Innovative Knowledge Base Provides Responsive Design, Search Suggestions, and Improved Workflows


The Innovative Knowledge Base is a web-based application that serves as your central location to manage all content types across multiple systems. The best part: it���s updated regularly just like a smartphone app. Automatic updates are sent every two weeks to users so they always have the newest and most up-to-date features – much like an automatic app update on your phone. You don’t have to wait for the next major release. Thankfully, it’s already here.

The two most recent updates have launched some exciting visual enhancements. Have you noticed these new features?

Responsive Design for Mobile Devices

When you view Knowledge Base on a small screen (mobile phone or tablet), you’ll now see a menu button in the top right corner of the screen that expands and consolidates the app navigation bar for quick access to package or title search, language settings, export and import features, and global settings.


Enhanced Search Suggestion Feature

When typing in the search bar, Knowledge Base displays a list of suggested search terms below the search bar (similar to Internet search engines). Click on a suggested search term to execute that package search.


Central Office Edit Access

Consortium Knowledge Base users who are logged in to the central office can now edit the subscription statuses of titles owned by the central office.

On the Title Details screen, when you click Edit, select the Members menu option. The Edit Title Members panel displays each member library and its current subscription status for the title.

Click on a subscription status button (Subscribed, In Trial, or Not Subscribed) to change the title subscription status for one or more member libraries. Click Save to save your changes.


Improved Workflows for Editing Packages

When you click the Edit button on the Package Details screen, Knowledge Base now prompts you to choose either “Package” or “Titles” for editing. Clicking the Package edit option opens the Edit Package panel, where you can configure proxy settings that apply to the entire package.

Choosing the Titles option opens the Bulk Edit Title Profiles panel, where you can update the title subscription status for all titles in the package.

When you perform a bulk edit process on a package that contains many titles, it may take Knowledge Base several minutes to update the package. A new notification icon shaped like a bell now appears in the app navigation bar to indicate a bulk edit is in progress. Click on the bell icon to view the name of the package that is being updated.

The bell icon disappears within ten seconds after the bulk edit process is complete. Refresh your screen to see when the notification icon disappears.



Innovative Knowledge Base users can use the “What’s New” feature in the user menu to view release notes and learn more about new functionality.