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June 23, 2024 50 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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This hour of programming on war issponsored by Black Mountain Capitol now former Westchester
County executive Rob Astondo On seven tenwo Hot Eat, Hot Ah. I

was just walking across town from myNEWSMAC show twenty minutes in this soup.
It was disgusting. I got hereand I had to find paper towels to
dry my back. It was disgusting. And it had a little sunshower before,
at least here in midtown, andit was like, I'm like,

oh, this is cooling it downhopefully when I go outside to walk,
and it didn't. You just seethe steam rising above the asphalt and on
the concrete and it just made itsoupier. It's just blahh anyway, but
this is like totally surprised to theGovernor Kathy Hokeel. We've according to her,

this is like this has never happenedbefore. We have never had hot
weather never. No, no,no, it's I mean, she's scratching
her head because it's got to beyou know what they always say. It's
like climate change, climate change,climate change, that's it's in their heads.
Anytime any weather event happens, it'sclimate change, climate change bad,

which, of course is why theytried to get the congestion pricing in climate
change. Climate change, blah blahblah. Wrong. They're using climate change
to to try to hoodwink everybody intogetting their policies in. So she had
this press conference the other day,and here's what Kathy Hochel, the governor
of New York said about impending hotweather for like a few days. Good

morning New Yorkers. As governor ofthis state and on the cusp of an
historic record setting heat wave, Iwanted to make sure you knew the preparations
were taking now because this is goingto be one for the ages when you
think about the fact that place isnormally very pleasant this time of year,
so that's what's coming, even asearly as Tuesdays. So I wanted everyone
to know how we're taking steps tomake sure everyone is safe. And this

takes an all of government approach.So I have my dream team on call.
People have been with us through blahblah blah blah. Okay, listen,
listen. She's got her dream teamall set to tackle what what what
are you gonna put like a bigthing over the sun so it doesn't reflect
onto New York. We've never hadeighty nine degree weather, ninety two degree

weather. It's never been hot andhumid in the summer in New York.
Come on, is this so stupid? It's hot. It's what we call
summer. I mean, I likeit when it's this humid, but that's
that's what it is. So don'tsit there and look us all in the
eye and tell us this is anunprecedented event. You know, it would

be unprecedented event if you actually hadan intelligent idea in your head. But
what would be an intelligent h anunprecedented event is if it were like one
hundred and twenty five degrees In NewYork. We've had miserable, hot,
humid summer days, and we willalways have miserable, hot, humid summer

days. That's called summer. Goodto be with you. Hey, I'm
Rob Astarino. Glad I got thatoff my chest here on seven to ten
wor the Voice of New York anda quick shout out to George from dan
Berry. Met him today, goodman, and he's listening for the first
time, So welcome aboard, andI'm welcoming you aboard. Thank you for

listening every Saturday, as you alwaysdo. Right here, and of course
you want to participate because it's yourshow too. One eight hundred three to
two one zero seven ten. Oneeight hundred three to two one zero seven
ten. Eric Trump is coming upin a little while, the President's son,
and I'm gonna obviously ask him abouthow Donald Trump the man is holding

up with this barrage against him,which is atypical to what a normal campaign.
I mean, the law, fair, the conviction, the debate is
coming up, everything I mean,I honestly don't know how how he does
it. But Eric Trump's going tojoin us in a little while, so
make sure you keep it right here. This might be a little controversy of

what I'm gonna say. So Iwas walking across town as they always do,
as I mentioned after my Newsmax show, I Get Off the Earth three
one to three, and by theway, today on my Newsmax show,
if any of you watched it,you were you hopefully heard me plug this
show wor I was able to slipthat in there a couple of times.

But I'm walking across town and Icome upon she had to have been I'm
gonna say about sixty maybe you know, give her take a few years,
could have been late fifties maybe earlysixties. About there a woman so many
tattoos on her She had tattoos onher legs, she had tattoos on her

hands, I mean her arms,And to me, it just struck me
as like, would you want totake that one back? If you could?
Do you really do you want tobe? Well, you're sixty now,
but I mean when you're like seventyfive, eighty or ninety, you
want to be walking around with thosedopey tattoos. And it got me to

thinking, I'd love to hear whatyou think about this. I mean,
maybe you got a tattoo a longtime ago you regret, or maybe you
just got one, or maybe you'retotally opposed to it, or maybe you're
like, shut that bleep up.It's it's up to me if I want
to get a tattoo, which ofcourse it is. But I'm wondering one
eight hundred and three two one zeroseven ten does it become inappropriate towards does

it look really stupid? I don'twant this to sound sexist, but generally
speaking, on men, maybe youcould get away with more of a tattoo
or tattoos than women. I justtry to think of women as being more
elegant, or at least growing olderas elegant. And I know, like

you know, when you're nineteen ortwenty four, you might have a drunk
night and all of a sudden you'reyou know, you're finding yourself in someone's
chair, getting a needle, youknow, one hundred times in your arm,
and all of a sudden there's inkall over and you got a tattoo.
But to me, it just Idon't, I don't know, it

just doesn't seem right now. Look, if you want to have a tattoo
and hide it, and there area lot of people, a lot of
women I know that have a smalltattoo somewhere or maybe one little one on
their forearm, okay, I meanthat, you know, some of that
actually can look nice, but it'snot like they've got like Satan's head on

their on their hand or or ontheir face, which I've seen, by
the way. But you know,some of these celebrities, they're all over
the place too, they've got they'vegot tattoos. I mean, Angelina Julie
comes to mind right away. There'splenty of Justin Bieber is gross now,
He's got tattoos everywhere everywhere, andwhat happens when you when you get wrinkly.

I mean, it goes all overthe place. But I'm just thinking
of some of it, like LadyGaga has them, Katie Perry has it,
Megan Fox, she's got a lotof them. Justin Timberlake has one.
Actually, justin Timberlake, I thinkis going to need to put a
new tattoo on three letters, D, A, W and an I what
else. I mean, it's plentyof different celebrities that have them, the

Beckham's and so I think it's alittle bit of fat ish. And then
of course it's on social media andthe kids kids get pretty influenced, so
they go out and get a tattoo. I would not want my kids to
get a tattoo. I mean wekind of told them no when they were
growing up. Nobody had really asked, but we were like, you're not
going to get one. Now ofcourse they're older and if they want to

get a tattoo, well, myson's going to be twenty one. He's
in the Air Force, so youknow, if he wants one, he's
gonna get one. My daughter isnineteen. She doesn't want one, but
if she did, she would,And my other one is fourteen, she
has no desire, so I don'tthink any of my kids are gonna get
well, my wife doesn't have one, doesn't want one, and I would

never get it. So that's kindof me. But I'm wondering if you
like, if you kind of sharethe same the same point of view as
I do. Like it. Tome, it's just kind of it's getting
to the point where it's I've seentoo many people with too many tattoos.
Instead of a singular one, They'vegot them all over, and I just

think at some point you're going tolook back like, what did they do?
You know? Are you going throughyour whole life looking in the mirror
saying, nah, I'm glad Igot them all and they're not easy to
take off. They're painful. Andthen of course my favorite, like,
you know, you put the loveof your life, or at least the
love of that night on your forearm, and all of a sudden that doesn't

last, but she's on forever.I don't know. I was just kind
of thinking of that as I waswalking over today, saying, hmm,
I don't know, I don't itdoesn't. It doesn't fit me, but
maybe it fit you. Something tothink about if you want. There was
another thing I saw. This reallyannoys me. So there's a school district

in New Jersey and it's Wayne TownshipPublic Schools. And there was a teacher
at Skuyler Colfax Middle School. Soa teacher put on a test on a
quiz she put a question about aterrorist organization, which is ISIS. The

answer was, isis a terrorist organization? Can we I mean most of us
could probably sit there and say nothingcontroversial there ISIS is a terrorist organization.
It's deemed so by our US government, even under the by deministration. It
killed three US soldiers in Jordan earlierthis year, injured forty. Remember that
attack on a US base in Jordanunprovoked a drone attack. So I don't

think there's a lot of controversy bysaying that ISIS is a terrorist organization,
and yet here we are. Sothere was this New Jersey school district I
just mentioned, right, So ateacher puts this on the test, and
then of course you can write outthe rest of the sentence. What happens.
M offended you who called Muslims terrorists. No, that's not what was

on the test. Specifically, ISISis a terrorist organization, not all Muslims,
not Muslims. ISIS now ISIS happensto be comprised of Muslims, but
so to our other terrorist organizations.But the point is, and this just

flip me out. The New Jerseyschool superintendent there right sends out a whole
letter just apologizing to everybody because thiswas offensive. So this group this what's
the name of this group teaching whileMuslim There you go right off the bat,

probably, but this group put out, of course on social media,
how offended they were at the organization, and they wanted a retraction, they
wanted an apology, and of coursethis spineless, gutless superintendent does so,
he does so, and of courseit's the same old typical nonsense that they

put out. Right first, Isincerely apologize on behalf of the school district.
Such incidents are unacceptable and do notreflect the standards we uphold for our
educational community. We understand the deepconcern and disappointment this has caused among students,

parents, and the broader community.It is also important to recognize that
one question does not define our entireschool community, and there was quote going
to be an investigation about the testquestion, how it was derived? What's
the superintendents? What's his name?Uh? I gotta find it here.

I wrote it down somewhere, ButI want to I want to call him
out because he is a gutless orshe is a completely and utterly gutless quote
leader for putting out a statement likethat. How about teaching kids what actually
isis is death to America? Isisis an organization that cares not a whot

about anyone's life, could care less, no rights. All these not knows
kids probably that we're protesting or shoutingout or offended. Yeah, go dress
up the way you're dressing up now, go to your LGBT coop club after
school and try to do that inwhere isis is where they control the territories.
Good luck with that. And soinstead, why didn't this dope be

superintendent of schools just say you knowwhat isis is. You may not like
the question, but we are teachingour kids right and wrong. We are
teaching our kids who doesn't like Americaand who doesn't like innocent human lives?
Isis? Isis? And yet thisimbecile school superintendent. This is why our

school system is completely and utterly bankruptall over the place because they yield to
these phony agitators. They should havejust been told, thank you for your
letter, we appreciate it, butwe're standing by the teacher on this one.
What did she say that was incorrect? Factually she's correct. Our own
government lists ISIS as a terror organization, So don't go making up excuses.

This is like we're losing hope becauseif this is, if this is acceptable
to apologize for every friggin thing thathurts everyone's freaking feelings, you gotta be
kidding me. Are we apologizing toal Qaeda? I'm sure there's there's somebody
out here that likes al Qaeda.So sorry, if I'm offending you,
Let me just get that out ofthe way right now. On behalf of

all of iHeart, all of wreverybody that ever knew me. I'm so
sorry. I'm so sorry if Ioffended you. If you like isis one
in hundred three to two one zeroseven ten, one in hundred three to
two, one zero seven ten,you could chime in here. I'll take
your calls next. Don't go away, Rob Astino Show, Rolling Along Here
on seven ten WR. Rob Astnoon seven ten WR Mark Toback. Mark

Toback, he is the superintendent ofschools in Wayne Township Public Schools. I
hope he's listening, or I hopesomebody tells him about this, Mark Toback.
I hope. I hope you geta spine somewhere for apologizing for offending?

Isis is really what you're doing?Forget that they're Muslims who are complaining.
Okay, just stop it, Okay, just total stupidity. Two one
zero seven ten. A lot ofdifferent callers, I think, on a
lot of different stop subjects, andI'm kind of in one of those moods
today, so we'll just we'll justroll with it. Let's go with Bob
in Freehold, New Jersey. You'refirst on seven ten w R The rob

Astorino Show. Hi, Bob uh, Hi can you hear me? Now?
Can you hear me? I canhear you? Gad uh. Regarding
the tattoos, I know that fromthe American Red Cross, if you get
tattoos, you can't donate blood,and donating blood is a you know,
pretty important, uh, community servicethat should be encouraged as the number of

donors is you know, goes down, and with all these influences and uh,
you know, media people getting tattooedand influencing young people to get tattoos.
Where we're going to be in thefuture, everybody has tattoos, they
may not be able to get blood. I think it's a I think it's
a disservice and they're probably not awareof it, but it's it happens,
and I think it should be,uh, should be discouraged. That's my

comments. Bob, thank you forthe call. I didn't know that,
so that's good information. Bob onehundred and three two one zero seven ten
rob Astarino Show. Let's go toAndrew in Stanhope. How are you,
Andrew? Yes. The way theyshould have handled it with ISIS is they
point they should have pointed out thatother Muslims are the victims of ISIS and

terrorists. Just like in Chicago whenthere's black gangs, other black people are
the victims of the black gangs.So like you and I are Italian,
when there was organized crime in theneighborhood in Brooklyn, shaking down store owners
for protection, money or whatever,we were the victims of the criminals.
So they should point out not theop only that most Muslims are not terrorists,

but Isis are jihadis Muslims, andthey target other Muslims. They probably
hate the regularly, you know,the moderate Muslims, more than they hate
the Jews. You know, That'show they should have explained it. Yeah.
No, that's a good point.And it was a teaching moment and
they failed. Okay, this Superintendentof Schools, Mark Tobeck failed. We

just got to stop bowing down toa few loudmounts. What was said was
correct, what was written was correct. Don't go and cover it up.
I mean, stop it. It'sjust it's so, it's so stupid.
One hundred and three to two,one zero seven to ten. Here on
seven ten wo r Let us goto Long Island. Hi, Michael from

Oyster Bay. How are you hey? Good? First of all I want
to say is, how could youcriticize Hochel hasn't been this hot since last
summer? Yeah? What I complainedabout that exactly? The other thing I
wanted to say that, as faras the Isis thing in New Jersey,
many kids from here, many menand women, got seduced into joining ISIS,
and they left in the game ofthe citizenship. Some of them fought

and died, some of them beggedto come back and become citizens. And
that's by lack of understanding what thatisis group is I said, you know,
it's not only a terrorist group.I mean, it beheads people.
It's a horrific organization. To tryto protect them and apologize it's just ridiculous,
of course it is. Of course, thanks so much for the call.
I appreciate it. One one hundredand three two one zero seventy ten.

John in Valhalla in Westchester, HiJohn, Hi, Rob John here
from Westchester. Hey, I justwant to weigh in a little bit on
some of the things that are goingon in the Catholic Church. And some
of it I think has to dowith the policies of a hierarchy, which
is they're really not paying attention tothe rank and file, so to speak,

the churchgoers, the contributors. Catholiccharity seems to be taking in a
ton of money, yet every church, every parochial school is struggling. On
top of that, they wither awayat the college level. When it comes
to anti Semitism, abortion, Abunch of topics. I wonder you know,

John, you gotta I get thetheme of your question. I'll answer,
but you also got to turn yourradio down. Anybody calling in,
you got to turn your radio downbecause the delay and you'll hear it in
the background. But don thank youfor the call. Call anytime here every
Saturday afternoon at for one three,two, one zero seven ten. Look,
the Catholic Church is having its ownproblems clearly. I mean there are

closing schools. There was an archbishop, the Gano who this week was dragged
to a trial at the Vatican bythe way, because I mean, this
is like you're really going after theboss on this one. But he basically
called Pope Francis like satanic and said, you know, he does not agree

with the direction he's taking the church, and so he could be las sized,
he could be defrocked, this archbishop. And that's you know, no
criticism of the pope. Anyway.Let's go to Nick one. Where's Nick
from? You want to talk yourjersey? Nick? You want to talk
about tattoos? Go ahead, goodNick, They're gonna win. T HI.

How you doing, Rob Good?I love your show, listen to
you every week. Thank you tattoos. When I was growing up, I'm
probably about the same atri I wasgoing. The only people had tattoos were
truck drivers and people in the military. Yeah, I think it's awful on
women. It's like, like yousaid, they got a small tattoo,
one or two, that's fine,but I don't like when they look like

the Sunday Funnies. You know whatI'm saying. That's true. Yeah,
no, Nick, thank you forthe phone call. Yeah, I just
think at some point you're probably gonnaregret that you got all that. I
mean, that's just my guest,but I don't know. Uh, let
us go to Brooklyn and Patricia.You're on the Rob Astromino Show on seven
to ten wo or high. Patricia, thank you. With all this nonsense

with these so cool protesters, Uh, I kind of think they're not protesters.
When you destroy public property, whenyou fighten people, you take over
subway cars, do you do allthis kind of crazy stuff, You're not
a protester. You are backing somethingthat is so evil it's scary. And

what I really want to say toyou. Our district attorney here in New
York is more frightening because he letssomeone will go. They all skated what
one I think one or two wouldcharge like nonsense, stupid things. It's
almost like, hey, it's literallythis is scary. Yeah, Patricia,

thank you for the call. Onehundred and three two one zero seven ten.
Alvin Briggs. She was talking aboutletting off all these protesters, all
the ones at Columbia that did allthe damage, and he's not charging any
of them because obviously Donald Trump isthe most threatening human being ever. And

did you see Governor Cuomo by theway, I mean, this guy's really
trying to make himself out to someonethat he's not. It's like Cuomo two
oh, actually three point zero.He's gone through so many iterations. But
now he's saying that on the Trumpconviction. If Donald Trump wasn't running,
that case never would have been brought. Kudos for Cuomo for saying that.

But let me just say ask yousomething, Andrew, would you have said
that if you were still governor?No, you wouldn't know. But now
that you're under fire and maybe lookingto run for mayor, he makes that
kind of statement, which is true. By the way, that's that's absolutely
correct. And Eric Trump, donaldTrump's son, will be joining us in
about ten minutes, so make sureyou keep it right here on seven ten

wo r one eight hundred three twoone zero seven ten one eight hundred three
two one zero seven ten. Hello, Sandra, how are you? Oh?
I'm good. I want you toknow that I enjoyed your show last
night on news Max, and Ihope you get that eight o'clock slot every
night. But I want you tostay on topic and talk about tattoos and

the weather. I was thinking ofthat song Hot Town Summer in the City
after you was speaking about the weather, and I love that we have four
seasons to enjoy the hot weather,the cooler weather, the freezing weather.
How lucky we are to have allthese different fabulous clothes to wear and wear
sun dresses and ski hats and allthat good stuff. And as far as

tattoos go, well, time willtell how people feel about them. I
myself rather you paint on an easeland put your beautiful ideas on an easel,
because I believe anything you can reversedon't do. But some people love
them, and time will tell ifthey have regrets as their life continues.

So that's what I wanted to say, all right, Sandra, I appreciate
the phone call. Thank you,and thank you for the kind words I
hosted. I filled in last nighton the eight o'clock show on Newsmax.
I did a couple shows this weekat four o'clock Salceado Show, and of
course today my show on Saturdays fromone to three. So it's it's been
busy, but it's been fun andI love doing this. And we're here

every Saturday, and I can seemore and more people putting in their calendar,
more and more people are talking andposting, and that's how we build
up a massive audience and I appreciate. I mean, we're building like crazy
here, So thank you so verymuch. By the way, I intend
to call my new best friend,doctor Arthur Perry, because last week I

was talking about, you know,my face and being on TV. Everyone
you know, everyone looks at youand you get these little crow's feet now
every now and then as we're growingolder and blah blah blah, and and
so you know, he was verynice. He sent me an email afterwards,
and I've never met him. Hedoes the show at six o'clock at
night, which is just an hourafter I do mine, but I leave

here literally when that clock strikes fiveo'clock. I'm probably already on the elevator
because it's been a long day.And as I mentioned, I try to
catch a train. But when Iget home, when I get off the
train, usually like around six twentyish, I go in my car and

w O. R's set and DoctorPerry is on, and I like his
show, and so I think tonightI'm gonna try to call when I get
off that train, probably like sixtwenty six, twenty five, I'm gonna
call. I'm gonna call Doctor Perrytonight. I am. I'm gonna.
I got some questions that I wantto ask him. So I'm gonna hopefully
I can get ahead of the othercallers. No, what you're doing that

show? Right? Yeah? Okay, please put me ahead if I call
up. Put me on with DoctorPerry. All right, one hundred and
three two one zero seven to ten. Eric Trump coming up in just a
little bit, so it don't goaway. Maria from Tarrytown in Westchester.
Hi, Maria, Hi, Bob, how you doing. I'm good.
So I just want to know whenis there going to be justice on this

earth, whether right people are puton trial for what they've done versus these
make it made up accusations. Itis so tiring. No, it's it's
to hear this. It's beyond tiring. It's it's dangerous. There's no question
it's dangerous. What's going on rightnow in this country with the Justice Department,

with prosecutors like Alvin Bragg, theAttorney General of New York, this
is this is scary stuff. Imean, it's it's meant to be intimidating,
that's why they do it. Butit's it's meant to make sure that
you stay in line. And it'sit's frightening and it's dangerous, it really

is, because this is our systemis supposed to be blind. Lady Justice
is she's not supposed to peek out. She's not supposed to be able to
see who's coming in front of her. She's not, and she is right
now she's picking and choosing who's guilty, who's going to be targeted. That's

just what's happening right now. Andone of the things I want to ask
Eric Trump in a moment is,you know, did he think his dad
was going to be convicted? Diddid Donald Trump think in the days before,
you know, when the jury wasmeeting, did he think that he
was going to be convicted or didhe think it was going to be a
hung jury or quitted And I'd liketo know what he thought about that.

And of course the debate is comingup a couple let me give you a
couple of things before we take aquick break here on the debate. So
it's coming up this Thursday night onCNN in studio. They are standing now,
Biden want this is the only thingBiden lost when he was negotiating,
because he wanted both Trump and himselfto be able to sit. Of course,

it's a lot easier to sit forninety minutes than it is to stand
for ninety minutes. But Trump wonthat one, and that's about the only
thing he won because everything else wasgiven to Joe Biden to make this night
happen. So they'll have two separatepodiums obviously, Dana Bash and Jake Tapper.
You can't get any further left onCNN, And they're going to be

the moderators. I don't think they'regonna be overtly liberal. I think they're
gonna try to show some semblance ofdown the middle. But here's where they
sneak it in it's in the followup questions. It's what they allow someone
to get away with. That's what'sgonna happen. So we'll find out from
Eric Trump in just a moment.Stick around, rob As do Reno here

on seven to ten WRR for sinceso, rob As do Reno show.
Okay, for so long we've beenwaiting for for Eric Trump, and here
he is. All right, itis thirty nine minutes past the hour,
rob Astorino here on seven ten woR and Eric Trump joins us right now,

of course, the executive vice presidentof the Trump Organization and the son
of the former and hopefully future presidentDonald Trump. Eric, good to have
you, man, how are you. It's great to be at rob So
we're in a crazy ass world.And when Andrew Cuomo sits there and says,
if your father wasn't running, thiscase never would have been brought.

Everything's upside down. I guess youknow, Robot, I mean, and
I applaud him for actually having thecourage to do that. I go across
the lines to say this whole thingwas a sham. But you know,
as a son, I sat thereevery single day and you know, you
watch you judge, and you know, the judge has a daughter that's reportedly
making millions of dollars off of youknow, effectively, you know, email
campaigns are persecuting you know, DonaldTrump, and she's a Democratic fundraiser,
and it should not be happening.It just should not be happening. But

I was sitting there in the courtroomand it was you know, kind of
finalment day, and Alvin Bragg wassitting there, you know, across from
me, and at the exact samemoment, there was a crazy person in
the middle of Times Square with machetehacking the hell out of people in a
McDonald's. And I'm just shaking myhead, right, I mean, he's
going after a former forty fifth presidentof the United State. It's for one
hundred and thirty thousand dollars from eightyears ago, something that was totally legal,

didn't break any laws prosecuting him forthat, while you know, people
are being you know, hacked tohell and in Times Square, and that's
the priorities of the left right now. And it's why New York is going
down the tubes. That's why somany people have fled the state. And
it's horrible. I mean, Ilove the state I grew up in the
state. It's a it's a spectacularplace. There's there's no place better in
so many regards, and you know, people are you know, it's it's,

you know, these these worthless politicianswho are all funded by Soros and
others. It's, you know,they don't care about actually fixing the problems.
They care about going after political opponentsand weaponizing the hell out of the
system. And it's got to stop. It just it has to stop.
It's destroying this country, it reallyis. So I'm interested in how your
dad was was feeling and thinking priorto the jury coming out with its decisions.

So in a couple of days wherethe jury was, you know,
deliberating, did he think that hewould have been Did he think he was
going to be acquitted, or thatit was going to be a hung jury,
or that it was kind of likethis is how the book is written
by the left, and it's goingto end this way. I'm going to
be convicted. Yeah, probably alittle bit of a probably a little bit

both. And then I think,you know, all of us realized the
case was a sham and a differentthing. Cuomo just said the case was
a sham, it should have neverbeen brought. I mean they dropped the
case five different times, and theygot immense pressure to bring it. And
you know, but when you sitthere and you look at the judge,
and you know the judge, everysingle time you object to something, he
overrulls you. Every single time theother side objects to something, he sustains
or objection. You wouldn't let ourwitnesses speak. He wouldn't let anything.

You know, he's got this conflict, he's got this this daughter. It's
I mean they wouldn't even tell,you know, my father what they were
charging him with until effectively closing arguments. I mean that in itself is unconstitutional,
and this whole things could get overturned. I mean there's just no question
about it. But the thirty fourfelony counts, I mean it give me
a break, Like, hey,it's it's crazy, no one, no
one buys it. As women arethrown in front of trains in New York.

As you know, there's a littlekid that was recently shot in Times
Square. I mean I can godown the list. We see it all
the time. I Mean, thecity's going to hell, and this is
what they're focused on. It doesn't. It just doesn't make any sense.
It defies logic, and that's whyall of America understands that. But what
I'll tell you is, in effectively, the you know, week after the
conviction, we raised three hundred amillion dollars, three hundred a million dollars

because the country is upset, thecountry is pissed off, and they realize
exactly what's what's happening. And sowe're probably a little bit both. I
mean, we shouldn't have been therein the first place. But at the
same time, I think, youknow, if you sat front row,
you would you would certainly understand howthe deck was stacked against us. Yeah,
I know, there's no question aboutit. And by the way,
I am not one hundred percent convincedthat this is going to be overturned.

It should, I mean one percentit should be, but look, the
Court of Appeals in New York stackedwith leftists other than one Republican on that,
and they just didn't think there wasany constitutional issues to your dad having
a gag order still being gagged bythe way, after the conviction and after
the trial, and and so Ihope to god they do overturn it.

But it'll probably be moot at thatpoint anyway, because they got what they
wanted. They got a conviction beforethe election. That that's what this whole
thing I all they care about it. They want to drag him through every
single courthouse in the yeah, three, they want him to be sitting there.
They want to embarrass him. Theywant to, you know, try
and bankrupt him, right like that. That's their playbook, that's and and
you know, and they've they've triedto do it. At the same time,
they found themselves. I mean,look at the sham case in Georgia

and look where that is right now. I Mean, they dug so deep
that they ultimately found themselves. Andbut you know, he's up in every
single swing state. He's up inthe polls. Rass Music just came out
with the poll where he's he's leadingBiden by major numbers. Yep, he's
up in every single swing stated.I mean the election was today, I
mean, he'd be the there's noquestion about it. And he would do
so by a very wide margin.And so if they can't, you know,

win on their own, you know, they will do these things,
right. They again, they wantto affect his his reputation. They want
to keep him off the campaign trail, they want to gag him, they
want to keep him silent. Andagain, we're so much better than this
as a country, and no onebelieves what's going on. And I actually
think, you know, there isa lot of unintended consequences in this universe,

and I really believe the unintended consequencesof their actions, which everybody looks
through, will be ultimately electing himas the next president. Yeah. No,
I think you're one hundred percent righton that one. I hear for
this from so many people, likehow does this guy do it? They
just keep firing missiles at him eversince he came down the escalator. Totally
unfair what they do. I mean, some criticism clearly is fair, but

a lot of it is just personalattacks, a hatred and just take him
down any way possible. When hecomes home, when the MAGA hat comes
off, the suit comes off off, and the rallies over with what does
he do to just kind of unwind? Listen, I'm probably the person in
the world that knows the best.He's not the type of guy who unlines.

I mean literally as we're speaking rightnow. You know, the plane
just land in Philadelphia and he's going, you know, into center City Philadelphia
to give a major rally a night. I mean, the guy is incredibly
corageous, he's bold, he workshis butt off, and listen, I've
told you this a thousand times.You and I have known each other for
a long time. I mean,the guy's the hardest work guy I've ever
seen in my life. I mean, he's up at five o'clock in the

morning and he does not stop.He goes all day till all hours at
night, and he you know,he does it over and over and over
again. And you know, theguy's remarkable. But in a certain way,
you don't have a choice. Youhave to fight. It's not pleasant.
At the same time, there's certainpeople who kind of feed off of
that kind of energy. They feedoff of, you know, the battle.
They feed off of that fight,and you know, and oftentimes you

know they're they're able to you know, turn that into you know, some
kind of positive energy. And he'sliterally been able to do that all this
time. And I'm mean, I'vebeen subpoena a one hundred and ten times.
Rob, I haven't done a dannthing wrong in my life. Right.
I mean I had never gotten somuch as a traffic ticket, you
know, when I was obviously beforepolitics, before he went down that escalator.
And then every single Congressional committee,every single Senator, every congress person,

they all start subpointing me. Everydistrict attorney in New York and attorney
general. And you know that's theway they played the game. So it's
you know, how do you doit? You know, unfortunately I'm not
sure if you have a choice.I can't exactly you know, just sit
there and say, you know,guys, stop, I mean, if
you ever pulled out the race,it would it would all stop instantly,
because again that's the legal you know, lawfare that they play. But you
know, I think as a family, you know, the harder they hte

us, you know, the morewe want to fight back. And I
tend to think that the you know, the harder you fight back, especially
when you're right, when you're righton the issues, when you're right on
the policies, when you know,you see states that are in just a
a you know, a downward spiral. You know, this country's getting it,
this country right, missus Donald Trump, I mean the world is an
absolute chaos or economies and shambles.It's it's clearly teetering out. It's clearly

at the top right now. AndI think we're gonna have real problems.
And you know, I mean,look at all the social problems that we
have in this country right now.And you know local China is doing around
the world, and look what's happeningin Russian Ukraine, and look what's happening
in the Middle East, and lookwhat's happening our greatest ally Israel. And
you know, I could go onand on, but you know, we've
got some real problems and those problemsneed to be fixed, and they need
to be fixed now. Look what'shappening on the southern border. And but

how many kids are dying of fentanyl? I mean every single day, I
think I have five friends now wehave lost children due to fentanyl in this
in this country, and we havean administration that doesn't do a damn thing
about it because they're incompetent. Anduh, you know, we've we've got
to get somebody back in there.We've got to get somebody who's gonna be
on PC and actually fight for thiscountry because this administration, you know,

they're incompetent, but they're also notfighting. They're competent. Yeah, they
are incompetent, but they're also dangerous. Eric Trump is with me here on
the Rob Astrino Show on seven toten wo R. I love what he
is doing. I love that hewent to the Bronx. I love that
he went to Detroit. I lovethat he's going to inner city Philadelphia today.
I love it because the Democrats gobonkers. They go, but they

think they urinate in inner cities andnobody can come near them like a cat.
You know that that's their territory.And this is wonderful because he is
reaching out, showing up, andthat's how he's going to win this race.
That's how he's going to win thesethese battleground states because he's going to
bite into that lead that they normallyhave in these cities. And he's talking
to people that Republicans don't ordinarily talkto. So I'm so happy he's doing

this, and I know he's goingto keep this up right. Well,
it's also the New States of theRepublican Party. We're doing exactly this.
And you know, you look atAfrican American support, and I mean especially
after these these sham convictions. It'scertainly one of those things that the left
didn't intend. But you know,you have a whole segment of society saying,
you know, the government has donethis to us for literally decades and

decades and decades, like like,I'm sympathetic to a man because we've seen
this in our own communities where theytargeted us and they went after us,
and they did so unfairly and somany, you know, in so many
instances. And look at the youknow, Hispanic support right now, it's
off the charts and you know,almost most significant. Look at the youth
support in this country. I mean, you know that was a demographic that
Biden had by eighty percent now andwe're winning it right now. So you

know, it's just it's it's turned. And you know, there's no question
you went from an unbelievable president andyou know, maybe there are people out
there that don't like, you know, kind of harsh tone and you know,
being a little bit you know,un pc and a little unscripted,
and you know, all of asudden, this guy comes in and the
whole world falls apart. I mean, we didn't lose a single serviceman.
You know, man or a womanin Afghanistan the last eighteen months that my

father was president, and you know, he sees out for three weeks and
all of a sudden, you seehow embarrassing, you know, the withdrawal
from Afghanistan was the whole countries andshambles, Iran shooting missiles at Israel.
The whole Middle East is a hornetsnest again. I mean, there's none
of that. There were no wars, there's peace. Our commune is great.
We're teriffing China. We're you know, making a fortune from doing so
manufacturing was coming back with the lowestunemployment ever. I mean, people can't

even buy a home right now becausemortgage rates are so we are so tough,
and you know, it's so high, and it's just it's horrible with
happening and it has to stop.And we've got to get our country back,
we have to get our economy back, and you know, we just
need to bring you know, freakingcommon sense back to the world. There's
there's there's nothing that we're doing rightnow that that even remotely aligns with with

common sense. I mean, everythingwe're doing is so backward. We're you
know, we're we're spending more timefocused on whether or not six foot five
males my you know, guys myheight can swim in you know, collegiate
women's sports than we are, youknow, making sure that you know,
China doesn't become the next superpower.I mean, we've got real issues and
we better take care of them.Oh, by the way, I apologize,
Eric, I forgot to ask youyour pronoun at the beginning. Yeah,

I'm sorry I didn't answer that.Work. Let's talk about the debate.
So Thursday night, this is abig night, obviously, and the
rules were set by the campaigns.Biden got basically what he wanted. There's
going to be a mic cutoff afterthe alloted time. You got two very
liberal CNN moderators, no audience.They're standing, which I think Biden wanted

to sit. So that's good.Let's see if he makes it ninety minutes.
But what I'm concerned about is thebar has been set so low for
Joe Biden that, you know,absence something really major, the media is
just gonna say he won. Here'sthe one thing I don't I don't think
it really matters is what is saidthat night. So much as people are

ready, right, now to giveyour dad another chance because things are so
efft up in this country, noquestion about that. And I think what
they're looking at, especially a lotof women and everything they're looking at,
how is he going to come acrossquote, how is he going to behave
you know, those kind of issues. And to me, if he doesn't
take the bait, if he doesn'treally get angry or personal and is able

to kind of just say, youknow, with his own hand, like
just shut up in his mind andanswer the questions and show empathy for all
the people, all the reasons youjust talked about, people are hurting.
I think if he does that andpeople are like, you know what,
I may not have liked him somuch last time, but I'm gonna give
him this guy another shot. Doyou think that's true or you think it's

going to come down to issues?No? No, I think I think
that's absolutely true in so many regards. But I guess there's a couple of
things there. I mean, firstof all, he's gonna be debating three
people. No, we've seen thisbefore, and Rob and the guy I
went to every single I've got toevery single debate that you know he's ever
been in and I've sat there frontrow for every single one of them,
and time after time, I wasalways sitting there saying, Okay, this

is the presidential debate, that thenetworks have to be fair, the questions
have to be balanced, they haveto be as vicious toward one side as
they are toward the other. Andevery single time you'd see the soft balls
go one way and you see justthese nasty right, and so he's gonna
be battling three people. It's justthe way the system works in the CNN.
You're obviously no fans of his orany of ours, and and so
they're going to be doing that.And I just encourage people to watch that.

Just just watch the balance of what'sgoing to happen, because every single
one of these debates I've gone to, I think there's no what nine at
this point or tenanties this point,every single one has has gone that way.
I think you're right. At thesame time, I always point out
to people, you know, sometimesthe reason that Donald Trump was so effective
as comander in chief was the factthat he was willing to fight for this
country, right, And you know, it's sometimes hard to take the fighter

out of the fighter. And youknow, I don't I don't think you
want to take the fighter out ofthe fighter. Why was Tyson the best
boxer of all time? Because hewas just you know, in principle,
he was a fighter. And that'swhat this country needs. I mean,
we have so many issues that arejust storing this country right now, and
you better have somebody in there that'swilling to go out and and and fight
for you know, what's right,fight for this nation, put this country

first, you know. And that'swhat he did, and that's why he's
you know, frankly, he didsuch a damn good job. And and
so you know, listen, he'sgot that in his personality. And you
know, if that offends people,you know, I'm not really sure what
to say, but you know,we really do as a country need a
fighter right now. And in theworst possible ways, we're just we're goingst
I want to tell you a quickstory because and I mentioned this to your

wife. She was on I thinktwo months ago here. So my mom
back in two thousand and sixteen lovesDonald Trump still does. She wanted to
write a letter to him and getit to him. So she asked me,
how do I get it to him. So I called Rona. I
called in your office and say canI drop something off? So she said
yes. That was in August orSeptember of sixteen. Fast forward to election

night. Lou Renaldi, who youand I both know very well. We
were down at the hotel watching thereturns, praying that he wins. Three
in the morning, the win,right, he goes on the stage.
Then he comes down, as youremember, he comes down to the floor
and the rope line and Lou Renaldand I happened to be up front.
So he walks towards us, sayshi to me, and I said,

you know, I can't believe thatthis is the last time I can call
you Donald. Congratulations, mister presidentelect. And he's like, yeah,
this is great, unbelievable. Right, walks by, and then he stops.
He literally walks past. He says, hider, lou walks past,
Louke stops, turns around, comesback to me and says, Rob,
tell your mom what beautiful letters shewrote to me. Now, I mean,

think about that moment for a secondof what he just accomplished. And
he had the memory and the foresightand the personality and the touch to say
something like that. And I saythat because I want everybody to realize that
the monster that the MSNBC's make himout to be is not who he is.
And millions of people will back meup if you've met him. But

tell me one life story about yourdad being a dad. You know that
portrays a different side to him.Well, Rob, the greatest guy in
the world. I mean, Iwouldn't be out there, I wouldn't stand
on the stage frankly if he wasn't. He's a remarkable person. He's a
markable person as a father to me, he did an incredible job raising you

know, five kids. Just youknow, look at the contrast on the
other side where you won. He'sa total lunatic, right and you know
you have none of that on thisside. He's been an unbelievable father.
The greatest guy in the world.I'll give you actually parallel story a person
who knows Luerinaldi very well. Butmy father hadn't seen him in five or
six years, but his wife wasbattling really bad Alzheimer's and he saw him

for the first time and it's literallybeen five six years since he last saw
him. And literally, Hi,John, how are you stopped. It
was the same thing kind of turnedaround. He goes, you know,
how's how's your wife? How's Janet? And and John's very good friend of
mine. And literally I just sawtears, you know, well up in
his eyes. He just couldn't believethat, you know, a guy with
as much on his plate, youknow, you know, remember to ask

about, you know, a wife. And this isn't even person who he
knew all that well, it's justyou know, he's he's a remarkable human
being. He has a remarkable capacity. He has incredible compassion, and frankly,
it's you know, the compassion isone of the reasons he does this.
You know, Donald Trump does notneed this shob You know, Donald
Trump could be living a far betterlife, not living in you know,
courthouses in New York being criminally prospersuteit over nothing, people trying to take

him off the ballot, right like, he could be living down tomorrow,
Loger, he could be flying aroundon his plane, he could be playing
golf, he could be doing youknow, it's the epitome of the American
dream that, you know, everythingthat he's achieved, he does not need
to be doing this again. Andhe could have sailed into the sunset,
and you know it's it's he's youknow, he's he's obviously trying to do
something great for the for the country. He's trying to you know, you

know, make America great again.He's trying to put America first. And
you know, it takes an incrediblycompassionate person a certain way to do that.
I think it would be you know, it'd be very easy to be
selfish and not care and not runand not try and fix the issues.
Frankly, it'd be a lot easierto do that than what he's doing.
Real quick. So I think hishair is a little different today. It's

I mean, his hairstyle is histrademark. Did he change it a little
bit? Robbie, He hasn't changeda hairstyle and in thirty years, so
now I you know, I haven'tseen it yet. I will see it
in an hour or two, butnow I can, and I'll wage your
serious money that he hasn't change.It's famous. Has done very very well

for him over the years. Aytimesoon, Yes, he has. Eric,
thank you for coming on. Pleasetell your dad I said hello,
and we are praying for him.And if I could vote a hundred times
that day like Democrats do. Iwould, Eric Trump, God bless you,
God bless you as well, youguys, take care, Thank you
all right, Eric Trump? Hewas great. And look this is this

is gonna be an interesting Thursday night. I think you're gonna have a lot
of people watching this debate because ofboth because of Joe Biden completely losing it
and also a real good second lookat Donald Trump. And again, as
I just said before, is hegonna behave? Is he? Is?
He gonna be a little more relaxedbecause I think in the debates when he

was president he got hurt by someof those debates. Anyway, thank you
to Eric Trump, Thank you allfor calling in today. I'll be back,
of course next Saturday at four o'clock. And for Bruce and Know and
everybody else here who keeps a shiprunning, I'm Rob Asterino. Enjoy your
Saturday night. Take care, folks. They will tell you a little pig

ten things. Everything's over kay.If wells it's coming too well.
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