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June 29, 2024 50 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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This hour of programming on w oR is sponsored by Black Mountain Capitol now
former Westchester County executive Rob Astarina.On sevent ten, w o R out

com He's coming to They will tellyou they told Kton, but he's coming
to. Oh the world is goingto hell. But that's not what they
told us for four years. Nope, Nope, everything's fine, and the

guy leading us is perfectly normal.Every marble is in his head and it's
properly working. You should see whathe's like before he comes out on stage.
That whole like shuffling thing, that'snot real. What he's doing behind
stage. He does like one hundredjumping jacks, he does about one hundred

and fifty push ups, he doesthirty sit ups, and he's like a
mensa. I mean, the guyis amazing. That's what we're told.
That's what we've been told for fouryears about our leader, Joseph Robin Biden.
That's what we've been told, andthe media, of course, dutifully

plays along. Nothing to see.In fact, what you did see is
not what you saw. Stop beinga racist, stopping a hater, stopping
a maga Republican. And you knowthe whole thing. Right, Wow,
I mean, I don't even knowwhat to say. I'll say this.
I want to hear your opinion ofthat debate. I mean, if anybody

is in that thirty three percent inthe poll that said Joe Biden won the
debate, please call up. Iwould love to talk to you. One
eight hundred three two one zero seventen. One eight hundred three two one
zero seven ten. I'm gonna giveyou my thoughts about the debate and where

we go from here, what thelikely scenario is, what the reality is.
Because it's politics, but this isyour chance to call in and have
your voice heard about Joe Biden,whether he should continue all this stuff.
And also, you know, alot of it is is being overshadowed about
Donald Trump and what he did inthat debate. Remember last week I had

Eric Trump on and I was sayingmy prayers that he would behave and he
did and that's really all he neededto do, because if you actually break
down Donald Trump's performance last week,he behaved the questions. He was like,
all right, mediocre on the answers, quite frankly, but it didn't
matter because he was smart enough torealize that the guy to his left was

in quicksand, and nobody was gonnathrow him a rope to get him out
of that. And Donald Trump onlyhad to just watch his opponent sink,
and he did, and he wassmart enough to let him sink. I
mean, so let me start offwith the debate. I mean, it
only took a few minutes for everybodyto realize that Joe Biden could not possibly

stand up by himself with those brightlights on. He was on an island
because look, four years ago,they completely they threw him in the basement,
they locked the door, and thatwas it. Right, He didn't
have to do a damn thing becauseevery attack in the media for four years

was against Donald Trump. So everythingwas about Donald Trump four years ago.
Biden just had to sit there andsmile once in a while, do something
on TV, and that was it. And he got elected. He gets
in there, and all hell breaksloose in this country because he is inept
and the people around him are radical, and they undid everything that worked.

As you know, open the border. We've got a border crisis, self
inflicted. But we've got millions uponmillions upon millions that we know that are
here, and the millions that wedon't know who they are that are here,
and I mean you see it inNew York City and everywhere, and
crime out of control. We knowabout the inflation and the economy. I
mean, just the list goes on. I don't have to repeat all that.

But the point is for the lastfour years they have been they've been
part of this cover up. Themedia, the Democrats, the Biden administration,
everything is great, this guy isgreat. You're you know you you
Republicans. It's cheap fakes. You'reediting video. And I can't believe how
many people never saw Joe Biden overthe last four years in action. And

when I buy, when I meanin action, I mean like what he
was like Thursday night, the videosof him wandering, falling off a bike,
falling down Air Force one, everything, and that was hidden from people.
I have very smart people that I'mfriends with. They're on the left,
and they've never seen that. Theynever see that stuff because the New
York Times doesn't write about it,MSNBC doesn't play those clips, and they're

on the algorithms on TikTok and everybodyyou know, like an Instagram, and
so they only get fed the proBiden stuff or the anti Trump stuff.
They don't see any of that stuff. So Thursday night, no matter how
long he prepped at Camp David,seven straight days. You think about that,
seven straight days of nothing but sleeping, relaxing, rehearsing. And you

know, the staff had to knowby just how he is that this was
going to be a tough night,because like yesterday or the State of the
Union, he has a prompter hecould read, and if he stays on
the prompter, he's somewhat fine,but he's tricking everybody. But that debate

night, it was it was justhim, him and Donald Trump. Period.
Well and look, I've been indebates all right, for county executive,
for governor, and they were televised, and so you know, I
know what it's like to go throughdebate prep. I know what it's like,
the anxiety, the butterflies of debateday. And you always have people

around you don't forget this, saythis line, you know, hit him
hard here, blah blah blah blah, and in your head gets full of
stuff and ultimately a few minutes beforethe debate, everyone's gone, everyone leaves
the room and it's just you.And then they tell you to walk on
the stage and that's it, andyou're out there exposed and everything that you've

learned or everything that you know,or everything that you want to do.
You got to hope that it comesout the way you hope it comes out.
And Donald Trump his hit, andI know this for a fact.
I talked to people in his campaign. All they reminded him about this whole
week. Behave you do not haveto have knockout punches. You don't have

to have you know, zingers,you don't have to be personal, don't
be personal, don't be angry,and let him do what he's going to
do. And that's what happened.And the Biden team they knew, they
knew that this guy could not standon his own. Now, why June

twenty seventh for the debate, Well, this is exactly why they didn't want
this to happen in September, whenthe first debates generally happen for presidential Now
it's June. They have a monthand a half, two months before the
Democratic Convention. They can either seeif the ship gets righted, if they
can steady this again, get backon track and take it from there.

You see all the new York Timesand the liberal media and everybody. Now,
I mean, you cannot you cannotcover for him that night period.
So now, of course, whenthe New York Times editorial board comes out
and says the best thing you cando for this country is to step down,
that's the cue to the rest ofthe democratic train. This is the

message you're now supposed to say becausethis guy can't win. And so you're
hearing it from all different all differentangles, but it really only comes down
to Joe Biden or Joe Biden orHunter Biden or the ghost of Bo Biden
saying you gotta get out, andthey're not gonna do that. I don't

think why would they give up AirForce one, Why would they give up
the Oval Office and living in theWhite House. This is all they know,
this is this is their life,this is it's about power. They
love the power, they love thetrappings, and for them to bow out
would be very embarrassing. And Idon't think they have it in them.

I just don't. It's human nature. They love where they are and the
people around them, the tight circle. They've got everything to gain by him
winning a second term, and everythingto lose by bowing out because just because
they're a Democrat on the Democratic team, they're on Team Biden. So when

Joe Biden goes away or says he'snot running and becomes a lame duck,
it ain't about them anymore. It'sabout whoever gets the nomination, and their
team then takes all the power.So you have to understand that's how it's
not necessarily that they're Democrats and theywant to win. Yeah they do,
but it's their guy or their galthat they need to win, so they
have the power in all the powerfulpositions. I would be surprised, even

though he should, I would besurprised if he bows out because he follows
up the debate with a visited NorthCarolina scripted totally totally on teleprompter Joe Biden,
who smoking pot, she's sitting thereand said did he not do great?
And Joe Biden sitting there, allright? Maybe you know then presidents

don't always do good on the firstdebate. Okay, good luck on September
tenth when you got to go throughthat again if they gets that far.
So here are the options, andI know you want to call up one
in hundred three to two one zeroseven ten one eight hundred three to two
one zero seven ten here on theRob ast Reno Show on seven ten wor.

The options are obviously by the rulesof the DNC, those electors,
well, those delegates that voted forand represented Joe Biden in all of those
primaries, they are bound to JoeBiden at least on the first vote at

the convention. So he's got ninetysomething to percent of them. And these
are all people that are loyal toJoe Biden. Again, these are people
that worked for Joe Biden. KnowJoe Biden run states because of Joe Biden,
all those kind of things, Sothey would love to see him win
or run. Joe Biden. Ifhe says I'm running, they basically cannot

get him out. Now. Theycan try, and maybe they will by
just ripping up the rules, butI mean, that's gonna be a fun
convention in Chicago if they try todo that. So if he says he
wants to run, he's running,period, that's it. And there's only
a few people who are going totell him not to run that will have

the cajones to do that. That'sDoctor Jill. She loves it, so
she ain't going anywhere. She wantsthis guy to bump into walls. It
doesn't matter to him if he fallson his face like he did. She
wants to be the first lady.Didn't he do? Great? Oh my
god. So the other option ishe does withdraw, he releases his delegates,

and then they have the process ofeverybody like Kamala Harris, like Gavin
Newsoen, like Michelle Obama. Idon't think she'll do it. I really
don't. But you know who's lurkingour little friend over there in Chappaquah.
She would love Hillary to get anothershot at something like this, Gretchen Whitmer
from Michigan, all who have donea terrible job. But that's that's you

know, it doesn't matter. Sothey would then have to vie for the
delegates. That's the other thing here. Or the third option is, you
know, they force him out.I don't think that's likely. I don't
think that that would be likely.One eight hundred and three two one zero
seven ten. I just want toplay this clip because this is this encapsulates

what Joe Biden has become. AndI'm not a neurologist, but I've talked
to him I interviewed one on Newsmaxon my show at one o'clock, and
they're all saying this same thing.Now that obviously there's cognitive to decline.
Obviously there's dementia. There might beParkinson's, who knows, but obviously something
is wrong. It's not going toget better. It is getting worse.

Here's the clip that when we werewatching and you were watching, that was
it game over? This is it? This was it? Billion Dallas.
I should say in a ten yearperiod, we'd be able to wipe out
his debt. We'd be able tohelp make sure that all those things we
need to do, childcare, eldercare, making sure that we continue to
supprem steps on our healthcare system,making sure that we're able to make every

single solitary person eligible for what I'vebeen able to do with the with the
COVID, I just could be withdealing with everything we have to do with
Look if we finally beat medicare,Oh my god. So I mean,

it's like something came out of hishead. But it wasn't. It wasn't
Cojing isn't coherent, and that's howhe's been And so that's the commander in
chief. If I'm Vladimir Putin,if I'm President g in China, if
I'm any world leader, I'm lookingat this going, oh my god.

I mean, we got six monthsto take over the US. What are
we waiting for? We can't letTrump get back in. Let's do this
now. This guy doesn't know whathe's talking about. It's really frightening,
and it is sad. It isit truly is sad. I mean,
here's a guy, whether you agreewith him or not, he gave his
life to public service and there's somethingto say about that. But they never

know when to leave the stage.And this is the perfect example of this.
They never know when to leave.It's the old saying, I'd rather
leave a day early than a daylate. Well he's a day late now.
That never should have happened. Butyou got to blame his family for
that, for letting him do that, and the people that love him the
most shoved him out on that stageand they should be mortified. But I

don't think they have any shame.I don't think any of them have any
shame. So the conventions are comingup. Donald Trump is going to be
nominated in a few weeks. Now, I wonder I wonder if look,
if he stays in. Even theNew York Times editorial board, which asked
him to step down, said,but if he stays in, we're definitely

endorsing him. I think Bill Maherwas pretty funny the other night. Bill
Maher said, Joe Biden's head couldbe in a jar with that blue liquid
and thirty three percent of the countrywould still vote for him, and they
would and his head is in thatjar. But it doesn't matter. It
doesn't matter. So the conventions arecoming up. Trump will be nominated first

unless they try to put him injail. And maybe now they have to
put him in jail. Maybe that'sMarshawn's you know, marching orders. Get
this guy in jail. We gotto do something to change things here.
And you know, and sorry tosay, if you think that Joe Biden,
if he stays in, is goingto be pummeled by the media,
you are dead wrong. If JoeBiden decides to say in this race,

after that pathetic performance and after displayingobvious signs of dementia, the canons will
be shifted from one night of beatinghim up to Donald Trump period. They
will ratchet up the rhetoric against DonaldTrump because that's the only way they can
win. Donald Trump is the threatto democracy. Really, Donald Trump is

the threat democracy. Meanwhile, theDemocrats want to x out all of the
voters in the primary that picked JoeBiden. They want to x them out.
They want to shred the Constitution.There's no talk of the twenty fifth
amended. By the way, rememberthat one when Donald Trump was in office,
every freaking day, it was talkof the twenty fifth Amendment that you
need to invoke this and at leasttemporarily suspend him as president and put somebody

else in because he's crazy. Butno talk right now of Joe Biden in
the twenty fifth Amendment, of coursenot so. Don't think that if Biden
decides to stay in, he's stillgonna get every benefit of the doubt,
and they will cover for him,and they will just pivot to Donald Trump
as the biggest threat to democracy.He's the convicted felon, He's the danger

Donald Trump. Blah blah blah blahblah blah blah blah blah. That's what
they're gonna try to do. Oneeight hundred three to two one zero seven
ten, one eight hundred three twoone zero seven ten. I will take
your calls next here on the robAstorino Show on seven ten WR rob Asterino
on seven ten WR Okay four twentyfive on a Saturday afternoon, rob Astino

taking you up till five o'clock.So, I know a lot of people
want to give their opinion, andI'm glad. That's exactly why I do
the show. I was so excitedThursday night when that debate was happening.
I mean, I had so muchto say, and I'm like, oh
my god, I wonder what thelisteners think about this one. I mean
again, if if you're going todefend Joe Biden, if you were one

of the one third of the peoplesurvey that thinks Joe Biden won the debate,
I swear I will fast track you. You get an easy pass to
the first call you call up oneeight hundred and three two one zero seven
ten, and I will put youon the air immediately. I will.
You'll get a park hopper. You'llgo right to the top of the list.
All right, all right, letus start the calls, a lot

of Jersey calls right now, andwe'll go to Stan Hope and Andrew,
you're on seven to ten wo rhi Andrew, Hey, how's going?
The opposite I Biden went, andI thought it was the TKO like when
Muhammad Ali sadly in his last fightwhen he had Parkinson said it was becoming
more advanced and Larry Holmes was actuallylooking back at the ref hoping the ref

would stop it. You remember thatfight, do I do? Yep?
Yep. It was sad And thenMuhammad Ali thought he could still like do
headfakes. But Biden went, Hescreamed, or said suckers and losers,
that Trump is a sucker. It'san embarrassment to our nation because not only
is it a lie, and evenif Trump thinks that, he wouldn't be

dumb enough to say it. AndBiden not only lying, but his acting
is so bad. Yeah, becausehe did that in twenty twenty. But
like I think the bad acting iseven worse than the lying. But I'll
shock you a little bit. ButI actually was impressed with Biden in one
way that his ability to memorize theinformation they fed him. He did well

with his memory, but he didobviously poorly articulating what he memorized. But
that set him up too for Trump. Two quick examples NATO, when Trump
said, hell, they weren't payingtheir bills, so he got them to
pay their bills. And also Januarysix Yeah, on January sixth, I
left you with a country that hadlow inflation, energy independent, not even

the New War. So anything newthat Trump would that wasn't part of Biden's
memorized coaching, like totally stumped Biden, and Biden lastly, like it's backward.
It's like if you see a footballgame and the game is over and
you know this drategy, Like Bidenkept insisting that Trump's policies are bad economically,

and his policies foreign policies will causewars, but there wasn't any new
wars. And as Trump pointed out, Russia invaded under Bush, Obama and
Biden, but not and Israel didn'tget attacked. So it's already proven and
we had low inflation, and soit's just backward. And Biden's like,

well, I'll raise the corporate attack. Well it's like, well, why
don't you put him against that?But if he that's important, why isn't
he putting a plan like legislation,why aren't they putting you know, he's
already president. He said, well, if you left me, i'll raise
text. But I just want toask you last and I'll hang up and
listen. Do you think that JillBiden she wants him to stay in because

of the possible crimes that Biden couldget convicted for and his son if Trump
is in there, but if Bidengets reelected, they're not going to prosecute
him. So is that a possibilitywhy he didn't drop out, or why
she is doing what seems to beelder abuse by pushing him in there.
Yep, all right, so goodcall Andrew. Let me let me take

that question. One hundred and threetwo, one zero seven ten. So
I do think that that's part ofit. I think if it's a parent
over the next couple of weeks wherethe money drives up and the polling really
starts to shift, that Biden mightcome to the conclusion or somebody around him
I come to the conclusion that hey, you know, we got to get

out of this thing. Then thenit becomes what deal will we cut to
give my delegates to whomever I wantto become president? And by the way,
let's talk me and whoever I'm goingto pick to be president. Here's
the deal. I want to makesure that when you take office from me
on January twentieth, that no goojinvestigation will occur to me and the Biden

family. Anything already underway will bestopped, and my son will be partner.
I think he's going to do thathimself, but that there will be
pardons, God forbid, something doeshappen. So I do think that that's
part of it, but I'm notso sure this guy's going to get out.
Part of that debate was almost likea Saturday Night Live skit because Biden
would would mumble and he would stop, and then Jake Tapper or Danna Pash

would be like, sir, youhave eighty four seconds left. You could
just see him dying, like whatam I going to say? For eighty
four seconds? And that happened Idon't know how many times. And I
think part of it too is wherehe was comfortable was going backwards a long
ways. Right, He's just it'sjust wrote for him. So back in

the eighties or nineties or two thousandswhen he was debating, he can remember
some of that stuff. Right.Military is great, but if it was
something that he had to talk aboutright now or was thrown off course?
Forget it? And when the whenhe had lists, whenever he said,
you know, uh, three thingsnumber one, I'm like, oh,
I can't wait till he gets tothree because they'll never remember it. And

he didn't. How many times didhe screw up after he got through one
to one hundred? Yeah? God, you're playing this? Yeh we firmly
beat medicure. Yes, oh,all right, one one hundred and three
to two one zero seven ten.Pam is in Paterson, New Jersey.

I Pam, Hi. After threeand a half years of hell, we
deserved this satiric comedy moment where theDemocrat can't figure out how to get rid
of a bad house. Guess yeah, that's true. We deserve it.
We deserve to enjoy this because wecan take a breath after three and a

half years. And you know,they do deserve this because they knew back
then. Look Obama said, RememberPresident Obama said that Joe Biden should not
be running for president in twenty sixteen. Biden told I'm sorry. Obama told
Biden, hey, Joe, youshouldn't run because he saw then that he

was starting to slip and that heprobably couldn't win, and he endorsed Hillary
over his vice president. That reallyticked off the Biden. So then in
twenty when he was even worse andthey all know it, they still let
him run. And so the chickensare coming home to roost. But think
of all the damage that was donein the last four years. Think of

all the damage that was done.Let us go to Walt in Yonkers.
How are you, Walt? You'reon seven to ten? Wr Okay,
Rob. I'm wondering how many peopleuntil Thursday night had been believing the media
spin that Joe is in such greatshape physically that he could run a mile
in ten minutes, and in aspare time he was reading dissertations on nuclear

theory, and all of a suddenthey realize it's all a bunch of lies.
I wonder if there are surveys underway, how many people in this country
all of a sudden realized that theestablishment media is full of nonsense. Yeah.
I'll take my friend Laura as aperfect example. She is a progressive,

white educated, affluent suburbanite who istotally democratic, loves you know,
loves Joe Biden, loathes Donald Try'sfrom and she texted me on Thursday more
I'm sorry Friday morning and said Ican't believe what I just saw and I

can't vote for Joe Biden. Butshe was quick to say I will not
vote for Donald Trump. But shesays she can't vote for Joe Biden.
Now let's fast forward. If JoeBiden is the candidate, and it's November
fourth and fifth, and people aredeciding how to vote, and they're going
to vote, my guess is she'sprobably going to still vote for him,
and I think a lot of Democratsprobably will. But if enough do stay

home, or enough independent say ohmy god, come on, then you
know Donald Trump is going to winthis race. And all the issues line
up with Donald Trump, all theissues that are important to everybody. It's
immigration, it's crime, it's theeconomy and inflation. It's even this woke
nonsense that aligns with Donald Trump.Joe Biden's talking about abortion. Nobody's talking

about abortion. Joe Biden's talking aboutto democracy, nobody even knows what the
hell that is. So and thenwhat you see was performance. So I
can't wait to see some of thesettling down and in the polling next week.
To see the snapshot. Rob Astorinohere on seven ten. WR.

Let's go back to the phones.One eight hundred and three to two one
zero seven ten Jeff in Maplewood,New Jersey. Hi, Jeff, Hi,
Rob. Since you're a veteran ofmany campaigns, I just had a
question for you. All the moneythat Joe Biden has raised for the Harris
Biden campaign or Biden Harris campaign,can he transfer if he drops out?

Can he transfer that money to thenew candidate saying Newsom whoever? Or is
that strictly dedicated to the Biden Harriscampaign. That's a good question. I
do not know if he can directlytransfer that. I think what he can
do is he can that money,and the federal laws are different than state
laws, but that money can betransferred to let's say the Democratic National Committee

potentially to a pack and they thencan spend on behalf of the new candidate.
And there are joint fundraising, sothe DNC and Biden will joint fundraise
together. Donald Trump has been ableto raise literally over three hundred million dollars
in the last two months now becausenow the rules have changed since the primary,

and they're able to raise bigger sumsand they're able to raise together.
So that's what's changed. But whetherBiden can give directly to the next nominee,
I'm not sure it's a good question. Sondra Hi Sandra from New Jersey.
We got all these New Jersey callssay I should be Why wasn't I
running for governor of New Jersey?Go ahead, Sondra, how are you

well? Anyway? I wanted tosay that I thought Donald Trump did really,
really well. He was measured,he was controlled, he was presidential,
and he also I showed a lotof compassion towards Biden. You picked
it up a lot, and howhe looked at him. He was sad
in a way for him at moments. But what I wanted to say if

I could, Frank Lunn said thatall the undecided voters are now deciding on
Donald Trumpy. He said in thirtytwo debates where he had focus groups,
he never witnessed one like this,you know, he never saw a performance
like this with Joe. And thenalso Jack Chettarelli said something that I liked.

He said, for those who wereon the fence, this debate closes
the case for why Donald Trump needsto be elected. So I have to
tell you, though, Rob,I don't want to see anyone else take
his place. I want Joe Bidento run and continue the course and let
the pebbles fall where they may.I don't want anyone to come in now

in between this, because it's goingto change the whole thing. I think
exactly. That's a good point,Sondra, And of course thank you for
recall. If I'm Team Trump,I want this to go exactly as planned.
I want it to be against JoeBiden now more than ever, obviously,
but even such, you're running againstthe incumbent who has screwed up this

country so badly, so badly thatyou can be convicted of crimes whether it's
true or not, and still bein the lead. And if you take
away Joe Biden, then the issueschange. You're gonna get some slick willie
like Gavin Newsom who's completely destroyed California. But oh, look at his little
teeth, shiny teeth, his slickback hair. He talks, he's so

oh, he's so youthful. Ohand he'll blah blah blah his way maybe
to the White House or anybody.So I agree. If I'm if I'm
Republicans, I want things to stayjust as they are. Please Joe Biden,
please stay in this race. Youcan do it. You can do

it. Let's go again in Jersey. Dave from Tom's River, You're on
the Rob Astorino Show on seven toten. Wr Hey, Dave, listen,
there's one really, really important pointthat nobody has mentioned. When Donald
Trump was offered the first debate,even though the rules were not good and
it was really unfair in terms ofthe rules, he was smart enough and

he had enough instincts to know thathe needed to make a deal real quickly
to get them to agree to thedebate, because if he didn't do that,
we might have only had one debateat the end of September and millions
of people would have already voted.So if he didn't do that, it
wasn't smart enough to do that.To guarantee we could we needed to hear
Biden. We would have never heardhim, and all this stuff that we

now know may never have been knownuntil almost election day. That's a great
point, Dave, And thanks forthe call. Yep. That's that's so
Trump was criticized, Remember by saying, all right, I'll agree to CNN,
who he hates, obviously, butTrump said I'll debate him anytime,
any place. During the during thetrial, he was saying, come on,
Joe, what are you doing,And of course Joe Biden, yeah

here you got like your Wednesday's freewhen the trial wasn't on, and Donald
Trump was smart enough to say anyplace, anytime, basically, any rules,
I'm in because he knew if hecould get this guy on the stage,
that was likely to happen what happenedon Thursday night. So kudos to
the Trump team and obviously to DonaldTrump. Just looking at it again,

I didn't think Donald Trump had anA plus night. He didn't even have
a B plus night. He wasfine, he was steady, he kept
his composure, he didn't show angerand didn't fly off the handle. He
was presidential. He did outline whathe wants to do for a second term
as opposed to Joe Biden, andhe let his opponent hang. He just

gave him a little more rope.That's exactly what you're supposed to do.
So it really didn't matter so muchwhat Donald Trump was saying as long as
he was, you know, notlunatic y, as long as he wasn't
completely off the handle. It wasall about Joe Biden, Frank and Queen's
you're on seven to ten w R. Yeah, to express my opinion.

I predict the election in November willbe rigged by their Democrats because of this
vote and mail of votes. Thenit said no word to control vote,
even if you can vote with me. Well you look, yeah, that's
the biggest that's the biggest concern thateverybody has if you're Donald Trump or you

want a fair election. The earlyvoting is one thing on the machines,
the ballots that get put in themail and in some states they automatically send
a ballot to every registered voter.You don't have to request. You're going
to get a ballot whether you wantit or not. So it's in everybody's
mailbox. The guy who I andlived in that house for two years but

still registered, that's going to endup in his mailbox. So there's a
reason why Europe went away from universalmail in ballots. They understood very quickly
what was happening or what could happen, and they made people show up,
which is by the way, inmost state constitutions you're supposed to show up

on election day. You're supposed toshow up so people know who you are.
These are your neighbors. Basically,when you go to your election district,
they see the same faces all thetime. They know and if not,
they match it up with the signaturethey're supposed to have voter idea of
course, but no, that's racistsomehow. But anyway, this is a
big concern. But as Donald Trumpis saying, let's make it too big

to rig. Let's make sure thatyou go out and you vote early,
voting, you vote apps, whateverway we're supposed to vote. Now,
make sure you vote, and makesure it's so overwhelming that they can't catch
up with their tricks. And Iyou know what, I kind of think
even Joe Biden can still win potentiallythe popular vote because they're gonna run up

the score in California with those braindead voters in places like New York.
Even though in New York it's onlyan eight point lead. Imagine that in
New York it's only an eight pointlead for Joe Biden, who beat Donald
Trump by twenty three points last timein New York. I mean, if
it stays that close eight points,even ten twelve that's lights out because you

have to extrapolate that the same peoplein New York, those like Independence,
they're thinking the same way in Ohio, and they're thinking the same way in
Arizona and Georgia, North Carolina.That's that's huge. So it's to me,
I think Biden will stay in.I think he's gonna be enormous pressure

for him to get out. ButI think he's gonna stay in. And
I think after a week or so, they're gonna all realize he's staying in,
and then they're just gonna get backin line and just write it off
as one bad night, he hada cold. He had a cold.
But look at him now, he'son that stage, all fiery, right,
reading that, reading that tell aprompter, and once it's over,

hurry up, whisk him away.So he doesn't say anything, he doesn't
fall, he doesn't shake nobody's handwhen he puts his hand out, there's
nothing there but air. We don'twant that anymore. They're gonna be so
controlled, they're gonna limit him everywherein the White House. They're gonna limit
him so you so basically nothing canhappen, and it's all gonna be about
ads. It's all gonna be aboutattacking Donald Trump and making Donald Trump the

monster that they tried to make himand successfully made him four years ago.
That's the only way they can win. It can't be about their guy,
can't be about their policies, can'tbe about what the voters actually want.
It's gotta be about thoroughly destroying DonaldTrump and making him so unacceptable that you
have to vote for Joe Biden.That's it. That's their whole game,

all right. One one hundred andthree to two, one zero seven ten.
So much more to do. Igot so many other I got so
many other interesting things, including Iwas down in Washington, DC on Wednesday
doing some shows on Newsmax, andI had a chance to go around the
Capitol and meet with a whole bunchof congressmen. I met Speaker Mike Johnson,
was really nice, and so Ihad a a hell trip coming back

from DC. It was my ownplanes, trains, and automobiles. It
was horrible. And this is justI can't stand the airline industries anymore.
I just hate them. But I'lltell you about my trip. Too much
more to do here in the nextfifteen minutes. On the rob Ass Torino
Show on seven ten WR. SevenTENBR presents The rob As do Reno Show.

And let me tell you about Januarysixth. On January sixth, we
had a great border, nobody comingthrough, very few. On January sixth,
we were energy independent. On Januarysixth, we had the lowest taxes
ever. We had the lowest regulationsever. On January sixth, we were
respected all over the world. Allover the world, we were respected.
And then he comes in and we'renow left at We're like a bunch of

stupid people that what happened to theUnited States' reputation under this man's leadership is
horrible, including weaponization, which I'msure at some point you'll be talking about
where he goes after his political opponentbecause he can't beat him fair and square.
Name that tune on God's Name,that tune by the Clash. Yeah,

dude, I stay, You'll shootI go. That's it. Should
I stay here? Should I go? Oh? Well, that's all Joe
Biden's got to think about and theDemocrats over the next several weeks. Should
he stay or should he go?I think he should go. I think
most people think he should go.But it's just not human nature for a
guy who's in the top position inthe world to just give it up when
in his brain and his foggy brainand in his wife's foggy brain, they

both think that they're the only onesthat could beat Donald Trump and save democracy.
Blah blah blah. That's what theytell themselves in order to rationalize staying
in this race when they've got nobusiness being in the public eye anymore.
Just a reminder, by the way, if you're like me, you love
Italian food, well then there's reallyonly one place to go if you want

to go to the old style,right Arthur Avenue, and it's Dominis,
my favorite place. Dominis. Sayhi to Charlie Depollo and get yourself a
nice, hearty meal. I'm tellingyou. I went with my father recently
and we had chicken palm that weate for days. This plate comes out.

It's like, oh my god,is this family style? I like,
no, that's yours. Oh mygod. So I love the fact
that the prices are reasonable for achange, and you get this massive plate,
which I mean you could keep eating, but you probably get sick,
so you eat till you're like niceand comfortable and then you say to the
waiter can I take this home?And then you got yourself a nice couple

of days of dinner after that.If you want so, say hi to
Dominis. They're open usually Thursday throughSunday, but they're not opened this Thursday,
July fourth, So you know,this is a nice time because a
lot of people are away, soyou can quickly get a table. You
can go down there and get parking. So go to Dominicks on Arthur Avenue
in the Bx, the Bronx.So here's my day of hell. Wednesday.

I got up very early. Igot four in the morning, and
I took a six thirty flight fromHPN Westchester County Airport down to d C,
where I had meetings on the Hillwith Congress and Mike Lawler, the
New York delegation. It was niceto see, by the way, my
friends who I don't get to seeoften right now because they're down in DC.

But you know, Anthony d Esposito, Nick Loloda. I did stop
and see Tom Swazi, who I'vebeen friends with for a while. He's
a Democrat, of course, butwe always got along. It was nice
to see him too. Mark MalinArrow from the Hudson Valley, and so
many others. Of course, MikeLawler who walked around, and Mike took

me to the well of this ofthe of the house floor. I didn't
go on the floor, but inthe back and Speaker Johnson came out.
We had a nice conversation. He'sreally the nicest guy. He was just
on Newsmax on her nine AM showwith Tom Bassilly and he's just the greatest
guy, very down to earth,nice sense of humor, and I really

think he's exactly what this country needsright now. So anyway, I did
the rounds, then I did Gretavan Sustern show at six o'clock, and
we pre taped the Chris Plant Showwhich airs at ten. So I was
on both of those show on Thursday, and then at least to Phonic from
Upstate New York, who's one ofthe top people in the Republican Conference.

She had a birthday party at theWharf section of DC. If you know,
that's a really nice area where theboats are, and it's right on
the Potomac. It's very nice.So I left there at around eight o'clock.
Reagan National is, you know,like a ten minute cab ride.
I get to the airport at aeight fifteen. Now my flights at ten
o'clock, and I'm looking at theradar and I'm saying, these storms that

are going to come into New Yorkand Washington, it looks like they're going
to start at ten o'clock. Andthere was no delay, nothing on time.
Your flight's on time, blah blahblah. I check in, I
get to you know, the area. I'm just I'm waiting, waiting,
waiting, and then boom, thereit goes right, your flight is delayed.

It's delayed till ten thirty. Herewe go delayed again, and it
delayed again, kept getting delayed,and then at one point they said,
well, your plane is actually inHarrisburg. It was diverted, it's sitting
there and then it's going to flyin. But we're all set hang out,
folks. Okay. Meanwhile, there'sfour flights ready from one gate,

four different flights at Detroit, Hartford, and was another city. Everyone's waiting
at that one gate for their flights, like, okay, this isn't good.
And then at one in the morning, one in the morning, they
finally say, your flight is canceled, and I felt like saying, you
know, you could have told methat three hours ago, because this is
exactly what we knew it was goingto happen. So then what happens At

one in the morning. There areno more flights and now there's a line.
Literally I counted over one hundred andseventy five people waiting online for two
reservationists. So I'm like, well, I'm not waiting on this freaking line.
It's one in the morning. Iwon't get there till three, and
she's gonna tell me, you know, there's no more flights. There were

no more flights The entire next day, Thursday, all sold out, including
on other airlines from going to Washingtonto HPN. So I'm like, what
am I going to do? Soit's three in the morning. I'm I'm
freaking exhausted at this point, andI'm like, so, I'm like,
all right, I gotta get overto Union Station and I got to get

on an Excella. So I bookan Excella train ride at five am.
So I make my way over toUnion Station and I'm like trying to stay
awake. I'm sitting in a chairand there's like nobody there at that point,
and I did set my alarm forlike four forty just in case I
dozed off and I can't sleep.Me up his uncomfortable chairs, and then

there's like bums walking around. You'relike, okay, do I really want
to fall asleep? And then Iwake up and my my iPhone's gone and
my shoes are gone. So finally, at like four forty, they're like,
okay, line up, we're goingto board the Excella. I get
on the train and it's the lightsare so bright. It's like it's five

am. Can you low? Whatare the lights? We all want to
go to sleep. So I'm sittingin the chair ready and we just start
to leave DC and there are thereis four Japanese guys right behind me,
and they must have thought it wasthe middle of the day because they're rambling
on in Japanese, not stopping asecond. And all I could think of

is I want to go Godzilla onthese guys. I just want to throw
them off the train and I justwant a little shut eye, which I
could not get. And so finallywe get to Penn station at around eight
in the morning, and now Igot to get up to back to Westchester
Airport to get my car. SoI eventually I took an uber. I

get to Westchester, I get mycar. Now I have to pay a
second day. So I finally walkedin the door like eleven in the morning.
I had not slept at all,and I had to be back at
news for our debate coverage. AndI was just like, oh my god.
So that was my harrowing. Iknow, it was like, okay,

shut up, but it was like, you know, really annoying.
And I just I hate the airlines. I hate them because they nickel and
dime. You you get nothing thatthat plane, by the way, it
was such a small plane that Ifelt like I was in an MRI.
It was so tight. Literally,the guy next to me, I mean

his elbow and my elbow were likeover each other. Nowhere to move.
These planes and these airlines are justhorrific. And I saw this story too.
Now I don't know if it's trueor not, but it's plausible definitely.
So there's this woman and she wasflying from San Francisco to Texas on

United Airlines and she said, thispoor woman, she had her family,
she's got this little kid, she'sgot this car seat she's carrying. She's
got this this little kid in heryou know, in her arms. You
just know, the baby screaming.It's hard, it's horrible. And apparently
she says that she was not allowedto fly. She was thrown off the

flight. She was not allowed toboard the flight because she was speaking to
one of the flight attendants beforehand orsomething and she got the pronoun wrong.
She said thank you, sir,and whoever it was was all pissed and
she's like, I mean literally,kids screaming, and this flight attendant is

all angry, and then the staffersare angry because she misgendered whatever this was.
But she was thrown off the plane. She was not allowed to fly
because she said sir instead of sheor whatever. And yeah, I kind
of believe it. It was UnitedAirlines and it was in San Francisco.
You don't think I believe that.Now? What is Coney Island and the

July fourth celebration for Nathan's Hot Dogswithout Joey Chestnut is why would they not
allow? Okay, I understand thatthey had a contract with him, an
offer of a contract. He wentand signed with the possible foods, probably
not the smartest thing to do.They were paying this guy two hundred thousand
dollars a year to appear in theNathan's Contest. He was offered a one

point two million dollar four year contractto go forward, but they said no.
So Joey Chestnuts is not going tobe wolfing down hot dogs. He
had seventy six hot dogs he ateand their buns in twenty twenty one.
Last year he only had to dosixty two. There was no competition,
So he's not gonna be there,which means I'm not gonna watch it.

Who cares. I don't want towatch somebody eat fifty Come on, who
can't hit fifty hot dogs? Hesays, he jests oils to make sure
there's a clean hot way, notraffic jams down his throaated in his stomach.
So he's gonna be in Fort blissAt, I think the air of
the army base, and he's gonnahave come competition with the soldiers who maybe

maybe they can do like ten hotdogs. All right, I have all
these other stories I never got toI'll get to them next week. But
anyway, I hope you have awonderful Fourth of July. God bless these
United States of America, and makesure next Saturday you spend part of your
Independence Weekend with me the rob AstarinoShow right here on seven to ten wo

R, and we'll just have fun. But thanks for calling it, by
the way, because that's what theshow is all about. So do it
again next time. You have agood weekend, everybody, and please,
please please don't blow your fingers off. If you're gonna play with firecrackers,
take care of while nobs is comingto hell, they will tell you how

dictating everything's okay by bombs is comingtoo hell. This hour of programming on
wo R is sponsored by Black MountainCapitol
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