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May 12, 2024 49 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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This hour of programming on War issponsored by Black Mountain Capitol now former Westchester
County executive brob Astrida on seven toten. You think Wildwood, New Jersey
is fun on a normal summer afternoonor even in the spring, you know

what it's gonna be like in afew minutes when Donald Trump takes the stage
on the boardwalk there with a rollercoaster behind him in the ocean. You
talk about people watching. I lovegoing to Wildwood to people watch. It
is the fun place to be.And Trump is gonna be there in a
little while, and boy, it'sgonna be fun. You know, it's
funny. Donald Trump is trying toput an emphasis on some blue states like

Jersey. He still says New Yorkis in play. It's not. I
mean, New York is not goingto be a red state this November,
but it doesn't have to be.Actually, if Trump does better than expected,
if he owe performs, that'll bea huge win. He lost by
twenty three in New York last time. If he loses by like fifteen,
that's enormous. That means all thesedown ballot races for Congress like Mark malin

Aro and Mike Lawler who are inyou know, tough spots, they're gonna
win that, They're gonna win that, and Republicans up and down are gonna
win these races. So I lovethe fact that he's going forward. I
love the fact that he's going intoNew Jersey, which is always one of
those states that Republicans like, Ithink we can win this, we're smelling

it, we can win it.And then of course they lose by ten
or fifteen points. But I lovethat he's getting active in these states and
forcing Democrats to play defense. RobAstorino here on seven ten WR. It
is great to be with you becauseit's Saturday, and we'll take you up
till five o'clock a lot with Trump. We're gonna have Stefan Motteau, a

name that is in just like inGranite in New York. If you're a
sports fan, part of the nineteenninety four New York Rangers Stanley Cup champions
with that famous goal, a walkoff goal against the Devils in Game seven,
which put the Rangers in the StanleyCup for the first time in fifty
four years. It's getting fun aroundhere. You've got the Rangers, the

Knicks, even though they lost lastnight, they're still up to one.
A lot of excitement, and youdon't have to be you don't have to
be a hardcore hockey fan or sportsfan to enjoy the interview that I'm gonna
have with Stefan Matteaux, because we'regonna we're gonna kind of get that feel
for what it's like, what itwas like then, what it was like
to win the Cup, and whatit's like right now. I mean,

this is this is a time wheresports can really lift a city, even
though we're going through hell around here. And you know, I'm watching this
Trump trial and it just gets moreand more ridiculous of what is happening to
Donald Trump in downtown Manhattan. Andthe fact that Stormy Daniels was allowed to

speak as the government's witness and getaway with what she got away with on
that witness stand tells you all youneed to know about this trial. And
now next week, Michael Cohen,a convicted liar. Literally, he's going

to be the next clown in thiscircus that gets to speak and trash Donald
Trump. And that's really all thisis totally about. It's not about whether
he broke a law. It's clearhe didn't with regard to falsifying business records,
which is a misdemeanor. This isjust total insanity. But this is
the left, this is the lawthere that they do. They're winning in

the fact that they got to makeDonald Trump spend money, and he spent
tens of millions of dollars in allhis lawsuits. But we've got to be
we've got to watch this junk andJudge Murshan, you know, sticking out
a rag in Donald Trump's mouth,not letting him speak. And yet Michael

Cohen is supposedly under the same restrictions, and he promised, promise, I
promise, I'll be good, andof course every day he violates his word.
And the other day he did anotherTikTok message and he's announcing he's running
for congress. Michael Cohen is runningfor Congress. And yes, they will
be idiots who will vote for thatguy. Yep. We'll talk to Katie

Treukawski, an attorney, in justa few minutes about this trial. And
it's this, this is this islook, this is America at a crossroads.
That's exactly what it is. Becauseif Donald Trump is convicted on something
like this, then we're all.We're gone. We're toast as a country.

We are completely toast. And Iwill take your calls one hundred three
to one zero seven ten, onetedhundred three to two one zero seven ten.
You know, we can go rightto the calls if you want.
We'll sneak in a few and thenwe'll we'll talk to Kaju TRECASKI about the
Trump trial. We'll talk to StefanMatteau, and I have a whole bunch

of stuff that's been piling up.I got to get to later too,
So make sure I say, Bruce, it is your job. I'm looking
at Bruce through the glass. Isyour job to make sure I reserve a
little time for myself later. Solet's go to the calls. We'll start
right away. Jeff is in Ithink New Jersey. Jeff, how are
you? You're on the Rob AstarnoShow on seven ten woor Hello? Hello,

Jeff? Yeah, Hi is thisRob? That would be me?
How are you? Oh? Hi? Yeah, I was just calling.
But you mentioned the Trump trial,and I don't think it's getting enough attention.
But the things he's actually charged with, the business records falsification, If
you will all occurred in twenty seventeen. I don't know how you tie that

back to election interference in twenty andsixteen. I mean, it's like you
need Doc Brown's time machine. Yeah, well exactly. And it's not only
that, it's proving that Donald Trumpknew all about it, told them to
go do this, put it inthe ledger wrong, and nothing has come

out to that effect. And allof the government's witnesses have basically all backed
up Donald Trump. I mean literally, they've all said kind of good things
about them, and that he wasreally concerned about this embarrassing his wife if
this story came out, not admittingthat he actually had this sexual encounter with

Stormy Daniels, if they did twothousand and six. And so Donald Trump
is saying, you know, justget it done, you know, sign
a non disclosure. I don't wantto hurt my wife. That's done all
the time in business, all theseHollywood actors, famous people, they do
that all the time. I'm notcasting a judgment on whether it was right

or wrong. Obviously, an extramateral affair, if you had it,
is wrong. But we don't evenknow if it had it because she has
said Stormy Daniels has said a milliontimes that she didn't do this. They
didn't have this affair. So I'msorry, goe ahead, Jeff, I'm
sorry. Were you saying something yougotta turn your radio down because you're gonna

get the uh oh, I'm sorry. So all right, all right,
so go ahead. Yeah, Iwas gonna say that, how do fraudulent
business records from two thousand and seventeeneffect an election in twenty and sixteen,
I'm trying to really do. Butthey didn't charge him with It's just say

that he engaged in some grand conspiracywith Michael Kohen to affect the election of
twenty sixteen. But Bragg doesn't haveauthority a jurisdiction to prosecute such a crime.
So now look, it's a goodpoint, chef. This is what
this whole thing is about. It'stwo misdemeanors, by the way. One
is they're saying falsifying business records misdemeanor. The other part is interfering with an

election that's also a misdemeanor under thecode. And then but if you wrap
them together, I guess, likespinach for Popeye, they become a felony.
Sondra you're on seven to ten worhere with Rob Estorino. How are
you good? Afternoon, Rob?How are you good? I wanted to

say that I'm you know, I'mthinking, as this case progresses, I'm
beginning to lose sight as to whythere is even a case here. I
wanted to share something that Donald Trumpsaid. These were his words about the
gag order. He said, It'sa really bad feeling to have your constitutional
rights to free speech such a bigpart of our life in our countries so

unfairly taken away from you. It'shard to sit back and to listen to
lies and full statements against you,knowing if you respond, you will be
put in prison, maybe for along time. So this is a sad,
sad time. I know, I'msad every day when I see pictures

of Donald Trumpton. You know howthey draw the pictures and they make him
look so sad. I think I'mjust some heartbroke all over this, Rob.
What can I say? Well,Sondra, just think about this.
If this were on television, ifthis were televised, these you know trials,
and certainly this trial, it wouldhave to be bleeped out and be

like the Playboy channel. It's justlike all the sex talk from Stormy Daniels
and everything last week. I wouldn'twant the kids anywhere near that television as
she described allegedly what she did withDonald Trump or to Donald Trump. But
all of that is it matters,not an ioda, not an ioda.

Does it matter about what happened tothe business records? All right, Katie's
up. Let's say Katie, let'sbring her in for a second. All
right, Katie Trekowski is with usright now. She's an attorney and we
have her. We had her husbandAndrew on last week. They're both great.
You can see her, of courseon on Newsmax where I am,
and sometimes on Fox. She's aformer federal prosecutor and a criminal defense attorney.

Katie, how are you hi?I'm good? How you doing?
I'm okay? So what did youthink of Stormy Daniels and her testimony?
Well, you know, it's sounfortunate that she was allowed to testify in
a very irrelevant manner, and ofcourse a lot of people have been saying
it, but it's very true.None of what she testified to has anything
to do with the charges ultimately thatDonald Trump is facing and so the salacious

nature of it may be good forentertainment value, but certainly does not move
the needle for the prosecution. Andit was a real shame to see that
the judge allowed that to come ineven after he himself said that it was
not relevant. So not much morehas been proven. But of course we
have the Big Show on Monday withMichael Cohen. Yeah, so let's talk
about the Big Show for a second. I mentioned a few minutes ago that

Cohen. You know, now everyonesees it because he was on TikTok he
posted a picture I might have beenon Instagram of him in a T shirt
with Donald Trump behind bars in anorange jumpsuit. How can he get away
with that? As a quote witnessor even Stormy Daniels, who says she
hates Donald Trump, how are theyallowed to do what they do? And

that's okay, but Donald Trump hasto bite his tongue. Including Trump's attorneys
and Trump's campaign, they can't respondto these guys. Well, that's exactly
the problem with the gag orger Now, I mean, witness is going around
and saying really ridiculous things can alwaysbe used to impeach them. But the
fundamental issue here is that the gagorder has only been imposed on President Trump.

It does not apply to other witnessesor to anybody else involved in a
case whatsoever. It's unilateral, whichis a significant part of the issue with
suppressing his speech, especially during acampaign. So there's a significant amount of
issues that have arisen because of thatgag order, And of course Michael Cohen
has been free to express his feelingseven raise money off of this. It's

just a total mockery of the judicialsystem for Shore at this point. But
he will be attacked on all ofthose grounds on cross examination, and his
credibility, I mean, even justgoing into court is demolished, but it
will be even more so once hetakes the stand. So it's an interesting
move by the prosecution, but he'stheir only witness substantively to try to tie
Donald Trump directly to these transactions inany way. Gaye Trecasky is with us

on seven to ten wor So let'spretend that you're Donald Trump's attorney. You
got this weekend to prepare for MichaelCohen. You got to be licking your
chops, right, so when yougo in there, easy almost Yeah,
exactly. So when you go inthere and he puts his hand up to
take the oath, which we knowhe doesn't mean, because he's a convicted

perjurer, where are you going athim? How do you try to totally
discredit him? He's totally discredit asit is now and I've had my own
run ins with Michael Cohen, believeit or not. But you tell me,
how do you how do you discredithim? Well, the prosecution indirect
examination is going to elicit all ofthe convictions that he has and the issues

on his credibility to try to essentiallytake the sting out of that information,
but it's going to do very littleso on cross examination. I mean,
the biggest question here is how doesMichael Cohen have anything to do with whether
or not those business entries were falseentries? How is it possible that he
has any information that saying that itwas a legal fee was when it was
something paid to a lawyer is infact false, which is the first level

of proof that the prosecution needs toread needs to reach in this case.
So you know, in terms ofgetting into every single statement he's made about
Donald Trump, all of his biasagainst him, all of the things he's
expressed in terms of wanting to seeDonald Trump behind bars, all of the
issues he's had with his own credibilityup until even a couple of weeks ago,

being called a quote unquote serial perjurerby a judge. I mean,
there's absolutely no getting around that.Witnesses credibility ultimately is up to the jury
to kind of determine if they giveany weight to the testimony. But I
don't understand how the prosecution can proceedwith somebody like that and expect the jury
to take anything he says into accountunless it is one hundred percent corroborated by
some external piece of evidence, whichwe have not seen. So when Michael

Cohen wraps up on the stand,and I don't know who else they're going
to drag up there. But whenit becomes the time for the defense for
Trump's team, what do you thinkthey what do you think they do?
How did they play this because sofar everything seems to be going their way,
and these witnesses haven't been good forthe government. In fact, kind
of been sympathetic to Donald Trump andkind of made the case that, hey,

you know, he was really concernedabout his wife and his family and
how this would play out. Sothere isn't a smoking gun as of yet.
I don't can't imagine there will be. But how would you play this
if you were Donald Trump's attorneys whenit's your turn. Well, the thing
about the defense is that the defensedoes not need to put on a case.
They can just simply show that theprosecution failed to meet their burden.

And in this case, I thinkthat the burden might be so far from
reach that the defense will probably fileemotion for directed verdicts, which is essentially
asking that the judge find, asa matter of law that the defendant is
not guilty because the prosecution has failedto present evidence on one of the elements
of the offenses before they rested theircase. And in that case, the
judge could in fact actually reach adirected verdict before the case even gets to

the jury. In terms of theother pieces of the defense case, the
big question, and of course,is will Donald Trump take the stand.
It's ultimately his choice. I don'tthink there's any reason for him to do
that, and I think there's abig risk for him to do that because
the judge has essentially said that allof the information from other cases can come
in and can be used to crossexamine him. The Stormy Daniel's testimony has

now come in, so that iskind of wide open in terms of the
crossing damn. So there's really notmuch to gain and a lot to lose.
If Donald Trump takes the stand.The jury already knows his side of
the story. Essentially, they heardall these witnesses from the Trump organization.
They understand what happened, and ifthe prosecution has not met that burden,
whether through a directed verdict or ifthere's some evidence that the judge thinks was

presented that maybe maybe a bit weak, they could still send the case to
the jury and ultimately the defense willhave a chance to make their closing argument
to tie everything together and do notneed to put on additional witnesses at all.
So a lot of times you'll seea defense case that's really no case
at all. They won't put upanybody, but they will just point out
the gaping holes in the proof thatwere not presented by the prosecution in normal

cases. That's probably true. I'mjust wondering. In New York, with
eighty five percent of the voters inManhattan voting for Joe Biden and hating Donald
Trump, not just like disliking him, hating him. You're wondering who's sitting
on that jury. There are twoattorneys, so you would hope that they
would understand some of this, butyou don't know what you're going to get
with them. Are you, asin a defense attorney, are you kind

of watching the jury at all timesto see what kind of reactions and is
body language important or does it evenmatter because you really don't know what they're
going to say and deliberate when theygo back there. It's really hard to
read into a jury. But Ido believe in the jury system. You
know, as a defense attorney,represented many people that are accused of very
egregious crimes, and certainly the juryand other fact finders might have an initial

opinion about them or about the charges, but after the close of the case,
you know, you might be surprisedto see that people are found not
guilty. I went into this casethinking that a hung jury was probably best
case scenario for Donald Trump, whichI think is absolutely very possible. These
people went through the jury selection process, they were the best of the worst.
I guess, if you want tolook like it that way. But

you know, at this point itis I think possible that they could get
an acquittal, which would of coursebe massive victory for Trump, needless to
say. But you know, Ilike that. I don't have the optimism
like to give the jury the benefitof the doubt. These are people that
are instructed by the judge on whatthey are supposed to consider and only consider
when they're reaching their verdict and ifthey're doing their job, and there's not

been evidence presented, especially just downto that basic level of was this a
false jury? Was it false tosay legal expenses when you're paying a lawyer.
The prosecution needs to throw up anaccounting expert or somebody to say that
that isn't actually improper. We haven'theard that yet. So even at that
bare minimum level, I don't seehow they prove their case. If Trump

is acquitted, all those little crybabies and protesters will come out of their
tents from the campuses and run intothe streets and go berserk, because that'll
be their next thing to do.But I think you're right. I mean,
well, they will have nothing tocomplain about because it's been stacked against
him with the judge, with thejury, so if he wins, it's
a true victory. Yeah, that'strue. Let me ask you about the

other thing. There were some othernews obviously this week. Judge Aileen Cannon
down in Florida, she's got theMara Lago documents case she has put on
She's put a hold on this casenow, this trial indefinitely until the Supreme
Court rules right on immunity. Sothis really moves the timetable way back.
You've also got the stuff in Atlantanow where there the Court of Appeals is

going to take up the you know, the decision by the judge there to
allow Judge fo I'm judge the daFani Willis to stay on. So you
got two big things now in playfor Donald Trump. Both are good because
it's chew enough time, but bothcould go his way as well. Just
let me ask you quickly on boththe Document's case and what I lean Canon

did that's the right thing to do, I'm assuming, oh absolutely. I
mean, the Document's case was alwayson an artificial timeline before the election,
but it was pretty ridiculous to everythinga complicate the case like that, involving
classified material, which as yet anotherlayer, actually many layers in terms of
the procedures that are involved. Theidea that this was going to go to

trial in some expedited fashion was forno other reason than to get it in
before the election, and certainly Ithink Jack Smith wanted that to happen.
But that's just not what you seein litigation. There's many issues that Judge
Cannon has to deal with prior totrial, some of which are motions to
dismiss the case that our case ispositive, and of course the overarching immunity
issue at the Supreme Court is ahuge deal, especially when we're talking about

a former president. We can neverlose sight of that. In terms of
their handling of classified materials. There'sso many factors in this case that there
was really no practical way for thisto go in some sort of expedised fashion.
I'm not surprised that it's not goingto be going anytime soon into trial.
Last question for Katie Trekowski, Soin Atlanta Fani Willias Fannie willis she

was allowed to stay on that's beingappealed to me. I mean, this
is a no brainer. I don'tknow why Judge Scott McAfee allowed her.
There was at the very least anappearance of impropriety, and yet she's still
allowed to stay on. Do youthink that they will overturn that decision.
I'm very hopeful that they will.I think that Judge McAfee had enough evidence
to disqualify her. He didn't gothat far. He said that the case

law just was not clear about thatThere's never been a situation similar to this
in the past. So he didthe right thing by endorsing the appeal kind
of mis trial as it were tobe looked at, so that he could
kind of take not take the blameentirely, but give the opportunity for this
to be reviewed by an appellate court. Because his big thing again was that

there just wasn't enough guidance from othercases and other precedent to determine that it
should hilt one layer or the other. But I absolutely think that there's enough
evidence to this qualify her on theappearance of impropriety. It's just really another
disgrace to the judicial system. SoI think there's a good chance of it.
Katie Tjikaski and her husband Andrew,who was on last week. They
both wrote a book, Woke WarriorsHave the Left of Destroying America's ability to

fight and win its wars. Youknow, I just walked over from Newsmax.
I got off the Yar three andin the green room there there was
a stack of these books, andI should have taken one. I thought
they were like for somebody else.But when I go back, I'm going
to grab one of those books andread it because it looks really well.
Get you one? Yeah, absolutely, Katie, thanks for being with me.
Thank you. All right, KatieShikaski, all right, when we

come back, he's already cued up. I see it. Stefan Motteaux,
former New York Ranger, and boyis it getting exciting around here. I
was at the garden the other nightfor the double overtime win. Wow,
So stick around, folks. StefanMotteau from the ninety four Stanley Cup Champion
Rangers is next here on The robAstorino Show on seven ten w o R.

Rob Astorino on seven gen w OR. A Keishaw for the Devil's
Play Across Ice Into the Park Cornerat Toe Swoops in the Winter Show,
Got Toe behind the appwait Otto StepMatteau and the Racers have one more Hell

the Clime baby, but a Vancouverthe ray Guns headed in the final.
I still get goosebumps, I reallydo. And I was there for that,
and I was there for the Vancouverseries in the Sanley Cup finals.
Wow. Rob Astorino here on seventen wo R. Howie Rose of course
with that famous same as pull andyou know what, let's bring in mate

Matteo Mattee, Stephan Matteau, Welcometo the rob Astorino Show on seven ten
w R. How are you verygood? Every time I hear that calls,
it gives me goosebump myself. SoI heard it millions of times.
It doesn't get old at all.So very grateful. Thank you for having
me today. Thank you. Ohit's great to have you kidding me.

So. Of course, that wasGame seven, double overtime Eastern Conference Finals
against Jersey. You got that wraparound goal against Marty Brodure and then we
went, we sang Rangers, Rangersfans. We went and ended a fifty
four year drought against Vancouver. Gameseven we won. That was just an

amazing time in New York. Andyou think about New York back in ninety
four, you were just you werein the thick of it. So I'm
wondering. You know, we weregoing through what the Knicks, the Rangers,
you had oj we had an eclipse, We hadn't earthquake. It was
a crazy s year, sort oflike this year. But when you're in
the thick of that, do yourealize how the city is pulsating, how

everybody is kind of watching and justyou know, gripped by what the next
player, next game is going tobe. I like to say yes,
but we are We are stuck ina bubble. And back then we didn't
have any media, social media tofollow on our phone, on our iPad

or computer, so we were asathletes, do you have to focus on
your next game. You have tofocus on your next shift. We had
access to read the papers, butwe do know we we didn't know that
the fans were excited, but wewere excited. Also we were nervous.
The fans were nervous, the playerswere nervous, but we had to keep
our composures. So also the ninetyfourteenth we were surrounded by great leaders who've

been there many many times before withthe Inminton oilers, So everything, every
single day was a challenge. Everyday was something special. But let me
tell you what a great run itwas, what a great experience, and
winning solve a lot of problems.We won a lot of games back then,
and we swept the Islanders. Thenwe did pretty good against the Washington

and five and then led us toone of the best series of all time
when you think about a three doubleovertime game. We lost Game one and
then the game six, one Messierguaranteed the game. So all that alone
it makes a great, very goodseries. And then we had four pretty
much four great events in one series. And then against Vancouver we were up

three to one. To their credit, they never give up, but we
kind of let one slip in Gamefive and then we lost that one in
Game six in Vancouver. So thatsums it up. We were we knew
it was fifty four years, butwe don't we have enough pressure on our
shoulders to uh, we don't.We didn't need to, uh to put

extra pressure on our shoulders to perform. So Mike Richter was the goalie back
there who I got to know well. And it's it's interesting. It's like
a no hitter right in baseball,you kind of leave the pitcher alone when
when the goal he's kind of intheir own little world, right, what
kind of relationship to the I'll saythe regular players have with the goalie.

Well, Mike was pretty much allthe goalies I played for I played with
over my career. They were allnot weird, but they were in their
little world. But Mike was Ithink was a if my recall it,
like, he was just a greatperson, great guy. He I remember
one of my first practice I hithim in a over in a forehead and

usually every goalie would come after youand try to kill you, and Mike
as as a humor, as funnyas he like, he is, like
he said, I shouldn't have neverput my head in front of that buck,
and I thought it was fun.But Mike was just a regular,
regular guy. He focused before andduring the game, but he was not
strange. He was one of usbefore the game and during the game.

So I always like Mike. Hewas always fun to play for and with.
So let's go back to that time. So you beat the Devils and
then you're playing Vancouver now, andobviously the Ranger fans in New York have
been frustrated for years and years andyears. Right it was that was the
fifty fourth year that there hadn't beena Cup won, and so there was

such excitement built. And you're playinga hardbot series against Vancouver. I'll tell
you what I saw when you won, and then you tell me how you
felt and what you guys did whenyou won. But so I was covering
it at the time for what's nowdefunct radio station WFAS. So I got
to see all these games and itwas just amazing time. And I'm sitting

there and there was this guy ina seat next to me. Now I
was covering it, and I thinkI was the end row of the media
whatever. This guy was like literallyfive hundred pounds. He could not sit
in his seat. And when youfinally won the cup, when that horn
sounded and the Rangers won the StanleyCup, this guy must have been a
season ticket holderor something. He literallybroke down in hysterical crying tears like it

was all coming out. And Iknow other people felt that way. I
saw people crying all over the place. And by the way, when the
Miami Dolphins, if they ever dowin, I'm going to be the same,
damn ware, I'm gonna be likea little friggin' baby because I put
so much into this team and theyalways let me down. But I get
it. And but for you,guys, it's a business. Let's start

with that. It is a business. But yet the little boy in you,
you just accomplished something tremendous in thebiggest city in the world. So
how did you, guys celebrate?How did you feel when you won?
Best feeling in the world. That'smy only Standard Cup in my career that
I won. I came close afew years before with the Chicago Blackhawks where

the week came shorts against Pittsburgh.But you dream about that moment. It's
pretty much the same speech right whenthe players we dream about that moment.
But winning it on the ice ofMadison's Quake gar Arden, I didn't realize
the impact. But now it's beenthirty years, I do realize the impact.
I do welcome the moment. Butwhat a great feeling. But I

left town a few weeks just afew days later, went back to Montreal.
I haven't seen my son in afew weeks, so I wanted to
go get I wanted to share thatmoment with my friends from Montreal. And
but you don't realize it when youdo win it, right, away as
much, but when you look back, well for us, for me personally,

what a special moment because you'd beinteresting to listen to Mark Messi and
Kevin Lowe who they want six timesin their career, or Tom Brady when
winning six, seven eight Super Bowl, so at least they can pick which
one is their favorite. My favoriteone is the nineteen ninety four because it's
the only one. But it's agreat feeling mission accomplished, and on top

of it what I love about it. It's just I'm not braggings. They
I participated in the win in achampionship run. They brought me in late
in the season. They took ahuge gamble in trading myself and Brian Noonan
for a popular player in Toni Amani. The fans loved him and the players
loved him, and they was aI took someone's job, and then for

me to do something in in thethird round was very special. Stefan Matteau
is with me, former New Yorkranger who won the Stanley Cup in ninety
four here on the Rob Astrino Showon seven to ten wo R. I
remember vividly, so after you guyshad won, we went down to the
post game, and again I wascovering it. But I had the moment

of my life, at least insports, where I got to drink out
of the Stanley Cup Asa Tikinen,who was one of your teammates. For
whatever reason, I was there andhe handed me the cup and I drank
crappy beer out of the Stanley Cup. I thought it'd be champagne, but
it was. But it was amoment, and I wish, I wish,

Like you said, back in ninetyfour, there wasn't social media and
we didn't have phones with cameras,so I don't have a moment in time,
you know where I could always lookat it, but it's in my
head. How did you guys celebratethat night? What did you do?
Did you go a little crazy?Well, we did. My parents were
in town. Obviously, my dadwas there. He was not too crazy

about being in a crowd. Hehad struggled with that in his life and
they so I wanted to take careof him. So I was one of
the first guy to leave the buildingto take care of my parents and go
and drain back driving back to Westchester. So it was a celebration. We
left the building late that night,but it was just a we were a
composed group, plus it was lateJune. We were all tired, all

beat up, but to share thatwith our family friends and we couldn't even
move in there in the room.So the moment that you have, even
though you don't have a picture likeyou said you have, you have a
moment like millions of people would loveto be in in your shoes drinking out
of the cup the night we want. So, uh that's something special.

And uh, bit by bit Iget all those little stories in my head
that I do remember and that willnever go away. So uh, special
night, special, special year.And uh yeah that was that was awesome.
Before I ask you about this year'sRangers team, which has a real
good shot at winning that cup,how many fights did you get into in
your career and were they really goodfights? And what happens during a fight?

Is it like you mumble under youknow, your breath, like all
right, what's enough is enough?Let's go, let's just go down to
the ice, or you're really tryingto pelt them in the face. Uh
that's a good, very good question. I've never been asked that question.
Some nights you you go with theflow you fight because you feel like fluss
fighting. And most of the timeI really had to be pissed off or

or someone of my teammate had todo something stupid and we had to fight.
And then one night I ended upfinding TIDLEMI in Winnipeg because my teammate
Brian Marchman destroyed Timuscelani. And it'sone of those fights I wish and I
would have never been part of itbecause it was a tough one. I
never pretended I was a tough player, but I always thought that I was

there for my teammates if they neededme and when they were in trouble.
So it takes a lot of gutsto get into a fight. It takes
a lot of guts. We lostostupidity sometimes because even though I was a
tough player, not a tough player, a big person six foot four to
ten. There's always a player likeDave Brown. There's always someone on Brick

Talckett, and back then every teamhad like three four heavyweights, and when
I started my career, they thoughtI was one of those tough guys.
They all tried to escape by me, and that's what I've learned early age
that you don't make eye contact withthose guys and then they really they they
left you alone. So I nevermade a eye contact with with any of

them. But uh, yeah Ihad some. I had a few nights
that I've I Uh, those twominute fights were very, very long,
including the one against Idea. Andnow the Rangers have Mike Repi, who's
like Godzilla on skates. This guy'sfun to watch. This year's Rangers,
what do you think I mean?They're up obviously there they could sweep another
series. They're playing Carolina, whichis a great team. They've got a

real shot this year of winning theStanley Cup. Well, we shouldn't be
afraid to talk about it. It'suh. They're not in the rebuilt this
season like they did when they toldthe fans a few years ago when they
were going to turn around and rebuilda team. They turn around. They
made some great addition h Vincent.That Vincent is doing an amazing job.

The Goudro people don't talk enough abouthim. Lafrenier is doing great. Uh,
Miller Schneider in the back end,he's doing great. But also the
top players are playing like top players. So there's a lot of good things
going on. We should not beafraid. They're up three nothing the game
tonight. They do have the allthe ingredients. Next, let's say they

win and they're gonna have to faceFlorida Panthers or the Boston Bruins. Another
tough series. But let me tellyou, in the series over the years,
the toughest one is the toughest gameto win. It's the fourth game
and Carolina has played well. ButI think I have to we have to
give credit to the Rangers the waythey shut them down like they shut down

O V and again in the WashingtonCapital. So they're they're doing a lot
of good things. There's not toomany wins left before a championship. We're
gonna see the Standing Cup maybe atMadison Square Garden. So they're doing well
and we're all cheering for uh,we're all cheering for them, us the
alumni and also for the Rangers fans. And last question, so make your

moment. Tell me about this.I know it's a it's a character to
organization that you're part of. No, it's my I'm not part of it.
I started at this make your Moment. I started with working with schools
years ago in Pennsylvania and Lancaster,Pennsylvania. And it took me a while
to get a purpose in life afterI retired, and I tried many,

many different things. I took threefour years off after I retired. I
was lost a little bit, andthen I was asked to do a program
in Pennsylvania, which I really liked. There was only six seven kids in
there who were going through some toughtime, and I had the patient and
the wisdom of listening to them.And that's when I started to go back

there once a month and then seeingthe kids. So I had a moment,
my moment in nineteen ninety four,and make your moment. I want
them to make their own moments.Stop. I want them to find role
models out there, but I wantthem to have their moments. Be kind,
be good, stop skip skipping schoolat at school, be stop boolling

others, and I stop help helpingothers each other. So it's an anti
bullying program that I built. Also, I we dealed with sorry about the
kids who get anxiety attack. Wetalk all we talk about things I struggle
as a kid and also as anadult. So it's more than just a
little program. It's more of ayou said a therapy group that we do.

And also we you know, afterthe third time that I visit them,
we play floor hockey. I tryto teach them what's a good sportsmanship,
what is a good leader, whatis a good teammate? Good friends?
So it's very powerful. I meanabout twenty five different schools in the
Bronx brook Bronx, Brooklyn, QueensNorth Rockland. So I'm all over the

place and my programs keep on goingbigger and bigger. All right, Stepan,
before I let you go, We'regoing to play the song. Okay,
and this is great. If anyonegoes to a Rangers game, you
can't wait to hear this because eighteenthousand people play along with this and sing
this. But I'm gonna ask you, what is the word that we say
in this song? What's this?What is that? I've been saying whoa

for years and someone told me it'sgoal, right, goal? No,
you're right, it's it is whoa? Whoa? The writer. I've been
saying that for years and someone toldme that it's goal. Nope, you're
right, you're right. And onthe scoreboard they put gold because it was
a goal. And eighteen thousand peoplechant goal goal. It's not it's woe

whoa according to the writer for yearsand someone to correct me. You're a
writer, you see. Always gowith your gut. You were right.
Stefan Matteau of the ninety four StanleyCup champion Rangers. It's great to see
you and we have a friend incommon, Joe Pandolfo of Chatterbox Restaurant in

Pleasantville. Yes he is, Stefan. Enjoy your Saturday night. Thanks again,
Thank you, Okay, Stefan Mattelgreat guy. All right. So
the Rangers play tonight against Carolina.They could take out the Broom and win.
If they win, they'll sweep andthey'll move on. Is great.
The Knicks they're playing tomorrow, they'reup to one. The Yankees and Mets

are playing right now. It isa great time to be a sports fan
in New York. Don't go away, folks. I got more to talk
about, including the Beach Boys.If you like the Beach Boys, Brian
Wilson bad news for him, andI'll tell you exactly what that is.
Make sure you follow me. I'mon all social media, Facebook, Twitter,
which is ex Instagram, Truth,social Getter, all of them.

At Rob Astarino, and of courseyou can always check out and listen to
that entire interview with Stefan Who whichwas great seven ten WR dot com.
You can click on the podcast tabthe Robastreno Show, or just on your
iheartapp. And you know, ifyou're listening on a radio, which people
still do, believe it or not, if you're in the car or maybe

in the bathroom or whatever. Youknow, if you're leaving, if you're
going to the beach, let's say, wherever you could, you could listen
to us live or replay right onthe iHeart app on your smartphone, So
make sure you do that all right. More to come here The rob Astorno
Show on seven ten WR, TheRa Show on seven ten woor. Tomorrow

is Mother's Day and if you arescrambling, where will you take mom?
I of course have made my reservationsalready, but in case you don't know
where to go, may I suggestDominic's on Arthur Avenue, a great play,

great Italian food. Arthur Avenue isalways fun to visit and it's an
icon in New York. Dominicks onArthur Avenue. They've got great entrees,
they got specials on Sunday specifically,they make their lasagna. They've got fresh
cavatelli or cavadil, They've got beefbragole, they got good stuff. And

Sunday they have their normal food andspecials. So if you're gonna go or
tonight, of course you can goto That's what you do right now.
In fact, no matter where you'reheaded, make a U turn or put
it into the GPS. Put Dominicstwo three three five Arthur Avenue, Bronx,
New York, and say hi toCharlie Depollo at Domini's Restaurant in the

Bronx. They have their own wine, by the way, they make it
in Italy at a vineyard and theyship it for Dominis into the Bronx.
It's good stuff, So go sayhi to Dominis on Arthur Avenue. The
Beach Boys I saw them in concert. I think it was two summers ago.
They were with Chicago at Jones Beachand thanks to w R I got

tickets and my wife and I wentout and we were able to go backstage
and meet with Chicago and before Chicagocame out. The Beach Boys, well,
it wasn't the Beach Boys, it'sBrian Wilson, who was touring,
and obviously it was very obvious toeverybody there that he should not be on

stage anymore. And it was actuallypretty sad because the sound around him,
those in the band sounded like theBeach Boys, and Brian Wilson. They
literally like wheeled him out. Itwas like weekend at Bernie's. They wheeled
him out. He had an organor I guess it was an organ,

and he would You couldn't really seehim. He was kind of behind the
organ, pretending to play, pretendingto sing, pretending to basically be alive.
I mean, it was horrible.It really you just imagined him drooling.
It was it was really it was. It was sad, but it
was also like why are they allowingIt's kind of like Joe Biden. Why

are they allowing him to continue?He's clearly not what he used to be
and he could hardly talk. Itwas just sad, But I'm sure they're
making a lot of money or were. But I just saw a judge in
La placed Brian Wilson in conservative ship. So he's got a real bad dementia

diagnosis, a major neurocognitive disorder,they said, And you know it is
really very very said he was backhe was in a conservativeship and back in
nineteen ninety, so I mean thisis this has not been good for him.
And I'm glad I got to seethe Beach Boys. I actually did
see them in Westchester at the CountyCenter maybe ten years ago whatever was their

fiftieth anniversary tour, and I gotto go on stage and introduce them and
give them a proclamation. It wasvery cool. But when I saw Brian
Wilson a cup two years ago,that was that was not good. I
saw this today. So County ExecutiveBruce Blakeman in Nassau County. Of course,

he's doing a great job. I'veknown Bruce a long time, great
guy, and he's kind of settingthe tone for what a Republican should be
doing in this state, by theway, pushing back on all this junk.
And so he signed an executive orderwhich you probably aware of, back
in October, October and February,where he for the county parks. He

issued an executive order that would denypark permits to any women's or girls teams,
leagues, or organizations that allowed femaletransgender athletes. In other words,
men you know pretending to be womento play in women's sports. So Caitlyn
Jenner was there with him, supportingthis, as she's been very vocal about

this. And so a judge today, Francis Rousigliano, just overturned it and
ruled it null and void. Andhe said the judge said that he didn't
get into the legality of it.He just said that he did not,
as county executive, have the authorityto do this because the legislature, the

county legislature hadn't made a law aboutit, which is silly because as county
executive, you're the chief executive officer. You can set policy for your departments.
And so it was struck down Ithink on the wrong reasons. But
anyway, kudos to Bruce Blakeman forstanding up for women and girls as opposed

to those who pretend to be.And look, I've talked about this in
the past. There are this isa mental health issue and if it should
be treated as such, and I'mnot casting aspersions on any child who does
not feel comfortable in their own body, but we used to deal with these
kind of situations and now we're placatingevery feeling and it's become absurd. So

anyway, I'm sorry to see that. Bruce Blakeman lost that. I don't
know if they'll appeal or not.San Francisco, you thought they're crazy,
Well they continue to get crazier.They're now this is just crazy. So
San Francisco is now handing out freebeer and vodka shots to homeless alcoholics because

giving out needles to drug addicts isn'tquite enough. They're gonna make sure if
you're an alcoholic you don't feel leftout. So if you're an alki,
you might want to go out toSan Francisco. You save a lot of
money. Of course, this isin the Tenderloin district where or everything is
nutty in San Francisco. Go andtonight. I think the weather's supposed to

be good. It is supposed tobe clear. You might actually see this
whole northern lights tonight in the NewYork City area. Last night was the
best shot, but it was verycloudy and rainy. Tonight we might get
a rare glimpse of it. Thatthey say the best time actually is I
don't know what time. We'll behot, about seven thirty eight o'clock tonight,

right at dusk and the best viewwould be through your phone camera because
they capture light better than the nakedeye, So try that with your iPhone
whatever. But maybe take some picturesof the sky at sunset and maybe you'll
see something like the northern lights,which would be very very cool. All
right, Tomorrow is Mother's Day.Please thank your mom. To my mom,

I love you. And Happy Mother'sDay to my wife Sheila. The
day you became a mother, itwas the day I became a father,
the best day of our lives.So happy Mother's Day to my wife Sheila,
and to all the moms out there, including my mother in law,
Lamina. Enjoy your big day tomorrow. You know when June comes around in
it his Father's Day, it's like, yeah, you want a hot dog.

Nobody makes a big deal tomorrow.We spend a gazillion dollars, but
it's worth it. Follow me onsocial media Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
everything at rob Astorno. Check outthe podcast version if you missed it.
I am rob Astino. We willbe back next Saturday at four o'clock.
Thank you Bruce, Thank you Noah. And the world is going to hell,

k is coming to Well. Thishour of programming on wo R is
sponsored by Black Mountain Capitol
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