Dark Skies (TV Series 1996–1997) Poster


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Great series !!
speedicusmaximus10 May 2006
This was a great series ! And a shame it was killed off way too early in its existence. I was told the reason it was killed off was that its popularity ratings (in the USA) weren't as high as expected. Yet on the other side of the Atlantic, UK and Europe, it really took off, with broadcast taking place at peak time, and a second series was eagerly anticipated. Shame it's not out on DVD yet either. The whole plot was fresh, and the way the writers interlaced real historical events with the storyline of the episode was always intriguing. Never looked at The Beatles in the same light again ........ It's good to see that there are others that think that this series needed to continue, and that it remains much missed.
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Very likable show that was very underrated
Cinemaniac198423 January 2015
Although this was a very likable show, it was very underrated as many people dismissed this show as another imitation of The X Files therefore it was going to be very hard to compete against a superior show with a larger fan base. Although Dark Skies didn't attract a bigger audience at the time on TV, it's good to see it does have its fans out there over 18 years later.

Set in the 1960's, John Loengard (Eric Close) and Kimberly Sayers (Megan Ward) are a young couple on the run from the U.S. Government who work to uncover the truth about an alien invasion that planned to invade Earth through a manipulation of historical events and famous figures. As well as the alien invasion, a secret government organisation named Majestic 12 led by Captain Frank Bach (the late J.T. Walsh) has its own agenda in dealing with the threat. I enjoyed the fact the show featured famous people such as Jim Morrison, The Beatles, Ed Sullivan, Robert Kennedy, J. Edgar Hoover, Marilyn Monroe and President Harry S. Truman.

I first saw this as a 13 year old when it first aired on Australian TV in 1997 and it has me hooked and very intrigued. I was disappointed when the TV show was later cancelled after one season due to low ratings as I would have liked to have seen the show continue on as it did have a lot going for it.

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Best Sci-Fi Series
LloydBosch22 July 2005
This is the most outstanding plot I have ever seen in a TV series. The mix of history and science fiction develops excellently, especially the "real" persons like Robert Kennedy, Jack Ruby, Carl Sagan, etc. are introduced subtle and nicely and give the series an extra twist. In my opinion the deepness of the plot tops series like X-Files, Millennium or Outer Limits by far. Charismatic and convincing characters are an extra plus, especially J.T. Walsh as Captian Frank Bach is an excellent cast for the Majestic Commander -- I couldn't imagine any other acting better. Too bad there was only one season, the story sure left enough possibilities for a second or even third season.
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Before its time
pfelon12 February 2005
This show would be a smash hit today, with the state of science fiction being as mainstream as it is. I hated how NBC bounced it around so much; it never had a chance to establish itself (NBC has a habit of this, i.e. the John Larroquette Show).

It was very bold for a television show to link major historical events into a government conspiracy, but I think this show handled it very well and didn't make it seem hokey or dumb. At the core, this show was just thoroughly entertaining, whether you're really into science fiction or not. If you haven't seen it, I think the Sci Fi channel still shows them occasionally.
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Thank you!
BZTV4 September 2003
My co-creator Brent Friedman and I have worked on a lot of TV series, and written plenty of screenplays, including a bunch which have been filmed, but we never had a better time than when we were writing and producing "Dark Skies." We appreciate your positive feedback. It means a lot. Thanks.
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Do you like mysterious UFO plots? You are going to love this one!
h1tm4n_26 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I saw Dark Skies when I was about 13 years old on German television (channel PRO-7). As far as I can remember it was aired in summer 1997 while X-Files had a rest for some reason and was replaced by this series.

I was upset, because I am a huge X-Files fan and was watching it all the time. But it turned out to be a good choice and thanks to Dark Skies a great summer. I liked Dark Skies a lot, because it had a continuous plot, great actors (especially J.T. Walsh and Tim Kelleher as the bad guys, and Eric Close, Jeri Ryan and Megan Ward as the good guys) and was even more mysterious and scarier than X-Files at some point. This UFO theme has always caught me and Dark Skies was no exception.

(SPOILERS) It featured very bad and scary alien creatures that can possess and control human bodies. I always liked these possession kind of movies like: The Thing and The Hidden. They don't enable you to know who is good or bad at first sight. (/SPOILERS)

I read that Dark Skies should have had 5 seasons arriving at the year 2000 in the plot by the end. Unfortunately the other seasons were canceled due to low ratings. I am very sad, since I loved this series so much by the end of summer 1997 that I wanted to see it continue instead of watching X-Files again.

Too bad that the one and only season 1 was never aired again and I've never again saw it on any television channel here in Europe. I would definitely buy the DVD if it would finally be released. 10 / 10 from me. Awesome series! Good job!
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Very good but not stellar
soevik19838 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The show is really good in the way it incorporates many UFO myths that might not be known to the gen-pop. Most people only know about Roswell but this show has clearly done a lot of research. The acting is also really good. The plot is above average.

It does however suffer on the following points: - The Lundengaard/MJ12 relationship is totally unbelievable. He works against them at the same time as he cooperates. MJ12 sometimes want him gone but in the next episode he's at their facilities working alongside them.

  • The character of Lundengaards wife should have be cut althogheter IMO as it just gets annoying and seems to have been added for the mandatory love story.

  • As the show goes thru the different era's 50s , 60s , 70s etc i got annoyed that they didn't just specify the time we were in in a subtle manner. MJ and Lund. doesn't have to be involved in every aspect of pop culture.

  • Even for the mid 90's the CGI is quite bad. If they had a limited budget they should have just dressed up little kids in alien costumes and film in a dark lit setting.
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Dark Skies Ruled
green_dominator28 May 2007
First X-Files then Dark Skies, X-Files had a good thing for awhile but the show was too slow to spill its secrets. Dark skies on the other hand kept viewers on the edge of their seats. The secrets kept coming at a rapid pace without ruining the flow of the series. I think it failed because of the time slot 8:00 Saturday evening? (at least where I live) It also had to go up against X-Files witch at the time was in its hay day. When the order came down to terminate the show they didn't have the respect to end on a proper note, I would have preferred something worthwhile for the people like myself who tuned in every week (I never missed an episode) The concept for Dark Skies was well thought out with good character development and god actors/actresses. the seamless blending of news footage was a great touch.
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Better Than Most
RoswellFan10 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The series had a novel idea, interpret history involving hostile extraterrestrials and the secret government agency fighting them.

This worked quite well. Though, some have criticized the series for styles and music being out of sync with the time periods or other mistakes (one glaring mistake is the footage chosen of a launch of Project Gemini -- shown was a Mercury capsule mounted on a Redstone booster). One has to remember that this was a TV series and as such, was subjected to a tight shooting schedule.

Now, like "The Invaders" (if I recall that series correctly), the major drawback was that the main characters made virtually no progress in their fight against the alien menace. A series needs forward momentum, otherwise the episodes become exercises in futility.

As for the ending episode, even though the series was abruptly canceled, it could have been better. A longer narration could have been added resolving all of the loose threads, e.g. saying Loenguard's son was the aliens big mistake which caused their defeat.

All in all, the series was based on an interesting and intelligent idea and if it had the aforementioned forward momentum, would have been one of the all time classics.
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"History As We Know It Is A Lie"
timdalton00727 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
"My name is John Loengard. I'm recording this because we might not live through the night. They're here, they're hostile and there are powerful people who don't want you to know. History as we know it is a lie..."

That voice-over opens most episodes of Dark Skies, a television series that ran for a single season on the NBC network between 1996 and 1997. Yet despite lasting merely a single season, it remains nevertheless unique more than fifteen years after it finished its run. That is thanks to a combination of things that made the series both unique and ahead of its time.

The basis of the show is a large factor in its uniqueness. Covering the years between 1960 and 1967, Dark Skies features a strong combination of 1960s history, period setting and UFO lore. Over the course of the series we learn that following the events at Roswell in 1947, a shadowy government agency called Majestic 12 began to fight a covert war with an extraterritorial intelligence called the Hive bent on invading the Earth. As a result of that conflict, events ranging from the U-2 incident to the JFK assassination to the Beatles first US TV appearance and beyond have played a part in that conflict. That line from the voice-over "History as we know it is a lie..." sums it up rather nicely.

The series makes strong use of UFO lore as a result. Well known elements and events such as Roswell, crop circles, cattle mutilations, abductions and the familiar gray aliens all come into play throughout the series. Alongside that are developments on that unique to Dark Skies: the grays are only puppets of the real threat which seeks to take over humanity as it once took over the grays and, as a result, what really is behind familiar aspects of the UFO phenomenon.

The series shows us these events though John Loengard (played by Eric Close) who starts out as a young congressional staffer and ends up a soldier on the conflict's front line alongside his girlfriend and White House staffer Kim Sayers (played by Megan Ward). The two of them together sell the reality of the series as two ordinary young people caught up in extraordinary events that both bring them together and yet threaten to tear them apart. Leading Majestic is Captain Frank Bach, played expertly by J.T. Walsh, determined to fight the secret war against the Hive at any cost. Walsh sells the reality of events by bringing a sense of authority to both Majestic and the character of Bach. Through them and a strong supporting cast including Conor O'Farrell as Bach's right hand man Lt. Commander Phil Albino or Jerri Ryan's Majestic agent in later episodes alongside real-life figures such as James F. Kelly as Robert Kennedy, we're given a window into this shadowy conflict and alternative history.

The period setting of the early to mid 1960s is also a big part of the show. Alongside the impressive sets for Majestic's headquarters with excellent period details and 1960s technology, the show features excellent costumes and recreations of period settings. These range from halls of power in Washington to Cape Kennedy, Vietnam and across much of the United States. As a result, the series presents a large range of different locations and stories covering many aspects of the period from the Cuban missile crisis to the civil rights, the space race and much more. It's no wonder then that some have called the series "Mad Men for the Close Encounters set".

Something that set Dark Skies apart was how it unfolded. Not only did the show incorporate all of the aforementioned elements, it developed both them and its characters across numerous stories arcs stretched across most if not all of what was meant to be a first season. The series was ahead of its time in this regard but came in an odd time slot in the era before DVR's and the ability to marathon shows where such things could be adequately developed in the minds of viewers. In retrospect, it gives the series something else that makes it all the more unique.

Despite all this, the series isn't perfect though. Many of the early and middle episodes of the series lean perhaps too heavily on being formulaic with Loengard and Kim arriving somewhere where where the Hive is active , Majestic follows suit and the Hive is defeated in this attempt at least. The scripts themselves, more especially in some of the dialogue, give into clichés and cheesy lines when can occasionally both the episodes no matter their strengths while occasional anachronisms occur (such as in the episode Mercury Rising which features the test of a Saturn V rocket in 1964, something that didn't occur until late 1967). Also, as strong as the period recreations and costumes are much of the time, there are occasions when the budget doesn't quite stretch to cover everything adequately. Yet perhaps nothing is more mixed in the series than its special effects which range from the excellent physical creations of the Grey's themselves to the quality of the CGI effects used when range from good to near laughable.

For its faults though, Dark Skies remains a fantastic series. Its combination of 1960s history, period setting with its trappings and the use of UFO lore continue to make it unique while it also features strong actors and good performances that make use of those elements. It's a series that ended before its time and, thus, brilliant but canceled.
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The very close encounter
RAY-OUT26 January 2023
I really liked the ~first third of the series, quite dark and surprisingly scary especially the alien portrayal. Which unfortunately aren't presented as cool later and from then on look like the Asgard from Stargate : / Still has a few good episodes after that, but once Jeri Ryan joins the show (I don't blame her, but that's where it starts) the "stories" start to feel cheaper and poorly executed, and sadly drift away since then to a series that is no longer so special.

Still would have liked to see the 70's and 80's from the point of view of the series. Too bad it couldn't come to that but wouldn't have been as good without Frank Bach anyway :/

RIP J. T. Walsh.
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Why did this show disappear?
conndar28 July 2017
This isn't a review per say, I just wonder where this show went? I watched it avidly when it was out and then it just disappeared off TV here in Ireland, I presumed whatever channel just didn't get the rights again. Its not like now when you can find anything online etc.

It only just popped into my head when I clicked on Dark Skies on my TV and it was some movie, not the series I had loved. This series really was good, it rivalled X_files at the same time it was out.

Can't believe they only made so few.
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Good 1960s sets - everything else a waste
Flickerater24 October 2021
The high rating on this show is incomprehensible. The ONLY thing to enjoy are the good 1960s sets. The plot is formulaic and predictable except where it's nonsensical, the dialog is bland, the acting wooden, the direction poor, and the pacing awful.

You've been warned.
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E,T, Phone home!
jotix1008 May 2005
Bryce Zabel and his team deserve a lot of credit for the creation of the series. This was shown on cable as a feature film, and not knowing anything about it, we decided to take a chance. Well, what a surprise it turned out to be! The time flew by and we were hoping it wouldn't have ended!

The first thing that attracted us to this unknown film was J.T. Walsh, the late character actor. Mr. Walsh was an excellent actor who played second fiddle in a lot of movies. His presence was always a sight for sore eyes. His characters tended to be on the "heavy" side, but Mr. Walsh always made it fun to watch because with his acting had an economy of gestures that revealed the gist of this person to the viewer immediately. Mr. Walsh's passing at such a young age was horrible. He is sadly missed.

The other reason for watching "Dark Skies" is the performance of Eric Close. He is always credible and he shows a knack for acting and taking us along for a magic ride.

The special effects in the film are not far fetched, the way they are presented. It's a shame this series didn't survive. Not having seen any of the episodes is regrettable. Good luck to Mr. Zabel with any future projects.
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Historical Infiltrators
hellraiser725 November 2017
The funny thing about history is despite how much it tells us about the past, none of us really know enough about what really happened at that point in time except what has been written and presented to us throughout the decades. However in the decades there are always new findings and facts that are sometimes discovered which really cause you to question what you already know.

This is another great sci-fi show that sadly nobody ever watched (not even me since I was still watching "The X-Files") it's also another entry in the under the radar watch list.

It's really too bad this show I felt had a lot of potential to gain even more altitude. Like certain other points in history like in the eighties decade which I was waiting to see of that may be linked to the alien conspiracy. Let alone the build up to the alien invasion that either comes or is somehow prevented by the protagonists. Sadly the only way these would be possible is in the world of Fanfiction or if someone actually thinks of reviving this show (so we can include the 90 and 00 decades).

I really love the plot line I think it's an awesome idea and subgenere that I haven't really seen used in any TV show except for "The Man in the High Castle" but that show is a different story. It's also kinda a plausible idea when you think about it, how governmental powers/shadow orginatizaions create the ultimate cover up on the existence of aliens by manipulating and altering history throughout the decades. It's a bit of a scary thought too knowing that everything you've been taught to believe is a total lie and worst of all that the life you've been living is a lie.

The show is really suspenseful, it really has a dark noir like atmosphere full of paranoia where you honestly can't trust what you see but worst of all what you already know. In a way this is part of the nature of suspense thrillers, turning our perceptions of our everyday world upside down and see a world full of danger and deception at every turn.

Both protagonists are solid, both have good chemistry, I really bought both of them as a couple. There really sympathetic as both of them didn't really ask or sign on for this mission.

I even like how they both react which feel like how any of us would which makes both easy to emphasize with; both really don't want to do this but they have to as not just their lives are on the line but the fate of the entire planet as well; which is a pretty heavy weight for anyone. This makes us even concerned about their lives as both have enemies on all sides not just the aliens but corrupt shadow organizations on their tail, doing everything in their power to keep them silent.

We really emphasize with both characters because were in the same boat as they are were asking all the same questions and we're just as much in the dark which creates sort of a sense of participation, in a way we're detective 3 in the show.

However the real highlight is in the shows alternate history which increase the intrigue factor. It was just really cool how they we've in some figures in history as well as events from "The Bettles", "Nixon", "Bobby Kenedy", "Vietnam War" etc with alien and shadow organization involvement. It really made me reevaluate my knowledge of history, thinking how much of what we already know is a lie? However the most important questions are what other parts in history did the aliens and organizations play and how far back does it go. It's all sort of like a long complex math equation, each part of it serves an essential function to add up to something even more.

I know I didn't say too much but it's one of those show you just have to see and find out for yourself which is part of the joy of it.

Don't just look to the skies, look into the past.

Rating: 4 stars
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My Dad and watched the season it aired
freddie22614 December 2021
It tied ufo and the 60's government controversies, primarily JFK's assassination into a nice tidy package. The way it just disappeared, we always wondered if they stumbled to close to too many truths.
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The Invaders - Take 2
screenman11 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Dark skies was a well made sci-fi TV serial from the mid 1990's It incorporated all of the (then) state-of-the-art special effects but, being a TV series, had ample time to develop the plot and characters as well. There wasn't that rushed (and botched) appearance of so many Hollywood movies of the genre.

The programme was itself set in the 1960's. This made it contemporaneous with the - at the time - extremely spooky 'The Invaders', and might almost be considered an update. Placement was very well realised. 1960's nuances were believably reprised. But, as I say, it was made in the 1990's and had access to the kind of modern horror effects that were simply unimaginable 30 years before. Very likely, they wouldn't have been acceptable on American television back then.

Unfortunately, it had that other problem that afflicted 'The Invaders': it just went on for too darn long. As is so often the case with American TV, the story was like the yellow brick road. The media seem just too eager to maximise investment return. So instead of a clearly defined and measurable end-game, the series just kept going until it became a sci-fi soap opera.

I don't know how it ended, because it outlived my interest. If their accountants had accepted a specific investment return, and the project had run for (say) 10 clearly defined episodes, this would have been an absolute classic. But money talks. And in the American media it seems to use a bullhorn.
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Very interesting show
rebeccagraywithana2 November 2022
Great show, I don't understand why it was cancelled when it won awards or was nominated for them, as well having mostly good reviews thesedays.

The show is co-written by Brent V. Friedman and Bryce Zabel of the "Need to Know" podcast with Ross Coulthart.

On the podcast, Zabel tells a fascinating story about a mysterious guest who turned up to the Dark Skies private screening party. The man explains that he had already seen the show (which was impossible) and that most of the story is quite accurate. He drew an equation on a napkin that described "sound, light and frequency" and gave it to Zabel Friedman... then he walked off into the night...

It would be good to remake the show or carry on from where it stopped.
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From an era before Fox Mulder ..the 60ties
macmartin-0399927 December 2020
Its still creepy to this day..good actors and a very awesome storyline.
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I discovered this show in the UK on ITV 4
uniqueabba8 January 2007
Have to say I was a little surprised it was shown here on ITV 4, a channel known for rubbish game shows and late night gaming.

A pleasant series, often very corny, and of course only the United States can be trusted to save the world.

That is when I lost all interest. It is the United States that is the most dangerous at the moment, perhaps a series of that country's blunders throughout history would be of more interest.

But about the show, enough of this "aliens" in human bodies, it has been done before and is not original. It is obviously that the TV channel cannot be bothered to make convincing aliens that we have to endure the "aliens in human form" rubbish yet again.

Get some imagination and be adventurous!

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Good brief summary
Novanut3 January 1999
Dark skies i felt was an excellent sci-fi type series. It 'sewed' together so many elements of our past history during the late 50's and 60's with the UFO landing/crash of Roswell, New Mexico. A government agency was trying to cover up facts of a meeting between government officials and aliens. an ex-agent with that agency was trying to find more facts to expose everything about this conspiracy. There were only a handful of believers and one included Bobby Kennedy, (brother of the president) in which JFK's assassination was part of this UFO conspiracy...well...enough said. the series was off to an excellent start but must not have had enough interest by viewers since they cancelled it abruptly and they had to conclude the series in just one show and it was very poorly done. this series i think will be a classic and should be brought back and finished correctly. All in all it is an excellent series and is coming back in re-runs on the sci-fi channel!
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Greatest TV Show EVER!
c.g.brannigan13 April 2002
Dark Skies is a great show, brilliantly made and highly entertaining. Every aspect of production looks top notch and big budget. The actors are outstanding, from relative newcomers Eric Close and Megan Ward all the way to long time vetran of many oscar winning movies, the late, JT Walsh.

Dark Skies is a great show and why it never got it's second season boggles the mind. If IMDB had a top 250 for TV Shows this would deserve a place in the top 5...certainly the best show in the sci-fi genre.
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I wish this could have continued.
caroohagan19 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Excellent story, wonderful cast, thoroughly enjoyed this series. Became slightly tedious when Kimberly was infected, but otherwise very imaginative, blending sci-fi with history. I was disappointed it ended, and rather abruptly, and even more disappointed it didn't catch on as well as it should have. My husband still finds it amusing that I keep saying "X was in Dark Skies" because most of the actors continue to turn up in other popular series. It certainly made you re-examine historical events and being bemused that the premise of these events dictated by aliens - utterly brilliant. Plus, they happened to co-ordinate the story with some very important eras in the States; if it had been contemporary, it would have been rather dull and anodyne.
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rux-26 June 1999
Finally, we had something going...something that looked like it will stand a chance in front of the X-Files. I did like this TV serial. It really sucked you in to it...in to the story. And those who like this kind a UFO and conspiracy movies, this was a great TV series. The story takes place in the `50s and `60s and the way the alien and guverment conspiracies are put together,in this TV series, it is really great. Too bad that this series ended all of a sudden...and of course, when it actually started to became more and more interesting. I guess, it all comes down to money. Too bad, cause i think there are lots of people out there who would like to see more of this movie, or at least, finished up properly. If you just get a chance, don`t miss it and also you can compare it the already boring x-Files.
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Tells all you need to know...
MayhapsItWasGoodBackThen18 February 1999
Like someone comments, Dark Skies is an excellent sci-fi type series, I couldn't agree more. It was exciting how the show so seamlessly put together sci-fi and past political events and social issues that took place during the 50's and late 60's. You could easily imagine and play with thoughts that that was exactly what _could have actually happened_ back in those days. ;) And while I was getting a bit bored with the current episodes in 'the files' in that time, Dark Skies gave me what I needed the most: the never ending discussions of UFO and alien conspiracy! For this series was truly just that and nothing else. About UFOs and alien life forms. No soapy relationships, no pathetic vampire stories etc. if you know what I'm getting at. ;) It is unfortunate however that they decided to cancel the show, just when it was getting really interesting. It would have had great potential in becoming the next generation X-Files, if it had only been given that chance to prove itself. Once again for the lack of viewers apparently. Shame on you! ;( Yup, in the end it all comes down to (not to providing some great entertaining experiences but...) MONEY. In any case, Dark Skies is a must see for all the UFO freaks out there! And I know there's lots of ya ppl!
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