Showing all 35 items



Sex & Nudity

  • Three men rip off a woman's shirt, her bare breast is shown.
  • A woman goes to kiss a Man ,but they are interrupted.
  • When going dow stairs in the theatre these guys are tossing around a girl and rip open her shirt revealing her bare breasts. Brief and difficult to discern any nudity because of the dark.
  • For most of her screen time, Adrienne Barbeau wears a shirt that reveals lots of cleavage but she is never topless or nude.

Violence & Gore

  • Snake briefly fights off several attackers while trying to escape with the president. Non-violent.
  • Snake attacks Duke and briefly struggles with him at the end, hitting him in the stomach and face.
  • Several savages raid a building, and Snake shoots at them from the inside. He runs through the building, and when he shoots, some of them can be seen dying. Snake shoots one of their hands off when they stick their arm through a window.
  • Maggie shoots and kills several bad guys in a room. They can be seen getting shot, but no blood or gore is seen.
  • Snake shoots and kills several bad guys as they escape the fortress with the president.
  • Near the beginning, two attackers sneak up on Snake, but he knocks them both out quickly. The scene is quick, and not violent.
  • Two men are seen carrying a third man on a stretcher, and the man is bloody and several cuts. Not too violent, and quite brief.
  • (Removed personal opinions on ratings)
  • Several mines are placed across the bridge that Snake and his allies drive across to escape and several small explosions can be seen.
  • Snake fights Slag, a large bad guy, in an arena deathmatch. They both fight with weapons, and the final round ends when Snake buries a club with nails in it in the back of Slag's head, killing him. No blood or gore is seen.
  • A bad guy shoots Snake in the leg with a crossbow, and the throws a ninja star into the guy's forehead. Some blood is seen, but very little.
  • A helicopter shoots a rocket to blow up an escaping raft of inmates. Bloodless and non-graphic.
  • A cut off finger is shown to another person, mildly bloody but hokey-looking.
  • A large street gang violently attacks a vehicle. They throw objects at the car, Snake and Maggie, inside, each shoot one of them.
  • A dismembered head is seen on a pike as a car drives by, and some blood can be seen. Children can handle it.
  • During the building raid scene, Snake shoots a bad guy's hand, and it explodes (accompanied with a slightly comedic yelp). It's pretty gory, but brief.


  • (Deleted. Personal opinions about ratings are not appropriate for the Parents Guide.)
  • 2 F-Words
  • 3 uses of 'fuck', 11 uses of 'shit' (3 used as 'bullshit'), 6 uses of 'ass' (4 used as 'asshole'), 3 uses of 'damn' (2 paired with "God"), 2 uses of 'bitch', 2 uses of 'hell', 1 use of 'bastard', 1 use of 'Jesus' as an exclamation, 2 uses of 'God' as an exclamation, and 1 use of 'crap'.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • A man is seen very briefly drinking from a bottle containing what is presumably alcohol when Snake is on the streets.
  • Multiple instances of cigarette smoking.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • The whole movie is very dark and gritty, and at times a little disturbing. Some scenes of violence may be intense, but nothing too bad.
  • The opening scenes when Snake walks through the city are a little unsettling.
  • The deathmatch fight scene may be a little intense.
  • The decapitated head that can be seen on a stake may be intense for some.
  • The scenes with the crazies may be a little disturbing.
  • The movie soundtrack has a very dark and intense feeling. The intensity of the music score increases even more so by the end of the film.
  • Some scenes that might make you jump, but nothing too disturbing.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Violence & Gore

  • Maggie is run over and killed by the Duke near the end of the movie, there is a shot of her on the ground with blood gushing out of her stomach, she is covered in blood and laying in a pool of blood. Very intense, might be disturbing for some viewers.
  • Duke is gunned down by the president at the end and there's a descent amount of blood shown.
  • Cabbie and Brain both die near the end. Cabbie dies when the taxi crashes, and his corpse can be seen with some blood, but it's not very graphic, and Brain gets shot. His corpse can also be seen, with some blood.

See also

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