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Sex & Nudity

  • The film is filled with full-frontal nudity from beginning to end, mostly male.
  • We see a pregnant woman's naked breasts.
  • There's a sequence in which a man and a woman get completely naked in a barn in an attempt to have sexual intercourse. We see the man's penis, testicles, and buttocks for an extended period as he writhes about on the ground being punished by nature for attempting to have sex with the child's virgin mother.. We see the woman's breasts, groin, and buttocks. We see a view from low behind a naked man. His relaxed scrotum can be clearly seen, for an extended time, hanging between his legs.
  • We see several naked men at a distance as they plan on raping a woman, who we see completely naked shortly afterward. At the end of the film, we see a frontal view of a man close enough to see detail of his genitals.
  • There is much crude and vulgar talk about sex, masturbation, and prostitution.
  • There are several references made toward virginity. The plot of the film concerns a woman who pretends to have had a virgin birth.
  • A boy about 4 years old, portrayed as divine, appears naked throughout most of the film and in nearly all of his scenes. We see his genitals frequently but his penis and scrotum are hardly noticeable.

Violence & Gore

  • The second hour of the film is a nearly nonstop barrage of explicit, graphic, and sadistic violence and gore.
  • A man is gored in the stomach several times by a bull. We see blood and guts splatter and spray all over the place, including on a naked woman's body and face. The woman then proceeds to disembowel the bull with a scythe, again, with much blood and gore taking place.
  • A man vomits.
  • A church exploits a little boy by giving servings of his bodily fluids to the people of a town.
  • We see several dead and bloody corpses of people throughout the ending.


Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • Drugs, recreational: None
  • Smoking: None

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • The film's atmosphere, imagery, and sound design is extremely intense, and maniacal. The film feels like something out of a nightmare. An extended rape scene involves the actress trying to play it off as a performance behind a curtain while her male co-stars take the opportunity to actually rape her for real onstage while the entire cast and audience is oblivious to it. The bull that is disemboweled is killed for real on-stage in front of the audience as some members of the crew are shown carrying it's carcass away from the stage. It is an extremely violent and disturbing film.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Violence & Gore

  • A woman smothers the little boy to death with a pillow.
  • A virgin woman is sentenced to be raped 300 times by the male townsfolk. We see part of it in an extended sequence and it is disturbing and very violent. The men are shown holding her down and spreading her legs apart as a man inserts his penis and thrusts into her vagina. There is a lot of screaming as hundreds of men violate her and eventually she is raped completely to death. We see her naked corpse dragged out and we see her genitals, legs, and stomach covered in blood and bodily fluids.
  • The little boy's dead body is shown. We see the townsfolk strip his body completely naked of his clothes, revealing his penis and scrotum in front of the crowd before they proceed to cut and dismember the child and taking his body parts including his feet, arms, legs, hands, neck, genitals, stomach, and head. There is a lot of blood, naturally.

See also

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