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May 4, 2024 50 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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This hour of programming on wo Ris sponsored by Black Mountain Capitol now former
Westchester County Executive Rob Asta. Onseven to ten war the New York City
Police Department, you have been warnedas for bard of University to leave the

campus. If you were used tobe you may be pleased under a resident
in the New York City plan Department. You haven't worn a university. So
Fordham University actually did the right thing, and I'm very proud of my alma
mater. President Tetlow actually called NYPDright after these thugs entered the Lincoln Center

campus and they were cleared out andthat was that. Unfortunately, there were
way too many college presidents like Columbia'sBuffoon, who sat there and pleaded with
these idiots who become increasingly dangerous astime goes by, pleaded with them,

pretty please leave our campus instead ofenforcing the rules and getting rid of them
all. And so then you knowwhat happened, right, They stormed the
building and the NYPD had to cleanup their mess, but not before they
broke windows, rope and spray paintedstuff all over the walls and people could

have gotten hurt. And this isplaying out right now, all over the
country. University of Texas, they'rehaving riots, basically UCLA in Michigan today
for their I think it was todayfor their graduation, which should be a
great moment. You had a bunchof these moron graduates in their ceremony march

with the Palestinian flex. They shouldhave been thrown right out of the stadium
for doing that and marring what shouldbe a great day for were all of
these graduates, not just them.So it's getting bad and it will continue
because this is the leftist playbook.It'll get worse and worse and worse,

especially if and when the adults inthe room, supposed adults in the room,
like university presidents, fail to dotheir job and step up and stop
this when it starts. I'm gladyou're with me. I'm Rob Astarino here
on seven to ten wor we takeyou till five o'clock coming up in just
a second, the best of theBest, Commissioner Ray Kelly from the NYPD,

and a little later on Andrew Turkaski. You've seen them all over TV.
He and his wife Katie, theirlawyers, and they're on Newsmax with
Me and Fox and everywhere they're goingto talk about the Trump trial whatell bust.
It was for the prosecution so far, and Michael Cohen hasn't even testified
yet. So we've got a lotto do and we'll take your calls,

so you can line them up ifyou'd like. One hundred three two one
zero seven ten, one hundred threeto two one zero seven ten. So
you know, law enforcement has tostep up when when these things get out
of hand, and these are notgreat situations because you never know what's going
to happen. Commissioner Ray Kelly,he was twice commissioner of the NYPD,
only time that's ever happened. He'sthe thirty seventh and the forty first commission

and he is a man's man anda cops cop and a great guy.
And I get to work with hisson Greg all the time at Newsmax.
Ray Kelly, it's so good tohave you with me on the Rob Estorino
Show. Well, it's great tobe with you. Robin followed you.
You're done the omen's work in thegovernment and forgetting but I think he's the

right message job. So it's senamato be with you. Thank you well,
thank you so all right, let'spretend and this is not to you
know, criticize in any way,but let's just pretend for a second you
were commissioner right now, and I'mgonna make you a commissioner in New York,
and then I'm going to ask youabout LA and what's going on there
and the differences, what should havehappened from the very beginning, or could

the NYPD really not do much atall because Columbia is in charge of their
own property, and yet there arestudents there who are in danger of threats.
Of course they're getting but physical harm. So where's that line where the
NYPD says we're going in, We'restopping this before it gets bad. Well,

I think you need to have animmediate emergency situation, one that perhaps
is observed by a police officer somethinglike that. But generally speaking, certainly
on kind of property, the policehave to be asked to come in to
address an essence, mostly with aviolation of the rules of the university.

So I think they did the rightthing, the you know, the prudent
thing. But I can tell youI did a examination to survey ad anti
Semitism in Europe and then sort ofa t tail and we looked at colleges
and uh, mostly in New York. And this is now four years ago,

but anti Semitism was lampant on theColumbia campus. What was happening and
answer to a lot of Jewish students, what's happening is they were being goaded
into fights. They the Jewish organizationsor have an event Members of Justice in
Paliston, which is a huge organization. When you look at ten numbers,

they would harass them and to me, it seemed like that was the only
mission in life to harassed Jewish students. They would you know, turn over
or affluence, or they would booththem, or you just make it difficult
so to do whatever they wanted todo. They would bump into the money.
But walking across campus because this wasgoing on for years, years,

the administration knew all about At theseevents, they would have represented a student,
advisors represented a manager of school,so they knew what was what was
going on. They just decided notto do anything better for whatever reason.
If we never fully explained they mayhave to do his money coming into the

university, there's a lot of moneythat can be high profile schools from the
Middle East and of course there's moneygoing to the Middle East to the student
organizations like SHAP They've been in existencefor thirty years. They changed their names

occasionally, they or you can't havesort of the spontaneity of what you've seen
for our colleges in America that somesort of connecting tissues and that was clearly
in my view it was SJP thatwas doing it. What's the difference between

back in the sixties with the VietnamWar protests, which to me it was
like, okay, you know,people have different opinion on the Vietnam War,
but for the most part, theywere bring out boys home, you
know, we don't want to fightsomewhere. Today this is like, these
are American haters, there is noquestion about it. And there's a whole

bunch of stupid people. They don'tknow what they're protesting out there. But
the agitators, if you will,the leftists, these are people who want
to take this country down, andunfortunately they've got a hold of one of
our two major political parties right now, the Democratic Party, which you know,
like Joe Biden finds himself in aright in a hard place. It
should be very clear where he shouldbe, and yet he's he's really nervous

about, you know, ticking offthe far left. But what you went
through all of this, what's thebig differences between the two or are they
same? Well? I was actuallythere, uh a long time ago at
Columbia, right, But Mark Ruggand people like that, I was.
I was a police officer that wasbasically a rookie. I was out in

the street and you know, wedidn't see any much much action. But
the difference I think is in thesixties, one of the four issues was
the draft. They did not wantto go to the draft. They did
not want to be uh you knowgone was sent to a war. Well
certainly it could have been killed,but there was big anti draft movement that

was woven in to the demonstrations atColumbia. What we see now is none
of that. Just as you said, these these people, well at least
they're the motivators, the people whoare who are instigating him. They're hated.
They are hated. They hate thiscountry. They want to they want
to hurt us in any way anyway they can. I mean, you

know, we've seen these situations wherethey're interviewed. They don't have any idea
what they're you know, what they'redemonstrating about. You know, they don't
know. They think there is acountry of Palace. There isn't. There
isn't any country of peliss They're woefullyignorant, at least at least many of
them are off. Uh. Andthen of course you see the agitators that

are almost fifty fifty. They arepeople waiting on the sideline to jump into
any demonstration, anti, anti American, anti whatever you want to call it.
They are they are there. Andhe saw that as the death of

George Floyd. Uh, that looklike they were waiting in the wings.
I I can bail one off.And you know, the day after George
Floyd died, they they they didfrom rampage in many cities and certainly in
New York. And they were allowedto do it tops injured. They were
allowed to do it, Yes,absolutely and allowed in New York. Remember,

the mayor of the Blosbio said,the police basically go lightly have a
sort of tug. And unfortunately thepolice of the Mayor of the Bosio had
not, in my view, properlytrained for disorder and disorder control. They
hadn't done it for six and ahalf years. That's how long the Blosio

was in placed. So when thebell rang putt it this way, it
could have been better organized as faras the actions of the department concern but
I attribute that to directly to thepolicy of not having any training for six
and six and a half years.But it's interesting you saw her the other
night, would you know, looklike two thousand police officers that were turned

out. No other police department inthe country can do that. It's because
of the size of the NiPd thirtyfour thousands uniform offices in Los Angeles.
They couldn't do that. And Ithink that's probably one of the reasons why
they seem to have held back,because there were pitch battles going on between

the Israeli supporters and the Palestinian supporters, and the police didn't show up for
a couple of hours, and Ithink it may have been because they just
didn't have to not have the resource, so they had to use three police
departments, Yeah, mutual late exactly. Yeah, they were you know,

the obviously LA Police, there wasthe California Have of Control and it was
the most ange And that's fine,that's what you have to do in these
smaller in the smaller jurisdictions. Butyou ideally want unity of command. You
want everybody to report for the samecommands. But it gets murky when you

have multiple agency operations. Yep,Ray Kelly is with US former NYPD commissioner
on the Rob Astrino Show here onseven to ten wor So, what exactly
happens when the NYPD, or reallyany police agency. But let's focus on
the NYPD when they mobilize and theymarch on to in this case Columbia University.

What's what's the mindset of the copsgoing in, What are the orders?
What are they supposed to do andnot do? It's different because you
know, years ago they'd have thebilly clubs out and ready to bop anyone
over the head like they should be. But now everything's kind of different,
right, Well, it is theSRGS, they CLO Response Group. Yeah,

they relabel a lot of this usedto be the borough test forces.
That that's perfect, But so whatyou do obviously briefing, do you need
basically three elements? You need anelement of the department to breach the barriers
and so that they rightly used Emergencyservice units. Uh, I was in

that year one hundred years ago.They are still the best at what they
do. They're very well trained.Uh. So they have equipment and they're
the ones that you store go into the window upsets. For sure,
that was very clever. I wouldI would also Bet, I say hoped
that they had undercovers with the demonstratorsinside the buildings, so they had a

pretty good idea to how they werefortified and were using chains, and so
they just went around that by goingthrough the through the window. Uh.
And the fine it's very well executed. I mean it may have been done
on the ladder, but that truckwork right, actually safer. Bet.

As I watched it, I wasconcerned about them falling, you know,
going in it, but it allno sense work. Then you have the
statistic response in it. They dohave night six, but they really need
to push people if need be.And then you have arrest teams. I'm
not certain of what the unit theycame from. I never saw that a

unit with khaki pants. I knowwhere they came from. I don't know
what they do. I hope they'reNew York City cup but they somehow got
khaki pants. They look to melike some of them were the arresting,
So you would have you would havea special approach, you would have emergency
service, you would have acuse aresponse to unity, and then you have

arrest team. Generally speaking, youwould only have five people arrested by an
offenser. They have to be ableat some times to testify what these individuals
did. Let's brings up another issue. Of course, they were getting desk
appearance tickets and some of it,so they're not answerable in court or before

a civil judge for like forty fiftydays. So ultimately there's no real consequence
here because what's going to happen isthose cases are going to be dismissed or
Columbia will not show up as acomplaint. Right, you need a complain
it to say these people should notbe here. You know this is what

this is what he did, hedid, and you have the cops testified
to what they know about that particularindividual. But I would bet my bottom
dollar the some plays there's something beforethat date arises that either they will have
some sort of deal worked out,some sort of amnesty, or the complainants

just won't show up. Now,there could be other charges actually Bragg,
Alvin Bragg sort of hinted at this, but I don't think anything's going to
come over it, right because ifactually it's a burgery, you know,
which is a felony, grow patto the building, they did crimes inside
the building. H I just don'tthink that will that will be pursued.

Uh So, you know what happensbetween who knows it will be demonstrations during
the summer would be I don't thinkthey want to let this go in their
mind. A lot of certainly theagitating theo's got momentum here and you know,

while the war is going on.You know, it's interesting you didn't
hear anything about the hostages and anyof the demonstrictions. I least say I
read for it. I didn't seeany of nobody complaining about American hostages still
being held by hamas they're they're justa non empty and that you think that

that would be something that if theyhad any sort of good intentions to bring
up, but obviously they no.It's infuriating because what's going to happen in
those fifty days in between is theygo from Columbia where they recavioc. Then
they'll go down to NYU Recavic.Then they'll go to c CNY and they'll
go to Fordham, and they'll goto Sunni and they'll go wherever because they're

professionals and they know there's no consequences. It's and it is infuriating to you
know, ninety nine percent of usout here who are working hard and see
the Alvin Braggs who won't charge them, or the moron in the presidential suite
at Columbia, who you know,let this get out of control, and
it's really frustrating. And what thecops have to deal with these days.

I don't know how. I don'tknow how they do it anymore, but
they are the best and we're gratefulfor everything the NYP do. NYPD does.
And to you, Ray, Imean, you've been terrific. You
are the best of the best.And I'm gonna tell a little secret,
right, I'm gonna tell a littlesecret to everybody. So this is the
first time I've ever said this publicly. By the way, my campaign staff

never knew this. The only personthat knew this was me, you and
your son, Greg, who Ispoke to before I called you. So
when I was running for governor twoyears ago. I you know, most
people try to have a ticket,right, a lieutenant governor, and leez
Elton, who was running I wasin a primary. He had picked Alison
Esposito who was running now by theway, for Congress in the eighteenth CD,

which is in the Hudson Valley.She's running against Pat Ryan, and
we wish her well. She wasthrough the ranks at the NYPD. She's
terrific. But anyway, so I'mlike, you know, if I'm gonna
have an lieutenant governor, I wantsomeone that makes sense, that could do
the job. And it speaks tothe times the need and the need of

course was and has been crime andso, ladies and gentlemen, I had
asked Ray Kelly to be my lieutenantgovernor and he declined. But no,
you did give it some thought andI was appreciative. But I think you
would have been the greatest lieutenant governor. And god forbid I got hit by

a bus. You would have beena great governor. Well that's so nice,
Rob. You would have been agovernor, no question. So it
just wasn't right for me. AndI think, you know, it all
worked out, and I certainly I'mnot happy with the governor no, and

what she's been doing. But you'rea terrific civil Surrey just wasn't right for
me in time. I am anhonored bias that question, believe me.
No, I appreciate it. Andfolks watch, thank you. Watch Ray
Kelly's son. He's on every nighton Newsmax where I just came from after

my show. He's on every nightnine pm. And he does I think
Greg at a terrific, terrific job. So Ray Kelly, enjoy your weekend.
I appreciate it very much. Allright, Hey, when we come
back the Trump trial, you knowit was supposed to be this big trial
of the century, and they aredoing their best to pump it up.

You watch CNN or any of thesenonsensical leftist networks or read the Times,
it's like legitimate. Well they aregetting there. You know what's handed to
them the prosecution, because it's allfalling apart. Andrew Trekowski is going to
be with me next. He isa great defense attorney, was a former
federal prosecutor, and you see himon Fox and Newsmax and all over the

place. So he will be withme next. We got a lot to
do your calls one eight hundred andthree two one zero, seven ten The
rob Astorino Show right here on seventen WR. Rob Asterino on seven ten
woon. Yeah, we're here everyweekend, every Saturday, four to five,
So make sure you tune in tothe rob Astorino Show right here on
seven ten wor. And if youif you'd like, and I'd like you

to follow me on social media atrob Astererino on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram's
Truth Social getter, all of them. Okay, And if you missed that
interview with Ray Kelly or caught someof it and you want to hear the
whole show or the whole interview,just go to my podcast at seven TENWR
dot com, click on the podcasttab and then the rob asta Reno Show.

Or if you don't have the iHeartapp on your phone, I don't
know what the hell's wrong with you. Get it on the app, you
know, download it and then youcould listen to the show wherever you are
by the way, or of courseyou can listen later and listen to the
podcast. I want to thank ofcourse Domini's Restaurant on the world famous Arthur

Avenue in the Bronx. This isa perfect time, like the Yankee game
ended earlier, so you could headover. You could either you know,
drive out of the stadium and headover to the Degan and you know,
take Fordham Road and go right overto Arthur Avenue, or of course you
can take Metro North and walk whatever. But anyway, it's a great place.
Domini's restaurant they've got. I mean, this is the world famous Dominis

restaurant. I really even should Idon't even have to tell you what they
got because it's great food, right, but all the great Italian favorites.
Plus here's what I like, thestuff that you can't really find. You
got to like if I go toan Italian restaurant in Westchester, let's say,
or Hoboken or wherever, if Iask for stuff peppers, They're gonna

look at me like, excuse me, We got like chicken balm, What
do you want? They got stephPepper's over it, They got brajole,
they got the good stuff, andthey got their own wine that they make.
So say hied to Charlie Depollo,the owner of Domini's Restaurant on Arthur
Avenue. All right, so yougot the Trump trial going on, right,
now in Lower Manhattan, which isof course a farce, and it's

not turning out turning out the waythat Alvin Bragg dreamed it up to be.
Because it's not going so well forhim. His witnesses, I think,
are better witnesses for Donald Trump.So I think it's let's get a
little update on what's going on here. Because I'm not a lawyer, I
only play one on the radio.But Andrew Trekowski is a lawyer, and
in fact is a great criminal defenseattorney, was a former federal prosecutor,

my favorite. He was a jagin the United States Air Force, for
which I salute him. And heis also the author of a great book
with his wife, Katie, WokeWarriors, How the Left is destroying America's
ability to fight and win its warsAnd isn't that true? Andrew? How
you doing. I'm great, good, good Saturday afternoon. Yeah, So

all right, give me your impressionof the Trump trial so far. I
mean, I'm looking at it,Hope picks like just took a bazooka I
think yesterday to the prosecution. Butwhat's your impression. We're two weeks in,
there's no evidence of guilt, butwhen I say that, we've got
to look a little bit deeper asto what they're even looking for. Guilt

regarding the charges in this case arevery unclear. We know that he's charged
with this misdemeanor offense for fraudulent entryinto business records, but that's not a
crime because the statute of limitations haspassed, So then there has to be
an escalating crime on top of that, an intent to interfere with an election
through unlawful means. What those unlawfulmeans are, the prosecution still has not

defined that. It seems like they'retrying to churn up all of this kind
of salacious detail about what it takesto run a campaign, what it takes
to protect a celebrity's image and reputationin the society, and turn that somehow
into that unlawful interference with an electionto bootstrap that misdemeanor. Judge Merchant has
been very favorable to the prosecution inhow they're allowed to essentially just throw whatever

at the wall and see what sticksand not create that additional detail in the
record to give the defense the noticeas to what they're fighting. So it's
just one witness effort a witness nowcoming to testify about all these inner workings
of the Trump team and how heessentially went about participating in these catch and
kill contracts with these sleezy lawyers.And he had his own sleezy lawyer to

deal with their sleezy lawyers. Andthat's all we have right now. It
seems like Donald Trump is having hislawyer tell him how to fix this problem.
No evidence of Donald Trump directly engagingin criminal activity or conversations that would
suggest that he knew something was criminalor wrongful under the law. Why is

Judge Marshaan allowing all this? Whyare they getting away with all of this
basically bringing in charges that they've notbeen charged with. Trump has not you
know, conspiracy, I mean,they're talking about election interference and fraud,
and then the you know the grabthem by the you know what tape was
allowed in there. Why why areall these things allowed? Well, if

it walks like a duck and talkslike a duck, it's probably a duck.
I mean. He seems outrageously biasedin this case. It seems as
though he should have never been involvedin the first place due to his connections
with his daughter, who is extraordinarilyconnected with the Democratic Party and has all
sorts of biases. That level ofconnection seems to me as a trial lawyer,
to suggest that the judge can't betrusted from an outsider's perspective. That's

called implied bias. So even ifthe judge wasn't actually biased, so his
bias is just screaming across everybody's screenin mind. I think that's very obvious
as you go deeper into the rulingsthe judge is making in this case.
I think that it's regardless of whetherhe should have been challenged off the case
in the first place. I thinkit shows the problem with perhaps prosecuting an

innocent person. I've seen in thecourse of my career a few clients or
more that I thought, through forwhatever reason, were actually innocent, and
through the course of the trial there'sthese efforts by the prosecution to let in
kind of sleazy details, the thingsthat made your stomach churn, or at
least the prosecutors and the judge kindof lets that come in and come in
and come in, and the jury'sjust waiting for something to actually hit that

sounds like the actual crime. Ithink the judge is just letting the prosecutors
get away with putting in as muchfilth as possible, and is allowing them
enough rope to hang themselves if theydon't actually have proof of the crime itself.
And he probably doesn't care if itgets overturned down the line, because
he's going to get and the Democratswill get the headline that Trump is guilty

if in fact there are twelve jurorswho say he's guilty, if they can
all stay awake, some of themapparently fall asleep during the trial. The
star witness apparently is the biggest liarof them all. Michael Cohen and he,
I guess maybe we'll take the standnext week. If you're a defense
attorney, you must you would besalivating to go after him, right,

It's a dream come true for atrial lawyer. I think absolutely. But
you make a good point about theappeal potential. It's the idea of election
interference. So if it were infact the idea that Judge Murchaump was saying,
Okay, I'm going to let thisin because you know, if a
criminal defendant is acquitted, if they'refound not guilty, or if it's dismissed
because they failed to stay in defense. Prosecutors can't bring it back, but

if it goes up on appeal,then it could come back and there could
be a retrial. So there's kindof an insulation that the judge has and
letting the guy get convicted and goingup on appeal. It's the election interference
though, and that's what we've gotto come back to. It's the same
with the gag order. You know, we've got to judge here who's making
calls favorable to the prosecution and thenissues this gag order as well, where

he straight violates I think Donald Trump'sFirst Amendment constitutional rights. I've got a
column in New York Post today,But the Supreme Court has been very clear
on this type of situation. Theidea of a gag order is specifically prohibited.
That the Supreme Court says that agag order in a case of widespread

concern to the community constitutes a substantialprior restraint and causes irreparable injury to First
Amendment interest. That's the Supreme Courtin nineteen seventy five predicting what's happening here
in political campaigns. You just can'tbe gagging a criminal defendant and in fact,
I can't find a single case comparablewhere only a criminal defendant is prohibited

from talking about the credibility of witnesseswhen everybody else is allowed to. That's
not how gag orders are set up. So, I mean it would be
he's so nice to hear Donald Trumpday by day giving his color commentary to
what Michael Cohan's predicted testimony and actualtestimony will be. But it's gonna be
guys like me to get out thereand talk about exactly what the evidences that's

coming in and how incredible it is. Incredible it is, I should say,
and I can guarantee it's going tobe a slashing cross examination. Andrew
Tracaski is with us on the RobAstrino Show here on seven to ten wor
So, what would be your strategyyour Trump's team? You're listening to these
witnesses for the prosecution really falling bythe wayside. They're kind of helping us,

right the defense. If I'm onthe defense, what would be your
strategy when you guys take over?Would you a me put Donald Trump on
the stand, I'd be pretty risky. Would you even say we're good?
No worries we don't got anyone tocall thanks or what would you do?
So I don't think Donald Trump hasto testify, and that's because of what

happened with Hope Hicks yesterday. Andthis is a bit nuanced, but the
idea is that Hope Hicks talked aboutthe fact that back in October November,
right before the election, when theissue with the Access Hollywood tape came out,
and when the rumors about Karen McDougallor Stormy Daniels came out, she
testified that Donald Trump was concerned abouthow this would look to Malania, and

he was concerned about how his familywould view it. He didn't want her
to see the newspapers, etc.That's his concern. One of the major
things that the prosecution has to provein this case, on a couple of
different levels, is the specific intentof Donald Trump to have acted in the
way that he acted, not forthe purpose of election fraud or election crimes,
but rather to protect his own imagewith his family or his celebrity image

at public And if they can,if they can thread that needle, I
believe that that's a valid defense tothe specific intent requirements that are going to
the prosecutors have to prove beyond areasonable death. And so when you're looking
at a case from a criminal defenseattorney's perspective, you have to think a
jury's going to blame a defendant whodoesn't testify. Even though the constitution says

that they can't do that, andthe judge says that they can't do that,
they still want to know what thedefendant is thinking. And so if
you can get into evidence organic statementsof the defendant without him actually testifying,
it's as good as him testifying.Because those statements that Hope Hicks had to
say way back in twenty sixteen,that's before there was any criminal allegations launched,

before it was lawyered. That wasan organic, contemporaneous statement, and
it tells the jury everything they needto know about what Donald Trump was thinking,
or at least for reasonable doubt reasons. And so I don't think at
this point, based on what theprosecution did to themselves, I think Donald
Trump's off the hook. I don'tthink he has testified. Andrew Trecawski with

us on seven to ten wor should. And this is obviously very difficult,
especially if you're a jury. There'sthe last thing you want. But a
case like this where twenty four toseven, this case is getting talked about,
should those jurors have been sequestered becausethey go home on the weekends,
they go home at night, they'reoff on Wednesdays, everywhere, And I

think eight of the twelve said theyread the New York Times. You know,
they all have their different viewpoints thatthey get, most of which are
Democrats. Do you think that that'sgoing to come into play? I honestly,
I was watching CNN the other nightand I thought I was I thought
I was on another planet, orI was paying attention to a different trial,
because of course all their experts talkedabout how damaging it was today and

for Donald Trump in the courtroom,I'm sting, what But if I'm a
juror watching that, maybe I missedit in court today? Really is that
bad? I think that the riskthat the jury has their external influences was
there before this ever started. Yeah. I have faith in the jury system,
and maybe I'm the fool for that, but it's the best system that's

ever been in the history of civilization, and there's good evidence of that.
It gets it wrong, certainly fromtime to time. There are good fighters
out there, lawyers like myself.We do our best to defend people's innocence
and the presumptions that the Constitution gives. So there's my little plug for the
Constitution and my passion for it.So I do have some faith in the

jury system. I mean, I'verepresented guys who are charged with terrible crimes
and the jury comes in and theylook at the charge sheet, and in
that moment when they see those terriblecrimes, I can tell you that those
jurors hate my guys sitting next tome more than they probably even hate Donald
Trump. And so you have tohope that they can find fairness in it.
And I would say CNN, notMSNBC, but CNN even has had

and The New York Times has hadsome critical coverage of what's going on in
the trial. The lawyers on thosenetworks can't explain any better than I am
what this additional charges and what evidencerelates to it. I mean, I've
been doing this for months and months, every day thinking about talking about the
charges in this case. I don'tget it. I don't think on that
deft when it comes to criminal law. I think that the jurors are going

to also have a tough time gettingit. There's two lawyers on the on
the jury panel. So even ifthey're getting some news from outside sources,
I think that there's quite a bitof critique left and right if they're really
critically analyzing what's being said. Now, there's a lot of cheerleading going on
and a lot of political talking points, but you know, the jury has

on that, and if they're goingto do what they promised to do,
we were set up for an acquittal. I don't I can't guarantee that because
we've got more evidence to come andthose jurors, who knows what their bias
really looks like. But again myfaith jury system, Yeah, I think
that would be difficult not to predictat this point. Yeah, Andrew TRAKASKI
with me last question for you andfolks. Read his column today along with

his wife Katie in the New YorkPost and it's really really well written and
it gets to the gag order.And so let me ask you this about
potential contempt charges. So he alreadyfinded him nine thousand dollars march on against
Donald Trump for his social media Let'stake this a little further. I mean,
if you're Donald Trump. I don'tknow how you bite your tongue,

but you know you've got your yourrallies and whatever. You're in the moment
you say something maybe against Michael Cohenthis week or whatever, and all of
a sudden, Marshawn's you know,he gets all pissed and and he's going
to hold him in contempt. Let'sjust go to the nth degree here.
Let's say he holds him in contemptand says, I am going I warned
you and I'm going to incarcerate youfor a day because you need to understand

the severity of this. First ofall, do you think it ever gets
to that point? And I meanpractically speaking, if Donald Trump were to
spend were put in jail, Iguess secret services with him, but this
country would go. It would beset on fire. It would be hard.
I mean, it's it is justterrible optics to the world, to

the to the electorate. It's thesort of nightmare scenario that would certainly put
Judge Murchon in the history books.Can you imagine if he did that and
then Donald Trump put acquitted in theend. I mean, this is the
invitation to chaos and the division anddivisiveness in our country that I think we're
all trying to avoid. Yet herewe are confronting it head on, with

a single judge in New York City, of all places, being ready to
just slap a hammer on the guy. I think that Judge Mentchan has to
be very careful in how he actsnext. Even the prosecution for the most
recent violations, they're still only askingfor financial penalty. The Trump defense team,
I encourage them as much as possibleto explore all avenues to appeal this.

There is a chance that it's alreadyappealed in the New York Court of
Appeal system. When it was donea few weeks ago. It had to
be done under seal I suspect becausethey can't publicize the things that they're complaining
about, which would seemingly fall underthe gag order. So I'm very hopeful
that that's already going through the NewYork system. I also think that there's

a path defiling it in US Federalcourt and District Court in the Southern District
of New York under a nineteen eightythree civil rights action violation. I'm sure
that's something that they're exploring as well. They've got all of these options as
to how to attack it. Meanwhilethey're trying to fully defend a trial and
deal with all the complexities there.I just think it would be terrible if

Donald Trump got put in a positionwhere he says something that is later determined
to have been perfectly protected under theFirst Amendment. And I've got lots of
reasons why this order of Judge Marchauntis just blatantly unconstitutional, even though the
Appellate Division has blessed it. Ijust don't think that they've looked into the
and analyzed the First Amendment case lawas well as they should have on this

issue. So it's kind of oneof those you know, he really needs
to get out ahead of this andcontinue those fights as hard as he can
so that it's not after the factput behind bars or hit with some sort
of of terrible contempt punishment that thatkind of further undoes unravels the nation.

Well, news flash, the judicialsystem in New York is littered with far
left retreads and party hacks, unfortunately. So we do hope that in the
end, you know, the lossstands on its own and Donald Trump is
acquitted or a mistrial or something,and it's not the ultimate election interference.
He's Andrew McCaskey. Who's who ChurkitchenMurkwski, I know him, murkask Andrew

Turkaski and his wife Katie wrote agreat book, Woke Warriors, How the
Left is destroying America's ability to fightand win its wars end. By the
way, he wrote a great columnin The New York Post Say which you
should read. Andrew, thanks somuch. I appreciate it. Thanks for
having me on the show. Thankyou all right? Okay? One eight

hundred three two one zero seven ten. One eight hundred three two one zero
seven ten. I got a lotmore to talk about, so do not
go away. We'll take you tillfive o'clock here on The rob Astor Reno
Show seven ten WR seven ten WarPresents The rob as Do Reno Show.
All right, let's sneak in acouple calls here. One eight hundred and

three two one zero seven ten.We will start in Tarrytown with Maria.
How are you? How you doing? Rob Good? I just wanted to
talk about how New York is soprejudiced against Donald Trump. Remember when he
delivered those pizzas to the Fire Department. Oh my god, they made it

such a big deal that he didNew York FD versus FD New York.
They're just so hypercritical and woke.And how New York showed itself to be
so unthankful for that gesture that JeckTrump did. When Biden can't even pronounce
chocolate chip or says pause in themiddle of a speech. You know,

it's just kills me. How itmeans just New York is prejudice against Donald
Trump. Well, look, there'sno question that it's gonna get worse.
I mean, look, the Trumpderangement syndrome. It's it's this lying dormant
and it's just starting to come out. Now. It's like the shingles.
You know, you see those commercials. It's there, it's there. Did

you have chicken pox? It's there. Did you have Trump arrangement syndrome?
Once it's coming back. And sohere we go, because Donald Trump is
going to be the Republican nominee.He's winning in all the polls. He's
got a great shot of getting reelected, especially against this buffoon who and
honestly, all this chaos is nothelping Joe Biden because if you're like me.

You're sitting there going what is wrongwith these people? And this is
not normal? And I don't feelsafe and these kids are brats and that
is not going to sit well withpeople who just don't like this unrest.
And then you couple it with theeconomy is not great. Although the stock

market is doing well, but overallthe economy is not doing well. The
wages, you've lost wages, ithasn't kept up with inflation, which is
high. The housing market is horriblebecause it's too expensive. Interest rates are
so high. Gas prices have younoticed they're going up and up and up
again. In California it's over sixdollars a gallon in a lot of places

we will be if this continues.And we didn't even get into the driving
season, that's the summer, it'sgoing to be well over four dollars a
gallon. It's going to be maybefive dollars a gallon at some point.
You think that helps Joe Biden?Uh huh? And all the illegal immigration,
all this stuff is helping Donald TrumpAnd all these pollings see and ended

a poll and they're always you know, freaking leftists and slanted. Donald Trump
was up six points nationally against Bidenin this week's pole, the highest Donald
Trump has ever been in any pollin by CNN. So the alarms are
going off on the left. Theyrealize that Joe Biden is in really bad

shape. He's in trouble. AndDonald Trump if he can, if he
can, and I've seen signs ofit, no question, if he could
bite his tongue, stick to theissues, and keep doing what he's doing
in New York, go to thebodega, go to the fire department,
do that rally at Madison Square Garden. Oh, that's gonna be great.
And the left hates it. Theyhate it because that's quote their territory,

and minority voters are starting to swingtowards Republicans and Trump. So he's got
a real good chance to win andreally change the direction of this country,
and I certainly hope he does.One hundred and three to two, one
zero seven to ten. Hello,Sandra, how are you good? Afternoon?
Love? Thank you for taking mycall. I enjoyed your guests,

especially Ray Kelly, talking about antiSemitism, but I wanted to say to
you, Rob, it goes somuch deeper than that. It's actually anti
Americans. There was a dance contestin Washington State and the contestants who were
wearing beautiful American flag costumes were disqualifiedand couldn't dance. Now, that is

not right. Don't you think it'sinsanity? What's happening here? Total insanity?
And hey, I think one ofthe proudest moments we had this past
week it was our own little Eogimamoment. Not to take away from what
the Marines did in the Ewogima.That flag that was taken down by the
NYPD, that Palestinian flag on theCCNY property and replaced with old glory was

a moment that should make us allvery proud. And the same thing with
those frat guys down at the Universityof North Carolina that did the same thing.
When those idiots protesting tore down theUS flag and put up the Palestinian
flag, those guys wouldn't have it. They put down their beers, they

went over there and they protected theflag, ripped down the Palestinian, pushed
away those little snot nosed snowflakes,and they put up the right flag,
the only flag. And so thereis a lot of good happening in this
country because again, a lot ofus are just like, this is insane
and it cannot continue. And that'swhy I do think Trump is going to
win reelection despite the fact that youknow, a lot of people don't like

them. And if you look atsome of the polls, here's the interesting
thing. When given a choice fromI hate Trump, I hate Biden,
I hate them both, I don'twant them either one of them, but
pushed and you have to vote forone of the two. If you're going
to vote and they are voting,they'll say I will vote for Donald Trump.
Donald Trump wins big over people whodon't like either one of them,

but they will vote. So thattells you where we're at right now.
Now anyway, I got a fewmore minutes. A couple of things.
Last night, my wife and mytwo daughters. Unfortunately my son is in
Arkansas because he's in the Air Force, so he couldn't be with us,
and we went out to dinner.We went to Guadalajara Restaurant in Briarcliffe,

great Mexican restaurant. We had thetime of our lives and we were celebrating
my birthday, so we had areally good time. And I don't know
how they knew all right, maybeI told them, but they brought out
at the end the churos, thetoday s leches, the fried ice cream,
you know, they liked that onfire. And we had a We

had a really nice night and Ijust wanted to thank James Lera, who
is the owner of Guadalajara Restaurant inBriarcliffe. They really treated us very nicely
and the food is fantastic. Ihad the the fajitas and they were really
good, the chicken and the shrimp. My daughter had chicken and steak,
so I grabbed some of her steak. So it was great and we had

a wonderful time. So I wantedto thank James at Guadalajara Restaurant in Briarcliffe.
And it's sinco they drinko tomorrow.Oh okay, some people say sinkle
dey mayo. It's sinco they drinko. And the Mexicans. You know what
the Mexicans say to us about Cincode Mayo, They call it cinco de
gringo. This is just people don'teven know what Sinkle de Mayo is.

We think it's the independence Day fromMexico. It's not. It's the Battle
of Puebla and they won a hugebattle over the French, and that became
like their battle cry, and theywon a war. And so I don't
know how it even started. Ishould have looked this up, but Sinkle
Demo just took off as a youknow whatever, not even a holiday,

but just a day ago, havefun and drink. So of course it's
May fifth, Cinco de Mayo,and that is tomorrow, so head to
Guadalajara restaurant or their his father HeySus, a friend of mine owns Rancho
Grande and Yank another great place.And I was fortunate enough to visit Puebla,
Mexico when I was county executive becausemost of the Mexicans in this area

are from Puebla Boblanos. So wehad a great time in Mexico. Uh,
you know, I post each eachSaturday, I post what's coming up
on my Newsmax show from one tothree, and then I post what's happening
four to five here on seven toten WR And now I've got almost I

think it's sixty four thousand followers onFacebook, thirty one thousand on Twitter.
It was like ninety thousand or soon TikTok. All these and I can
tell you whenever I would post stuff, we would get a lot of traction,
a lot of retweets, all thatstuff. I went through this before
when I was a candidate. It'scalled shadow banding. So these groups,

these these leftists facebooks, they goafter people like me, and they hold
back and they really don't let peoplesee things. That's election interference. That's
what Trump was always talking about.It's happening to me right now. So
do me a favor. Go onand retweet or whatever, and really screw
with them. All right, Igotta get out of here. The Knicks,

the Rangers. It's getting exciting aroundhere, folks. This is gonna
be a lot of fun. Yankeeswon today five to three, so I'm
sure it'll be fun going on thetrain with a lot of these drunken Yankee
fans. But anyway, I gottaget out of here. So we'll do
this again next Saturday. In fact, every Saturday. Mark it down four
to five. You can always callme up. Make sure you follow me

on social media, no matter whatthey do to me, Facebook, x,
Instagrams, Truth Social getter at robAsturino. The world is going to
hell, says Peter Mazio. Enjoythe rest of the song. See you
next time. Folks, He's comingto them. They will tell you Okay

is coming. You will
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