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June 15, 2024 49 mins
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Episode Transcript

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This hour of programming on WOR issponsored by Black Mountain Capital now former Westchester
County executive Rob Astarno on seven tenWOR. Okay, welcome to the Rob
Astorino Show here on seven ten WR. He's brought in by the Eagles because

Bill Belichick, seventy two years old, is dating a twenty four year old
former cheerleaders the rich old man.I'm going to get into that because I
think it's ew and I'd love tohear what you think about all this.
One in hundred three two one zeroseven ten. One in hundred three two
one zero seven ten. This show'sabout you. You got to participate and

uh and dial up, you know, And that's why that's why I'm on,
because you know this is the weekendshow and I want you since you
have a little break from the Mondaythrough Friday shows, this is an opportunity
for you to have your voice heard. And that's why I'm doing this show
for you, and I'm obviously enjoyit and thanks to you, we're having

a lot of success. More andmore people are listening, they're catching on
and and I'm really thankful and proudof what we're all doing here and Bruce
and Noah across the way there inthe control room a big part of this
as well. But it all comesdown to you and your ability to pick

up your iPhone or your Samsung anddial in one in hundred three two one
zero seven ten, one in hundredand three to two one zero seven ten.
So there is a lot to talkabout, a lot going on.
I'm watching Trump right now. He'sin Detroit and he's meeting with uh He's

in a church in Detroit. Withhis outreach to the black community. I
think this is fantastic. I thinkthis is how Donald Trump is gonna win
and turn the Republican Party around inthat we can consistently win in states that
maybe we weren't able to, orconsistently win in areas where we weren't able
to because minority voters tend to votein overwhelming numbers Democratic. But they're finally

realizing I ain't getting them anywhere,and so they're now starting to get a
second look, and Donald Trump istalking directly to them. If you remember,
you know, in twenty sixteen,he went to Detroit and kind of
famously said, you know, votefor me. What the hell you got
to lose and he was right,and I think it took people in this

country a long time to understand whathe meant, Like, you know what,
this is getting worse and worse underdemocratic rule. Why not? I'll
give the guy a shot. He'sbeen through hell and back and he's still
getting up off the floor and wantingto fight for this country. So he's
in Detroit, and I think,I think it's spectacular what he's doing.
So I woke up this morning tothe story that Bill Belichick, who I

think is a great coach, eventhough I despise him because he was the
Patriots coach for so long and hehad a lot of success winning Super Bowls
left and right. My guy,Don Shula, the Dolphins coach, is
the all time leading winning his coachin the NFL and Belichick is right behind
him. So every time Belichick canlose, it's a good day for me.

Or now that he's out of football, he can't catch Don Shula.
So I think it's great. ButI saw this story and to me,
it's kind of like where's the pukebucket. I don't know if you have
the same reaction as I do,and maybe you don't, And that's why
I want you to call up andlet me know what you think about this.
And maybe some of you are inthe same position where you are dating

or married to somebody with a hugedisparity in age, and it works out
at times and sometimes it doesn't.And I think there's a lot of reasons
for that. But it just wasreported that Bill Bellich, who is seventy
two years old, he was ona flight from Boston to Florida and I

guess, you know, he lookedover and he saw this hot twenty four
year old who was a cheerleader,and all of a sudden he said,
wow, you know, I'm single. He just broke up with his girlfriend,
and he's like, let me strikeup a combo with her. So
apparently they were talking on the flight, and you know, Belichick tries one

more score and he's like, hey, what's your phone number? And she
gives it to him. Instead ofsaying like, shut up, Grandpa,
she says, Okay, here's mynumber. Now there's a forty six year
difference between these two. Forty sixyear difference. She's twenty four, she's
just out of college, she's acheerleader. I don't know what she's doing

with her life, but if shehas an opportunity to be with a multi
multi, multi millionaire, success beyondsuccess, you know, you just look
at the chart. How much moreis he gonna live? I mean,
obviously he's got a lot more time, hopefully. I mean the average age
for a male in this country,I think is seventy nine. So if

you're above that, thank god.You know, I got to get there.
I didn't get there yet, andhe's trying to get there. But
it just strikes me as weird,uncomfortable, I don't know, not even
normal. No. Look, there'sbeen a lot of them, Like forget
Hugh Hefner. I mean he literallyhe was in his eighties and dating eighteen

year olds. Now their ambition wasbeat a centerfold, but he was,
you know, he had them atthe Playboy mansion and really the only the
only prerequisite was that they were afemale and probably under thirty. And he
married I don't know how many ofthem. And it's a farce. It's
you know, it's to me,it's it's horrible. Now you can say,

look our president or former president DonaldTrump, he's been married several times,
and Milania is twenty four years youngerthan he is, So that worked
out, I think Rupert Murdoch andthat is why I guess I'll never get
a job at Fox because he's ninetythree years old. Rupert Murdoch is ninety

three years old. He just marriedfor the fifth time. She's sixty seven.
Now, okay, they're probably neitherone of them running out to get
a brand new mattress. But atleast she's sixty seven. She's not looking
for something, you know, stupid. She's probably well off in her own

life. She's established, she's atthe end of her career. I don't
know why at ninety three you'd wantto marry somebody again. But again,
who am I to say? AlPacino is married people forty years younger.
So it happens. It happens allthe time. I just think it's kind
of weird. So God, ifshe ever found out I was saying about

this. So my daughter, myyoungest, is fourteen. She just got
her first boyfriend. That's natural,right, So she's fourteen. He I
think is fifteen. I don't knowhim well, and as a father,
I'm like, oh God, Idon't want to go through this because I

know how men think and every dadis in the same situation. You know,
it's one all right, I getit. You got the double standards,
you got your sons, and it'sa little different. It shouldn't be,
but it's a little different. Andthen you have your daughters and you
feel differently because it's a daughter andas a father you want to protect and

you know what, you know whatboys and men think twenty four seven,
So yeah, you know you don'twant to be in that situation. You
want to protect them. So Idon't know. I'm looking at this and
Belichick's seventy two, she's twenty four. I'm trying to think if like if
if I'm her father, she's twentyfour, of the father's probably what in

his late forties, early fifties.If she's like, hey, dad,
here's my new BF. Say hito Bill. And Bill is older than
I am by like fifteen years.Unless I was a real Patriots man,
I'd probably be like, uh so, what do you want to do with
your life there? Bill? I'dprobably have a nice talk with my twenty

four year old daughter and say,you know, is this real love?
Or like, what's going on here? You want to just go around the
world on this guy's dime or soone eight hundred three two one zero seven
ten one eight hundred three to twoone zero seven ten if you, I
mean, look, you might completelyand utterly disagree with me, Like,

shut up, Rob, this isnot any business of yours. This is
love, and you can't predict love. And I understand that. I'm Look,
I if something happened to my wife, and I hope obviously never does.
But we're you know, we're sortof in the same range. She's
seven years younger than I am.I'm fifty seven, she's gonna be fifty,

so you know, it's obviously we'rethe same generation. But you know,
if something happened God forbid, andand you know, like I'm sixty
something, let's say and all ofa sudden, I'm a widow again,
widower again again. I've never been, but let's say I'm a widower.
If I were hanging around like highschool cafeterias or college campuses looking to pick

somebody up, wouldn't you think thatwas a little creepy? I do.
I mean, we used to,you know, we used to call people
like weird names back then. NowI guess everything is okay, So I
look at I don't know, Ijust got I just looked at this in
the paper and I started off goingdisgusting. I think it's gross, but

he's happy. I guess that's allthat matters. But seriously, if you
put yourself in her parents' shoes,a twenty four year old daughter of yours
bringing home a seventy two year oldman, I think I would pull her
aside and say you might want torethink this. I don't know. One
in hundred three two one zero seventen, one in hundred three to two

one zero seven ten. I'll takea couple of calls here, Sondra,
how are you? Sondra? Oh, I'm fine, Rob? Are you
gonna kill me? I had somethingdifferent to talk about? Is it all
right? All right? But firstyou have to think all right, I
will, I'll make an exception foryou, but I want your opinion on
this first. What do you thinkseventy two year old and a twenty two
I think for me, I wouldnever marry or get involved with anyone younger

than me because when I age,I don't want to feel uncomfortable with someone
younger than me. I want tohave someone in the same age as me.
So there's no problem in that department. And of course other reasons too,
I would think, but I wantedto say to you, you don't
mind. I was having lunch todaywith three very powerful women, and I

shared with them the fact that DonaldTrump is going to eliminate the payloll tax,
and I wanted to see their reactionbecause they don't need the money,
but they were so happy because theyhave employees who are going to benefit by
getting five thousand dollars or more.And not only will those people be happy,

but the employer is going to havea load taken off them thanks to
Donald Trump. So I just don'twant to say that because it's so important
that we help Donald Trump. Butthat's what I wanted to say, And
I thank you for letting me saythat. You got it, Sondra,
Thanks for calling, of course.One eight one hundred and three two one
zero seven ten. Look, anytimewe can take away taxes, I think

it's a good thing. We aregetting crushed in this country, suffocated in
this country. Everyone should have todo quarterly estimated taxes. I have to
do it. That's that's the situationI'm in, and so I get so
furious every quarter when I have towrite a large check to the federal government
and a large check to the Stateof New York because no withholding taxes are

coming out and it makes you thinkabout where your money is going, and
it frustrates me. But everyone getstheir paycheck and their net pay as opposed
to their gross. They don't evenlook at it anymore, all the stuff
coming out. They're just happy withwhatever their whatever's on their paycheck as opposed
to what was taken away. ButI think, you know, any any

way we can reduce taxes would begood for this country and good for normal
people. All right, let meget back to the gross factor of an
older, older man dating a younger, younger woman. In this case Bill
Belichick twenty four year old girlfriend.He's got, you know, she's probably
on TikTok all day and he doesn'tknow what the hell TikTok is. One

eight hundred three two one zero seventyten. Kathy in North Carolina, Hi,
Kathy. Hello. I want topreface it by saying I'm not from
North Carolina. So when I tellyou that I'm going to take your twenty
two year old and raise you asixteen year old seventeen year old girl.
I will say that that it doesnot always end up harvely. I was

young and in high school and Ifell in love with a man. He
was twenty two years older than me, older than my father. He was
a wonderful guy, and he wasnot a pedophile or whatever. I was
quite old for sixteen or seventeen.But as a memorial to him, he
just passed away this week. Sorry, and my father almost had a coronary

when he met him. I liedabout how old he was. But he
was a wonderful educated man. Hewas from Buffalo, New York, and
he was an air personality and hegot me into my career on radio also,
and he was a wonderful guy.I saw him for like six years,
and you know, he just passedaway. He was eighty three,

and I always wondered what would happenif I had been, you know,
married to him. But it's notalways awful. I just I tell people
that all the time when they hearabout it, because they knew about it
when I was in high school.And you know, any other time,
I suppose he would have been arrested, which would have been not fair because
he I was a willing participant,and he was a wonderful guy, and

we learned a lot from each other. And then we separated and went our
separate ways, and I invited himto my wedding. No, I know,
I think that's a nice story.And see, but what was the
difference in age? Uh? Twentytwo? So I was sixteen and he
was forty whatever. All right,so I would have been a little uncomfortable
with a sixteen year old. ButI will say this, that's like one

generation. I would say, right, that's one generation ahead. That to
me is like the outer limits.It worked in your case, but I
like when you skip when you're liketwo generations or three generations ahead. To
me, I don't know. Ijust don't. I don't get it.
I just there's no commonality there inmany many ways. I don't know what

the what the logic is. I'mglad it worked out for you, Kathy,
and again my condolences on his death. All right, let's go to
at one eight hundred and three totwo one zero seven ten here on the
Rob Astar Reno Show on seven tenwor let us go to Brooklyn and who's
this Bruce Brooke? Hi? Hi? Thanks Rob? Great show. I

really enjoy it. I just wantto tell you my experiences. I'm one
of those type of guys that would, you know, walk the beach and
hit on many, many women,and you know, and I felt good
enough about myself to get lots ofrejections. And I remember one time it
was really funny. I was inMiami this young woman and you know when

I she looked at me, shesaid, go back to century village she
was. I was probably about fortyfive at the time. She was probably
eighteen nineteen something like that. Youknow, So, but did you end
up marrying somebody? I'm having troublehearing you. Did you say that again?
Did you end up marrying somebody?And what was her age? What

was her age? Her? I'mguessing she was, you know, eighteen,
nineteen, eighteen or nineteen something likethat. No, but did you
end up getting older? You know? I admire people who risk like that.
In fact, that's how I metmy Swiss girlfriend. It was walking

the beach and hitting on every womanthat looked attractive to me. I was
probably forty five at the time.Now I'm like twenty more than twenty years
older. The problem now is,as I get older, I still have
the urge to do that, butthey look at me and like, go
away. You know. I justI'm getting older. I can't do it

anymore. But when I was feelinggood, why not? Why not?
Bruciano, I thank you for thecall. I appreciate it. I go
through the same thing one in hundredthree two one zero seven ten, one
in hundred three two one zero seventen. Honestly, I mean, look,
when we look in the mirror aswe grow older, especially women go

we both we all go through this, men and women or whatever gender you
are. Obviously I feel the sameas I do. I'm fifty seven.
I feel like I could walk onthe beach and look at you know,
hot ladies from the eighteen twenty twentyfive year olds, and I think the
same reaction. They're gonna be like, who is this guy? That's disgusting.

So I don't do that anymore.I mean, I put the shades
on to make sure nobody sees me, you know, just glancing. But
it's kind of at this point.First of all, I'm not interested.
I'm happily married, but a yeah, all men do this and women do
this too. By the way,I love when women say, oh no,
we don't look of course you do. You do stop, We know

it. It's fine, it's fine. But I I feel the same way.
And then you know, I'll lookinto the mirror and I'm like,
all right, what are those crowsfeets? What's going on there? What's
happening with? You know? Youjust feel differently? You know what I
gotta do Doctor Perry, doctor ArthurPerry, who has his show at six
o'clock. But I get off thetrain, you know, I bolt out

of here at five o'clock, rightwhen the show is over because I gotta
get over to Grand Central to catcha five thirty. And so I get
out of the train into my carat like six point twenty or something,
and I've got w AAH on anddoctor Arthur Perry is on, who is
a plastic surgeon. And I actuallyI like his show. I think he

does a very good show. He'sentertaining and every week I'm listening. Yeah,
I need that too. Yeah Icould use that as well. I'm
gonna have to call doctor Arthur Perrybecause if he works on my face a
little bit, then I might goto the beach and like strut like a
like a rooster and look at thewomen who are like twenty one out of

college and saying, look at me, rob two point zero. All right,
I gotta get out of here.Not for the day. We still
got to be here till five o'clock. Wait, wait, Bruce, what
was that? Say it good?No? Yeah, that's right, Bruce
is reminding me number and social Youdon't even give your numbers anymore, you

know. It's everyone just is like, okay, what is your what is
your? Where can I find you? On? Like on these social media
apps? And that's how everyone hooksup these days. Nobody gives numbers.
It's like what texts? No,it's it's all. It's a It's a

whole new world, and I don'twant to be in it. I like
where I am in my stage inlife. I don't want to go back
to that whole dating scene. Ijust I couldn't do it anymore, all
right? One hundred and three twoone zero seven to ten. A couple
of other things to talk about whenI come back. It is Father's Day
coming up tomorrow, and that isactually meaningful, even though people try to
brush it aside and like Dad's meannothing in this world anymore. It is

meaningful, Uh, mister Cuomo,still sticking with the bs on the whole
COVID stuff and a couple other things. So make sure you stick right here
on rob Astorino's show. That's mehere on seven ten w R. Rob
on seven ten wo R. Okay, bottom bottom of the hour here four

o'clock for thirty right now, andhopefully you're having a great weekend. Father's
Day is tomorrow and you're probably saying, what should I do with Dad?
Well, I'm gonna tell you injust a moment where you should take dad
where I'm taking my father tomorrow.But first, at one eight hundred three
to two, one zero seven toten on the rob Astrino Show, I

know Chris wants to get something inhere from Staten Island. Hig, Chris,
how are you good? All right? I hope I'm in the car.
I don't know if the radio isplaying at the same time. Am
I okay? Give me? Okay? Yep, you're okay, okay.
So my wife is twenty years youngerthan myself. We are married, we
have two children. We've been togetherfor about twenty one years. My oldest

daughter is thirteen. My boy iseleven. We're both musicians and music teachers.
I think about the thing about itin common, you were saying something
or having something in common. Youknow, it's an individual thing. She's
very mature. She's always been moremature than I am. However you figure
that out. But women are usuallymore mature than that anyway. Not besides

the point, but we have alot of common ground. We think the
same way morally, we think thesame way, you know, as far
as a Christianity or whatever your religionyou believe in. We have a certain
way with our children, the sameway. They're both musicians, they're both
ballplayers, very great relationship. Ilove to be with home more than anybody

in the world. I'd rather bewith us than go out to go play
cards or drinking or playing golf.I'd rather be with my wife than anybody.
I know you you're saying there's adifference, but every it is.
It is it is for most people. It is. You're right, it
is a far difference some women,and sometimes it does click, and it
is. The maturity rate is there. But I understand because I see what

you're saying. But so far,so good, Rob, I don't know.
It's been great. Well, Ino, Chris, I think you
again, you're like twenty years older, so I think that's okay. That's
kind of like to me. AsI mentioned before, I think that's kind
of the outer limit. But you'reyou're within one generation if you have things

in common, that makes sense,and you do, and I think there
is obviously a maturity. It's funny. It's it doesn't happen a lot the
other way. Where the cougars.Where are the like the fifty year old
ladies hanging around like the frat house? Where are they? You know,
Yeah, this is horrible, Butsometimes you read these stories of like these

high school teachers and they're with highschool boys, like you know, seniors
or juniors in high school. Totallyillegal, but clearly, I mean that's
what every guy is thinking in highschool, like the hot teacher. But
you hardly hear about that because oftentimeswomen who are older don't necessarily want to

be with younger guys because younger guys, generally speaking, are stupid. We're
a lot less mature, and womentend to be more stable and want that
stability. So I've seen it work, I've seen it not work in a
bad way. In many ways,and I'm really I'm thankful for the people
who called in today because I thinkthree of the four said, hey,

I'm in the same kind of relationshipand it worked out, So there's hope.
I just again, Bill Belichick isforty six years her senior to me
that I don't want to say it'swrong. Maybe maybe morally there's something I
have an issue with, and ifit works, it works. There are

two adults, they can do whatthey want. I just think it's kind
of kind of weird. I don'tknow. So tomorrow is Father's Day,
and maybe for those grandfathers who aredating like kids who are grandchildren age,
I had to get it out.If you want to take somebody to Dominis
Dominix, this is the place togo. Our friends at Dominicks on Arthur

Avenue in the Bronx. This isone of those real good, kind of
old style places still happening. It'sone of the originals on Arthur Avenue.
It's a great Italian restaurant. It'sgot great food, so reasonably priced.
They actually make their own wine inItaly and they have it shipped to them

labeled for them, and it's goodwine. They've got great Sunday specials for
tomorrow. You know, they gotlike the lasagna, they got the beef
branjole, they got all the goodstuff, and then like their typical menu.
But tomorrow might be a great dayif you're still trying to figure out
where am I gonna take that?Because you know, and this is so

true, and you know it's trueMother's Day, Like you have to think
a month in advance what you're gonnado for mom, because if you don't,
you're in trouble and you're a horribleperson. And Mother's Day they make
so much money, these restaurants,and eh, I mean, it's a

money maker. And it was firststarted way back in nineteen fourteen Mother's Day.
Woodrow Wilson signed it into law,you know, proclamation, and it's
a great tradition. Father's don't wedon't get much. And Father's Day didn't
become Father's Day as we know ituntil nineteen seventy two when Richard Nixon signed
a proclamation. So we're kind ofan afterthought. I know. It's like

you want a hot dog or ahamburger, I'll make well, you know,
if you're going to think a littlebit more then I would say,
take dad to Dominis tomorrow. I'mtaking my father to dominic tomorrow. We're
gonna have a nice meal. We'llchat about, you know, like my
father's eighty three. Would you datea twenty four year old? Would you

do that? Would you would yoube like Bill Belichick and data twenty four
year old or thirty year old?Probably the answer we're all think it is
probably yes if we could. ButI don't think you would anyway. So
say hi to uh, say hito Charlie at Dominic's in the Bronx right
near Fordham University where I went toschool, Dominics on Arthur Avenue. All

right, so the CNN debate isset. This is set, it's coming
up. It is Joe Biden versusDonald Trump. Maybe another V in there,
maybe versus RFK Junior. So therules of the debate were set with
CNN, which is hosting this debate, not the Presidential Election Commission. So

they get to kind of set theirown rules with the campaigns. So they
finally formalize the debate and see itn we'll carry it and RFK can qualify.
Both campaigns said that he could qualifyto be on that stage. However,
he's got to have at least fifteenpercent in four separate national polls,

and he's got to qualify for theballot in enough states where in theory he
could win two hundred and seventy electoralcollege votes. Now, right now,
I think he's on six so andthose six add up to like eighty nine
electoral college votes. So unless hesecures ballot positions in so many more states

quickly, he's not going to beon the debate stage. I think it'd
be pretty interesting to have RFK Juniorthere because that would change the dynamics real
quickly. And right now he's kindof taken from both, but he's more
so taking from Trump a little bit, which you wouldn't think because he's such
a liberal Democrat. I mean,RFK Junior is a liberal Democrat. Don't

get him confused with what some ofthe things he's saying. There are a
couple issues that I think Republicans andconservatives can shake their head yes with on
RFK. Not so much the youknow, the stuff about vaccines in general,
but the vaccine mandates we went throughCOVID mandating, which he was against.

I think that's one thing. ButRFK Junior. I mean, he's
for reparations. He's he's way outthere on the left. And I battled
RFK Junior when I was Westchester Countyexecutive because we had Indian Point, the
nuclear power plant, which now hasclosed thanks to that buffoon who was Governor

Andrew Cuomo, who just snapped hisfinger and forced the closure of Indian Point,
of course, not caring about wherewe would get the energy that we
need, and so that's why you'reshocked when you open up your your electric
bill each month from Conet or wherever. But RFK Junior, I think would
be pretty interesting this whole Trump Bidendebate. If it's just those two,

it's gonna be they're gonna be sittingdown, there's gonna be no audience.
It'll be ninety minutes. It's Junetwenty seventh, so it's coming up in
just you know, less than twoweeks. It's gonna be in Atlanta.
Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, twoleftists, are going to be the moderators,

and it's gonna be the first,you know, person to person face
off between these two. Of course, Biden's is gonna scream, well,
I mean He's gonna try to getthe words out saying convicted felon. It's
probably gonna sound like liverpal which istypical of what Joe Biden sounds like these
days. So I think what's goingto be really important And you can see

this now in Donald Trump. DonaldTrump is really being careful about his demeanor.
He knows and he's been told thisever since he came down that escalator.
It worked for him the first time, but I think it was a
detriment to him while he was inoffice, and I think it cost him
to some extent the race in twentytwenty, along with really COVID. I

think COVID had a very detrimental effecton the perception of how he handled it,
where his press conferences I thought wereterrible, and he throw that into
a country that was so scared andconcerned, and Donald Trump was, you
know, just having fights with reportersand that none of that helped anyway,

now that he's been out and heknows he can win. Joe Biden.
I mean, did you see JoeBiden the other day in Pulia, Italy
for the G seven when he literallyjust like meandered, he walked away from
the other world leaders walked on hisown. I mean, it's frightening.
He could. If he kept walking, he would have walked into the Adriatic

Sea and he probably wouldn't have evenrealized it. And Georgia Maloney, the
Prime Minister of Italy, had tolike go get him, and she grabbed
him by like the elbow, likeno back here, Joe. I mean,
it's actually scary, and I bevery interested to see if Joe Biden

can handle himself for ninety minutes.They're not allowed notes. They're allowed a
pad and a pen that will beprovided for them, but they cannot bring
out notes. So you know,everyone keeps saying, oh, the State
of the Union. He was terrific. No, he wasn't. He was
on automatic pilot. He's reading ateleprompter. That's easy to do. It's

like, you know, how manytimes if you're driving and the same route
after you know, day after dayafter day you get home. Sometimes you
don't even remember the drive. You'rejust so used to it. That's Joe
Biden. Now, everything he does, you think about it. Everything he
does, it's just what he's donefor forty years. So when he salutes

at nobody when he salutes at somebodywho's not in the military or the police,
he's just like saluting because that's whathe used to do. When he
puts his hand out to shake somebody'shand and literally there's nobody there. It's
just what he remembered doing. It'sautomatic. And so the State of the
Union he was reading, that wasall teleprompter. He rehearsed it. He

had five days to rest beforehand.You can't he's not intelligible anymore. And
you know he's going back and forthnow traveling. He was in Europe for
the D Day celebration. He cameback, then he went back to Europe
to Italy for the G seven.Did you see the picture with him and
the Pope. He took the Pope'shead and like kissed it. It's like

the Pope was like a gad thoughof me, what is he thinking?
But that's the point. He's reallynot and I'm not making fun of him.
I'm really not. But look,age is a factor. I mean,
there's just that I'm fifty seven.I can't do things. I mean
I probably can, but not atthe same level as when I was twenty

five. And Joe Biden is certainlynot. He's not the same guy he
was. It's just part of aging. It's normal. But it's not normal
to have the nuclear codes. It'snot normal to run a country of three
hundred and forty million people and makedecisions, or be elected to make decisions
and not be able to make themand have others make them for you.

That's not our system of government here. So I want to see how he
does sitting down, no notes,ninety minutes and trying to answer all these
questions. Forget the stutter. He'salways stuttered. It's the gibberish that comes

out. It's the it's the memoryloss, and it's it's trying to coherently
talk about something. And he getsvery angry, and I think that's a
turn off too. He's not gonnabe able to wear his aviator glasses in
the debate, and the reason hewears those, it's not because of the
sun. It's because he's squinting.He doesn't know where he is. They're

trying to take away the befuddled.Look watch watch when he walks across the
lawn, you know, to goto Marine one. They literally surround him
now with people, so he's notshuffling or seen shuffling, or he doesn't
fall or doesn't wander. Is thathonestly what we want for the next four

years? I mean, that's he'snot capable, and nobody's going to stop
him other than his wife. Andshe's not gonna either, because she loves
the trappings of the presidency. Sheloves living in the White House, she
loves air Force once, she loveseverything about it. Who wouldn't I wouldn't
want to give it up either.But at some point someone's got to say,
there's a lot at steak here,and Donald Trump is just the opposite.

I mean, look at the guy. He gets punched, he falls
down, he gets right back up. Bio. I did notice this,
Bruce. I don't know if younoticed this too. Did you notice his
hair? Donald Trump's hair looks different, seriously, like he had the big
swoop going and it would go backlong and very orangey. I've noticed his
hair's changed a little bit. Ithink it's a little shorter. I don't

know if he's losing some of itwhatever, but he styled it a little
bit different. Notice it next timehe's on I bet you will notice it.
If you haven't already. I thinkit looks better. Actually, it
looks a little more normal. Imean, I know it's like, you
know, his thing, his hair, but I think it looks a little
less crazy. And I so maybethat's all part of the makeover. Donald

Trump being in Detroit right now ata roundtable with black leaders is the perfect
thing. I mean, this isso good. You know, when I
ran Westchester County executive in two thousandand nine, my first race, Westchester
is three to one Democrat. Itis deep blue. It is tough territory

for any Republican. And the timingwas right in O nine where Obama just
got in. There was that backlashagainst you know, against Democrats, Obamacare
or whatever. It was the righttime, but still, I mean,
this conservative Republican running in a deepblue county against an incumbent who had a
gazillion dollars not easy. But Idid what I professed I would do and

that other Republicans need to do tobuild a party that lasts and to win
elections, and that is campaign whereyou might be politically uncomfortable campaigning because you
don't perceive to be votes there.So I spent a hell of a lot
of time in Yonkers, not onthe north side of the Yonkers, on
the south side of Yonkers. Ispent a hell of a lot of time

in Malvernon overwhelmingly African American, overwhelminglyDemocrat, and we got thirty percent of
the vote in Malvernon, which,all right, you lost seventy to thirty.
Yeah, typical Republicans lose ninety toten. That's a huge difference.
And so when you're not gonna winin the far left enclaves like a Chappaquah,

where you know, very very liberalwhite people, you got to make
inroads somewhere else. And to me, I was more comfortable, by the
way, in a black church orin Hispanic neighborhood than I would be in
a far left white neighborhood where they'rejust crazy to me, where you know,
what's your pronown what. So Ithink what Donald Trump is doing is
so important, not just for himto get a lot, and if he

does, it's gonna be because ofthat. It's gonna be because he can
shrink the loss the amount that heloses by in a Detroit or in a
Philadelphia and win a Pennsylvania, wina Michigan. That's what he's gonna do
Milwaukee. Cut down your losses inMilwaukee, watch you win Wisconsin. And
that scares the hell out of theDemocrats because it's like they urinate on this

territory like you can't come here,this is mine. That's their indignant.
That's why Republicans should always be campaigningin these areas. There's no downside,
none, zero. And Trump realizesthat, and I hope so many other
Republicans follow suit and do that.That's how you build a lasting party.
So right now he's in Detroit andhe's gonna have a rally later. But

now he's having a roundtable with blackchurch leaders. And let me tell you
I found and I know it's true, many Blacks, many Hispanics, they
are very culturally conservative, leaving Godfamily, this is important to them.
And all this other nonsense like pickyour gender and transgenderism, and you know,

all this wokeness is like what DonaldTrump is speaking to them, like,
Okay, enough of this crap.It's all about getting jobs, keeping
jobs, being able to afford tolive where you want, safe neighborhoods.
That's what it's about. And I'mglad he's doing it. I know for
a fact, he's going to domore of it and that will only help

and build back the Republican Party.All right, A couple more things to
talk about when I come back,So before I do, just a reminder,
you can always listen to me onseven to ten wor dot com no
matter where you are live, andor on our app, the iHeart app
right download that on your phone ifyou don't have it right now. It's

easy to do and you can alwaysafter the show forward it to a friend
or listen to it or you knowyou can't catch it on Saturday, maybe
you're hanging out at the beach oror whatever, trying to pick up a
twenty four year old, you canalways listen, so make sure you do
download the app, and of coursethe podcast is available sometime a couple hours

after the show. They put thattogether and follow me. Follow me on
all social media Facebook, Twitter,which is x, Instagram, Truth Social,
get her all of them. It'sat rob Astino. I gotta step
aside. I will come back acouple more things to do. This is
a nice catch up show. Youknow, normally I have some guests here

and there, and I had alot of things like building up inside to
me and I got other stuff totalk about, and it was nice to
sprinkle in your calls too. Youcan always do that at what eight hundred
and three two one zero seven ten. But it was kind of like a
catch up day when it's good andmore to come. So don't go away,
stick with me. Rob Astrino Showon seven to ten wor it's the

rob Astorino Show on SEVENO. Thissong should be called more than a Girl
who would be more than a woman? As you heard us earlier in the
show talking about Bill Belichick at seventytwo years old dating a twenty four year
old. That's why we've had someof these songs to, you know,

consistent with the of the show.I'm rob Astarino here on seven to ten
woor here every Saturday at four pm. Maybe i should say four pm Eastern
time, because we do have listenersall around the world and they can participate
two and you can. By theway, you can instant message me.

I'm not as good as I shouldbe on social media getting back to people,
but I do read a lot ofstuff. So again, if you
don't participate in the show, butyou have a question, you can always
send me a little message on Xor Instagram, Insta as the kiddies call
it, and of course you canalways call me at one eight one hundred
and three two one zero seven ten. So I was talking about doctor Arthur

Perry. Apparently he's coming in alittle bit later on right he does his
show and he's I wish I werehere, but you know what happens.
It's like, you know, ifyou're at a party and you meet a
guy and you're like, oh,what do you do? Oh, I
do a radio show or I'm onTV. And then you're like, oh,
what are you doing? And they'relike, oh, I'm a dentist.
You know, they're looking at yourteeth. You know, the first

thing they're doing is they're looking atyour mouth, and then you you get
a little uncomfortable because you know,like, oh my god, I'm current
thing in to my teeth or thisone doctor Arthur Perry, like if he
were to come in here, Iknow he would be looking at my face
like I can I can help you. I know if I just lifted that
up a little bit, if Iyou know, did a little there,

maybe inject over there, I thinkyou'd look great. I know. That's
what he would say, I amgoing to talk to him. I think
I could. I think I couldbe a good patient for him. I
don't know. So a couple things. This is where we're at in this
country, San Francisco, and Iguarantee New York is going to do this
soon because if California does it,new York does it. They always want

to jump out that way. Thefirst two do blank. That was Cuomo.
Everything they did first in the nationevery time, it was that.
So they tried to outliberal each other. So San Francisco now, which if
you think gay, you think SanFrancisco. I mean, that's kind of
what they built their reputation on.San Francisco's got like a zillion problems.

I know people who worked in SanFrancisco live in San Francisco. I've been
there. I haven't been there ina while, but San Francisco to me
was one of the most beautiful cities. Just gorgeous, the hills, the
Bay, the history, Alcatraz,Quaite Tower, you go on. It's
just a gorgeous place that they haveruined. And I mean literally they're walking

over people, homeless people. There'scrap in the streets, human crap by
the way. There's just you know, homelessness is a major problem. They're
doing nothing about it. Ten citieseverywhere, needles everywhere. It's so dangerous.
It's just it's gross, and it'staken a hit because I know people

who now have moved out. Theydon't want anything to do with it anymore.
And it's so expensive too. Sowith all those things that they have
to think about and deal with,none of those are on the top of
the list for San Francisco. Becausethey jumped out. They wanted to make
sure because it's Pride Month, yep, they've got to make sure that San

Francisco becomes the first sanctuary city fortransgender people. Now you might say,
what the hell is the need?I mean, San Francisco is a haven
for gay and bisexual and transgender people. That flag flies every day, every

minute, and so of course thisis I love this quote. We have
seen an influx of refugees not justfrom other countries but from other states who
are seeking care and seeking sanctuary.San Francisco's director of the Office of Transgender
Initiatives, Honey Mahogany. Honey Mahoganyis the name of the person, but

they have an Office of Transgender Initiativesin San Francisco. So, in other
words, if you live in astate that has some common sense and is
saying no doctor, you are notable to rip off the testicles or the
breasts of an underage child, asyou call it, gender affirming care,

because that child, as immature asthat person is, thinks he or she
is a different gender and so wantsto make this drastic life changing surgery that
even doctor Perry probably couldn't fix you. You, and some states are doing
this finally coming to their senses.Now you can go, of course to

San Francisco, and it's a sanctuary, so they'll make sure they can do
these hideous operations. And then Isaw John Leguzimo Leguzamo, another buffoon in
the Hollywood industry. He's now urgingEmmy voters. You know, they got
the Emmy Awards right for TV.He's basically putting pressure on Emmy voters to

pick only non white candidates for BestActor, Best Actress, Best Film,
all those kinds of things, orBest TV Show. He took out a
full page ad in New York Times. Could you imagine just for one second,
let's just play along for one second. That a white actor takes out
an ad in the New York Timeswhich they would never publish. But let's

just say they said, to allthe Emmy Award winning voters or to the
Academy Awards, please only consider whitecandidates. What do you think the reaction
would be. Why aren't we havingthat same reaction when this buffoon says,
forget any white guy or white womanwho's a great actress or an actor who

might deserve an award. Let's justmake sure we pick somebody as long as
the only qualification is what color theyare. That's where we're at, all
right. I gotta get out ofhere because I got a train to catch
and tomorrow it is Father's Day.So Happy Father's Day to all the dads
out there. You matter so much. Don't let any buffoon tell you you

don't be part of your kid's life. And thank you to my dad for
all he's done. Happy Father's Day, everybody, Enjoy, Enjoy the rest
of the weekend, and be backwith me next weekend four pm. Right
here on the Rob Astrino Show onseven to ten wor they will tell you
a little so Kate to Black Bombsis coming to well This hour of programming

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