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March 16, 2024 45 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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This hour of programming on WOR issponsored by Black Mountain Capitol now former Westchester
County executive Rob Astina on seven toten dor, I love it. That's
how you gotta start every show.You just gotta, you know, dance
a little bit into the studio.Oh boy, I walked across town and

I'm glad you're with me. AndI'm glad I made it. I walked
across town from Newsmax, which isat third and forty ninth. Just got
off the air about an hour ago, and then I had to make my
way through the parade, which ishappening right now. I think, what
the two hundred and sixty second Parade. It's the largest longest parade in the
world, Saint Patrick's State Parade.And they're marching up don't say they're marching

down Fifth Avenue, marching up FifthAvenue, and they start around forty second
Street. Then they usually make theirway to the cathedral where they all stop
little reverence, and then they moveon up to I think seventy second.
But as you're trying to make yourway across, they have these streets cut
off. A lot of these crossstreets are just blocked off. Because they

don't want traffic anywhere in midtown obviously, and so you know, they put
you through these pens basically. SoI had to wait on fifty first Street
near the cathedral for the parade tostop, and then they led us through,
and you know, I didn't makethe first wave, and I'm waiting
and waiting, and finally I madeit across and got here in time.

But what a gorgeous day. AndI'm glad you're with me. Rob Asturino
here on the Voice of New Yorkseven ten wo R as usual if you
want to participate. One eight hundredthree two one zero seven ten is the
number. One eight hundred three totwo one zero seven ten. A lot
happening today, speaking of Saint Patrick'sDay, which is tomorrow. The former

Prime Minister of Ireland end to Kennywill join me in a few minutes from
Ireland. He was the t shchickthey it that is the word for prime
minister, and he was in officefrom twenty eleven through twenty seventeen. And
then when he stepped down and leftLeo Radecker, who is there now,
who is a far leftist, hebecame prime minister. He's still in office,

and so end to Kenny will andI had the pleasure of meeting him
in Ireland. So we will talkabout some stories and he will tell you
about his his meetings with Donald Trumpand Barack Obama when he went to the
White House, as all pms ofIreland do right around Saint Patrick's Day,
So stick around for that, andyou know a lot to talk about.

The Fannie Willis thing. I gota parking ticket in New York City on
Veterans Day, and I'll tell youabout the hell that the bureaucrats put you
through. It's just you cannot beatCity Hall. That's that's it. I
mean, somebody came up with thatfor a reason and they proved it once
again, no matter how right youmay be, you can win. And

I didn't. So I'll tell youabout that. And of course COVID,
remember four years ago, right atthis time, COVID shut down everybody.
We were totally locked down. Iremember March thirteenth. I was working in
the city and I took the trainhome and it was the most eerie day,

imaginable. Nobody said a word,and nobody knew what was going on,
but they had just announced that dayCuomo did that the Saint Patrick's state
parade was being canceled. That's whenyou knew it was serious. And the
rest is history. I want totalk for a moment about this shooting in

the subway again. And you sithere and you listen all the time to
the Hocals of the world, andto the mayor Adams of the world,
and the Joe Bidens of the world, and all of the leftists who say
we've got no crime wave, youknow, and they'll cherry pick statistics here
and there. But you know,because you see it, you feel it

now. It may not be directlyin your neighborhood, especially if you're in
suburbia somewhere like where I am myneighborhood, I don't feel unsafe walking outside
at night if I take the dogsout, I don't feel like I'm gonna
get mugged. But it happens,and you know, the car alarms will
go off in the middle of thenight, or the store in your town
might be busted into. And certainlyin New York City, it's a problem.

I mean, you've got multiple problemswith the illegal aliens and the wave
that are here, and the problemsas well as just the las crime laws
that we have here and really thejust the turning the other way. I
mean, that's really it's a policydecision. It started with Deblasio basically,

you know, unlock the gates,let them all out. So the prisons
were emptied in New York thanks tohe started it, Hoko continued it,
and all the leftists, the looniesare running the city. So you know,
we were all outraged a year agowhen Daniel Penny the Marine was trying

to help fellow straphangers who felt completelyunsafe because they were unsafe with Jordan Nash
when he was sitting there and wasscreaming at people. Neely, that's it,
Jordan Neely and remember him. Hewas going berserk. Nobody felt safe

on that subway car. And look, if you've ever been in that situation,
I have. I've taken the subwaya million times and you're, you
know, you're just riding along andthe last thing you want is for you
know, the the guy to comeinto your car with the you know,
the drum right and he's going toplay the drums for you, and he

wants money. And when he's done, he walks around, or the person
mentally ill, screaming or talking tothemselves. You just want to get to
the next stop, hope they getoff, or you just want nothing to
happen. You just look at yourphone, but you're looking up, looking
at your phone, looking up becauseyou don't want to look at them.
You don't want to irritate them orbring them over to you. But you
got to be vigilant, vulpin throughit. And so how is that any

different when somebody comes to your rescue. When Jordan Neely goes crazy and Daniel
Penny prevents what happened the other day, No question, he prevented what happened,
but he gets charged. And Iwon't go there. I won't go

there because of its skin color.Should I go there? I probably should,
right, because that's really what it'sall about with Alvin Breck, But
I won't. I won't. Andyet we see it again just a couple
of days ago. Now I thoughtthat Hokal's ridiculous theater of the absurd of
having seven hundred and fifty members ofthe National Guard in their fatigues. She

won't allow them to have their longguns though, because they're scary looking and
we don't want that we don't wantthat. So she makes them put away
their long guns which they're trained on, and basically has them there for show
to start looking in bags. Andby the way, you can say no,
you're not allowed to look at myback, or you can walk away.

But anyway, what happened. Ithought that was supposed to make sure
that nothing happened. And as Hochelsaid, you know they're there to make
everybody feel better because crime is low. Okay, I'm stupid, Please keep
playing me for a fool. Andthis happens yesterday or two days ago.

Why did it happen? Because we'vegot a problem in this city, and
it's policy. We've got zero leadership, and the policies that they put in
of not locking up people, ofnot keeping them in the mental mental hospitals
or the care that they need,of allowing them to walk free on the

streets when they are danger to themselvesand others. So what happens, well,
of course this happened. De JuanRobinson, totally mentally unstable, is
allowed to get into the subways.He pulls out a gun, screaming at
people. Of course they're going tofeel not only uncomfortable, but they are

unsafe, and so he pulls outa knife, pulls out a gun and
this immigrant who is here legally,his kids, this guy from Yemen,
Yance Aboada. I'm not sure ifI'm pronouncing it right, but he was
able to knock the gun away andhe fired him. He fired the guy's

gun on him, and he shouldhave. And I've heard people sit here
and say he never should have donethat. Are you freaking kidding me?
What? Give him back the gunand say, oh, I apologize,
I took your gun. Yeah,there is an imminent danger there. It
is defense mode, folks. Andso what happens though this time they decide

to not charge or indict the shooterbecause it clearly was self defense. Can
you please explain to me the differencebetween what Daniel Penny did and what the
gentleman did the other day? Literally, literally, there is no difference.
It is the definition of self defense. And yet we hear from the left

that there's a there's clearly a distinction. No, there's not. So you
know, if you're in New YorkCity today and blame there are a lot
of them. I just saw manyof them. In fact, I'm walking
from Third Avenue coming across. Iget I was at third and what fifty
first at Park, waiting at thelight, you know, to cross,

and this group of guys they're probablylike, you know, late teens,
I would say they you know,they had all the beads on, they
had the green shirts on, thedopey hats, all that kind of stuff,
because they clearly came from the paradeor from one of the bars.
And it's like in slow motion he'sthey're walking towards me as I'm waiting to
cross, and I could see it. One of the kids, like his

eyes were kind of rolling back inhis head a little bit. You can
see he wasn't feeling good, andhe's starting to come closer to me,
and all of a sudden, hestops and throws up everywhere. And I'm
sitting there looking if I have anyeven splash puke on my pants, and
thankfully I didn't. But this istoday in New York City. Everybody's having

maybe too good of a time,but people are having fun on Saint Patrick's
Day. Now, what of thesepeople? And I took the train early
this morning. I took like aneight something train a Metro north into the
city, it was packed. Imean, there wasn't a seat there.
Thankfully I had I got on beforeha white plane, so I got my
seat. But all these people whoare today who are going to be drinking,

they probably you know, not goingto be totally in the right sense
of mind. Later as they're takingthe subways, and god forbid, you've
got, you know, somebody whois mentally unstable, and all of a
sudden, you've got something that couldhappen again in a dangerous situation in the
city. Because the leaders and againI am putting that in air quotes.

I wish I were on TV nowbecause I would you could see my air
quotes. The leaders are not leadingin any way. They are leading us
down the wrong direction in places likeNew York, Chicago and all of our
cities. And they just went ifyou think, by the way, this
migrant stuff is going to get anybetter, it's not. They just went
to court and they changed the settlement. You've heard about, this whole settlement

in New York City with the rightto shelter, And now we have one
hundred and seventy thousand people illegal alienswho are here who apparently the Atoms Administration
took the view that they must besheltered at our expense as part of this
settlement that was reached you know,years ago. That's not true. They

should have never read it that way, and they should have gone to court.
But anyway, they've been upholding thisand now said they just rework this
settlement and after thirty days they nolonger have to shelter people. Okay,
tell me what happens in thirty days. What's your plan in thirty days when

you kick them all out of theshelter? Where do they go? Where
do they go? They're going tobe on the streets. They're going to
build ten cities. What are theygoing to They're gonna take the trains north.
I don't know where are they going. That does nothing except make the
problem worse because you have no overallplan. And the biggest issue is not

how much money the federal government isgiving you, which is what you ask
for all the time. That's allyou want, and that will never solve
this problem. The biggest issue isnot the right to shelter. The biggest
issue is how we're allowing them tocome in in the first place. If
that were stopped, we never wouldbe in this situation. But none of

our again air quote leaders want totake a position on the crime laws,
on the no cash bail laws,on the migrant crisis. I was nice
there. It's an illegal alien crisison the board. They don't want to
talk about it. They don't wantto go after their own folks who are
causing this, and so now weall deal with this. Chicago did the
same thing, by the way,they just announced in thirty days the so

called migrants will also no longer beallowed to stay in the shelters. Where
are they going to go? It'sthe same thing. They're sleeping in police
departments, they're sleeping at O'Hare Airport, same thing here. It's total insanity
and none of this is going toget better because we have the same lunatics
in office. Let me slip onecall in here and then I'm going to
talk about Saint Patrick's day because weare going to have the former Prime Minister

of Ireland and to Kenny joining usin just a moment. But let me
slip in a call here, Paulfrom the Bronx. How are you,
Paul, You're on seven to tenwor I'm good. How were you to
listen. I was cos this isour first chance to do it. You
have the button, the gong button, you have the gong sound effect.
Go ahead, where are you going? So that's what happens, Bruce.

You're allowed to call anytime, butyou gotta stay on you gotta stay on
topic. And then you can't gooff into your transit. You know your
transit. Here's a transit cop.You can't go off to your tantrum exactly.
So uh that you're all welcome tocall one eight hundred three two ones
zero seven ten, but you're notallowed to go way off and drag us

all off into a different it's adifferent atmosphere. All right, I'm gonna
take a break. When I comeback, we're gonna have the former Prime
Minister of Ireland and to Kenny totalk about Saint Patrick's day in Ireland and
in New York, the whole relationshipbetween the Irish community and the wave of
immigrants that came here and they dida different way back then, and some

funny stories. So stick around onthe rob ast Reno Show here on seven
ten WRR, The rob ast RenoShow. All right, rob as doerino

here, I'm not gonna do thatstupid thing with the oh at the beginning
of my name when it's really atthe end of my name, like rob
O s Dono. That is sostupid. Not gonna do it. And
I'm not gonna do some stupid thinglike the Irish tuck. Not gonna do
that t either. Anyway, it'sgood to have you with us on this

Saint Patrick's Day. Eve. Hopeyou have some nice times in the city
tonight if you're heading here or whereveryou're going, and drink responsibly. Okay,
just so you know, my wifeand I got married in Ireland.
My mother in law father in lawboth from Ireland. One is from the

North Derry and one is from Mayo. My mother in law from the West
coast of Ireland. Beautiful, beautifulcountry by the way, beautiful people.
I've fortunate to go over there,I think through three times and would love
to go back. Hopefully this summerwe can skip over there for a little
bit. But it's such a wonderfulwarm well not warm weather about warm people

in Ireland. And they have gota great sense of humor. They love
to have a fun time, theylove to dance, they love to sing,
They love to drink. Oh,they love to drink, and they
love to just hang out and talkand it's really just a wonderful place.
So if you haven't had a chance, it's like I should be on the
Ireland Tourism board. But it reallyand truly is one of those countries that

if you have not had a chanceto visit or you're like thinking where to
go, that's one of them really. And even the food's come a long
way. You know, everybody saysIreland the food is horrible. It was
like that for a while, butit's gotten much better. I mean now
it's like Doublin's just a major cityand you can Galway is a major city,

so you'll find everything. And thenthey still have the beautiful countryside,
you know. So it's just aI love it and I can't wait to
go back. And we brought webrought our kids there when they were growing
up, all their cousins to meet. So, you know, this whole
immigration thing, it's so misinterpreted.What I would I wouldn't even say that.

It's so twisted by the Democrats andwhat they say and what they do.
And of course they always say Republicansare anti immigrant that there's nothing that
could be further from the truth.All we're saying is stand in line,
like I had to stand in linecoming across town, okay. And most
people should understand that. When you'reat the supermarket, you like when somebody

jumps ahead of you, No,you wouldn't. Actually, you'd probably be
angry, you'd probably say something tothem. And it's the same thing.
We just want to know who's comingin our country and they should be vetted.
And and by the way, wehave a right to say no,
it's our country. It's not theirs. It's our country. And that's what

this whole immigration thing is about.And so don't let them, when I
say them, the media, theleft, don't let them take this narrative
republican bad and run with it becauseit's wrong, okay, and they're only
doing it for political purposes. Sothis is again, It's Saint Patrick's Day.

It's a wonderful day. It's aday to have fun. It's a
day. Yeah drink, I don'tcare. I have a couple of Guinnesses.
I think that's great, and enjoythe Irish music, the Saint Patrick's
Stay Parade. So this morning Icame in here, I took the train
and I went to Saint Patrick's Cathedral. They have the Mass at eight thirty.

I didn't go to the mass thisyear. I've been to plenty of
them, and I have to tellyou, there is nothing thing more beautiful
than the Saint Patrick Cathedral choir andwhen they play those songs, you know,
it is just so nice and it'sjust a it's a beautiful way to

start the day. And I've beento these parades and then after the mass,
Cardinal Dolan has a reception in theresidence of Saint Patrick's Cathedral, so
I was able to see the Cardinaland see some really great faces of people
from west Chester and really all allover the places. They were getting ready
for the parade. So I've hadplenty of times where I've had to march

in the parade. I've marched inthe New York City Parade. I think
every year I was county executive forthose eight years and then every boy I'm
trying to think, it was probablytwelve different parades in west Chester that they
do around Saint Patrick's Day, andI would march in every one of them
every year. And it's but youknow after a while. Okay, So

the other day the other week,I was asked if I wanted to march
in the I think it was theSleepy Hollow Saint Patrick's State Parade, and
I'm like, no, thank you. I I don't want to do that.
I'm done marching in these parades.I just got bagpipes out of my

head and that, you know,the last parade I marched in was probably
five years ago. So I didn'twant to do that. But there is
something really special about the Saint Patrick'sState Parade in New York City. It's
really the whole world watches. It'sthe longest, it's the oldest I think.
I think it was two sixty two, two hundred and sixty second Saint

Patrick's State Imagine that in the seventeenhundreds, mid seventeen hundreds, the Irish
who came over and of course therewas no immigration there, there wasn't any
you know, Ls Island people justcome. But they were able to come
here and they escaped England and theyescaped Ireland because the British wouldn't let them

do anything, they wouldn't let thembe Irish really, and so they would
wear their green over here as asymbol of you know, their Irish pride,
and over here they were allowed tospeak with their Irish accent, eat
their Irish food, do their Irishdancing, enjoy themselves. And so they

started the first parade in New YorkCity in the seventeen hundreds. Go back
two hundred and sixty two years.Do the math. That's pretty incredible.
That's way before we had a declarationof independence. Think about that. And
now they do these parades everywhere.They do them in Chicago, they do
them in Boston. I think thoseare the second biggest of Chicago where they
you've probably seen this. They diethe River, the Chicago River Green.

That's pretty cool. And Boston hasa i think the third biggest one.
Savannah, Georgia, by the way, has a very large you wouldn't even
think about it, one of thelargest parades for Saint Patrick's Day in the
country, and so does Pearl River, which is in Rockland County, has

a huge Saint Patrick's State parade.And still the Pearl River is still very
very Irish. You got a lotof cops there, a lot of nurses,
a lot of teachers, but alot of firefighters and a lot of
Irish and it's still a very verycool place. So I've marched in these
parades. I enjoy them very much. I think they're regal, they're fun,

and it just it kind of bringsme back to a nice place of
being in Ireland, meeting people,being able to go around the country and
see Ireland for what it is.And my wife and I think I mentioned
this, got married in Ireland.We got married in two thousand and one
and it was at a castle inthe middle of Ireland, and we got

married in County Offley, which isright in the middle, and then we
had the time of our lives.And to this day, anyone who was
there says it was the best weddingthey were ever at because it just was
so fun. It was so different. I think we got married on a
Monday, but who cares. Wewere in Ireland in the summer, and
you know, we had family andfriends who came over and they spent time

in Ireland for a week, weekand a half whatever, and then we
spent the you know, the restof the summer actually throughout Europe and based
ourselves in Spain. But Ireland iswhere it's at. Ireland is where my
in laws are from, and stillmost of them live if they're not here,
and so it's nice to have thatconnection with New York City and Ireland.

And today is the day. Actuallyit's like a month. Why do
they get the whole month. It'slike it's not Saint Patrick's Day. It's
not even Saint Patrick's Day weekend.It's like the month of March is Saint
Patrick's Day. The raids start early, they end late. I mean,
it just goes on and on andon and Tuesday and you know what I'm

talking about. Tuesday is Saint Joseph'sDay. It's like the patron Saint of
Italians. All right, I didn'tforget. All right, we got a
caller here. Let's we'll go quicklyto the call. And then we're trying
to get by the way, PrimeMinister Kenny. We're trying to get him
up on the line. All right, Kathy, where are you? Kathy

in North Carolina? I am.I am such a big listener of the
morning show and I'm just cheering thatyou're there. And I had like no
idea that that you were going totake calls. I was so excited and
I did put it in my calendarbecause I never think to listen on a
Saturday afternoon. So congratulations, I'mso glad you're there. And it's a

common sense and we love we loveyou, so thank you, thank you.
We're in North Carolina. First pardon, Okay. And it was exactly
four years and two four years andtwo days ago that I left Connecticut and

I drove for an overnight visit toDurham. And it was the most airy
thing driving. My children said,do not stop, do not talk to
anybody. Don't if you have togo to the bathroom, go right in
and then take your mask and blahblah blah. Anyway, I went,
I drove, and I never cameback. I never came back home.

I left. I stayed here becausethey shut the whole thing down, and
I was like, I'm not goingto be stuck away from my children,
so I've moved here. It's kindof a crazy story, a crazy COVID
story. Wow, But I reallywanted to talk about the immigration thing or
illegal thing. I don't want tobe Pollyannish, but I do not understand

how people don't understand that you cannottake eleven million people into your country and
survive your area is because it's exactlythe opposite of what they think. They
think that we are cruel and unlovingand I'm Christian like, it's the opposite.
When they are here, we haveto be christian Like and loving and

give them things and help take careof them. But my point is just
don't let them get that far tobegin with. Once they're here, that's
what we have to do, becausewe are a loving people and we want
to give the best people who arein need. But you cannot do that
with eleven moving people. It's beyondmy comprehension of how people don't get this,

and I people in my own familyjust don't they think that I'm evil
and that you know, I'm seenaphobic and blah blah blah and siry upsetting,
very upsetting that it's such a simplething. Kathy, thank you for
calling, and of course you canlisten and you will listen now every Saturday
for Clock from North Carolina, andwe appreciate it. Seven ten WR dot

com is where you can listen toit online. Of course, if you
miss any of today's show or anyprior shows, check out the podcast.
Just go to seven ten WR dotcom. And listen. You click on
the podcast tab and then the RobastorinoShow and then you can you can listen,
or you can fire up the iHeartapp on your phone and search rob

ast Ainos. So, all right, is that the what's that? Bruce?
We got him? Oh? Ithink you're saying we got him apparently.
Of course, it's very difficult todial internationally from these iheartphones. It's
like, yeah, we have these, you know, it's the old rotary

phone. So we're working on sohopefully we get Enda Kenny from Ireland,
the Prime Minister, former Prime minister, and if we could do before the
end of the show, obviously we'llput him right on. If not,
I'll I'd like to reschedule him becauseI think he's great. All right,
So, you know, she remindedme Kathy about COVID. So I remember

this was March thirteenth, right,how we completely didn't know what was happening,
and like she was driving in hercar and didn't want to stop or
didn't want to talk to anybody.That's how everybody was. Okay. We
remember going backwards a month or so, we kept hearing these stories in China

or in Europe or what was happeningin northern Italy where they were saying,
you know, the bodies were pilingup, and nobody knew what the heck
was going on, and so,you know, as it was coming on
our shore. And one of thefirst cases was in Nurrochelle in Westchester,
right next to the Ursuline School,and it was at the the yeshiva right

or the synagogue. Who's got asynagogue right next door to there, And
this was like ground zero. Andso it was it was obviously getting worse
and worse and worse, and nobodyknew what to do. And so this
is where I gave a pass toAndrew Cuomo and others who had a really

difficult decision to make. I mean, nobody knew what the hell was going
on, and it was I rememberit was Friday the thirteenth, and I
was in the office and they announcedthat the Saint Patrick State Parade was going
to be canceled. That's when youknew it was like serious, like what
is going on here? And Iremember walking to Grand Central and getting my

seat on the train and looking aroundand not one single person was talking.
Nobody knew what to do, Nobodyknew what to say. Everybody was scared,
and it was so eerie, andit's like, Okay, you get

home, it's like, now,what what do we do? And it's
just that the news was constantly badand it just kept getting worse and worse
and worse, and that was it. It was like, don't come to
work, the office is closed.And then, of course Fauci, who
was revered and I always wondered,and I did at the time. I

can say this because you can goback and look at my posts on Facebook
or Twitter and that kind of stuff. You know, he this one man
had so much power to basically snaphis finger, and every elected official was
going to do what he said.And it was like that for the first
couple of months, and then peoplestarted, quite like DeSantis was one of

them, started questioning this. Someof this doesn't make sense. I think
we're going a little too far.And then bow you would get clabbered by
the media. You would get clabberdby a lot of people, including people
you thought were sensible. They couldbe friends of yours, family members,
it doesn't matter. I mean,this was across the political spectrum too.

Nobody knew how to react and soeverybody overreacted, and after a while,
it just it was obvious that whatthey were saying was not necessarily what the
science and the data was saying,but you still weren't allowed to question them,

and they became more and more powerful. You remember Cuomo and those press
conferences. And you want to getliquor the liquor store, fine, you
want to go to church, No, I'm going to close the churches.
Twenty five people, Max, that'sall I'm allowing a That was what he
would say, and unfortunately to allof the churches discredit. They listened to

him, They followed, they obeyedwhen they had a great lawsuit where they
should have defied him, and unfortunatelyit just got worse and worse. And
then you know what happens, right, It just they made up rules and
we had to follow them. Imean it. I remember it was April,
It's probably about three weeks or soafter that, April whatever, and

Newsmax asked me to host a show. And I came into the city and
I had never seen the city thisway. It was a Saturday morning around
nine o'clock. Could get into thecity. There was not one person on
the street. Nobody I drove inthat day and I remember I went to
like a McDonald's across the street.Nobody. I mean, it was I've

ever seen it like that. Itwas apocalyptic, and I just it was.
It was beyond ear. It wasalmost like frightening, like what is
going on here? Anyway? Youknow the rest. But I'm just bring
it up because it was four yearsago. You think about, how,
oh my god, four years agowe were in Looneyville and we're not out
of it. By the way.I still see people all the time in

their masks. I mean whatever.But anyway, it was four years ago
at this time when COVID struck andwe went COVID crazy. All right,
we got more to do here.Don't go away. Let me take your
calls if you want to zero oneeight hundred three to one zero seven ten
one eight hundred three to two onezero seven ten, you can call me

here on the rob Astorino Show onseven ten wr you're a asno show on
seven ten woor All right, thirdtime is not a charm. I actually

just spoke to end Kenny, thePrime Minister, on my cell phone during
the break. That's why it wasa little longer because we were trying to
get him off, but for somereason we couldn't get him on the phone
here on iHeart. So unfortunately we'regonna have to reschedule him because it just
isn't working. For whatever reason,we can't get the connection. We'll figure

it out at some point. Anyway, it is Saint Patrick's Day tomorrow,
and we are glad you are withme today on the final ten minutes one
hundred three to one zero seven tenone eight hundred and three to two one
zero seven to ten. Of course, always on the dial that would be
your radio or seven ten wor dotcom. And of course he could always

listen to us on the iHeart app. And make sure you follow us Facebook,
Twitter, which is x Instagram allat rob Astarino. I love your
comments and I try to keep youupdated on who's coming on both shows Newsmax
and Wor And of course we'd loveto get your instant reaction. All right,

So a couple of things. Iwanted to talk about. This case
in Atlanta, Georgia. What atrain wreck, I mean a lot.
Look, all of these cases againstDonald Trump are They're a farce. Okay,
They're totally a farce. And everybodyknows it, and the Democrats pulling

these stunts know it, but obviouslythey don't care. Their whole thing is
to damage Donald Trump in any waypossible. They tried to prevent him from
going on the ballot. That didn'twork, so they you know, arrest
him on I guess, trumped upcharges right, nonsense, And it ain't
going their way because the American peopleslowly started understanding what was happening that Joe

Biden, his opponent, is usinghis own Justice Department to you know,
sick the dogs on the guy who'srunning against them, who would prevent him
from getting re elected. That's what'shappening, and it's so obvious to everybody
now, and so most people seethese indictments and these court cases for what

they are. They're political, butthat's dangerous, really dangerous. And now
this thing in Atlanta, I mean, what a joke. To begin with,
she's going to charge him for electioninterference under the Rico Act, which
is what they get mobsters on.And so Fani fa and i Fani who
is really a fanny. She ofcourse is way over her head. But

like them all Alvin Bragg included,they couldn't resist the bright lights of going
up against Donald Trump. This couldmake their career, This could lead to
a fundraising deluge, which I'm sureit did. You know, all those
little moronyh le me get five dollars, Jack Blue, ooh, this is

great. Go after Donald Trump.That's what they're doing. And in the
meantime, they're slicing parts of Americaaway. They're cutting up the Constitution.
But they don't care. That's honestly, they don't care about that. But
look at this decision yesterday. Republicanjudge, Superior court judge. He's been
he's been on the bench for afew months, and he gets this,

this case probably the last thing hewanted. He got elected in Fulton County,
which is overwhelmingly Democrat. He's upfor election this November. The guy
is toast. Okay, the lefthas thrown a candidate against him. No
matter what he did, he wasn'tgonna win it. You know, he
was just gonna he could. Hecould do no good in this and so

he should have done well. Wasright because if he thinks this kind of
decision is going to placate the leftagainst him in November, he's dead wrong,
dead wrong, and so this decisionthat he comes up with where Fanie
Willis has lied, she has lied, She got caught in a lie on

the stand, she perjured herself,and this whole nonsense about her and her
lover, Nathan Wade, who shehired, and the timeline that she said
was a lie and was proven,and the money that they used that was
given by the county to Nathan Wadetaxpayer dollars. And then it turns around

and he uses that with her.That's like co mingling whatever, no receipts
because everything was paid in cash,don't we all. So he sits there
and he could have thrown her offthe case, which she should have,
but he didn't, and so nowthe case he goes forward with her,

and she of course threw him overthe bus. But it was very clear
that Nathan Wade and Fannie Willis bothshould have been disqualified, which would have
had this whole case in Atlanta cometumbling down like the house of cards it
is. And I guess that's whythe judge didn't want to go that far,

because he would have been pounded on. But he would have been right.
So now you have the appearance ofimpropriety of unethical behavior. That alone
is a standard to throw somebody off. There's no question there was an appearance
of impropriety. There was probably anactual impropriety here ethical violations. Based on

any standard you use, she shouldnot be going forward. This whole case
should be over with. But sheis such a vile person and she gets
to move forward with this case.Now, if she has any brains whatsoever
or ethics, she would step down, but she won't, and she's going
to lose the case on the merits. And the Georgia State Senate is investigating

her. They should throw her off. The governor should remove her from office,
but he won't. This whole thingis a debacle. And then we
see this thing in Manhattan now wherethe Fed's the Department Justice just dumped seventy
thousand Think about that, seventy thousandpages of information into the trial for Donald

Trump on this hush money ridiculousness.Seventy thousand. So the judge gave Donald
Trump's team thirty days extra to reviewseventy thousand pages. I mean, you
know, all I keep hearing frompeople is I don't know how this guy
does it. I truly don't knowhow this guy does it either? How

is he standing with all these cases, with all these guns lined up at
him, and he just like,he's like Godzilla, you fight, You
hit the torpedoes at him, andhe just he might fall down and he
gets back up and then he blowsfire at everybody. How does he do
it? I don't know. Ijust don't know. So now the next
one was supposed to be March twentyfifth. That was the trial against Donald

Trump for the hush money ridiculousness.It was a non disclosure agreement, which
is very common, and even theFederal Elections Commission, the Department of Justice,
and the Manhattan DA prior to this, moron Cy Vance did said you
know what, this doesn't this isn'ta criminal case, and they all took

a pass. But Alvin Bragg,of course took a go at it because
why not. So that's moved backnow from March twenty fifth to April thirty
days, so I guess April third, twenty fifth. And everyone's keeps saying,
well, Donald Trump is delaying.No he's not. He's using the
rights afforded him. The delay wasthe DOJ all these cases that were brought

against Donald Trump. When they werethey had all this information to bring three
years ago if they wanted. Thatwas not what they wanted to do.
They wanted to make sure that thiswas timed for the election, and now
they're making it look like Donald Trumpis delaying justice. Bull One other thing
before I get out of here.So I got a ticket, a parking

ticket on Veterans Day, Saturday,Veterans Day, and by the way,
it was a federal holiday and astate holiday. But apparently the meta rules
are still in effect. Whatever,Okay, So I get a ticket,
I plead, note, you know, not guilty. I send it in.
I never heard from them, right, I did it online. I
got a receipt that I was submitted, never heard back from them, and

then I get another letter with notonly the original fine, but I got
another fine on that for not payingit. I'm like, what the hell's
going on here? I send aregistered letter to the New York City Department
of Finance to their uh the address. Nothing. I didn't even hear back
from them, and I get athird letter with an additional fine. So

finally I called them up. Isaid, what the hell is going on
here? Oh? You were foundguilty on November like three days afterwards,
I said, really, was somebodygonna notify me of this? Oh?
Yeah, well we sent it toyou. No, you didn't, That's
why I sent you registered. SoI appealed. The appeal was denied.
Of course. You cannot fight CityHall. I hate them all right,

I gotta get out of here.There's the music. Time to get a
Guinness. A Happy birthday to myfather, Happy birthday Dad, the big
whatever. It is all right,everybody enjoying your weekend. Happy Saint Patrick's
Day to you. This hour ofprogramming on w o R is sponsored by

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