Watch now: How to Connect with Your Community using the Vega LX Suite


Is your library looking for ways to build stronger connections with your community of library users?  

Innovative, Part of Clarivate™, recently hosted a webinar detailing how Vega Library Experience (LX) modules can help your library deliver a consistent and uniformly branded experience across digital interactions your patrons have with your library.  

In this session, Product Managers from Vega Discover, Vega Program, Vega Promote and Vega Promote Web presented a case study to demonstrate the value for libraries in providing a reliable and recognizable library experience for patrons – and how doing so can bolster engagement with library materials, events, and services.  

Vega LX modules enable libraries to realize their branding vision through tight integrations and easy to use, drag-and-drop design tools. For example, attendees learned how curated content like collection showcases and library events can seamlessly be featured on the library website, Discover homepage, and even in circulation notices and marketing communications.  

In a post-webinar survey, most respondents said they would be able to put the information to use; 50% said they would do so in the next 7-12 months, 16% in the next 2-6 months, and another 16% were ready to put the information to use immediately. 

“This is a really good overview of how Vega LX helps a library modernize and build a brand,” one attendee commented. 

If you are interested in building better connections with your community but missed this session, the recording is available.  

Watch now: How to Connect with Your Community with the Vega Suite of Products