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April 21, 2024 48 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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This hour of programming on WR issponsored by Black Mountain Capitol now former Westchester
County executive Rob Astaro on seven ten. Yeah, we are here and you
were there and we're together now.Okay, So you can call me at

one eight hundred three to two onezero seven ten. One eight hundred three
two one zero seven ten. Itis the rob Astorino Show here on seven
ten. Wor that means it's aSaturday. Good to have you with us
for the next hour. Rock theboat. Yeah, okay, So let's
see if Marjorie Taylor Green decides torock the boat with Massey of Kentucky,

Gozar of Arizona, and any others. They had the vote today on Ukraine
aid on a to Israel potentially banningTikTok, and she went bliss stick as
she did a week ago and said, if Speaker Johnson puts this through,
she's gonna make a motion to vacate, which means what they did to Kevin
McCarthy and through the whole house intochaos and paralyzed everything, She's ready to

do that again and get rid ofSpeaker Johnson, who would only survive basically
if Democrats voted for him. Soit's just like a clown car. One
of these morons gonna stop. Dothey want to be in the minority party
ever again? Or do they wantto be the majority party? So I
mean, I'm gonna ask former Speakerof the House Nuke Gingrich, who's gonna

be with me a little bit lateron. He's from Georgia. Of course
she's from Georgia. Is there anyway you can put her until the election's
over? So make sure you staytuned for Nuke Gingrich. He's always good
and he's got a lot of greatinsights into what's happening with Donald Trump,

the election, the impeachment. Didyou remember there was an impeachment this week
and the Senate said, nah,forget it. That's Chuck Schumer. So
we'll talk about that. And ofcourse the Trump trial is getting ready to
start and all eyes are watching LowerManhattan. They did the jury selection,

and on Monday, when it's allrise, Judge I don't even want to
say the honorable, but the honorableJudge Juan Murchan is seated and bangs the
gavel. Here we go to theclown show that the Democrats love to put
on, and Donald Trump will beon trial officially on Monday, unless something

crazy happens this weekend where there's anemergency injunction or stay or something, which
is very very unlikely to happen atthis point. So we go forward with
Alvin Bragg's ridiculousness, and we didn'teven get to the other things that Donald
Trump has to go through in thisan election year where he has wrapped up
basically the nomination. So it's DonaldTrump the Republican nominee or soon to be

against Joe Biden. Joe Biden's teamthat would be in the Department of Justice
making sure that they go after DonaldTrump. Alvin Bragg who had this for
years and decided it's all timed outto this year, and Donald Trump now
has to face the music and theband that's the Democrats, they get to
play the music. So Tim Parlatoryis it is a great attorney. He

is the Parlatory Law Group, andhe was once Donald Trump's attorney in one
of the impeachments. And he joinsus right now. Tim, so glad
to have you on seven to tenWR. Thank you. So I wanted
to get your perspective of these trials. Unfortunately it's trials and his plural because

of what we're going to go throughthe country is going to go through over
the next seven months if it getsto that. But from your perspective on
this one coming up Monday this week, they picked the jury, which is
more like jury d selection than pickinga jury. But how difficult is it
for the Trump team, the defenseteam to to really have an idea of

who's sitting in that in that jurybox right now? Well, I mean,
I think that they have a prettygood idea of it. You know,
they've gotten through a fairly extensive juryquestionnaire. They've obviously done a lot
of background research and pulled a lotof people's social media profiles and posts and
everything. So yeah, as juryselections go, I think that this is

probably a very good panel that they'vethat they've been able to select as good
as one can be gotten in thisjurisdiction. And I think that they have,
you know, from everything I cantell, it seems like they have
as much information as they're going tobe able to get. You know,
does that necessarily mean the something notgoing to come out later? Sure?

And you as we just recently sawin the first circuit where the death penalty
for the Boston Marathon bomber was overturnedbased on some issues of jurors that had
not, you know, fully disclosedthings in the past. So certainly there's
that risk, but I think theunbalance this is, you know, they're

in a pretty good spot. SoI was going to ask you that question,
what happens if something does come tolight once the trial starts about something
that one of those jurors said,did or whatever that would raise enough eyebrows
that he or she should be excused. Is there a way to do that
now? Or is this it?Oh yeah, oh yeah, And you

know you asked once the trial starts. So they are selecting I believe six
alternates, although he said he maychange, and so they had the alternates
there, and so if if there'sanything that happens to cause a disqualification of
any of the main twelve, thenthey have the alternates that are raised.

That then you wonder because one ofwell the flip side is what happens if
that comes out after a verdict,right right right? What happens? Well,
in that case, that's when youhave a reversible issue on appeal.
Okay, So that's you know,as as with the Boston Marathon bomber,
because that didn't come out until afterthe fact. One of the jurors who

put on his questionnaire that he coulddefinitely be biased, there's nothing in his
past whatever. It did come outbecause the Trump team scrubbed everybody and they
were fortunate enough to find out that, Yeah, it turns out in Westchester
back in the nineties, this guywas ripping down conservative posters and all this
other stuff, and it was enoughdoubt to get him thrown off. And

you wonder, and you hope thatthe other twelve are telling the truth.
Obviously, everybody, if you sayyou don't have an opinion of Donald Trump,
you know you're not the You're notthe Martian that I thought would land
here. You're you're lying, soplease, but you hope they have enough
impartiality to listen to the facts ofthe case. We'll see the gag order.

I wanted to ask you about thegag order and Tim PARLATORI is with
us. He's one of Trump's previousattorneys and the impeachment. But this is
this is really interesting correction. Idid not do the impiment. I'm sorry.
I did the mar A Lago inJanuary sixth, Investigations with Jack Spett.
Thank you for correcting me. Ijust saw my notes. I said,
that's stupid, that was wrong.So I'm glad. I'm glad you

got that right. The gag orderthis is, you know, Trump is
walking up to the line. Myguess is he probably wants to go over
the line and see how Marshan.Marshan reacts. Who cares about a fine?
If he sends you know, hesays, pay five thousand dollars per

whatever, who cares. But ifhe continues to say more restrictions and you
know what you do one more time, I'm going to put you in jail.
Do you think he goes that distance? You know, I think that
Mershon could go that distance. Yeah. I think that The biggest problem with
the gag order, you know,as I see it is I think it's

a little bit broad. Yeah.And you know, gag orders, you
are an important tool to be usedthat is specifically to ensure the fairness of
the proceedings. You don't want somebodydoing things that are going to intimidate witnesses
before they testify. You don't wantpeople doing things that are going to unfairly
prejudice the jury. However, don'tsay anything bad about you know, the

judge or the judges you know familyor you know court you know court staff
or the district attorney staff. Yeah, that doesn't really have a you know,
that doesn't have a prophylactic effect onensuring a fair trial. And so
I do think that, you know, when it comes to first amend of

free speech issues, any judicial orderthat prospectively, you know, restricts your
free speech before you make the statementis something that is presumptively unconstitutional and only
in certain very limited circumstances is itpermitted. And these types of orders have
been struck down before under New Yorkstate law. I know that they did

uphold the one down in DC,and Goren's order, you know, was
never properly appealed because Trump's lawyers usethe wrong process, so it was never
struck down either. So there isthat some minimal precedent for it. But
if Judge Marsham wanted to take itto that level of finding him then putting

him in jail, they would haveto actually do a hearing where you know,
the validity of the order would haveto be proven, And then that's
something that would go up on appeal, and I think the appellate court would
probably strike it down. Does DonaldTrump take the fifth? Does he take
the stand? What would you whatwould you tell him to do? Not
knowing all the specifics, but whatwould you tell generally speaking, what would

you tell him to do? SoI always start from the position where it's
best for the client not to testify. There's only very limited circumstances where it
makes sense for a client to testify, and that's only when they can when
they have a specific aspect of thestory that only they can tell. And

if they if that doesn't exist,if there's not, you know, a
compelling reason I have them testify,then all it carries is unnecessary risk.
And so it's particularly when they're goingto try and cross ex avenue on prior
bad acts and things like that thatwouldn't otherwise be admissible. You want to
avoid that. And so I dothink that, you know, particularly with

this client, it doesn't make sense. You know, there's not a value
to having him testify, because thereare plenty of other people that were in
the room that you can have testify. Instead, you have the Trump Organization
accountant testify, have Bob Costello testify, have all these other people testify.
But if the sole reason for himto testify is to say I was in

the room in the way that MichaelCohen said, it isn't the way that
it happened, I don't think youneed him for that, And so why
take the unnecessary risk. Tim Parlatoryis with us a previous attorney for Donald
Trump here on the Rob Astrino Showon seven to ten, wor Bob Costello,
who you mentioned as a friend ofmine, and he has not been
called yet to testify for the defense. I could not imagine he won't be

because he met with and I guessrepresented very shortly. I don't know if
it's an official capacity or as anadvisor, but Michael Cohen at one point,
and he has direct evidence right ofCohen lying correct, So Michael he
did represent Michael co he did.You're right, yeah, And Michael Cohen

executed a full unconditional privileged waiver becausethe US Attorney's Office was considering this and
other charges based on Michael Cohen's testimonyand said they wanted to be able to
test his veracity, and so theygot him to do that privileged waiver.
They brought Bob Costello in to talkto them, and by the time Bob
Costello walked out of the room,the US Attorney's office said, there's no

way we're building a case on thecredibility of this guy. And while while
the determination by the US Attorney's Officehas been ruled correctly inabissible, the underlying
information that they were presented with isadmissible. And so I think that if
they don't call Bob Costello as awitness, that would be ineffective assistance to

counsel. They should be just barredif they don't. Yes, so this
is this whole case could turn onBob Costello's testimony, right, because the
prosecutors are saying, Michael Cohen saysX, Y and Z and Donald Trump

knew all about this, but that, in fact, is not what Bob
Costello is going to say, right, correct, exactly exactly. Yeah,
I mean, and if you lookat it, and I'm not saying anything
that's not public, but we lookat even some of the reporting that John
Solomon had about the documents from atthe time. What Bob Costello was doing
was debriefing Michael Cohen to see,you know, as he's sitting there saying,

I can't go to jail. I'lldo anything to stay out of jail.
Bob is suggesting to him, Hey, can you cooperate against Donald Trump?
Can you point the finger at DonaldTrump? Because if you can,
then we can I can get youa great deal. So Bob's pushing him
to cooperate against Trump, and Cohensays, no, I don't have anything
against Trump. Trump didn't do anythingwrong. He didn't know about this.

I did this on my own becauseI didn't want, you know, I
didn't want Malaney to find out.I then gave him this invoice to make
it look like it was attorney fees. So at the time when when Michael
Cohen had the most incentive and he'she's sitting there saying no, Donald Trump

had nothing to do with it.And then later when he doesn't get the
pardon that I suppose he was hopingfor, all of a sudden, now
he's changed his tune and now hewants to write a book called Revenge and
then execute a plan of revenge.And I think the Bob Costell's testimony is
extraordinarily relevant compelling on that issue.So Tim if Alvin Bragg knew this.

Why the hell would he bring thiscase, because that's the whole case right
there, right, that's the wholecase it is. Why would he bring
this knowing that that's going to comeout? Well, maybe Alvin Bragg was
hoping it wouldn't come out. Onething that's baffled me is that the defense
has not made any motions based onfive Cascilla's testimony before the grand jury,

based on the misconduct by the procutersin front of the grand jury to conceal
portions above testimony. And you know, but that's that's something the prosecutors do
sometimes, you know, when theyget so uh, you know, target
fixation is you know, it's ait's a phenomenon that's you know, something
that pilots of World War two got. It's something the prosecutors get when they

get so fixated on their target thatthey ignore every sign that says, hey,
pull back on the stick. You'reabout to burn in and and we
might have lost him there, TimParlatory. So there, it kind of
broke up a little bit. Butanyway, it's exactly correct what he is

saying, that this is it.This is Michael Cohen's convicted liar. He
got caught talking telling a lie inthis one, and then he got Stormy
Dan. I mean, this isit. This is Alvin Bragg's whole case
is on a prostitute and a convictedliar. Tim right, I'm back now,

yeah, got you back. Youcan finish what you thought. But
I said, the whole case lieson a convicted liar, who, if
Bob Costell testifies, will be verydamning, and Stormy Daniel's prostitute. She's
not even relevant, honestly, becauseyou know, the Stormy Daniels piece of

this is not really relevant to thecharge of the false business records, because
whether anything happened between her and DonaldTrump or not, what is relevant is
that she was going to make thatinformation public, whether true or not,
and Michael Cohen worked out a dealwhere she was paid money to not say

that, which, by the way, is a felony, not a followingly
by Michael Collin. I followingly bystorm Daniels is called blackmail. And so
she committed following me, she committedblackmail. She got paid off, you
know, to not reveal things thatcould be embarrassing, whether true or not.
And so, but that part ofit is kind of you know,

it's atmospherics. But the what he'scharged with is not that. What he
charged with is simply did he falsifyhis business records in the way that his
accountant annotated the payments to Michael Cohen. Michael Cohen gave him invoices calling them
legal fees. He signed checks toMichael Cohen, the accountant wrote them down

in their records as legal fees.That's what the case is. And Alvin
bragg'shole case is, well, heshould have annotated as hush money payment or
blackmail payment or something like that.But because he wrote his legal fees,
that was meant to conceal this.And I think that that's really where this
where this case fails, because theidea that Donald Trump is overseeing every entry

that his accountant makes in this hugecorporation, it's just not reasonable. And
that that's why I kind of likesome of the jurors that they got there.
I mean, a corporate lawyer,you know they know that. I
mean, I run I run arelatively small law firm, but I don't
look at every single entry that myaccountant puts in to make sure that you
know what she's annotating things as that'swhy I pay her to do the same

thing with Donald Trump. So you'veyou've got You've got an invoice for Michael
Cohen saying this legal fees. Yougot an entry from the account and saying
it's legal fees. If anybody liedand created a false document, it's Michael
Cohen. And yet Alvin Bragg didn'tcharge him with that. The whole thing.
He didn't charge Michael Cohen with makinga false invoice. He didn't charge

Stormy Daniels with with doing blackmail,and city charges Donald Trump. The whole
thing is a farce. And unfortunatelywe have to go through this as a
country too, and it will starton Monday. I asked Bob Costello to
come on. He said, Iwould love to, and I will at
one point, but I may becalled as a witness, and so I

can't come on right now. Sothat's why I said, Well, who
do you recommend? You said TimParlatory, and I'm glad he did because
you were terrific. Tim. Thanksso much, all right, thank you.
Tim PARLATORI of the parlat Law Group. He represented Donald Trump in the
mar Lago Documents case at one pointand on the January sixth nonsense all right,

coming up in just a little bit, we will have the former Speaker
of the House, Nuke Gingrich,who has a lot to say on all
this, including what happened in thehouse today and maybe getting rid of the
speaker, just the craziness. We'lltake your calls a little bit later.
One eight hundred three to two onezero seven ten. One eight hundred three
to two one zero seven ten.Rob Astarino here on seven ten wr him

Jen Jubblear presents the rob Astarino Show. Yeah, we're taking it'll five o'clock
here on seven ten wor one eighthundred and three to two one zero seven
ten. We'll get to New Gingridgein a little bit. By the way,
if you have not been to ArthurAvenue in a while, what are

you waiting for? You've got Dominick'sRestaurant, the greatest of the greats,
just waiting to seat you so youcan have great meals, great wine,
all the good stuff. Make sureyou go say hi to Dominic on Arthur
Avenue. Dominic's Restaurant. I meanI every time, I'm amazed when I

see the menu and the prices.Honestly, I swear I think I grabbed
a menu from nineteen ninety. Imean, who serves lasagna for fifteen bucks?
Crazy? Right? Insane? Chickenscarp eighteen dollars? I mean,
what does he not know? Biden'sin all, he's got to raise his
prices. Anyway, Go say hito Dominic's Charlie Depolo, the owner on

Arthur Avenue. All right, RobAstarino here at four point thirty, and
the craziness has begun. The Trumptrial starts, of course, on Monday,
as we've been talking about. Andtoday it was a busy day on
the hill. So who better tobring in than a former Speaker of the
House, Newt Gingrich Nude. It'sgood to have you, it's glad to

be with you, and you're right, it's an amazing period of activity,
both here and overseas. It's insane. What's going on? And let me
just talk to you about today fora seconds. So you got to control
this woman in Georgia, Marjory TaylorGreen. She's gonna potentially make this motion
to vacate and get rid of SpeakerJohnson. I'm not sure. I'm not

sure anybody's what is going on here? Well, I think that when Matt
Gates decided to move against Kevin McCarthyand for the first time you had a
motion to vacate. They just changedthe world. And they're gonna have to
get their act together and decide youcan't just let people randomly go around shoot

themselves in the head and think thatthey're legislating. It's a real, I
think, a real problem. AndI think that candidly. I'm very supportive
of Speaker Johnson because I think thathe is doing just about everything you can
in a situation where you're dealing withpeople who are literally out of control.

It really is. And you know, look, Americans, enough of them
want an adult in the room becausethe guy in the White House is out
to lunch and their party are abunch of radical lunatics, and people are
you know, really concerned. Andthe Republicans have a chance to lead at
least in the House and until DonaldTrump wins and we went back the Senate.

But you know, if they vacateand all of a sudden we're thrown
into chaos, We're going to looklike a complete clown show. I mean,
I don't understand why there's enough ofthem, and it really only takes
a few at this point to gopotentially forward with us. I hope they're
just you know, blustering and theydon't go through it. Well, I
keep telling them. The question youneed to ask people is so, so,

where are you going to find twohundred and eighteen votes? Right?
Yeah, don't tell me that youhave the votes to throw him out,
but you don't have are the votesto replace him? And we're going to
be right back in where we were. You know, it took fifteen ballots
to get McCarthy to be speaker.It took three weeks to get Kevin Johnson
to become a speaker. I mean, this is madness. It really,

it's insane. It's total insanity.The impeachment of ma Yorkists. You know,
it happened this week. Hardly anybodyknows about it because it's like nobody
really cares. The media doesn't playit. And I've said this too publicly.
I think it was kind of misplaceda little bit. If you're going
to go for the go for thehead, go for the head, right,

and that would be Joe Biden.He's it's his policy, he's the
president. This border is his wouldas speaker would you have gone forward with
an impeachment of majorcis and then whathappened this week with when they brought it
over, the House managers brought itover. And obviously you're very familiar with
an impeachment process. You were therewhen Bill Clinton was impeached when the Senate

and Chuck Schumer, our lovely senatorhere in New York, when he just
poo pooed said that the hell wouldscrew it. We're not even gonna put
him on trial and hear any evidence. That's it. It's over with.
I mean, how does he getaway with that too? Well, it's
aware of that because the members ofhis caucus agree with him. Look,
this is pure hardcore politics. Ithas nothing to do with running the country.

There's nothing to do with solving ourproblems. You know, is Mayork
is guilty of not doing his job. Sure has the job been defined by
Joe Biden, So it's probably notdoable. I think so. I think
it's very clear that Biden favors themost open possible border and that Biden has

no interest in controlling the border andhelping you know, the American people protect
themselves from the kind of massive Butit's basically an invasion. I mean,
it's an an enormous influx of peoplewho are here illegally, and it just

doesn't seem to matter to the leftin America. You know, they encourage
the maximum number of people to comehere illegally, and that's a huge problem.
The familiar voice of Newt Gingrich,former Speaker of the House, with
us on seven to ten wo R. Let's turn to what's going to happen

a few miles from where I amright now south of me on Monday at
ten am. The Trump trial,the first criminal trial, obviously beyond ridiculous,
but we as a country have togo through this. Donald Trump as
a person and the Republican Party hasto be put through this too. Just
your thoughts as we enter history,obviously on Monday, and how insane this

ridiculous charge is. Well, Ithink you have to face the fact that,
first of all, the depth ofcorruption of the New York legal system
is breathtaking. I mean, I'mastounded, and how totally openly corrupted is
And the fact is that these judgesand these are these district attorneys basically have

no interest in the rule of law. They don't do anything that relates to
enforcing the rule of law, andthey're involved in pure power politics. And
you know, I mean many manyyears ago, Tom Wolf wrote a book
called Bonfare of the Vanities. Yeah, great book, in which he had
a prosecutor deliberately go after a financierbecause he wanted to get re elected,

and the judge went along with him, because the judge wanted to get reelected.
And the Wolf described forty years agothe kind of corruption we're now seeing.
This case is a totally corrupt case. It is totally phony, and
it is a it's a comment onthe degree to which New York has decayed

into the kind of place where nobodywho has any concern for their own safety
should do any business in New Yorkbecause these people are totally prepared to rip
you off and to put you ina situation where you know, you have
no recourse. And the book backthen described New York as it was.
It was a hell hole. Itwas you know, disgusting, out of

control. And we're back to thatpoint right now, thanks to the Democrats
who control everything here in this city. I walk across from my NEWSMAC studios
over here and it smells like ona good day, Yurine on a bad
day pot And it's just it's thecity has decayed so fast, which is
why so many people are leaving soquickly. In your estimation, what is

the number one issue? There's alot to choose from, you know,
your crime, the inflation and economy, the open border, all this stuff.
What is the number one issue thatwill get Donald Trump elected in November?
Well, I think, barring somedisaster and foreign policy, which given
the weakness of this administration as possible, I think it's either the economy or

it's the scale of illegal immigration andinfentan oil and drugs and organized crime and
all the things that come with them. That those two are the I think
the dominating issues in terms of thequality of people's lives. And I mean
Klist and I went shopping this morning, and every time we go to the
grocery store, which struck with eitherthe price went up or the size went

down. Yeah, and sometimes youget both, uh huh, you know.
And I think this is the essenceof the Biden economy, is that
you get ripped off coming and goingand then he tries to explain to it's
really a good deal. I'm soglad you brought that up, because I
was going to mention that I wasin shop right the other day. I
had to buy sugar and it wenta dollar more expensive and a pound less.

It's now four pounds when it usedto be five about a month ago.
It's this is it. This iswhat people eventually will will vote on
whether they like the direction, theinsanity that's happening. The world is on
fire and Joe Biden doesn't have afire hose to put it out. You
know, he's got accelerants. Iremember, just going way back, I

remember when Sue Kelly was my congresswomanand she invited you to speak on her
behalf. It was probably a fundraiserin an event in somewhere in the Hudson
Valley, can't remember. And Iwent and you spoke, and this was
I guess, I want to saythe was it the early ninety sometime in
the nineties, And I thought thenand I still think, that you were

the most effective and effective speaker,but one of the best speakers I've ever
heard in my life. You wereterrific. Then you're always good on TV,
and you're an important voice in theRepublican Party and one last thing.
So, you know, you hadan interesting relationship with Bill Clinton. And
I've gotten to know the Clinton's becausethey live about ten minutes from my house,

and when I was Westchester County Executive, I dealt with them, or
you know, just you're in thesame circles at certain points. I always
had a cordial relationship with Bill Clinton. Hillary Clinton, I actually did have
a decent relationship, although every timeI ran, she made sure she did
a robo calls and did everything possibleto beat me. What was your what

was your relationship? Like, youknow, away from the cameras, you
have any good stories with you andBill Clinton? Well, I mean,
I think we had a pretty decentrelationship. We both were kind of like
graduate students, and that we likedtalking about ideas and we liked developing approaches
that you could explore and think abouthow to get things done. And I

think from that perspective that we werevery comfortable talking with each other and very
comfortable doing things that we thought weregood for the country and reached beyond being
Republican or Democrat. We negotiated forthirty five days face to face in order
to get to the only four balancedbudgets in your lifetime. Yeah, and

you know so, I regard thatas sort of a remarkable achievement, one
that you know, we both deservecredit for. He had to be part
of it for it to happen,and at the same time I had to
be in a position to work withhim to get it to happen. So
who was a genuinely bipartisan achievement,Nuke Gingrich. I appreciate you coming on,

and I wish you all the bestluck in the world and good health
and can't wait to see on Foxagain. Great, thank you, all
right, Nuke Gingrich, former Speakerof the House. We got to do
some housekeeping here. We'll be back. I guess we can take a couple
of calls one hundred three to twoone zero seven ten one eight hundred three
two one zero seven ten on therob ast Areno Show here on the Voice

of New York seven ten WR.He's been a rob as Arenos show on
seven ten. Woor All right,make sure you follow me folks on Facebook,
Twitter, slash x, Instagram,truth social getter. You know what
I did yesterday? My daughter Kyliewas home and she said, you know,

you really got to do something onTikTok again, and I haven't done
it in a while. It's actuallybeen almost two years since I did a
video on TikTok, and I hadsome really good ones up there when I
was running for governor and we hadsome of our videos. I still am
amazed how viral they went. Wehad one of them when we did it
in front of the Niagara Falls fivemillion views. And so it was fun

because it's meant to be fun,you know, and people expect something different,
So I was always showing a differentside and you know, sense of
humor and just having a lot ofyou know, laughs, which is really
what people want, especially for TikTokand Instagram. And so I just posted
one yesterday about potential of TikTok beingbanned, just as I'm getting right back

on. So anyway, if youwant to see that, you can go
to my TikTok account. And I'msure the Chinese have now know everything about
me, so it's okay. Andif they do know, if they're watching,
I like beef and broccoli, ifthey want to send something to me
directly from Beijing. If you missedany of this show today, you can

always go do my podcast, soright after the show they make it into
a podcast, and most of theshow is available. Some of the music
gets cut out because of legal rightsor something. Somebody asked me, why
did they cut off that song?That's what happens. But anyway you could
watch. You could watch me onNewsmax on Saturdays from one to three,
and then I walk over here anddo this radio show which I love here

on seven to ten WOOR And ifyou miss this show or parts of it,
or you want to hear that interviewagain with Nuke Gingridge or Tim Parlatrey
who was excellent and talking about theTrump trial, you can just go to
wor dot com the podcast tab,or on the iHeart app, which you
should have on your phone, yoursmartphone if you don't already, because you
could always listen live to any oneof our great shows like Lennon Michael in

the Morning or Mark Simone, Jesseyou heard Jesse Kelly before. I mean,
there's such great line up here,so listen wherever you are. And
that's that. So look one eighthundred three two one zero seven to ten
one and three two one zero seventen. I can sneak some phone calls

in here if you'd like, let'ssee, Oh, White Plains, that's
Westchester. All right, let's go, Derek, how are you? You're
on the rob Astorino show. Goodafter the probably're dealing with is prosecutor.
I have absolute immunity from prosecution fortheir antics. Yeah, I'd like to
invite you this Thursday to the WestchesterManor at Hastings on Hudson for the Jeffrey

Dskovic uh Wawful Conviction Gala. Itcould be uh Ilana's website at Duskovic Foundation
dot org. He's a rape andmurderer, John Orie. He's not an
attorney that helps the wrongfully convicted atdesk Vicfoundation dot org. Jsc Vic Foundation
dot org. I get it allright, hold on, hold on,
hold on, we actually get thegong out. Well, let's let's get

the guy. Okay, now,but what Derek said, so you went
completely off base. But but I'mfamiliar with the Jeffrey Deskovic case way back
when it was I think in peakskill. But he uh so, maybe
that organization if Donald Trump is wronglyconvicted, it can represent Trump this whole
stupid trial, which is going tobegin on Monday. Let's go to Sondra

uh three two one zero seven toten. Hello, Sondra, Oh,
good afternoon, love. I reallyenjoy your show. Thanks. I wanted
to ask you a question. Ilearned that Bill Barr former Attorney general and
never had the greatest relationship with Trump. But let me tell you, he
said this case is an abomination,highly politicized. He says that the left

is really causing perversion to our justicesystem. He said that he will vote
to Trump in a heartbeat. That'sthe safest way for this country to go.
So when you hear all this stuffcoming from someone who is important,
he has a very strong opinion voice. Do you think this is gonna help
martian't maybe change his sick mind?So good, good, good points,

Sondra. So, Bill Barr,the big news out of that was that
he was going to vote for DonaldTrump because he was never a Trumper once
he left the White House, whenhe left the organization the administration of Donald
Trump as Attorney general, you know, he was he was vocal about Trump.
He he agreed with his policies.But what he said was, you

know what, I may not likeDonald Trump, but I'm voting for him.
And he changed his mind on thatas I think a lot of people
are when they see what the alternativeis and Joe Biden's Department of Justice,
as you know, run by MerrickGarland. These thugs, it's scary what

they're able to do. And again, you know, it's like, as
everyone says, if they can dothis to a Donald Trump, who they
are running against, the powerful DonaldTrump, former president, potential current you
know, potential future president, currentRepublican nominee, if they could do this
to him, that you don't thinkthey can do it to you. And

they they're doing this to make surethat you have second thoughts about doing anything
for Donald Trump or the Republicans,for donating money, for going online and
supporting them, for helping them inany way. That's what this is all
about, to try to put thefear of God into you. And that's
why America collectively has to stand upand say no, may not like Donald

Trump, but no, the alternativeis much worse. And that's what Bill
Barr was saying the danger here,as others have started to say. Now
Robert Kennedy said it. You know, he says, Okay, what's worse
Donald Trump and his supporters questioning theelection returns or what Joe Biden is doing

in having the social media firms absolutelyquell any different of opinion from what they
want censorship and using the Department ofJustice to go after a political foe.
He's definitely right on that. Andby the way, Robert Kennedy Junior just

qualified for the ballot in Michigan.To me, game over, Donald Trump
wins this election. You want tomake a bet in Vegas, Now's the
time to do it because you haveto think about not the popular vote,
where he's going to run up thescore in New York and in Illinois and
California. It's all about the electoralcollege vote and Michigan, which was a

sweaker in twenty twenty. Michigan,now, if you're a Michigander, you
got all the Arab Americans and Muslimswho absolutely hate Joe Biden because of at
least some support for Israel, andso they're they're sitting out. They're not

gonna vote for Donald Trump, butthey're not coming out to the pulse that
is huge. And also in Minnesota, and so you got that, you
got the blue collar workers, theauto workers bloodbath. It will be you
like that car that you know hasan engine. Nope, it's got to
have a battery in it, whetheryou like it or not. That's gonna
put a lot of people out ofwork and it's gonna raise the price astronomically.

So you got all these blue collarworkers as well in Michigan and they're
suffering economically. So Biden won bya point last time, and that was
basically a head to head. Now, if you're a Democrat in Michigan who
really doesn't like Donald Trump, youwon't vote from okay, But if you
got a choice being Robert Kennedy Juniorand Jill Stein or Cornell lunatic West,

you got four choices, including Biden. Four choice is on the Democratic you
know mindset right, And if itain't Joe Biden and it goes to Robert
Kennedy, that's a vote for DonaldTrump, basically. And so I can't
see now if if, in fact, and I think it is true Robert
Kennedy qualified for the ballot in Michigan, that those votes that go to Kennedy

are going to siphon away more muchmore so from Joe Biden and Donald Trump.
And to me, that puts Michiganin Donald Trump's column period. So
if I'm Donald Trump, I amjumping up for joy that Robert Kennedy is
qualifying in important states. Just acouple of things about these Democrats. Okay,

So Letitia James basically said to anyonethat wants to do business with Donald
Trump in New York, you betternot because if you do, I got
my eye on you. And soas part of the Engron Judge Engron and
Gorn, whatever his last name is, as part of the decision, it

was do not do business with DonaldTrump. In effect, Donald Trump was
not allowed to do business with certaincompanies in New York. He couldn't make
decisions, all this nonsense which wasbasically meant to tie his hands. And
so he was, you know,lucky enough at the end to find a

company that posted the bond for him, and it wasn't in New York.
And so now Letitia James is askingthe judge to void Trump's one hundred and
seventy five million dollar bond, whichwould throw this thing right back into a
problem for Donald Trump as he's intrial in Lower Manhattan with Judge mrch On

who's put gag orders on him.So if you don't think they're evil.
And I don't like to say that, but what they're doing is evil.
And take again, take Donald Trumpout of it, forget that it's him.
The point is they are doing itto somebody, and they are breaking

all norms, creating all new precedents, and it is so dangerous. And
so now the Democrats went even furtherin Congress. This buffoon who was in
charge of the January sixth Committee,Benny Thompson of Mississippi, he just filed
a potential bill, a law whichwill never go anywhere. But the fact

that they would do this, andthe bill is the an acronym is disgraced.
It is the denying infinite security andgovernment resources allocated toward convicted an extremely
Dishonorable Former Protectees Act. Do youknow what it is? It would deny

Donald Trump's Secret Service protection if heis convicted in Lower Manhattan of a federal
crime, which of course this iswhat they're trying to do. So if
he's convicted on these ridiculous false charges, this bill would strip Donald Trump of
any Secret Service protection. So basicallywhat they're saying is we would prefer to
have Donald Trump assassinated, because that'sexactly of course, what this would do,

it'll never take effect, clearly,but the fact that you've got these
idiots on the Democratic side in Congressthat would put something like this. Could
you imagine for a second if Republicanssponsored a bill that said, we will
not allow secret Service protection for BarackObama, we will not allow secret Service
protection for candidate Joe Biden. Couldyou imagine if they said that. Now,

Biden wouldn't need it because he hadnever left his house. But just
think about that for a second.You should be outraged. I would be.
And yet this is the stuff thatthey do. Speaking of outrage,
a couple weeks ago, I toldyou I got this dumbass parking ticket on

Veterans Day when it's a federal andstate highway, a highway, federal and
Saint holiday. I'm so I'm frothingat the thought of this again, the
stupid ticket. So I was parkedon forty seventh Street between Third and Lex

and it's a five hour meter zone. But again, it was Veterans Day,
a holiday, and so I'm drivingin and I'm listening on the radio.
Wasn't this station, by the way, And I'm listening and they say
alter inside of the street. Parkingrules suspended. Parking rules are suspended today
because of the federal holiday. Okay, I parked my car. I did

not put money in the meter.I didn't need to because it was a
holiday. I come out and thereit is. You know, the feeling
you walk out and you've got thatorange thing on your windshield right so it
doesn't blow away by your windshield wiper, And there it is. And I
look at I said, what thehell is this? So I went through

all this stuff with them, plednot guilty, gave my reasons and nothing,
nothing. And finally I get thesenotices in the mail collections, a
notice of judgment enforcement. You owenot only the sixty dollars for the ticket,
but you owe now ninety dollars.And then I called them up and
I said I never got this.They said, well, too bad.

We made a decision. I said, I sent you a registered mail.
You guys nothing, it's you know, it's impossible to deal with them.
So I sent them a check.The other day, I get another letter
saying you owe more money. Icalled them up. I said, I
paid you, and they said,yes, well you still owe now another
sixty dollars. I said what Isaid, Okay, So I said how

much do I owe? I havea bill for sixty dollars? They said
sixty dollars and six cents. Isaid, what do you mean? I
said, what if I pay youa check, I'm gonna be sixty cents
six cents owing you yes, andit will accrue every day. I said,
you're gonna get sixty dollars for meand not another freaking cent. I
can't stand them anyway. Hey,don't forget next week, Laara Trump will

be with us. She of coursethe President's daughter law, but she is
also the Republican National Committee Chair,so she'll have a lot to say next
week. Right here, every Saturdayfour to five the rob Astorino Show.
A lot of great sports happening thisweekend. We got the uh, the
Nicks starting against the seventy six ersin the playoffs, the Rangers going up

against the Capitals tomorrow with the Garden, the Islanders of Carolina. It's gonna
be some good stuff. This isI love this time, NBA NHL playoffs.
All right, Hey, thanks forbeing with me, folks. Make
sure you follow me on social mediaat rob Astorino. Enjoy Peter Mazio's great

song here. It's all going sowell. Oh it's not. I'll see
it next Saturday. He's coming toowell. They will tell you how pertaining.
Everything's okay. Probos is coming toowell. This hour of programming on
w o R is sponsored by BlackMountain Capital
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