119 Reviews
Smells_Like_Cheese20 May 2006
I sort of enjoyed the first Pocahontas film that was released in 1995, I never got to see the second one, so I figured why not give most Disney sequels a chance? I mean The Lion King trilogy was actually pretty good along with Aladdin and Toy Story. But this was a very cheesy and incredibly disgraceful to history and Disney in general. I don't judge normally on movies with history, but I worry that because this is a viewing for children that they will get things mixed up. I know it's a stupid reason, but I just take history very seriously. It's a movie for the kids, nothing more, no good jokes for the adults to laugh at. Not to mention the editing was pretty cheap.

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ghostofdaniel11 July 2004
Warning: Spoilers
What a disappointment ! Of course, I was ready for that. When I saw : "Walt Disney Home Video presents" in place of "Walt Disney presents", and the fact that the wonderful musical composers of the first "Pocahontas" were not in this movie, I KNEW this sequel will be a disappointment.

But I still hoped the continuation of the beautiful love story between Pocahontas and Smith. <SPOILER ALERT>

At the beginning of the movie, I was glad to see that all characters were still there, even the famous villain Radclif. The new main character John Rolfe, seemed to play "double-game" with John Smith, but I thought he would be just the "good friend". But no ! He becomes the new Pocahonta's lover ! Pocahontas drops his "eternal love" John Smith, who seems now to be a dump adventurer only obsessed by conquering America.

Why Disney had destroyed such a beautiful romantic story ?!!

It's like if Disney have made a sequel called "ROMEO AND JULIET N°2 : THE DIVORCE". !!! Anti-romantic, no ?

Why ? Now, I know why. I found the real story of "Pocahontas" (in Europe nobody knows the real story), and yes, it's true, Pocahontas didn't marry John Smith, but John Rolfe. But the real Pocahontas thought Smith was dead ! And anyway, Disney, since the first "Pocahontas" had decided to modify the real story. Why didn't he continue in this way ? Why to return to the real story ? And maybe, to show us Pocahontas dying of smallpox like the real one did ? (why not after all !)

It's crazy ! "Disney's Pocahontas" was a NEW story, just "inspired" by the true story. So, why boring us now with the "real events" ?!! We don't care ! We just want a beautiful story ! We want romanticism ! Sorry, this movie doesn't give us that. For Disney, it's the greatest mistake he can do.

Yes, of course, the animation are still good, many funny moments, but the conclusion is so sad : Pocahontas drops Smith !

I prefer to forget this, and return viewing to the first "Pocahontas".

Sorry : 4/10 (the ballroom sequence is great and fun)
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Why did Disney ruin my look on the characters?
manix16330 March 2010
I recently watched the original Pocohontas after such a long time and was so inspired by the original, that I told myself I would watch the second. I watched Pocohontas 2 and was thoroughly thoroughly disappointed. I felt that the first half of the movie had barely any story and revolved around the hummingbird, the raccoon and the dog. The second half of the movie contained the whole plot and was squeezed so that it seemed like a rush. The plot and the emphasis on the animals was not the worst. The worst was the depiction of John Smith. In the first movie, he transformed from a selfish and action chasing man to a kind and selfless man (evident by him giving his life to save the chief). The movie turned him completely into a selfish man only worried about himself and one who didn't seem in love with the woman that he should of been. Please do not watch this movie. My idea of John Smith is completely obscured and I have been thoroughly disappointed.
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Crushed the favorite romance of my childhood
irahru2 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Pocahontas 1 was and still is my very favorite Disney cartoon and one of my favorite movies ever - a bit more adult than other Disney works, especially due to its most beautiful love story - Pocahontas and John Smith.

For those who know the real story of Pocahontas it is clear that the cartoon was simply inspired by the real story: it has never been proved she had any romantic involvement with John Smith, John Smith did have to leave the land due to an injury, then she thought he was dead, married John Rolfe, had a son with him and only THEN went to England, where she fell ill with smallpox and died, never seeing her home again. So Disney decided not to make speculations on the story but make it more or less how it really was.. omitting the marrying and having a child part..

So here is what I can tell you Disney: I do not CARE how it was in reality. I wanted to see how John Smith and Pocahontas get together again.

No.. They decided to follow reality. So their task was to make Pocahontas' choice for a new boyfriend justified. So they decided to show off Smith as a complete moron, a terribly selfish Narcissus, who does not approve of her ideas, does not understand and does not support her. The epic moment was the last part when he says "I got a ship" and then corrects I to we - and this is the moment when Pocahontas realizes that John Rolfe is better: he was the one who always believed in her. Just discard the "love you forever" part from the ORIGINAL movie. Well, thank you Disney for killing the best fictional couple for the sake of making it look historical.

I wish I never watched it. I will try to erase this heresy from my memory.
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Erase this movie from your mind
cey_252522 August 2007
My sister and I deny the existence of this movie.

Please do not watch it, it'll only ruin your memory of the original Pocahontas. The animation is sub-par and the musical numbers are dreadful. I sat there asking myself why characters in the movie suddenly burst into song, which is not something that you are supposed to do while watching a musical. It's supposed to be a seamless transition which in this movie, it definitely is not. The dialogue is silly and the movie contains absolutely none of the magic and romance found in the first movie. I wish I could unwatch this movie, so if you have not yet seen it, count your blessings and forget it exists.

A 0 out of 10.
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Don't watch it. Just don't.
dreams_break_like_glass8 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I wish I'd never watched the Pocahontas sequel. Seriously. I've watched most of the Disney sequels, and while, yes, most of them are awful (though there are some rare exceptions - Bambi II is adorable), but that movie is just...beyond awful.

You can't mess with history in the original movie and then change your mind and try to set it right in a direct-to-video sequel.

Yes, in reality she ended up with John Rolfe, but -bleep- reality. I don't want reality. When I sit down to watch a Disney movie I want to get lost in a world where every princess gets her (ORIGINAL) Disney hero. I REALLY don't like new dudes with ZERO personality coming in and nabbing the princess just because "that's how it REALLY happened".

Likewise, when I read the original "The Little Mermaid" by the great Hans Christan Anderson I adore the tragic ending, but when I'm watching Disney I wouldn't want to see Ariel go ahead and toy with the idea of making a Prince-Kebab out of Eric. Do you follow? Yes, John Smith was far older and Pocahontas was years shy of puberty. I know in reality their relationship was platonic, but dude, making Disney!Smith out to be a complete arse just so that they could justify her waltzing off with Rolfe was a crappy move.

Who have we to thank for this? The history buffs who -beeped- and moaned when the original was released. I wonder if the same history buffs -beeped- and moaned when Ariel didn't die at the end of "The Little Mermaid".

I digress.

What happened to "I'd rather die tomorrow than live a hundred years without knowing you"? What happened to "no matter what happens, I'll always be with you, forever"?

"We walked the same path once. Now I know where I belong."

Just stamp on my childhood a little more, Disney. :(

There are enough horrendously complex and painful things in the real world without kids movies (yes, I do know that's what they are) getting corrupted by "how things REALLY are". Little girls will soon realise that not everybody gets their prince charming. Do we really have to let them in on this early?

Thank goodness "The Little Mermaid III" is going to be the last direct-to-vid sequel.
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A Disgrace of a Sequel.
rinoa-heartilly27 January 2007
I saw Pocahontas when I was little and to this day it is still my favourite Disney film. So when I saw Pocahontas II on the TV, I had to see it. Now I wish I hadn't.

The animation is so much poorer, the plot is okay but a bit pointless, and the songs and music is terrible. It's a disgrace for this to be called Pocahontas II in my opinion. They didn't even fully revive Pocahontas's personality for this film, as soon as you see her she acts much different than she did in the original but with the same basic values. The script undoes everything that Pocahontas did and completely changes the characters.

They should have left it at the end of Pocahontas instead of making such a terrible film. I prefer to think of the whole Pocahontas story ending at the end of the first film. If you loved the Pocahontas story and do not want to be disappointed by a poor follow-up that cannot possibly match the splendour of the original, then avoid this movie at all costs! They should attach a warning label saying "Watch at your own risk" in my opinion.
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Alright, but the ending make me cringe
tumblrgirlvibes27 May 2016
I know everyone bashed this movie because we all know the sequel is never as good as the original right? While Pocahontas 2 did somewhat live up to my expectations in the beginning, I was totally let down by the ending. Pocahontas travels to London in order to meet the king and settle issues between their people but he agrees to meet her only if she attends a ball to prove she is civilized. Some parts must admit were humorous and what I expected and hope. When she comes to England, her fascination and reaction is just what I expected. The songs weren't bad, really. They were witty but of course not as good as the first. I wouldn't totally bash the songs, they were alright. All in all, the story line wasn't bad. However, and ****SPOILER ALERT FROM HERE ON***

They did make Pocahontas fall in love with another man and I was just totally bummed and disappointed at that. She was in love with John Smith first then she's in love with another man now?! I saw the white dress in the picture and thought she would marry John Smith. Anyways that just totally ruined it for me - like i want to erase it all. Besides that, although a crucial thing for me,if i were to judge solely up until the ending, I actually sort of liked the movie. Oh, and one more thing...RATCLIFFE. What was that?! The king believes only him and where are all the crew member from the last movie to vouch for John Smith and prove Ratcliffe's innocence. That was a P.O. to be honest. OK i'm done.
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Typical animated sequel
BuNNeE5 March 1999
As most animated sequels, one cannot expect much from the plotline, the music, or the animation. But, even with this in mind, I found Pocahontas 2, although having its moments, was quite disappointing, and a major contradiction to the original feature film. Most of the characters were two dimensional, and the depth and feeling of the first film was non-existent. The movie's short length also prevented the movie from going any further and explaining all the abrupt changes in character, especially the romance between Pocahontas and John Smith, as well as between Pocahontas and John Rolfe. For anyone who liked the original film, the sequel could be hazardous to your health.
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Pocahontas' new journey
StartingAllOver1416 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
You can say whatever you want about Disney directly to video/DVD-sequels, but "Pocahontas" were no doubt the one of the few Disney films who really needed a sequel. This is not a masterpiece of a film, but still a okay movie. Of course it doesn't can compete with the magical first film (who did contain some flaws besides being magical and superb), but the sequel has some good moments too. Of course the animation is more cheaper, but the new songs are okay, even they're not as great as the songs from the first movie. The score is also acceptable. This movie is more exciting and has more action sequences then the first movie, who is seething' good. The animal characters are funnier in this movie and Ratcliffe is a real villain in this movie. Still, Pocahontas' dilemma between her two lovers is not so well portrayed in this movie.

I though this movie was a OK and watchable movie, but still the first movie (even for it's flaws) will always be the first choice from my heart.
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Let's pretend this doesn't exist.
lauhmalfoy27 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously, I don't understand why Disney made this. I read it was because a lot of people complained about the fact that the first film gave the impression Pocahontas and John Smith would eventually stay together or that he had died and, to erase the critics, they decided to make this film to clarify everything. They failed. I liked the first film and I think it was a good way to let people know about Pocahontas even if the way they portrait her history was not entirely correct. This one sucks: not because of the story itself, because this one follows what happened to her, but because of the graphics, the songs, the dialogs... It's so sad to watch this, actually. I find Pocahontas a very clever character and a brave one, as well, but in this film she looked dumb. She spoke in such an empty way it got annoying. Also, John Smith's ambition looks so..."way-too-much". All of a sudden he just wants a boat to travel around the world. I don't remember such obsession in Pocahontas 1...
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Still one of my favourites
Aeonar17 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It saddens me that the majority think this film is bad and should not be watched. Partly it's because it is preceded by another, so the comparison is inevitable. Pocahontas is a great movie and raises the bar high, but let's get into more detail concerning Pocahontas II.

"Journey to a New World" is classified as one of a number of Disney (mostly sequel) films that were released as DVDs, and were, admittedly, poorly made. Animation is flawed, storylines are weak, and even dubbing was made by different actors, among others. Despite of the presence of some of these flaws, it is actually a very good film.

Pocahontas, having heard of John Smith's alleged demise, finds herself heartbroken and unsure of what path to choose. The advent of John Rolfe, by order of James I, to Virginia has the purpose to bring the Indian Chief to Enland as an attempt to avoid war, but Pocahontas volunteers to go in her father's stead. In the months that follow aborad the ship in its transatlantic voyage, Pocahontas and Rplfe get to know each other better, and the arrival at London amazes Pocahontas, but it also presents its "civilised", protocol- driven, hypocritical nature of British aristocracy. While Pocahontas, with the help of Rolfe, changes into a more "appropriate" and Anglicised lady to talk to the King, Ratcliffe sabotages their plan, as he urges the King to go to war with the Native Americans of Virginia. In order to save Pocahontas from prison, Rolfe teams up with an unlikely ally, who is later revealed to be John Smith who had escaped Ratcliffe's pursuit to kill him. After the reuinion between Pocahontas and Smith, she finds herself conflicted with what to do next, as Rolfe believes she must help her people and Smith sees this as pointless and fatal for her. After she chooses to stop the English armada at any cost, they expose Ratcliffe's lies and machinations to the King, and eventually defeat Ratcliffe. Afterwards, while Rolfe and Pocahontas are about to reveal their feelings for each other, Smith excitedly asks her to follow him in his many travels around the world, but she refuses because she understands their paths have changed. When Pochontas' ship is about to leave, Rolfe joins her, having chosen to be with her instead of serving the King, and they leave for a new life together.

One major complaint from fans of the first film is that Pocahontas didn't get to end up with John Smith, and for many it remains the same in this film. Even though personally I never was a fan of John Smith, this is not why I support John Rolfe. From quite early in the movie it is rendered obvious that he and Pocahontas share the same sense of duty and honour. While Rolfe seems a bit overconfident at first, he encompasses the true characteristics of a gentleman, chivalrous, brave, just, respectful, not those accepted by the British elite. Much like Pocahontas he becomes disillusioned with his countrymen's treatment of what is different or hard to understand. Though his ambition was to become the King's advisor, a position he's granted with at the end, he realises he has a duty to honour what is in his heart and follows Pocahontas back to the New World.

At the beginning, Pocahontas herself is more mature, unsure of the path meant for her, and by the end she understands she belongs with her people, having witnessed a whole other world. That is her main difference with John Smith; he wants to explore the world and find himself in a new adventure every day. I can't recall how much time has elapsed between the two films, but when Pocahontas asks Smith why he didn't write to her, he says he started writing many times but couldn't find the right words. This, and the fact that he didn't find her sooner, could serve as proof that he moved on and didn't love her as much as she did. They leave each other on good terms, though. At the end, she is about to tell Rolfe how she feels about him but they're interrupted by Smith. Not having the chance to talk to him, she regretfully leaves London, but finds her happy ending when Rolfe joins her. We see that a deep love has been born beween the two, with foundations on their similarities and differences alike.

It's true that the animation is not as good as the first one, but the more historically accurate plot, the songs and music, and the character development are more than enough to make this a good movie and an honest sequel. I watched many times as a kid in Greek and I loved the voices and the songs, I can't say much about the original dubbing. but the songs in English are wonderful. All in all, it's a shame i doesn't get the recognition it deserves.
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Oh come on! It's not that bad!
TheLittleSongbird17 February 2009
Do bear in mind that this is a sequel to one of the weaker Disney movies of the 90s. Don't get me wrong, its predecessor is a very good movie, that was compensated by beautiful songs and gorgeous animation, but let down by weak secondary character development. It is a direct to video sequel, and it wasn't as good as the original, and I honestly wasn't expecting it to be. Also the very poignant ending of the first film was suggestive of a sequel. The sequel is definitely blander, I thought Uti was unnecessary, the dialogue was awful mostly and the editing could've been better. The animation isn't as stunning as the original, but my advice to all of you is to watch it with low expectations,as there is a beautiful ballroom scene, even if the rest of the rest of the film lacks detail and precision. The songs are not as spectacular as the original, but they aren't horrible, I loved the one over the end credits, and where do I go from here. It was a huge advantage having Judy Kuhn back on board, as she did a fantastic job with Pocahontas's singing voice. Billy Zane is a good singer, can't say the same for his acting. The plot wasn't that original, but it was attempting to stay close to the legend. There was a bit of humour, but not much, and I liked the fact that Ratcliffe was more villainous, and that they kept Pocahontas the same, apart from some rather ludicrous dialogue. I also think, it was a wise move replacing Mel Gibson. I didn't really like the ending that much though, it ruined the love story of the first film. All in all, fairly watchable, but watch with low expectations. 6.5/10 Bethany Cox
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This movie SUCKED.
acidiclemons14 September 2008
x___X Why did I ruin everything I knew when I watched this today?! This was absurd! They made John Smith out to be the a-hole! That's totally out-of-character, compared to the first movie. Pocahontas (in Disney la-la land) would have definitely stayed with John Smith when she found out that he was alive. And I agree with everyone else on the general aspects of the movie--the music wasn't all that great, the animation was less than desired... I'm going to watch the original Pocahontas for the fourth time this week. Because even though I watched it three times straight, I can't even remember it. THIS MOVIE SUCKED. Sorry Disney. I call for a re-remake!
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The things I do for my kids...
Rosabel5 January 2002
Including having this piece of garbage in the house. I thought I'd seen the worst of Disney crap with the Beauty and the Beast sequel, but I was wrong. This is much worse. The dialogue is unbelievable - would anyone in the 17th century have talked about "respecting my culture" the way this thoroughly PC Pocahontas does? The cartooning is dreadful - James I is portrayed as a ninny, who makes the old Bugs Bunny parody of Charles Laughton as Nero look like a Holbein portrait. There's some silly "My Fair Lady" plot tossed in, complete with historically nowhere costuming. But the worst thing is the music. It's smeared on everything, like a layer of cheap paint, and it is all completely pointless. This movie gives rise to the question, fatal for any musical, "What is this music here FOR?" In a good musical, the music and songs are supposed to add layers of meaning that mere spoken dialogue can't do - sort of like reaching for another medium to convey more than you can do with words. But in this, the music is just stuck on there because - well, because this is a Disney film, and that's what Disney films DO. It goes on and on - half the time I think they put in songs because a song will take up 3 or 4 minutes, and will use up more time than a spoken line. The dialogue seemed to be tiny little bridges between one ghastly song after another. And everything was a cliche - the chorus was always shouting, the English were always singing some jiggity-jiggity-jig song and Pocahontas was forever warbling long, flowing ballads. The whole thing is a mess.
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it's so awful that it infects the first one
tomas_ducci20 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Pocahontas (the original) is the best Disney movie I've ever seen. I saw this sequel with little expectations just to know how the story went on. But I regretted when I saw it. First, the cartoons are so bad-looking that you hardly recognize the characters. I expected the music to make you feel as in the first movie. But it's awful (they changed the composers) and it's just to make the movie longer. It doesn't even make you laugh and the plot is the worst aspect of the movie. Pocahontas forgets Smith in one second and starts a romance with John Rolfe. It's no chemistry between them, and you keep all the film angry with them. Then John Smith returns, but Pocahontas ¡prefers Rolfe! Don't mind if I told you the end because you won't wait to see it. It ruined the first one, even it's so great.
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This is something that Disney WILL NEVER LIVE DOWN.
fox-glove-647-79159228 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Disregarding the ridiculous 'music', low-quality animation, horrible characterisation and overall messed up, uninteresting plot -not to mention the 'romance' that is supposedly there- there is one flaw in this movie that mostly everyone has a problem with.


I repeat: A bleeping _DISNEY COUPLE_ BREAKS bleeping UP.

That, that right there- that is SO wrong, on SO MANY LEVELS.

For one- how does Disney make money? All the kids (and occasionally teens, with a few adults, but mostly kids) drag their parents and plead and beg and argue and throw tantrums until they can see/buy Disney movies and later get merchandise of aforementioned movies. Don't deny it, you and I both know that's how it works.

So, why do kids love Disney? Well, there's the animation, the witty banter, the music- but, surprise surprise, A LOT OF THE KIDS CARE MORE ABOUT THE FAIRY TALES, ROMANCES AND HAPPILY EVER AFTERS.

Disney, to kids, stands for Happy Endings (yes, with capital letters).

Disney, for children and other age groups, is an escape from the unfair and harsh world, an escape to different lands with different stories- and sure, the bad guy may get close to taking over and a father-figure or two might die, but in the end, all the kids know that there will be a classic Disney HAPPY ENDING. Guy gets girl or the other way round, or main characters fulfill their dreams, all that jazz.

Pocahontas 2...goes against the very ESSENCE of Disney that all the kids love.

That kiss between Pocahontas and Rolfe? Kids around the globe gaped, cried and threw tantrums. And I'm pretty damn sure poor Walt turned in his grave!!

Disney isn't ABOUT historical facts. Disney isn't ABOUT being realistic (most Disney Couples fell in love within a week OR DAY for God's sake!).



If we wanted history, we'd watch documentaries! If we wanted drama, we'd watch Soap Operas!


People want HAPPY ENDINGS. THAT is why they bleeping WATCH Disney MOVIES.

Ugh. And they used to be able to say no Disney Couple breaks up.

In short: Do yourself a favour. Don't watch this movie. Don't read about it. Don't learn about it. Don't even think about it.

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Never EVER should they of allowed this out!!
amyevans459013 April 2006
I remember buying this when i was 8, back in 1998, and not being over excited by it, but when your 8, that sort of stuff doesn't bother you

Just recently, i decided to watch Pocahontas 1, and fell in love with it!! Then i made the mistake of watching THIS film. It totally spoilt the plot! OK, so I've heard that Disney mucked up on the original, WHO CARES!! I didn't like John Rofle, and what the heck had happened to John Smith!!! The graphics on this film are bad! seriously.

Basically the story is, Pocahontas goes with john rofle to Britain because the king wants to see her. Thats it.

If you love the first one, please please please, do not watch this one now. It will just ruin it for you
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Isn't as smooth as the original
ersinkdotcom4 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
"Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World" is the direct-to-video sequel which takes our title character to England as a diplomat. She's dispatched to prove to the King that the Native Americans aren't savages and can live in peace with new settlers. Along the way, she meets up with John Smith and falls in love with John Rolfe. She must choose between the two while learning to be "proper" and foiling the attempts of saboteurs who want to have the Indians exterminated so the Americas can be conquered.

The follow-up isn't as smooth as the original in its animation style. There's a big difference in the quality. If you were just stepping into the movie having not seen the first one in a long time it wouldn't be as noticeable. If you watch them back-to-back the differences are apparent. That's not to say the animation is poor quality. It's just not as polished as its big-screen predecessor.

"Pocahontas II" fits into the "Disney Princess" mold better than the first film. John Smith leaving Pocahontas behind at the end of the first movie didn't give me a sense of "Happily Ever After" I expect from these types of movies. The sequel ends on a more positive note that easily ushers the Native American into the Hall of Fame of Disney Royalty.
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The worst Disney picture of the 90s.
studebaker27 August 2001
This is by far the worst Disney film in a raft of pointless remakes and sequels which Disney chucked out in the late 90s. The animation would be a disgrace to a seventies TV cartoon. As for the art direction...

One example of this travisty will suffice. When P arrives in London, the artists manage to mix up Medieval, Tudor, Stuart and Regency period dress all in one seen. Oh, and London has Gas Lights...

The horror, the horror!
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A good sequel
brookeN-9805427 August 2021
Pocahontas 2 is another good sequel! It's fun, intense, and filled with great music. Except, there wasn't a ton of music like I had hoped. John Rolfe is great! I enjoyed his and Pocahontas' romance. Even seeing John Smith was pretty nice.

Overall, a good sequel!
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Just don't watch it
yellowmermaid_893 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Pocahontas II: Journey to a new world has to be the worst and most disappointing Disney film i have ever watched! I'm still a teenager and i don't think i could live without Disney films. I think each Disney Classic has a beautiful message to teach children and basically Pocahontas II just ruined it for me. I fell in love with Pocahontas when i was younger and i prayed for a sequel to be made just so Pocahontas and Smith could finally get together. Now i prefer to pretend that i never watched the sequel. The animation was terrible and not even the original music writers and voices, that made the first film as magical as it was, where used. I understand that Disney felt it had to keep the story as historically correct as possible but Disney films are aimed at children and as a child i couldn't care less about historical accuracy, i just wanted the love and magic between Pocahontas and Smith to finally be restored. If Disney are so worried about historical accuracy than why didn't they end the Little Mermaid in Ariels suicide because thats more accurate to the original story isn't it? In my personal opinion if your a huge fan of the love story between Pocahontas and Smith than just ignore this film, it ruins everything.
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A lack of Hollywood-style ending...FINALLY
JasmineFIowers7 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This movie actually attempts to follow on from the original Pocahontas, and give a bit more of the "history". While Disney doesn't follow history line-for-line (it's a kids movie), it doesn't sugar coat what actually happened. And this is why I like this movie, because Pocahontas is taken to England. We not only get to see England, we see the king, and, the man Pocahontas actually falls in love with in history.

This is hard for most Hollywood watchers, as by their yardstick, she should throw down her bouquet at the altar and run into the arms of her former love. But no, she has successfully MOVED ON, a story that happens all too often in life for many adults.

So if there is one key story children can take from this film, is that love, and the heart, moves on.
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Solid Sequel
ThomasColquith12 March 2022
I was pleased with "Pocahontas II", I found it to be an enjoyable sequel that is not a rehash but instead continues on building out her story. And I think much of this is actually true history from what I understand, at least her journey to England and the two men in her life. It reminded me of the other film "The New World" but obviously animated. This is worth a watch if you enjoyed the first "Pocahontas." I rate the sequel one point lower at 7/10.
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Very inaccurate and very inferior to the first Pocahontas
avi-greene29 November 2014
First off, let me say that when I was very little, I used to love this sequel as well as Pocahontas 1 when I used to watch them both very often on VCR. I also used to know all of the words to "Where do I go from here" when I was in Elementary School, and sometimes I would even sing that and "Colors of the Wind" to myself. But I am in college now, and what do I think of this movie today? This is SO AWFUL! Pretend this movie doesn't exist, and erase it from your memory unless you like to look back to your childhood. I would also like to say how this movie and the first have some accurate historical elements to them, but I don't like how a lot of things about this horrible direct-to-video sequel are INACCURATE to the real life Pocahontas, who in fact, DID travel to London and marry John Rolfe. In this film, I didn't like John Rolfe's personality much, and I thought Disney should have made this movie even more inaccurate by having Pocahontas end up with John SMITH instead of ROLFE. Skip this atrocious sequel, watch the first movie if you have a sibling or a parent who likes that movie, and otherwise, watch a documentary from PBS or the History Channel that explains the actual Pocahontas.
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