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July 6, 2024 49 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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This hour of programming on WOAR issponsored by Black Mountain Capital now former Westchester
County executive Rob Astarto on seven tendouble Happy Fourth of July weekend, everybody.
I hope you're having a great one. I hope you had a nice

Independence Day. Spread it out.Maybe you had a five day week.
You know, it's just like Wednesdayyou took off, and Thursday, the
holiday Friday, you're not going intoday tomorrow. It's nice. It's nice,
freaking hot, but it's nice.Yep. I'm rob Astorino here on
seven ten wor and isn't this great? You and I get to spend the

next fifty five minutes together. That'sit. That's all they get me.
So let's let's like make the bestof it. And of course you're gonna
call in one eight hundred and threeto two one zero seven ten, one
eight hundred three two one zero seventen A bunch of stuff I want to
get to later. If you havea dog, you gotta be really careful

in this kind of weather. It'sso hot and so humid. But there
are particular breeds and I'll let youknow which ones that are very susceptible to
heat. Stroke, so you gottabe careful. And I have one of
them, so I got to beextra cautious. And I love what I
saw from one company what they did, and another company. I will never

ever buy another ice cream from themagain Ben and Jerry's of course, actually
I haven't because this is the waythey've been. But I will tell you
what those two companies did that wereso different. One is so great and
one is just Ben and Jerry's soanti American. All right, God,
I mean, where do we startwith this whole Joe Biden stuff. I'm

going to tell you where I thinkthis will go. Just the political mind
in me, having been through thesekind of situations and no really human dynamics.
This is what it comes down to. It's sort of like the five
Stages of grief right now that Bidenis going through, because I think everybody
in the world knows that he shouldcall it quits except him and his closest

confidence, really, Jill Biden,Doctor Jill. Sorry, doctor Jill.
But if you saw the interview lastnight with George Stepanopholis, which I watched,
and I was actually surprised that thisformer Clinton guy, this total total
party hack who pretends he's a straightdown the middle journalist, which of course

he's not. He's attacked Donald Trumpand Republicans Mercileslelly mercilessly forever. But anyway,
I thought last night he did whathe was supposed to do as a
Democrat, to try to get thetop of the ticket to be changed,
because there is no way that JoeBiden, if he runs, will win.

So now you're seeing the little holesin the damn right, they're leaks.
It's not catastrophic yet. The pollinghas come out, it's shifted a
little bit, a little more towardsDonald Trump. You would think at this
point, and honestly, if itwere any other Republican running but Donald Trump,

the Republican would be winning by fifteenpoints. But it's Donald Trump,
and you know he's not the mostliked guy in America. I think he
will win. I hope he wins. I think he did a great job.
But he's got his detractors. Sothe numbers have shifted a little bit
on Joe Biden. I thought itwould be a little bit more and maybe

a will as the drumbeat gets louderand louder for him to get the heck
off the stage. But there aretwo things that are play here. And
I know for a fact, bythe way, that when David Patterson took
over as governor in New York,when Elliott Spitzer left because of the whole
black Sox scandal, you know,the whole scandal with a prostitute, and

he resigned, David Patterson became thegovernor. And in twenty ten he is
the incumbent governor. He didn't getelected, but he took over and he
was going to run for reelection orrun for election, and he was pushed
out by Andrew Cuomo, who wasthe Attorney general. And it was some

dirty things that happened there. AndI know this for a fact, And
eventually David Patterson had to make areally difficult choice to either go head to
head and have maybe bad stuff comeout or bad allegations come out by Cuomo,
or to kind of step aside.And that's what he ended up doing.
And Cuomo got his way. Thisis what's happening right now. So

you got legal issues, you gotpolitical issues, you have all these different
issues. Joe Biden is an emptysuit politically, but he's also an empty
head. Now we know that righthis eyes that you look at him and
there's nothing there, which is whyhe wears those aviator glasses so often,
because he doesn't want you to seethe empty stare. I mean, we

all know people like that. You'relooking at them like hello, hello,
Well that's our president. And againI am not making fun of him or
his age. It's a fact.This is a guy that you know,
if he just wanted to be myfriend or my relative, or maybe even
you know, run my company orsomething, that's different. Just the guy's

making decisions on whether I might liveor die, or whether my son might
go into combat, or whether ornot we're gonna have hyperinflation. There's so
much at stake by the policies ofthe guy or woman one day in charge.
And so we got him right now, and Biden now has to figure

out whether or not he should dowhat is in his best interest and the
countries and that step down. Andwhen I say step down, by the
way, I don't mean not runfor president, I mean resign the office.
Now if all of this conversation bythe Democrats is he can't he can't

be the top of our ticket becausehe will lose what they're saying. Is
listen to what they're actually saying.Members of the House, members of the
Senate, all down ballot ticket,right, if you've got somebody who's running
for Assembly or state Senate or whatever, they're deathly afraid that he is going
to drag them all down and they'regoing to lose. They will lose.

They don't care about him at theend of the day. They don't care
who else wins or loses. It'sall about them. So they're concerned about
Democrats getting just completely annihilated in November, up and down the ticket in every
state, kind of like what Republicanswent through after Watergate. Right, So

you got five Democrats that have askedJoe Biden to quit, not to step
down as president, but to quitbecause they're all concerned. We haven't heard
a thing from the leadership of theDemocrats yet. Biden says he's in it
to win it. He's spending fiftymillion dollars. They just did a fifty

million dollar ad buy in key statesto try to prop him up and see
if it turns things around. Buthonestly, you watched last night, were
you any more confident in this guy'sabilities? No? He couldn't even answer
simple questions. I mean, nothingwas more than a couple of sentences at
best. Pause, stop, I'mdone, next question, please, Oh

my god, get me out ofhere. That's what it went through last
night. And you know, Stepanophohas asked him actually some tough questions,
but it was I mean, ifyou really think about What's office was asking
him, it was, hey,buddy, we're all on the same team
here. We need you to getout so we don't get killed, we
don't lose. That's it. Butthe issue should be not should he run

for reelection? That's political. Theissue really is shouldn't he just step down
as president of the United States ifhe is incapable as they are believing.
Now, now we're finally hearing fromthese hypocritical journalists quote journalists and the media

that has covered up for him forfour years. They attacked attack Donald Trump
for four years. Remember twenty fifthAmendment. Remember he's insane, He's gonna
get us all killed. Something's notright. And then they were all doing

their analysis, psychoanalysis, and SanjayGupta, who is a neurologist, would
sit there and talk about Donald Trump. Something's wrong. Donald Trump clearly he's
got this, he's got that,he's got Okay, right, okay,
But Donald Trump actually took that Montrealcognitive test, remember that thing, and
then everyone made fun of it,but he apparently aced it. Biden admits

he has not taken the test.He won't take the test apparently. In
new news today, there was adoctor that was logged into the White House.
He's a Parkinson specialist. They allknow, they've all seen what we've
seen, but we've been told itain't true. And you've had way too
many cover up for him. Andnow now that he's exposed, now all

of the journalists and media are tryingto cover their own asses and coming out
and saying, yeah, of course, look at this. Oh we've been
lied to. They said he washe was full of vimen burger. Really
he was this guy's spry, that'swhat we were told. Yeah, okay.
Why isn't he coming out and doingpress conferences? Why is nothing scheduled
after eight o'clock? Why does doeshe stumble and bumble all over the place.

Why does he fall off steps?Why does he got staff members walking
behind him to make sure if hefalls, they're going to be there.
We all know that's true. Andyet we've been told by these lying sack
of you know what's in the mediathat everything is perfectly fine until the debate
exposed it all. And now it'spylon time again to cover their asses.

One eight hundred three to two onezero seven ten, one eight hundred three
to two one zero seven ten,if you want to call in. So
here's what's going to happen. Okay, now you've got the Democrats delicately trying
to get him off the stage.Two people hold all of the keys to
this. Joe Biden because he's thesitting president. He controls, you know

everything, He controls all the campaignresources, basically controls the DNC everything.
Plus plus he was voted on inthe primaries. Remember he wouldn't debate.
Of course, he wouldn't debate becausewe would have seen, everyone would have
seen much earlier everything about Joe Biden. So that's why he didn't debate.

That's why they made sure nobody ranagainst him, That's why they rigged everything.
And yeah, they all covered itup, of course. But anyway,
Joe Biden is the sitting president,he's the incumbent, comes with a
lot of power, but Also politically, he's the guy that was on the
ballot in all fifty states in theDemocratic primary and got the votes. He

controls the delegates. The delegates,by the DNC rules, are bound to
him at least on the first vote. So if he says I'm running,
and when they get together in Chicagoin August, if his name is put
forward, as it will be ifhe wants to stay in, those delegates
are bound by the DNC rules unlessthey pull a fast one and change them,

they're bound to vote for him,which means he becomes the Democratic nominee.
Good luck. Then you're all sinkingor swimming with that guy. Good
luck anyway. The next person isVice President Harris. And here's the key
that she's got, and it's abiggie. She's got a sledgehammer, and
if she wants to use it againsthim, she can't. Here's how this
happens, all right. She wantsto be president, there's no question about.

That's human nature. She's in thenumber two spot. She sees his
bumbling fool ahead of her, andshe's got loyalty because he picked her.
Yes, but now she's like,I can taste it, I can feel
it. It's right there, giveit to me. And if she goes

with him and he's the ticket andshe's the ticket and they lose, she's
out. She's out for four years. Maybe she never gets another shot.
But she could say, hey,Joe, we got to talk, and
then they have their little talk andhe's like, and she says, hey,

you know the twenty fifth Amendment.I'm getting I'm hearing so much about
it. And if she says,look, I hate to do this,
but I'm gonna invoke the twenty fifthAmendment under the powers of the vice presidency.

And this is gonna become a reallybloody and awful fight, and it's
gonna be really embarrassing. And Ithink there will be the votes in the
House and the Senate to get youout, and you will no longer not
only not run, but you won'tbe the president. Because again, the
conversation we're having is political. Heshouldn't run, but for the next seven

months, this guy should be thepresident of the United States. Really,
he's admitted he can't stay up pasteight o'clock at night. He's admitted that
he didn't get enough rest. Hewas resting for seven freaking days in camp
David before the debate. He shouldn'thave gone to Europe. He was jet
legged. He was home for aweek and a half. Come on,

So, Kamala Harris, if shewants, she will become the nominee because
she can get rid of him.She's got the power by law to set
things in motion. Now will itend up that way? It's a crapshoot.
But if she wants to play thatgame. Twenty fifth Amendment, let
me go through real quick, okay. Section one obviously is an easy one.

If he dies or resigns the president, the VP becomes the president.
Section two. If there's a vacancyin the office of VP, the President
nominates somebody. So if he wouldhave stepped down, she becomes president.
She nominates somebody, and it isconfirmed by a majority of vote in both
houses. Three if the president,and this has happened plenty of times,

if the President sends a letter tothe Speaker of the House and the President
of the Senate President pro temp awritten declaration that look, I'm going to
be unfit to be president for atemporary period of time, so I'm going
to discharge my duties while I undergoa colonoscoby. Let's say George Bush did

that twice under general anesthesia. Forthat period of time, Dick Cheney was
acting president. All right, Nowhere's the fourth one. Section four.
This is the biggie. This isit. Whenever the vice president and a
majority of the principal officers of theexecutive departments, meaning the Cabinet or Congress,

they can present a letter again whichwould start this process that the president
is unable to discharge his powers andduties. Then the vice president shall immediately
assume the powers as acting president,though the resident himself can say Nope,
sorry, I'm gonna write a letter. I don't believe this to be true.

I am fine, and I'm staying. That automatically keeps him as president.
But then it can go back andforth that Congress or the executive branch.
In other words, the cabinet caninsist again that he is not fit,
and they could have a vote,and it would require two thirds vote
of both the House and Senate toget rid of the president, just like

an impeachment. We would never getthat far because this would all be worked
out quietly. But that's the option. I mean, if she wants to
pull she's got a gun to hishead. She can do this if she
really, really really wants it,and if she says, and I think
the public would actually be behind her, if she says, look, this

is the hardest thing I've ever hadto do in my life. Blah blah
blah. You know she's crossing herfingers, But this is what she would
say. I think, unfortunately,that he is unable to continuous president.
Who would argue with that? Imean, we've just seen the Joe Biden
that is of today. He's incapable. Who would argue. So she would

actually quote be doing a duty forthe United States while actually stab him in
the back. That's a scenario thatcould happen. One three two, one
zero seven ten. So I willtake your calls when we come back,
all right, you can. Youknow, We'll start with a call here,
Sandra. We'll start with you today, and then I'll take a few
more calls in just a moment.How are you, Sandra? Oh,

Rob, I was hoping you wouldpick me. I want to say,
welcome back to you. Are thepost to Saturday to talk to you.
I have two thoughts I wanted toshare. First thought regarding the interview with
George Stephanopolis. The fact that JoeBiden said he doesn't remember if he watched
the debate that he was so involvedin, That to me is crazy.

When you do something so important likethat, you want to see how you
did, so you're gonna remember thatyou watched it to see how you could
do better the next time. Sothat's very concerning to me that he claims
not to remember that. So thatwas the first thought. The second good
I have is, you know,Donald Trump works twenty four to seven.
He is shopped as a whip.He never even took his salary for this

job. And then I look atJoe Biden, who said, as we
all know, that he wants towork a little less, sleep a little
more, and end events at eighto'clock like he said before. And then
I look at and then I lookat Kamala Harris. When she had the
opportunity to work at the border,she turned that job down. It's a

very important job that she turned down. And then I look at Michelle Obama,
probably a very lovely lady, butI don't want to respire someone who's
gonna work on the coketails of herhusband. So what I want to say,
is my vote because I don't wantto waste my taxpayers money. It's
gonna go to Donald Trump. Iwant to get my money's worth and this

man, like I said, twentyyep, all right, Sondra, I
think you might have dropped off.Sondra, thank you so much. And
yeah, I have that clip becauseI wanted to play that. And we're
gonna take Andrew next in a moment. But here's the clip that she was
talking about. I was going tobring this up too. It's more proof
that this guy is completely and totallyout to lunch. This is what he
said last night. This is whatSondra was referring to. This was Biden

last night in the ABC interview.Did you ever watch the debate afterwards?
I don't think I did. Know, well, I don't try. What
I want to get at is whatwere you're experiencing as you were going through
the debate. Did you know howbadly it was going? Yeah, look
the whole way I prepared. Nobody'sfault mind, nobody's fault of mind.

I I prepared, but I usuallywould do sitting down as I didn back
foreign vaders or the National Security Councilfor explicit detail. And I realized about
part way through that, you knowall I could quoted the New York Times
have me down at ten points beforethe debate nine now or whatever the hell

it is, the fact the matteris that what I looked at is that
he also lied twenty eight times.I couldn't. What do you say,
he can't even keep his train ofthought? He can't, he can't keep
his train of thought. But ifyou heard the beginning, that's exactly what
he said. Did you watch thedebate? I don't. I don't.

I don't think so. But youdon't think so? That's pretty easy.
You either did or you didn't.And it was just last week one eight
hundred and three to two one zeroseven ten one eight hundred three two one
zero seven ten Andrew, hang onyour next a couple all more right here
on the rob Astorno shows seven tenWR rob Astorno on seven ten Wor you

can be convinced that you can knockdefeed Donald Trump while you stand down,
Well depends of if the Lord Almightycomes out and tells me that I might
do bad. Joseph, this isthe Lord Almighty. Get out, get
out, young man, all right? I don't think he's got a prayer

if he stays in it. Butwho knows. Here's what will happen.
One eight hundred three to two,one zero seven ten. I'm gonna take
a bunch of calls in just asecond, one eight hundred three to two,
one zero seven ten. If hestays in, all these people,
all these politicians, And by theway, where's Chuck Schumer, mister new
York Actually Mark Simone's mister new York, Chuck Schumer, who is the Senate

Majority Leader. Hackeen Jeffery's also fromNew York, the House Minority leader.
Two of the most powerful Democrats inthis country. Where are they? Where
are they? But let me tellsomething. If Joe Biden, after everyone
tries to nudge him out, ifhe says he's staying in, watch how
the narrative changes immediately, and thebarrels of these cannons are going to go

right towards Donald Trump, and everybodyin the media is going to play along
because Donald Trump cannot he's the threatto democracy, cannot become president again.
So we will turn our attension awayfrom the inadequacies, the sinilities of Joe
Biden, and just circle the wagonsaround him, prop him up, pull

him across the finish line, andthen who cares what happens after that?
If he dies the next day,if he if he if he walks into
walls, it doesn't matter. We'rein for another four years. That's what
will happen. Rob Estarino seven tenWor. By the way, of course,
you can always listen to me liveon the radio, which is great
or seven ten wr dot com.And if at any point you didn't hear

the show or want to rehear somethingor send it to a friend, get
the podcast. Just you know,make sure you download the seven ten wor
app. It's the iHeart app,and go to the Rob Astarino Show and
follow me on Facebook, Twitter,which is ex Instagram, get her or
truth Social, all those things atrob Astarino. All right, let's go

back to the phones. One hundredand three to two one zero seven ten
Andrew from Stanhope, New Jersey.Hey, Andrew, Hey, Rob just
wanted to quickly touch on Obama's commentsthat Trump doesn't care, and the truth
is, it doesn't matter if Trumpcares or he doesn't care. Biden got
rich by being in government because hecouldn't make it in the private sector because

he's not intelligent enough, the oppositeof Trump, who made billions in the
private sector. And Obama, whetherhe cares or not, is irrelevant.
He had a two year super majorityand he didn't do prison sentencing reform,
the nineteen ninety four crime bill,which over Lee unfairly incarcerated African American mostly

men. Trump did it. Hereformed it. So it doesn't matter who
cares or who doesn't care. Trumpgot the job done. School choice,
federal school choice. That's why peopleAfrican American people are leaving. Obama's candidate
by didn't go into Trump, Soit's about who gets the job done.
And I want to say with GeorgeStepanopolis, you're right like obviously he was

scamming and not ask him biding questionslike oh well, you said inflation was
nine percent or the border patrol.You just said they endorsed you, but
they tweeted live that they didn't.But I want to say too, with
deceptive editing. One time, mostlybecause I do news and video production,
and we did a story on astudent football player that had autism, and

the way I didn't edit that one, but the way we did it.
My company was like a formula thatthey followed, and they deceptively made a
kid much more articulate. Not onpurpose, they just followed their routine and
the parents saw the story and theyflipped out. They were like, I
thought he was some kind of autisticgenius that could speak well when the camera's

on him. But they just didcuts and covered with b roll so you
don't see the pauses or the stammering. And I actually stood in for Susan
Surandon, and believe it or not, even though I'm prettier than her,
she was like on this kid showthat we shot in location, and when
she left the reporter kid, thehost just wanted someone to look at to

reask the questions, so he shotlike a film so George Stephanopflis could insert
his question. You know, theycould do an edit on Buy It and
Stop and insert a reaction shot ofGeorge or a question, and also just
have takes, multiple takes, soit's very easy for them to manipulate.
That's why it wasn't live. Yep. That's a great point, Andrew,

and I appreciate that because you justreminded me when I was over at Newsmax
A little while ago. I doNewsmax Show from one to three, and
at the end of the show,one of the cameramen was saying to me
that the interview last night, fromhis perspective, it's an old trick with
cameramen. And maybe Andrew knew aboutthis, but I forget. It was
something like a stocking that they pullover the lens to make the subject look

better, so it makes the picture. I don't know if it's clearer,
but in other words too, it'slike the Barbara Walters trick. They used
to do this a lot in theBarbara Walters Show to make the person being
interviewed look better. Right, youcan do all that tricks with audio,
with lighting, especially obviously, withmakeup, the camera angles, the questions,

obviously, all of that. Ithink if ABC really wanted to have
complete transparency, they should put outthe unedited video from the moment they started
rolling. Okay, even if Bidenhad a hot mic whatever sitting there,
it's all it's all fair and it'slegit. Let that roll. I don't

want to see the edited version.I want to see I want to see
him sit there and and answer questionsof stumble or think, because I don't
know, maybe they did cut.Maybe they cut ten seconds out of him
just staring, blank stare. Thatwould have been interesting to see. That
was a good point, Andrew oneeight hundred three two one zero seven ten
one eight hundred three to two onezero seven ten here on the Rob Astarino

Show on well, I just saidat seven ten. That's why I keep
saying it. So you remember Dannyfrom Long Island, how are you,
Danny? Hey, Good afternoon,Rob. You know, if you study
your history, you know they talkabout will Joe Wilson, Franklin Dell,
and Roosevelt. Even Kennedy had amedia covering up their you know, physical
physical difficulties. Obviously, Wilson's wifewas actually the president for the last year

of his administration. All of thisKennedy did. People didn't know he had
that addus disease. And you know, of course Roosevelt was in a wheelchair,
and they never published a picture ofhim in a wheelchair although he was
the president for twelve years. Ithink all of this wrapped into a boat
doesn't compare to what the media hasdone in the past four years to cover

up this man's shortcomings, his mentalfrailty. Now his clear dementia. And
now all of a sudden, Igot to pick up the paper, a
turn on the news, and Isee CNN interview a guy who admits that
when he did an interview with Biden, they sent him the questions beforehand.
Oh so now you're telling us this, You see, you don't get a

badge of honor for telling us thatwhen you did this interview, you were
so embedded with the Democratic Party thatthey felt comfortable enough to send you the
questions knowing you would do what youwere told and you wouldn't report it to
the national media and make an answerthat to him. So if they did
it with this guy who's on CNNright now talking about it, I'm assuming

they did it with everyone. Sonow the media is a disgrace to the
enemy of the people. And nowwhat you're gonna see, I believe now
say like the New York Times wantsBiden out, So now they're gonna trump
him and not going to report thenews for the next three months. They're
going to every salacious story about hisineptitude, whether it's true or not,
to to get their agenda, thrownot to be fair and unbiased or report

the news to get their agenda throwwhich they believe is best served with Biden
House. So that now it's acivil war with national media who's always been
on the Democrat side. And quitefrankly, I couldn't be any happier.
This is like, uh, thegreatest ice cream Sunday you've ever had your
life overalls into one. They're goingto, you know, self mutilate each
other, and they deserve every bitof criticism that could be heaped on them

because they deserve it right and Dana great call, and this is why
they're so hypocritical phony and they're inon it. They've been on it since
day one, because there's no possibleway that you could observe this guy who
won't come out. He's had theleast press conferences out of any president.

He won't come out. And therewere just two I forget the station's two
black radio stations, and the hostswere told that in order for them to
get an interview with Biden, thatthe White House would supply the questions,
and both of those hosts, totheir credit, told their listeners that not
during the interview, but told theirlisteners that now you got Carl Bernstein,

who broke the story on Watergate inthe seventies. Yet, mister investigative reporter,
another phony on CNN all the time. He is a total Democratic hack.
Now he's saying, yeah, Ikind of knew this six months ago,
a year ago. Oh really,that's not a story that the President
of the United States is incompetent,that he's senile, that he cannot discharge

his duties. If that were DonaldTrump, and it was, we heard
all this crap from them for fourstraight years. They all wanted a pulitzer
I have. Donald Trump is insane, and they write about this incessantly.
Now they see it, and theywon't report it because now they've been embarrassed.
They've been ashamed in themselves. Wellthey have no shame, but they

have been shamed because we every ordinaryAmerican saw Joe Biden in inaction during the
debate and then again last night.I have a friend of mine who is
a member of Congress, and thisis a true story. So he told
me about a year ago he metwith Joe Biden. It was a campaign,
it was it was an official WhiteHouse event somewhere in New York.

And I won't I won't say thisbecause I don't know if he wants me
to say it publicly who he is. But this is what happened. He
said he wanted to meet with thepresident, was in his district. Wanted
to meet with the President for fiveminutes or so before and they said,
Okay, what is the question thatyou want to ask him? What's the
topic? So he told them whatit was. So before the event,

he got, you know, fiveminutes with the president staff around him,
of course, but he asked thePresident about immigration issues. Biden literally,
he's he's one on one with amember of Congress in a back room off
camera. He picks up a notecard and reads his answer to the member

of Congress reads his answer, andso the member of Congress told me,
She goes, there is nothing there. He goes, I'm literally I'm trying
to talk to him, and heis picking up a three x five card
with the answer that he's supposed toread to my question. So don't tell

me people didn't know this. Petein Montrose in northern Westchester. You're on
seven to ten WR High. Pete. Hey, Rob, I just want
to say your show is fantastic andgot great insight. Uh. The question
I gotta ask is, wouldn't bebest of Republicans just back off because they
have an advantage for once, everytime they get an advantage, they seem

to blow. It wouldn't be bestif they just back off. Let the
Democrats destroy themselves and maybe they actuallyget in Biden and you know, actually
win the election. Pete, thanksfor the call. Look, if you're
Donald Trump, and he's been verygood since the debate, Donald Trump has
stepped aside for the most part.Have you heard Donald Trump going around speaking

at rallies or attacking Joe Biden?Not really, No, because the old
adage, when your opponent is sinking, do not do not throw him a
life preserver. And Joe Biden rightnow is like the proverbial deer that just
got hit by a truck. Heis bleeding out in the middle of the

road. Do you want to watchhim bleed out? Or do you want
to call a vet and just dowhat you're doing right now? Republicans,
let the whole story be about JoeBiden, period, because they ain't gonna
win that. Because it is anintra party fight, it does focus on
his complete inability to do anything puttwo sentences together, and the numbers are

moving towards Donald Trump. I wantJoe Biden to stay on the ticket.
I don't want anything to change becauseyou don't know how the dynamics will change,
and the media will go right towardswhoever the Democratic nominee. If it's
Kamala Harris historical first female black vicepresident becoming president. If it's Gavin Newsom,

look at him. Does he nothave the most beautiful hair and teeth?
And what a record he's got inCalifornia as everyone is playing California.
But that's the story. So we'reon a track right now for a big
blowout. And by the way,anyone else comes in, it's you know,
you're not running against the Biden record, which is horrible. Donald Trump

is going to win because Joe Bidenis so bad. His record is so
bad. Forget that he can't puttwo sentences together. His record is bad.
People are hurting, inflation, crime, the border, all this woke
non sense. You go through thelist. That's why Donald Trump is winning.
He was winning before the debate,now he's winning more after the debate.

Stay on this road. Let JoeBiden run. Jim you're on seven
to ten w R from Manhattan.How are you? I just hold on,
Bruce. We gotta take Jim there, go ahead, h I'm a
Trump for Hello, now, okay, we'll stick with Jim. Jim,
go ahead. Okay. I'm aTrump voter. But I think Biden can

win because right after the debate,Trump's lead spread to eight points in the
polls. A week later it droppeddown. The six point six point league
can be overcome. A lot ofthings can happen in four months. Either
candidate can make mistas and who knowswhat dirty tricks the Democrats have about their
sleeves. I think the Republicans gettoo overconfident. We've got to find ways

to move voters over to the Republicanside. We've got to alienate the black
forwards. With Biden's friendship with tromFurman. There's a lot of other things
Republicans can do. I agree,and that's why Jim I think again,
you want Joe Biden in it,and Donald Trump, as he sticks to

the issues, will win because theissues are on his side. So it
Democrats realize they're not going to winwith Joe Biden on the top of the
ticket. But they also realize they'rein a tough spot here, very tough
spot. All right, Yeah,yeah, I got some other things to
do. I do want to talkabout the dog breeds. In this kind
of weather, you've got to bereally careful about. My wife and I

just went on a road trip andit's I love road trips. We had
a great time and we went toArkansas with stops along the way. I'll
tell you about that. And whatI learned, too, is that you
know what I know. We loveNew York, but this ain't the whole
world. There's a lot of otherthings out there, folks, and I'll
tell you about some of them.Plus i'll tell you about Ben and Jerry's

a rotten, stinking ice cream company. I hope they fail. They're horrible.
If you saw what they did recentlyon the fourth of July. By
the way, the anti American message, disgraceful. All right, much more
to do here till five. Stickwith me, rob Asta Reno here on
seven to ten WR even ten WRfor since so rob As do Reno's show.

And if Chuck Schiemer and Hakeem Jeffriesand Nancy Pelosi come down and say
we're worried that if you stay inthe race, we're going to lose the
house in the Senate. How willyou respond. I've going to detail with
them. I've speaking to all ofthem in detail, including Jim Kleiber,
every one of them. They allsaid I should stay in the race.
Stay in the race. No onesaid none on the people said I should

leave. But if they do,oh, we're not gonna do that.
All right, one thing leads toanother. It's true. And if Biden
stays in, then they're gonna havea fun time. And by the way,
if he does decide to step down, and you know, those talks
are happening, whether he does itor not, it's like the five stages

of grief, whether he understands what'sgoing on or not. But if he
if he does decide in the nextseveral days, and they are polling like
crazy in the in the key battlegroundstates New Hampshire, New Mexico. These
are states that have been out ofreach for Republicans. They're now like toss
up states. If that's the case, the damn is broke. I mean,

forget it, there's no way.But they are focus grouping, they
are polling they're doubled down with theirdonors, the big donors, to see
if they're gonna stick with them,and right now they're pulling back. So
I mean, you don't win ifthe money ain't there. Let me take
one more call. Let's go toRockland County. I think it's Sondra.
How are you, Sandra? Howyou doing good? How are you?

Rober for big supporters of yours.We helped me and my husband help get
signatures for you for governor. Ijust got to follow up question about your
anecdote about the congressman who met withhim in New York. And I want
to know because I have a feelingI know which congressman you're talking about.
Yeah, and you know he's asort of a disappointment. But I'd like

to know why that congressman didn't goout in public the next day and say,
you know, we have a problemAmerica. I represent a constituency that
is not being represented by their presidentbecause he's not fully capable of performing the
duties of president. And since you'refriends with this congressman, I thought you
might have some insight on why hedidn't do that well. So let me

let me state this I'm friends withevery Republican congress member in New York and
even some of the Democrats. ObviouslyI know, well, so why he
didn't I actually I don't know ifhe hasn't done it. I can tell
you that he and I talked aboutthis so that he eliminates some women.
But he and I talked about thisin private, like a day afterwards when

I asked him how it went andhe told me. But look, I
mean, he's this person's been verycritical of the president. So I don't
think it's anything that's a revelation.But the biggest thing is Republicans have been
talking about this, Democrats have beenhiding this. The media has been hiding
this. I think that's the biggerissue here is there have been some of

us trying to tell the truth andshow how many people do you know,
I know plenty that you know leanleft or independence or whatever, they never
saw Joe Biden's stumble or fall ortalk like he talks, or stop in
the middle of a sentence and juststare. They haven't seen this because they
haven't been shown it, or thealgorithms that they you know that they're on

on TikTok or Instagram or whatever.They don't get fed that. So that
debate was a wake up people arelike, what, yeah, what you
haven't been listening or watching or beingon the right news sources for the last
three years. All right, acouple things. So my wife and I
just went on a thirteen hundred mileroad trip. We left last Sunday morning,

and we drove through New Jersey,through Pennsylvania. We made a quick
stop in Harrisburg, and then wedrove and we went through a tiny bit
of West Virginia, we drove throughMaryland, tiny bit. We drove through
Virginia and ended up stopping in Roanokefor dinner. And then we kept pushing

it because we had to stop atsome point Sunday night, but we made
it. Basically. Oh, weactually stopped in Bristol. There's two Bristols,
Bristol, Virginia and Bristol Tenor,Tennessee. They're right next to each
other. And Bristol, Tennessee iswhere the big NASCAR is. But anyway,
stopped in Bristol, Virginia. There'sa soon to be hard rock casino

and I don't know what the othercasino is called. But anyway, I
went in there for a little bitand then we drove and we stopped just
short of Knoxville, so we drovea lot on Sunday, stayed in Knoxville.
What a cute city if you've neverbeen. Knoxville is a really nice
little city, and the University ofTennessee is there. Walked around the campus.
But Knoxville was surprisingly nice, youknow, a really cute place.

Next day we made it to Nashvilleand stayed in Nashville. That is a
fun city, by the way.I've been there once a long time ago.
Nashville is a place if you likemusic, especially country music, and
I do, and she does.What a great place. And you go
in these bars, so many bars, and all these bands are playing and
they have buckets on the stage andso they're not getting paid to play by

the venue. They're there making tips. So if you like them, and
all of them take requests, andthat always amazes me, like how many
songs they actually all know how toplay and sing, but they do.
But anyway, if you like them, they at some point during their set
they stop and it's like they literallywalk around and shame you to give you

money, which, if you know, if you're enjoying it. Yeah,
you put some money in there,and it's it's just a fun place.
Nashville is a really fun place.And then we meant to Memphis the next
day on our way to Little Rock. So Memphis is right on the border
between Arkansas and Tennessee. The MississippiRiver separates them. Stopped in Memphis.

Interesting place Memphis because if you've beento Beal Street, that's where you know.
The bars are in the restaurants notthat big, but you know,
it's it's cool, and the bluesbands are playing. I loved the food.
I love Southern barbecue and Memphis isone of the places to get it.

And I just pigged out at thisrestaurant right across from the Lorraine Motel.
That's where Martin Luther King Junior gotshot and that is now a museum,
but they preserved the motel, thesign and all of the motel including
his room where and the balcony wherehe got shot. And it's a really

it's an amazing place. I mean, the two cars that were there at
the time are still there. Ithink one's a Cadillac or whatever. But
they have a wreath outside the hangingfrom the balcony in next to the room
where Martin Luther King was shot.I didn't go in to do the museum,

but I went outside and took somepictures. Very interesting place. But
then we went and we continued onin our state forty to get to Little
Rock because my son is an airmanin the Air Force, so he's been
for a year and we wanted tospend time with him. We brought out
a lot of his stuff, wegave him our car, and we had

a chance to be on base withhim for two days and spend July fourth
with a bunch of military families andit was really really cool, and we
got to see the fireworks and justtalk to troops and you know the look.
They're just normal people trying to dowhat they were called to do,
right, and they're all doing theirlittle bit in uniform to protect us.

And then we went on fourth ofJuly to my son's friend's house, probably
about I don't know, half houroutside Little Rock. By the way,
Little Rock ain't nothing to do inLittle Rock, and we went. We
didn't go to the William Jefferson ClintonMuseum. I saw it, but we
didn't go in because it was thefourth of July. But anyway, we

go to his friend's house. Imean, this is redneck territory. There's
really no other way to describe Arkansasother than redneck territory. And it's exactly.
So we pull up in this longdriveway, kind of in the woods.
But as we're driving every piece ofproperty every house had at least two

broken down cars up front. Butanyway, we go there and it was
the people were great. People weregreat. We're playing corn hole and all
this other stuff. And at onepoint I'm standing up and this one guy
is sitting down, the guy thatowns the house, and he keeps just
spitting, just spitting down, andI'm looking like my wife catches mine.

We're both ready to laugh. He'sjust chewing tobacco and spitting on the floor.
But that's just normal. So atone point I'm standing there and I
hear my wife go, oh mygod. And this guy, this big
guy, goes, oh, Idon't like them either. Anything. He
stomps on it. And there wasthis big spider, a wolf spider,
which I've seen and I hate.You have to understand I hate spiders.

And here we are kind of inthe woods, and we just took walk
around their property with the host andshe was telling us, yeah, there's
snake's all over here, like you'llsee a copper head, You'll see this,
you'll see that. So we walkedpast this tree and walk to the
house, and then this spider showsup. And then this guy goes,
oh yeah, oh yeah, thatain't the worst thing we got. Tarantula's
right over there. Now, youneed to understand me and spiders. They

got eight legs. I got two. They win. I am deathly afraid
of them. So when I heardthat, I looked at my wife.
I gave it a look like weare leaving, and we are leaving now
because I'm wearing shorts, and thereain't no way I even want to see
them, let along feel one ofthose things anywhere near me. So we

got the heck out of there andthat was our trip to Little Rock.
It was a great time, allright. One other thing, so it's
very hot outside. Be careful whenyou walk your dogs because they're susceptible to,
you know, getting heatstroke, andespecially if they've got those little short,
little you know, bulldogs, boxers, pugs, Boston Terriers and my

doggie, the shitsu. You gottabe very very careful. Also Huskies,
Golden Retrievers, and Chow Chow's apparently, so make sure you give them water,
walk them off times when they don'tget overheated. And screw Ben and
Jerry's. On July fourth, theywere just crushing America with all their nonsense.
Please don't ever buy another pint ofBen and Jerry's ever. I gotta

get out of here. I willtalk to you next Saturday at one o'clock
on Newsmax, and right here atfour o'clock on seven to ten w o
R. Have a great weekend.Everybody, box Scout, tell you Scout

Wild Boss coming too well. Theywill tell you how entertained everythis Okay,
Bobs is coming too hell. Thishour of programming on w o R is
sponsored by Black Mountain Capitol
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