Review of Waiting...

Waiting... (I) (2005)
Pretty Good View of the Job
23 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
With serving being one of the most common jobs in the country, I'm surprised that this is the first mainstream movie about it. I actually worked at a Bennigan's when it came out, and was glad we didn't take any flak from customers who had seen it. Although some details were a bit far-fetched (the game, the busboys), most of the goings-on were true to life - we had a girl who would hold quick make-out sessions in the dish pit and there was a cook just like Dane Cook's character. I personally trained a girl who was so zonked on some substance that she would zone out when waiting to get on a register. There were a few things that were left out or glazed over - hosting can be just as demanding as waiting, and nearly EVERYONE smokes (shoulda been more scenes of breaks!) - but everyone who has done the job can attest to the crazy things that can go on. I personally think everyone should do it for a little while to learn some humility, as well as to meet interesting individuals. And for all you "civilians" who were wondering and worrying - very few meals get messed with.
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