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April 6, 2024 46 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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This hour of programming on WOAR issponsored by Black Mountain Capitol now former Westchester
County Executive Rob Asterina on seven tenWR one eight hundred and three to two,
one zero seven ten. If youwant to participate, and you might,

you might, because I got alot of things to talk about,
including this law that the state istrying to jam in quickly before you even
know about it, and it's goingto fundamentally change your neighborhood. Yep,
they're at it again. And actorRobert dove who was in so many movies,

so many great ones, Goonies.Everyone grew up watching Goonies if you
were you know, a kid ofthe eighties or anyone. I mean my
kids, they've seen it one hundredtimes. It's always on. And he
was one of the villains in oneof the Bond movies. So Robert,
Robert Dovey will be with us,So stick around a lot to talk about.
One eight hundred three two one zeroseven to ten. I just walked

across town after my NEWSMAC show andI didn't know there was a parade.
There's another parade in New York today. It was the Tartan Parade that's for
the Scottish people here in New Yorksparsely attended. I heard some bagpipes,
so I knew they were around,but of course they were going up Fifth

Avenue. And you know, heprobably had at most one person at the
barriers watching the parade. But it'sa parade. And now I know where
the whole transgender thing got started.You see all these Scottish men in their
little uh, their little skirts.But you know the cutest ones, the

Scottish terriers. There were so manyScottish terrier dogs all over the place,
on the sidewalks, on the crossstreets, in the parade, with their
little tartan skirts themselves, cute littledoggies. All right, so the earthquake.
Can we stop talking about the earthquake. I mean, it's like,

okay, okay, things shook alittle bit, and yes, I remember
yesterday. I'll never forget where Iwas the day the earthquake did nothing and
all right, so the house shooka little bit. Yes, it was
interesting. I remember being in anearthquake similar I guess whenever the last time
we had it in New York,I don't remember, but I do remember

the earthquake and I was younger,and I was kind of like, that's
it. Did we just have anearthquake? Yeah, we did, okay,
And then the news went nuts,and I was just laughing at some
of the tweets and the memes andthe posts by people where they would take

a picture outside with like one chairfrom the furniture or the patio down and
they'd be like, pray for ourrecovery. We will rebuild, and the
Empire State build, and hopefully yousaw it. They had a great tweet.
I'm still here and it was great, you know. So we're all

poking fun of this obviously, andI'm watching it right now on Fox.
They've got Jeff Van Drew, whois a congressman who I like down in
Jersey talking about you know things,and of course the earthquake, no damage
detected. New Jersey just announced they'reclosing their emergency operations center, which they
should have done yesterday at around tenforty five. But anyway, and then

of course Monday, we've got thebig eclipse and hopefully we won't have a
lot of clouds because that will befun to watch. Of course, you
wear your goofy glasses. Don't bea dope and look up and you can't
even do it like through your iPhone, right, And just be careful because
a lot of people try to wellmaybe I'll squint, look up in all
squint. Well, then you'll havelike half retina burn. So just be

smart about all this. And weyou know, it's kind of interesting.
We had two major things. Anearthquake, no damage, but it was
an earthquake here, and then thesolar eclipse coming up on Monday, which
means everything is gonna come to anend soon. The whole world is coming
to an end. And we allthought this was gonna happen anyway, because
the whole freaking world is crazy rightnow, total insanity. And you know,

New York drives me nuts, asit probably drives you nuts, because
it's gone just freaking berserk. Andthe liberals who run I don't even think
they are liberals anymore. The socialists, the communists, the ultra progressives,
the radicals who now have a realstronghold on New York City politics, on
some of the suburbs, and definitelyin allbody. And so now they are

prepared to pass something soon it's incommittee that will fundamental change your neighborhood and
they don't want you to know aboutit, and it's gotten zero attention,
and they're going to wrap it aroundsomething nice like religion, because who could
be against that. But this isa radical, massive change in housing,

which I'm not saying we don't needadditional housing. We do. But we
also in New York State, asin New Jersey in Connecticut, we have
zoning laws, and that is toprotect a community from over development or you
know, a bob making facility beingnext to a school. That's why we

have zoning, and the zoning isprotected in our state constitutions, allowing local
communities through their local representatives, whetherthat's their elected supervisor or mayor their their
town council, their village board,and their appointees to the zoning boards and

planning boards. Now I'm not sayingthat that process to go in front of
these boards and to get these permitsshouldn't be streamlined. It should because it's
freaking annoying. You know, youtry to build something on your property and
you got to go through the wholerigmarole, which isn't cheap, takes time,
sometimes months because you got to geton the agenda and then you've got

this board of morons sometimes who tellyou what you can do on your property,
and then the building department all thisother stuff. So I know it's
not the easiest. But when Ilive in the community that I live in,
I don't care who lives there.I care about the community. So
if I choose and I and Ihave to live in a community in my

neighborhood where it's zoned quarter acre zoning, then I know that everybody that lives
in that area is buying their houseto live on a little piece of property
that hopefully thirty years later and Godknows how much an interest it's going to
be yours, and that is protectingyou, and that is your nest egg.
But you live there because you chooseto live there, because that's the

neighborhood you want to live in.But the radicals they hate zoning, they
hate and they come up with amillion different things, usually always rapiding it
as they normally do in racism,discrimination, all this stuff. Like I
said, I could care less wholives in my neighborhood, but I do
care about making sure if you're goingto live there, you're going to keep

up your property, because it affectsme and my property So here's what they're
doing now in wonderful Albany. It'sSenate bills seven seven nine to one.
Look it up, seven seven,nine to one, and it's already been
introduced. It's now going in throughthe committees. This is what it will
do. It's called the Faith BasedAffordable Housing Act. Sounds nice, right,

But it's residential development on religious land. Okay, what's that about.
So here's what they do. Ifthere's a parcel of land that lies within
an urban area and is owned solelydirectly or indirectly, that's pretty broad solely
directly or indirectly by a religious corporation, then they can do the following.

And this is what they can buildand get ready for this. They can
build a lot. Okay, Now, what is an urban area. Let's
start with that, an urban area, because that's how they define it.
So now in your head, you'rethinking, okay, an urban area is
New York City, right, it'sthe boroughs. It might be a Yonkers,

it might be a Newark. Well, that would be New Jersey.
But you get the point. That'snot the definition of an urban area.
So what is the definition of anurban area by the federal government. Okay,
So now you realize that an urbanarea, by definition of the federal
government means, and this is whatthe definition they're using. It's suburbia as
well. It's connected to the cities. It's an outreach, a branch of

Okay. So, now if anurban area defined by what they say,
if there are religious groups, ifthere are churches or religious entities as defined
by the tax al and everything,which could be a lot, by the
way, it could be a privatedevelopmer have an agreement with a religious organization,
they now can purchase property or ifthey own property in any neighborhood,

doesn't have to be next to thatchurch. It could be an empty lot
that they own in your neighborhood,all residential. And here's what they can
do. Okay, here's what theycan do, totally totally obliterating local laws
because and I'll just read it,notwithstanding the provisions of any local law,

ordnance, resolution, or regulation,each village, town, and city shall
allow the construction and occupation of residentialbuildings on any covered site which would be
religious oriented owned, and such constructionand occupation as of right. So it
is a ministerial basis. No siteplan approval allowed. By the town.

They have to rubber stamp this asas of right. You got that zoning
laws do not apply. So what'sthe amount. Okay, if there's a
town or village a city with fewerthan fifty thousand people, then the buildings

can have up to thirty units peracre. If it's more than fifty thousand,
the density can be fifty units peracre. So think about that sink.
Think about that house next to youin your residential area. If that
were to be religious property or ownedby a church, let's say, or

whomever, if they sell that orwant to develop that, yes, they
can have up to thirty or fiftyunits right next door to you at building
plopped in the middle of your neighborhood. That's what they're up to. You're
getting a little annoyed, yet onein one hundred three two one zero seven
ten one it hundred three to onezero seven ten if you want to chime

in. But oh wait, there'smore. No village, town, or
city shall require the following, andany such requirements would be void. So
you know, when they come toyou with a development, the town or
village looks at it, the zoningboard looks at it, and if it
doesn't comply with zoning, they haveto get a variance, but you can

reject them. You can no longerdo that now because all local zoning will
be overridden. Period. The provisionof accessory off street parking, Nope,
you do not have to require offstreet parking. So where's this going?
Where are these cars going? Minimum, maximum or average unit sizes? Nope,

you cannot have any of those standards. The regulation of the number of
allowable housing units based on its lotsize Nope, or densities nope. The
prioritization of housing units to residents ofcertain neighborhoods or jurisdictions, nope. In
other words, no local preferences,no workforce housing, nothing for the so

called volunteers in your community or theteachers in your community. You cannot develop
that. And no age restrictions.It could be rental, could be whatever
the developer desires. And the buildingDepartment shall, ministerially and without discretionary review

or a hearing, shall approve thisbuilding permit within sixty days of the Apple
implication. No local law policy,anything can deny this. Could you imagine
this? And here's my favorite,because of these lefties, no review or
study of the environmental impact of thisbuilding shall be required. So that is

what the left would like to doto you and your precious property. So
if you have a home right nowin an area that a church or religious
organization owns property there, and here'sthe worst part, I think. Let's
just say you want out, oryour neighbor wants out, and you sell
to a developer, or you sellto a religious entity who then in turn

cuts a deal with a developer andwill build as many residential units as possible
on that property next to you.Again, this is not against housing.
There are spaces and places in eachcommunity for all different types of housing.

But that's not what the left likes. They hate private property. They hate
the fact that you own a singlefamily home. Which if you choose to
live in the city or a city, that's fine, it's up to you.
It's a lifestyle or where you couldafford. But you know how many
people have left New York City andplan to leave New York City to get
the hell out of here because ofthe way it's run and trying anywhere desperately

to find a home with a littlebit of dirt and grass that they can
call their own. Yard in thesuburbs. A lot of people are doing
that, and if they can't findit here, they're fleeing the state to
go to Florida. So this isa radical change, radical change of property
rights and the rights of your localelected officials because they want you to pay

the price. Think about that.One hundred three to two one zero seven
ten one eight hundred three to twoone zero seven ten. You want to
chime in on this, now isyour time to do it. One hundred
three to one zero seven ten.Uh. Before I go, I should
mention, by the way, agreat restaurant, Dominicks of the Bronx Arthur

Avenue. I've talked about Dominics.It's a great place. I don't know
how they stay in business with theseprices. I mean, I have a
copy of the menu right here.So on Sundays only, they've got things
like lasagna fresh made fifteen dollars.This thing is like a like a ceiling
tile. It's so big, beefbrajeole. I've talked about that. It
comes out like a meat loaf.It's that big twenty bucks. Where are

these prices? I asked, isthis menu from nineteen ninety three? He
said, no, it's today.I said, wow, Oh my god,
chicken scarp, big dish, eighteenbucks. Go say hi to Dominicks
on Arthur Avenue in the Bronx.All right, one hundred and three two
one zero seven ten. If youwant to chime in on this what they're
doing in Albany or attempting to do, now's your time. And also a

little later, we've got Robert Dobby, the great actor. He'll chime in
on what's going on in this crazyworld. And he's got a new movie
coming out looks like a good onetoo, on the Holocaust. Plus a
whole bunch of stuff at a warning, by the way, if you were
planning to put something on Facebook marketplace, be careful. I'll tell you what
that is. The Rob Asperino Showruling right along here on seven to ten,

wr rob Astorino on seven tenor they'recoming after you. Don't say I
didn't warn you. When this isdone, like a done deal, and
it could be in June when thelegislature reconvenes, because they're not going to
put it in the budget, whichwill be probably done this week, but

likely because it's in, it'll I'msure be passed out of the Senate and
the Assembly and be up for avote before this session ends again in probably
two months, and then everyone's gonnabe like, what do you mean they
did that? What? Well,don't say I didn't warn you. I
tried to bring it up, andI tried to get you guys to call
your legislature, call those legislators.Let's take a quick call here, Al

in Yonkers. You're on seven toten worhial Hi, Rob, Good afternoon
to you. Yeah, Rob.You know, my own personal opinion of
what I think these progressives are Trumptrying to do is they're basically trying to
diversify areas that they consider too segregated. For instance, if you go to

Nassau County, a lot of thesepeople who are my uncle he passed away
some time ago, but about sixtyyears ago. He bought in an affluent
area and he paid a lot atthe for taxes and all. But he
only was able to live there becausehe bought there so long ago. So
what people are trying to do nowthey want to be bypassed these zoning laws

in say a fluent towns like GardenCity in Manhasset. And I personally believe
they want to be able to haveaffordable housing built in these areas that they
consider not diversified. Well, look, I dealt with all this in Westchester's
County Executive with hud I remember,and this was all about This was all

about racial preferences and quote diversifying Westchesterwhen Westchester itself had been steadily and is
steadily diversifying on its own because peopleare moving where they're choosing to move,
and it doesn't matter. I'm notjust talking about the cities like Neurochelle or
White Plains or Yonkers. They're goingevery place. Every place. People from

New York City or other areas aregoing to communities that they choose. It
might be for the school, itmight because they want a little home,
whatever it is. And when wepresented evidence to the contrary to what the
federal government was saying that Westchester was, you know, exclusionary and racist and
all this blah blah blah, Irefused to back down because I knew it

was untrue. And we approved thatand we battled them for seven years,
actually eight years, And it wasin my last year and Donald Trump was
president, and I spoke to DonaldTrump personally when he was president. I
spoke to Ben Carson and worked withhim personally in Hudd's office in DC about

changing these rules and as well asending in Westchester that consent degree that we
were under wrongly, and to DonaldTrump's credit, he did that. And
so you know, unfortunately Westchester underthe current administry is still kind of dilly
dallying with this. They should haverun to court the day after with this
gift and told the federal judge we'redone because all sides agreed, and it's

still kind of hanging over their head. But this is what the left does.
They do it on voting rights laws, they do it on housing,
they do all this stuff, andthis. You know, your house,
your property is the biggest investment thatyou have, and that's what you're hoping
someday to cash in and retire onin many ways, but it's hard to

do that if there is a fiftyunit apartment right next to you when there
never was, and that's not whyyou bought there originally knowing there was going
to stay a single family home nextto you. And that's what I'm saying.
You know, there are areas tozone. A lot of communities are
developing or some are over developing.But that's what their master plan had,

and now to automatically and radically changeit with something like this to me is
not right. All right, couplethings. So I love those commercials that
Len and Michael do in our show, and I go on their show every
Friday at seven oh eight in themorning. I've been doing that, My
god, I don't I'm trying toremember how long I've been doing that.

It's got to be over fifteen years. I think something like that regularly with
those guys who I like a lot. And again Len and Michael on six
in the morning until ten in themorning on seven to ten wor Monday through
Friday, follow by Mark Simoon,great great morning lineup, Peter. So
they do their little promos and youknow, they tell they're a little dig

at me, and then I getback of them on Fridays. But if
you heard in that last break,you know, WR is one hundred years
old, and we had a promoof the day that John Lennon was shot.
And I remember that very very well. I was thirteen years old.
And here's why I remember it,not that I cared about John Lennon,

not that I was a Beatles fan. But as it was when I was
thirteen, it's the exact same todayat fifty six. I was and still
am a crazy Miami Dolphins fan.And I remember that was a Monday night
and I was watching the Dolphins andthey were playing the New England Patriots,

and all of a sudden, HowardCouchsu says, Oh my god, we've
got to interrupt this. John Lennonwas shot. And I'm sitting there going,
are you kidding me? Of allthe times he's gotta get shot,
it's gotta be now, I gottamiss this game. And that was that.
You know that. Unfortunately that thathappened a long time ago. Think

about that. But Worr was rightthere and they have been and I'm glad
to be with you every Saturday.Mark it down every Saturday at four o'clock
till five o'clock, and we getto play radio announcer, talk show hosts,
and you get to play caller onehundred and three two one zero seven
ten. A couple other things thatI wanted to talk about. I just

want to set this up for asecond. Dawnce Daly is the coach of
South Carolina. University of South Carolinathe women's team, and they are playing
for the national championship against Iowa andCaitlin Clark, who broke the all time
record of course for scoring. She'sphenomenal. And of course that had to

be a whole racial thing too.People rooting for Caitlin Clark because she's white.
This is just insanity. They're rootingfor her because she's amazing. She
is literally the best ever ever menor women in scoring. She beat pistol
Pete Maravich's scoring record, and she'sphenomenal to watch. And so she's playing

against South Carolina and the press conference, the South Carolina coach Dawn Staley was
asked, and it's an interesting thing. Finally a reporter did something interesting.
Was asked if she agrees with transgendermen, biological transgender women, biological men

playing women's sports, and specifically,would she be okay with a transgender male
playing college basketball in women's college basketball. And here's so just to listen,
at the beginning, she's asked thequestion, here's what happens after that.

One of the major issues facing women'ssports right now is the debate discussion topic
about the inclusion of transgender athletes biologicalmales in women's sports. I was wondering
if you would tell me your positionon that issue. Damn, you got
deep one meeting. I I'm onthe I mean, I'm under the opinion

of of if you're a woman,you should play. If you consider yourself
a woman and you want to playsports or vice versa, you should be
able to play. That's that's myopinion. You want me to go deeper.

Do you do you think uh,transgender women should be able to participate?
That's your question. I want meto ask. I mean you want
to ask, so I'll give youthat yes. Yes, So now the
barnstorm of people are going to floodmy timeline and be a distraction to me
or one of the biggest uh daysof our game. And I'm okay with

that. I really am okay.So she answered the question. She had
to really think about what she wasgoing to say, because she knew what
she really wanted to say was no, hell no, real women should be
playing the sport that I coach,that's women's college basketball at a high level.

But she didn't know what to doat that point because they're never asked
those questions, and those are importantquestions to ask because she has a lot
of influence, and we're going throughthis whole nonsense in this country about whether
a transgender man, well, soit's a transgender woman, which is a
man, that he should be ableto play in girls sports or women's sports.

And I'm supposed to sit here andplay along with this because the obvious
answer is no, stop it.And I would just love to see,
because you know it's true, thethirteenth player or the twelfth player on I
picked Yukon's men's basketball team or SouthCarolina is men's basketball team, the scrub,

the one that never plays a minuteall year. You put him up
against the South Carolina women's basketball team, You put him on the court,
and I guarantee you he is goingto be more physical and he's going to
be, in many cases better thanalmost every player, if not every player.

And she knows that. Everybody knowsthat, and we're supposed to sit
here and go, hmm, that'sa tough one. No, it's not
a tough one. For God's sakes, if you're a kid dealing with this
nonsense. And I say nonsense becauseas an adult, I see what's going
on. But if you're a kid, then we need to deal with this.

And the route to do with todeal with this, as it always
had been, is mental health.Work through this when you become an adult.
If this is what you want todo, as Caitlyn Jenner always says,
fine, go dress up, godo whatever you want to do.
That's different. But come on,and college sports, I mean, are

we ever going to pretend that aWNBA team is going to have an NBA
player and that guy is not goingto totally dominate and physically and hurt people.
We need to stop pretending. Heranswer was raw, and it was
kind of obvious where she really wantedto go. But she thought about this

like, uh oh, this couldend bad if I don't go where I'm
supposed to go, and answered thatway. But I thought it was really
interesting that she was finally somebody wasfinally asked that put on a tough spot
and had to deal with it,and she did, to her credit.
Coach Daily did deal with that.But it's so interesting how uncomfortable everybody is

and if I and you know,this is no comparison, I'm just trying
to show something that's obvious and howridiculous it would sound. But if I
were walking a horse down the roadand somebody said to me, where'd you
get that horse? I said,that's not a horse, that's a cat.

What would you say, Oh,what a beautiful what a beautiful cat?
You have? No, you wouldsit in your mind going, that's
a freaking horse. What's wrong withthis guy? And yet I'm walking that
horse down the road and you're allsupposed to play along with me, and
you're all supposed to not hurt myfeelings, and you're all supposed to say
that's a cat. And if youdon't say that's a cat, well,

you know what what, We're gonnacancel you. We're gonna call you a
bigot and a racist and a hater. And that's kind of what's going on.
You know it's true. I knowit's true, and at some point,
hopefully enough people in this country willknow it's true and we'll stop this
nonsense. Okay, we got notwenty one minutes to go. I got
more to talk about Rob ast Reno. And by the way, if you

you know you miss some of thisstuff here you want to get the whole
show again, you can check outmy podcast. It's seven to ten wr
dot com, click on the podcasttab and then the rob Astorino Show,
or you can fire up that iHeartapp on your phone and search the rob
Astno Show. And naturally you shouldbe following me on social media. I

do post. I post what's comingup in the show, but I also
post stuff during the week Facebook,x, Instagram, Truth Social Now I'm
on and get her all at rowAstorno seven O r so rob Astino Show

the Great Robert Dave and he joinsme right now, Roberto, how are
you all right? Rob How areyou my friend? I'm good, I'm
good. How do you pronounce thename of the movie bardy all bardayoff b
A R D E j O VAnd tell me about them? Silence,
tell me about but it's it's BardaiovBardof, Yeah, tell me about the

movie. It's a well, it'sa true story. A gentleman, eighty
eight year old Holocaust survivor named AmielFish made, which I guess in the
Jewish tradition is a promise to restoreand bring the memory of the town he

grew up in, which was Bardiovin Slovakia. That during nineteen forty two,
the Hinklet Guards which was an armof the Nazis. The Slovakian arm
of the Nazis came and basically broughtthe Jewish people to work camps quote unquote,

but they were really death camps,Auschwitz being one of them. And
this is a true story of thecharacter Rafaul Lowie Raffaul Rudolph Lowi, the
character that I play, who wasthe head of the Jewish Council of Body

and a very influential person who wasinvolved with the Partisans and the resistance.
He was a guy that was beatenand in prisoned, but he was very
tough and resilient, and he helpsdevise a plan to save over three hundred
girls from Auschwitz. When he findsout that Auschwitz is not a work camp,

but it's a death camp, itlooks like a movie, I gotta
tell you. Yeah. It's verypowerful, very good. That great reviews
so far from some major reviewers,and the response with people that are seeing
it is very moving. It's inspirational, and especially this period of our what
we're seeing in the world today,the rise of anti Semitism. You know,

when I grew up, there wasalways the feeling of never forget,
We'll never forget because they used toteach about the Holocaust and there'd be movies
and it'd be other things. Andover the years that's been lessened and lessened
and lessened and lessened, and acertain kind of revision it's history has taken
place in terms of what happened.And I'm sympathetic to all people. I

mean, rob I played a Palestinianin a movie called Terrorist on Trial in
nineteen eighty eight, the United Statesversus Sili Marsh to Me with Sam Waterston
and Ron Liebman, where I playedat Palestinian kidnapped by the United States government
the stan Trivel Acts of Terrorism.So I understood the situation, the conflict
that was there since then, studyingit and learning about it in depth.

And we find ourselves today twenty twentyfour in a very precarious situation with people
not understanding the true nature of what'shappening. But Bardiov goes into the true
history of this Slovakian town and AmielFish has been rebuilding the city. There

were no Jews in it any longer, but he's been rebuilding the city,
raising money. And we went thereand we actually filmed. We filmed in
Tel Aviv and in Bardiov and Igot to say the unique thing when we
filmed in Tel Aviv, we hadPalestinians and Jews working by side on the

crew and on the filmcast, andthere was just, you know, a
great cohesiveness amongst everyone. And hereI am a Catholic playing an Orthodox you
and this very important story. It'samazing. You do a great job.
You know. I used to belike, okay, in theaters everywhere,
where's this actually playing? Where canyou streaming? Everywhere? Streaming? Yeah,

exactly, you know, it's streaminghas changed everything. And it's on
Amazon Prime and iTunes and the otherVOD platforms, so it's all over there.
You know. Wherever people get thisstreaming and stuff, you can get
it from there. Bardy. Okay, So now I know what Sheil and
I are going to watch tonight andwe look forward to it. Yes,

let me know what you think.Yeah, So Robert Dovey is our guest
here on the Rob Astrino Show onseven to ten w R. You grew
up in Queens, you went toHofstra, you spent time on Long Island.
You're in New Yorker through and through, even though you've lived in California,
and other places. But you know, I know you were in the
city on Thursday, and I'm sorryto get a chance to see you.
But yes, it was wonderful.Yeah, there was the Saint Peo Foundation,

which we both love very much,and Padre Pio. We went there.
Well, first off, I wasborn in Astoria, Queens, and
then grew up on Long Island DeerPark, and then went to Hostra and
then went to Manhattan and studied andstayed and then in nineteen seventy seven did
my first film with Sinatra, andthat took me to California and I was

there for forty six years until Imoved two years ago to Tampa. I
got out of that infested California difficultsituation. That's crime and homelessness and just
a political nightmare that I've seen.There used to be a great state.

But I've always been a devote ofPadre Pio, who had the stigmata of
Christ. And I was stured byhim when I was six team and tell
me that story. Yeah, Iwas. I went to Seaton Hall High
School in Patro, Long Island,and I was winning awards for singing and

for acting and playing football, andI was actually webew Bank came to watch
me play at Seaton Hall because JohnSchmidt, the center under when Joe Namath
was the quarterback, went to SeatonHall and our coach Henry Reid had told
John Schmidt and we view Bank theyhad seen me play, and they said,
you know, this guy has professionalpotential. And I had gotten many

scholarship offers from different schools Ivy Leagueplaces, but I chose hopsh because they
had a drama department. But injunior year of high school, I got
an unknown illness that took me fromtwo hundred and forty pounds and you know,
very muscular, to like one hundredand sixty pounds and wasting away in

the hospital for a couple of months. And they used to be a gentleman
in Long Island. My mom anddad were very devout. They my mother
was the head of confraternity for LongIsland and my father was a sacristan and
very active in the church and Nightof Columbus, as the whole family was.
And my grandmother, my father's mother, was a big road pagettio.

It was so anyway, the guynamed Joey Lamingino, whose family had a
carting company attire blew up on hisface when he was like eleven years old
and cut his olfactory nerve and hisoptic nerves, so he couldn't smell and
he couldn't see. And he usedto give lectures on Podratio and the Lady

of Fatima and through the rosaries religiously. And he had gone to Sanjavano Ratunda
in Fojia, Italy, and wentto concession with Potato, and he uh
when Pardafio blessed him. He hadhad the sense of smell for over twenty

some odd years, and he wasalmost knocked over because he had to send
the roses of which Padapio had ascent of because of his stigmata. Anyway,
I said to my mom, youthink Julie lemon Gino can get in
touch with pargetill. They didn't knowwhat I had. Could he pray for

me and stuff? And they sentthe telegram saying great blessings, I'm no
doctor, and a pair of rosarybeats blessed by Pagophile which I prayed on.
And my mother dreampt of his messand a week later said doctor on
Long Island. I don't know ifhe was aware of what we had asked
Parda Tillo, but he said aweek later, on a Saturday morning.

I remember very distinctly, he saidto my mother Mary, if you told
me your son would be in thisshape a week ago, I'd say,
only America. And right after Iprayed on the rosaries, yep, and
my mother dumped up his mess.So Luciano la Manarca ten years ago he

had a devotion to Padrapio and startedthe Saint Pio Foundation and it's grown un
less. The Thursday was the tenthanniversary of it. There was a wonderful
affair at the Union Club and Isang a couple of songs and Luciano sang
and we spoke and s videos ofthe new Padepia documentary and it was just

a wonderful evening. It really is. And so here's how I first met
Robert. I forget was it sixteen, I can't I forget the year.
It was probably seven, eight yearsago whatever. My family and Robert Dave,
he just mentioned Luciano Lamnarca and theSaint Peo Foundation. We went to

Italy to send Javan Rotundo and sothat's where Padre Piu was fun from.
So we had a great time onthe road with Robert Dofia he was from
he was from, and then thesan is where the monastery was, where

he was a Franciscan priest, andwhere he was laid in rest, and
we went to see his body laidin rest, you know, yep.
So if you remember on that tripand we had a great time together,
you remember what you were trying toget us all to do on that bus,
and it was very hard. SoI'm gonna play a little game with

you. I'm gonna see if youcan win this game. All right,
this is yeah, Jerry Lewis,go ahead, Okay, we'll do the
announcers tests only because we want tosee if you can remember it. Okay,
the announce his test. One Hen, one Hen two ducks. One

Hen two ducks, three squawking geese, one Hen, two ducks, three
squawking geese, four Limerick oysters.One Hen two ducks, three squawking geese,
four Limerick oysters, five corpulent porpoises. One Hen, two ducks,
three squawking geese, four Limerick oysters, five Corporland porpoises, six pairs of
Don al Verzo's tweezers. One Hentwo what's the next line? Seven thousand

Macedonians in full battle array, eightbrass monkeys from the ancient shakery tips of
Egypt, nine tips and the capathetic, diabetic old men on rollerskates with the
mark for penthales got procrastination of slotten lyrical, spherical, diabolical gunnisens of
the deep who halsted all around thecorner of the quay of the quivi of
the quoll at the same time.I swear to God, folks, he

did not know I was going todo that, but he did this on
the bust the entire time. You'rein Italy, I still could remember.
I think my son got through anall. I think he kind of remembered
son was your son loved it.He was like that. He was so
persistent. It was great. Butyeah, I heard that when I was
a kid, probably your son's age, when Jerry Lewis did it on the

Tonight Show one time, and Ithen I use that as my sound checks.
Actually people, you know, theygo give me a one two three,
I do the one hand two duckthree, spoking eastwaull and mcgoysters,
and they all enjoy it and say, God, that's the first time we've
heard that. You remember that Iforgot that robe Yeah, oh yeah,
hey, so quickly we got likeanother minute and a half or so.

The presidential election. You're supporting DonaldTrump absolutely thousand percent. There's no other
choice. And the Democrats got towake up. I don't want you to
hate me, but you got towake up. Forget about tweets, forget
about this, forget about that,his policies for this country. What we
need is America first. You seewhat's happening to this country if you have

any awareness, and I believe thatit's crucial that we have him in office.
Our energy, our economy, oursafety, our border, our infrastructure.
I mean, I'm just so disillusionedwith everything. I mean, I
lived in California forty six years andGavin Newsom has a lobbyist gave Gavin Newsom

a thirty fourth million dollar property.He's got about a million acres with big
houses. Every it's look at.Politics is dirty and what they're doing to
Trump is dirty. And I don'tknow how New York is. And there's
a lot of intelligence new Yorkers,but I don't like the joy Bahars of
the world. There's an element ofNew York politics that is corrupt and they're

clueless. Yep. They don't wantthe great unwashed. They're elites and they
don't understand that the working man issuffering. And I've met a lot of
people in New York this week.I can't I just got back to Tampa
tonight. I talked to a lotof guys, a lot of people Hispanics,
Blacks, Italian, is Irish.Everybody on the island was for Trump.

Maybe two out of ten people maynot be, but the majority of
people and they're frustrated and of whatthis country is going through. He's Robert
Doaby. I gotta get out ofhere. I'm sorry, you're the best.
I thank you. Good luck withthe movie. I'll keep plugging it.
I'm gonna watch it tonight on Primeand God bless you, so I'll

talk to you soon. Okay,Robert Dovey, we gotta get going out
of here, folks. I willthank you so much. All right.
One last thing, Facebook Marketplace.A friend of mine put up a quad,
you know, one of those likefour wheelers to sell the next day.
That night somebody went in and stoleit from him. Here's the point,

be very careful what you put onFacebook, marketplace and all these things,
because it's an invitation to thieves tocome and get it, so be
careful. All right. I'm backhere next Saturday at four pm, Tom
rob Astorino, have a wonderful restof your weekend. This hour of programming
on war is sponsored by Black MountainCapitol
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