased killer Wayne Dobbs. After successfully bring Karl back to life it's no great surprise that killer Dobbs takes over much to everyones annoyance, Frank realises what he has done & feels compelled to right his mistake...

Also known as Boltneck & Teen Monster this was directed by Mitch Marcus & I have to admit that I loathed every second of this horrible teen horror comedy that I am struggling to find one positive thing about, nope I can't think of anything at all. With a lead character named Frank Stein & a dead body being brought back to life by electricity with a killer's brain inside it's not hard to tell that this is a parody of Mary Shelley's classic novel Frankenstein although to be honest this plays out more like an episode of Dawson's Creek as it focuses on various teen issues & problems, in fact there's little reason to have the Frankenstein subplot here at all. The comedy moments are embarrassingly bad & of the moronic variety, two kids with a dead body in their car are stopped by a cop & he just thinks the dead guy is drunk (yeah, right) or two guy's pulling someone else's pants down at school. This is as clever & funny as it gets which basically means it's not clever or funny in the slightest. There are no horror elements, the teen angst issues are awful & predictable (kid impresses demanding father & gets the girl of his dreams, groan) & I sat there watching this crap with a blank expression on my face not even really taking it in, there's just a collection of bad scenes strung together with no reason behind it. Also it looks like bringing the dead back to life is pretty easy according to this, I think I might give it a try...

The whole film has no flair or style & feels like a bland soap opera. Forget about any horror as there really isn't any. All the character's are really irritating & the comic relief bad guy's are just dumb. I actually can't remember that much else about this & I only endured it last night.

This probably had a small budget but has reasonable production values despite being devoid of any style or personality. The acting is alright, to be honest everyone just got on my nerves though.

Big Monster on Campus is a terrible horror comedy that doesn't contain any horror or laughs, one of the worst films I have seen this year so far & a perfect example in how to make 90 odd minutes feel like an eternity.
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Spoof on the Frankenstein classics.
acearms22 October 2003
A teen finds he can return the dead to a living being. An entertaining movie with teen hormones. Take it as entertainment realizing there is no reality to it. An enjoyable but not serious experience. Worth watching. I may well view it again.
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Boltneck is a masterpiece!
clynch2-917-45688010 May 2018
I don't care what David Beckham says.This movie is an amazing bit of early naughts schlock.
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Very enjoyable little gem
inframan26 May 2001
This film is a nice if unimposing blend of Beetlejuice & Fast Times at Ridgemont High. It has a good pace, fine timing, & excellent performances (especially by Ryan Reynolds as the "monster"). Truly a serendipitous experience.
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Thanks Beckham
nicewon12 May 2018
Thanks for bringing this classic to my attention , David. Whilst somewhat dated, now, it still contains all the ingredients to make it an absolute cult classic. This movie will move you, make you question life decisions and , futhermore , will will an indelible make on your psyche - the last movie to have this effect on me was Schindler's list, and to a slightly lesser extend, the Italian 70's classic that is Cannibal Holocaust.

Do yourself and those that you love a favour ; invite them around of movie night and emerse all in the beauty that is this movie . There will be tears , there will laughs, there will be unity.

Whilst not a conspiracy theorist I do believe the recent Beckham skit was designed to bring this move to the attention of the masses. Reynolds said this is his masterpiece. I disagree , this movie requires capital letters to emphasise. Reynolds , dear boy, this is your MASTERPIECE. To the end, David Beckham, the world thanks you.
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Simple and fairly amusing in places
motor8921 October 2001
It's not a film I would go out of my way to watch, but it's amusing on a boring Sunday afternoon (when I watched it). I was expecting some awful "teen" rubbish, but was pleasantly surprised. Enjoyably offbeat and dark in places, but it's mostly just unassuming comedy horror.
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Amongst my favorites!
wayne-227 November 2001
I have watched this movie about ten times now, and I notice something new and funny each time. I thought every character was well-played. Of course you have to suspend reality somewhat, but what horror/ reanimation movie doesn't require that. This movie is much more a comedy than a horror flick. The delivery of some lines is priceless Frank:"I can get a brain from my dad's lab!" Tuttle:"Oh, how convenient!" Perhaps this movie is better watched after a few beers - anyhow, it is my favorite in its' genre.
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I Was Not Disappointed!!
buffbabe231 November 2001
I bought this film after seeing it listed here on the IMDB. I wasn't sure what to expect- I wasn't even sure what the film was totally about. I decided to go ahead and purchase it after not being able to find it anywhere. - After watching it, I was extremely pleased with my decision. I thoroughly enjoyed the entire movie. The movie wasn't exactly what I had expected, but it was a fun hour and a half. I have watched it many times since and it has become a favorite of mine. :) Matthew Lawrence, Ryan Renolds, Justin Walker, Christine Lakin, and all of the other actors did a *GREAT* job! Very entertaining! I give it a 5 out of 5.
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Some movies people just dont give a chance
paladin-1123 September 2001
When it comes to making a low budget comedy-horror film, all will be compared to Young Frankenstein, and this film is no different. Really only worth seeing because "Berg" from "Two Guys and A Girl and A Pizza Place" plays the Big Monster.

Kind of funny, especially when the teacher talks about squirrels and when "Berg" tosses the cat from the house.
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jpatnaude21 May 2018
Classic campy low budget Frankenstein style of movie. Don't go in thinking you're getting a summer blockbuster flick, just enjoy it for what it is
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A must see for Ryan Reynolds fans!!!!
joiningjt14 March 2020
It's a low budget comedy it has no cgi, big set, etc. What it does have is a great performance by Ryan Reynolds and the rest of the cast, reinhold us hilarious and even Duvall is decent I purchased it on Ebay for a low price and glad I did. Watch it. It's funny!!
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A masterpiece
joemarsden1325 May 2018
This movie is a masterpiece.

11/10 a must watch

Seriously please buy this
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Clever concept, executed poorly
docmarvy30 March 2001
Not to sound all Maltin-ey, but what exactly were they thinking when they released this? You've got a stable of legitimate actors and a clever premise but low production quality and an out-of-whack ratio of corny to gore. What does that spell? Boltneck. It's not like there's trouble suspending belief that brains just screw in and lightning can reanimate the dead. It's just that we've seen it done better before. The movie drops in the occasional clever line or physical joke to let you know that something's going on, but for the most part it lays there. Since this genre of film is usually about one excess or another (i.e. sex or gore) then I guess that's where Boltneck failed for me. It isn't too much of anything, and it's not enough of any one thing to make it memorable.
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